Willy Wonka Experience Disaster is Crazy

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yesterday there was an event so bad that it's being called the fire Festival of kids events it was a Willy Wonka experience that charged guests $40 and used AI generated images to drum up hype to get people in the doors and when people actually showed up it was legitimately like that scene out of SpongeBob with crabby land it was a disheveled mess like a complete scam from top to bottom some attendees compared it to a meth lab and I can clearly see why because this is absolutely just a meth lab that the Creator just repurposed for his exhibit here at the Willy Wonka experience this is supposed to be an Oompa Loompa at a flavor station or something but man the the Oompa Loompa actor here looks miserable I don't think I've ever seen someone look so visibly ashamed of the position they're in quite like this this makes me feel bad and I didn't even go to it this hurts my feelings on like a deep level I can feel the pain in my soul for this individual before they took down their website this was the poster used to promote the event and my God what an absolute catastrophe here the AI clearly malfunctioned here but they said [ __ ] it we do it live it's good enough they didn't bother fixing anything or doing it again it's just like the worst translated English ever it's like they walked it through Babble fish then walked it back through Google translate and then just hit their head on the keyboard and said print it it's uring entertainment which I imagine is supposed to be enriching entertainment cat G cat gak king cat gaking live performances KY tons Exar Dre lollipops a paradise of sweet treats that's their marketing material that was their [ __ ] poster image on the left is one of the images they use to get people excited to attend and on the right is what it actually looked like in person it looks more low effort than a backyard mini golf course that a father would put together for his children it actually looks like it just uses the sloppy seconds from whatever holiday sale Home Depot was doing over Christmas and the Creator just haphazardly threw it all together in here and called it the Willy Wonka experience it took place in a dirty Warehouse they couldn't even bother cleaning and here's just some more pictures of the space it's the most joyless place on Earth I love the bottom right one where it's actually just shower curtains like just checkerboard shower curtains that he hung around I guess it's supposed to be a maze or something I don't really know this doesn't really scream Chocolate Factory it screams Nike Factory sweat shop really but I will say I do appreciate that they created their own original villain this is the unknown what is that it's the end no very creative name so the unknown is an evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls and that's him and basically he was there just to scare the children so you can hear some of the kids start to panic and cry so not only did you pay $40 to go to just a warehouse with basically [ __ ] nothing in it you go to a warehouse to give your kids trauma You' be better off spending that $40 to get your kids on an episode of scared straight at least this they know what they're getting into to a certain extent here you take them to the Willy Wonka experience and you think you're just going to get some candy and have a fun day but instead you got the goddamn Phantom of the Opera here [ __ ] floating through the walls and giving everyone a jump scare It's A Beautiful Disaster I am beyond impressed I don't think you could purposely make something as dog [ __ ] as this this is like the moonfall of events where everything is wrong in the most impressive way it's a masterpiece and speaking of Masterpiece Gods slap Issue 5 is here baby this is the standard cover and these are the two limited edition covers for Gods slap Issue 5 is out now you can get it at bad egg. I'll put a link to it link to it in the description of this video Issue 5 is the conclusion to our introduction Arc for the gods slap world so there's never been a better time to get into it than right now the gods slap universe is the best in the comic book business baby I'll tell you that right now we also have a bundle so you can get issues one through five and get caught up in everything Gods slap related right now so bad egg. get yourself a copy now as you notied there were a few actors present for the Willy Wonka experience may God have mercy on them for that cuz good Heavens I couldn't imagine a more miserable role to land and one of them came forward to talk about their experience the actor who portrayed Willie Wonka himself everyone my name is Paul Connell and I was one of the actors employ to play Willy Wonka at the Wonka's Chocolate experience Fiasco that happened uh in Glasgow this weekend so the first red flag for me was when I was cast as willly Wonka um anyone who looks at me and thinks Wily Wonka and not umal lumper is out of their mind the script was 15 pages monologue pretty much of AI generated gibberish it sounds like this whole scam was run by chat GPT itself I think we're reaching the point in the Skynet progression where it's becoming sentient and chat GPT wanted to see if it could host its own event so it created the Willy Wonka experience AI generated images to get people excited to go AI generated script for the actors to read which is nonsensical [ __ ] gobble and then also randomly hiring actors to play these roles that don't really fit them as he mentioned he doesn't think he should be willly Wonka and that's not what he was auditioning for I don't believe not to put the tin foil condom on here but it really seems like all of this was orchestrated by chat GPT it seems like AI just went rogue and like hired three actors completely at random to play these nonsensical roles like the unknown evil chocolate maker that lives in the walls and serves to terrorize children at the experience or the Oompa Loompa going through an existential crisis surrounded by an easy bake my first chemistry Beaker set like it's all so weird that I can't actually wrap my head around someone that would actually put this together there's also no Rhyme or Reason to the decorations of the Willy Wonka experience it really feels like someone just went into a SIMS house and started randomly dropping pieces of furniture and [ __ ] just all over the place with no real explanation for it if you weren't told this was the Willy Wonka experience you would have thought you just wandered into a killer clown Warehouse where he murders children it just doesn't have anything to do with a chocolate factory or even a candy factory in general and it actually gets worse we were told on the uh experience to hand out a jelly bean one Jelly Bean uh per child um and a quarter of a cup of Tesco's un brand lemonade what Incarnation a sing Jelly Bean and a/4 cup of lemonade that's what you got when going to the Willy Wonka experience not even chocolate it is the [ __ ] Chocolate Factory and they give you a single Jelly Bean why I if I was one of the parents there I'd be charging up like a Donkey Kong punch on them like are you kidding me 40 clams I paid 40 clams to come in here and you give my kid a jelly bean and a Tiddly wink of lemonade you are off your gourd that is absolutely insane I've paid to come to this Warehouse the least you could do is give me a Hershey's bar or something a single Jelly Bean who came up with that that doesn't make any sense at all now since the story is blown up the creator of the event even came forward with an apology saying I'm really shocked the event had fallen short of the expectations of people on paper my vision of the artistic rendition of a well-known book didn't come to fruition for that I am absolutely truly and utterly sorry there's no doubt in my mind he's getting high on his own Supply Here huffing the fumes from the Oompa Loompa dirty meth lab what do you mean you shocked how could you possibly be shocked you AI generated fantasy images of a [ __ ] Chocolate Factory experience that doesn't exist and would never exist you put together basically the world's laziest like lawn decorations for a Christmas party and called it the Willy Wonka experience every single human being would be disappointed going to that even if it was free but you had the gall to charge $40 for it you actually get more value and a better experience out of trick-or-treating on Halloween and going through a cool house sidewalk and getting candy from their bucket than you would paying $40 going to this experience because at least in Halloween trick-or-treating you get a full candy bar here you get a jelly bean and a a shot of lemonade this is baffling I would love to hear more from the Creator here I just to pick their brain police were summoned to the scene as outraged ticket buyers lobbied for refunds I imagine all of the guests felt scammed by the misleading marketing material and then going to this downright diabolical creepy location organizer Billy Cole the director of House of Illuminati that's the name of his group that that's what he's calling this the house of Illuminati it couldn't get more nefarious sounding than that so the house of Illuminati is the one that put together the Wily Wonka experience uh Billy Cole told STV news I'm really shocked that the event had fallen short of expectations of the people on paper he closed down the display on Saturday after offering refunds to the 850 ticket buyers 850 people bought tickets to this that is that's not you know Small Potatoes that's quite a lot of attendees my goodness so I just had to talk about this a little bit because what an entertainingly awful pathetic event that turned out to be so yeah I thought that was pretty fun and just wanted to share that and since I mentioned this earlier in the video I'd also like to share a goofy little trailer we made for God slap to celebrate issue 5's release so please enjoy [Music] this [Music] yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,011,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BM6y-5t862E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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