This game isn't suitable for children anymore

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we are playing super mario golf this is the most extreme intro for a golf game i have ever seen but to be fair i can't imagine tiger woods ever doing this i can imagine tiger woods doing that to be fair alright what is the golf adventure can i use my me because i would love for turkey yes turk looking he's all ready to go what the hell is this i was not expecting this sort of game oh my god look at the little turn he looks so like unproportional compared to the burrito thing next to it i hate that berto thing you can call me mama if you want no no thank you i would rather not do that at all oh my god i can actually run around i'd like to leave and be in a different mario game please you won't let me leave i'm stuck at this game i want to be in mario kart she is acting like a mama i want to watch tv i want to like root through the drawers i want to take a nap on the couch she won't let me what have we got in here oh my god what are you doing in your room all right i'm going to sneak out now that i had a bit of sleeping hopefully they're all in bed and i can just lose them after look at it the way it moves it's like out of a horror movie did you get a good night's sleep no i was having a nightmare about you meet the manager in front of the clubhouse oh [ __ ] if birdo will leave me oh this is so cute but who is the manager that's the real question this is not what i expected at all you're the rookie everyone's talking about right how did you see me you didn't even open your eyes can i eat this oh it's gonna eat me i'm running away i guess he must be turk no a lot of people look like me i have a very common face wait this is our manager it's just some random weird turtle thing that keeps saying hey hey yeah and yeah i thought it would be like luigi or something something cool oh god who is this caddymaster now you're here for the package aren't you great i started a game to golf and now i'm a drug mule yeah i'm taking it where do you need to go cambodia oh first set of clubs okay was that tur shouting yay that doesn't sound like how i thought turk would sound god their small talk isn't great is it yeah do i finally get to play golf i wasn't expecting this massive lead up hey coach tag me in ready to learn no i don't want to learn i just want to golf oh i have to do it okay fine look at that turg is a natural oh my god if that was actually like the pin in the middle he nearly would have got a hole in one i passed it but now there are weird things here like why do i need to be speedy in golf i'm pretty sure the average age of golfers is 97. [Applause] i'm just going all power that's all he's going to understand trying to run out in front of him as he's taking his swing i just want insurance fraud okay i really think there's more of a chance of me earning a living through insurance fraud than golf i'm skipping all of this look it's not complicated i hit ball in hole easy caveman could do me caveman ooga booga ball and hole nope yoga booger ball hit pole jesus okay booger this hard poke booger oh come on it's give me so much like tips about elevation and stuff and i'm just smacking it look at that right in the hole that's the objective of golf right i am correct in saying that imagine how pissed off you'd be if you're playing against this guy who clearly doesn't know what he's doing and it's just chipping it in from 20 meters out and with that chipping practice that puts up my power right all right i think we're good now i'm good to go on to the rookie course my first day at this golf camp i didn't even know what a golf club was i thought it was a sandwich ready uh not really no i didn't pay much attention wait why are you saying three to one go it's not a race when you think about it like mario and bowser are playing golf in the intro it's a little weird dude he's he's kidnapped princess peach countless times and you're just out golfing with the guy it's the worst case of stockholm syndrome i've ever seen a pair i'll take it hands-on hipster you're looking great there we go that's the power we've trained for okay mario has to face me after this surely he can't keep docking me why does that intense evil music come on when you're putting oh that's why because the game screws you over completely how close is that to perfect's sake .06 meters oh my god his face i don't know if that was disgust or anger but the important thing is i passed their little test and i'm putting up power we're doing speed golf now jesus they put you through rigorous training to actually play against people in this practice round you'll be running all over the course want me to explain that movement works no i'll figure it out imagine going to a golf academy and they're like hey want me to teach you how to use your legs so i need to get a really good shot here and then do i need to run after it oh my god okay this is pretty unique jesus he's tearing off down the hall i should have just put all my points into run now they think about it i could have just specialized in speed golf come on come on come on sink it sink it sink it yes okay where do i go now oh okay little pause i was freaking out ready i guess i mean i don't even know how to look at a preview of the hole so usually i just kind of smack it as hard as i possibly can at the start [Music] and then just take off after it like a dog and a frisbee the annoying part is you don't even know where it exactly lands like oh i'm in a bunker out of the bunker and now just tap her home okay you gotta do a lap around it to make sure there are no enemies you know before you just tap it in okay i have enough time i need to stop running all over the place and sacrificing the quality of my shots because they gave me 10 minutes to complete three holes and i have eight minutes of that 10 minutes left kind of feels like a zelda game now when i'm running all over the place should i try and like scale a cliff or something oh my god look how eager he is to golf i don't even [ __ ] blame you turg honestly being in lockdown this long is painful nice bird yay nice birdie oh also great birdie on the golf course i was talking about the birdie in the background it was really realistic play a qualifying round on the main course now i want to go to the store and spend all of these coins they've been giving me i want like a more professional attire oh i found the store um which one of you is in charge here no that works that looks good uh i have a complaint i just bought this club and it's all bent it looks like someone smacked it against a tree i'm sorry honey no refunds all right i'll be playing with other people this time great i hope it's waluigi i'm a huge fan oh no it's of course the iconic pink yoshi and toad wait wasn't toad like my trainer is that fair like what if he was sabotaging my attempt to see you later suckers i'm out of here on loose change too look golf is an expensive sport all right i don't know how they're supposed to take a shot from behind me i'm in their way i didn't follow traditional golf etiquette that the person furthest back from the pin takes their shot first oh [ __ ] no that was too much okay it still went in thank goodness oh bernie yeah keep celebrating waste their time you know now that i'm watching them i don't think this is a race like i think you were allowed a certain amount of time but i don't think i get any benefit from speedrunning that hole yeah that's right get used to disappointing life pink yoshi because you're playing against turk nice shot see you later suckers just run in front of them so they get a face full of dust catch the ball catch them all block it oh i oh no is that going to hit a tree please don't hit a tree i really don't have to climb a tree yeah that's pretty good oh god why did i not like adjust anything okay i just hit it well that wasn't a great idea but i got close no this is my heart i want the stamina that's right eat my dust pink yoshi what are you going to do hit it through me are you huh what are you going to do what was that about they just hate me because i'm better than them and also trash talk at every single opportunity and do every single dirty trick possible this is the most anxiety i've ever gotten from a golf game jesus shout for william that almost killed me even though knowing your history on the last hole it was probably aiming at me they don't seem to like me very much yeah look at that i'm celebrating on the green and they try smacking it towards me oh no not a part three the fact that i put everything into power doesn't really help me on these holes at all in fact i think it just hindered me i think i went off the other side of the green yeah i did okay turk tired are they smacking each other back there at least it seems to be just golf is a violent game in this universe because i thought they had it out for me specifically where's the bendy club that i bought i can't seem to use it maybe i didn't equip it oh my god this pot is unbelievably bad all right look turk just hit it and hope that god will step in maybe there'll be a massive sinkhole and the hole will get way bigger no it didn't lock out okay someone up there hates me and i'm not surprised oh my god what okay someone up there really does hate me on the next hole a storm appeared just because i'm winning really that is rude you dropped right in front of me i'll just go straight through yeah it doesn't matter smack their ball out of the way oh no where am i going on the map oh jesus i didn't really look oh penalty area oh jesus what does that mean i don't want to lose now i've been doing so well the entire time oh this is brutal why did i play risky at the start of it i'm in egypt like i was doing so well and then i go messing with things and trying to go across water okay luckily it seems to be okay just willingly going through the bunker just to make it even harder myself look anything to just stomp on toad's balls that's right ruin the green as well for them sabotage okay double bogey oh i didn't want to see that face the only good thing is every hole i get to see pink yoshi depressed i won you know what that means i'm going to boost my power again keep going yes lock in how is that ghost going to play when they don't have proper arms [Music] oh my god when you go to bed it's so peaceful it's actually making me sleepy like i kind of want to go sleep now myself thank you for explaining to me what a hole in one is i never understood ah there we go that's the club i want oh my god the crowd is going nuts oh sweet jesus it's dk no wonder okay pretty good swing for a ghost i must admit okay pretty good cheating for a ghost i must admit this doesn't seem fair at all it was only fair when i was much faster than everyone else not the other way around [ __ ] hell the ghost is spinning his way to the hole like a bay plate and toad is on some sort of adderall or speed or something then what did i get power okay great all right speed isn't everything they got plus one each paratrooper and charge and chuck are out in the lead i'm doing okay oh jesus christ i just want to play golf oh luckily i got really close to the hole yes birdie you love to see it i just like to see turk happy at least i think that's what that expression is toad says let's check out the competition and he goes to toad i think there's a bit of bias showing here oh god i'm falling so far behind oh my god what is this okay turn just hit it don't even focus just hit the bloody thing that was actually kind of close please no no no no no stop bullying me please jesus christ toad where's the weird club yes okay bandy club here we go oh no that is way more right than i thought it would go it's off into the mountain oh it worked look at that for a trick shot sheep could you just like nudge the ball along a little bit and sink it sink it sink it yes look at that that's a power given how far i went off pretty good i really wish i could get a refund on this club though i'm sorry honey no refunds oh no he's staying off with the thing oh god okay this is so scary okay let's just i hope this works please don't go too far okay i'm right next to the green at least that actually wasn't too bad given what i had to adjust for her god damn that club is useless oh no [ __ ] sake oh that puts me to plus one i'm in trouble okay note to self never use the bendy club ever again stop it hold someone please think of the children come on come on oh that would have been beautiful and gotten me a birdie all i want is a birdie to sit up on my shoulder so i can be a pirate golfer also a birdie scorer would be nice this is like a pair four i'm going straight for the green with my supreme turg power turk is dashing well thank you for the boost of confidence kirk needs that targ is wearing his favorite outfit okay that mission to get on the green and one not even close i got like halfway okay this hole is where it's all falling apart all of a sudden at least i got it in there but that's still a bogey oh no i'm tied for third i need to get in the top three will a tie for third still account oh no this is the dreaded hole i played earlier and i tried to go over the water well i'm not doing that again that was a big mistake i just need to try and get a birdie yes i hit someone okay i understand it now i understand how to commit violence i love golfing that looks pretty good i have to see where it landed but i might be able to get a birdie off this oh oh god this is too much pressure too much pressure too much pressure too much pressure too much pressure please go in please go ahead please go in please go in please go ahead please go in it went in turg celebrate yes birdie yes tied for second place that's pretty good look at all that xp that's gonna go straight into a bicep workout you can drive it so far now okay look i understand you don't take refunds but can i like exchange it or something could i even sell it back to you is it pretty no you won't take it look it was that way when i bought it it was bent and when i first got it off the shelf it was bent like that and it almost cost me a tour no okay fine fine that's grand okay this is getting ridiculous this is way too violent of a sport i thought this would be peaceful something i could retire to but if anything i'm gonna die doing it i don't want to die playing golf i think i should just quit while i'm ahead and look at that i am first so far and given that golf scoring is the lower shots the better then i'll just stop now i've only taken like four so you know what i will end it there but i enjoy that fun little golf game i hope you enjoyed the video if you're new be sure to subscribe and regulars i appreciate you watching as always thank you very much and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 426,293
Rating: 4.9790883 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, mario golf, wii, mario, golf, new, new mario golf, retro games, old games, best old games
Id: Wq9qRVH0Z8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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