This guy supports "spiritual" connections

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Oh [Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so if you've been on Twitter recently you'll probably have heard about this individual who did a live stream where they pretty much admitted to being a pedophile so what we're gonna do is go over that specific footage and then we're gonna talk about the individual as a whole I don't care about age I date anybody it doesn't matter I don't follow society's rules and you know people think you love me for that but doesn't matter to me I never cared about what people think of me you know that's why Chris calls me a pedo and all these funny names okay so one thing I think we should address pretty much immediately is that this guy apart from being a pedophile also has a big case of I'm not like the other boys edge Lord thing going on I don't care what people think about me I've never followed society's rules and it's like first of all calm down you're not that special and second of all there's nothing to be proud of if you don't follow rules that are there for good reason you know we're not talking about being not mainstream or countercultural we're talking about laws those rules that you're supposed to follow like don't have sex with children don't try to be in a relationship with children the edge word thing gets really annoying I'm just telling you that now as if being a pedophile wasn't bad enough he has to add this extra layer of what I call condescension because he's acting like he really has this superior understanding of what life is supposed to be like and that's why he doesn't care about what people think also I'm sorry but why is pedophile a funny name to call someone I'm genuinely stunned at that because I think it's pretty much anyone's worst nightmare to have people call them a pedophile or to put forth allegations of them being pedophiles like I could not imagine something worse maybe ask yourself why you think it's funny you know even though he's really just I I don't think there's a word that can describe his level of sickness but if you feel you have chemistry towards someone you know like you connect in a spiritual way then go for it whether they're you know fourteen forty eight ninety nine whatever doesn't matter dude sure twelve is cool with me that's great man see the funny thing about adolescents is they never sold their soul yet and so they still have purity in them and if you can get one young like that then that's freakin great I told you the edge word things so children according to this individual are better because they haven't sold their soul yet and they're still pure now while children in my opinion are pure the soul concept that it's acceptable because they you know haven't been corrupted by life yet supposedly is insane and his quote of saying if you get one young like that that's awesome that sounds like you're buying a dog or something like yeah let's get a puppy if you can get a young one that's great this is a human this is a human being with thoughts and feelings moving on pay attention to the ages he says right cuz here he said fourteen and then he said twelve just pay attention to the ages as we go forward you know most of the time though their parents probably wouldn't be cool with that and that's understandable but the funny thing is a lot of parents are so stupid and they insult their own children saying you know well my kid can't date someone younger because their brain hasn't developed because basically you know it's like saying they're stupid my kids stupid so I don't want them dating someone older because they're just gonna make stupid choices because they're dumb what kind of piece of crap parent says that I find that this argument it's probably one of the most manipulative arguments simply because as adults you and I can say okay that makes no sense you know parents don't think their kids are stupid and that's why they don't want them to date adults they don't want them to get groomed and traumatized so that's parents really looking out for their kids however the reason I say that this is because this is an argument a younger child would buy you know if an adult tells them oh your parents think you're so stupid you can't make your own choices but I know better I know that you're more mature than that like let's go out a kid might buy that depending on their age and their brain development they might buy that and think yeah [ __ ] my parents for you know not letting me do what I want when the reality is your parents are defending you from creepy pedophiles exactly like this one I really just hope that this is trolling but at the same time I just don't know what you can really get from this apart from negative publicity and you know people really want their 15 minutes even if they're terrible 15 minutes and I mean I don't think I need to explain that at 14 or 11 or 12 or whatever age the child is their brain is still developing our brains develop until 25 of course some people finish prior but nonetheless a 12 year old cannot consent for obvious reasons so this guy trying to paint as we think children are dumb is not only moronic but obviously over simplistic oh yes I would dude I would date an 11 year old 9 year old doesn't matter I look in a spiritual aspect of it if I spiritually connect to someone it doesn't matter dude ninety nine eight a thousand years old it doesn't matter and if you think illah me for that that's on you I really don't give a [ __ ] so cheers guys for being here still got 46 in the chat so if you've noticed the ages got lower and lower we started with 14 then 12 and I think we went to 11 then 9 and 8 it's already alarming when he said he would go for a 14 year old or a 12 year old but it shows that it he really doesn't seem to have any sense of boundaries saying 8 and 9 is OK 2 when none of those ages are OK in my book and he goes on about this thing about spiritually connecting right and I believe the general note of age does not matter past the age of consent once you're past the age of consent nobody can say anything people can think it's weird but nobody can say anything because you're past the age of consent it's legal prior to that though the excuse of age is just a number honestly scares the [ __ ] out of me because I don't know under what circumstances you can really believe that unless you're a delusional pedophile because no one who isn't a delusional pedophile would think yeah 12 and 14 year olds are totally cool to date when you're [ __ ] 30 I don't know how this guy is but he's not 12 or 14 based on his videos you can tell that this guy loves the negative attention he's getting right now there's one from five hours ago saying thanks for the views keemstar and then there's one from two hours ago saying I ain't a Peter file which as you can imagine is him being all edgy and making jokes about his current situation which is inappropriate to say the least so I'm going to just show you a quick clip from that I ain't a Peter file video well howdy-do this is Jared Genesis - no yes shaking guys this is Jared Jenna see us and I just have to say I'm not a Peter fowl y'all why y'all call me a Peter foul y'all ain't no Peter file but I would like to say this though that toe every Friday night it's I like to give free foot massages at the Chucky Cheese aside from that if you we look over his channel a lot of his videos are titled saying you know Netflix killed it with the Punisher or iron fist on Netflix is freaking awesome he has some politically oriented videos titled how to really make America great again he has another one in support of proud boys if you don't know what proud boys are all have a definition here I haven't really been able to determine whether this person has some kind of mental impairments and the reason I'm saying that isn't be shady or mean but I genuinely am wondering whether this person is trolling whether this person just has no sense of awareness or whether something is mentally wrong which I mean I think by definition if you're a pedophile something has to be mentally wrong I've seen that he has very immature responses to people commenting saying that what he's doing is disgusting whether it's on Twitter or YouTube he'll just answer saying hey sexy how are you hey do you want to hook up just completely middle school type behavior which is why I kind of have question marks because if that's trolling it's pretty boring anyways guys I might do a second video of updates if we find out more let me know we think in the comments down below if you have any information you want to add feel free to leave it in the comments down below as well thank you guys so much for watching I'll catch you guys next time [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 341,812
Rating: 4.96626 out of 5
Keywords: alpha genesis, streamer, streaming, news, viral tweet, viral story
Id: nYGCWYyN2yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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