The Male Loneliness Epidemic | Asmongold Reacts

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uh oh yep oh I regret to inform you the men are not okay that's right folks the men are not okay the men have no friends men have fewer friends than ever and it's harming their health the male friendship recession is having dire consequences no no what's behind the rise of lonely single men well I mean probably a lot of things girlfriend no College generation of American men give up on College I just feel lost yeah that sucks college education no money are breaking their legs and inserting metal rods into their bones it's finally over from five foot five to six foot oh what if they measured him in like a year after this and it turned out that he was five eleven because like I feel like that's kind of the same thing as five foot five right yeah does he get his money back does he get to sue them like how does that work I mean by the way I don't think this is like anything wrong with men I mean like girls get boob implants all the time right they get the Brazilian [ __ ] butt lift stuff too so like I don't think this is really that surprising be a few inches taller and listening to AI Batman helped them overcome their photography addiction I've seen these where it's like Master Chief explains to you why you shouldn't jerk off to incest porn Master Chief convinces you to clean the uh the the dog poop out your bathtub no I'm serious like bro like I'm not kidding now I'm not gonna watch one of these because if I do I'll probably have to jump out the window but I just want you to know that it exists you deserve real love oh it turns out the society that was built by an allegedly four men has indeed let them down now you might be thinking oh look another boohoo poor men video by shoe on head yes and if you have a problem with that tune into literally anything else [Applause] they're in a crisis I don't know how people drink energy drinks what the hell what they taste good bro I've never I've never had one I had like two sips I said nope and it seems nobody really cares and the people who do care just seem like the people who want to sell them [ __ ] it's not me yeah there's like guys like yeah I really care about your problems uh please subscribe to my [ __ ] newsletter for 25 a month and it'll tell you how to grow chest hair and that's what you did you get chest hair aviator sunglasses and um you have to only wear um fitted jeans and and if you do that you're gonna you're gonna actually be cool I'm different so before we get into this let's quickly get into today's sponsor is a young Austrian company that designs whenever um Summit got his sponsorship dropped from Monster because he was smoking weed on stream and I went and I said that um uh you know what Monster Energy should do is they should have a competition have somebody that smokes weed non-stop next to somebody who drinks Monster energy drinks Non-Stop and let's see who dies first and I heard through the grapevine that Monster energy is not willing to work with me in any capacity whatsoever 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to weird porn to the point to where by the time that you turn 18 you're only sexually attracted to animals that don't exist I think this isn't healthy either like there's a lot of dudes that like whenever they see a girl without makeup on they think that there's like something wrong with her children too it's predicted 45 of women will be single and childless by 2030. according to the media this is a good thing the chicanery why is this why is this why they say it's a good thing oh because it's retailers saying it's a good thing yeah it's probably true for retailers booming as they say and meanwhile men being single is treated like this new study explains why some single men what is she doing with her face why some single men are having a hard time finding a new partner some of the music that they listen to speaks very derogatory right yeah man stop listening it's yeah no I mean bro there are so many like like I've listened to some of these like female rapper songs and they're just as bad who the [ __ ] was it that like admitted to like drugging and having said was it cardi B I think it was right yeah so like I don't want to hear that [ __ ] it's the music oh really that's an argument I haven't heard for 20 years listening to that derogatory music then maybe you won't be single I don't know I think men and women being single and lonely I feel like a lot of the guys that are really single and lonely on the internet they're not listening to that music they're listening to like the uh um like the Lord of the Rings soundtrack or the Divinity original sin 2 soundtrack like they're not listening to rap because there might be something wrong uh with Society perhaps we should address this not just wave it off as empowering or pathetic according to several different articles I love how that's my source I read about it on the internet research shows that people from individualist countries show a greater sense of loneliness this is linked to socioeconomic development increased education I don't want to see a chart that's pretty cute this chart right here from 2008 to 2018 within 10 years it went from eight percent to 27 dudes that can't get a girlfriend and hook up with a chick you know what came out in 2008 Wrath of the Lich King funny little fact there but um yeah there you go towards White Collar jobs and urbanization Japan also has an issue with loneliness in fact they have a whole movement of people they call the hikokomori did I say that right probably not I don't care basically post-modern Hermits mostly young men who completely withdraw from society so if you don't see this as a problem I think like and there's also girls that do this in Japan too it's it like I think it's probably like a 90 10 or like 80 20 thing where it's mainly guys that do it but there are girls that do it as well and I think that the reason why is that like living life can be really [ __ ] annoying especially whenever you're always having to do things that you don't want to do because you think about it right and you go to you wake up in the morning and you just got done going to a school for a degree you didn't really want to get and now you're going to a job that you don't really want to work at you drive through traffic or sit through a train that takes an hour while you're playing a gotcha game that you don't have enough money to buy the good characters so you keep losing to people that are like some oil prince in Dubai keeps farming you you finally get to work and you have to work there for 12 hours a day and if you leave before the boss does then you get fired so then after all this stuff happens you get home it's another two hours on the subway losing to another oil prince or sorry uh you know maybe some trust fund kid in America is now farming you and fake Grand order like I don't know one of those [ __ ] gotcha games I don't even know if that one's PVP or not but it doesn't matter uh point is still the same you get home and then now you have to now you play a video game that you [ __ ] hate you play League of Legends but you stop liking League of Legends in 2017 that was six years ago and to you it feels like yesterday but everybody else has moved on and you're still in gold and you were in gold in 2017 things aren't moving forward you don't have a girlfriend you stay up late playing League thinking to yourself just one more game I'll see if I can get my placement game for the next Rank and then you get to your placement game and you lose you go to bed it's late and you're mad and you wake up the next morning and you didn't get enough sleep for work and then the psycho repeats itself right so what is it a surprise that people are like you know what [ __ ] this like I'm done like I just like I don't want to deal with this I don't want to live this life what's the point of it yeah it's like what do you like what what are you working towards I think that's really what the problem is is that like people don't have a North star like for example like back in the uh back in the old days right like the 50s and you know the idealized time uh you know you've got like Jesus and you've got like you're gonna have a family and it's like you don't need to worry like and there's also like you don't have to worry right because in the 50 it's like ah Russia's gonna nuclear bomb us and we're all gonna be dead now I'm gonna know about it right and so there's like you know not only is there you know an an afterlife but there's also the free-spiritedness of like ah you know it's gonna all be over at any second so it's like I think people don't have a North star anymore they don't have anything to work towards there's nothing that they can do it's because more intelligence it was more life Concepts equals life is harder yeah exactly top it off your parents had a hard time getting the healthcare oh yeah of course right and then this is a problem for you as well that's compounded on top of your problems yeah you can't buy a house but you can work towards apex predator in Apex Legends yes putting themselves in their rooms for months and years at a time I remember whenever I graduated high school I wanted to spend an entire year and not talk to anybody there would be like whole weeks I would be able to get away with it God damn that was [ __ ] good there was an estimated 700 000 hikokomore in Japan and today it's estimated to be about 1.55 million that's a lot of gentian impact players and because of things like this people aren't having babies so Japan's population has been in a sharp decline since 2011. it's gotten so bad that Japan even produces videos of live-action women staring into the camera to help the hikokomori learn to cope with eye contact and reintegrate them back into society Yeah so basically if you want to know America's future well they're [ __ ] future look no further than Japan a lot of people including myself blame this partially on the rise of social media and Technology R.I.P to the king although technology makes things easier it can also make us Ted Kaczynski knew he said [ __ ] that Industrial Revolution [ __ ] yeah oh no oh so this guy that guy all right so Ted Kaczynski was the Unabomber so he wrote like a massive [ __ ] Manifesto and the FBI spent like uh 50 million dollars to try to get his ass they did get his ass and recently he's been in jail for a long time he finally died recently and uh anyway he did all this stuff and what else so basically like what he said is that he wanted the like basically the larger scale of society causes people to lose their sense of individuality and self because there is like a governing apparatus that suppresses their life and that like that happening was like enabled by the Industrial Revolution and by guys I'm not saying I'm not saying oh wow the crazy guy that blew people up was right I'm just explaining who the guy is and what he thinks okay I'm just I'm just saying this is what he said more atomized why go to the mall when I can just tap tap tap buy a new microphone and have it shipped to me in a day why hang out with friends when I can get all my social interaction I need from Twitter and streamers why go on dates and bother meeting women when I could just tap tap tap Google big boob and get 2 million results or see my it's more than that now and uh also the better thing now is that people are getting AI girlfriends and stuff like I was I think sometimes whenever I see something really [ __ ] up on the Internet I'll screenshot it just so I don't forget about it and like I've been seeing a lot of these advertisements recently have you guys seen these advertisements for like these AI girlfriend websites dude there's so many of them like replica yeah exactly like that's the big one and like you're gonna have even more of those and I think people are gonna have I think it's not as close as we might think to it being socially acceptable but like here's a really good way to say it okay is that if you go and you watch amaroo at um or like Miz or techtone or any of the people at uh [ __ ] Anime Expo there are people walking around Anime Expo with body pillows and like it's gone from being this is something that only the biggest Fedora wearing losers do to it being kind of funny and it going from being [ __ ] weird to a joke is a step up in accepting it right and so I think the AI girlfriend stuff is going to happen are they crunchy probably High School crushes holes on only fans for only five dollars instant dopamine instant satisfaction there's even oh yeah there it is yeah she knows and uh there's this like there are these girls on Instagram or not oh [ __ ] not Instagram only fans only fans fansley one of the big things that these girls make money with is like doing like obviously like there's girls say like oh I'm doing Customs right and that's like you know you tell like oh uh you know do this and I'll give you ten dollars and you know they do it and they give it ten dollars but like there's also girls that like dudes will pay money just to send them messages and to talk to them it's straight up just like strippers but the best thing about it is that a number of these girls and this is not really like a huge secret they're not even answering the messages it's like maybe it's like a a dude answering the messages they hire dudes yeah they hire people to answer their messages isn't that insane yes and and also if you don't believe that Andrew Tate literally did this he said that yeah Ai No need to hire yes and remember was it amaranth or was it some other girl that was going to make like an AI version of themselves to talk to people and they were making tons of money off of it too who even needs a real woman when you could just have an AI girlfriend yep we're so [ __ ] dating apps really are the great Satan and I'm convinced they've completely broken men's Brains women on dating apps are picky women in general are picky and well that makes sense that women are picky you look at it biologically some dude hooks up with the girl [ __ ] busts a nut bro he's down the road meanwhile she's got to deal with this [ __ ] for nine and a half months like evolutionarily speaking it makes sense that girls have to be more picky 18 years so I mean that that's only because of the law right yeah I've listened to the Kanye West song you're referring to I know what you mean hoflation is a is a real thing don't downplay it hoflation uh what is hopeflation this is this a new one yeah I'm gonna be honest is this a new one sounds like some red bull [ __ ] yeah I know it is but like the price of Hose is too damn highs girls are less hot with higher standards uh girls are less hot with higher standards I don't know I mean guys yeah it's like how do we not know that's the same because like I get what you're saying but like like I've never used a dating app okay I really mean I've never downloaded tender Bumble uh Christian Mingle Farmers meets um Plenty of Fish grinder yeah I haven't done any of these ever so I don't really understand this but like whenever I see like girls will show me some of the guys that will match with them and this will be like you know for example like a 23 year old girl and it's a 45 year old man matching with her and he's married he has a picture of him and his wife in like his photos because it's it's connected to Facebook so it's just like I I don't know afflation is real is it like that is nuts searching for a second wife maybe pick a card yeah there you go I mean naturally we are pickier you know we're the ones who carry the babies yeah yeah at least for now but on dating apps you have to admit it's a little insane it's safe to say that the commodification of love and the window shopping of dating apps probably has to do a lot with the rise of lonely single men men are not just lonely when it comes to dating they're lonely when it comes to Friendship too according to Vox Americans are currently in a friendship recession and men are being hit the hardest the percentage of men who reported having at least six close friendships fell in half since the 90s one in five men say they have uh 2021 I uh I I don't know I feel like that's a bad frame of reference because that was during covid again I'll read something and try to like though I'm the kind of person that will like read something and then try to find out how it's wrong just like that's that's just how I how I think so like maybe maybe I'm like overthinking it but is that true for you guys hoflation means the 20 five-year-old now has to work 25 40 harder than his grandfather for a woman 40 percent less appealing than his grandmother was to his grandfather okay let me think about this a guy has to work harder okay I get it this is like the thing is like I I don't I don't know I mean I'm not like going and like trying to date a bunch of different girls like I what the [ __ ] like I have no idea so it's hard for me to say the 666 rule in order for a guy to back oh yeah six figures six feet and six inches yeah I've heard of that before I the women are also less appealing now because of porn I think that is true I think that guys and like this is just what happens on social media I think it [ __ ] up people's head on social media where like guys will look at a girl and think that she's ugly because she doesn't look like uh an animation doesn't look like Mikasa from uh a [ __ ] Attack on Titan you know no close friendships looking at all these statistics the explosion of figures like Andrew Tate is not surprising at all I believe being a man is a blessing because it starts so difficult I agree with this too I agree with Andrew Tate with this uh you know people talk about all the advantages that women have and everything like that I uh true but like God damn man every day I wake up I thank God I was born a man I'm gonna be honest every man is born without any in fact that also like for a lot of you guys that might say like oh no I don't feel that way right to your 33. because like like the perspective you have at 23 verses 33 very different situation oh you at all I think that the world's never going to think you're important unless you make yourself important and recently a new study came out about how young men are moving towards the right and every other month we the liberals sucked him leftists whatever you want to call the space online performs the same song and dance what's wrong with men why is this happening why don't we have a leftist Andrew Tate we need to push men to the left Andrew Tate rarely if ever talks about politics no Andrew Tate talks about men and the left only talks about men when they talk about Andrew Tate I feel it's also like a lot of guys like to be honest I think a lot of guys like being abrasive obnoxious [ __ ] aggressive and guys don't like getting tone policed and I feel like all the [ __ ] time you get tone policed for acting that way constantly and so that's why I think people go towards that direction is because they don't want to get tone police they don't want to get told what to do they don't want to get told like oh oh you can't make that joke you can't act that way [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up I do what I want and that's why they do it it's because you have people that are doing something that in their mind is innocuous it gets described as something that's completely different and then they get treated as if that was the intention and so they say [ __ ] you I'm not going to do that the girls like man up I've always felt like um it's so hard to have somebody that will respect you whenever you're vulnerable if you're a dude maybe that's the same thing as girls right because like a lot of guys are only sympathetic to girls because they want to [ __ ] her so like I have to listen to her cry it's like doing a daily Quest or a weekly Quest or like building up a reputation with a faction and wow it's like you know you get like a really hot girl it's like winter saber Frost Trader uh winter saber uh Frost Traders it's like maybe you get like a couple of easy ones it's like you know getting Iron Forge reputation or something like that so it's like you know this girl's not as hard to get but like you know sometimes you want to have the more you know interesting and like unique mounts and so you'll try to farm out like uh you know zulian tiger and so it takes longer like takes longer to do but like at the end of the day uh you know guys are not doing this out of the goodness of their heart they're doing it because this is a means to an end and so I think that a lot of the um generosity and a lot of the bike kind of the the way that like like the the advantages that girls enjoy uh from like male attention and like males like doing things like that and being supported towards them that will go away instantaneously as soon as either she gets a boyfriend or she's not attractive to him anymore or something else changes because it's not actually genuine oh during one of the month will I follow made the mistake of addressing men's issues and the even bigger mistake of pointing their finger at the reason why young men flock to alt-right MRA movements mra's men's rights activist uh is because the left gives brain dead advice to young men we need to be more compassionate to them for our own sake yeah I think this is I don't know if this is like a left or a right thing because I think actually um I I think that like I feel like Andrew Tate is like it's it's not very compassionate either but there's like a certain level of like male aggression to the lack of compassion that's more compelling their own spaces for not doing enough to address said men's issues recently there were some statistics by healthcare companies Cigna indicating that men are the loneliest generation and addressing it doesn't mean that you turn your back on issues pertaining to women but it does mean that we should well there's also a lot of women out there right and I see this all the time is there are a lot of women out there that hate men like in the same way that there are these like like every time something bad happened like remember there was that one YouTube channel and I used this example before there's this one YouTube channel of this guy who played Red Dead Redemption 2 and the only thing that he did was he would lasso the women's suffragettes those are the ones that were protesting for the right for women to vote and um you know get them out of the Town bring up drag them into dirt you know into the swamp and like feed them the crocodiles in Red Dead Redemption 2 or put them on like the train track and have them get run over by the train and like bro all the Comets were like dude a good one bro can you do it with like uh like you have like a a bull attack them and like knock them off a cliff or something I'll be so good and then like two days later you see a new video come out like based bro yeah exactly and so the there are a lot of guys that just simply resent women and I think there's a lot of women that just simply straight up resent guys uh some reasons being I think reasonable and understandable some reasons are [ __ ] stupid and there's a lot of in between but yeah there that that's the reason why you see this is that like whenever women see this there are some women it's like you know in their mind right their dad was an [ __ ] uh you know maybe they had like bad sexual experiences growing up uh you know something in their mind just [ __ ] happened in their life happened and like now they [ __ ] hate men it's the same reason why I think people are racist too it's like a lot of the people that I think are racist probably had a bad interaction with a person of a certain race and then that painted their entire perspective on everybody of that race that's what happens yeah or they didn't have a dad yeah or something like that be focused on what it is in society that is leading to this epidemic what the left can do to offer Solutions and how we can basically fight back against the more nefarious figures who have filled the void uh that you know men are struggling with people like Jordan Peterson and what have you now recently uh vosh who's a popular streamer had tweeted This Thread that I think is really really important to address he writes I cannot stress enough how important it is to understand that 12 year old white boys on Twitch are not being pulled into fascism because of some Machiavellian desire to preserve and expand their privileges it's because the right talks to them and the left doesn't I think it's people like 12 year old white kids or 12 year old boys in general don't want to be told what to do like I actually think that it's way more simple than people are making it out to be they don't want to be tone policed by uh you know by women by teachers by their parents by anybody they want to go on the internet act like absolute [ __ ] psychotic racist [ __ ] watch Aiden Ross or Kai you know burn down their house or start a riot and they [ __ ] love it and you know how I know that it's because I used to be 12. there's not a [ __ ] political like Manifesto behind this it's [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up don't tell me what to do that's all there is to it it's they're not fascist they're not uh Nazis they don't even care responses to these Tweets in this content were a very normal level-headed and respectful me when I lie yep oh here we go LMAO cry about it what's this here what are some of these tweets let's read them more compassionate man for him her Sciences LMAO I think it's true though I do I think this is true and I think also like it's more that the reason why I think it happens is something that's like a lot more General as well is that a lot of guys don't have strong father figures like they just don't like there's no Father Figure in their life uh there's no like guy that like tells them like what the [ __ ] are you doing Etc and if they do have a dad maybe their dad is like a a loser or something like that they don't respect their dad for whatever reason who knows why and uh it's like that's a huge problem and I think that guys that grow up without that they're looking for an internet dad and I think that's what Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson are they are internet dads fatherless Behavior yes I think that's really what it is oh cry about it boo yeah Joe Rogan oh no poor Widow men having problems yeah I mean of course this is what bro like let's be honest like this is just probably somebody who [ __ ] they they hate men it's that simple like I don't think that again there's not a political ideology behind this most of these people have unresolved trauma and so they go on the internet to let it out enjoying all these sad little Moyes and they're sad little tweets about their set oh that's good about their stuff I mean I'm gonna be honest I don't really find this offensive or stressful at all or like upsetting because guys tweet this [ __ ] out all the time about girls too right I mean I know I think this is just like and then it's just psychotic behavior on the internet instead of gloves not really sounds like a person you think not really dude I actually think that it's worse for women like I I think that like whenever there's like a girl that has something bad happen to her I always see guys that are like yeah that's what she gets even if it's something horrible a good example of this um actually no I won't use that one because that was like really it's like very complicated but like yeah no I but I think that there have been examples of this I'll have to think of some that are like less controversial no problem is the lack of compassion for men in the room with us right now maybe men are just not good people then I'm so [ __ ] tired of people trying to make male loneliness a huge societal problem yeah no their Fifi's are not my responsibility and I shouldn't have to be punished because they can't get their [ __ ] together as human beings how much do you want to bet that the girl that wrote this had a boyfriend who was emotionally abusive that didn't have their [ __ ] together and where it was an [ __ ] how much do you want to bet like I I bet like probably there's like a 95 chance this [ __ ] happened like I mean bro you know this is what it is a hundred percent she's projecting yeah they're all projecting like that's what it is uh aren't you doing what she's complaining about taking men's issues and saying well when do women deal with it more too as much as I agree there's both sides to it I think that the no I I women do deal with this and Men deal with it too yeah like absolutely I what I'm saying is that I think this is a problem of so here's here's what I think in like a more macro level right is that I think that men and women are dealing with this problem but the problem with like men dealing with it is that men don't have the same level of like social structure and social support around dealing with it you know like example is that like how many shelters are there for women versus how many shelters are there for men so it's not that men and women aren't dealing with it it's that women might have more support from people in dealing with it but also as I said earlier is that the support that women get from dealing with it especially that comes from men is not really support this is just self-serving Behavior so the men can [ __ ] them later on down the line it's complex grow the up why are we trying to win these entitled little Predators over the left isn't for them that's why they go right in the first place we're all lonely and alienated it's young men going to the alt-right in droves the problem is in our messaging it's them it's literally not our problem men flock to Andrew Tate not because they're lonely but because they're bigots hope this helps nah it's just misogynist being louder than before not getting and let's also keep in mind this is a person that got one like on their tweet okay what I mean by that is that nobody actually cares blade LOL cry harder losers ninety percent of all homicides recorded worldwide were committed by male perpetrators oh fun fact here uh correct me if I'm wrong I'm sure people will uh isn't the majority of domestic abuse uh actually initiated by women the domestic violence yes that's cute isn't it we should just get rid of old males to be honest this includes trans women as they still retain male Violence by the way you know the Tumblr feminists who were like just had to attack that one on there like all men are sexist and rapist male tears penises are evil blah blah blah back in the day well this is them now should have just let me cook back then listen up chuckle I'm white socially awkward autistic in my 40s ugly overweight crippled got a weird Bolding pattern and have bad skin I didn't guys this was I I swear to God this wasn't me this was not me on another account you know what I didn't do choose to become a fascist [Music] fashion maybe hideously ugly and pathetic but at least I'm not a fascist thank you for your input buddy you're uh really help in the situation the reason young men flock to alt-right MRA movements is because the left gives brain dead advice to young men we need to be more compassionate to them for our own sake I'm sorry but how is respect women brain dead advice what advice don't rape don't be a rapist is bad advice help I have no friends or Community I feel suicidal that's a car like it's complicated right it is because so there's like two sides to this that I think are like really important so like number one if you go to PetSmart and whenever you're checking out your dog food the person says Hey listen I know you know like this is a thing and I know some people do it so I feel like I kind of just have to tell you since you're a dog owner please don't put peanut butter on your ball sack and have your dog lick it off it's really weird and it's actually against the law so please don't do that if the cashier at PetSmart told you that that would make you upset wouldn't it that would make you mad right and so the the patronizing nature of telling guys not to be abusive or anything like that I think that it does kind of fall flat and it feels like whenever you're telling people this it's like you're kind of uh like by telling somebody this you presuppose that they need to hear it does that make sense and I think that presupposing that somebody needs to hear it is extremely insulting for a lot of people however there are a lot of guys that do not understand the idea of consent and I am not talking about saying yes every 30 seconds during sex I'm talking about saying yes for anything there are a lot of guys that just do not [ __ ] get it and I think the problem here the reason why this happens is because guys have very little social interactions with women and they don't know how to how to breach that without feeling weird or without feeling uncomfortable so it's like because they don't have a frame of reference for what normal social interactions with another person especially like a girl is they don't know how to initiate a conversation about that without feeling tremendously uncomfortable do you see what I'm saying yeah social anxiety well it's social anxiety that comes from social isolation we should normalize being friends with girls most guys are friends with most girls because they can't [ __ ] them and if they could [ __ ] them then they would be they wouldn't be friends that's what I think that's the case for like 95 and I think the reason another reason why dudes freak out about this [ __ ] is that they see guys that sometimes get accused for something and it's uh you know they get falsely accused and the funny thing about that is it's the same thing about like airplane crashes the odds are that you're not going to get in a crash whenever you get in an airplane but people freak out about this you're way more likely to get killed in a car but nobody thinks about that the truth is that like most accusations are real and the worst part about it is that most sexual assaulters and most sexual uh uh pieces of [ __ ] the average amount of victims that they have before it gets reported is five can you [ __ ] believe that so think about how underreported that is it's bad so it's like you have you you have guys that don't know how to interact with a girl they see other guys that do something that they think like you know because like I bet this happens right where like some girl will come out with like a post about how some guy did something bad and then there are dudes that are watching it they're like wait I don't think that's bad and then it freaks them out so then because like they're thinking oh my God like am I a piece of [ __ ] like no I'm not a piece of [ __ ] like what's wrong with this and it's like it's scary it is porn is a big problem for dumb guys not doing what they're watching oh I mean porn is a problem yes sure um have you considered not raping act like a decent [ __ ] human being it's not hard is brain dead advice brain dead advice like get consent and don't be a Nazi and women are people yeah well the reason why it's not good is the messaging of it is derogatory and condescending because like no of course you don't want to be a [ __ ] Nazi like what the [ __ ] are you talking about no what the [ __ ] what is this a Nazi like it's insane so like you get talked to like that and of course it's going to alienate people it's the same thing like I said at PetSmart being up to men struggling with loneliness and depression like kids don't be racist incredible yeah here's my actual advice I would give to my teen boys as a leftist one always get enthusiastic consent two save the planet three don't say that it's actually kind of racist like what the [ __ ] is this how does I'm sure I'm sure they're thinking of her whenever they're yelling slurs on Xbox Live whenever she's not in a room yeah yeah I'm sure that's really going to stop them uh-huh and their issues [Music] hey men here's how to fix all your problems agree with me politically men flock to the MRA movement because they're the largest beneficiaries of MRA [ __ ] well yeah duh of course people are going to flock to things that are beneficial for them yeah rights active rights like of course no [ __ ] [ __ ] let's be honest yeah aside from procreation purposes men have become obsolete most women can find other methods of achieving orgasm without a man there and speaking as a man most of us are hard to be around and I don't blame any woman for just saying no thanks and the thing is right is that is this is the same energy Kevin's College tips for Mad [ __ ] number one enroll in the history of women first day raise your hand say I just want to say that I think history is too much of his story I'm here for her story I look forward to a great class step four sit down step five collect panties and that's what I think a lot of these guys are doing they're telling women what they need to hear just across the finish line they're like yeah I'm a feminist for sure absolutely of course yeah I mean men are horrible yes so true oh my god dude this is what every just pearly things tweet looks like to me just with the gender swapped this is pathetic you know [ __ ] off as a man I'll say this sit down shut up and beat one out you'll feel better I promise well I mean I don't think that's wrong yeah wait a second yeah guys just be one out just go off just watch Batman would be very disappointed in all of you it's so funny how men feel entitled to a girlfriend no you sexist freak when one side is like wanting a girlfriend a sexist entitlement and the other side is like here's how to get a girlfriend I don't I don't know bro what happened to males just kicking the bucket now they just come on here and try to make their loneliness and Miss they just kill themselves oh my God I wish I could know who these people are like because like I I wonder like I wish I had like a you know a spark notes of their life because I bet I bet there's probably some bad [ __ ] that happened to them and they're out here expressing it trust me men are still kicking the bucket oh they're not giving mind-blowing advice like just to be a liberal they're outright dismissing men's issues completely of course because it's not our job to educate them since men created the problem they need to take steps to fix it we have other things to care about Ben can figure out their own problems that they create yeah it's because it's women that don't like men like I don't understand like it's it's not that complicated it's women that have been [ __ ] uh cat called and like maybe abused or you know they had a dad that was an [ __ ] or the dad was never around or something weird happened growing up and they hate men or they date a guy and he cheats on her and this happens to her three times and after it happens the third time she hates men that's just it there's [ __ ] in a person I hate men it's not impossible yeah of course they could just usually be [ __ ] I just think that um this cat calling really that bad I think it is yeah I think randomly yelling at a person I I think that going up to somebody I don't know I mean I would say I'd say it's bad in like 98 to 99 of circumstances maybe there's a situation where it would be okay but I I think that we pretty safely say 98 no and it's also it's just rude right it's rude it's it's jarring again it's not women's jobs to change how men are socialized it's a man issue and you all need to address that amongst yourself it's not women's job the champ how men are socialized I thought most women were most teachers were women like that's bro I'm gonna be honest like the main place you get socialized as a kid is in [ __ ] school so actually so men created their own problems men can solve their own problems the left is busy why does the well-being of other people concern me yeah leftist by the way it's all systemic issues and societal factors this is just what people do right they just assign somebody else as the other group status and then they hate them and so it's okay for you to dehumanize them because they're not really people and they don't describe the same ideals that you do so uh if we hurt them or do anything to them it doesn't really matter because they're not really people blah blah until it's a man and then suddenly it's pull yourselves up by your bootstraps this problem is just a consequence of the patriarchy now take a wild guess about which gender created the patriarchy solve your own problems and leave women alone these people rightly mock the bootstraps rhetoric until the subject is a man and then it's bootstraps all the way down of course they would never talk about any other group this way it's wild and it's kind of like as big as they don't like them like again I have a very at least I believe I have a very black pill view on things I think most people don't care at all about ethics I think they don't care at all about morality and if they like people all the time it's like oh I hate slavery oh yeah but do you hate it enough to not buy the new phone no that's different people don't really give a [ __ ] about any of these things because people have been evolutionarily uh bred for millions of years to be absolutely [ __ ] ruthless so I don't believe any of this [ __ ] it's all just a game and the moment that people have the one opportunity to treat a person the same way that the [ __ ] uh you know cavemen would treat a bison oh bro everybody's getting their spear out and sharpening it that's just how it is both sides are telling men to pull themselves up by their bootstraps but one is like I'll show you how and the other is like [ __ ] off and when they're not telling men to straight up [ __ ] off they're giving the 200 IQ answer that nobody has ever heard before just show your emotions bro yeah I'm not dismissing this problem no there's girls like uh there's a lot of girls that will be like oh be a mo you it's okay to be emotional with me and then whenever you do that they don't respect you this is what I've learned again this is a really another really big black pill perspective nobody gives a [ __ ] how you feel nobody cares you will be lucky to have one person in your life that will ever care about how you feel and that's a lot okay I've made videos talking about this oh you're crying at your grandfather's funeral okay [ __ ] and Studies have shown that men are scared to be vulnerable even around the homies and can you blame them when the media like this fellas is it woke to open up to your fellow men and discuss history whoa whoa hold up hold up what the [ __ ] was that let me let me let me look at that real quick UK Builders go woke study finds three quarters of Tradesmen discuss their feelings with colleagues wait that's woke wait wait what what what what is what is this and in discuss history men are socialized to believe strength dominance and stoicism are behaviors of a real man is it any surprise that men are lonely and have less friends nowadays you have to be vulnerable to make friends don't tell me there aren't systemic problems affecting men I think being stoic is a good thing and I try to be that as much as I can be uh with things I do I think it's a it's a better way to live um I I think that you know like there's a very clear difference between a person being like emotionally vulnerable in like a certain spot versus somebody just being emotionally unstable well so like I used to be much more willing to be vulnerable and I found again this is my experience what the [ __ ] do I know I found that my life has never gotten better by being more vulnerable it's never happened like not once in my life have I ever seen an improvement flies this way for centuries and this is all relatively a new phenomena toxic masculinity has existed forever if anything there's less toxic masculinity nowadays oh there's way less way way way less the cultural Embrace of like gender non-conformity femboys Harry Styles in a dress Barbie movie blah blah blah blah my point is toxic masculinity did not just appear in the mid-2010s but social media did and the internet did and the rise of dating apps did and the housing crisis and living in a country where the wealth well that's the thing too is like what girl is going to want to date a dude that lives with his mom like this is always a situation for me right and so so like how the [ __ ] are you gonna buy a house if a house is six hundred thousand dollars that's a lot of money for a house inequality is worse than it was during the Gilded Age that all happened recently oh my God the privileged life these poor little boys must have that their biggest problem is being lonely I.E so insufferable that nobody wants to sleep with them so much more pressing than the poor distribution of wealth causing people to suffer food and housing insecurity what if I told you that some of those people who had poor wealth distribution were men you're lonely and have no friends and are suicidal yeah because feeling alienated under capitalism apparently isn't a thing people are working harder and longer while wages have been stagnant men have been dropping at a college like flies and what does that get you poor men which uh it also gets you plumbers that are probably going to make more [ __ ] money than if they finish their degree keep that in mind since women are doing amazing in college now and many are now out earning men this most of the time yeah it's a plumber is going to have a job in 30 [ __ ] years Meanwhile your programming job's gonna get replaced by an AI in two years learn the code learn to fix a [ __ ] pipe leads to single men which then leads to lonely men which leads to depressed men which leads to the high side rate in my opinion leftism at a policy level does a great job addressing the shitty material conditions that in part lead to the problems that men are facing but then absolutely drops the ball when it comes to everything and anything related to men's cultural issues many such cases and why would a struggling man even want to move left when the left appears actively hostile to them the question of whether or not the hashtag online left is enough to appeal to hashtag men has become the question du jour and like men have most of the money Authority and do most of the murdering and assaulting the average young man in America isn't Jeff Bezos also why did this [ __ ] yeah and that's the thing is like nobody this is what I said about like this uh [ __ ] uh the the racism stuff that people get into is like everybody always wants to talk about statistics and averages it's like oh well it's okay for me to be racist because another race commits crime more often oh really but here you are crying about how men get perceived this way and Men commit crime way [ __ ] higher than women do like I'm like crazy higher you know and the thing is the reason why nobody likes that is because it is at the fundamental level dehumanizing you are taking a person and you are turning them into a statistic you are remu you are removing their personality you're removing their feelings they're they're lived experience their life their feelings and you are saying you are bad because this graph says so well a person's not a graph but it's very easy to treat people like a graph if you don't like them hypocritical to oh everybody's hypocritical you should never I know that it's like porn for stupid people on the internet to try to point out hypocrisies everybody's hypocritical about everything there's no reason to even people just do what's good for them at the time being that's it now sometimes people don't have the option to do that and then they play it off as if they're you know following through with their principles but I think that's usually not the case here's FBI crime statistics at me men do the most murder they do okay they do they like having all of the stuff they don't deserve they like that they want it to stay that way because it suits them because of the stuff telling people they're special and deserve all the nice [ __ ] that they have that's going to be an easier sell ten times out of 10 than like saying hey maybe you should have less stuff and other people should have more leftism is when you don't have a lot of stuff we're gonna take your stuff you sound like 65 year old Fox News Boomers idea of what the left is are you a CIA agent the right is saying to men you will own a house you will have beautiful children with your loving wife you will have privacy you will have free speech you will own things and you will be happy and the left is like they like having all of the stuff they don't deserve don't get me wrong it's not a very good does it get easier to cope at 30 um I think that is a guy you continuously level up over the years and whenever you're starting out like a you know a 21 year old girl has like the intrinsic value of being a 21 year old girl a 21 year old guy doesn't have that intrinsic value so as a guy over the years you develop more skills you develop more of a personality you develop more Hobbies you developed a stronger personality in general and you become somebody that other people want to be around somebody that other people want to rely on and you create value for yourself so I think that for a lot of guys how many of you at this point right you were a loser whenever you were 20 and now you're 30 and you're not as much of a loser or at least on paper you're not as much of a loser you might still be just as much of a loser but no maybe now you have a nice car you've got a nice house yeah there's a lot of people right or they're going in that direction so I think that's what happens is it especially for young guys I think that these message this messaging is like extremely popular for guys under 25. buildings will not do [ __ ] the Republican party will not do [ __ ] The Establishment in general will not do to help wearing a glove on one hand any of this but the right is at least rhetorically offering men something other than nothing or the Eternal HR department every time this Discord and that's what I said before right is that guys especially young guys just want to be aggressive and do whatever they want with no rules so like that's why streams like Aiden Ross and Kai Cena are so popular that's why ice beside him was so popular that's why jackass was so popular that's why bum fights was so popular and the next thing that guys get into you know like the you know eight-year-olds now that'll be 12 in like four years it's also going to be psychotic it's also going to be freakish it's also going to be completely psychopathic and they're gonna love it because that's what people do that's what guys do and like they don't want to get tone policed by a bunch of people that look like they're [ __ ] teachers thumbs up there's people like we need a leftist Andrew Tate we need masculine role models on the left but the fact is it's hard for progressives to organically appeal to men because a large part of progressivism is oppressive hierarchies and men are oppressors making progressivism look appealing to young men is an uphill battle from the start and although it's funny to laugh at insane people on Twitter as always there have been a lot of left-wing content creators talking about men's issues if you would have told me this would be a thing nine years ago I would not believe you because anyone talking about men's issues back in the day was called an MRA or a pick me but lately I have seen a lot of good before pikmi was a girl thing oh I guess yeah if you're talking about girls oh men Lefty contest and I'll put some links to some below I don't agree with all the points they say but I recommend watching it's much better than they like having all of the stuff they don't deserve but the issue is a lot of this Lefty pro-men content it's always framed around how do wolves for your personal politics that's what they are take the left more appealing to men how do we stop lonely men from moving to Andrew Tate instead of just how do we help men and I think that's a really big issue both sides seem to treat men as political fodder disposable soldiers in the culture war ends well that's actually kind of accurate whenever you think about it real war anyway missandry is real oh good finally and while it doesn't systemically affect CIS men it most certainly affects trans men oh y'all talking about missandry doesn't harm men and trans men are right there reading this [ __ ] by the way I see now we only care about missandry because it affects trans men everyone stop it's affecting a group I care about now I love how the rhetoric just like evolved overnight from male tears to CIS male tears and I just have to ask well it's just it's just psychotic people that are you know completely socially isolated that are on the internet uh it's really annoying that Americans selling another American he doesn't deserve the same rights that he does it's [ __ ] alienating to me it doesn't bother me because like I see somebody say that to me it's like who the [ __ ] are you it's like what do I care what this dude thinks yeah I don't really take people seriously whenever they say stuff like that it's like they're this is just like this is an NPC in my life why aren't you including trans men in your misandry hmm nobody told me how lonely being a man is we knew what that depth felt like before we transitioned we knew what it felt like to like help people want to hug us and have people want to talk to us and to have a community and then you transition and you're just a guy walking down the street that people cross the street so that they're not near you and friendships are so much harder to build what's hard is none of this is that true like I I this is this is my personal like experience I have like no problem building friendships with people and this is like not related to stream at all like it's just talking to somebody like I'll talk to somebody so yeah you play you play Halo like yeah I used to play it too man and then that's it yeah I don't have a problem at all making friends with people Rich famous no I'm not talking I'm just talking about like somebody I've I'll just succeed if I go somewhere it's invalidate yeah how real and raw women and yeah I don't know people who are in marginal ice groups feel about CIS white men all of that's valid but I also Now understand why the suicide rate is so much higher in men welcome to being a man and here's your complimentary isolation and yellow pillow I love how even when he's experiencing the issues of being a man he's like this doesn't invalidate that one felt a bit personal people hating men come on bro men struggling don't want to be lectured about the patriarchy they don't want to be told it's all their fault they don't want to be told they're part of it well the funny thing is that Andrew Tate and them tell you that it's all your fault too because you know what it probably is if you're in a bad situation now there's some people that it's not their fault but for the majority if you're in a bad situation it's probably because you put yourself there but it's the perspective of how you get out of that bad situation and the tone behind it the problem because first of all they're not the average 20 year old didn't build Society they go to work come home go off to [ __ ] Hypno fetish porn and go to bed like everyone else I've talked about this before but a lot of men's value comes from the money they make unfortunately men are natural providers and if they have nobody to provide for they get into Finn Dom or send random girls on the internet money yeah there's a lot of them that do that that's crazy I'm just kidding but the fact is like the girl that invented fendom is like so smart I can't believe like any of the girls that play into that and it actually works I'm so impressed a lot of men simply feel like they don't have a purpose anymore whether a job or a career that's fulfilling and pays away there's also no religion I think this is a big factor right is it like what do you do all of it for you work hard so you can die okay well then then what what's the point of it I think religion plays a big factor as well and that's why you see like a lot of guys you know now there's like a lot of conversation of of dudes finding Jesus getting into Islam something like that I think those are the main two right now or a woman or family to protect and take care of and provide for men are lacking purpose and a man will crawl through a broken glass for a purpose but you know who does make them feel like they have a purpose [Music] not him I say that life as a man is exceptionally difficult I say them both beautiful and the most terrifying thing about being a manager born without value Society doesn't care about you the absolute audacity to act shocked that Andrew Tate is scooping these guys up after a decade of low male tears is insane Andrew Tate isn't the solution to men's problems I hope not but he is talking to them the fact is you did not care about them for years and even now you just want to recruit them well the thing is people want to like for in terms of like politics they're just treating this is like it's a chess piece right it's like well if we can get more men to vote for us then we can win and get more of the stuff that we want right there there's no like real intrinsic goal here help them and that's why you will fail and hey maybe I'll be the Andrew Tate of the left men listen up wash your penis so I guess I'll leave you guys guys this has been increasing what are your solutions for this problem and are you dealing with loneliness and I will see you guys next time with a new video yeah sure I remember this girl um got really popular on like 4chan in like the early 2010s I remember seeing her posts on there all the time because like at the time she kind of looked a bit like boxy and people just went ape [ __ ] about it yeah it was like right after that yeah gamergate yeah yeah 2014. yeah so she's been around for a while how is your life growing up mate it was great it was awesome every day was good I hung out with my friends all the time we played video games all the time we got hot dogs at 7-Eleven all the time uh I wish I could go back it was so good yeah she did Trad cath all right I I don't know I'm just saying I think the video is really good there it is give it a like if you liked it
Channel: Asmongold TV
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Keywords: ͏a͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d, ͏a͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d ͏r͏e͏a͏c͏t͏s, ͏a͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d ͏w͏o͏w, ͏a͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d ͏h͏i͏g͏h͏l͏i͏g͏h͏t͏s, ͏a͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d ͏y͏o͏u͏t͏u͏b͏e, ͏w͏o͏r͏l͏d ͏o͏f ͏w͏a͏r͏c͏r͏a͏f͏t, ͏a͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d ͏f͏u͏n͏n͏y, ͏a͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d ͏t͏v, ͏a͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d ͏c͏h͏a͏n͏n͏e͏l, ͏z͏a͏c͏k͏r͏a͏w͏r͏r
Id: 72Jj2wIUFPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 45sec (4185 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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