my 1,700 hour journey to 100% stardew valley

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every game nowadays comes with a laundry list of goals for you to aim for so you can get a nice little number taken up slowly and hit that platinum trophy or just this kind of like star banner thing if you're on Steam kind of underwhelming and Well stardew Valley is no different if you aren't familiar with them let me give you a quick rundown of them there are 40 total achievements on Steam these five are money related these ones you need to fish for you gotta craft items for these two cook for these couple of ones just kind of play the game for these ones make friends with the Villagers for these half dozen and these ones are just kind of random and don't really fit into any category now you might have noticed I'm missing three I'm only at 37 out of 40. well this is my full journey to get the remaining ones starting with crafting every item of the game all right here is the plan so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna pull up my crafting menu I'm on full screen capture right now we're going to open up the stardew valley Wiki can I just make it fit then we're gonna head over to crafting I'm gonna go through here and compare and see what recipes we are missing okay so the first thing we're missing is the deluxe scarecrow we're gonna open that up okay I'm not gonna lie it's really confusing like seeing which one it is when it's all slightly off center so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna figure out how to get this Deluxe scarecrow all right so I know the deluxe scarecrow you need one of every scarecrow or one of every rare Crow rather the question is which ones do we have and which ones do we not have Okay so I'm relatively confident that I've gotten this one I'm also probably confident I've gone this one I don't think I've gotten the casino one though so I'm gonna go ahead and run over to the casino and uh get that one out seem to have misplaced my coffee so I gotta find that unfortunately enough it seems like it's M.I.A so I guess I'm just gonna have to use this horse oh wait no one am I doing I literally have a thing that teleports me to the desert immediately oh my goodness it's not open until nine you're kidding all right I'm gonna do a little bit more research I think I also do need to get something from the flower dance anyways so I'll do that and I've definitely gotten seven and eight a hundred percent so I'm not confident I've gotten because this one I'm also not confident I've gone this one so I'll go ahead and get the casino one and then go buy that one from the dwarf or sleep a couple of days and then see if I've got it okay it's finally nine all right now what we could do is just go in here and buy enough but I think I'm gonna start with 100 coins and see where they're get that gets us and if we fail miserably we'll just buy him okay good start already up to 500. okay that's 200 but we are in a little bit of trouble now all right our last bet [Music] okay I guess we'll just buy it then because gambling didn't really go our way actually no you know what I'm gonna keep going you know what they always say you're just like 90 of gamblers quit before they get their big win so maybe I'm just a couple spins away from a star drop okay the game's trolling me okay we're back to zero you know guys maybe maybe gambling's Bad come on oh oh um I guess we can buy this scarecrow now holy smokes I just realized I'm recording in the wrong setting the whole time but holy smokes I'm gonna be honest with you guys I do not know the chance of that happening but um awesome dude let's buy two rare crows you know what a Splurge we'll buy top hat too just to kind of celebrate okay so that's one of them down now next we are gonna need to go buy from that dwarf and dwarf is pretty easy to find so we'll just run over to him really quickly thank you for the Red Cross sir we'll buy two just to support local businesses and now the question is is that all of them the answer is probably no however I do need to go through my mailbox really quickly right now we just gotta do a little bit huh how many years of mail buildup do we have we have at least a thousand days of mail built up so you know maybe this can take me a little bit longer than I thought uh to empty all this I just sold a million dollars worth of Mega bombs holy smokes okay finally it's empty did we get the recipe we did not get the recipe okay I'm praying those were the two scarecrows we needed but if not then we're gonna have to go on a mission to just get every single other scarecrow just to be safe and I don't really want to do that but I will do it if I must I'm just gonna sleep like three days because that gives us like a 0.001 chance for the Scarecrow did not show up if we do in fact have all of them okay we definitely don't have them all okay I'm gonna see you guys in a lot of sleep I wonder if Alex is confused why I'm sleeping for like dozens of days at a time he doesn't really seem to care it's just kind of gonna continue it on with his regular life fair enough man I just realized I was on brand autopilot and slept through the fair like a complete idiot so I'm gonna have to sleep all the way around again I I'm gonna cry okay I think I'm getting close so I'm gonna double check the date wait what am I even doing no no I need the flower dance not the strawberry thingy what am I saying okay the 24th of each spring I have plenty of time all right here's the man of the hour he is going to sell us I mean I may as well buy that recipe I'll need it later and buy myself a rare Crow and I guess I'll dance with someone I'll dance with everyone's favorite blonde actually it's it's kind of awkward that I like I'm dancing with a random girl and my husband Alex is literally here I'm sure it doesn't mind oh my gosh I don't have the music on so it's just like silent and awkward yeah that was so fun just sitting in silence awesome okay that's one of them down now we just need to sleep till the fair okay so before we can get this rare Crow we're gonna have to do a couple of challenges so first things first let's just nail the strength challenge first try a little bit short come on all right boom we have one token now what we're actually gonna do is go over here and boom I got two thousand I don't know why I got two thousand specifically I only need 800 but it's just kind of like instinct oh we'll grab a fedora too we gotta update the drip and honestly that that is literally all I want that was a super fun fair guys thanks for coming all right now it's just a couple of days to the spirits Eve where we can get another one I'm sorry that was way too long to wait for literally 15 seconds all right now we just need to wait until the festival I slept through the Festival of eyes why didn't I go to the Festival of ice when I was in Winter I'm actually one of the dumbest people of all times it's fine I'm like eight days away from it but oh no no oh my God I just slept through it I am just I'm I I'm okie dokie give me the goddamn scarecrow right now respectfully so holy smokes this pig is dripped the hell out holy smoke that's incredible smash subscribe if this pair and me are the ultimate Duo all right how do I leave get me out of here I do not want a fish please don't make me fish oh I have to fish okay fine I'll dominate the ice contest with relative ease my um I I definitely won the the competition okay I think that's all of them I can't really think like I I know I've literally gotten all of them I I've literally gotten all of them so there is just not even a chance that I will not walk outside open my mailbox and see the recipe immediately there is simply not a chance yes okay thank God I'll take that iron bar too thank you Clint okay what do we need that's easy I will get that stuff why seriously not have any fiber how do I not have any fiber what the heck could I possibly have spent on my fiber on I mean it's no biggie I guess I can just run down to the sewers and go to the bug place and chop up a bunch all right within the swamp we will craft ourselves a deluxe scarecrow okay I know I I see we're missing something oh I know all right we have to make a trip over to Ginger Island I was correct and we don't have enough key gems we only have 33. okay I'll just go ahead and buy that please tell me we have easy quests oh okay that's fine I will go find some staircases now we get to have lots of fun and hold the right click button on my mouse I am going to lose my mind I just died holy smokes I'm trolling I didn't lose the 99 staircase since okay in my defense I was like wait where's my food where's my food where's my food and then I realized I forgot to bring food I mean well right here we'll just go ahead okay let's go do that again except not fail miserable okay there we go and we got the darker cowboy hat no idea why I'm speaking this actually I'm sorry guys okay 35 and we need to get 100 of that that am I gonna be able to do that I definitely know I'm not gonna be able to do this I'm gonna go sleep for another week wow these also still suck okay I'm gonna see if I can do this one surely I'll be able to do this okay so it took a little bit but this is what I've gathered okay this is things that the wiki said would work I did not have enough blue items I was too ancient for a short I really should have just counted I just assumed it was enough I'm not gonna lie to you guys here's your two ancient fruit I really hope you enjoy these and they're just like you know so much like better than all these 98 other ones I literally just gave you I hope you have so much fun and that's just like awesome and cool for you man okay sorry guys um Hopper recipe acquired let's go okay I'm missing the desert totem recipe with which I have no idea how to get so I'm just gonna the desert Trader for 10 iridium bars okay that's pretty easy I can probably do that pretty quick here I should probably swap My Scene again okay give me that okay I am missing the jack-o-lantern if I have to sleep until fall I'm gonna cry I have to sleep until fall how did I not notice this I I actually just don't understand okay I got it I'm gonna wait here just in case there's something else I need man like I think I'm just dumb honestly straight up yeah I'm missing a path where do I get this from sold by the dwarf okay hopefully you haven't been having more fun hanging out with your dwarf buddies weathered floor required okay now I'm missing so many things it's not even funny where do I buy all this stuff from I'm missing all these random like cups where the heck do I buy these surely I don't have to craft them like no I actually wear these where are these where these come from from the oh my god you're kidding I have to go there on eight separate days you have got to be trolling me are you yanking my chain okay man it's fine don't braise your Barrel Brazier stump Frazier gold Brazier carved brazier it's gold Brazier and the marble Brazier holy smokes finally surely that is everything surely that is everything okay this page is good okay I'm missing a couple of things what am I missing the amount of pain I'm in right now is undescribable I have to go to the special orders part and individually check for either the cave Patrol Island ingredients and wait ostrich incubator I should have that oh I do have it never mind we're good okay we only have to check for two things okay you know maybe life's pretty good I have been sleeping for so long and I have not gotten a single Quest dude just get me out of here oh my God I found it I found it holy smokes I found it I found it okay huge massive let's freaking go okay what do we even have to do I haven't even looked at the quest what do I need to do oh okay okay that's not that hard I can do that I'm not even gonna lie to you guys I'm kind of just hoping I have like a hundred Terror Roots just like lying around somewhere that I can seed makeup because otherwise I I might actually be in trouble shortly okay that's two I can seed maker you thought you could hide from me can't how long do these take to grow 10 days dude what that is so long surely I got more of these These are actually all the ones I have how do I even get tarottubers apparently I can get them for bone fragments do I have any I do actually have bone fragments I think this actually still might not be enough though okay 25 short I'm just gonna run over to the archeology site and mine up a couple hopefully that'll be enough okay this place is overgrown kind of a shot of mega bomb though okey dokey 50 bone fragments we'll trade those in not a nice part about this Quest is that I do not I did not mean to hit my horse over the head of the hammer my bad horse I don't have to actually water these guys because they just grow next to rivers and there's thankfully a river on this Farm a little bit of ancient fruit is gonna have to go though I'm not even a lot of you oh wait I need to trade these in okie dokie unfortunately I think a couple of ancient fruit are gonna have to go which is fine because I have 35 million not gonna lie to you guys I never thought I would see the day where I am pickaxing ancient fruit in favor of tarottubers all stops are being pulled out I am destroying paths for these tarottubers okay that's a hundred harvested let's check this into the bin wow we're probably gonna get like 10 000 gold for our efforts that is so worth it let's go wow 13 000 gold that's amazing 5500 and I'm hoping I'm just gonna like sleep and then they'll mail me the recipe shortly I honestly don't even know what these quests work yes okay solar panel let's go next we just need the geode Crusher and we are two days away from being able to eat a new thing so I'm going to sleep until Monday I got it okay what do I need I need to kill 50 skeletons okay that's actually not even that bad I can do that yeah I'm not even a lot of you guys I do not know what floor is the best Florida Farm skeletons on I just know they spawn in the ice floor wait this might be more annoying than I thought oh it turns out I'm a complete idiot and skeletons spawn on floor like 70. I'm trolling oh yes I remember okay fine I'm a bozo the last skeleton that did not take as long as I thought it would okay I'm very glad that grind is done because that was kind of repetitive Alex has not left his bed while I've discolored well if I've just slaughtered 50 innocent creatures is that every item okay we have it let's go also it is kind of ironic Clint sends you the thing when it literally almost puts him out of business but it's okay okay are we done okay so it turns out we do need monster musk and I need to find a prismatic jelly and I've skipped that Quest so many times and I guarantee you now that I need it I am not going to be able to find it but it's fine we'll crack it out real quickly oh my God first try holy smokes okay um I mean I guess we're just gonna go to the desert and carefully run skull Caverns until I get it I have 220 explosive ammo I'm really hoping that's going to be enough I honestly don't even know how rare these Prismatic slimes are but hopefully not that rare okay honestly that that was probably not the best way to do it I'm just gonna go reset floors in the mines until I get it because that'll probably be fast oh my God is this it or is this just a yellow slime wait what a yellow slime of of genuinely never seen a slime that looks like that like on any floor let alone the early floors what okay that's kind of weird and also once again trolled me the problem is like they can't start spawning until you sleep so I'm just gonna sleep if that is actually the case I'm gonna be a little pissed because I just wasted 15 minutes but it's a it is okay life go on I think I'm actually starting to go insane I'm like hallucinating that these slimes are changing colors I think I'm crazy oh my God I'm not hallucinating holy smokes dude and I got two of them because of my burglar shrink dude it's just taunting me okay get me over the Wizards right now man you can probably tell how often I come over here by the amount of debris on the ground so much debris in fact I actually can't even fit my horse in it's fine though okay man you better adore this Prismatic jelly it better be your favorite thing of all time okay we have every recipe we just need to craft one of everything okay this might be the last item there also might not be it is not the last item okay what am I missing okay this might be the last item it is not the last time okay what am I missing okay this might be the last item oh my God I did it oh my God holy smokes that took way too long boom 38 out of 40. now the next one is kind of similar in like rough concept to the previous one but definitely harder I need to cook every single recipe in the game what makes this hard is that you need to collect the recipes from the queen of sauce a program on the television in stardew Valley these programs only show on certain days and if you miss a recipe you have to go all the way back around to get it this was probably the second most annoying achievement all right we are back on the farm for a little bit more Agony I'm missing some recipes and I need to find out what they are so I can fix it so I've done the classic scenario we're gonna go here we're on cooking oh God game it's broken what the heck that was kind of wait it doesn't let me go oh that's kind of annoying uh oh okay well it's fine wait what the what is going on sorry my computer just bugged out so hard okay we're having a little bit of a problem because I want it to be like this that way I can like see what that actual recipe is so I'm gonna try to kind of look maybe it's in order so I can see like okay so this is glazed yam so if I go glazed yams oh yes okay carp surprise okay carp surprise we need the carp surprise the tomka soup The Plum Pudding the fruit salad as well as the blackberry cobbler coleslaw a poppy seed muffin a shrimp cocktail mango sticky rice and that's it that is actually not that bad I'm not gonna lie to you guys however we still have many work ahead of us so I think our first objective is let's actually get all of these stuff so what I'm gonna do is do carp surprise oh my God it's alternating years this is going to be an absolute nightmare carp surprised what's on my car surprise rise then oh no we have to make friends with people who I thought I was friends with everyone am I not oh I'm not friends with Sandy okay so we're gonna have to become friends with Sandy that's fine that's not a problem okay so we'll ignore tomka soup we're gonna put it like here holy smokes it's always the seventh oh yeah because that's when we actually get the the recipe that makes sense actually in a red okay so we only have to make with friends with two people we need to make friends with Leo and with Sandy so that's not really that much of a problem but I think what we're gonna do is first thing first focus on the sleeping ones because they're way easier we're currently on winter fourth so what I'm gonna do is sleep until the seventh really quickly and then that way we can see if we're in the first year or the second year because as you can see we need to like some things are year one and some things are year two but one thing actually before that I changed my mind is I need to put all of these in order so year one winter seventh spring is before winter okay so these are all in order so let's just um okay it's the seventh queen of sauce Plum Pudding which means we're in year one okay awesome wait I already know how to Clump pudding wait what okay uh I already missed it up I actually needed artichoke dip not Plum Pudding so I'm a bozo so Plum Pudding gone artichoke dip I don't think that's a big problem though but we also know what we know we're in year one now so that's good okay everything back in order I'm just gonna double check and make sure I didn't mess anything up I think everything else is right I don't know how I made that mistake but and it seems kind of fitting that I'm gonna do all of my sleeping in this room because there's like infinite beds because of a bug that made me duplicate all of my pets so now I'm just gonna put a little space in between all this so I can actually like read it we need to sleep until I'm gonna sleep until summer 14th just to be safe I've already confused myself wait when was The Plum Pudding so I'm on winter year one so now I'm gonna go into year two and you sleep until the seventh of Summer okay that's easy surely I won't mess that up I am taking extreme care to not accidentally sleep through the day because I really don't want to have to go all the way around through another year just to be able to get one recipe I'm already holding the D key and spamming y for enough this video all right we are almost there I'm gonna be like hyper aware the next couple of days all right wait for it almost there what can I talk about for these next couple seconds um oh yeah I still have one more achievement to do after this factors that is not gonna be fun and let's just say there's even more after that sorry that was very rude of me editing while ago cutting in but let's just say there's another 100 completion tracker that has separate goals than steam 100 but you'll have to wait and see all right today should be the day assuming I'm not an idiot and mess something up okay huge all right carp surprise done I'm deleting it now we need oh wait no I should probably actually believe it I'll need to get down all the recipes too now we need to sleep uh 28 more days to fall seventh okay okay I had the artichoke thing Miss labeled but that doesn't actually change anything that's fine I'm gonna have to do the same amount of sleeping either way all right I'll see you in 28 days [Applause] wow very cool we got meteor I'm gonna go find that real quick we're putting sleeping on hold while my farm is gonna get even more overgrown if that was even possible okay this is kind of embarrassing I don't think I can stand for this give me a second oh hey I forgot about that I already had another uh meteor right here so guess we have two he has a friend now I'm also just gonna like cut a path to things I might possibly need in the future because trees are gonna spread like crazy right Alex I'm back actually no that TV is really large and annoying I'm going back to Ginger Island I'm not gonna lie Alex lives kind of a rough life he's just abandoned like 365 days of the year it's honestly kind of sad I'm a terrible husband actually no he's the problem he just he wants to be around me too much and it's just too much you know it's overwhelming you know what I think I've talked myself into getting a divorce I'm gonna do that soon okey dokey we are on the lovely day of fall 7th let's freaking go we're solid South fruit salad is done we're actually making solid progress I'm not gonna lie so now we have to do seven more days all right I'll do that real quick okay queen of sauce blackberry cobbler all right all right poppy seed muffin and shrimp cocktail not even that far away honestly just a couple more days of sleeping well one thing I didn't think about yeah I'm losing friendship with these people because I'm sleeping so much so I need to actually go gift them up kind of a bozo move to not do that okay what are they even like mangoes do I have any quality mangoes okay I know I have some trees planted in my Greenhouse but I don't know if they are the ones I need looks like I don't have any I mean do I have duck feathers no I've literally never gotten a duck feather in my life well this guy's gifts suck I might have to do something I don't want to do I might have to feed my animals because I have an ostrich but I don't know which bar in the ostrich is in so I'm gonna go check that out really quick then I'll feed that ostrich and hopefully that oh that's a terrible idea no how do you make this he gives you it do I have it unlocked okay sorry I'm just kind of scatterbrained I'm running like 15 ideas per second so I'm gonna go see if key seasoning would be nice because if I could get gold food that'd be huge however I do need more tarot roots oh man I don't think I have any I used the ball last time for that Quest oh wait I have 320 bone fragments okay that's fine all right we probably won't need this many actually honestly we might right we have eight gems that is oh it's too short you're kidding 50 000 points in general card endless mode I'm gonna maybe naively think I can do that uh Okay no Okay that was one tray I can I can do better good start but we are not at the hard part so okay now we are this whale is just 100 RNG and I am probably going to die on him oh I almost died there and there's two things up there that I can't get you're trolling me I don't want to speak too soon but oh my God okay we beat the way level wait this is actually winnable Focus up come on come on all right I have no commentary my brain is actually unbelievably focused right now this simply should not be this intense I just got a frame stutter oh my God you're okay you guys are gonna you guys are gonna call me on the comments but I swear to God I know it's the most stereotypical excuse ever but it lagged it lagged I'm gonna cry if that stutter doesn't show up in the recording okay you know what we don't even need that whatever right side quest over um but I am gonna grab the speed grow because why not okay that's probably enough planted I don't know exactly how fast they're gonna grow or like seven eight days I don't know if it's gonna because it's gonna be 25 off they take 10 days to grow it's gonna round up or down I'm gonna see what probably rounds up but that's fine because we have to sleep until the 28th anyway all right let's see if they're growing they are awesome okay okay so we have like this many tarottubers um I am I I actually really do think it's worth it to get the seasoning because it's just gonna increase how many friendship ones we get just like drastically so I'm gonna see if we have an easy Quest um all of them are honestly kind of a little bit annoying you know these do I have four Prismatic shards I'm just gonna hope I do oh are you kidding me do I actually have three oh my God thank God okay I have four let's go all right that was easy 48. we're gonna grab two things of key seasoning so if I understand correctly when I just cook dishes with these in my inventory the key seasoning it's gonna make them like gold quality and you know higher quality items give more friendship so it's gonna give me more friendship I don't even know if we're gonna need that many whatever ultimate 19. coleslaw is in the bag I repeat coleslaw's in the bag so now we just need to go all the way to fall that is going to be so fun let's go okay we got another meteorite I'm gonna go find that once again whoops I have my mods on oh my God they're all Landing right here we're gonna have like a collection of meteorites oh my goodness and we got a stone owl okay I need a I need a I need to find this guy once again oh here he is right next to the meteorite setup I will put him right here you can hang out with me while I sleep and thankfully I won't be sleeping for much longer because once I get to the 14th I am good to go then I just have to give people a ton second to last queen of sauce recipe down and I think that's the last one so now unless I'm blind we only need one thing wait what I thought we needed two what is after banana banana pudding unless I'm dumb I literally just need to make friends with Leo because I apparently have Sandy's recipe so okay I guess we just need to reach seven hearts with Leo now I'm not gonna lie though it is gonna be a struggle finding this dude every day since I'm not sure if he's gonna be like at his new little house in in the village or if he's gonna be here he's probably gonna be at his house like maybe if I run over to it every day he's like just gonna be waking up and I can catch him then honestly I don't know there he is okay I think I'm right yeah so if I just head over here every day in the morning I should be able to catch him holy smokes this kid is fast he's getting out of here enjoy it's winter time the most beautiful time of the year when all the trees suddenly become really really ugly okay and he's already not here my plan is already failing okay maybe he's on Ginger Island surely I'm gonna need a coffee for this I have a feeling okay here we go enjoy a boss oh my God I always the hammer I have a feeling it might take more than 16 of these to get him up the max friendship but I'm hoping I am wrong okay I think I don't know how much it's how much faster it's gonna make it but I'll I'm gonna try talking with him every day it might not help like that much but even if it helps a little and just prevents that friendship Decay it's probably gonna be worth it I'm just hoping he's gonna be here most days that way I don't have to check your engineering because that will get kind of annoying maybe someday we'll all get to visit Zuzu City because right now you literally cannot bro okay honestly buying that mountain pillar was so worth it purely because of this thing I would be so annoyed having to run up here every single day two hours late okay wait one two three four five six seven oh my gosh we have enough Hearts okay I could have gone that today though so I'm gonna sleep one day and then I have to empty my mailbox again because it's gonna be filled with like 4 000 gifts from all the people who love me okay I have no more mail so hypothetically if I walk in here I'm gonna have every recipe in the game um and I do incredible okay now I just need to cook all of them now I need to go through and write down every single thing I need to collect this is gonna be painful okay I mean I can just make a vegetable stew right now so like I may as well just craft that and you know I'm kind of hungry I'll Chow it down too there's honestly a chance I just have most of this stuff lying around but I honestly don't know okay we are needing so much wheat flour holy smokes oh great we're gonna need milk am I seriously gonna have to so surely I can just get one from the traveling card oh I need two milk oh great that might actually be kind of hard I've crafted 1 283 triple shot espresso that's kind of crazy I feel like it's more honestly well because I keep losing them so much wheat flour man could also make a radish salad so I'll make that oh you know what yeah I'm just gonna do it whatever wait I was like certain I had like a ton of apricots what the heck happened all my apricots man okay boom one apricot figured I would just make that really quickly I know for a fact I have apples so I'm just gonna grab that stuff right now too since it's so close oh my goodness I just love so much these apples are iridium quality that's kind of crazy it was like three years of sleeping I mean I guess that makes sense because I have been sleeping a lot right made that okay we actually I'm not gonna eat all this food I'm sorry I'm not that hungry um we actually we're doing pretty well for ourselves so what I'm gonna do right away actually is just run over to Pierre's and go ahead and buy since I need nine wheat flour I'm just gonna buy the wheat flour and craft all that stuff right now also gonna pay a visit to Willie because I need to put down a couple of crab pots since I need two shrimp and a crab AP air how's it going buddy okay that's nine wheat flour I will delete that off of the list so can I like buy bread from maybe Gus no oh man you're kidding he's not working today oh wait I can just craft red I forgot it's one wheat flour so we'll just go buy a couple more pieces of wheat flour oh wait no he is well it doesn't even matter because I can get the bread just by crafting it you know I may as well just like a bunch of wheat flour because I'm probably gonna need it for a bunch of stuff hey Willie how's it going man I'll take 50 of those probably a little Overkill wait I'm brain dead I already have a bunch down here I'm actually so blunt how did I not notice oh my God I'm truly an intellectual okay well do we have any more shrimp just lying around in this chest yeah I don't have the perk so I have to manually restock these every day okay that's probably enough restocked oh wait I need some fish in here too maybe I just have some okay so what do I need a bream and a sunfish unfortunately we do not have either of those that's fine yeah and Haley ignores her had to grab myself a fishing rod but now we're ready to go so uh let's hopefully let's hope this carp comes in fast wow okay that was fast oh I don't need to keep all this stuff in here okay I can go ahead and put all of this junk in there can I cook any other stuff yes I can cook the tomka soup I need two pieces of bread stuffing done as well poppy seed muffin grab cakes loot blackberry cobbler not blueberry lips bruschetto Plum Pudding so we're kind of we're kind of getting up there man we're almost done honestly I feel like milk is gonna be really annoying to get where can I get milk lots of milk maybe I just have some lying around I have lots of truffles truffles aren't the problem man I have a goat wait I wonder if this goat has made anything he is not maybe oh my God I am so smart also wave ostrich eggs cool okay well I'm very glad that past me set that up because that would have been so annoying to get milk otherwise let's go me artichoke dip pumpkin pie rice pudding ice cream okay we're not missing that much now oh I remember we needed a little bit of green algae and I wasn't I don't think I marked it down on my thing and you know what I might actually just have a rainbow trout honestly I'll grab some algae oh yeah we have a rainbow trout perfect oh wait I might have a bream too yep I do have a brain okay wow past me is really helping out with this not gonna lie oh wait I need a sunfish too forgot about that oh wait I forgot about this one maybe I'll have it in here probably not to be honest I do actually wow dude past me is actually the MVP of this video so that lets me make baked fish oh I need the carp surprise which requires four carp I can probably I wasn't paying attention surely I have four carp carp surprise done oh we need mayonnaise do we have any mayonnaise grabbed this Mayo machine all right so that'll be done anytime now I'll worry about the hazelnuts now I don't think I saw any hazelnuts in this foraging chest of mine and I was wrong I have tons okay perfect this is a lot of just running back and forth but it's all worth it for the achievement pop-up okay we got coleslaw under control just need the mayonnaise and we need mango sticky rice we need a mango and a coconut all right coleslaw is under control so we need a mango a banana and a coconut I'll be like pretty surprised if there isn't yeah okay perfect yeah I was gonna say I'd be pretty surprised if I didn't just have a coconut lying around there's honestly a chance I also just like have a mango and oh I need a banana so that's very nice please tell me I just have a mango just one mango please save me so much time oh my god I've literally won okay let's see so banana pudding done I go sticky rice done but also am I missing I'm getting I'm like one thing off I need the shrimp oh crap let's check the beach okay I would be astonished if we didn't get any shrimp yeah okay we got shrimp we're chilling okay this might be the last one wait okay three two one oh my God I did it I actually did it achievement unlocked baby 39 out of 40. we're getting so close so now let's just get to the hardest achievement ever made just in stardew Valley probably not overall basically I just need to beat this really annoying ass minigame without dying even once and yes you die for one shot so basically just hit list period alright I prepared my setup directly next to my bed because I know I'm gonna be doing a lot of sleeping and let's get right into this we're going to be looking for a lot of coins and hopefully going into the next stage I think roughly what I'm going to be aiming for is having the damage upgrade which is going to need 15 coins to get I used to not even be able to beat the first stage but now the first stage is pretty much laughably easy for me I mean four coins is not a bad start and we do have a decent amount of time before we get to the first shop okay five coins on the first level we're gonna need to grab 10 on this one otherwise we are gonna need to restart there's our seventh coin on the ground assuming we can actually get to it oh I kind of wish I hadn't used that since if you didn't know bombs actually make it so monsters Cannot drop power-ups or coins so I wasted a bunch of coin chances right there which was kind of stupid oh we absolutely need that I'm going straight in for that we're gonna hold that in our back pocket save it for a rainy day actually I'm just gonna use it now I and throwing you know even with this cheese I have a feeling this is gonna be a long video to record at least we got a wheel right off the bat that's gonna make my life easier barely got that going that was almost deleted when you get the zombie power up it normally makes like a fun noise but because I have music turned off it's just awkwardly silent and it looks like we are on literally identical place unless we get one unless we get some coins in our last couple of guys I want that Rapid Fire come on give us a gun come on give us six give a six and we're ending with exactly five coins again okay at least we have a better power up going into it this time literally I've not gotten a single coin so far this is a very bad start got a little scared there so I had to pop a power up just to be safe but it gave me a coin so it's totally worth it and we go on the trader with only 11 coins you know what that means okay I think it's just Dawning on me now how long it is gonna take to get a run where I can afford the damage upgrade for a shop because I got a whopping two coins that time this is gonna take a while wow an extra life that's totally gonna help me in the challenge where I cannot die okay this is a start I'm actually liking seven coins that's pretty damn good so you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna start the next level exit out sleep and the cheese Parts begins and now we can just restart with seven coins and zero deaths I trolled but thankfully if I just restart the day I have no consequences because I once again have seven coins and four lives okay it's getting a little scary in here so I popped my thingy just to be safe I have a shotgun in backup oh my God yes this is the kind of coins we need okay this is huge I need to play smart and not throw this is the Run roller keyboard this is what we're looking for oh my God and a sheriff's badge okay huge huge honey Focus up here oh my God and a rapid fire and two coins okay we have 15 coins now I just need to live now I just need to live any extra coins would also be appreciated oh my God they heard they listened bless 18 coins that's huge we can go ahead and buy myself this exactly what we need to actually get a run going and we have a sheriff's badge in the back pocket in case you're wondering yes I'm saving that I don't think I'm gonna get that lucky again okay I popped that way too early I got a little scared when it was literally three guys who were pushing me always pre-fire doors when you grab a coin right next to it oh my God so many coins I think Yoba may be blessing me this run oh my God holy smokes Yoba is blessing me oh my I'm getting more coins that I can pick up like actually give me ideally I want to be able to afford an upgrade every single shop but we'll see if that actually happens oh I was just wondering I didn't have any upgrades and then that drops a shotgun exactly oh my God a five coin not oh my God yo I'm sorry I did not pay off the game I swear to God okay I know I'm being such a little baby but I'm saving again dude I I I am absolutely gonna play like a little baby now for this one at the start I normally fire in all directions oh my God I I just it's kind of rude just just not take it honestly whatever I'll run around and farm these guys gonna make my life easier in the end gotta get these guys okay that's a little scary I don't know why I got that scared I forgot how long this power blast I'm not gonna go for that it's stupid oh okay actually I will go for that then normally I let all of these guys build up to the end do I go for it it's worth one coin is worth two coins that was worth is we'll Farm them a little bit more all right we're gonna go back oh wait no that is gonna that blocks off two of the entrances so I only really have to worry about two of them actually that's kind of stupid what do I gain from doing that nothing literally two coins no power up I go for it I'm him I'm that guy this is the guys literally saved three times in like one stage okay just oh my God that was really close I'm not gonna lie to you guys okay now I just need to kill everyone out there push a little closer okay now I have a shotgun I am gonna be once again a little baby and use it when I probably don't need it okay I don't want that oh my God I have 28 coins is that enough for the next damage upgrade it's two coins short okay but honestly I'm not gonna push my luck I feel like I'm not gonna get luckier than that on that stage so we're gonna go with the pistol because it's only the boss fight and yes I'm saving again I'm being such a baby but I am not confident in my skills I'm relatively confident I can kill this boss though if I can just get the cheese right not quiet okay I dodged that because I'm cracked I'm the best in the game yes okay I choose this video is just full of cheese man I really don't want to have to restart this that'd be kind of embarrassing okay he's literally one shot he's one okay he died you know what I'll get the extra life for good luck and we have officially made it into the grasslands this is where it gets hard but you know what since I've been I've been a little bit of a little baby I'm Not Gonna Save I'll save after this level I am one of the dumbest persons of all time and I got a freaking five coin and I could have picked that up and I would have had so much money and instead I literally run directly into one of the guys what am I doing that's fine you know I thought jeezing this was gonna be easy man I was wrong we have to fight the boss again whatever if I can just get the angle perfect I had the perfect angle but I forgot the Dodge that's fine another reset on the board can I just kill the boss right here please not quite okay now I actually have to dodge come on come on little bro speak okay there we go all right let's run that back I'm not gonna lie this map is kind of rough it's it's a little bit difficult oh wow they really want to have coffee just focus on the big guys not the ads sorry other way around focus on the ads not the the health guys because I can two shot them anyway since I have the damage upgrade I would really like another five coin but I know for a fact I'm not gonna get it I accidentally wasted one of these instead of wasting a coffee well I got another coffee too immediately after I'm gonna drink the coffee that time so I can save the shotgun and did I seriously get two coins wow two coins okay I'm gonna make a risk here I'm Not Gonna Save though because I could have just thrown the run I'm gonna try the upgraded pistol because I shoot insanely fast now but the damage upgrade might be more worth I don't know with all these guys rushing me I'm actually not gonna use that bomb to be honest I don't think I really need it and I'd rather have chances to get coins absolutely going for that coin get a shotgun here just to be safe because I don't like going through that little Gap right there sketches me out a little bit so far we've only gotten one coin though and I'm like almost certain we need the next damage upgrade for the final world what am I do I just didn't I troll I troll I troll I troll oh my God a five coin right off the bat okay I need to wake my ass up and go base mode right here to be honest if I can get 30 coins here that'd be massive oh my God no shot no shot dare I say no chance even and I just know for a fact I'm gonna die like an idiot I'm actually Gonna Save this bomb in case I need a panic space bar oh my God I can get nothing but five coins that's busted I'm just spamming the hell out of power-ups because I'm playing unbelievably caution cautious caution what the hell does Kashi mean that was scary so scary I'd love to keep this power up but I am acknowledging and accepting the fact that might not be possible oh my God 30. okay do we go for the ammo I know I said I was gonna go for it but pistol might actually be worth because I can buy ammo next time because there's nothing I really need to do more damage to this is tough actually this is tough what if I don't get enough coins to buy the ammo punch I'm sure I will I think pistol's actually better here but I'm glad that I got way more coins this time and let me just say 53 five coins that is absolutely a safe so all I really need is 13 Coins more of course is always preferred but the lowest amount I will definitely take a bullet pack I troll I troll I troll I messed up I got a sheriff's badge and I tried to save it but I should have just used it man I got greedy oh a five coin that's nice oh my God that guy came out of nowhere I would have been a little bit upset if I had died there this is so unbelievably bad I'm astonished I lived there I was I run that's how I die seriously dude I am just I deserve everything bad that happens to me because I'm cheesing but like I'm still extremely upset another reset for being an idiot I am I'm actually trolling I think straight up I'm terrible at this game I can't complain though because I'm cheating man I'm cheating real players they have to suffer much more I'm not commentating because I'm extremely focused I'm not gonna lie I'm really trying okay okay 35 coins that's pretty good and oh my God I am so trash that level took me so many tries I'm I'm saving dude I'm saving oh yeah you guys are probably wondering when I get this achievement I'm gonna try am I gonna try to do it legit like without without saves coming and the answer is yes I'm going to try to live stream it so you know you've watched this far subscribe so you don't miss that stream foreign [Music] I do a little trolling I'm a goofy guy I'm silly even I've lost like two times now because I've tried to save a sheriff's badge when I really should just use it so I don't lose because it's like would you rather lose or not have a sheriff's badge it's obviously you'd rather lose I mean sorry you'd rather have a sheriff's not have a sheriff's back I am gonna freaking lose it I I yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so a lot of these guys want me so bad anyways what did I do to them oh wait a five point oh no I want they're trying to stop me from the prince yeah I remember I remember oh my God I just have to power up there I was not confident I probably could have lived but once again it's not worth it man just use the power up I dude dude you are oh boy man you're on thin ice prairie king okay tread carefully my friend oh I got a good luck strong and they blocked each other on the bridge that's maybe when it's not available I think I need to utilize the bridges more like if I play up here they can't do never mind all right here's the thing I'm tilting I'm tilted I need to calm down take it down now check down knowledge buddy come on yes I'm power up off spawn that is what I needed big time you know I really want that ammo pouch dude I just hit the wrong I knew I needed to shoot him man I've gotten like zero coins and I literally don't think I could have I could care less yes I need power-ups that is the last place I want to go why you do this to me okay I have another one that was a panic but oh my God wait I'm an ammo pouch okay I don't care I'm using it I didn't need that okay I'm really fast all it takes is one mistake all it takes is one just little laps in judgment but I have a bombs who cares not in real life to be clear oh my God I did it after a little bit of research I found out that this gives me Bullet penetration that way I can shoot through a weak enemies so I really wish I'd bought that because that probably would have helped with the hordes of enemies rushing me and screw it I'm so confident I'm not gonna take damage here okay am I gonna eat my words I didn't even say that's how confident I am okay this half he's half it's one of those folks UPS Folks up sorry I'm saying Focus up like 15 times per second but that's literally all I need to do oh thank God oh man dude this was supposed to be easy I'm actually try Harding I'm saving dude I don't give a damn I accidentally used my bomb what am I doing oh no do i i two shot the mummies that is gonna be a huge problem since they can like actually this is the first set of enemies that like can actually just purely overwhelm you by numbers normally it's like you get jumped by a fast guy but these guys just have so much health okay huge okay that's huge I don't care I'm wasting a shotgun to take that all right I want 30 or 45 coins definitely gonna take that sheriff's badge and not be afraid to use it because always leads to my downfall at least I can shoot over these gravestones that's really nice thankfully I did not need this sheriff's badge which is great because these levels actually do get insanely hard okay that's not ideal but I'm gonna take a YOLO and just buy shoes extremely big risk I'm not gonna lie to you I probably should have restarted there I'm already regretting the fact that I didn't oh [ __ ] coins I definitely wasted that but I wanted to be sure I got those coins because I need 30. next job and looks like I'm farming up a storm of coins all of five and a shotgun and a bullet huge gonna grab the lucky extra life [Music] I didn't save that's actually a blessing in disguise because now maybe I can get 30 coins yeah maybe I can get 30 coins now I totally could have won that though I threw I choked actually a skill issue I choked but I did the right thing and used my power up and got a five coin for my reward that was scary I really want a gun a weapon power up and not a speed power-up though because I'm in a sticky situation right now like something rushes from oh thank you okay two more coins I'm gonna be safe here because it's better to be alive than Dead with a gun I mean Dead with a power up and it looks like I got just enough coins that's huge and I think we're gonna go with the fire speed upgrade and you know what I'll be a little baby and save this fire rate's getting like actually kind of crazy though now of course it would be beautiful if I somehow manage to have 45 coins during this however I want to be pessimistic but I feel like that's kind of unlikely so I'm gonna probably have to settle for a speed upgrade when I say settle speed is helpful but damage is absolutely more helpful just gonna nuke there so I can get to these power-ups safely like it feels like I'm using like the speed upgrade honestly or the the bullet speed power up right now despite how fast I'm shooting well that's just normal standard really oh my God okay yeah this is fine I'm cool with this can I please just get enemy spawning in there so I can Farm them that was kind of huge didn't even mean to use all those power-ups at once but it actually worked out in a huge way I'm gonna bomb there to get rid of those demons just to be safe and I wasted a zombie power-up and have a coffee instead that zombie PowerUp would have been kind of nice to have and we have another stage to acquire coins but this is probably the hardest stage in the game it's so hard in fact I was gonna not save but I'm Gonna Save just the amount of demons you have in this level is just staggering and they come at you so fast gonna try to oh my God okay we need that big time I think I'll be all right without it this time sorry not this time oh shotgun okay that's gonna tide me over because I don't even think I need the sheriff's badge no we're good gotta ignore that coin down there and we're gonna have rapid fire here this guy's still rush me yeah even when I kill them when I touch it's worth it it's worth it to be safe because I was getting a little claustrophobic there and we'll just instantly kill everything for a little bit even a bit longer I don't really want a bomb like give me power up give me a shotgun give me a wheel give me anything oh my God we did it okay so we can go ahead and yeah you know what yeah I'll buy sheriff's badge right on that's kind of helpful all right what's next oh the final boss okay this is gonna be really intense guys Focus up Focus up Focus up just kidding [Music] thank you wait did that count oh my God I got it holy smokes wait I don't have full screen display on no oh my God I did it holy smokes okay let's watch the cutscene guys I've actually never never fully enjoyed this that is incredible 40 out of 40. nice but we're not done remember that other Perfection I mentioned in game stardew Valley Perfection well it does have similar objectives to some of the achievements I've already got it does have a couple of other objectives that I need to knock out and I decided I would do them live on stream so I could get chat's a reaction of me finally 100 of the game after like 1700 hours yes I acknowledge that's a really long time all right so by the way guys in case it wasn't obvious I'm gonna say this anyways there's gonna be spoilers on this stream okay so we have everything except great friends and golden walnuts now I'm kind of scared about the golden walnuts because I have literally no idea what I'm missing okay yeah let's start with the walnuts let's do the parrots I don't think they tell you after a certain amount yeah he's useless he does nothing what the hell man banana one what banana one oh this I literally did not know this was here oh okay that might be it actually I I literally had no idea that was a thing I'm literally at work holy smokes you have to give them a banana do I even have a banana I'm not gonna lie I'm gonna be very sad if I don't have a banana please oh wait [Music] 28 days I'm sure that's actually not that bad we're gonna place this bad boy down right here oh never mind I don't know how I don't have banana I feel like I should and I put like tree fertilizer on it how do I craft that anyways Stone okay okay this might be cope but there's also a possibility my save is bugged because I'm pretty sure that you can have like a bug save where it's not possible to get all of the stuff oh it turns out you can't fertilize it fun fact oh yeah and these are the people I need to make friends with okay should I just wait like should I just sleep until it grows or something like what's the plan or I'll go gift everyone first I prepared gifts off stream okay so that's one don't sleep otherwise you lose friendship points true yeah I probably shouldn't wait I'm already forgetting who I need to gift I'm actually brain dead okay I need to think I need to come up with like a like a strategy to efficiently do this all right spoken to him and then thankfully Fun hack guys if your friend ever marries someone it makes them really easy to make friends with because my friend married penny so now Penny just like stays in this house except sometimes she's not in the house and now she is lost God damn it never mind it's not even a handy life hack man or the other people I needed no I need Sandy now I need to find Leo we're in the lord's name with Leo be God I had it like completely nailed down maybe mountains I don't know oh but yeah he was next to the pair you're right thank you random chatter yeah I walked right past him you guys are right I should have gifted him then whoopsie probably krobus dwarf Sandy Leo yeah and then I can just throw in Penny whenever oh my gosh it's so clear in here what the heck hello yeah Leah will be quick I think probably and then whatever who cares we sleep I can't believe I slept past all those birthdays what a stupid thing to do any other birthdays that are coming up can someone check for me a possible smile pennies is fall okay thank you and Sandy's also full okay so it wasn't all bad birthday is actually today it is not today there's simply no Sean and he's false wait is it actually your birthday today oh my God it actually is I thought you were lying I thought you were trolling me what damn that's crazy wow I'm actually really glad I didn't sleep I guess I could catch Quality Sand fish ooh I think that actually might be worth it do I have a fishing rod I do so I'm going to go fish or sand fish because if I can get a gold quality one that would be so many more friendship hearts don't give me a scorpion car if I do not want a scorpion car if I can perfect this that'd be really nice but I'm an idiot so I'm feeling fanfish nice gold silver I'm gonna go for gold come on I can catch a gold surely okay that's if that would be iridium quality that'd be even better okay Gold's good enough if she's not at home I'm gonna cry no shot can someone check where Penny goes smile maybe Library Pierre's Museum oh here she is all right how much did that get us uh okay was that three hearts three hearts is pretty good all right just Sandy and then we sleep again okay guys save your golden Walnut suggestions because I'm gonna check them all in like two minutes all right let's sleep and then go check all them guys should I do the recount command I feel like the only one I'm missing is the gosh damn I'm I'm shocked I don't have a banana I want to figure out what walnuts I'm missing and I'm also very oh let's go my bananas okay never mind wait guys we don't need to wait for the tree okay okay all right we're gonna do this and then if we're still missing some I'm actually pretty yeah it's bananas we found those that's crazy I'm so certain I'm so certain that I've done the rest like surely what the heck what does it give me any more no that's crazy I did not expect that I think I know the harsh reality all right how many Ariane okay I'm sorry there is simply no shot dare I say that I haven't I'm so sure certain what's the command what's the recount command I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do the recount command slash recount nuts let's recount nuts oh wait wait guys I'm like 95 sure that I just went up three maybe maybe I was right I told you guys I had them all let's go okay so we just need to make friends all right Big W continuing the grand I don't know why I thought so long about that I'm like yeah how do you go to the mines right uh you need rubies on what's 37 out of 420. wait did I blow up the statues I thought I placed it far enough away no I just killed all of his friends yo my bad dwarf my mistake dude the hitboxes are so bugged I totally place it far enough away or dwarf is all alone now way down guys it's all part of the plan if I okay this sounds really bad actually no I'm gonna say it anyways if I kill all these other friends he'll have no choice but to be friends with me like you know what I'm saying oh Penny oh my gosh Penny I love you thank you for standing here that makes my life so much easier wait why don't I just fish for a bunch of sand fish quality is gonna make that so much easier okay we'll wait 30 minutes here um okay it's nine no more awkwardness don't you buy something hello uh we have to find the child oh I love this Mario Kart song oh that's kind of convenient hello man dwarf is gonna take by far the longest also did I sleep past the dwarf's birthday I'll be kind of sad if I did oh I should have checked if Penny was in her house quality rabbit's foot wait no she doesn't like the Raven's foot she's the only one that doesn't like to ride this foot or wait no or is that the wait does she like grab his foot no she's the only one that doesn't like them oh but the dwarf what am I saying my bad ignore me I didn't do a child I do a face reveal at 10 million Subs you know what sure I will deal 10 million 10 million subs and I face reveal who have I not gifted today wait oh I'm so close oh I haven't done Sandy Sandy's done her birthday is good I'm done looking sounds like I'm gonna like kill her no she's she's gonna be my friend okay uh Penny's M.I.A and I don't want to gift her so she's gonna get no gift today no no oh my God if I buy bombs one more time from this guy I'm gonna lose it walk away it's fun what am I doing I'm losing my mind okay we're actually closing in on it guys we're getting really damn close I'm so excited okay I guess it's just tradition accidentally by a bomb every single day I swear I'm not doing it intentionally here you go little bro how are you not 10 Hertz I don't need to do Sandy anymore um uh be at your house be at your house be at your house be at your house manifest manifesting I got so much grass because I'm lazy and don't cut it down be at your house do it be there wait for me don't move thank you appreciate it oh my God 10 Hearts okay guys we are so close I'm hoping this will oh crap we know we have to sleep a little bit more before our two gifts again whoopsies it came to the movies oh man I should do that that's a good idea sorry window I guess I just stole the window for that or Flex all the movies okay I should definitely take him there where did Emily go gosh dang it she's hiding I once again did not mean to do that we're getting there we're getting so close um I'm gonna wait like two seconds I'm gonna find I forget about the dwarf and crowbus because they're always out of their way okay wait we got a penny let's find Penny would she be on her way to the library right now probably I don't need this guy anymore he's useless to me where is she I'm just gonna sleep who cares okay we're getting there we just need to grind oh my God all my grass is gone Penny she better be in her house I should just sleep in this house honestly okay this should be eight hearts I'm hoping this is eight hearts pretty please come on come on bless okay two guys left guys we're in the end game we're in the end game we're so close wait what's crovis's birthday winter first oh my God and it's gross his birthday that's huge wait I left I remember I left two pumpkins in my Greenhouse yeah that's so huge give me a gold one you are such a mean person okay that's actually amazing timing we're still a pretty ways off from actually 100 but we're getting there and bye bomb Oh my God I'm finally good I did it oh and that folks means we are down to a single person we're so close all right what does bro like star bus Star first sort of bay all right let's see this film all right pause the movie you guys ready for this let's see this film I'm gonna leave us a scathing review of this no talking during the movie Zuzu City Express made one final Trip South from the icy Coast it's a three-day Journey dwarf seems to be in a deep trance he loves the food The Wharf is really enjoying their Starbucks sorbet a young lady appears wistfully out the window a man enters the room the movie explores a Timeless theme the conflict between reason and emotion while she followed the direction of her rational mind or the longings of her heart the movie ends before we ever find what a terrible movie she is hot bro is down bad for the 16-bit stardew valley movie protagonist bro okay that was actually a good amount that was a rating that was like a there's like a two out of ten bro what was that trash all right we sleeping until Sunday again I don't care if I lose friendship Parts okay guys this is the last friendship we have the last thing I I don't know if today is gonna Max it out but there's a chance I guess because we're gonna movie we're gonna movie him and we're gonna Ruby him holy crap it Rhymes that's insane successful movie trip gives one heart attack huge but whatever I'll watch one more movie oh crap wait what was the other thing you liked rock candy okay I'm trusting chat rock candy let's go okay is are you kidding bro this is a sick joke I don't care I don't care you can follow whichever direction you want literally the worst movie would mean like we don't get to find the conclusion okay seven Hearts I don't feel like watching that goddamn movie again I'm actually skull emojiing in real time no I'm not watching that film again hurry up come on sleep faster sleep faster okay guys we are in the and we're in the end game call all of your friends wait eight hearts eight hearts eight hearts eight hearts eight hearts eight hearts eight hearts I'm not watching the movie again I refuse I refuse to watch any more movies if that's the kind of quality that I'm gonna be getting new movie oh tempting oh my friend showed up in my house one sec I have to let him in okay okay this is the day we can gift again the sapling one is mid no way it better not be mid if you guys lied to me again and it's trash I will be very upset what if it actually sucks what if it does let me in it won't even let you let me in damn yeah that's gonna make them want to let you win they will it will all right this is ten Hearts here we go guys what if it's a good movie exactly okay I will narrate the film natural wonders exploring our vibrant world the fern Islands The Tropical Paradise 80 miles off the southern coast the island formed due to volcanic activity in the region and are still growing dwarf seems to be in the Deep trance I want to go to that town what the heck is this town room climate of the southern island allows for a stream by devotion in short the island is teeming with life crab who's your setting okay actually I just want to go this I want to see the final cutscene man I don't care about the stupid raccoons wait okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my God finally happened I think we have 100 I think if we sleep there's a cut scene I'm going to check the thingy I want to see the I want to see the thingy okay guys there's a spoiler I'm doing another spoiler I know it's dumb but there's a spoiler okay there's gonna be a cut scene [Music] Big W okay that's not it though there's more there's more now there's a cutscene Big W big GG we're heading to the summit okay wait what okay I'm gonna no clip onto the thing because I think I have my mods on do I have my mods on I do my mods on I don't care I'm no clipping in maybe it will nope wait oh my God wait maybe me wait freaking Abigail decayed no shot that's why wait maybe she decayed overnight when I slept okay if you're not eight hearts off this man you're gonna get it okay she's back at eight hearts I should have 100 again if that wasn't the issue I'm gonna cry yes Abby you little I swear to God actually the problem Abigail you are such what the heck parrots on my farm a rumbling sound maybe I should follow the parrots that is so silly bro freaking Abigail decade overnight now I'm a ride okay spoiler cutscene ahead once again I'm warning here we go wow look at that view you know Nate I've been the mayor of Pelican town for a long time people have come and gone we've lived through times of hardship and Times of Plenty but I have to say in all the years I've been mayor nothing has made me so proud at seeing swaggington Farm a blossom under care you've taken the farm beyond the wildest dreams of your grandfather and in the process you've changed the valley forever you might not realize this a lot but I care a lot about this town 15 years ago I was deeply worried about the future of the valley my name is Jeff my name's Jeff one second let me turn off alerts no humble farmer moving to the town to change everything Wait I messed up I didn't turn on the music no you're in wait is that grobis what the heck he's like a propeller oh the wizard The Wizards Vivan a witch the Witch berries [Music] aliens confirmed in stardew Valley the pig he stole all the profits from the traveling Merchant yo there's holy smokes George is going for what is wrong with that dog [Music] that is a dog that is Alex's dog Probus oh oh my God [Music] or maybe it is oh no Golden Chicken I can get those now oh my God look at my cat go dude he's zooming holy smokes wow squirrel rabbit other rabbit bird no shot they're doing every single fish that's crazy yo [Music] stardew Valley pixel frog where is he where's the octopus I missed him I think did you like leave the game yes yes that's crazy wait wait you might be going up I miss it where was it I didn't see it no it was the octopus slimes [Music] everything I think so I missed it oh I'm blind those are the ghosts that give you the no eating effect squid kid bro what is he doing he's Wilding biker I don't remember the Spiker [Music] bro he's spazzing out hey when you run over if you know what time all right oh I know them I just didn't know they work yeah I didn't know they were actually enemies okay it's like way out of sync my God my bad you're not gonna get the full music effect it's been a long road you challenged yourself the reach the summit what an accomplishment we've been watching every step of the way and you've made us very proud hats off to you oh my god he's smiling yo we did it well guys that was pretty fun I'm finally good at stardew Valley true oh yeah and since I kind of forgot to do something during that stream I'm at The Summit now and I get this badass looking hat cool you look so happy and now I look happy too what an amazing game if you want to see a really cool challenge I did in this game click on screen right now you are definitely gonna enjoy it it's a fact
Channel: Waligug
Views: 830,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ji7pdrsdOro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 34sec (4174 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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