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ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the greatest invention in human history perhaps with the exception of electricity guess the elo as always this is going to be an eclectic mix of games there are blunders there are brilliancies there are plot twists there is so much chaos uh and as always every single one of these games makes me sick to my stomach um and uh you're going to learn how to play chess in these games you're going to learn not how to play chess in these games and before we jump into them i'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video sunburn look people there is a secret that i haven't shared with you to improving your chess elo it's not practicing your tactics it's not studying openings or tricky gambits and it's even not diligently reviewing your end games all of those things are great but the true secret to gaining hilo and chess is smelling absolutely fantastic yes you need to smell at the elo that you want to achieve but often times if you want to buy a high-end cologne you're kind of waiting around hoping someone's going to give it to you as a present because those things can cost upwards of 150 300 even 500 for a bottle but with scentbird every single month you get to choose a designer fragrance for a fraction of the price and actually the lovely folks at scentbird sent me three of these amazing vials this month i received michael kors extreme speed tommy bahama maritime and commodity milk plus and that's the amazing thing about scentbird there's large brands which obviously you will know and some smaller ones which have very interesting scents as well and before you get started with any of this you can take a very simple quiz on the scentbird website that will allow you to discover your own style for me the best of the three was the michael kors extreme speed so to get started with scentbird today click the link in my description you'll receive 55 off your first order which comes out to seven dollars all right let's get back to the video all right game time first game of this episode of guess the elo is brought to you by whatever sponsor i decided to put in this intro and we have uh e4 from white and yeah i mean listen um this is uh well-known stuff all right this is well well-known stuff that's the commentary that we're providing here all right that's that's it's a well-known stuff all right so um black plays the move uh d6 e4 d6 you know well-known stuff good stuff knight f3 knight f6 and we get our first piece of information bishop to c4 it only took us three moves of this game to narrow down our rating range buy a lot like buy a lot a lot all right like uh yeah um probably triple digits all right knight takes e4 right just winning a a calm piece here and everything is good night chief okay so that's just two pieces in the first four moves gone off the board this is the problem when you watch one of my videos and you just try to fried liver people folks this is definitely a double digit game uh this is a game of like a 97 rated player with white white watched one fried liver video and was like well this is just gonna win i gotta play these four moves no matter what i gotta play them absolutely no matter what cool all right now do you see that your knight that you just put there is hanging okay very nice now the hard thing is that you've blocked your center but you can play this and this because obviously you played this which means you play king's indian so your next three moves better be this nice okay i kind of hate you because you went like bro white it literally giving up every piece for nothing for completely free absolutely free all right but you decided you know what i had enough taking of their pieces okay so this is obviously a game of people between six and seven hundred because seven to eight hundred would be cerebral enough to see these one move blunders because when you're 7 800 you've already learned to hit the pause button in the opening you know to hit that pause button and that subscribe button by the way uh yeah i mean this is just really bad you know but but there's there's just it's still hanging oh finally wow white hung that bishop for one two and three straight moves and finally it got taken and black has a seven point advantage all right g3 now why why'd you have to go and do this you why you did so well why did you have to lose the night come on you know what the craziest thing is you know the craziest thing is white didn't even take white hung another pawn and now the bishop bro black is up nine points of material after playing 12 moves this is m this is a top three worst ever game i've ever seen and guess the elo all right c6 nice you're up a night bishop but you play a pawn okay yo this person has a fetish for the f7 square my god b5 oh it's mate oh it's not mate wow it's crazy that white even got this close you know like crazy all right so now i mean you got a lot of good moves that's a good move just take it just yeah you're up just take you're up so much material oh does white hang the queen almost white almost hangs the queen and now black is just uh everything black literal okay white blundered 10 11 14 17 18 white lost 19 points of material in this game i think white is 600 that i mean there is between like low 605 high 500 because if white is even one rating point above that i i don't know what i'm gonna do with myself um i mean that's just nonsense uh this is not who's playing white white is 11 17 no no nope nope nope nope nope no way no chance no chance do you do you know each other repeal for i'd have refused to believe i think that's your friend repeal right no that was a real game yo you played someone who got banned for cheating all right i don't know what's going on nah no no no no no that's the i mean i mean that that is that is that is that is that what that's that's garbage that is literally atrocious that's awful that's stupid that's i got nothing to say uh that is uh a catastrophe i was gonna say you played well you didn't make any blunders i did was your opponent beyond drunk like i was your opponent just hella blasted i mean did they did your opponent let their sibling that like is like a 100 i mean that was unbelievably bad wow all right we're off to a good start time control doesn't matter the time control is brain dead d4 yeah the exactly the opponent's younger brother was beyond drunk all right in london it's not a guess the elo episode without a london all right so bishop f5 now what you do against this is you take advantage of the weakened queen side and you play the move c4 which i actually really like that white did in this game look at that and now black plays b6 black is worse uh this is just really bad for black um the move bishop f5 really has to come with another london setup all right so you gotta you know like you can't reinvent the wheel you can't play g6 and then be like b6 doesn't even do anything so white plays this this and so now white should probably do some stuff over here um and just try to there's also knight b5 in the job of london style uh with a tactical idea b6 is a really bad move the move b6 destabilizes all the light squares so if this happens this now doesn't defend either of these two squares and uh you know queen a4 is nasty it hits this and this and uh black could lose right away i mean it could get real bad i mean b6 is just so bad but let's see what white does bishop d3 i don't hate all right wasting another bishop move like if you really wanted to move the bishop when the bishop goes to f5 you do not move it to g4 again you put the bishop there to take the bishop that is why it's there and then castle all right so this is so bad now what i would do here is i would just play h3 i would just be like where are you going to go now here you get trapped and then here you're just adding the pressure right so it's worth attacking this bishop if it has nowhere to go um now you know again h3 is good putting the rook on the c file playing on the d and c lines is very good in queenspawn positions and now white who saw black do that does this except this move is less stupid because you want to take this and take this pawn so here's e6 take take and now rookie won uh but black is slowly getting back into the game um white here does something real bad which is take the knight and i really don't like this move because you're relying on this but what if this you just gave up the bishop for no reason at all right so when in doubt you know bring another piece to the party uh take on c5 dc bc maybe h3 again uh this would be great if you don't lose a queen you know so yeah but you won the pawn so you're a genius i mean don't give up the bishop like if you see bishop f6 queen f6 knight d5 that doesn't mean play it that means hold on because that might not happen right um also i just realized uh for this episode i think our our uh yeah there we go we're gonna zoom into the engine lines there we go i didn't reactivate chat i think i i think it just twitch sometimes gets glitchy too in the middle but you guys can type something to show your energy i think chad got so wound up over that last game they decided they were done for this one uh so this is attacking this we can obviously defend it or move it it's not complicated okay we defend it cd ed yeah and this pin is proving really superior so a while back when that bishop went there it was probably time to just ask what the like now what it's just it's called asking the bishop a question why is it there what are its intentions right just what what what is the idea like why are you standing there right h3 is always a good opportunity uh to ask because now that bishop survives most of the game and you lose your queen bro you know what the craziest thing is you know the crazy uh the crazy thing is after knight e5 you're actually better because you have two attacks so gotham sub how did you do this how did you just wow okay and somehow you walk through fire in your pawns on d6 knight e7 check all right now you got to find a way to push this pawn through yes you hang not just the queen but a rook on that square wow this is incredible you guys have so far blundered 33 points of material in this episode d7 uh oh uh oh oh but that pawn is so strong oh yes oh my goodness and you're winning incredible check okay i would have just forked the king in the bishop here that's the easiest thing 98 check to the middle but uh this is also good bro what are you doing you have an extra night use it bro thank you okay so opening wasn't bad but was very solid i definitely don't get high rated vibes i get like 1100 vibes and 1100 who just accidentally uh had a little diarrhea on the table right here because they're the the the opening is a little bit too it's not good enough to be 1300 so i'm going to say like 1100. uh 1100 or mid to high 1000 so i'm gonna say my range is about 10 50 to 11 10 about a 60 point range average rating of the two players let's go see what we get i i think that's pretty fair wow 8 40 you played very very well for 8 40. wow you played very well all right now your hanging of a queen is justified i'm actually kind of shocked it took you this long to hang a queen i mean when you're rated 8 40 it's kind of like it's kind of like you know when you get carsick at the beginning of a long car ride and you don't vomit like i'm shocked it took you 18 moves to vomit but then you swallowed it sorry if you're eating and then you just didn't barf the rest of the all right you okay you had a burp rook d1 you know you you that then you just played so well you played so well good job well you should be proud honestly i thought i thought you were a lot higher rated than you are not bad there goes dinner i mean i'm telling you you know you keep listen you played very well how do i come up with this stuff i mean you know you know it's it is what it is and it do what it being a people to do this game looks really dumb this game looks really dumb yes yes e5 oh beautiful yes this is the content right here e5 and now white responds with a black response with e6 and now we have f4 yes yes yes yes yes yes very nice knight e7 yes g4 and black is just winning on like move seven okay amazing no black is not winning although c5 is wow amazing what a game what a game um this is so bad so when you get hit with e5 just play normal attack in the center don't attack with because f6 is um really this is kind of like very hopeful uh and e6 just doesn't even do anything like you gotta attack the thing that's crossing the middle line and when you just let your opponent get okay g5 okay so g5 is not a good move um but it's very annoying it's not a good move because uh the play is like halted but black now has very clear plan of action over here with c5 and so black should continue to build on that queen side pressure of course when you take immediately you no longer have any pressure so now white is just doing very well oh my god um yeah now now white's game plan looks really smart see when you let your opponents get i talk about this a lot when you let your opponents get away with garbage like this and you don't do anything about it like literally you just don't confront them on this at all they're just gonna keep stealing from you right i mean if you don't confront someone who's a thief they're gonna keep play right so all right okay you are you are busted if white plays queen hero queen here i don't know how you're gonna survive this game oh my goodness oh king f2 that's fancy you should ask yourselves the fastest way to bring the queen right all right i mean yo i don't know what black is up to over here black is out here trying to i mean you just playing some obscure moves my my dude now why is white playing on this side what is white doing that is not where white is stronger okay knight ac6 all right we go back all right okay so white should play bishop c5 so there's no b4 oh that's our ew why would you ever trade this this is so bad i mean come on also thank you to bgh i missed that appreciate the appreciate the sub completely missed that my bad um so i guess white did this because they wanted to win time but come on this is like a four-point bishop what is i mean oh timely move so if black played hg here black would have lost white would have just gone here and white would have went on to win this game with no problems uh but because black fights back now with the f pawn all right now now we're in good shape all right so knight back to e2 knight b4 thank you robust young soul appreciate that gifted subs they don't deserve it oh my oh what the wait a minute wait if this then this and if this then this now i know the engine says it's still winning but you saw that oh wow a lot of stuff happening today shout out to uh john bartholomew for the raid we're doing some guess the elo what you saw that are you cheating just for this one move oh my okay well that's not a good move you did not need to you could have just wow incredible wow what is going on in this game knight c2 oh my who's winning queen takes z4 is winning for black but they go here yo 92 wins this game is unreal queen d3 rook f4 is gg oh my okay um that was an insane game y'all that was crazy like white just played so stupidly in the opening or white is cheating because these are stockfish moves i don't know um white played so much aggressive stuff and then proceeded to do nothing with it and just totally lost their train of thought how did that happen wow that was really sophisticated um god that counter play by black the defense was honestly really good not freaking out i'm gonna say like i'm gonna say like fourteen hundred like fourteen fifteen hundred i think that white played a really garbage opening and it really threw black off but black played so calm in the face of danger and then i mean oh i mean this is an incredible move are you kidding me this is an amazing move yeah i'ma say like fourteen fifteen hundred let's see sixteen hundred sixteen 1660 by white by the way hashtag memes 1626 by black wow even higher holy crap damn dude i mean honestly i didn't say you were 1600 just because the game was so ridiculous i was like wow and white lost on time it really felt like the game was a time scramble wait white didn't lose on time oh wait why did lose on time what oh look at this white got tilted and stalled his clock out to one second look at this he got so mad he stalled his clock and then lost what a baby and then he ended up on guess the elo amazing game what a crazy game yeah you did have a bad opening wow i mean i i thought you were uh i thought you were like 800 i know in the opening you let your opponent do everything then you fought back crazy game wow rook f4 was made you got a lot of bonus points on that counter play because a lot of low rated players they would have melted a lot of players when they get an attack coming their way they're like oh my god but you did fine you did fine all right e4 oh king's gambit this could be a high level game all right this is not going to be a high level game never mind um okay so this just loses to to like a lot of moves like this but maybe there's a gambit here is this a gambit wow okay uh well uh yeah not taking this is good you could just play like yep good oh don't put your bishop where no now you could take fe you also just go here don't don't put the bishop order can just be attacked don't do this oh my god what is your opponent doing oh what how the why did your opponent not trade queens with you who do they think they're attacking folks when you have a garbage pawn structure and you have really bad development and you can trade queens and win a little bit of time and derail your opponent's castling rights take the damn queen i mean don't give a random queen check because then this happens and now you're defending again and white just folks you know when you play a gambit like the panic can take the other pawn right you play the gambit because you want them to take you but you know you can take them too you know that right no that's like part of the pawn existing it's a legal move anyway oh my goodness all right we lose the e pawn i want to throw up this is so bad okay knight f4 take bro what do you know about gambits you take and you get aggressive this is how you play gambits you need to go and create attacking possibilities attack attack attack what the heck is queen d1 oh my god what is knight d3 just trade the queen trade the queen what is bishop c no but this is i mean i mean this loses a bishop two ways guys guys i want to end the episode i've never i've i've never ended against the elo episode before i looked at all the games what even is bishop c5 i mean my god goes back he just goes back he just wants to undo it knight bd2 you know the craziest thing is black yo try bishop c5 again try bishop c5 again come on maybe it'll work this time okay you got to get to this king right so knight h4 and queen h5 open the door knight e5 maybe even works with queen h5 ideas yeah apparently it does work okay bishop a4 which is a great move that walks directly into a fork and now you let your opponent castle you think this is a fake game you've accused every player so far of having a fake game alright we attack the knight it doesn't get defended take the knight nice bishop d7 take pawns pre-pawn in the middle nope free pawn in the middle free bishop you just went here to add a layer of pressure to this piece and your opponent literally removed the guard your opponent removed the parking brake while parking downhill i mean my god take the okay queen e4 easy thank you queen h7 made in one right mcqueen h7 i mean you just moved on that diagonal and you play this is why y'all oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my oh my oh my oh my take the bishop bro there is a hanging queen because that this is gonna hang there's a hanging rook maybe queen and a bishop and a king nah nah nah this is a fake game fake game no no no this is a fake game i don't even no no no y'all faking nope no no bro bro you hung the queen bro you really straight up hung the queen no yo is white gonna win this game i'm dead um i don't know i don't know three to four hundred three to four hundred this 800 no no it's a fake game no no you guys are not 800 no you guys are not nope nope nope now i refuse to believe this is a real game nope i straight up don't believe this is a real game nope i i i i don't think this this game happened nope i youtube you tell me in the comments you think this is a real game between two real people rated around 820 and 790 no chance no chance who played this game in in my chat right now confess which subscriber played this game i want you to tell me how that happened you really played that game that is insane this was from before you started watching me bro that's a real game like you're not joking please swear on something that was a real game how did you nah no you were you were how did you play that bad why were you 800 playing that bad i got to make a video on that game i think i'm gonna have to make a video that that was one of the biggest catastrophes how did you not see those mates great all right anglin gambit nice okay h5 just end my pain just end my pain h5 bro really okay so we're just gonna play a regular england gambit which is with the move h5 for some reason okay okay cool cool cool cool cool cool yup all right normal normal normal oh your night is trapped not normal folks don't leave a night with no with no no move any time you move at night you gotta have a move for the night next okay and uh you don't so you lose the knight nice okay queen f3 let's guard this cool nice so white is lost but there's a lot of activity here so what i would do is i would put my bishops on very active diagonals and then e45 i would march down the middle of the board and open things up nice i don't know what queen e2 does but i don't care oh oh [Music] oh gow damn god damn wow that is a that is literally stockfish's idea did you just boot it up for this little sequence here amazing beautiful no that's wrong no no you you gotta look at this you're winning if you just follow the yellow brick road can you imagine white wins this game with queenie two queenie one bishop a5 bishop b6 queen a5 wow wow that is unbelievable queen g3 all right knight d5 yep we chilling okay so you went the wrong way uh wait did you hang a queen no there was it was a threat but you didn't hang it okay queen d4 you're still down a piece uh c4 okay okay now you're threatening to take the knight and then take the bishop damn that's unfortunate that they protected themselves i don't know why stockfish says you're better after bishop d3 takes takes okay so you're still worse but it's guess the elo so that's your that's the only bonus that you have okay you found it but you're still lost you have nothing good move god this is a tough game this is a long game wow rook f6 rook g2 okay you have to be losing bro do you guys see this do you guys see what move saves the game here for white check here and it's a draw it's a box it is a box i've never seen that in my what it's just a box it doesn't matter who blocks it is a permanent box that is insane it's just a box it's a non-stop square box what the hell have you ever seen a draw like that that is crazy okay obviously that doesn't happen okay so black is winning oh they hang their queen you know what's nuts queen a5 is mate wow so queen a5 is even is a mate but they don't see that what it bro please tell me you mouselipped please tell me you did not try to bring a rook into the game and instead of putting it on any of the three open files please tell me this is a mouse slip what huh huh he's trying to push okay just just and end me now what yo he hung his queen this has to be a time scramble right has to be there's gonna be another massive blunder it's coming i don't know when it's coming but it's coming okay check picks up the rook gets the dub gets the dub gets the dub gets the dub okay uh uh honestly it was a pretty sophisticated game i have to give you some props so i want to say like i want to say like 1200. twelve hundred in time trouble uh let's go see thirteen hundred thirteen hundred bro thirteen hundred hey it's full screen gotham again if you made it this far in the video let me know in the comments below what your favorite flower is because no one's gonna know what the heck you're talking about uh sunbird asked me to remind you all at the end of the video uh to click the link in the description uh to get 55 off your first order it's only seven dollars peace out i'll see you in the next guest the elo episode get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 387,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: HP_BwlBgLb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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