i married this town's resident incel (it was creepy)

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so uh we're gonna try to marry Clint I believe obviously he's not an actual marriage candidate but I installed a mod so I think it gives some new cut scenes it gives them more dialogue obviously it's basically just rewrites his character we're gonna see how it goes because yeah Clint's not a super popular character in the traditional game because ah he's just kind of weird I'm pretty sure I don't recall his cutscenes exactly but doesn't he have one where he's just like watching Emily in a bunch yeah it's not a it's not a great look I think but you never know because he could be like the nicest guy ever on The Mod I downloaded it like completely changed his character design to something that I like really disliked so I had to figure out how to like delete the character file or like the image the image files you know what I mean so it was the default ones instead of the other one here I'm gonna see if I can not like obviously no shade to the modder but really what I imagine like a blacksmith kind of looks like I try you know a blacksmith he's like working at the forge all day he's like he's muscly he's a big guy at least I that's kind of how I imagine now what the heck does Clint like does he have any good gifts I can give him let's let's pull up the old Wiki or I could just use the the chat Wiki okay there's actually quite a few things so he likes basically every gemstone a couple of food pieces Omni geodes the thing is I don't really wait does he does he actually like most of what Emily likes there's no way surely not oh my God he totally does that's so funny oh he makes okay he can two of these artichoke and milk that's not happening do I even have any artichokes probably not nah I'll just do gemstones wait I have gemstones right oh my god do you like quartz holy smokes why the heck do I have that much quartz he doesn't like quartz of course he doesn't do I actually wait okay here we go I was like there's no way I don't have any he doesn't like diamonds what is wrong with this guy okay I've got aquamarines that's fine Clint hates being a blacksmith though okay that is not true you're making that up where the heck what when does he say that this is exactly what I've been looking for don't you have work to do seriously that's all he says bruh okay I totally thought you guys were trolling me but if you guys are curious okay this is this kind of hints at it yep I'm a black suit with my father was also a blacksmith my grandfather was a blacksmith as well I bet you can't guess what my great-grandfather was so kind of shows that it's kind of what's the word I'm looking for like it runs in the family there's a word but I can't remember it and then be glad you're a farmer player it's nice to work Outdoors but then by hot furnaces all day I'm only blacksome because my father pushed me into it okay it's no no that's actually right interesting okay for some reason I didn't think that'd be true I don't know why seems like he's not very talkative on gift one though so I guess we're going back to bed doesn't mean he hates being a blacksmith I mean yeah but if you're forced sure like if your parents force you into doing something you could like it but more than likely you probably have like a different passion that you'd rather pursue but like you can't just up and leave because like he's literally the only blacksmith in town wow he really yup I'm a blacksmith oh my God my father was also blacksmith my grandfather was a blacksmith as well if I can't guess what my great grandfather was holy smokes wait we can come out of the gate swinging okay guys what do I choose a blacksmith a silly clown or a sarcastic jerk a silly clown is 50 points oh damn okay that's tempting I'm not gonna lie I really want the jerk one I kind of want to see what he says hmm okay wait I'm gonna do this one wow that was rude I just I was just being funny and you took to a whole new level damn okay don't mind me hell even if you like it nobody likes being forced into something yeah exactly good one good one like that sounds so sarcastic if I made upgrade tools you have to give me the correct order you have to pay me a fee of course okay business has been slow lately you should upgrade your tools I could use the cash holy smokes he's Shameless dude he's actually using me what the hell also I have Max tools I mean I guess I can upgrade my trash can do I have any gold you know what I'll help a brother around I'll grab some golden upgrade I think he gets money by sitting around yeah yeah actually he sits and hammers at the blacksmith the Anvil that's the word I'm looking for at least he's honest with that one yeah exactly oh whoops I just gave him a gold bar I mean I think he likes it but still there you go envelopes also Europe really annoys me he says um here um I'm still working it's like it makes me he's like villainizing me for asking okay freak you Clint there doesn't really matter romance typically staying in my shop year round depressing huh yeah that is a little depressing sometimes I wonder I ended up in this town oops I didn't mean to death sorry buddy that's all you have to say okay cool should have made yourself look like Emily true change at the wizard towers oh I totally should good idea oh my God if you could read wait where the heck am I going I was on brain autopilot don't you have work to do yeah okay whatever I am gonna go to the Wizards Tower I hope I'm good enough friends all right let's change my guy okay what can I change can I change much oh my gosh wait I have no idea how oh my God I can change my pet that's so mean holy smokes okay uh so Emily's white what kind of hair do you guys think would work best what kind of hair does Emily have yeah it's got to be blow you're right we'll do blue hair what color is Emily's hair like I know it's blue but like specifically that's pretty close I think like a bob like this kinda I don't know maybe more like that is that closer I don't know longer yeah I think maybe this might be a bit closer colored eyes does Emily have oh my God that looks so terrifying is that purple I can't really tell brighter blue no that's closer yeah I think that's actually here something like that perfect okay and I have blue shoes too awesome what the heck does Emily wear red stuff such a dumb question how the heck do you get clothing anyways make it at Emily's outro she's probably gonna be kind of confused here I'll go to the um like if I just dyed this red would that work honey then diet red all right I'll go find something red wait where the heck is Emily please tell me she's just home I'm I'm actually doubting myself oh no it's all red what the heck am I saying I feel like I've never looked at Emily how does a red Bank bomb not wait I need to test something so that's kind of gonna make it okay there we go we can make it a darker red nice uh I'm just gonna go home grab more strawberries side quest yeah exactly do not put a dangerous explosive into the show sewing machine okay yeah that's probably probably my bad guys can you not buy this are you kidding seriously I'll make it even more red does that look kind of Emily does that look kind of Emily pretty damn close actually I'm not gonna lie that's not bad you guys think can you guys tell any difference slay yeah that's good enough move the eyes too no the eyes because you know like the the doppelgangers they always reveal themselves in the eyes we gotta give Clint a chance exactly what I'm looking for can I not speak to him okay planes will definitely think that's Emily yeah I don't think he's gonna be looking too close yeah because that's actually right part of me is like Clint would definitely notice and another part of me is like Clint would definitely not notice it would be cool if the NPCs reacted to changing your appearance yep I'm a blacksmith yeah dude we've heard many times my father yeah okay dude wait oh my god do I get more free no it only asked me doesn't do it once unlike him what are we at guys probably one heart two hearts nice okay one thing I'm honestly kind of worried about will I get the cutscene will I get the Clint cutscenes when do we get the cutscenes how do I trigger the two hearts oh my gosh this mod page is in Chinese oh no only part of it is oh it's okay it's a three heart event not a two-hard event we're fine Clint is desperate he'd not notice that's kind of what I'm thinking too some say spring is a season of seeking for love I say it's a season has nothing to do with me oh my God holy smokes he's down awful poor guy he is going through it for real all right what's he gonna say today I've been working with friends don't have holidays I just probably not gonna like me oh my gosh three hearts come on I want to go out but I hardly have a free time from work okay plain don't lie to me he's at the star drops alone like pretty much every day correct me if I'm wrong where's the schedule regular schedule heads to The Saloon every single night every single night oh three hearts okay we need to like wait around until 1900 military time am I stupid what the heck is that in real people time seven o'clock we have to wait till seven that's kind of embarrassing that I couldn't do that in my head okay I'm skipping time I really hope we get the cutscene because if not we might have to go to a different save I need to double check the requirements three hearts 19 to 2300 star drops oh my gosh it has to be Monday is it gonna work if I just turn the day to Monday you're kidding do I actually have to do I actually have to go to a new save I'm gonna be so upset I'm gonna be so upset it's because it's not like a real Monday you know do Sunday then sleep yeah Clint will have to be at the saloon probably you think okay I'm gonna turn it what time does Clinton leave for the oh wait yeah maybe maybe you're right he leaves for the saloon at eight so I'll set it to nine so he in he should in theory be leaving oh yeah I set this up for a video so long ago and I've just been accidentally blocking these guys for like years will it work God damn it wait let me think hmm maybe if I turn time back I'm gonna break everything might have to go to a different safe that would be kind of annoying because I don't think they're going to trigger because I've already gotten 10 Hearts yeah I think I have to that's fine holy gug Clint whoops no Emily Farm favorite thing Clint okay that's not bad that's not bad that's pretty good I can live with that all right let's go all right everyone avert their eyes please please avert their eyes what the heck guys holy smokes I just made two million dollars that's actually unbelievable have I managed to pull that off wow and I've also just head over to the mines and manage to find 62 aquamarines that's crazy how have I managed to pull that off that's that's just why I'm the greatest player of all time I guess what a speedrun tactic yeah not sure why other people don't use this to be honest yeah I did a lot of mining off camera exactly all before 7am you're not gonna see your average streamer doing stuff like that just saying just saying guys oh my gosh and wait he's also I've also just head on over to Ginger Island and got the key to the town insane that's why I'm so I'm so good okay let's go huge yeah look at that animation canceling all right let's turn it to eight or nine so Clint leaves go okay cat name ideas I'm actually blanking on all human words holy smokes oh awkward this is so awkward our hair is still isn't the same okay well the trigger let's go oh hello well I care to join me let me just go ahead and tell you what's on my mind I have terrible luck with women while I got sigh I'm a nice guy if you get to know me I swear he's a nice guy guys he's a nice guy oh I'm feeling for him the girls all seem to like you Wally true got any tips impress women with your strength and charm act crazy to keep people guessing stack natural be yourself think about how you act when being with me what do we think I'm feeling for the last option is no hmm think about the Ackman being with me yeah we'll do four um I don't know why I can Act Naturally when facing you but not with other people speak of the devil hi Clint what can I get for you tonight oh oh my gosh she didn't actually say that yes or I mean I'll have the big and cheesy with extra sauce please hi Wally gug thanks Emily for taking my order um Emily I was said golf gulp I was wondering huh yes Clint never mind oh he was so close he was this close Emily dodged another bullet hi Shane here's your beverage James bought a rhythm up thanks Emily so how's your shift oh my God he actually is so how's your shift coming along it's fine thanks for asking Shane do you have any new chicken stories for me bro is that really his only personality trait there's simply no way he's gotta have more going on there's there's simply no way sigh I'm doomed wallykug would you like to have a drink with me good try good try Clint insane rizz got the chickens and the rest true uh excuse me let's go wait what wait guys I'm not losing it right this is not a proper sentence use some discount for Tool upgrades use some discount for Tool upgrade am I missing something well anyways all right four Hearts Mountain Sonny has seen the three heart event ten till two nice we'll head up there I guess oh wait huh does this count as the mountain is this the mountain or is that the mountain and if we do 10 go back in let's go all right go go go go go go go hey Wally gug you're here come up here and talk with me after finish my work tonight I suddenly just want to come here okay guys I'm just gonna ignore the spell or the grammar airs the rest of the mod because it was made by Chinese people it only be mean or like people who I'm assuming English is in their first language so just for just ignore that part okay you're done with your work as well aren't you lucky you all covered with your mud and there's some ash on your face I literally came up here only just like a dust Sprite no way he's calling me a monster wow I mean you know whatever floats your boat I guess and I look like even more of the Dust prize oh Clint buddy I don't know man just kidding don't be mad okay okay he comes back he saves it he saves it maybe well if I can be so I can be so relaxed well like maybe I can be so relaxed only when you're by my side they're looking out at the beautiful Lake wallygog after the date that's a loon I think of myself for a while like I told you last time I have terrible luck with women oh I just realized I made myself a man not a woman awkward um I was too timbered after all not just with Emily but with all other people I can't express myself well however I can be myself when I'm with you I wonder why that is because I'm too cute maybe I'm too special to you I didn't do anything all right we're going with because I'm too cute let's see what he says to that haha you're cute just like dust Sprites bro you gotta drop the dust right thing it's not working man it's not working it's fine it's fine he's got this he's nailing it dot dot anyway I think I can finally walk myself out of this futureless relationship well thank you for being with me and talking to me during all this time Bros attracted the dust price I think so well uh nice what's the next uh one the next one is sick Arts yes that's exactly what I'm looking for so how are your tools holding up good nice cool that's all I said nice was simping over them I do not like them that's too shy more open just like yo so true uh everyone should be more like me oh my God guys cat we get to decide a cat name let's go I would say you can bribe me for a cat name but I don't think the chats are gonna come fast enough I don't want to scam anyone what are we what are we feeling for a cat name Clint Emily is fitting I'm gonna do Emily here we go all right yes this is exactly what I'm looking for dude you say that literally every day get a new line oh wait six hearts okay nice so I think the next one the next one six hearts blacksmith Sunny is not summer having two hearts with Alex okay so I need to make friends with Alex we don't care about Alex so I'm just gonna cheat the hearts up we're we're here for Clint do hearts with Alex and then we sleep till tomorrow perfect nice oh my God okay thank the good Lord holy God you're here huh I was skiing in my room and found an old picture of my mother wanna take a lunch yeah sure dude whatever smile you see a beautiful lady in the picture she wears a delicate ruby ring on a ring finger her face is full of smile the face is full of smile my mother is a beautiful right she was the most beautiful woman in town my father had a crushing her for a long time but he was scared to tell her in the end my mother pretended to leave this town my father got startled and proposed to her right away wait wait wait wait wait wait wait so they were dating or were they not dating what do you mean proposed like proposed to go on a date or like propose to marry I don't understand I'm not following because it sounded to me like he was scared to tell her at all oh whatever whatever cool Clint my father was such a coward wasn't he but after they got married mine my father never but wait he only smoked I need a drink of water I'm losing it after they got married my father Endeavor had to hide his love to my mother and they showed it off every day in front of their son bro why are you speaking in the third person little bro look at this smile I was actually kind of looking for this kind of life I wish I could see the face of my love every day bro does he love his mother you Kafka bro the incoherent race bro we haven't even gone on a date bro that is actually my live reaction right now dot dot bro why are you looking like that well um it's getting late you still have work to do I'll walk you out he shot his shot oh there's more oh Alex is here hey Wallach how's your day my day's great thanks for asking Alex ice cream ice cream stand only opens during summer why am I happy about that I should be sad I want ice cream dude what the hell the feeling this fear wait I need to put on some sad music this feeling of heartbreaking why do I hate to see walliguk smiles to other people that really that really I'm tearing up okay never mind we're done with that take another gift I've never had this feeling even seeing Emily talk to Shane holy smokes is this a yandere mod I thought this was just a normal dating one the weather is warming up actually I don't like to work by the furnace in such a hot day yeah okay buddy drink more water during the summer take care of yourself don't get heat stroke thanks Clint I think I'll actually follow that whereas Clint keeping all these aquamarines honestly we haven't seen them like in his room is he just like smash watching them I don't know I hope he's treating them with the utmost respect because you know I spent a lot of time grinding those up sorry for looking a little messy bringing up the furnace all morning do you need anything or you just want to visit I want to give you your daily aquamarine you know me oh it's Sunday today what plans could I have on my own all right that's all Just Gotta Throw That up every time he says something kind of emo all right oh my God eight hearts guys guys big news we can start dating Clint holy smokes no way we need to enter the town from the bus stop it needs to be sunny I have to have seen the four heart event and I've not seen Emily's makeover event and not married to her okay perfect that's easy you know how it goes just simply hold some strings I know a guy all right so we need it to be 18 o'clock so 6 p.m and if we go in here nice wallygog you you're here yeah I well I was going to invite gulp for dinner when I were here I suddenly got scared and didn't know what to say what did you say if I speak for myself wait what what did you say if I speak for myself you will never come to my shop normally I can kind of decipher what they're trying to say but I really actually don't understand this time what would you say if I speak for myself she will never come to my shop something like that probably something like that murmur I can't see you often then I said nothing okay I'm sorry this dialogue is actually incomprehensible yo lollygag Clint what are you talking about bro why having a full-on Conroe with himself right now wow calm down uh okay I will just do it well dinner I you hear a sound of your heart breaks What whose heart my heart Clint's heart I'm so confused what is happening whose heart are we jealous I guess he's asking Emilio not you oh yeah cue the music I hear a sound of your heart breaks didn't Clint say he will give up with Emily wallykug where are you going what you don't want to interrupt the date of me and Emily I was trying to ask you out dot dot dot damn it I shouldn't say that yet well done [Laughter] watching this whole thing what on yeah Clint was asking us how to ask you for dinner while I go but you're so hesitant so making us worried about him so we came up to see what what was the situation what the situation was looks like Clint finally did it now it's all about wallykug would you like to have dinner with me great then let's go wow okay that was easy it didn't give me an option I totally would have said no you had a wonderful dinner at Saloon with Clint huh he literally didn't even give me an option true might be because the alcohol you could feel your heart beats when having eye contact with him yeah I'm probably just really drunk I was drunk was I wait why is my hair glowing oh because I'm I am drunk okay okay guys I don't really care about Clint that much I'm just drunk apparently so let's just move on from that apparently it's no big deal oh but I have to start dating him oh it's too late no okay I have to buy it tomorrow that's fine oh my god look who's here look who's showing up hey wallygog how do you like the dinner last night oh he's getting he's still a little drunk let's learn his speech a bit I'm glad you liked it well I was wondering why did you run away so suddenly like that thought I was asking Emily out so you were just jealous sorry for making you upset but I want you to know that I I'm not into her anymore Clint holds your hands tight next time let's go somewhere else okay yeah dude let's go to all the other restaurants in stardew Valley there's so many guys totally well let's go see if he wants to date us I feel like I'm reading a Wattpad fan fiction story honestly can't date Clinton what I'm gonna restart the day I think oh nice okay perfect price is averted you want to get more serious I feel the same way I'm kind of nervous aren't you wallykug take this I literally just gave you one bro you know what a bouquet means don't you bro I can't I can't get over his face look at his face he's like actually like shocked okay sorry anyways you know where to get bouquet means right guess I'll never know all right let's give him the Ruby and the aquamarine how many hearts will we get it's Ruby's so beautiful perfect I can finally anyway thanks for your help okay what is he finally gonna do place your bets what has he been waiting to do with that Ruby guys it's so hot today so I bought you an ice cream it's so hot today really I mean I guess it can be hot in rain but generally not not typically guys someone in my Discord just suggested I make a Clint body pillow would you cop would you cop be honest guys would you purchase invest if you will oh my God 10 Hearts Let's go oh wait guys wait we're 10 yards we can marry him oh wait let's check out the cutscene first I almost forgot whoopsies you will receive a letter from Clint the day will end in this event okay oh my God wait it's raining we can buy the thing let's go let's grab this thing and then we'll just do the Clinton oh my God I cannot resist picking this all up so satisfying all right get independent bye there we go nice then let's see if we got the mail because we do need to get the mail okay that's the one we needed meet me in front of my house after it gets dark yo okay we're cooking I think I think we're going somewhere okay so we got the letter it needs to be seven o'clock okay it's time wallykug sorry for making you come out so late but I want to talk this with you alone he's thinking big he's thinking he's thinking a lot it's a little cold out let's go in my room and talk about this Wally guy you know that right what what do I know what am I supposed to know my father was a blacksmith my grandfather was a blacksmith even my great grandfather was a blacksman okay I do know that I do know that I mean know that um he said the line he said the line I mean my grandfather made this ring by his own hand long ago for my great grandmother and passed over to every generation he's thinking again when I had this there was a ruby missing luckily you found a perfect one to repulse it I put it in my great grandmother's ring oh my God guys he's gonna do it wallykug now I want to give this to you except that's too much of value to accept here's the thing I would just decline it and then I would reload the day but the it said that it auto saves so I'm not gonna be able to do that I'm feeling one I'm feeling one you know we're trying to be nice to Clint I'm trying to be nice you know I'm accepting it yeah we'll accept it we'll accept it you know we'll be a little bit nice what the freak great ah heart Wally gag I heard this ring can protect you when you're in danger wait a second let's fact check him real quick oh Clint Clint you're a liar increases my attack by 10 doesn't protect me what are you talking about Bloody don't lie to me not a good look Clint not a good look should have declined it 100 yeah no he's if he's gonna lie to me like that yikes best defense is a good offense I don't know man I don't know now I want you to have it Clint put the puts this ruby ring on your ring finger but it's a bit large drats I was so dumb I made a mistake on your size oh I don't mind you know Emily's fine I mean me is fine you like me being dumb yeah dude I love my men dumb wallygog I like everything about you though he's gone he disappeared he's gone gone from where did he go dude he was uh not feeling it you know if he didn't want to kiss me he just had to say it he doesn't have to literally despawn from reality the ring fell off from your finger in the evening but you didn't care wait I didn't care at all like not even a little I feel like you should care yeah because sorry because you and Clint had something more important to do wait what what do they mean by that huh I guess we'll never know what they meant by that cool oopsie Daisy I literally don't have the ring it's actually just gone well we went out to dinner again yeah yeah we went to dinner again nice sure I love going out to dinner I love how like you can have the cutscene there's like like character I love you so much I could never leave you and then like if you don't have an upgraded house they're like you know not feeling it hell no I only want you for your money dot dot I accept I'll set up everything we'll have the ceremony in three days guys we did it I never thought I'd get married someday thank you for willing to live with me I love you Wally gag oh that's so sweet well let's leave three days eh oh yeah and after we get married stick around because there's more there is absolutely more he's not bro he didn't show up and he's wanting bro Ain't No Way skull blah blah blah we've all read this we've all read this we've all read this you may kiss bruh bro really didn't show up he's just in the audience oh my God you're right he's next to Emily Ain't No Way Clinton might have cheated on me [Music] wait will he disappear again why is this happening cool all right when are the next events because we gotta keep making friends with him I want to see the next ones so 11 Hearts uh we'll hit that pretty quick I reckon room reveal oh my gosh wait yeah you're right oh my God you guys ready honey is he good anyways guys so let's go see what his room looks like oh my god he has a cat oh no way it's so cute oh they're hanging out together that's so sweet oh my God wait that's actually wholesome guys Clint gives you a second cat oh my God wait he might actually be a winner maybe he's not so bad well I was kind of hoping to like give him a gift today but uh maybe he'll have walked out of the Walls by tomorrow morning thank God yes that's exactly what I've been looking for I didn't like the Moonlight jellies Festival but now everything's different this guy doesn't like the Moonlight jellies Festival have you heard the music Clint literally the best the best music it's so good cause I have you by my side tomorrow night Riz okay tro big risk I'm actually shocked he doesn't like that music I didn't think there was anyone who didn't like Moonlight jellies good lunch with good lunch with your work I'll miss you thanks Clint appreciate you buddy I hope we're not at 11 Hearts yet how about now nice okay time for his 11 heart cutscene star drops Saloon on a Friday there we go now it's a Friday how do I upgrade my tools now wait true that's gonna be so annoying I don't even think about that Mary if he was actually a marriage candidate that's actually wait that's probably why have you guys noticed you can't marry any shopkeepers that's probably totally why that is totally why because you don't want them to like never be you don't want them to like never be at a store interesting I bet he's still at the shop you guys think there's no way right but let me set the time so I can start walking there I don't think they need to be there oh my God that was so loud Jesus since when does it do that it like piled all the lightning out at the same time that actually scared me so bad I actually jump scared me the game punished me for cheating honestly yeah I'm sorry hopefully no one's like trying to fall asleep like relaxing to the to the sound of the stream God was not happy yeah God is anger at me for marrying Clint jeez all right cutscene time cheers cheers oh he's so happy wait I actually wasn't paying attention yo bro what is going on Emily is not happy Emily is not okay does Emily look okay oh my God maybe Emily took Clint getting married more harder than we thought okay well I just can replace her now if she's bugged we haven't drank together for a really long time all because Clint never come to Saloon after he got married true stupid Clint hate that guy don't say that I just want to be home when Wally guy comes home bat wait I okay no that was not even the mods fault that was 100 my bad I just stuttered so bad I just want to be at home every night when Wally God comes back honey oh my God he actually sprinted feeling tired today I will make something good to eat later when we get home dot dot I wonder when I can get married seeing how happy Clint is now bro maybe we need to marry Marnie next why don't you go ask Lewis about that well what did you say oh my God Willie just called him out well he he Clint let's continue no problem like our exclamation points is so funny we had a great time together with Willie and Marnie but Marty seemed something was on her mind so what was going on in there Emily what was what was going why were you in the counter out of curiosity she's not gonna tell me well time to go for the 12 hour one always back on the walls nice I like how you can give gifts every day when you're married because I I was thinking to myself it would be really weird if the game limited you to two gifts a week when you married someone is so dumb okay 12 Hearts where do we have to do what do we have to do wolfhard's farmhouse's upgraded Farmhouse tour for three times Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday attention the day will end at this event okay so if I just set this to 10 pm and go back in he is gonna be asleep because wait did I Decay I totally decayed yeah I decayed okay if you're going to work try not to miss me oh I will not miss you yeah I won't sorry buddy bruh okay okay yeah I'm just gonna cheat whatever well 10 p.m did I Decay again no it's 12 Hearts what am I missing oh I guess I've technically only upgraded it once no okay that makes sense actually that's fair okay I need to upgrade the Farmhouse again for some reason I was thinking that like the first one counted so I like have a house level two or something I don't know and what do I need to upgrade is it just money I don't remember honestly oh I need wood or hardwood alrighty let's sleep till it's done any day now all right nice got the achievement um we will turn it till to 10 p.m go in and we gotta cut scene going okay Wally guck yeah I live with you buddy oh I didn't disappear let's go you want to talk before we go to sleep do you know what time it is now I almost fell asleep while I was waiting for you to come home yes I'm a little mad sorry dear I shouldn't come back so late you won't forgive me even I am so cute just kiss him don't say anything what are we feeling guys one two or three I'm feeling maybe two I'll do two you think you are cute enough to do anything you want you think that I will forgive you oh my God wait holy he's actually going off on me he's actually mad wait I thought he was being like goofy well he's actually going off also yeah I'm literally kissing him already yes that's easy bruh you know I can never get mad with you okay he's not actually Matt who knows how much I love you always gone again please don't get home so late like that I won't be worried about you you know that huh Wally gag what you want to tell me just whisper to my ear you cuddle with Clint and talked all night long then you greet the morning sun together did we adopt a baby sure nice oh that was wholesome you know we all need a little of that you know it's wholesome uh okay and then the second 12 Heart events Mountain Sunny the third year I have to go all the way to the third year Jesus okay it's the third year It's gotta be sunny though oh my God the adoption age guys what do I name the kid oh person yeah we should do Parson if you're right parsnip that was gonna be the cat name but I accidentally scammed the donator we're gonna do power snap eight o'clock mountains Sunny the third year easy go to the Carpenters sure is that just gonna trigger right away it will okay nice let's go again it's nice to take a walk here occasionally isn't it yes it's where we had our first our first meeting well again you've been in Pelican town for three years already yeah time really flew time really flew it felt like it felt like it's just one click remember the first time we met I never thought we could end up like this I always thank you for what you brought to me but today I want to thank your grandpa bruh if your Grandpa didn't left you Emily oh my God because my Farm's named Emily who never come to this town we would never meet would never get to know I each other and never fallen never fell in love never get married now I can stand by you all because of your grandfather thank you Grandpa suddenly there's a voice whisper through your and Clint's ears what thank you as well Clint what what guys grandpa pulled up this is Google grandpa what he's just heal Clint I've been watching you my grandson see how much you love him oh yeah I forgot I'm technically a dude now with you by walk outside I can rest assured well like a Clint I will be become a star from now on and guarding you both I wish you be I wish you will be happily ever after huh thank you for your wish we will love each other until the end grandpa that was a grandpa jump scare wow well that's that's that's it guys only one thing left to do really right like just gonna have to sleep a day um it's kind of one thing one just just one one thing kind of one thing it's it's in town it's nothing it's nothing too big it's gonna get a little bit more money for no reason I mean we we might as well
Channel: Waligug
Views: 174,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rngCQGiP5g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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