this is how you DON'T play stardew valley

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doing game playthroughs on the internet is kind of terrifying the risk that you're just going to be doing something completely wrong or inefficiently and you're going to get bullied for for the next like two years always looms very large above my head however I'm just going to cut out the middleman this time and Bully my first public playthrough I did of stardew Valley my 100 and 200 Days videos enjoy the next hour of bullying also 200 days and 500 likes so uh hit like all right let's get another video as one normally does I made my character uh attacked with her with the forest Farm because I've never played it before this is a pretty good call I actually really really like the forest Farm sure you lose a lot of space versus the standard because of all that like extra place where forageable spawn but you still got a pretty good amount of space especially the long stretch down there you can put a lot of sprinklers you'll see I do do that and you also just get so much more hardwood which is just amazing to have because hardwood is used in so many recipes used to get to Ginger Island it's just like one of the most useful resources in the game behind like stone for example but it was really good for forage pulse apparently I am going to be doing the community center this run so uh some extra forageables always help for that first bundle and also it's just early food day one on the first day I cleared some space on my farm and bought 10 potatoes to plant potatoes are still definitely the best call I would I would do the same thing today I buy potatoes pretty much right away every time because cauliflowers just take way too long to grow I generally prefer potatoes over cauliflower because they're way quicker money with half as long as the growth time is cauliflower yeah that's what I'm saying but yeah seriously do not buy cauliflower right away it is just not worth it it takes like 13 days to grow so you're gonna be sitting on level one farming for a super long time so we'll be able to make scarecrow so you can't really plant any more crops like your cauliflowers are barely going to be ready by the time it's like the egg festivals you won't have any money to buy strawberries which is you're going to be very sad about that 100 because strawberries freaking Rock but yeah I would definitely agree with my past self here after that I ran down got my spring onions I only got five which is decent I guess that is pretty bad honestly then look for some forageables after that I Chuck down some trees and then I headed straight to bed did I not make a chest right away I'd make a chest right away on day one that's like my top priority most the time day two for day two I did make a chest okay good got a chest right there yeah chest obviously won one right away pretty much the first thing I do normally before I even leave the farm water my potato crops and then headed straight down to the beach to get my fishing rod from Wheeling this yeah this all makes sense I'll do the same thing it's going to be super important early game because Ruby how I earn my money to buy strawberries at the egg hunt why do I sound like so unenthused like it sounds like I'm reading my scripts from like gunpoint but yeah I digress I I've I definitely save up for strawberries right away because you know they're the best spring crop ignoring like I guess you can technically plant ancient fruit in Spring but they're not spring exclusive but yeah I digress I fished up until about 6 p.m when I headed home chopped down some trees and it's not their plant to 15 parsnips I got yesterday's I was wondering where the heck my parsnips went I thought maybe I sold them but that didn't make sense because I would have bought more potatoes with the extra money um but honestly I would have fished more more because I had those five spring onions to eat for energy I would have fish till I passed out that's probably what I would have done instead of going home and chopping trees that's kind of a waste you know I gotta optimize the fishing right off the bat so I can eat them for food when the mine's open and yeah that is what I would do today too parsipped for food is really nice normally I can make it down like maybe 10 15 floors without them but when I when I do need them they come in clutch big time because they have a pretty good amount of energy and it's pretty much for free so it's not like they sell for a lot anyways so it's not really a waste either they're headed off to bed day three since it was day three and it always rains on day three well it was raining so no energy wow but yeah it always rains on day three I'm pretty sure that everyone knows that but if you didn't in fact it always rains on day three it also only weather also only happens on these days if you're curious yeah so I keep that in mind I suppose he lost watering crops for me my main goal was to catch a catfish since they were super good money okay why am I such a dumbass I'm literally fishing in the lake this is the lake you want to be fishing down there buddy past me was stupid yeah okay if incurring you're out of fish in the correct place where I could actually get the fish I want granted I still do do that like I I pretty much always like I spend a long time waiting for a fish and then like I end up realizing it needs to be raining or like it needs to be sunny or vice versa it always happens and also pretty good XB there's also just a fun challenge except for myself however I was pretty unlucky considering I've got tons of trash and not that many high quality fish but that could just be due to my fishing level now it's due to you being a diamond that's not fishing the right place idiot my plan with fish was to save them all until fishing level 5 so if you get the Fisher profession that caused fish to sell for 25 percent more this is like probably the best strategy to do but I normally don't because it's just kind of annoying and also it kind of it hurts me a little bit later because normally I saw fish as I go and I buy potato seeds along with it and you'll see what kind of waiting for the level up kind of screws me over a little bit it's still probably worth since you can buy 25 more potatoes but yeah you'll see increasing my profits by a ton I also made a chest that I sat next to me a ton don't you mean 25 buddy serve some extra inventory space for fish I fished till I passed out because the level skill which meant I wouldn't lose energy for the next day Jesus I was struggling with that fish it's probably catfish but you know still it's still going to make fun of my past self personally I would have caught a first try but yeah I also do the strategy all the time fishing till I pass out if I level up the skill because you can catch a you can catch a lot of fish in the extra like two to three hours that you spend fishing instead of like running home and going to bed and why not day four day four I watered all my crops then looked around my farm and collected all the forageables I would need for the First Community Center bundle so I could be prepared yeah good call I probably would forget but I don't know I mean I guess I can prepare like it's not that hard to find that stuff but being that prepared is pretty smart I suppose after that don't want to get past me too much credit I just went fishing again these earlier days are kind of repetitive so I'm going to go through them pretty quickly on day five I woke up to the central meteorite fun fact guys so I like totally just like didn't have the footage of this happening so this is from day 22 as you can see and like I just like didn't mention the video I got so many confused comments about it that I'm pretty sure I just ignored because I didn't feel like explaining it's like 15 different people but I actually couldn't find it so I took a screenshot and it took me a solid minute that actually is a really sneaky place like if it landed one higher up I literally wouldn't have found it which is kind of crazy to think about find it it was hidden and it was barely visible from behind and we're back to the actual timeline now Tree Line in the top left near Grandpa's Shrine besides that I watered my crops and then headed back to the fishing lifestyle even though the mines open today I haven't gone yet because I wanted to get a good luck today so I could get down really far good call normally since I'm by no means the most efficient starter player I'd honestly just tank the bad luck day unless it was like negative negative negative luck but it feels like a neutral or like a positive one I would go because it's fun and I want the mine I also got super lucky managed to snag myself a dinosaur Ray that that's crazy that doesn't happen to me period I feel like I never get dinosaur eggs anymore channeling my inner DF for that one I suppose but yeah it never happens I fished for a while and then after running out of inventory space I headed home chopped on some trees and made a chest for some extra storage while I was fishing in the top Lake yeah this is a good call I mean honestly running out of inventory space wouldn't stop me nowadays I just like dropped the fish behind me but if I was also just like a tiny bit tired of fishing that day that's fine not that big of a deal also making a chest is a good call I normally don't do that enough because I just like do the aforementioned um dropping fish on the ground but it's way more convenient to put them in a chest then I passed out because I leveled up fishing again day six day six was just another fishing day however I did manage to get my goal of fishing level five on day six that's actually really good I'm not gonna lie that's huge I mean I could get the 25 boost in cell price good for you meaning I could finally get some money but I am broke as hell 100 gold chain with this money was to buy potatoes and then use the potato profits for strawberries days yeah pretty solid plan but there is one flaw that you will see shortly I'm sure past me explains seven on day seven I Was preparing space for the potatoes when I realized that I couldn't do simple math loves to buy potatoes today then I would not be able to afford strawberries because the potatoes would finish the day of the festival and since Pierre will be closed I couldn't sell them yeah not my finest moment but it happens after that plant being foiled I decided to just go get parsnips and eat them as food or something also since I wanted money from the fish now from parsnips I have to do two trips with inventories of fish to a language okay you'll live stop complaining it's not that bad I do that all the time which was really really annoying okay two reallys this guy's such a complainer holy smokes after that I bought my 60 percent of seed in the seed and headed home to plant them oh I'm gonna water all of that by hand without animation canceling past me is way more of a boss than current me I would not do that I'm gonna be quite Frank with you guys I would straight up not do that yeah that is so annoying hell no but I wasn't finished with today I also bought all the crops I needed for the community center beans and cauliflower and I planted those two after that defeat I needed to just wind down so I cleared some place on my farm true current me and pass me are so similar dude breaking the fibers it's too satisfying if you will by breaking some rocks and weeds and then headed off to bed day eight on day eight I instantly regretted buying this many parsnips because oh yeah this guy gets it and by this guy I mean me but yeah I get that that is so annoying I actually have to water them but I did anyways and then headed back with my trusty rod and reel to the lake I acquired quite a few things for my fishing Adventures so I decided to do a quick pit stop with the artifacts I've been collecting quite a few and I literally just have three that was like actually nothing what am I on about I went and donated them all after that I fished a bit more and then headed home and went to bed early day nine on day nine it was finally time to start my mind that is crazy I waited so long I feel like honestly I just got forgetful and like forgot to check the TV so I like skipped over a bunch of good luck days if if I had to guess what happened Adventure even if it was four days late I got super lucky and managed to find a diamond on floor one which is a free 750 gold or basically seven strawberry seeds floors up until nine were super smooth but fluorine was infested since I only have that is actually brutal I'm not gonna lie that is brutal without animation counseling out of Rusty sword that is rough defaults are this is probably like a thousand XP for a long time clicking after a couple of in-game hours they managed to get through and barely oh no way am I gonna leave those drippy sneakers with about 60 coffees I do no great start to the day I would pick those up today after that I just farmed copper until I passed out day 10 on day 10. a little copper farming never hurt anyone that's kind of how I feel my days when I got nothing to do too since it was raining I didn't have to water so I did straight to the Wizards Tower so I forgot to mention it earlier I started the Blizzard's quest for the community center since I figured sooner rather than later it was better after that yeah I do this Quest right away too mainly because you want to donate those forageables and get the seeds like as soon as you possibly can so yeah I could call I would definitely do it the same I grabbed all my four tools and headed up to complete the first bundle after that I decided to I guess that planning is pretty smart since knowing me I would like accidentally sell all the four tools I needed something dumb like that you're gonna start on some of the fishing bundles so I went and got the catfish and Shad since the catfish can only be gotten right same why am I stuttering it's so bad so I wanna here's why you have to say it it's so simple so I went and caught the catfish in the Shad since it was raining and you can only catch the fish during that time boom I nailed it why couldn't pass me do that and also why could I only make it sound like I was getting like there's gun in the back of my head Jesus the shot after I donated those things the mountain fish were next on my list I wasted about three hours fishing for them then I realized that I already had them all in the chest right next to it my final fish I needed the eel and the Sardine which I got in my first and second cast which was soup holy smokes I'm actually a luck demon dinosaur egg and that lucky with the fish oh they can see how Boo in the chat flaming me for fishing at the Rock to be clear fishing with the rock doesn't give you better fish it's just kind of like routine for a guy like me you know I have to she go to my first and second cast which was super lucky after that I headed home made a scarecrow and headed off to bed day 11. on day 11 my parsnips had finally grown so no watering for at least a little bit then I don't that is crazy I watered Dominic crops every single day I would be whining incessantly about that if I did this challenge today I need some stuff and cracked open a couple geodes I do want to get to the Sewer sooner rather than later so I figured I should get a jump on it I mean yeah I guess you can't really like speed run the sewers like you kind of just need to play the game to be honest but I guess like donating artifacts early is good it's just kind of weird how I worded that like the only way to rush the sewers is to like Rascal caverns and farm Omni geodes and who the hell wants to do that not made definitely not pass to me either after that I hunted down Haley to give her a Georgia Cola for a quest then damn I wouldn't do that today it's not worth the money plus I only get like 90 gold for those quests such a scam why did I sacrifice my morals for that made some money snagged one more CC item then passed out day 12. I got my cat from Marnie and decided to name it Greg after intensive liberations with me I love that I remember kid it goes so hard it goes so hard one of my top videos of all time is this and rest in peace monkey Jones he should he should be brought back bro from my chat after that since it was a good luck day it was time to get back to the mines I managed to get through the hell that his floors dirtied hell kind of hyperbole I'm not gonna lie maybe a little like sure they're like kind of annoying but I'm like hell hell is a little bit a little bit strong don't don't you think maybe a little to 40. and make it to the ice floors away from that annoying Darkness well for all the super fun and productive day overall a super fun and productive day it was finally the big day on day 13. the egg Festival if you don't know about the egg Festival is super useful you can buy the best spring crop there strawberries they also get a cool straw hat before that this straw hat is the best part let's be really I'd have to prepare a space for the strawberries I just below 10 000 gold to mine yo nine seven seven lucky number that was 127 but you know what I mean that's crazy that's you name what I was planning on buying about 70. so I could water them and still do stuff I also used the egg Festival to finally finish the quest to meet everyone from town I bought my strawberries then destroyed Abigail in the egg hunt to claim my prize w Abigail sucks worst spouse I then frantically planted my berries then headed to bed it's smart of me to like prep the spaces beforehand I would definitely also do that because and the sort of the egg Festival it's not like much you can do like it's not like you're gonna be running like to the mines to mine for a while it's like you just have to kind of wait on your farm awkwardly for like three hours so like you might as well be doing something that actually helps you so you're not like stressing panic in the pitch dark planting your strawberries like an idiot which is what I used to do before this day 14 on day four also holy smokes that's a lot of strawberries if I got that today I would kind of like be slightly smart and like create it so like basic sprinklers could fit in and I could slot them in as I made them or quality sprinklers I think I was still a quality sprinklers version around this time instead of the based normal sprinkler 14 I was already starting to feel the pain of watering this many crops without animation counseling did oh my God I did not envy past me but I powered through it for the money so I was kind of low in energy and it was a bad luck day mine was out of the question so I decided to empty my like fishing chest track on the traveling car and catch a few more fish for the CC before using the last of my energy on fishing and heading off to bed day 15. day 15 was Super Why does my audio quality changed so much throughout the days do I still do that guys I mean I guess I do like record on like different days like sometimes I record right when I wake up and my voice is like super deep and then other times it's like just normal I don't know we're uneventful I just watered my crops and fish basically I did manage to reach fishing level seven and get a release yo that is a ginormous chest 750 gold on a broken one that's unbelievable I feel like I never get anything good from chess anymore I should just cheat and like crank my luck up to a billion that'd probably be easier a solid weapon the broken Trident also I forgot to mention it earlier but I did buy the backpack upgrade for 2000 gold since Mining and fishing without it was getting super annoying yeah past the egg Festival I probably buy it just because having one slot is actually really annoying like it's definitely tolerable and like I can live with it but it's like just such a great quality of life Improvement so it's definitely worth it after that rather pretty much the fish till I passed out day 16. on this day I decided to stalk Leah and give her a Driftwood after I watered my crops W Leah is absolutely the best spouse by far after that I chopped out a ton of trees for more chests and I started to save for a coop oh yeah investing in chess is pretty much always worth it unless like you really need something else but it's only like 50 wood which is like two or three trees and it just makes your life so much easier a little bit of organization will never kill you and it's just great to have around even if it's super simple like mine normally is after that I just collected salmon berries then went straight to bed salmon bears are super underrated okay no actually sorry I underrate them because they're just great to have like every single time and I just for every reason I used to never collect them and I didn't for like a good period but then I started doing these challenges where like I had a lot of spare time in the day and like it made so much more sense to collect them then so and I realized like wow these are really strong I also managed to get a crop there so I got some early strawberries which was super nice day 17. on day 17 it was straight back to the mines after watering the ice level is so hooked because it took like three hits per Rock but thanks to a broken Trend I got earlier from a treasure chest mobs were a breeze mobs were lost his place in the script trying to find where it is Breeze I only made it down five levels before quitting and farming some copper and iron though then I just headed home smelted some stuff and went to bed I would have made more furnaces by now especially if I've been farming copper as much as I say I have been day 18. I watered my crops and then went and upgraded my pickaxe since I couldn't handle the ice levels without one yeah so I used to kind of advocate for the ax being the first thing you upgrade as you start accumulating hardwood but honestly I've been doing the pickaxe a lot more since I like normally I reached the ice floors really quick kind of I don't have a copper pickaxe I just cannot bring myself to do the the guys florist because they're just so brutal dude then I donated some beans and went and fished beans don't you mean Bean oh he misspoke no way get him he actually got super lucky managed to find myself an ancient seed in a treasure chest yo ginormous that's great I normally I think I already said this but I'm just looking back at how lucky I was like with treasure chests nowaday I just get nothing it's so sad I wasted no time in donating it and planting the seed this would come handy for my Greenhouse lighter I've probably plant that ancient seed within the range of a scarecrow but you know what can you do I'm gonna chopped down some trees and use the remainder of my energy hunting for forage rules then I headed to bed day 19. on day 19 I watered one of my audio quality gets so good here then headed over to Robin to get her to build me a coupe then I finally finished the spring crops bundle and got some Deluxe speaker that I could use on the ancient fruit or Greenhouse later after that I went home grabbed the stuff I needed for the boiler room and almost completed three bundles after that I am so glad that bundle is easy as hell like solar Essence void Essence are probably the hardest since you need to make it to the fire floors but oh no sir you'll send me the fire cord so you have to make it to the uh regardless but if it was like one of the harder bundles I'd be so annoyed since that easy convenience is just amazing to travel around fast it's great just fish till I passed out day 20. on day 20 I'd finally earned 25 000 gold so I got to choose between fruit bats and mushrooms and as the same person I chose bats haters churro it is still the best one especially since I'm doing community center in this run I would still definitely choose that one um in my small farm I chose um mushrooms for some stupid reason I literally don't know why but I'm actually really regretting it because I'm gonna have to spend a ton of money on fruit trees so yeah fruit bats are still absolutely the best choice I'd say for almost anyone also like I'm only forgetful so I like that the fruit cave can like build up fruit over time it's just great to have don't have me you know I'm right after that I've not done my wild seeds level up my fortune then I went and collected my newly updated copper pickaxe and went and farmed for the next eight hours getting a ton of iron and a bit of copper and wait what what is the text I flashed yeah pretty copper pickaxe when in farmed for the next eight wait wait it's 2 30 a.m or p.m hours getting a ton of iron and a bit of Boom is 150. wow that's a crazy train good job man day 21 I finally got those my strawberries and got quite a few around 60. I was gonna save them as a lot of strawberries true for preserved jars and Seed making them for next spring hit like for 200 Days by the way I also you don't have to hit likes for 200 days because spoilers I've already done it but you should still hit like because it'll be nice and I appreciate a lot thank you the traveling card and a miracle happened I got a red cabbage seat this will be super helpful for the CC and it makes a year one cc possible which was the goal of this challenge after that I upgraded my water in canned the copper because it was raining tomorrow I never do watering can't upgrade anymore I normally just animation cancel it and suck it up or I just make sprinklers really quick so yeah not really a point for me at least but if you're like on Console I mean I guess it's pretty worth especially the Iridium can is really nice also on day one of Seasons where I need to hoe and water a lot like I have to it is pretty annoying that I can't do more space but yeah whatever I could upgrade it without missing a watering day this would help also yeah Pro tip if you check the weather and uh you can see that it's raining tomorrow you want to upgrade it on the day where it says it's tomorrow so then when it's raining you almost watered it you know you'll get it usually because I'm a bit limited by how many sprinklers I can make right now I actually barely managed to make it level 55 after mining for a while bringing me ever closer to goldor and I farm till I passed out I got lots of ironing cop day 22. on day 22 I decided to buy some chickens for my coop and I fished outside yeah chickens I always get chickens first because the coop is just cheapest and it doesn't take up much space and they can just eat grass or whatever it is while I waited for it to open after that wait I didn't show would I name the chickens I'm actually a psychopath what is wrong with me Jesus I just fished around the map until I passed out day 23 and day 23 the free cauliflower had gone from the museum had finally grown so that was a free 2000 gold after that I collected my watering can and opened some geodes watering with the new water encounter is so much nicer and saves me a ton of time and energy after that I just did some chores then headed to bed 24 on day 24 was the flower dance however since I barely talked to anyone I was not high enough hearts that down real me IRL but yeah I pretty much every this I don't I'll take I don't really like the starting marrying that much unless it's like a mod that changes it a ton I enjoy like the cutscenes and arguing about the characters but I just I just don't like really like that like you have to just like fetch Quest someone like every day it's kind of lame but whatever there's not really a better way to do it honestly I don't know dance with anyone I did buy all those spring forageables though for seed pack the next year and it just went to bed early day 25. on day 25 it was back to the mines I made super good time and made it all the way down to floor 70 even though I got one infested yo guys it's 469 no way smash the like button wow that's crazy a good deal with me after that success I farmed copper till I passed out Day 26 Day 26 was just a fishing day besides that I checked on the traveling cart and then just headed to bed day 27 day 27 months I was is like way better at checking the traveling card I'm so forgetful nowadays unless I have like a mod installed it's actually kind of a problem honestly four people's already so I finally started to level up my foraging a bit after that I opened my frozen geodes I've been saving up and got some more minerals for the museum then I just did some chores around the map and fish till I passed out day 28 day 28 was a huge day for me made it all the way from floor 70 in the mines to 90. that's pretty good especially with only a copper pickaxe since I think the Rocks still take like two bits per at that level so that's rough actually good job man like I'd probably like maybe 40 floors today but like you know back in the day that's decent freak out like the two things I needed to unlock the mine carts gold also oh my God getting the Night's Edge is just such a the Night's Edge but that's Terraria but was that what are you talking about the obsidian what's it called this one you know what I mean it's such a breath of fresh air after using like the the goddamn stupid um the stupid random weapon like sometimes I go all the way like to this point using like the iron sword which is like terrible no not for Minecraft this one you know what I mean it's in Pirate courts overall an amazing day day 29. okay so I may have forgotten that it was day one of Summer also you can see do you guys remember what I planted there you should and that I had no plan but since I had gold now I decided to start smelting some of it so I can make all these sprinklers after that I prepared my crops in a way that I could use the sprinklers oh yeah this is what I was talking about this is super smart you want to do this because like even if you don't have sprinklers now one it's like not that difficult to water like it's not a problem really um and also it's just like setting yourself up for Success you know you want to do that so you can phase out the stupid hand watering you know without having to break any later on then I went and purchased all the crops I needed besides the stuff I needed for the CC melons Tomatoes hot peppers and blueberries bought some extra melons for the five gold star ones I needed good call I I never do the parsnips I don't know why I just don't like to because I have to plant like quite a few of them to like actually get gold ones kinda and there's just like three other ones you can do in easier Seasons where you have more resources so it's just way better and some hops because they're really good energy for my main money Source I was gonna do blueberries so I bought about 70 of those after getting all that I went and planted the ones and farmed about 100 gold from the mines for sprinklers then I passed out happy a great summer one day 30. on day 30. now that had a good amount of gold my first objective was to set up sprinklers so I never had to water again after that I ran to the CC and managed to find all the summer forageables on my way so that was another bundle done I also managed to complete the boiler room so mine carts are now unlocked which is going to make travel so much easier after that so much easier water sounds like sassy and annoying that I went in mind I made it all the way to level 100 after a super close call with two slimes locking me in place that is wild I almost died to do Slimes with an obsidian's edge how am I that bad I had a dagger too why don't I just dagger them away uh summer second to floor 100 pretty good yeah I probably could have gotten another faster probably suppose my top priority dude I was doing other stuff you know I normally do like to go for a pretty quick since running out of energy is like probably top five most annoying things that can happen in stardew Valley yeah it really sucks but I did manage to get my first store drop which is super nice after that I smelted some more stuff and went to bed day 31 on day 31 it was finally a good time to start getting all the summer fish for the CC I got this surgeon in tilapia which was a decent start I always got the fish right away too because I am way too forgetful and I hate hate the idea of like not having a fish because I forgot or like didn't get enough rainy days or something so it is just like peace of mind for gonna do it right away good call good call I did need more fish I just needed it to rain so that was my main issue with getting fish for the CC I also did manage the fishing level 9 which was really nice it brought me even closer to Max fishing level which was a goal I kind of was going for I also donated some stuff to the CC after that I just headed to bed day 32 and day 32 I got some CC stuff and tap two trees since I knew I would need them later on never oh whoops I never remember to tap her anything I swear it's actually a problem I I always forget later on then I donated some stuff to the museum and the community center after that I made it to another 10 levels in the mine and got like 15 mushrooms people who choose the mushroom caves are clowns after that bro getting one mushroom floor you're gonna get like more energy than like an entire lifetime of using the stupid uh mushroom cape and that's a fact I'm standing by that get home just before I passed out day 33 day 33 I just fished for a while trying to get the tuna unfortunately I somehow failed this fish just eludes me for some reason I I swear I had a problem with this too on my most recent save I'm playing through which is kind of weird it's not like a particularly rare fish after that I donated some more CC stuff and then I just fished day 34 day 34 I literally just fished all day and then went to bed I did a fortune level five though giving me a chance for double forageables yeah that's just a better perk I only choose the Forester if like I don't really need forageables that much like if I'm doing a challenge I need wood more because I don't have like an entire Farm's worth of trees to chop down kind of thing but gatherer is pretty much always better I'd still stand by that yeah day 35. today I deforested some of Cinder sub for us so I could repair the bridge on the beach after that I decided to sketch this I love repairing the bridge on the beach late because there's always just so much forageables piled on the ground it's it's very satisfying it's not the most efficient way to do it but it's how I like to do it Crimson fish because well why not I guess inflatable logic I did cast him up once but I failed to catch it unfortunately other than I'm using a fiberglass Rod probably no literally not with any bait or um attachment since you can't use attachments on the fiberglass Rod so I'm kind of surprised I actually even went for it if I get it I'll be surprised because I'm gonna be honest I don't think I could get it today with that set up wow good for me for trying or stupid of me to try depending on how you see it other than that I just went to bed Day 36 on Day 36 I bought some wheat for the community center then headed down to the beach for some more bait after that I cleaned up my sprinkler setup a bit and I fished until I went to bed day 37 on day 37 I bought some more trout soup and decided to try for the Crimson fish again it's both the worst and luckiest I've been in stardew Valley in a long time I pulled the Crimson fish seven times and dude you have a terrible fishing rod why are you so surprised you can't catch twice in a row I'm actually getting kind of um this guy's kind of nagging I'm gonna tell who's bullying me I just wanted to catch the damn fish and move on he's he's letting the stream check out to him it's so over for him my life and I finally did after wow I guess I just kind of suck current day sufficient time haven't tried day 38 on day 38 after a long day of grinding I finally have fishing level 10. I've been fishing for a ton these past few days you probably noticed and I've been saving cocky smirk right now that's not the right word chuckle cocky chuckle all the fish I've been getting so I could sell them with a 50 boost a level 10. it would make me a ton of money a ton of money the SAS the Sass and the voice it will make you ton of money like you can I do that I mentioned the strategy earlier uh save your money for or that your fish rather for level five to get the 25 boost I normally do if I don't do that strategy I will do the 10 one probably depending on how close I am like I I won't start saving my fish right from level five but I'm if I'm like level eight I'll start saving maybe because like I probably won't need the money as badly as I do early game kind of thing so yeah it's kind of my thoughts on that day 39 day 39 I sold all my fish I gotten from fishing that's so sad also decided to sell some of the strawberries I was saving because I really needed the money jeez it's 98 on the back we also finally managed to get the tuna no it wasn't the tune I was struggling with it was a stupid that guy second from the left I hate that guy that fish rather it was also the luau today so I brought one gold strawberry because I figured why not the extra friendship always helps it does always help friendship is literally the worst mechanic in this game I'm saying it then I went to bed and admired my earnings of 28 000 gold day 40. on day 40 I donated some Community Center and museum stuff then built the barn I also bought some corn and grass starter because my chickens were starving what did the corn have to do with feeding the chicken's Bozo my hops also finally grew meaning I would basically not have to worry about energy ever again I think I shell hops in pretty much every single video like possible but they really are just that good like they give so much energy and they're so cheap and they regrow every day after they're ready it's amazing actually I adore it then I chopped out a few trees and headed to bed day 41 on day 41 I collected my melons that had finally grown got the beach forageables and finally bought an iridium Rod after that I decided to go finish the mines I finally got the skull key and decided I was going to grind money from fishing to make back the purchase of the Iridium Rod then I passed out I also managed to I so clearly recorded that after then I passed out like completely different tone of voice it's so funny I love love combat and decided I was gonna go for a scout scout is always better just think long term like what's that plus 10 damage that's not worth like put fighter on screen ten percent is not that much with that being said if 10 of the guys who watch this video are subscribe I'd probably have a lot more subscribers Please Subscribe because I planned on using cameras later on and the best perk for hammers is locked behind that skill tree day 42. I'm still a hammer Shell by the way a42 my blueberries were finally ready after I collected donated and sold them cleared my farm then headed off the bed such a janky sentence day 43. on day 43 my summer forward flips are ready so I had to criticize the video I'm trying to criticize the gameplay so hard then I went and built Asylum because I needed my animals to be happy quicker so I could get large eggs from them damn I really spliced that word in after that I went and farmed for a frozen geode for the community center then headed off to bed day 44. since I leveled up my foraging the day before I decided to collect all the materials I would need for lightning rods since I knew I would need batteries later on didn't want to wait for the next year hit like for 200 Days by the way don't worry guys you don't have to hit like 200 days is already out I managed to make nine lightning rods which I hoped would be enough as soon I got some rain days I would probably get plenty I also collected my copper ax chopped down some trees then headed to bed day 45 on day 45 my plan was to clear the farm of stone and wood so I could prepare my sprinkler Empire for fall because I can make huge money with pumpkins and cranberries I also learned that you can destroy those annoying bushes on the forest farm so fun okay yeah this is super useful if you didn't know this that's huge although uh something I didn't know at the time is you need to have an upgraded ax like you can't deal with the default one um so yeah let's do keep that in mind I guess I also destroyed the stumps that respawn daily on the farm that was going to be a ton of hardwood for stuff later on if I collected daily then I headed over yeah I feel like the forest farm that that's the best part of it by far it's honestly worth losing the space because there's so many stupid inexpensive hardwood things you need and that really speeds it out but Robin bought the Big Barn upgrade and A Chair for a handy little feature that lets you get into singer sap Forest early feature by the way definitely a feature basically you just put a chair in the corner sit on it and you're in without eating an iron ax but today isn't over yet since my salad was made I finally cut down all the grass on my field for hay and since the field was clear I could put sprinklers on it for fall then I went to bed tomorrow day 46 on day 46 my blueberries were ready once again so even more money for me after that I collected my daily hardwood then upgraded by pickaxe to iron after that I just topped down trees late till I went to bed I also managed to make a solid 13k which is always nice day 47 day 47 I just kind of did some drawers around the farm before upgrading my coop to the next year Coop first I normally do barns because Barnes make so much more money but it is more expensive to upgrade so I get it insanely lucky and I'm about to get an app oh Double Apple ginormous fruit packet and it triggered my double drop chance for my level five Fortress that's what I'm saying so that was a super annoying bundle completed thankfully that's what I'm saying after that I just did some random CC and farm cleanup stuff then went to bed day 48 on day 48 I grabbed my iron pickaxe and farmed iron and gold all day for sprinklers then I went to bed day 49 day 49 is probably the worst day in my entire starting career it was a combination of so many stairs that I've managed to make without noticing if you recall a few days ago I got insanely lucky and managed to get an ancient seed and a red cabbage seed however I had somehow not noticed for over 20 in-game days that crows had eaten both of them it's not without a red cabbage and an ancient seed or like Kim prophets and CeCe year one gold was in Jeopardy the worst part is I had to spend an hour coming through vods to even find out where I lost them so that was even more time wasted okay yeah not not not too too proud of that to be honest so anyways after that Fiasco I reset the day because I was just standing still coming through vods for all of it and try it again I did manage to get some stuff done like donating some more CC stuff collecting more wood getting rid of the stones on my farm now that I have modern pickaxe then I'd break in those stones is unbelievably satisfying just Farm some gold ore day 50. my blueberries and forageables were ready on day 50. now I'm set to make a ton of money today I set to craft all of my summer affordables into seed packets ended up with 360 of them damn dude if I turn those into tea leaves man I would have made so much more money it's not even funny since I needed the money more than I would yeah I would 100 save those seed packages and turn them into tea leaves nowadays it is just so smart thank you wickety I shot our wickety pretty much every video too I decided to sell them all thanks to blueberries and Seed packets I made myself a cool 36 000 gold day 51 on day 51 I farmed the earlier floors in the mines for an Earth crystal so I can make a second Mayo machine sadly I couldn't find one so I just went to bed day 52. on day 52 I went and spent some money on coal so I could make more preserved jars for good long term I would forget how expensive coal is like you go through it fast it's way better just Farm it in my opinion plus you also work towards the burglars ring which is like the best ring yeah I'm gonna say it's the best ring of the game by far money profits they also upgraded my ax to iron tier then I went and farmed coal and iron and got super lucky managed to find a coffee bean that could blend to my Greenhouse after that I just mine till late and went to bed day 53 on day 53 I went and farm for our Earth crystal for a little bit more but it was so annoying I just left then I just figured dude all you have to do is go to that like the big the big open floor to find one it takes like 20 seconds why am I this lazy Jesus just bought a bucket for my cows and donate some stuff to the CC and with nothing else left to do I just went to bed day 54 day 54 was a painful one I had to spend 6 000 gold on a pomegranate tree for the CC oh no six thousand gold because they're super annoying to get in the fruit bat cave however I kind of regretted this right after I did it because I need 41 000 gold for the final Barn upgrade and buying a pig because I need truffle oil and a truffle pigs are so God damn expensive dude I know I could probably make the money but that quickly probably be close also finally unlocked the seed maker so that'd be handy if I had my ancient seed Jesus oh yeah it's your own day 55. on day 55 I clicked in my ax and cracked open my geodes I was slowly but steadily approaching the sewers and I was confident that I could force 60 artifacts with omnic shots if I had to I also managed to get an Earth crystal with one of the geodes so I could finally make a second manual machine and catch up with my backlog of eggs you know would have allowed you to catch up faster just like not being lazy and like spending the 20 seconds to farm up an Earth crystal but I digress listens I'm such a nice guy I gave Georgia hot pepper for the quest then I just collected my hardwood and headed to sleep day 56 since it was day 56 not an Irish a starter Valley playthrough for me becomes like fully progressed like evolved leveled up if you will when you can finally break the stump that's like the point for me at least finally legally enter the secret Woods get rid of those annoying big stumps on my farm too after that I removed all the sprinklers on my blueberries and move them over to my other setup for sprinklers I soon realized that I had maybe gone overboard with the sprinklers as you can see with you know honestly not that bad of a problem to have you can always do forage rolls you can always plant as you go like sure I'm just talking about it for the sake of the video but like it's not that big of a deal like I over make sprinklers all the time this overhead screenshot I crafted 49 quality Sprinklers and eight crops per sprinkler that equal to almost 400 crops this is a great thing you're thinking right I mean it is but wrong I only had 26 000 gold to my name meaning that a solid half of the sprinklers would just sit dormant on this event I headed to bed and waited for the strawberry the song got so hard day 57 day 57 I really started regret not upgrading my hoe I only had about half of the land because as I suspected I could only buy 200 seeds barely half of what my Mac sprinkler output was after planting it at all I watered it too I was initially only going to water the Cranberries because for Max output I needed to water it day one but since I had enough time I decided to water the pumpkins too yeah it it mess it messes with the head to uh not not a water oven I just kind of picked up some of the Fall stuff that laid around after that I went and got my hardwood again because I really wanted to get forward from level nine so we could get the cooking kit and cook stuff without needing to upgrade my house The Cooking Kit comes in clutch for me a lot more than I thought it was it was honestly surprising then I just went to bed day 59 on day 59 I fished all day trying to get a walleye and made some money however I did not realize that it needed to be raining and 12 am to 2 A.M so I pretty much just wasted my day I do this way too often like I'll spend so long trying to catch okay sorry not so long we're gonna be like a coupling game hours or I've done it for like days I'm not gonna lie to you we're like done on multiple days um where I fish I try to catch a fish and it's like literally just unavailable to catch and I'm like I'm just being a dumbass like I don't know dude it's dumb I did manage to plant the 30 fall seeds I got from completing the foraging bundle though day 60. on day 60 I was really starting to panic on the pig situation so I sold my backlog of blueberries and fished all day oh the backup blueberries are gone things are getting serious for sure managed to make about 10 000 gold from yesterday's and today's fishing which was pretty decent I also made a couple thousand from the blueberries I sold with that I was getting very close to the 25 000 of a deed for the final Barn upgrade day 61 on day 61 I decided to just plant the 20-ish mixed seeds I had lying around in chess for some extra money after that I realized that was a good call I've been doing this more and more lately I always just like save them I don't even know why I saved them like I guess because they like make my Fields look messy or something I don't like that but like I literally just I never plant them and I might as well sort of it's not that bad I'm like it's just free money pretty much bit short on wood for the barn upgrade so I chopped down some trees till I had enough wood thankfully I'd already gotten some Stone just because you know I've been mining and stuff so that wasn't a problem after that I completed the collect 80 hardwood Quest that I gotten from the special Quest board I had gotten earlier bring me even closer towards the 25k goal that I went to the railroad and planted the 80 tree seeds I'd been saving up and I just headed to bed day 62 on day 62 I finally had the materials and money for the barn upgrade so my dreams of pigs were fast approaching let's look on my eggplant so the greenhouse was almost achieved after that I just fished to light and went to bed day 63 on day 63 my early investment in animals was starting to pay off with me getting three out of the five items I needed for the animal in one day good for me large brown egg large goat milk and duck egg at this point only four crops and large goat milk was signing between me and a greenhouse I saw a fishing spot on my normal probably step over those honestly I'm a river spots so I fished there for a bit then donated the animal products and headed back and fish till 12 a.m waiting for the walleye I got the walleye then headed home I made it more like a walleye sold at 8.4 000 thanks for fishing which was actually really good almost enough for a pig in one day that is good actually little Cavern depending on what I'm feeling like day 64. we have finally achieved a stack of days on day 64. Minecraft reference so I could probably afford to buy the bus upgrade in the CC bring me even closer to the Community Center completion also I should probably mention that I've been saving all of my cheese in mayonnaise for when I get level 10 farming I do this sometimes but sometimes I just really need the money and I sell them but like if I play my cards right I should save them but if I mess up and I need money I sell them generally saving them is probably better for the Artisan perk increase my profits by 40 percent yeah it's basically just an impatience thing like exactly like the fish um level five and ten things after that I just chopped trees and headed to bed also the fortune that is a wild transition this is my profit after that I just chopped trees and headed to that flashbang Fortune level 9 grind had finally paid off I could now craft the cookout kit allowing me to craft the Maki roll and fried egg I would need for the CC without needing to spend a ton of money in the house upgrade for the kitchen good call Smart yeah I do the same thing yeah having to get the kitchen sucks um it's very annoying and leveling up to level nine foraging well it is like it's not easy uh you can do it way easier than getting like 10K uh early game especially when you did everything else Day 65. Day 65 was a pretty chill day I just made a Coco kit and prepared the ingredients for the recipes I need for the community center then I went to bed early day 66. on day 66 I finally completed the animal bundle and managed to get the large goat milk after that I just needed pumpkins for the community center then I would have the greenhouse didn't really have anything to plant in it although I could think of one thing if I had it after that I finally started out my sorting system and organized stuff I'll show a quick rundown of this this is still what I use I've liked I did this once at the start of the game and I've stuck with it since it's actually great I love it the system on screen I would recommend getting one yourself or you could just copy mine I'm by lazy chest I mean you just dump everything in it when you want and when your feet you got nothing to do you actually sort it and now if you're interested and you can pause and look at it if you wish yeah everyone needs without my uh serving system after all that organizing I headed to bed day 67. today I decided I was gonna go fish and get the money needed for a pig then remember that I could go catch the angler one of the legendary fish so I had it then did that that's not gonna make the money is honestly caught it like first try then I just fished till late and went to bed and made a solid 5000 gold from fishing day 68 on day 68 I started work on making some strawberry seeds for the greenhouse it had less than I would have liked but it was still something after that I collected my forageables I made another 100 seed packet so I could get closer to foraging level 10. make these happens man please when I fish and sold some stuff around my farm to make the 2 000 dish gold I needed I also got a witch on my coop so I had to avoid chicken now I guess day 69 don't even think about it let me smoke so UPS truck is taking a wild turn outside of my house that's crazy next season so that was a super solid amount of money after that I'd finally got enough money so I just went and bought my pig after that I completed the collect 1000 wood Quest I gotten earlier for an easy 2500 gold and thanks to the crop size that is such a furry chest um Quest chess you literally buy the wood and it counts I think you could like make profit um I think it's like No it should it should be right yeah yeah until today my bank account had barely suffered from the pig purchase day 70. on Day 70 my pumpkins finally grew so I could get a greenhouse after collecting all my pumpkins I headed over to Pierre and sold two stacks of them I saved the non-starred ones because I could jar them for more money after that I had a whopping 47 000 gold but you know me I can't hold on to money for more in a couple of hours so I instantly purchased a couple hundred pumpkin seeds and finally got a large backpack after that I farmed coal and dust Sprites day 71 on day 71 I donated two more things to the community center I had finally gotten the greenhouse so I started planting I am wild for misplacing that sprinkler twice after that I farmed dust Sprites for Cola and a burglar's ring I also made an insane amount of money for the Artisan Goods that I've been saving I made over 43 000 gold it was that's why it's worth it boys we would have only got like 30k otherwise that is definitely worth honestly delay the dopamine guys use the perks it's worth it that's why they're there totally worth saving it for level 10 farming from the 40 percent day 72. I planted the rest of my blueberries in two coffee seeds and it was also the fair today so we're headed over there and got first place with my collection of jam two diamonds gold cheese gold goat cheese gold super cucumber silver star fruit duck mayonnaise and a pumpkin after that I gambled till I got 2 000 tokens bought the star drop in the Fedora came from an early bedtime day 73 on day 73 I failed my coupon barn with cows and chicken because I was just leaving money on the table not filling them full then I went and tried to get Robin to walk by her counter after closing time so I could buy a horse but I just missed her I suck it's so easy to do that I do that all the time actually at 7 pm it's okay 74. on day 74 I collected various animal goods and went and finally got a horse this would make my life so much easier after that since I had an empty Greenhouse collecting dust I decided to buy cranberries to fill it since it was a multi-harvest and I didn't really have anything else to grow during winter for my final task of the day I started prepping for a skull Caverns run bought some coffee and salad I also had some Jade and rubies saving up for mining so I could buy staircases and spicy EO then I went off to bed day 75 day 75 I collected the quest to get ectoplasm for The Wizard and also Farm dust brights I plan to recover from the crippling loss of the red cabbage seeds for a 0.4 drop chance of them special ring you get from killing 500 dust Sprites will increase my draw chance odds and hopefully make the grind a bit quicker I've already shelled this one a bunch but uh it's so great I hope I didn't get a rabbit's foot so I could save 20 000 gold on the coop upgrade but I don't know if that's gonna happen to be honest you might think it's something to place all my chances on one enemy well yeah it is but have you been seeing my other decisions okay sorry straw pan out of the way after that I farmed coal and dust spreads for the rest of the day and went to bed day 76 on day 76 the dust bite grind continued I was about 256 in by the day's end but I realized I was farming on floor 50. when floor 55 was actually I was just thinking that but yeah 455 is by far the best I don't know why I think it might just be because it's the biggest floor but yeah I'm really not sure why it's the best I just know it is the best so that was a bit annoying kind of a wasted day but it's okay it's not a waste but you could have done it better day 77. I forgot to mention it the day before but I'd actually reached 60 items in my museum it's not meant I could get the rusty key and enter the sewers letting me buy a star drop and get an iridium sprinkler every single Friday could also finally try to get the mutant car after attending to my animals it was back to the mines I actually made pretty solid progress and was about 150 away which was definitely doable in the next day day 78 day 78 it was straight back to the dust Brite grind and actually Matt this grind takes so long it's 500 is too many actually no considering how strong it is it's definitely worth that's to finish it however I finished it a bit too late so that meant I was gonna have to pick it up tomorrow after that I briefly tried to catch the main carp but sadly failed day 79 on day 79 I emptied my inventory from all that farming and finally collected a truffle from my pig letting me finish the chef's bundle from there I headed over to Robin's to try to get her to build me a coup because I had too much money I needed a way to make some profits during the winter besides some crop bruh classic Tuesday also wait I didn't know it said that I thought she just wasn't there I didn't realize she actually had a sign it was Tuesday so sadly it was closed also the dude in the chat asking the starter Valley YouTube channel everything's Animal Crossing is better than stardew Valley oh my God bold after that I just dropped a ton of trees I planted on the railway and headed home and went to bed Day 80. Day 80 was literally just me grinding for a red cabbage seat from a serpent day 81 day 81 started off with Emily giving me permission to use her sewing machine in her house after that I headed over to Clinton and yet I'm still gonna stick with the Charlie Brown shirt because I'm not I'm not a fake one like that not a prismatic Shard out of an omnichia so I could now get the Galaxy sword making the serpent grind that much easier then I went to the sewers to try for a mutant car once more probably I failed I always forget how sorry um this one a couple seconds ago but I forgot to pause um I always forget how much of an upgrade the um the Galaxy sword is like people knock it but it's actually good like it it doesn't normally look good 40 extra damage on any other weapon you have so headed home into feet day 82. on day 82 I collected my 100 or so fall for originals and crafted them all into seed packets and sold them since I wouldn't have time to grow them and the money was more important then I headed to skull caverns and managed to get the Prismatic jelly for the Mr Chi quest after that I quickly donated my pomegranate I got for my tree bringing me even closer to Community Center completion day 83 on day 83 I collected all my pumpkins for even more profit I love collecting pumpkins dude they sell s for so much then plan to go upgrade my pickaxe to Gold quality but since it was Festival day I couldn't go so I just did some Farm chores before getting the gold pumpkin and heading home day 84. day 84 I headed straight over to Clint and got my pickaxe upgrading to Gold quality after that I went and farm for a red cabbage seat but without a pickaxe it was really annoying but with that being said I managed to get a rabbit's foot letting me finally complete another bundle after donating the rabbit's foot I stopped at the star drop Saloon and bought some salad since I just had so much money I needed a better food source since I was out of hops day 85 day 85 it was the start of winter and it instantly wetting out the forageables I needed and looked for the nautilus shell the nautilus shell is honestly normally last or second last item I get purely because it literally only spawns in winter it's crazy the only thing I needed for this besides the red cabbage it'd be pretty funny if I didn't get one after that since I forgot to mention shout out that wojack it's by far the best wojack I started the Mr Chi Quest by bringing a battery to the tunnel I'd already completed the Second Step by getting a Rainbow Shell to the train station the next step after that was to buy 10 beats and put them in the mayor's fridge so went and bought 10 beats since I had some daylight left after that I went and collected all the hardwood around my farm and around the map since I I hope I've been doing this every day I feel like I haven't because I'm way too forgetful for that but you 100 need to be collecting it every day if you're watching this you aren't collected every day you should be kind of been slacking in that department after watching the generals repair the bridge unlocking me the Quarry I realized that collecting that hardwood had actually pushed me over to level and foraging meaning that all that perk is so strong the Iridium would not be iridium quality day 86. after that I tried to buy auto collectors from Marnie but since it was Tuesday she would not go to her shop after that I collected my gold pickaxe and instantly upgraded it to iridium quality I had managed to collect enough iridium just by murdering slime so my serpent grind and since I had tons of money I decided to just pull the trigger then the skull Cavern ground continued I had it home around 8 to go bikes explosive ammo for my reels Caverns run coming up day 87 I didn't really do a whole lot of anything on day 87 besides buying two other collectors and farming rose gold Caverns day 88. today my days are closing down spots more coal for some preserved jobs for my pumpkins and I returned to skull caverns and actually let's get the red cabbage let's go I'm so sad I didn't show the chat reaction I bet chat was chat was spamming like crazy then I went to bed early I was not taking any risks day 89 on day 89 I cleared some of the Quarry thank God my golden then since I was near the mines and I needed bombs for a skull Cavern and I didn't have the first dwarf scroll so I couldn't buy them I decided to form a coal and iron for normal bonds I also made around 10 mega bombs just to be safe I also managed to get mining level 10 and decided to double my chances of finding coal Dana's worth yeah because like like I always say it's it's literally just way too expensive to buy Cole on Dean unless you're like a millionaire and I decided to feed my animals since I'd ran out of food sadly after that added over to skull caverns and started farming for combat level 10. so to this point I realized I was stupidly close to all level 10 skills I didn't manage to get it today but I made some really solid progress day 91 day 91 I finally bought the star drop from crovis and finally managed to catch the meat and carp then I grabbed some fishing boost food and when he caught the glacier fish took three tries to catch it but I did manage to get it around 8 o'clock then I just headed to bed day 92. I had some plans on day 92 but they were foiled by the Festival of ice at Mario's Ranch so I decided to take out my anger in the festival by ruining Elliot's Pam's and Willy's day and winning the competition then I was off to bed day 93 day 93 it was time for a real skull Caverns run I blocked Pam and managed to get to the desert at 9 30 9 40 ish and finishing on floor 170 with about 200 iridium I messed up a lot with slingshot usage but overall I was pretty happy with my first real run Day 94 on Day 94 I went and got the solar Essence for the Mr Chi Quest meaning I now had asked Mr Chi at the casino after that I accidentally crafted 20 furnaces instead of five then I went then head over to the caverns and managed to get combat level 10. with all skills level 10 I headed to bed happy day 95 on day 95 I headed down to the damn what are the Michael increase so much reach and finally managed kitten not lichelle so that meant the CC was basically finished after that I went and bought a Galaxy Amber since using a sword was bringing me pain after that since I'd already killed about 200-ish serpents I went and killed like 30 more for the Napalm ring day 96. on day 96 the deed was finally done I harvested my red cabbage seed and headed over the community center for the final donation after enjoying the cutscene I had it over the mound for some copper since I used all of mines on furnaces by accident day 97 on day 97 I used some of my batteries in Gold to make iridium sprinkler finally phasing I always forget just just how much more space efficient the original sprinklers are until I actually get them and I'm like that place my old clothes I was going to use some of my quality ones but also use my iridium ones depending on how many crops I planted just to clear this big clump of trees that were really annoying me after that I went to the community that is an annoying one this afternoon watch Peter beat the hell out of Morris then I headed to bed on day 98 since I'd watch the community center cutscene Willie sent me a letter this meant that I would be spending my last two days on the island I instantly repaired the boat using iridium at last one day actually and the 200 hardwood I've been saving up over time then since I had some daylight I went in front bugs on floor 20 for an ancient seat I got one in less than two hours why didn't I do this earlier also the strategy is so good everyone needs to be doing I get to take way longer but it was actually super quick if I'd known it was gonna be so fast I should have done it way earlier day 99 on day 99 I grabbed everything I needed and head over to the island as soon as I could I brought everything I thought I would need but I sadly forgot my Prismatic shards so that was a bit annoying I had a super productive birthday and since I wanted to start enchanting as soon as possible I rushed the volcano and managed to beat it the first day the first thing God I hit the super thing I sadly got efficient and not switched oh after that I tried to get enough ball notes to unlock the farm but it sadly failed so I still back to my main Farm day 100 day 100 on day 100 I unlocked the farm area and cleared most of it also collecting another 10 wallets to unlock my house I also set up a coffee bean farm with quality sprinklers then I I realized this is uh 200 days of stardew Valley so I recorded this pretty soon after 100 days like not not right away I think I took a little bit of a break but I got back into it pretty much right away so I'm still pretty much about the same skill level so it's kind of a fair comparison let's start today my first big objective was to collect a ton of Cinder shards ended the day with about 80 of them and used some of them to enchant my hammer getting my Artful my very first try which that's really lucky normally I burn through a lot more um Prismatic shards I'm really unlucky with Artful I'm normally decent with like uh tool enchantments but Artful evades me big time and I don't know why because it's very strong enchantment main reason I want R4 is because it has my ability cool down let me do my combo more the main reason you said I like there's other reasons that's literally the only reason it's the only thing it does what am I talking about often after that I planted some pineapple it's my sprinklers were just sitting idle then I headed off to bed day 102 on day 102 I cleared the volcano dungeon again and then since I had enough walnuts I opened the Quarry free Professor snail with the mega bomb and wow a mushroom cave now I have a mushroom cave and a fruit bat cave that that's incredible extremely subtle passive aggressive remarks at people who choose the mushroom cave no but seriously you literally there are mushroom floors you get a mushroom cave here look I I I don't know why you would get the mushroom Cape I I literally don't get it but I digress I'll stop harping on that now that my passive aggressive remarks against the mushroom cave are over I decided to collect some more golden walnuts then planted some pineapple seeds I got day 103 day 103 I headed back to my farm and did some chores like getting the bug guts Quest finished and restocking my jars that Quest is so fun I love farming bugs they make a very satisfying noise when killed to open some artifact I'd gotten but sadly Clinton was away at the community center after that so stupid I feel like God it's so stupid that shopkeepers can just like no I guess it's fair it's a mechanic I know I won't complain about that I was gonna say it's annoying that shopkeepers like can leave but it's it's fair I don't know I cleared the volcano again too many Cinder shards can never hurt after that I just passed out Day 104. Day 104 I cleared the volcano once more then I chatted my pickaxe and managed to get Swift mostly did my ax and it can be powerful mean I basically had an aridia Max which was kind of nice I guess you guess that's super nice dude it's 25k go oh wait I'm really rich why don't I just getting a really Max what am I doing after that I went back to the town and killed a couple bugs for the quest I had grabbed then passed out Day 105. Day 105 I did some Farm Shores and crafted seed makers for ginger Island my plan was to fill it with strawberries cranberries and blueberries well awaited my ancient fruit to be ready took all day but by the end I was good to go why blueberries if I literally have Cranberries or do I just not have enough I must not have enough because cranberries disobjectively make more money per day so I don't know what I'm on about so why didn't I plant them all this so unsatisfying you know I literally do have enough why don't I just plant some random ass blueberries like here what am I doing 106. day 106 I finished up the last of my cranberry planting then cleared the volcano again I'd also grabbed three rubies from my chest on the mainland so I added them to my hammer almost the Ultimate Weapon this is the weapon I always used to uh because it does a lot of damage unanimation council with it it's just the best weapon by far using my damage a ton day 107 day 107 I quickly farmed some coal and opened my artifact Rose and managed to get a banana sapling this was super nice because I wouldn't have to buy the trader you make it the island Obelisk sooner after that I cleared the volcano again then I was off to bed day one you didn't go to bed you passed out you liar no wait on day of 108 the footage is briefly messed up since I accidentally moved stardo and OBS but tldr I failed the crystal puzzle got some more artifacts managed to bug me why did I slur saying that so much also I'm proud I used to always think I had a terrible memory and I I do to be to to be fair but the thing is um I actually am skilled enough to do that puzzle it does take me like five to ten tries but it's something okay I'm I'm gonna take that I don't have to like record and look back now which was kind of embarrassing I actually have to do that Quest then I headed to bed day 109 day 109 I headed over to the winter festival and gave a gift to Leia it was super lucky because I actually planned to marry her and this bedded up a ton after that the day was pretty much cool so I did some drawers then I headed to bed day 110 on day 110 I collected my reward from the book a lot of books the island after that I cleared some of the island and started the sailor's wife Quest day 111 on day 111 I planted a ton of Tierra tubers so I could trade them for far more totems good call I actually I didn't realize this for the longest time but yeah you should totally just grow some random ass Tara tubers if you got nothing else because yeah you can totally trade them for so many um so many warp totems it's actually amazing let's find the casino but I really don't want to do that after that I headed home briefly did some chores and then as I arrived Back to the Island I noticed a bubble spot so I decided to fish there until I got all five golden walnuts from fishing since I was missing a few of them it takes like two seconds after that I fixed up the hotel and started checking out the fire Earth's cave I was getting close-ish to the Walnut Room but I was still always off after that I cleared the volcano then headed to bed day 112 on day 112 I went and Enchanted my fishing rod and managed to get master on it which was kind of nice honestly I don't I literally don't care about master sure you get like one more level but like who cares if you're getting if you're at this point you probably already caught most of the fish if not all although I suck and catch them all so I definitely haven't so it might be useful for me I would take Auto hook any day of the week 100 over Master after that I harvested my Ginger Island Farm then prepared my Greenhouse a bit more I also started seed making strawberries for spring day 113 day one is spring babe I still haven't upgraded my hoe that is so stupid instead of preparing the land ASAP with only a quick break to buy some potatoes after that I hold all day and manage to plant some with a little bit of time left over but decided I didn't hate myself so I didn't water them all day 114 one day wait wow yeah I did not do that many strawberries a little bit of time left over I decided I didn't hate myself so I didn't water them all day 114. oh my God the quality why does it look so bad Monday 114. because the crops I was planting was probably going to make me more money than the cost of coffee so I could just use it to buy that you know I was butterflame myself for saying bro you don't plan coffee to make money but that's probably true in real life or just don't drink coffee like me because I'm cool I'm better than you for not drinking coffee by the way just you know just kidding Lea some salad and cleaned up the bottom of my farm since it was a bit out of control then I was off to bed day 115 day 115 was a lot of running around since I decided I wanted to complete the island old lady quest after finishing that I couldn't even collect my words since it was raining so she wasn't outside of her Hut after that I did some I wasn't so scared of the rain dude stand outside all day birming then slept Day 116. first thing I did on day 116 was to collect my golden walnuts from the old lady since I now had enough I bought the trailer so I could buy my warp totems then I cleared the volcano again and failed it darts in the Pirate Cove and ran home to bed in shame day 117. I did some ginger ale and chores then headed home and placed more sprinklers to maximize potato profits after that I fire him for some more ancient seed for funsies then headed to bed for funsies this guy just kidding I still say fonzies I'm not gonna lie day 118 day 118 I decided I was gonna do a no slingshot run to see how good I was with that very good with me getting a ton of secret notes and ending with eight Prismatic shirts for a non-sling shot run holy smokes my luck was dialed the ass in one day and the beginning of my skull Cavern grind days day 119. I harvested my crops on Ginger Island and headed over to the forge and started enchanting all my geek got Swift on my hoe and bottomless on my water again I did have one more shirt but didn't want to risk getting efficient so I stuck with bottomless on my watering can I after that the tarotuber Empire continued to grow then I was off to bed day 120 on day one oh my God what what is going on I recorded this raid after I woke up 100 funny I grabbed the potato harvesting and selling Quest then harvested and sold my potatoes for some bonus money from the quest I started to Chuck the potatoes in my jar simply because they were just sitting idle otherwise I normally wouldn't do this but it's better than nothing I guess it is better than nothing if I had nothing else going I would do this too sure it's like not the most optimal but it's not that for that accidentally ran over to Ginger Island and got some extra strawberry seeds then filled the rest with potatoes after that I made a ton more quality sprinklers for the island day 121 after that I grabbed my fishing food I got ages ago from the community center instead of trying for the legend fish I got it but then I accidentally ate it uh don't ask how just blame my stream okay after I started the day I caught it again I don't show the clip what I want to see a cliently completely catching every Legend Fish Man uh for my day was ruined maybe someone like one of my fans posted a clip on a YouTube let me say nope that sucks because all of them are gold except for one so it kind of ruined my life but other than that I was happy you ruined your life the islands I just messed around until I passed out day 122 day 122 started with me harvesting some cranberries then heading home to my farm and briefly attempting to make my farm look nice and then giving up and harvesting my strawberries I I do this way too often like I start and then I give up and just like there's like pads on like one part of my farm and there's nothing else after that I was feeling a little generous so I collected my fruit berries from the cave try doing this mushroom cave users fact they just wandered around and gave anyone I saw a berry since their Universal likes and all the radio in quality after that I drove myself insane with some Bruno Mars then headed home to sleep day one 23 day one 23 I collected some potatoes I planted late grabbed an ancient fruit from my plant and seed maker didn't planted it after that I cleared my Greenhouse of cranberries and strawberries then fully speed growed it since I wanted my ancient fruit Empire sooner rather than later I also plan to put some Meridian sprinklers after that I got some garlic seeds for the Frog fella on Ginger Island then I farmed for gold till I passed out day 124 since today was a decent luck day I was off to school Caverns it went pretty well with me getting up around floor 150 my main goal with these runs was gather a lot of ore bro I'll get a luck ring am I gonna mention that have some fun and work on Monster eradication goals I also managed she had a lucky ring so that was pretty that's huge they won 25 let's go I had an itch for murder on day 125 so I killed bugs to the egg Festival to try to get more ancient seeds the Egg Hunt went well for me with me climbing my victory with 12 eggs I also still look yeah I get the two day 126 today I got all my crop then headed to the bus fella to get the look I don't know if I'd have the patience to like replant all those potatoes but I mean I I guess it's probably smarter but I'm going off the laziness which is actually no no it's not what you should do yeah no plant potatoes 100 don't waste all the sprinklers what are you what am I talking about I also decided I was gonna do a lucky ring and iridium band combo then swap that on and off with my espresso and a ready ring combo as needed I did that then dealt with my crops on Ginger Island before heading to bed day 127 day 127 was a day of wood I collected all my trees in the train station then spent the entire rest of the day covering the desert with seeds you might think this is a waste of a day but who is gonna say that what is so unfathomably useful you never have enough wood wood is underrated this day I did some more skull Caverns casually trying to get the floor 100 for the bonus Health sadly I did not quite reach it today I was only a couple floors off though damn 129 oh I did it today I tried again and did it the extra 25 Health would make it much harder to die to slimes Day 130. Day 130 was that's an old channel name I used to die to Slimes like all the time because I suck not too cracked so the meme kind of died which is kind of sad actually another thing about it we need some new channel memes maybe I should stream more huh yeah probably really just honestly called Cavern streak so I headed it back again day 131 day 131 actually ran out of potatoes to replant so it went and bought some more after that I crafted some tree fertilizers and started speeding up my oak trees I also had another plan to the desert I was going to turn it into a cake Farm the school Cavern runs provide the ironing copper the trees the wood and the oak trees the fertilizer just beat it up for my sanity I am I'm I'm I'm pretty entrepreneur Sigma brain right here this is a smart play actually after that it checked the traveling card so I could get the star drop from the dude Forest day 132. I normally rust Rush that start around it's really easy to get I don't know why I haven't done that that's weird I guess I probably just forgot I didn't do it during fall so it's I guess I just have to wait all around but no I literally have a greenhouse why didn't I do it yeah whatever but yeah Rush star drops are so good they cover as many towels as I could with the sprinklers which led to this I guess it's better than nothing that is not the worst after that I merged so far because it was like day 133 on day 133 I grabbed my Jade and treated it all for staircases this is a great strategy you already know about it but yeah just crystallarium Jades you can get a bunch of staircases and then like you're just like you just win at life like permanently forever which is cool because winning is cool yeah it's pretty cool cool burn deck series called Cavern run after that I bought some Cola made a bunch into preserve jars after that I upgraded my Hoda cop oh my God I thought I was gonna turn the bus stop into my preserve jar Empire day 134 day 134 I cleared the volcano then grabbed all my territubers and got some more warp token after that I chilled with some more Sprinklers and sure day 135 day 135 I put a bunch of tappers in my oak trees that had grown then did some more volcano runs day 136 I deforested the ginger Islands then accidentally went to the flower dance and just stood in the corner awkwardly day one that sucks I do that all the time freak marrying people 137 I had it over to the desert and put some more tappers on my oak trees after that I did some chill skull Caverns day 138 I grabbed my last potato Harvest on day 138 and finalized my sprinkler plan for summer after that I just did some chores then headed to bed day 139 oh the quality the 139 crops made another agency and farmed Some Coal I also accidentally completed the back killing Quest goal after that I cracked open the three golden coconuts I've been saving and got the golden coconut hat which was pretty sick that I headed over the desert and chopped down some mahogany trees that had just been growing and bought some star fruit for the greenhouse so the spaces wouldn't just be idled while I waited for more ancient yeah this is a good call I feel like it's generally pretty stupid to just have nothing sitting in your Greenhouse so like even just even something is pretty smart to have going yeah I I agree this is smart proof after that I deforested little and respect my forging so I can get more woods from tree temporarily day 140 day 140 I headed over the community center and planted a ton of trees we'll wait it for 12 o'clock okay get my Juniper guy after that let's go I bought some spaghetti so we can make friends with Robin yeah if you didn't know on the 28th of any season headed for that bush in exactly 12 p.m you'll get yourself a nice little stuffy okay complete the puzzle and ginger on the mermaid then I went and bought some trees from the traveling cart since since they're cheaper from the store and I may as well have them going for gifts after that I was off to bed day 141 I started the hoe and grind even if only copper and Swift it was a pain there was no I have Enchanted my Hoda Swift but haven't upgraded to iron Jesus no chance I was gonna be able to get it done with them gold what am I doing entire bank balance on 999 star fruit seeds there's no chance I was gonna water it so I had it to bed my summer profit's safe and sound day 142 day 142 I refilled my jam and grabbed some Oak resin and chopped tree then I just mine till I passed out day 143 day 143 I was back to the mines I was collecting iron copper and Omni geodes since I needed all three fruit cake and the fancy color changing hat day 144 day 140. that hat is still the best Shout out the color changing hand when I'm not bald I wear that before was the first real school Caverns right I decided to buy a magic rock candy and it paid off let's just say I instantly went down to around floor 40 using staircases then started the run I ended the day with 18 Prismatic shirts 750 already more a auto Putter and tons of other handy goodies day 145 on day 145 I had a few more ancient fruit to add to my Empire and another Harvest of jam bringing me even closer to the 1 million I needed for the island or totem after that I did some Island tours and prepared other crops the Frog wanted I also cleared the Dig set so when I get the bone Quest I'm ready after that I failed the memory Quest and rage quit day 146. I'm real for that Giga Chad 146 I sat at my cake farm and kept farming for the Savage ring if you're wondering what the Savage ring does basically it gives you a speed boost every time you kill a monster for a couple seconds my plan was to swap it under Dolphins skull Caverns whatever I kill a month day 146. I'm normally too lazy to do this but it's actually really smart because like some like sometimes you want to use the burglars ring on something but you don't want to take like you don't want to have the burglars ring on always or the coffee ring because it's nice to get some extra coffee so just like quickly popping up your inventory and chucking on a ring is really easy to do and it's like really helpful so yeah underrated I'm normally too lazy to do it though day 147 I kept firing her this afternoon this was easily one of the most annoying grinds I've done so far since the enemy spawn so rarely I also accidentally ate some red mushrooms and killed myself there's no way I did that 147 to an abrupt end day 148 day 148 so Jesus wait what what the hell are these time stamps that I put these here like drunk did YouTube like Auto generate these one I got a couple ranges here I also gave Leah another salad then I refilled my jars again then I bought some Wheaties for the island and dropped down some trees in my desert day 149 day 149 I did some more school Caverns day 150 day 150 I expanded my Quarry cake farm and got my hole up another level I also got a nicely a cutscene day 151 I grabbed a magic Rock I need and got some underrated magic rock candy always pays off if you're decent as gold Caverns like me I'm cracked I always make it back but yeah it's worth I would pretty much always buy it honestly if you have to charge just lying around friendship from the luau day 152. today I used yesterday's magical rock candy and tried for another skull Caverns run was worse than my first one but still decent it got 10 percentage shards and around 500 iridium day 153 day 153 I planted some more ancient seeds then did some general Farm maintenance like dropping trees and more day one I love chopping trees it's just so fun and you get Farming oh my God it's it's the goat for real for real 154. I harvested some of my starboard on day 154 then Vibe with some cover day 155 today I got the rest of my starfruit then replanted some of them just chilled with a bit of fishing day I'm chilling a lot lately you never wanted children of path you want to grind you'd be safe 156. today I cleaned up my farm by moving some chest and use them that looks so much worse than the old one a bunch of paths to clean up the look it's decent but I think I can make it look a lot actually no the old one looked bars no matter day 157 I mined a little then filled some Goods around my farm why am I using two different types of pads what is wrong with me like Kegs and furnaces other than that the day was pretty empty day 158 day 158 I got some more trash I managed to catch two Lobby Wheels which was cool after that and one day those things are kind of hard but I also have literally Max fishing gear including a master fishing rod but you know gonna do a little little bragging down for profit the trash Quest was also a breeze with the lava floor method so that's only a 50 energy that sucks what that was nice day 159 day 159 I finally made the ginger ale and Frog happy I got the rest of the golden walnuts leaving me only five walnuts off oh let's finish the memory puzzle I got the last two ones around the island letting me unlock the Walnut Room both of these quests were super annoying the Wonder Room is really funny so I decided not to do them but when I could I was pumped Day 160. Day 160 I organized my Island chest they did a volcano run day 161 today I bought some star fruit seeds while collecting my Oak resin entered all of The Cranberries from Ginger Island because I wanted to plant starfruit instead by the time I finished it was late and I headed off the bed day 162. today it was Monday so I grabbed the Mr key legend fish and started getting them all it took all day but I actually managed to pull it off which was very nice and don't you have two days that's a surprise to me that is impressive I also got a cake which is very nice money-wise day 163 it was my eye roll birthday today I recorded day 163 so I celebrated with a little bit of skull Caverns day 164. today could we get a happy belated birthday in the comments please I decided I was finally going to treat my animals right so I bought some hay and filled the empty spaces in my barn I also made 150 fiber seeds for some reason and planted them I guess because because I'd never used them before day 165 more Caverns on day once I shall never use Fiber seeds I forgot about those things 65 day 166. I farmed for the Savage ring all day on day 166 pain day 167 I grabbed the last few my starfruit on day 167 and planted a few more ancient seeds after that I farmed more Ores Android Spirits before going and finishing the Wizard's Quest letting me build some tuna Lots all over the farm which was very convenient for crop harvesting day 168 I was painfully close to finishing the void Spirit grind so I powered through and managed to finish it after that I chilled with some Junior McCart until late yo I can I haven't played Junior car in a while 169. day 169 was the start of the Fall so I still got I finally have a gold Hollow but I'm using a terribly let's go I heard it by hoeing all the ground I could then I filled it with pumpkins you would have had time to water that if you haven't used your stupid hole like a dumbass and done five by ones instead of three by threes a lot easier thanks to the goldtoe but iridium definitely would have been the play sadly I was short on time and I couldn't upgrade it before fall started but gold was better than nothing day 170. you didn't and use it bro today I chickened out and took the legendary fish Quest instead of the 50 Cape once in general card endless mode I managed to get the son of crimson fish which was a decent start but way worse Pace than my last one day 171 day 171 I collected all of the ingredients for the island workout and spent my last 1000 gold on a trip to the island to get my dragon team my last 1000 I literally have one mill in the bank on my own building myself oh wait I got one upside never mind ignore me day 172. today I finished getting all the legend fish I need the legend fish too because you know I don't know like I wanted to I guess after that I did work it was playing homage to me eating my Legend fish last time cartoon about car day 173 we're getting super close to the ancient fruit goal in the greenhouse and more seeds did nothing but help that today also finally beat Juniper I mean I could get my very own arcade cabinet meaning I could play more tunama card wow this is a pretty tale reward I'm not thinking about it day 174 even though I completed Juniper card I I kept playing what's wrong with me I also went and gamble you can probably guess how I did that time of professional Gambler turned 50 into 40 million then promptly lost it all actual one of the most badass people of all day 175 today I began my quest to complete the missing bug that's a cool looking fish holes so I got the gold quality fish and the Prismatic Shard other than that I just ran over all around the map kind of just doing a whole lot of nothing day 176 I cleared the forest once again and grabbed the cree quest to get four Prismatic shards let's just say I had a few lying around it it was not very difficult to complete pretty much 18 but just free gems they're just they're just giving them away at this point day 177 today we have a bit of a throwback and I did the volcano again then just fished and messed around for a while day 178 this day I opened some golden coconuts and got two banana saplings which is pretty crazy at least for me since I never get them normally after that I I cleared the volcano again yeah yeah I do a lot of that I know more fishing Cinder shards always come in handy I I cleared as much as I want or as much as I can well I mean sometimes I just like to make fun little ring combos but yeah I would I would recommend clearing it as much you can it's really useful for sure yeah and chilling on 179 then checked out there is no way I cut that in that is actually unbelievable that is so funny The Omelette from the egg Quest I did earlier then more beautiful cart because of course man come on at this point you just know that's happening day 180. the first objective today was to get a seller so I went and bought that then just fished for a while day 181 today since it was Abigail's birthday I decided to hunt her down and give her an amethyst then I donated a couple more things to the missing bundle getting even closer to the movie theater day 182. since I placed on a few more cakes I filled them with star fruit and got some more profit I also played the two-player Prairie game which actually really cool I honestly really wish they would add this fully into the game they finally had a multiplayer breaking there's a mod that came out I can't wait to try it honestly I think it's gonna be super fun because it would make prairie king way more tolerable in my opinion day 183 since it was Monday we had a bunch more quests so I grabbed Keys hungry Challenge and gave that a try it's not super hard but harder than I expected to be honest these minimal ladders till I got low HP then just rushed all the way down to floor 100. I also grabbed my pumpkin harvest day 184. it was the day of the on day 184 so I got a bunch of things quickly then headed over and won the fair I thought I was gonna yellow all my points and it went about as well as you would guess day 185 with my points from the key Quest I finally managed to get the horse whistle it's the most underrated item of all time I actually love it it's so strong it makes my life so much easier it's basically just like permanent movement buff I don't just Vibe the rest of the day gifting people more stuff day 186 since it was Thursday I grabbed my magic raw candy I was gonna do a run but it's only neutral luck so I decided not to I also bought the furniture catalog and made this I don't know either man just kidding it is amazing if you hate it you are dumb yeah I'm saying it day 187 it was a Max lockdown day 187 so I headed to the mines I am struggling there what the hell am I doing with that slingshot my magic rock candy got 10 Prismatic shards and a couple hundred iridium which was pretty good progress day 188 day 188 I drive my best to catch the 10 Sunfish for a quest I picked up but I failed also just did some general money making chores that's a lot of sunfish damn I don't remember ever seeing a quest like that that's weird must be like Quest board or something day 189 today I decided I was going to serve smoking my 4 000 dish iridium I decided I was maybe going to do a last push for the return scepter day 190 was pretty empty just getting some basic stuff done day 191 why did I sound like I was talking across the room bro or smelting on day 191 also made a dino hat my character's so cute now also got my fairy roses I planted a few days ago let me get my silver wine for the missing bundle so I've got a nice cutscene I've way under utilized the movie theater I I don't don't sleep on it guys okay just just don't sleep on it got it it's really strong it's really strong my star fruit wine more than half a million gold getting very close to return scepter day 192. today I decided I would sell my stockpile of crops save for kegging and jarring on day 192. since I wouldn't have enough time to do them all I brought me even closer to the return scepter after that I went and grabbed the dangerous mine quest and started clearing it this is my favorite keycross by far it's just so fun to do it is really fun I love this Quest the hammer combo is so satisfying on the levels with the spiders and the mushrooms I didn't quite finish it in time but I made some good progress day 193. I finished off the mines Quest today even if it was only barely I finished it at like 1 50 am so that was more key gems for me day 194 I smelted more iridium then headed over the island and decided to get a Galaxy Soul if I got lucky with quests I could get in Infinity M which would be fun to fly because I went to the movies with Leah to get even closer to marrying smart I should just weigh more dude I never do this when I'm trying to make friends it's really dumb I don't know why I done her day 195. I started getting through my stockpile of stuff today like eggs milk Etc then just played some Junior Walker until late day 196 today I bought the return scepter so that was cool and a very cool cool objective completed in my opinion not not many people have that year too okay well people do but like I'm still trafficking lots of people out of here too but it is still pretty good after that I just did a quick fishing Quest day 197 day 197 I got the dangerous skull Caverns Quest I didn't get it done today unfortunately because it was already 3 P.M so I just I just wouldn't have time to get down that far I probably could but I suck or I might have but I didn't want to risk it this is probably my second favorite Quest simply because the mines are very difficult get some cool gear and uh the monsters take a couple more Hammer combos which is annoying but also a bit more of a challenge day 198 I grabbed all my gear in day 198 and started heading out my Pace was pretty terrible but I made it in the end I also got two red cabbage seats two of them also I need to mention something I'm not gonna be able to marry Leah I had 10 hearts with her I just needed the pendants so I needed it to rain it didn't rain and fall so I used to rain totem twice in winter and it didn't work both times I'm very frustrated because I'm 95 sure it should work in Winter and I I don't know why it's not working so kind of unfortunate that I failed that part but uh what can you do I guess day 200. I freaking suck dude I'm way better now
Channel: Waligug
Views: 137,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: raRFF_4Bo4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 43sec (5203 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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