Can You Beat Stardew Valley If It's Always Night

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all right guys I just loaded in uh see anything different yeah it's eight o'clock I'm nocturnal a normal stardew Valley day starts at 6 a.m in the morning bright and early and goes all the way to 2 A.M at the very latest but let's say that you skip forward in time just a little bit and woke up at eight p.m at night that shrinks your time in the day from 20 hours to just six hours which is uh kind of gonna be kind of gonna be a little a little bit of a problem I think oh yeah sorry I'm already ruining my plan my plan I'm gonna break it down so I normally just break all of the fiber plants right when I spawn in because I want to get mixed seeds but I was thinking to myself I'm pretty sure the weeds spread so what if I leave them right and then eventually they'll just spread and I'll have even more than when I started I think that's probably gonna be the plan and yeah waking up at eight is gonna be kind of rough I'm not gonna lie since literally everything is going to be closed except for the star trough Saloon and beer ain't gonna do me no good no sir okay I know I said I was gonna leave them but I hate these fibers so I'm gonna break those ones in particular I already messed up that's meant to be five long I'm Rusty guys I'm Rusty it's fine I should probably make a chest I don't know I feel like I'm on an insane time constraint and I guess I kind of am actually finished hoeing and planting all my crops and it was just kind of occurring to me as silly as it sounds that I really don't have a lot of time in a day but yeah in the time it took me to say all that it's already 10 20 at night uh oh my gosh I mean I don't know what to do I'm already breaking fiber what the heck am I doing okay I'm gonna run and look for forageables with my like couple hours left of night time the forageable quest went decent I checked the bus stop some of the town and cindersapp Forest and made out with an okay amount of stuff the mainly helpful thing was the spring onion since that was going to be a little bit of energy oh yeah you guys might have noticed my hair looks kind of different I decided to go with kind of an emo look for this video because like you know I'm only up at night holy smokes literally every spring onion I could ever want and I think that should even give me enough time to run home we're gonna go for the quick refill nice snagged it somehow even though I was facing away from the water not gonna question it's just gonna take the W I think we are going to have a lot of these desperate Sprint homes all right it's on the chest and wow no we got plenty of time you know what I'm even gonna I'm gonna cop cut to cut down this this stump there we go four more wood perfect okay the fishing trip I'm gonna go pick up my fishing rod really quick oh yeah uh turns out I accidentally had infinite stamina on I did not mean to have that on my bad guys not playing that day again though it literally changed nothing I would have had plenty of stamina it's gonna freeze time everywhere really quick set us back to before five o'clock perfect okay fishing rod acquired can't cheat though because I just doesn't make sense when you stay there so I'll go back home unpause time set it back to eight o'clock and it's like nothing happened also let me double check I have no other cheats on by accident so now I got a fishing rod got a thriving Farm dude what else what more could you want honestly guess I'll use up my non-unlimited energy now and uh cut down some of these trees okay that's probably good like I said I can leave all the fiber it's gonna be kind of annoying to walk around and I mean I can break one or two if they're like really in my way like this for example but I'll try to generally avoid it since it's gonna be literally my only way to get crops period since Pierre is always going to be closed oh wait you know what well I think JoJo wait maybe maybe I will be able to buy seeds I feel like Jojo might actually stay open I'm not gonna make it I was gonna Sprint down but I'll grab this horseradish and check tomorrow I don't really go with JoJo that often but I I think they stay open then they slay open good one sorry the league of my channel now I still did have a little bit of time left in the day so I'm figured eh why not may as well check it see if they have the hours posted somewhere I'm an idiot and just ran right past it since I'm so used to just going down to stuff there can I check like the time oh my God wait what it's open this light holy smokes this poor worker okay well I guess I could buy stuff then I'll buy the bean starter trash this wood I don't really want it and we have parsnips down of course by a cauliflower and spend the rest on potatoes okay well things are slightly more expensive but we're kind of just gonna have to live with that sadly even though ironically enough I think I am gonna shoot for the community center one Seaweed three times market value does Lewis hang out in the saloon let me just check if he's in here really quick if he is I am gonna try for that actually okay well he's not here but he could have been here I guess kind of stupid because no way anyone's at they're probably all home in bed all we have to do is just pray that a crow doesn't come and then I'll be very happy I'm just gonna kind of try to prune This Grass since it's kind of bugging me oh my God wait I was not paying attention oh no I'm totally gonna pass out I was like oh I'm like four feet away there's no way I'll pass that right oh my God goodbye 15 gold foraging level one let's go no 1G what am I gonna do my day three basically just went how many stardew Valley playthroughs go heading over to the river and trying to catch some catfish I wasn't actually sure if you could catch catfish if you were level zero fishing so I had to double check the wiki really quick but once I was 100 sure I started fishing for him okay not a not a bad fishing session considering is only for a couple hours got 10 baits I'll never be able to use because I will not be able to buy a fiberglass fishing pole just kind of Chuck it in the chest for now I don't really want to sell it it's kind of crazy that literally just watering takes up like 20 like like a non-zero amount of my day whatever I don't care anyways I think today you know yesterday is a fishing day today we're just gonna clear a bunch of a bunch of trees up hopefully get those weeds slowly spreading since if I'm wrong about them spreading I would be very sad because I will not get like any mixed seeds honestly it doesn't matter as much as I thought it did because I forgot that Joe just stayed open that late I didn't think I'd be able to buy seeds from anywhere since I thought everything was closed by eight but I know I I guess mixed seeds you know they're still they're still not bad maybe I'll Harvest them all in summer first because I'll just get a massive sudden influx of watering in cash basically well I'm out of energy already very cool unless they got 100 wood for the rest today I just planted a couple of pine cones above the farm almost passed out because I misplaced one and it was really triggering me but I had barely enough energy to break it then I just ran out moved my TV and went to bed let's go the crows did not bother me okay we got the par snaps I'm gonna really quickly water all this pray to the good Lord that is in fact a good luck day and run over there go go go we have what five hours to get as far as I can that is gonna be interesting and it was things were going great actually I was getting through the floors pretty quickly I was still stopping and killed a mob since the increase in ladder odds was definitely worth a little bit of loss of time but oh yeah I I guess I should probably rephrase this things were going great till this happened yeah an infested floor with only a rusted sword was not gonna be very fun but I was on floor nine so I wasn't gonna give up and it was only 11 30. I maybe had a chance of completing it [Music] oh my God okay I think it was a good call to stick this because I should be able to get down another floor I was debating just instantly heading home when I saw the infested but yeah I was the right call to stick with it uh might even be able to get home if I hurried I'm just gonna like actually Focus up I'm gonna take these angles tight like I'm drifting call me Dale Earnhardt the way I okay I didn't make it another one gold lost it's so over all right that was a pretty good day I'm happy with that didn't even go through any of my food very cool I think I'm gonna try to buy some more crops in a couple days so I'm gonna sell all the fish I have and then go fish for the rest of the day probably I'll check my mail first though um yeah I was there yesterday don't worry and yeah I can kill 10 slimes oh nice and Linus found me so I don't have to give my precious 1G that's literally 10 of my net worth can't afford to give that up right now to be honest and now we grind in the fishing and yeah that that's that's what I did not not really much to say I just fished all day until like 12 30 a.m guess I'll just hand it back to live commentary me very W fishing trip got a bunch a bunch of fish honestly don't think it's gonna sell for that much because I got a bunch of carp and carpet just like they just suck I hate them to be honest I'm gonna I'm just gonna say it but I don't hate 775 gold that's pretty good there's a couple potatoes you know how it goes and I get another 100 gold from this achievement and I probably should while I remember make a scarecrow because I don't really want to lose a bunch of my crops I'm gonna have to sacrifice some of the precious fiber I've been saving oh right here perfect okay 20 grab a scarecrow Chuck that bad boy down seven eight nine twelve thirteen and fourteen okay that should be all the slots we need if I count it correctly I don't really trust myself that much but I have I have reasonable faith in myself this is the first time I'm gonna play through I've genuinely just been like very thankful that JoJo exists because I would like just have no crops if if they weren't open this late shout out to them dude the one thing about this challenge I did not think about Also let's go I planted it perfectly is that it's just it's just so hard to see like all the time like I really hate being up late and started because everything is just so dark like it sounds stupid to say but it's true like it just kind of annoys me and yeah I'm just using up the rest of my energy to cut down trees ooh another 100 gold delivery for making a scarecrow also some more potatoes very cool today I got some plans I'm gonna grab my chair quickly check on Cinder sap Forest after watering my crops of course as much as they are very annoying they are the backbone of my farm anyways then I'm probably just gonna see if I can sell these potatoes to jojimar and then just straight up buy more potatoes the same day because I'm honestly not sure if I can I don't see why I wouldn't be able to since you can do that up years obviously but maybe maybe they're just like slightly different I don't know like do they even want my potatoes maybe the only reason Pierre buys them is so he can like resell them and scam the town and take credit for my stuff and since Joe Joe's just so like ethical and like morally sound and better than like Pierre you know they just they wouldn't stoop down to that level I was right they're just so moral they just wouldn't wouldn't dream of buying these potatoes and reselling them for me that's why I love JoJo shout out JoJo this is kind of An Inconvenient place for a fiber to spawn just kidding it's not a fiber but it really looks like one after that epic bit of tomfoolery you know I just ran over to Cinder sap for us check the secret Woods for anything I might want there wasn't really anything there besides just a couple of normal spring forageables and since I had stupidly not brought my weapon I tried to get out of there as fast as possible since I did not want the Slime messing with me that's why you guys are my favorite mobs actually are they my favorite mobs they're kind of annoying I hate them when they slow me they didn't slow me there they must be listening trying to get my good books Shameless slimes that's not gonna work okay yeah totally work yeah slimes are probably my favorite mob you know who really suck These Guys these guys are the worst they slow you down so much every single time you hit them too it's not like a chance it's like 100 you get hit you're slowed and I think you lose defense too so you take more damage if I ever set from the volcano without like maxed Galaxy weapons they just completely decimate me on day night I had some big plans for farming today I collected up all of my forageables I'd been saving and crafted them into 20 packages of seeds normally you get a bunch of these seeds from donating one of each forageable to the bundle and then you get three times the value 30 seeds but since I couldn't access the community center due to the cutscene requirements to unlock it I had to settle for 21s for double the price this obviously kind of threw a wrench in my plans to complete the community center since you can't complete something you haven't unlocked obviously anyways then I bought some more potatoes from JoJo Jamar with the money I got from selling potatoes then spent the rest of the day slash night technically night probably night watering on my forageables and normal potatoes day 10 flew by watering all these crops and forageables seriously goes through my energy fast and since I spent the rest of the day chopping trees it was over before I had barely even started I suggest I don't really need these geodes I can't open them so I guess I'll sell them oh my gosh wait that's actually a lot of free money I'm just gonna I sold those geodes now I guess I'll just run down to Cinder South Forest probably grab that ax I'm pretty sure I should be able to give it to her sometime I feel it's pretty likely she leaves her house past eight more spring onions for me I didn't even use the other ones I always think spring onions are going to be like insanely useful in like a huge game changer and then I literally just like don't use them because they're annoying and barely give any energy this time it's gonna be different though I'm definitely going to eat them all I quickly ended day 11 then stared at my geodes being sold for like five straight minutes pretty sure I was just AFK but it was funny then moved on to day 12 I'd kind of forgotten about all the perks of the forest Farm mainly being all the extra space on the far left side of the farm where forageables could spawn I forgot how many forageables this Farm spawned I thought it was just gonna be the ones down there I could probably make even more even more forageable seeds if I want to water that which I don't but it probably would be worthless be real so I was treated to a nice surprise of forageables I had totally been ignoring so far then grabbed all my tools cleared the farm for a bit then watered at like 12 30 a.m since I forgotten to do it earlier oh that's bad maybe leaving the weeds up was a mistake oh it totally was what the heck oh my gosh my potatoes are ready yay okay no I can't get distracted what the heck freak this they're destroying my potatoes who do they think they are I'll just sell those potatoes right away and I can't even go into town so I guess I'll just go fish a little bit might as well haven't done in a couple days you know change of pace you feel me I fish for a couple hours and honestly did not do very well I barely got any fish and also made the stupid mistake of exhausting myself without being sure I leveled up a skill so uh not my finest moment no what have I done I hope I leveled up a skill but I'm gonna be honest I don't think actually wait maybe I did I did pick up all those potatoes there's a chance I did well I was CD too for exhausting myself okay uh whatever I'll eat a green algae it's fine I don't care anyways I'm not gonna check if I level up the skill I'm just gonna just gonna hope I did you know a little bit gamble in my life never heard nobody oh my gosh I did let's go I was right and wow that's a lot of money do I really want to spend it all in potatoes to water I'll think about it I probably will let's be real something else I'm gonna be real about is that I would really appreciate it if you guys would subscribe you know you're this far in the video I hope you're enjoying yourself so you know give it some thought decide if you want to subscribe I'd very much appreciate it I wonder if these guys are out of the range of the scarecrows honestly confession I literally don't even know if four Jewels can get stolen by scarecrows scarecrows what the heck am I saying like crows I feel like it would make sense if they couldn't but it would also be fair enough if they could so I really don't know after wrapping up that very productive thought I headed over to Jojo and bought myself 28 more potatoes to water and plant all right it's time I will take 28 potato seeds that I'm going to water extremely happily with no regrets it was a little bit of a rush to get them planted all late but I managed oh man okay um I'm actually gonna go buy today then I was gonna drop off that what the heck where's my pickaxe oh here it is I was gonna drop off the ax but I do not get rainy days very often so I think it's my time it's my time to act also I have a feeling I'm gonna be running out of inventory space so I don't want a cauliflower I can't make a cauliflower over chest let me chest out of cauliflower I love mixing words out yeah that reminds me you guys are like you guys are crazy I think I misspoke slightly very slightly in one of my videos and I got this many comments about it it's actually insane I I don't you I I didn't think it was that big of a deal but everyone noticed somehow all right we've arrived my goal what is my goal probably yeah probably floor 20. I think that's a fair goal is it worth it to kill the slime probably not yep it was not the mining day went pretty well but I did make a couple of dumb mistakes like ignoring coal and copper thinking for whatever reason I wouldn't need them I literally don't even think I need copper so I don't really need to run to the end of this to get the coal mine car for some reason I had it in my head that you only used copper and iron to like upgrade your pickaxe and stuff like that but obviously I need it for like Sprinklers and stuff so later on it's kind of annoying and I really wish I'd gotten the stuff now but hey what can you do I did reach floor 20 but I didn't push it since it was getting kind of late and I didn't want to pass I don't lose a bunch of energy again but overall pretty solid day since I'm a smart guy I'm gonna grab the Lost ax so I don't forget wait no did I water wait it rained am I stupid on day 16 I noted that my forageables had grown oh my it is forageable day before running off to robins and realizing that I was not going to be able to complete the quest to lose too early and basically never left her house and it was only like a 250 gold reward it wasn't that heartbroken since after collecting all my newly grown forageables I can make 80 more seed packets then if I grab everything else out I can make 80. okay I don't know if I want to water 80 guys I'm gonna be honest I kind of do I'm not gonna lie yeah I'm gonna do it but for whatever reason instead of planting them right away I made the very bold choice to wait until 1 50 a.m to plant them all but hey honestly live commentary didn't do that bad that that's a decent amount of plant but less than four hours later on day 17 I was already starting to have regrets about how many I planted it's kind of just like oh my God why'd I plant so many whatever I guess I should probably maybe work on sprinklers I don't know why for some reason I thought like I literally just wouldn't be able to do that but I totally will be able to but I think it's maybe a little bit too late for that in spring since I literally did not plan for that even a little I spent the rest of day 17 just drowning my sorrows with some wood chopping and then on day 18 I spent the whole day looking for salmon berries I totally overlooked salmon berries as a food source way too often in Spring but they're actually really good and not that hard to get a lot of on day 19 I gave one last try on the robin ax Quest seeing if she was at the bar I also brought along a cauliflower for Jody since I had that Quest as well but no dice so I gave up for real this time watered all my crops collected my brand new forageables and went to bed go we're getting a cat all right I'm I'm gonna name it bread it's a reference more potatoes yippee oh my God wait even more potatoes I forgot about these ones so many potatoes I don't really want that that's stupid um green beans so I'm gonna destroy it all right that leaves me a little bit of time to go farm up some copper we've made it down just far enough to farm some copper so I guess I'm just gonna do that for the rest of the day oh I should probably get stoned too since I'm gonna need to make a bunch of furnaces to smelt all the stuff obviously kind of wish I got in that coal because I forgot that I can like make things out of iron bars and copper bars that aren't just upgrading your tools I farmed copper for the rest of the admittedly not very long day then ran home and unfortunately passed out wait I'm so stupid how did I possibly manage to pass out I thought I could get to those two trees I in fact could not because I kind of misjudged how long it would take to chop down these two trees I was like three steps away from my front door not my not my not my best move to to be honest day 21 I farmed copper the entire day again this time without passing out like an idiot then spent days 22 and 23 clearing the farm of a bunch of trees I dialed back into minington City on day 24. I didn't need to go to the flower dance anyways and made it down five floors only getting kind of unlucky on floor 24. I'm gonna cry I did in fact knock at the club whatever life goes on sometimes for the worse sorry I got a little bit too into the emo the Emo character right there on day 25 I just I just dropped some trees that then decided I wasn't really feeling The Vibes on on day 25 so I just slept right away well this is gonna be a pretty short day I don't really feel like doing anything else so I'm just gonna hit the bed early maybe the crushing reality of my situation was finally starting to hit me I was completely alone on this Farm the only people I saw in my very brief visits into town to buy seeds were Morris and the jogium art employee and I could hardly call them friends but I know I have to keep moving forward finally the last of the forageables that I honestly kind of regret planting I probably should have just done more potatoes but whatever we got this many that would let us may 230 wild seeds but I didn't craft them just yet I just hung on to them threw them in a chest and grabbed my pickaxe and berries and the wrong sword God I can't believe I didn't know notice I was using the wrong sword for like 15 in-game days this sword sucks then I'd just mind for the rest of the day you know how it goes well that was a pretty good day can't really expect to go down much further than five floors a day unless I get like insanely lucky but whatever also never gonna be able to get the Mine Card since I can't activate the community center cutscene but whatever all right guys I'm making a risky call but I'm making the the 1 30 am run to water my pet's ball oh nice level two mining too so I can go mining tomorrow oh yeah I sold these gems too how much we're gonna get what 600 not bad nothing to water today for the first time in forever feels very strange okay I mean while I'm here I may as well just quickly craft all that 244 seats that's pretty good today I'm just gonna finish chopping up all these trees probably I'm gonna be somewhere and move to the other side so all the wood doesn't fall in the water that's why I'm the number one in my city at stardew Valley definitely not going to say n a since I know multiple streamers who are better at starter value than me who live in N A I know I should probably like turn this into the thingies but I just I don't I don't think it's gonna be worth it waiting for Caroline yeah no she's in bed by nine o'clock and I can't get into Pierre's shop anyways oh okay that was the achievement sound how much 8.5 K is pretty good I'm happy with that the final day of spring I spent some more time in the mines and jeez man look how long it takes to kill one of these floor guys cannot believe I didn't notice earlier I was using the wrong weapon but terrible weapon aside my Mad Skills prevailed and I managed to make it to floor 40 of the mine which unlocked iron ore I didn't Farm much of it today but as soon as Summer started I was gonna get rid on it seems like that gamble I was talking about might have actually paid off since I yeah I'm literally fine nice holy smokes all of that and it's not even 12 o'clock look at me okay now it's 12 o'clock but the point still stands okay all right ladies and gentlemen we have a oh my God thank you so much Mom 500 gold nice we've arrived in Spring you know what time it is I'm going to be smart and prepare my sprinkler setup for basic sprinklers before I get them which is harder and then oh no oh um okay let's try that again with a clean slate why don't we I always end up making unfortunate patterns uh with uh with the basic sprinklers [Music] I spent pretty much the entire day working on my basic sprinkler pattern okay I think that's probably right whatever I'm gonna go buy seeds which unfortunately enough led to this no I'm so stupid I should not God damn it if only I hadn't spent so long accidentally creating a swastika it's fine it's fine now I have time to like perfect my design God that sounds so bad the way I'm gonna cut it if only I hadn't spent so long accidentally creating a swastika it's fine it's fine now I have time to like perfect my design actually kind of looks like that um the FNAF creators profile picture you guys see what I mean yeah that's probably good for now okay I need to screenshot this in paint and like see if I literally did anything right okay I think that all checks out nice all right after watering my crops I'm going to run straight over to piers and that I did I bought myself 40 melons and 20 hops now obviously the melons were gonna make me a bunch of money but I was honestly more excited for the Hops since they were going to give me a really nice energy source going I love hops shout out to Hops I plant them when I can okay um God damn the thing is messed up again okay wait okay after legitimately that was probably like five minutes irel thinking I think it's all good it shouldn't be this hard for me to be honest after attending to all my morning duties it was time for something I was so excited for because it's just insanely satisfying all right and you guys know what time it is now I'm going to collect all the mixed seeds I've been keeping on the ground I call them mixed seeds but in reality their their fiber obviously but they're gonna all turn into that sweet sweet mixed seed cash so enjoy this montage okay nice 34 C's that's pretty good also I just realized I'm really stupid why don't I make some torches it's I always complain about it being so dark but I do nothing about it I need to be more of a problem solver I think boom 10 torches guys remember you can always change your situation you just have to put your mind to it oh my gosh wait I totally forgot to water these that's embarrassing why didn't anyone tell me guys God I hate hops I can never tell when they're watered and now that it's dark it's even harder whatever I didn't want to see anyways okay well that's all watered I'm gonna go farm up a little bit a little bit iron I might have uh accidentally lost a couple days so let's just skip straight ahead to day 37 day 38 I literally just farmed copper and iron all day day 39 I crafted some more sprinklers then went back to farming for more resources to craft even more sprinklers day 40 the most interesting thing I did was get rid of some debris below my sprinklers so I have more space to expand downwards later day 41 I farmed even more resources like iron and copper day 42 I smelted all the resources I farmed on day 41 39 and 38 collected a melon Harvest I sold it for a pretty solid like 6K gold before quickly buying more stuff to plant on day 43. 44 was more farming same with 45 and on day 46 the most exciting thing was my first harvest of hops and me clearing my entire farmer grass since I have no way to get animals so no reason to really keep it around it's all I can get hay from it 47 I got more ore 48 I explorer Center sap force and on 49 I leveled up the farming 6 unlocking quality sprinklers I probably wasn't going to use them but I have them now I guess now you might have noticed I went through these past like 10 days really fast and I'm just gonna say it was an intelligent storytelling decision and not because my mic was muted for two and a half hours of recording [Music] oh my God Diamond it's my first diamond this is gonna help fund my fall money money purchasing my crop purchasing since fall was getting surprisingly close my main worry right now was how the heck I was gonna be able to afford all the Cranberries I wanted since they're actually like a surprisingly expensive crop so I wasn't gonna be able to buy very many with how much money I had now this floor is just insane for dust Sprites I have no idea why so many spawned but a lot of them do actually wait why the heck is this the best floor like it's kind of just common knowledge or at least it is for me I don't know if you guys knew a little fun fact 456 is the best floor to farm dust Sprites on if you hadn't noticed maybe it's just because it's the largest floor it must be oh my gosh wait solar Essence let's go I need five the reason why I was so excited to see like a normally pretty mundane drop is because I was saving for a ring that would finally give me some light so I could hopefully see a nine wow a hundred bucks for one Frozen geode do I have any more of those I should totally sell those what the heck that's a bargain oh yeah I should probably Farm cop fur since I've literally nothing what the heck the motherload of all copper nice 48 copper that is a great day and it's 12 o'clock nice I can save my energy too let's go dude all right six more sprinklers perfect oh my gosh I'm in a paper what the heck let's go it's also time to get rid of all these crops laying around I'm done with them I think I'm gonna try to reach floor actually I'm not gonna be able to reach floor 60 today time to cut some trees I think I'm also gonna move this stuff down here because I'm always looking for it I can literally never find it there we go that's gonna make my life kind of easier then I cut trees and was about to go to bed before I did my good deed of the day and ran out and watered my poor cat's bull I remember when I can okay day 52 I was back off to the mines it's basically just a constant Balancing Act of mining for ores then running out of coal so farming for more coal on 456 and today was a floor 56 day decent day got a call despite how deceivingly close you are to floor 60 I will definitely not make it so I'm gonna go home my original plan on day 54 was to just make it down another five level in the mines and finally hit floor 60 but some some special circumstances made me change my mind since it was just going to be stupid to not Farm coal today okay I was gonna go down a floor but what the heck it's an infested floor literally the perfect data Farm call it would actually be stupid okay that wasn't even that much better I I probably should have just gone down to floor 60 but whatever life life goes on I guess all right what a what a great end of the season honestly I love rain makes my life so easy oh yeah three solar Essence so I'm gonna actually save five iron bars in here so I can make the ring when I can but that's fine because I didn't even have enough copper to use them anyways maybe this will level me up also oh my God okay I did not think having so little inventory space would be so annoying but it's actually grinding my gears majorly all right and then I'm just gonna collect all these crops probably run out of inventory space then have to empty my inventory because I hate having one Barbed inventory man I sure wish that man I sure wish that uh Joe just sold a backpack too don't know why Pierre has a monopoly on that also I don't really care about these crops anymore I'm just gonna pick up all the sprinklers and move over there probably since a lot of these sprinklers are only being used to water like three tiles which is just kind of a dumb waste honestly oh no okay it's the Hops that finally push me over the edge so I have to empty my inventory amazing I spent the rest of the day just picking up the sprinklers and then moving them back over to my new spot I think I've finally gone down the basic sprinkler pattern so it was a lot easier the last day of summer also known as day 56 was pretty much just gonna be a wood chopping day preparing for fall but I've agreed with a very welcome surprise oh my gosh wait I just remembered I actually can go to this Festival let's go okay I'll chop down those trees later I don't really care it's fine I can chop them down on Fall first anyways oh yeah I should also probably cut down these trees at some point they're kind of kind of in the way I I suppose we did it let's go all right and that was literally everything I said I just it's vibed for the rest of the night you know just chilled kind of down there there is simply no way what what you are growing the weed bro there is no way there is simply no way most useful craft fairy okay whatever it's fine wow this looks pretty grown for sure amazing you love to see it okie dokie I'm gonna grab the Hops we're facing out the salmon berries guys I know I know it's a tough moment but you know they want what's best for me and they give me double the energy okay I need to really quickly count all these sprinklers all right 39 154 crops 56 I mean whoopsies and even though I'd prepared so I could buy as many cranberries as I wanted I I kind of kind of underestimated their price and was still a little bit unprepared okie dokie what are we buying cranberries am I feeling cranberries am I feeling cranberries what am I feeling hmm yeah I'm feeling cranberries okay that was probably a mistake uh because now I can't okay never mind wait all right 114. I'll plant some more later I guess kind of sad I don't have enough money but whatever I'm reliving the past I can grab my Hops and this time put them into the far slot where I normally keep them I legged at home and hoed roughly enough spots for my pumpkins and managed to plant them all I'm gonna be honest I do not think I'm gonna have enough time to water these pumpkins but I'm still gonna try we go for it you never give up guys that's that's the way I cook away okay I did it and I think I might actually be able to wait oh man I missed that spot that's gonna annoy me whatever I did it and I might even be able to make it to bed I think I will actually let's go huge I'm Gonna Leave This one this one grown crop by the crop fairy as a memory now it will never get destroyed it will live forever I'm also I hate this corn so I'm gonna break it all right and with the the rest of the farm looking pretty good I'm gonna go look for some forageables I guess right yeah oh my God the special order board let's go awesome I'm totally gonna do a lot of those 100 oh wait I just realized I'm not even high enough foraging level okay never mind I'm gonna go cut down some trees also it's Tuesday so I'm probably not gonna find them any forageables anywho I spent the rest of the day chopping down this line of trees at the bus stop and wow it's it's pretty satisfying sped up day 59 was spend clearing the farm and Scavenging through Cinder sap for us looking for some more mixed seeds to plant I thought I didn't have that many but when I quick stacked the items in my chest I realized I had another 14 lying around so I planted all those um I still mostly unused sprinkler setup day 60 I got that artifact spot right here that's probably been bugging some of you guys then ventured back into the scary depths of them fine and got some handy stuff done oh my God that's the solar Essence I need and we have 460. excellent timing do I want the Stagger honestly yeah sure actually it kind of sucks but whatever I'll take it anyways I can sell it or something I'm so excited I'm finally gonna have like a glow ring and I will be able to see and I'm literally I this is the best thing I've gotten in this playthrough I'm just thinking it's probably been hell to watch this is everything so dark my bad guys we barely make it I'll craft it tomorrow I don't want to pass out all right huge I I love love combat I could have passed out whatever all right we have it both of it we did it oh my God finally so amazing I want a second one I want two I'm not gonna lie oh my God it's so good I actually love it so much so worth okay whatever I'm feeling another mining day I'm going mining again I want to work towards gold I guess I could probably aim for Quality sprinklers too uh yeah no I totally should actually I think I have a good amount of quartz so I could probably make a few five or ten maybe but I don't think I've even looked up here yet I totally should whatever I'm I'm not even gonna bother breaking those fibers now I have no no idea if this is true and I don't want to spread misinformation guys but someone someone if someone knows this do you have like a lower chance to get mixed seeds from fiber when you break them on fiber plants outside of the farm I feel like that's totally true there's just no way it's not I'm still gonna waste a lot of time and kill all these ghosts just because I I was not kidding when I said I want another ring I see a ladder there so I am gonna make a run for these crates if I had less time I probably wouldn't but I don't even know if you can get anything good I'm just kind of feeling it I really love the the kind of like you know you know what I mean like the we did it another five floors baby big progress okay I gotta remember there's a nut up here don't want to forget that guy no dude am I crazy with that last time passed like insanely fast I'm probably just coping honestly let's be real day 62 I ran back to the mines and on my way there I found something just made my day truly oh my gosh the second one's spawned in two unless I was there last night and I'm just completely blind put it on screen I changed my mind about going to the mines though and instead I just looked around for a bunch of forageables and actually came out pretty good I mean look at all this it's actually kind of insane for one day day 63 was literally just an entire day of trying to level up my foraging skills since I really wanted level six holy smokes I have not looked at my mail for a while that was literally a week ago what else am I missing can't do that another crippling loss uh I actually think I can do that I will help out my homie Linus for sure normally I just stare at this basket for like three in-game years but today I'm actually gonna get it the only reason I said I think I could do this Quest and not all the other ones because I think yeah you should just it's literally right here also I always help out my homie Linus dude I really am living up to the anti-social dark emo guy I've literally greeted 4 out of 28 people the rest of my full stack of days was spent once again chopping trees to level my foraging I like I I really want level 6 foraging okay I just found this purple mushroom and since it is literally the CEO of energy I'm gonna eat it right away some of that Shantel that one you know I passed out but I don't care because I leveled up foraging or oh my God wait actually I was kind of kidding holy smokes I call recognize um gray very cool very based how do you make them anyways I think I have most things okay I can make 30. not a bad start it's mainly just common mushrooms limiting me but uh I'm sure I can find more probably okay we're exactly two sprinklers short maybe I have some more iron and copper lying around I feel like I probably should like I I definitely have the iron but do I have the copper I generally yeah I have the iron copper copper copper do I seriously have none actually that's crazy I definitely thought I had some uh okay whatever I guess I'll time to nine yeah I have time okay guess I'll go farm up some copper because uh yeah that's not really acceptable I'm gonna be real also keep an eye out for common mushrooms they hide in plain sight I don't think I found any common mushrooms but I did find 62 copper which is actually a super good turnout I was really pleased with that day 66 I just ran around the map looking for stuff cleared this very satisfying place near the community center and that was pretty much it it was a very uneventful day pre-chill t67 I expanded my sprinklers to include more fall seeds I crafted then ran over the mines to far more iron since I'd ran out while making sprinklers for the aforementioned fall seeds day 68 was just balancing out my iron farming with some copper farming that's pretty much it the a69 also went by super quick that's what she said I just cut some of this grass and like put down some sprinklers I don't know I mainly just mentioned this stuff so I can make that joke oh my God me pumpkins are ready nice so I'm gonna get a lot of money um am I can I grow pumpkins again I don't think I can so that's kind of annoying I don't know what I'm gonna plant cranberries wouldn't make much sense I don't know maybe I could speed grow them no I can't because I don't think Georgia sells speed bro and I'll head over to Joe gen C oh I wouldn't be able to do it until tomorrow because I can't sell crops there I'll Chuck them all in the bin including the eggplant nice I decided for the rest of the day since I couldn't plant more crops that I would go and try my luck in the mines and honestly it went a lot worse than it normally does okay wow this was a waste of time I don't even think I'll be able to make it one floor pathetic then I sold my pumpkins for a pretty penny as it turned to day 71. oh kegs I should probably have set up that stuff earlier wow oh wow also forty seven thousand dollars that's pretty good did not think I was making that much money to be honest all right after a little bit of research apparently artichokes are the most profitable which is awesome because it seems like they aren't sold here okay second most profitable is grapes okay our farm cannot accommodate that okay apparently the the fourth most profitable is Beats let's grow some beets but they're also not sold here what what is happening why is nothing Soldier okay who cares I'm growing freaking bok choy whatever Jesus nothing sold here Georgia sucks I hate you never thought I'd see the damn day where i'm growing bok choy of all things desperate times call for desperate measures I suppose well that's planted I'll just have to live with doing that for the rest of my life I guess you know one day at a time kind of thing yep can't go to the fair that's sad whatever I didn't want a star drop anyways speaking of a star drop I do actually want when I was being sarcastic I think I guess you know should I try to mine again I feel like it's gonna be like actually impossible for me to mine no I'm gonna set up an oak Farm I think not sure where I want it maybe huh I think it might look nice on my farm honestly there's a couple too many trees here I'll get rid of some of these I kind of I'll kind of plant them here you feel me you feel me I think this is a decent spot and I think I can just perfectly squeeze right there nice okay so those are gonna take a billion years to grow probably but you know if I ever do 200 days of this maybe I can make some cakes and since I'm gonna need a lot of copper I'm gonna go farm some copper up because you know gotta make the actual tappers to get the oak resin you're feeling well spending that iron the other day is kind of annoying well spending that iron the other day was kind of regrettable because now I have the solar Essence but no iron and no in case you're wondering I do not have any iron ore of course I don't have any iron ore why would I have any iron ore when I need it I'm also low on coal awesome but yeah let's ignore all my real problems and make some pads so the thing is I don't really have any good looking pads because obviously I can't buy any of the nice looking ones from Robin's I'd say the nicest one we own is probably obviously the one I'm putting down now like it doesn't look amazing but it doesn't look awful it'll kind of give me something something to work with maybe like I'm not even that good at decorating in general but I can try something like that and oh my gosh we're gonna go through a lot of stone doing this okay might actually have to try to limit myself because I don't want to run out of stone because I can't buy any and I don't really want to farm Stone farm and stone is always just so annoying but already that path is looking a look looking a little bit better I think and we'll make some offenses and maybe I'll maybe I'll do my chest setup like kind of here I can incorporate some of these bushes maybe I feel like honestly having the fence gate is going to annoy me more than it's going to look good something like this could be nice and then maybe if I do the same thing on the other side and if I do like and like kind of like that maybe almost so I can still get up to the pet yeah that could look nice and then along here I can put my furnaces not like that that looks like stupid kind of like oh my God I don't like that either third time's a charm something like that and then I'll kind of get some chests going down here something like that maybe should I try to organize it I totally should organize them but I do not wanna whatever I'll do it it took literally almost all day and I kind of got creative uh I went outside by normal normal naming or organizing scheme but it works it's not gonna be it's not that pretty though honestly not to insult myself and then these ones they're just gonna be my tools and sit right there so I always know where they are since misplacing my tools is so annoying okay is that good yes do I have time to harvest all that stuff what the hell am I doing I should have planted that that's fine I still plan it whatever not my not my best move but it's life goes on I suppose all right all right all right my bok choy is ready too you'll love to see it okay I can just sell all of this and then what I'm really excited for is getting a bunch more forageables planted oh I sold the hazelnut that's fine it's only one not my best move whatever you didn't see that okay I'm hoping we got lots of plums since I'm pretty sure that's what we needed plums and nuts and those are the ones I don't have and actually that is literally perfect nice oh my God my inventory is so full um go down there oh my God okay wait my inventory is too full I can just uh Chuck this here throw all that in and then I can Harvest again you're gonna freak this coin get out of my inventory so what I'll do is I'll start with just taking the biggest stack out of each of these make a bunch okay and that's all we can make because we were out of plums I'm actually very proud of how smartly I did that and I've ruined it by saying smartly whoopsies game over I think I should just have enough spots already watered and tilled just from the bok choy being ready today and not having an overnight until a bunch yeah this is totally gonna be enough nice yeah okay that was perfect great it was a successful day do I have time to run over Jojo I don't think so I think it closes already and then I'll move all this stuff to the main storage now I don't really know I have all these melons either I guess I'll sell them maybe I was saving them for some reason but I do not remember and if it's been that long and I haven't used them yet I probably don't need them oh I think I can go to the spirits Eve actually totally can oh I bet I can't do that Quest and spear sieve is not for a little bit means something I guess also wow I mean that bok choy still didn't make almost anything I forgot I sold those melons those melons definitely carried today I know exactly what I'm doing grabbing my weapons and I'm heading up to the mines to get those last little bit of iron I need to make another glowing magnet ring I'm not I'm not feeling just one I need I need to I need it's not a one it's a need there we have it second glowing does it make me that much more glowful let me say so the glow goes to about that bush if I take it off okay no it genuinely does make a pretty big difference okay that's good I don't know why I didn't think it would I for some reason I thought it wouldn't just be like a straight up like doubled doubled radius but yeah what do I know anyways oh yeah let's get a classic kind of Strat I do pretty much every playthrough going I'm gonna go plant all these seeds up at the top of the mountain oh I'm probably gonna need more clearing stuff because there's like stones and rocks and probably trees too it was a good call to grab all those tools since I had to clear a bunch of stuff but after all that was gone I went ahead and planted all my seeds that was uh fun as always I love doing this for like four minutes okay I was like we're like a minute these damn Zoomers in their attention spans can't even plant trees damn it dude I always pick up the bonsai tree try to pet my cat I'm not the brightest day 78 I decided to start going through my ore backlog by smelting most of it but instantly decided to make my life harder by Mining and getting even more Ores and yep I ended up on the positive since I snagged another 50 odd or at the start of day 79 I started clearing up some trees around the farm since they were kind of getting out of control huh I didn't even notice I got a mushroom tray cool you know what I'm feeling lucky I'm feeling a mushroom mad ready ready right now ready ready I'm so ready uh ah okay I'll get him next time for sure I should probably give this guy a name huh I'm feeling I'm feeling um Tiffany Tiffany the weed I was trying to think of a name that's like a fairy name I don't really think I not really a fairy name I don't really know why that came to mind because I don't really think it is in particular but kind of the vibe I'm getting you know you did not [Music] there is no way it wasn't even a real crop why would I put a scarecrow next to a dead crop I didn't even know they could do that I didn't even think that like if I knew they would have I wouldn't have taken that risk why is that a thing I spent the rest of the day just immersed in my work you know running around Cinder sap Forest organizing chests the whole shebang just to keep my mind off the crushing reality but tragically enough Life Goes On so I was just back in the mines on the 25th the rest of fall was a blur I just tap some trees on day 82 and oh yeah I also lost my pickaxe like a dumbass how have I possibly managed to misplace my pickaxe literally where could it be here oh yeah okay that's fair actually never mind that's a reasonable place to misplace something oh I was what the bro I'm actually spacing out big time I dominated the fall festival maze with relative ease it got my golden pumpkin then headed home right away boom golden pumpkin yippee hooray I guess I'm gonna go ahead and buy myself a couple jack-o-lanterns don't mind if I do need a little bit more decoration it's looking kind of dry final day of fall went by super quick I literally just couldn't wait to get to Winter honestly am okay it's winner wait please tell my level up enough to make the winter seeds oh I did thank God okay so what do I have I can find winter Roots no yams and I have some Crystal fruits from the mine I need to find crocus oh and those all spoiled that's unlucky so I guess I'm just gonna run around yeah no actually I'm gonna go to the beach really quick and I'll show oh oh and a winter route amazing oh my God and the croak is doubled let's go things can't be going better oh and this guy's back welcome back buddy a long time no say oh nice I need one of those for the community center you know if I if I had it unlocked but I'd digress foreign winter Roots 14 Snow Yeah or sorry 13 Snow yams that'll that'll do us pretty well I believe and then of course we're just gonna need more crocus and more Crystal fruit I'm actually just gonna pull a quick cheating and see if I can just see any on a screenshot okay perfect there's only two of them and they're both literally right here so I'll be home before I pass out all right sorry I won't I won't pass that at all actually I still might because I have to plant this stuff I kind of forgot about that and that's three also an achievement awesome I love crafting items let's go oh I didn't even plant them I wasn't paying attention dude I got distracted by the music I was listening to God damn it circling the dream by microwave is too distracting that's fine whatever not that big of a deal life goes on it always does I do have to re-host some stuff which is a little bit annoying though all right that's 30 seeds down yippee hooray put the rest of those in there so don't lose them oh wait I'm actually out of Crystal fruit of all things huh I did not think I would run out of that for some reason I mean I guess I only did get like three pieces in the mine so I shouldn't be that surprised but still oh yeah I kind of want those trees to grow so uh 23 fertilizer coming right up well that's pretty good I think I'm gonna try to progress in the mines for today I uh am I gonna be able to make it down probably not but I'll try whatever I was in fact wrong I managed to make it down to floor 70 and got the nice little reward even though I couldn't really use it 70 and a master slingshot not bad I'm not gonna push my luck though um there is just no way I'm gonna make it back in time if I try to I will I won't even make it a 75 and I will also definitely pass out I kept mining on day 87 and made kind of a questionable timing call but it kind works out honestly oh my gosh wait why did I keep going down I literally did not even notice the time uh that's probably fun okay pretty fun but I do need that cool so I'm gonna take a little detour give me thank you 1am we're definitely passing out and we have 84 000 that's a little unlucky surely I can find a ladder I have like 45 seconds to find a ladder oh thank God okay that was kind of close uh what do I get here better boots I'll take those thank you I mean I'll I'll make I'll like put on a show and like try to run but like I'm not gonna make it obviously whatever 10 floors that's crazy just need a couple of a couple of damn Crystal fruit and then we'll be chilling but I honestly doubt any spawn then I'll check over here might as well I see a stump no Crystal fruit though also none down here very sad look at how fast these guys grow when they have speed grow it's kind of crazy day 89 was a nice little cool farming day I always enjoyed those it's kind of satisfying and then day 90 I started farming up some gold just in case you know I wanted it around foreign I put this diamond up on my table to show off my gist my my immense wealth infinite almost probably more definitely infinite maybe bigger than infinity why the heck is this guy showing up here is this guy stupid literally I've not sit you haven't even let me in your store dude I've not set foot in Pierre's General Store not even once oh my gosh are you finally divorcing your wife I'm sorry I can't say that was Trey face uh what is it always then um it's kind of awkward so I I decided I was going to record all of it the rest of the days left in one session and I just I just didn't hit record I have winter 14 and 15 though I literally just mind the chopped trees but anyways let me know if you guys want 200 Days please leave it in the comments below and check out this video on screen you'll definitely enjoy it
Channel: Waligug
Views: 209,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LU-r3XcrZlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 36sec (3156 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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