this is so gross. | Asmongold Reacts

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this is so gross I think I know what this is we want to talk about something that is just so nuts to me that anyone would do let alone a big huge company that can easily be fat checked like you're just out here lying in a way that is damaging like to a lot of people and it's just dishonest for what but then from there I also wanted to talk about some similar lies that are occurring in the games industry that I feel like I seeing game as fall four that I just wanted to take the time Dem one of lies that I keep seeing in games is that it will be a complete experience and that it will be ready on release like I keep hearing this and I'm [ __ ] tired of it I'm tired of being lied to guys this is outrageous a little basically big companies keep lying about the tech they're using and what it can do which is like unsurprising cuz that's a big company's going to big company for the first topic film in case you missed it Greta Go's bobie very accomplished claims to have filmed a bunch of scenes without CGI they even presented a sort of making of documentary where they claim to show how certain things in the film were done with no CGI this Yahoo news article F why would I give a [ __ ] if it's CGI or not I mean like damn it's like with the Oppenheimer thing like that they did it without CGI it's like damn [ __ ] like you think I you think like whenever you tell me that like I'm not going to go and what so did you set off a bomb did you set one off in like the desert and record it like it bro they did not set off a nuclear bomb for this video did they because if they set off a real nuke for the movie you have to admit that would be [ __ ] crazy and I like that would be the best marketing like can you imagine that literally setting off a nuclear bomb randomly just to record it for a movie the dedication to that I would have gone and seen the movie myself and I hardly ever see movies yeah people actually die yeah exactly even though it is like very easily proven to be untrue hi yes hello by now you probably know that Bobby is the biggest movie of 2023 is it really else you read something that starts like that while moving between Bobby land and the real world I can't keep that up I'm going to die on the inside Bobby and Ken travel through a bunch of different scenes using a call Boat spaceship bicycle campan and Snowville before rollerblading in Venice Beach and this SE of the movie did look really cool I love that it has like the toy box aesthetic I think that's something that this movie nailed it looks rad so yeah they just keep doing these like different versions Bobby sets with a dressed inappropriate Bobby attire bobing through the land to get from Bobby land to Venice Beach Venice Beach truly the Pinnacle of the world nobody likes it there well it's a fun transition Montage every single time it happens with what makes it even better is how it was filmed namely it was all done practically on set using some old school movie Magic they've got little images here showing how they were held up by strings instead of having the actors film these moments on a green or blue screen and have the elements CGI in later Bobby elected to build sets and backdrops which helped give the two-dimensional feeling that is seen in the finished scene This Is A Lie now again I'm going to show you why and have the elements CGI in later Bobby elected to build sets and backdrops which helped give the two-dimensional feeling why would they make this [ __ ] up though that is seen in the finished scenes This Is A Lie now again I'm going to show it to you but why would you lie about this obviously because CGI is lazy cheap man's way to make film turn no up who the [ __ ] invented this what do you mean like I understand the meme of like hey guys do you want to see my favorite scene in Marvel there it is did you guys like this one bro this went hard this was so good wasn't it like I get it I get it but like still who cares disgusting hang on I need to move my camera back over so you can't see my fake cyber Punk background I mean no that's all real it's all definitely real now there are certainly things that I do not like about OB use of CGI I prefer a lot of things being done practically things being done in a way that's painted I'm certainly one of the people uh that is kind of getting sick of the volume so much of Star Wars started to look the same it looked really empty because they're using the volume which a lot of you will have seen it's very very very cool Tech you can't use it everywhere and there are certainly downsides see that's really the problem it's not the tech it's not what it is it's the overuse of it and the fact that it becomes so formulaic that it's expected that's really what the problem is because it it's so common at that point that it like it takes the immersion away because you know that you're inside of like this explicit fact simile you know to overuse of CGI the patterns Emer you know what I mean but also a reality of CGI and uh most people who talk about there being no CGI is actually that it takes a lot of people a lot of effort to get right there are so many people in so many visual effects departments who work incredibly hard on making CGI backgrounds work that are raising them let's talk about a situation with CGI and the fact all right let's look at Lord of the Rings bow Rog so I know this might be a shock to some people but it actually Peter Jackson did not use a bow Rock they weren't able to get one the balog Union uh morg Go's balog Union uh was on strike at the time ever since the the first war and so they weren't able to get one however a lot of the other animations and everything in Lord of the Rings were done practically like you look at the Orcs And you look at the orakai those were basically dudes in makeup but this wasn't let me see if I have a good uh a good frame of it uh yeah something like that like I I'm trying to get to get the uh there's like that one frame where he's like looking at him right at the beginning it's like so [ __ ] badass I'm not sure if I can get a good one here yeah it's something like this yeah look at that yeah this isn't a real bow Rog this isn't a practical effect it's not like this is like a cow that they painted black and set on fire and they put a few horns on it this is totally [ __ ] fake it's not 10 guys in a suit and so I actually don't have a problem at all with CGI I think the problems that people have with CGI is this yeah there it is this one right here see this is this is really the problem that's the real problem there CGI isn't the problem bad CGI is the problem and by the way the people that work on those movies are incredibly [ __ ] talented they're pushed to like a sweat shop levels of uh Crunch and overworked and guess what comes out of that well garbage does just sucks like it's just not only are you lying to customers to I don't know again pretend that you don't have CG you're also saying that uh you know it's like a this is you know it's like it's Freer range chickens and it turns out these chickens just like lived in a [ __ ] apartment building complex that's like 12 chickens High where they [ __ ] on each other and like they get like they they have a mask over their face so they can't see anything else and get upset and they just make eggs until they kill them you know hard work of people who like put so much effort into this like it's a no it's what they do by the way te it's literally what they do I know about though but everything else is okay and this is basically one of those Industries that's very similar to game development in my opinion is when you do CGI really really well nobody notices exactly you'll only notice when it's bad this also totally happens in Game it's really difficult to tell when somebody has done something well because the point is that it's completely seamless and not at all noticeable which is clearly what's happening with a lot of these movies that you look at the uh voice syncing and like the facial movements of balers Gate 3 characters in cutscenes and then you look at literally any other [ __ ] game there's like maybe a handful I know she and to be fair I think that you know she works for uh Santa Monica Studios God of War is also extremely [ __ ] good okay like let's be honest God of War is insane but there are other exceptions of games that you know I know and everybody else knows no CGI and I guess the thing is we're currently at a point where CGI often is so good that for all the times you can say you hate CGI you don't want CGI in movies is just already so good that most people don't even notice it half the movies that are praised not having CGI like top gun Maverick get points on their reviews because they didn't use CGI but actually they did it's just a blend of practical and CGI for the record I learned about all of this through a YouTube channel that's called uh the movie Rabbit Hole credit to them for literally all of this I'm going to leave a link in the description to their series that is no CGI it's just invisible CGI I highly recommend you watch that videos way way way more detailed than any I think they usually touch up all kinds of stuff it's the same thing as as videos like how many of you guys do like a light filter on like a picture you take before you post it online like I'm not talking about like filtering out like okay I'm going to put like uh I'm going to like copy paste my hair here I'm going to put it here and then uh I'm going to make it to where like my beard isn't is gray or something no I'm straight no it's not it like what's this here um why is is my is my [ __ ] is my phone playing what the [ __ ] how does that even happen I was trying to order Chipotle and it starts playing my [ __ ] stream they should do that for everybody I get more viewers what the [ __ ] anyway what was I even saying who cares I will be giving here um but it is really interesting stuff let me show you a little bit about top gun Maverick it turns out a lot of the aircraft they filmed practically were not the aircraft you see in the final film instead they filmed these l39 standing Jets painted them gray and had a tracking Mark so they could be used for lighting reference and track the good old F14 it's all CGI the enation Fighters they don't exist they're all CGI which means that in the entire dog fight at the end of the movie you're watching 100% CGI airplanes because none of these planes exist so this do you really think that they were flying around in an airplane the people really thought that [ __ ] was going to happen that keeps happening now to jump to Bobby specifically this is the thing that I think is like exceptionally gross okay this scene was filmed on blue screen there is a blue screen here and you can see they've badly removed it and inserted the desert background and then I can see that again you can spot the blue screen keying and he's right you can see it you can see it in Ken's hair and you see this all the time with like people that have green screens on Twitch all the time you see like this this you know kind of like a it's like you know whenever they show a picture of Jesus and he's got like the halo around him well this is kind of like the opposite of that backgrounds and then they claim in their own making of that none of this exists there are photos of blue screens being used on this set that's BL Brothers has done a complete blue screen removal on 45 minutes of bonus material it's nuts and the thing about this that I think I find the wildest is that if you look in the Bobby credits you can see lists of people's names in the VFX Department like why are we pretending that those people just don't exist so this is a thing that they'll also do in behind the scenes photos if you see behind the scenes photos of actors on sets with blue screens they will usually edit them to be gray so that it looks like a studio you can even see the color on her hair here this is clearly not gray there is color seeping through from a blue background that is a blue reflection coming off of hair you can't really hide the reflection of a blue screen in a lot of cases there you go perfect example this is all blue screen you can see the blue around here but for some reason they can't let the people know no CGI really just means no bad CGI at this point and what that means in my opinion is that the people who are doing work deserve even more credit like they've made something that's so good that you can't tell that it's there that the companies who Mar that's what they're going to do real soon with AI too this is [ __ ] this [ __ ] is coming absolutely no she's right about that 100% are comfortable saying there's no CGI because the people who are doing this type of BF guys I think movies are fake I've been thinking this for a while but I'm really starting to I'm really starting to put the pieces together I'm starting to get a feeling maybe this [ __ ] is fake are so talented at this point doesn't that mean they should get more credit not less credit is that such a crazy stance basically you're effectively being lyed to in most of these things all CGI even if CGI as a it's like you go to a magic show and the guy like you go to pin and tell or magic show and P is like no this isn't a magic trick I'm actually a [ __ ] [ __ ] wizard that's what this is basically like no I'm actually a it's more just VFX it's a lie it's marketing and it's so nice that we are dismissing all of the hard work of all of these people now as this pertains to video games what's happening right now at video games is actually almost the opposite obviously we know that video games are not real I know shocking new information I'm presenting you with today but the current of AI is heading in an opposite direction with the same in tent that the no CGI marketing is in the film industry you remember nfts you remember when everybody was trying to put those in video games you mean that I can ruin the I I I was really impressed that so many people could get like how could you be so stupid to think that a picture of a monkey oh my God the best thing is like there'll be another version of this and they're all gonna be like they're all going to be like hyping it up again and I bet there's a lot of them it's like if you scroll back cuz like we'll probably still have Twitter in like 5 years from now right 10 years you'll be able to go back and like oh yeah this guy like if you're into nfts and you get into something I'm automatically like thing I love by making it entirely monetized it was actually so funny to me to watch all of these companies be like I don't Gamers will love this it will improve video games cuz it just tells you these CEOs have like no concept of why Gamers actually like to play video games which is because they enjoy them I actually think that that's not the reason I think the real reason is that why do people want why is the guy that owned coinbase worth a lot of money why is the guys that made PayPal worth a lot of money I would say the guy that owned FTX but you know that was like a little bit of a different situation transaction fees the [ __ ] transaction fees the nickels and the dimes and that's why they want to do it because the transfer rate and the amount of money that you have to pay for that that is why the companies wanted to do it also if a company so this is it goes into like investment too because whenever like a lot of investors and this is not as much the case as it was because they're becoming a lot more Savvy they're engaging people in uh in the space directly now like for example like co- Carnage and also tips work with uh a6z and as like kind of consultants for investing into games now investment Studios have started have firms have started to like realize maybe we shouldn't just listen to buzzwords but the investor stuff what really gets an investor excited infinite money and am I wrong like if you were going into an investment situation and somebody said I have a machine that makes infinite money I would be like okay here's all my money make make me infinite money so what ends up happening is that you have a lot of these Investments companies that are like two degrees of removal away from what the actual customer want and what like the market is and so they're making decisions based off of buzzwords and that's why you see now and I've been seeing this a lot you're seeing video games using AI as a term in the game whenever they're really just talking about procedural generation they're really just talking about RNG basically but they're using AI because they want to have they they want people to see that word and think oh my God that's the magic word that's the100 million word now we have to give them all of our [ __ ] money and so that's the reason they were never thinking about the audience to begin with they were thinking about the value proposition of the transaction fees and skimming that and then also they were thinking about the investors metaverse that's another one have a family friend who has said something vaguely similar to me he's like why aren't you getting in on nft gaming oh like every friend I have who's worked in nft gaming who's been laid off there so much money Alana you should know how are you not doing it yeah it's because Gamers don't actually find that appealing at all just CEOs do and it's yeah it's just really no there's also people with nfts that like it like whenever I make a negative comment about nfts I have a lot of people that have their you know what the biggest L was whenever what was it Twitter remov the nft profile picture cuz you remember that stupid [ __ ] hexagon I just deleted it nfts these fat nuts in your mouth yeah just deleted it oh man I loved it I was so happy they got rug pulled yeah you watch people not understand the concept of fun The Gamers don't want to to have to play something as a second job or a Marketplace so they really tried and realized that it wouldn't work and so now the push from all of these Stu no I think that nfts and games will work the problem is that all the games are bad people will buy nft games people won't care if a good nft game comes out people will make excuses for it and play it anyway the problem with nft games is that they're bad it's not because they're in many cases are the same people who had failed nft gaming companies is for AI Gamers don't seem to mind AI as much you may have seen asmin gold went uh oh for saying this recently if it was made with AI I uh I remember I was telling like this this I feel like this had like 50 million views or some kind of [ __ ] Bro people were fuming about this we okay with that because it was fun artists opinions don't matter this is this is the part that made them mad because what matters is the opinion of the people that are buying the product y so if you don't know Asma gold is a big blizard streamer mostly I think and people are very up she doesn't know upet with him saying was like almost canel him saying this um even though he is ultimately correct the opinion of the a that's right yep true does not matter the market will dictate whatever it wants to do regardless of the opinion of the artists is the reality when it comes to sales and powerwell being successful people are still going to play it if it is fun they're not going to care that artist don't like it I actually think that like as my stance on AI I think you have to make up your own decision pick and choose what you want it's going to get messy out here where generative AI is concerned there are certain things that I personally will not play uh you have to make your own choice for me I don't want to play something that has art that was AI generated that has writing that was completely AI generated or that has music that was completely AI generated that is my stance maybe I won't even be able to hold off on that for very long hopefully we can but my attitude personally is like what is the point in even existing like literally what's the point of Being Human if not to at least experience cultural Community you know there is no point of existence there's no purpose there's no goal there's nothing just enjoy it it's simply is that's how I feel about it you have to make your own choice what you do and don't want to play but within this framework there is so much misinformation that is coming from these same shitty nft Bros who are trying to sell you on how amazing games can be if they just use AI because they're trying to make you accept it even though in a lot of cases hey no let's go back let's go back they're trying to make you accept it no they're trying to make uh Vanguard accept it they're trying to make seoa accept it they're trying to make uh what whatever investment firm that they're getting they're trying to make them accepted like you're using these buzzword and yes of course this is going to Hoodwink some [ __ ] on the internet but it's mainly messaging the it's like they're B like you know how it's basically porn for investors okay like you say AI they're like oh yes games already use AI every single video game already uses AI I don't know how we've forgotten that the word AI is being thrown around as some net negative even though video games have been using AI for a very very very long time and now they're saying they're using it because it makes them more appealing to investors and it makes them seem like they are more Forward Thinking eternal life in heaven is the point I'm G get there awesome I hope I do too why the [ __ ] would you like who do you think you're going to convince you really think you're going to convince somebody in the chat right now somebody's G be like you know what I saw this Reddit post about how God wasn't real but then this guy said this other thing in chat and so now it's like ah [ __ ] which one is it a lot of things that companies are trying to sell to you that video game developers can already actually do this like it's so obvious to me that they're just trying to sneak in AI to get a Qui Buck from any company they can while it's still H the nfts didn't work like it's the same [ __ ] people genuinely look it up literally the and in 3 years there's going to be another term that they're using that's going to be just is stupid and overused that we don't even know what it is yet name names the founders of these companies it's so nuts this is an article from The Verge about nvidia's new AI NPCs I'm a huge fan of Nvidia I have their graphics cards them pushing AI Tech is hugely beneficial to them as a company same as nfts were actually video makes so much hardware and there's so much Tech that is dependent on their exact kind of Hardware but there's this particular part of this article that people were calling out on game of Twitter that I think is really interesting the article talks about them trying the Nvidia Ai and that it wasn't actually very good at this point in time but goes on to say I can now absolutely imagine games where NPCs remember what they've seen and react to the game scripts as it unfolds the right bits could enter their memory bank at the right time is this bad and get filtered through their personality and desires and make a game more emersive and interactive as a result we can already do this in video games this is already available in yeah where where it's like you know you do something where it's like uh the character asks you does this dress make me look fat and then like the red option is like no you make you're fat and you're wearing the addess and then it says on the side you know Jessica will remember that there it is development tools this does not need some new AI Tech in fact that's the case for half of the things that people are claiming AI will be able to do or at the very least that AI Tech has already existed people keep talking about it with Grand Theft Auto they're trying to patent I think Rockstar is trying to patent some new technology that would allow for more immersive reactions say you know how in um previous gtas if it rains they might pull up a newspaper to cover their head or maybe if they have an umbrella they'll use it they're trying to combine that body language with the weather effect with maybe that particular NPC being in a certain mood this does not require any new AI Tech this is not some couldn't it just be like a conditional like I mean you know I never really got I did some programming but like I like this seems like it's a pretty easy conditional right like if the conditional of rain then they go like this like I I don't know I feel like it's probably not that hard breakthrough this is something that literal Game Dev tools can already facilitate it's being spoken about as though it's some new thing this is just how game development is able to function and has always been able to function as long as people have the the room and the ideas to iterate but that that's not some new AI is going to replace everybody in video games thing that is still somebody coming up with those systems this stuff does not require generative AI which is the thing that I am talking about personally being against which thankfully Verge did mention here is we can already as game developers use these things to augment games that's way that's half of what Game Dev is is making sure that when this person reaches this place and this thing happens that they remember this thing also happened it can still be very complicated and AI can still make mistakes with that kind of stuff as well but it's not some new thing but yes we we don't want any of it replacing voice voice actors writers or artists again you're going to have to decide what your personal stance is do whatever you want with that but it's just so bizarre to watch these things basically be repackaged to some shiny new tech that's going to make video games better for players when it's stuff that already exists like this is just no I used to do this all the time whenever I would sell carries and wow is that I would include things that weren't even new like I told there's this one guy this is the alakir example and so I sold this guy a carry for Heroic Al and I told him if he paid me 20,000 extra did he get normal alakir anyway but whenever you kill The Relic it automatically gave you normal but he didn't know that and so he gave me the 20K more and like I killed alakir and he got both of them he's like wow thank you man I said you're welcome thank you so much you know if there's anything else you need please let me know and so just that's just the way it is right just the way it is nonsense it's not even it's basically just another silly little bubble don't let them fool you do I think some of these companies will succeed well I don't know if I don't know I don't think AI is a bubble necessarily because it's about the value proposition that it has I think that the over uh the overuse of the term AI is a bubble though because once people start seeing AI Ventures not pan out in the same way that they didn't see crypto Ventures pan out and then n Ventures pan out then yeah that part of the bubble will burst but nfts will live on to an metaverse O that's a good one you never hear about that one anymore do you unless it's a joke and so I think that's what will happen but the truth is that there will be instances of nfts that we will probably use in the future it's just that the current implementation of it is [ __ ] stupid and so nobody takes it seriously do I think that what Asma gold said is correct that the opinions of the arst ultimately don't matter yes and it was almost surprising to see him get that much backlash for it it's like it sucks no it doesn't it's fine this is the internet if people want to get mad at me for saying something that's totally their right it's completely okay uh I love farming hate on other people I do it all the time I'm okay if it happens to me every once in a while it's fine like they should but but financially they don't matter the industry will go wherever the money is regardless of what anyone thinks about it which is why I say make up your own mind what kind of AI you are or are not against no part of it is hypocritical to be okay with some things and not okay with other things because they are in such vastly different C you're under no obligation to be to to not be hypocritical like what what obligation do you have to not be hyp critical to to who this anime profile picture of tanero from Demon Slayer well how about this other picture of Donald Trump so these are the people that are holding you accountable is this really a problem now I would say it's not basically I just like the tech industry to stop lying about [ __ ] that's um that's my take oh well that's going to solve it I'll tell you that that's it guys they're going to they're going to stop making stuff up better for play that's it that yeah I don't know man I think it's going to happen a whole lot and uh they've always done [ __ ] like this I think they always will it's unfortunate but there it is not all I pfps are bad I like mine yeah but a lot of them are [ __ ] stupid I love being hypercritical I like what I like when I like it when I don't I don't you do whatever the [ __ ] you want to do all I'm saying is that nobody is under any obligation to fulfill somebody else is expectation of consistency you're not accountable to anybody your opinions are not accountable to somebody it doesn't matter that's really what it is all I learned from this is uh I should start a bow Rog Farm yeah it's a good idea man it's a very good idea what's this here cinnamon toes talked about you in reese video no I I there's a lot of people that talk about me in videos I can't watch every single one of them I think this is a good video though I'll give it a like give it a I'm actually surprised I'm not subscribed to her already I've watched a couple of her videos and I'll link you guys the video make sure to give it a like I think this is pretty fair and I don't know why they lie to people about this [ __ ] too well actually I do know why they lie to people about it because the people are stupid and so they treat them like they're stupid it's like oh you really want this thing that's not true okay well let's just say we're giving it to you yeah that's it that's the only reason
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 601,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: ky8PFPd6tsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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