4 Idiots Perform Surgery in a Video Game

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sorry I was lining up to spank you real bad hey yo my Spidey says was tingling I think that's called the G-spot hey Matt hold on wait a minute hey Matt wait a minute hey yo get out the way hey turn back around oh God damn boss oh I Can See Your Shadow harassing me my God I can see you done slapping my [ __ ] in the shadow we're back on Surgeon Simulator and I honestly am getting to the point where I don't know why I play with the people I do and I mean that in an endearing way like oh thank you so much Matt for crowding the entire surgical area with random items you find on the map you piece of [ __ ] but that's okay we can work around it we're professionals that was a lie we are not doctors we do not have phds in fact who the hell let us in the hospital in the first place but nevertheless if you do enjoy the surgeon simulator video please do leave a like on it I would very much appreciate it and also if you're new to the channel or find yourself coming back on the regular and you aren't subscribed why not you're already coming back anyway thank you so much for all the support on all my videos recently I really appreciate it and please enjoy the video I try to teach all right left click to grab hold right click to adjust your hand position oh and hold R to put finger up and put it up butt yes no wait and then shift to adjust your arm leg see what I'm doing just like move your mouse back and forth as you hold shift so there's no way to switch your hand to use as far as I know so you're stuck with this one this one is your dominant hand the ninch life stop flip the switch hey okay put the battery in flip the switch excuse me please please it's like moving a sofa in an apartment oh damn there's like a whole thing under here hold on oh I don't know what I thought that was but I didn't think it was a door oh no who did that who just [ __ ] stepped a [ __ ] owl you [ __ ] stepped on him broke his arm wait what'd you just do he hit a button and it just launched him all the way up oh the diagnostic everyone on here oh there we go we need to replace every limb [ __ ] I mean we could do that we just gonna do it a different way we're gonna replace the limbs you didn't tell us you ain't tell us how to replace the limbs oh boy sorry hey Mom you need oxygen are we doing science take the oxapart out of it and yes gin and tonic please thank you dude perfect surgery Edition I'm gonna drop this syringe right on him here we go get ready for the reactions that's perfect oh no it's just making it now okay now what'd you guys do okay Grizzy I'm gonna teach you something huh never mind the red ones fill with blood the orange ones stop bleeding ah one's orange juice one's not good job orange juice stops the pain good job I'm so proud to see why we didn't teach you anything until now like that sick learner that's probably gonna be the funniest thing you say man stop dropping barrels on him God damn it bro I think there's a secret door that opens with who are no no no no no no [ __ ] I don't know what to oh we need a we need an arm well there's nothing there's no lid we need a left I think we need to take one of his all right there's a bunch of orange juice up here up here at the correct arm yeah I'm pretty sure all right is it I'm following us this might have been his right arm I'll be honest sorry about that sorry about that it's not going in you got it got it oh Bob's Home Depot order look look what opened oh that's what you are to me puffer oh I got a little come here what [Applause] what oh the door huh oh okay this is an elevator okay okay come back down yeah I activate I'm gonna put the batteries on there all right I'll stand on this Square holy sh we lost the boxes that's okay all right put another battery in here oh what that's collisions wait a minute stuff what is this I don't know oh my God they're dead cakes they raised Bob's here oh my God it all makes sense oh wait air Matt Let's Bowl wait hold on let's set it up yeah everybody watch out we're doing important things you guys look too fun too [ __ ] children okay move move oh perfect there is a bowling ball too here look at that works all right we're ready to bowl all right bull Grizzy out of there is ready to watch some professional bowling [Music] okay bro I'm going I'm going bro I'm going I'm gonna try another one [Music] I tried to jump to grab it it bounced off puffer and then I hit the bowling ball and it rolled it trick shot baby big trick shot oh I got one yeah you're right yeah wait are they just yep you got that bumper yep you got that come back there yep Matt look all right I got it I fixed his arm oh my God can't believe you can do actually you can't I just put it there what the [ __ ] is all why is there so [Music] holy crap oh my God there's even more it's not it's not gonna stop I'm just saying this is Bob's favorite plank I'm gonna go explore this drop this leg off against the big business oh my God no one's near him I don't have a syringe I'm trying to grab him but there's so much [ __ ] in the way [Music] I was trying to [ __ ] put the syringe in and something was on my right pushing me because it was so [ __ ] crowded and it knocked his arm off foreign yeah it's a part of the levels I'm taking all the batteries up what the [ __ ] is this this is terrifying so menacingly how'd you do that I gotta you gotta see what it looks like for me because I got this [ __ ] head on [Music] yeah okay there's a big [ __ ] door in the way yeah yeah I'm experiencing that oh his arm just fell off hold on oh my God the southern arm now is that the good arm oh that was the good arm nice I think I think someone put the original arm back on yeah that's this one no no that one's good look on the thing no it's not look green look at the goddamn thing it's if it's white it's fixed now we need legs I have no idea where to get legs from then you give him blood I guess I give you blood he's gonna [ __ ] yup professionally do this are you ready three two one go hey wait a minute no no wait [Music] [Music] I totally wasn't bringing this bowling ball to Bob what do we need anyways uh either leg to open these doors the orange doors you need a left leg will take their legs you ready Puffer huh we need we need to steal both his legs to open that door and okay no just [ __ ] take it back I'm too cute over here damn I need a battery oh wait oh that didn't work okay my [ __ ] batteries in this beat there we go guys I have a feeling this guy was gay this one's going over my head yeah he's got a rainbow rib cage he's gay because rainbows rainbows is gay that's the bit is that he was a homosexual man shut up grab that leg I'll grab the other one which one is this one I have the right leg okay I have a heart my process of elimination I also have the right leg if we're like put it over here his right leg would be this one good word just wait and see if you could do it I had to close my eyes for a second maybe we need to fight okay if that was mine I had to look down to my own legs okay somebody rip out his [ __ ] heart with your bare hand I know just what to use a can of Busch Light Chrissy what do you think about this whole situation oh shut up [ __ ] talking to the other Grizzy which one is the lung I want to rip it out the pink one both of them okay hold on hold on okay no wait uh um no drop it this is a lung yeah no drop it no rip his heart out uh are you sure yeah absolutely are you sure let me break his ribs I don't know if I can reach it in fact we are doing a little more damn puffer go get the Walker I got it or the ducky if that breaks his [ __ ] Panic there we go we're good we need we need we need uh we need uh we need a blood blood don't do anything wrong where is blood I don't know [ __ ] find it a lot on the floor after that arm came up there is no blood yeah there's not even any blood in this room oh there's a lot of batteries in here I got a lot of batteries there's something hold on there's something in here that was wait yeah yeah bring the battery over here hold on come here I got a battery in yeah I was gonna say put it in there what's that do I don't know let's find out oh it turned on the blood I got blood nice okay listen to Matt there you go drive through blood we need it keep it open keep the heart his head it came off when did it happen oh we're not bleeding we're good we can play around for this for a little bit what how is that happening rip his heart out pulling Excalibur out of the rock have you shift if you shifted your arm all the way yes can somebody else Nelson doesn't deserve this somebody put his [ __ ] large intestine back too that thing's just flopping around nice all right put it in here crazy oh that [ __ ] went green already I'm sticking the intestine in again give me my palette no I'm taking it away it's my palette from home just stop stop just stop just [ __ ] [ __ ] it and we don't need it okay trust me they're gonna accept it they've accepted them with no ribs every time we'll be good we don't need Jesus this is a this is a matte restricted Zone he has an ax okay all right Grizzly you do it downtown [Music] legs are in here look at him guys anymore what happened he's in the floor is it open or closed for you it's close we won his head his body parts all of it was gone what the [ __ ] a key code well I think we all know what this is wait y'all should just [Music] hey guys look wait what's going on [Laughter] Chrissy look at the number 89. hey oh [ __ ] City I was like five six seven I don't know 89 Thomas there you go oh well there's like four batteries back here so if we need them just the heart in here we might need that it's a Daedra Heart oh behind a box of the whole oh behind the bookshelves I wonder which one uh clear clear the planks Matt you're really good at that what one wood thank you for almost killing me with three of those three hey guys I have a challenge what we replace all of their limbs with the other one's limbs on it oh [ __ ] we have to communicate though oh no oh really we're just waiting here last second attach a flank to a head I saw that it might have been not me but it was somebody irresponsible [ __ ] evil stare it was definitely you oh my God you have to replace the head on this one no don't do it don't do it yet leave the mustache alone wait we need power uh there's there's a bunch of batteries back here yeah where where do you put them um oh Bob you like that you little [ __ ] okay how do you put these in just line it up and drop it what is this that is taking crank up my ass um this planking trend has got a little too far dude it's like up my ass all right real professional [ __ ] all right who wants his head me oh perfect oh there's stuff up here's what we're doing here we all pulled a lever at the same time okay oh my arms got stuck yeah it's like Plinko oh my God uh I got a leg down look at all thank you okay this Bob needs a new head a new left leg and a new small intestine perfect first of all that Bob needs that he needs ahead Bob that Bob is missing ahead all right I'm putting the head on put the head on head on head up excuse me head on perfect you messed up the scanner no it's fine or an arm just flies into the frame all right Bob trust me right I mean I don't think he can he's like missing ahead boom that's what we call Professional surgery you got a left leg I need a left leg is that a left leg yes oh my god oh okay there we go oh my God just I ain't bro I have put the table up three times you do it I'm scared [ __ ] Christ does he believe he's [ __ ] he died give me this [ __ ] leg on the table man we need to break his ribs oh my pleasure hey I'm ready when you are puffer all right go break his rib holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] tell me it wasn't effective tell me wait you might have all right he needs a what was that small intestine Matt where's the [ __ ] uh spaghetti noodles wait is there I need small intestine arm my leg still don't worry I'm just right here they're right here they're right here what's wrong what is wrong with this I'm confused what's wrong with this uh scanner I don't know because that was the left leg I just unless that was an old leg so does that fix it what is wrong with this game I think it might be it might be bugged unless no we've we've mixed all the bad legs up with the good ones and I've just struck out twice you'll see gangrene no dude like I've replaced the left leg twice and it's still [ __ ] your eye placing his arm [ __ ] the leg let's do the arm okay so his right arm is at the right arm is that the right yeah you may kiss the ball okay that works has this one been tested that is unhealthy and he's bleeding to death it [ __ ] popped out for some reason it's [ __ ] bugged bro there's three [Music] all right time to rip his head off call today hold on wait a minute hold on ready same time wait we put a leg on his head three two one 16 16 liters of blood all right we did it [ __ ] this game bro who's vibing over there I'm just in the background what your legs look like you just wrap rubber bands around the fat on your legs for bands around you yeah you are a straight Michelin man up Michelin manned up on a Thursday afternoon there we go nope the button on the wall wrong button oh my God click the [ __ ] button yep nope you shut it again all right it's green it's okay spread again okay puffer just run through it's green oh you went around Jesus again puffer unlock it look stop there you go you're good Jesus Christ boys you want to see a funny prank what is it [Laughter] can we try something for science please all right give me a like can we try something for science fellas I know exactly what you're gonna do and yes we can real quick can somebody rip his head off okay I got you move yeah this is what I got my last video demonetized well say sorry when you do it it'll be fine yep sorry oh no [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 2,449,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surgeon simulator 2, surgeon sim, surgeon simulator, surgeon simulator gameplay, surgeon simulator 2 gameplay, surgeon simulator game, surgeon simulator 2 game, surgeon simulator co op, surgeon simulator 2 co op, surgeon simulator 2 funny, surgeon simulator 2 funny moments, surgeon simulator 2 pc, surgeon simulator pc, surgeon simulator 2 tutorial, surgeon simulator 2 secrets and lies, surgeon simulator 2 multiplayer, smii7y, smii7yplus, smii7y+, smii7y plus
Id: ofYHeYDgA3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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