Don't Trust This Toilet.. (Toilet Chronicles)

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picture the scene it's evening you've done all your work for the day kids in bed and now i'm sitting here playing a video game about a toilet was my life come to welcome to toilet chronicles how's it going hopefully we're talk oh my god what what what what are these my thighs midnight on the pooper hey this one's taken bro oh my yo what is happening i haven't even said like and subscribe yet what what [Music] what just happened i'm so confused you're in a bathroom at a 2008 party hey the good old days never mind i was 17. hey yeah maybe the good old days attempt one please don't destroy toilets legal notice to vacate the restroom is for your convenience keep it clean oh here we go my favorite drink dr shepard i lost my magic marker there is a lot going on here oh my god but yeah welcome uh now feel free to like and subscribe subscribe to the most important one make sure you do it but after this game i don't think i'm ever gonna be able to trust my toilet ever again uh i have tri f oh that water looking a little bit cartoony i have no body i'm a vampire i have no reflection whatsoever i lost my pipe down dr shepa come on we care about our customers four and a half stars would poop again why do you say no doubts what's what's he talking about oh this is a an advert for a gun against giant tentacles and giant tests oh okay have you seen this man this man is a war criminal don't talk about squidward like that sounds important please no squidward today i can't be dealing with weight tentacles it's gonna be if it's gonna be squidward that's gonna be really unfortunate looks like someone's in there and this one's out of order okay okay we care about our customers let's see if this is a four and a half star poop i'm feeling like it's gonna be let me sit down open this lid this is so weird what is in the what is in the bowl there it's like an infrared camera why would a camera even be down there but we can wipe if we need to that's fair enough i don't think i need to yet i'm not not quite done press c to cry [Music] why are we crying what's up that you're in a four and a half star toilet anything's ever happened to me before is there anything else we can do oh i'm done pooping apparently okay do we flush we do not flush what is going on here oh i'm not that stupid to try that again maybe maybe i am is anything in the bin oh oh oh oh what was that i belong in the trash right click to zoom it's the squidward again do not trust the squidward i'm putting that just up there anything else in here that i need to grab squished can that's it i want to trust my instincts and put this in the trash i can't leave yet i have a toilet to destroy please do not destroy the toilets hey if if i can't help it then i'm using a toilet for what it's supposed to be used for all right how do i poop i actually don't know how to poop maybe the p button oh better lock the door oh that was the issue i spent so long at the prologue i'm an idiot chad the one hand where's that noise [Music] i've got some spinning toilet paper right here you want to see some tricks look look at this when i pick up it spins like crazy right there you go but no i oh i do have some okay good you good over there buddy the bros gotta look out for each other when they're pooping am i done i haven't really i'm really done much [Music] oh leave hmm too bad i can't read is that hinting that i should not leave i'm gonna i'm gonna get up i think i'm gonna unlock the door i think i'm gonna get out of here someone is destroying the toilet [Music] why am i why am i trying to look in the game has called me out you can't speak at other stores not from this angle at least um okay i understand we can't oh wait what's this don't show them wet it we do have a sink full of water over here wet that bad boy don't show them things are appearing oh this is actually freaking me out [Music] okay i swear there's something on the back of this though how do i flip it oh no it's just the other thing backwards you can jump they watching did you just like does he take a a booty pic [Music] i'm just legs no wonder i don't have a torso no way this is number two chapter two vent the vents up here this is so random hello who's trying to get in you can't get in that oh my god make him leave i'm actually panicking why am i panicking go away go away is it the clock quick seeing that noise hello sir oh the cake is a lie kill him kill who with this please don't explode please don't explode please don't explode what is going on hey i've got more toilet paper for you buddy are you not hearing any of this is there nothing weird happening right now oh wait hold on a second oh that was not the plan i wanted to pick up the camera can i [Music] what do you say i missed it what did you say you want the photo have this one this one seems like it would uh please you so i i think has i just missed that i've been given a grenade i've accidentally chucked a camera over the top of here and he said something i don't understand i think he wants he wants this he doesn't want this where do i put it right click to pull the ring what is my hand doing as well this whole situation is awful the door has disappeared the clock no that's one of the worst things i've ever experienced in video game i do not like that at all all right i'm going to put this down on the toilet it's the only thing for it open no no no how do i open this you're permanently banned from this restroom for destroying a toilet hey my bad did i say 12 endings attempt number two all right let me try this again even just happened this has gotta be an ending right yep one out of 12. you killed yourself now the mysteries of this place will never be solved so just before i got killed by my own grenade i uh saw a tentacle come out of this vent right here but i kind of want to know what this man says so let's sit down lock it up give him the tp and then see what he says when i try and take a picture of him here you go buddy enjoy right so now i think i can leave i didn't even do my deuce i didn't even drop it okay there's this oh make him leave is that him like this guy i think it is wait this is fixed oh that was awful you got burned from the exploded hand dryer oh my god that scared me sorry for last time now it is fixed you got burned again who would have thought yeah who would have thought i'm dumb i get it all right also what happens if i try and there's literally no one in there what happens if i try and look but then press the continue anyway button oh yes sir yoink enjoy how do i get the camera to happen it just make him leave how do i make him leave god oh wait is this something in there take does that say take the red it says something okay so i've got this i feel like i mean like a weird version of sore remember that movie so i'd go up here they take a picture of my butt they're watching oh did they get a good one this time though last one was sub par you got a good picture yeah that's what i like to see now the clock is mad loud don't show them the butt too late they watching okay good how do i activate this guy's talking again i don't know whether it's because i took a picture or whether i like waited long enough i am highly panicked this game started so quick i haven't been provided with a grenade yet there it is hello hello can you speak oh do i have something for you what do you want you want you do want this don't you you you do want the picture go and take it i swear you could take it uh maybe it seems awful but take this oh back it up back it up back it up no oh which wall you need to be more specific does he mean this wall like where the door was let's try it all right let's pop that down run yes you're a genius just pretend that there is a hole an end to the void why are you coughing what's wrong i actually no i want to take a picture one thing what did i get what's the polaroid though the polaroid dropped in there wait is there only one picture in here anyway let's go through the void public restroom rules no joker dancing i couldn't come up with other rules but i really wanted to add that joker beam so okay fair enough old meme old meme so this is called the axe oh my yeah never go into the uh other bathroom there is no way i just slipped on a banana peel and died no way i didn't even see it until the last moment how is how how has that just happened to me i've just walked into here and i found don't leave he doesn't want me to leave but then the other note i've been given tells me to uh make him leave so i don't know who i meant to believe anymore okay so we know that we need to use this to blow up the door run that thing explodes so quickly right in we go there's the banana peel i don't think so not this time how do i not see that in case of emergency for yellow doors only do we have any yellow doors though i'm gonna i'm definitely gonna die in here let ladies wash our room i expected pink walls well i don't know what i expected did not expect just this there's a skeleton in the corner watch out for the banana peels i oh there's a code here oh we can actually okay let's not do that wrong so that could be embarrassing staff room is locked looks like a good place for a dlc okay we are actually stuck in the void look at this there's something up there no there's a door up there that's what i wanted to say now i have to do the whole thing again oh another day another dump let's let's do it look at me spin this thing i've learned the art of spinning a toilet roll look at this oh yeah that's yours sorry okay i've accidentally activated this i can't be stopped oh god no no it was oh god no okay okay i'm sorry sorry for being curious i guess oh i love the artwork you are crushed by a tentacle now the mysteries of this place will never be solved yeah that's my bad how many endings we've done now like five six let's go in here chapter four chapter three was super short i expected pink walls man this party sucks yeah it's not the best what is this like a broken mirror take it to him or take what just does the man want a soda is that what he wants all right we'll be going in here the worst toilet in scotland ending you died no please don't kill me don't kill me please don't kill me okay we're good so this says ending nine it's got the green nine on here oh did they die from cringe that's really unfortunate they must have been browsing too much tick tock what have we got here numbers this is too many numbers for my brain to comprehend uh avoid that no that is so dark that's spooky i don't like that at all maybe we can just use this let's see what happens to use on yellow doors what about this one yeah that doesn't work it doesn't work at all what about the one that was just about to say that yeah take care of him oh we got a gnome private pile was here bro right click to get gnomes oh my goodness he's not even wearing any trousers i want to get gnomes by by that that's not the kind of gnome i'm familiar with all right i'm for dump number nine that we don't even do from these thighs i guess we don't even have a butt look we have the thighs and that's it it just ends there do you reckon we can actually take a picture in there oh that was perfect we know that there's a gnome in that one are you a gnome it doesn't give me the picture though that's the problem maybe it's not a gnome that's a shame and that's dangerous let's try and give him a shepherd oh no problem no worries okay can we give him i've tried the screwdriver already what about this a bear piss no way that's two no worries no worries just while i wait for my grenade you can have banter have a third yo you owe me for this right let's grab this and actually hold on to it this turns yellow and then the gnome can blow up let's just remember that the gnome can blow up look at him spin oh he's oh he's beautiful what he's got a tail why'd you hold on a second no no no no stand up what is that sir maybe he's a pig how about we give this to the kind man and see what happens what a gift i do enjoy this now please enjoy wait there's another grenade up here oh we can blow something else up we have a gnome that can blow things up we have a grenade that can blow things up but that's it and then i'm pretty sure that says take it to him i cannot take this it will not let me i don't want that oh oh this is a broken clock i don't think i'd really need that let's put all these in the red because it looks kind of cool maybe this can i give this to him if i fall on that flipping uh banana skin again i'm gonna be so angry okay this cannot be given to him well you got any more like wise wisdom wait well that didn't work oh oh we opened this early i've been waiting the whole time kill him oh no i'm gonna do it it has to be i'm so sorry i haven't even given you the toilet paper yet buddy hello hello i need to give you something it's really important it's really really important now he should accept my gifts hello no not this come on i don't want this other help put your hand out i did it oh my god you killed your partner now the mysteries of the place will never be solved wait so i need him as well well at least that's one of the endings i'm sorry i got curious my bad at least you're still here with me unlock this give me grenades blow up door oh wait can i even do this oh i can oh nice it wasn't a real door after all right we skipped straight to chapter three let's take the axe chop this up take care of him where can i take him in this place to take care of him like give him a bath or something is that what you want let's put him in here oh look how ready he goes kind of cool can you solve this riddle i don't think he can and there's a code that we need to figure out as well this is awful there we go giving him a bath properly this time he said take care of him so that's what i'm gonna do oh hold on a second what's this five is that is that for this that's for this isn't it how many numbers do we need wait this this is five so we need five more numbers oh no oh come on is there a different colored one please no this is not nice i don't like it okay hold on a second i feel like the pictures might have numbers on it i think the one with my butt in it has a two but i just need to figure out what color it is i'm fairly sure [Music] yeah this pick right here best pick in the planet a blue two okay so two i'm gonna keep all my evidence here so that has a blue two on it great good to know we still need loads of other numbers though we need to go searching oh is that one there there's a one but i don't know what color that is never got job for you a very important job read the numbers what do they mean oh wait i'm dumb green nine why am i so stupid then we also had uh blue two one two one of them is a one and then we got two other colors so we might just have to find the other ones i guess what's the red one gonna be cause there's a lot of numbers on here is every number on here zero one two three four five six seven eight nine all the numbers are on here unless yeah they all are because those two are different it actually hurts my eyes oh come on no no no i took too long where are the other numbers oh my god i just saw it i just saw it the loading thing it's a it's an orange six oh this game i think this is about toilets not about my brain hurting at every moment so orange six blue two pink five so this six five that's a nine right uh two and then we randomly got a another we got one somewhere and then we're looking for something red something red something red looking for something red because if i get the red number then i don't oh geez i don't need to oh it's this isn't it what is this gonna be because if i get the red number then the yellow one is fine unless i need to get the yellow one and then guess the other one that's horrible there must be a rule to this right i thought it was gonna be the one that was missing it's not that actually maybe can we take oh geez can we take this camera and maybe it's like gonna flash up the number or something that work did any of that work definitely not what right here oh i'm dumb it makes a flash okay let's point this the right way how do i point this the right way it's yellow so the one is yellow i can't believe it think of that before uh yellow do we just have to go through the numbers oh your boy made it it was nine okay i'm definitely not gonna remember what that was again so hopefully i don't die walking in here uh oh god hello oh [Music] party break and that's all you're back at the party oh oh okay that makes so much more sense can we play like cup whatever it's called beer cup something like that i get all the answers but at least it was fun very fun yeah i hello oh and i i think i owe you one no no no no don't do it please you're back at the party was it all a dream you are alone just press q when you're bored cue when you're bored i will not be bored i'm just gonna press f on everything just got my sixth mortgage no i'm sure nothing bad happens to the economy sure you'll be fine they don't know that i am also having a good time what about you i'm sort of you press q when you're bored i'm not bored yet i'm not bored hello sir can i have a drink please look guys i'm pranking what is this 2008 or is 2008 actually never mind this guy's crazy he's blanking no way when you're bored i press q that's not all of them is it that's not all the endings i feel like i need to get the endings we're missing some i gotta come clean my recording failed from this point onwards so i've already done the rest of the endings but don't worry i'm gonna do them again for you just you know what on earth goes on in this particular bathroom i had a great time with this game and hopefully you're enjoying it too let's get this one finished let's go down the checklist so while i was looking at my steam achievements i noticed i had about five endings missing and they all had little thumbnails some of them i had to look up because they were just so obscure but we got them all first up let's grab our gnome friend because he is vital for one of the endings so let's do this oh no oh wait genuinely thought i was gonna die then uh let's get rid of this how do i remember this what was that noise this is already freaking me out again let me grab this give me give me axe chop down door give me gnome it says take care of him and we pretty much did that but we didn't get to take him to the end the very end of the game so let's see if i can remember this uh this is definitely six because it's at the beginning this is two i'm pretty sure this is nine yellow is i where did we get the yellow number from i think this is nine as well purple is five it's five and is this one oh oh my god let's go let's get out of here i need to open the door let's go know me you ain't blowing me up today buddy where's the gnome there he is that's right with the things still hanging out of his butt that's all and that's back at the party we're back at the party that's right so we just needed to bring the gnome with us and this should get us the final ending the the twelfth ending but we still got four more to go sorry if you didn't get all the answers it's okay you know it was fine it's not too bad it was fun and now i've got to bring my friend with me it's all good oh and i i think i owe you give me one more give me give me give me 12 out of 12. you escaped with your partner was it all a dream this seems way happier look the thumbnail is in color and there's no skeletons i didn't die this is definitely the best part right i i just had to do that again so speaking of explosions this next one is very very easy the ending is called bra and we just need to grab this grenade right here i think we just need to hold it and we die there we go you killed yourself now the mysteries of the place will never be solved that text happens in a few endings but it actually includes the will be right back meme which is one of my favorite memes of all time so i'm glad that was in there right what what ending have we got next oh this one's to do with the grenade yet again so let's grab the screwdriver let's grab the grenade now we just have to stand on it this time oh we've done it we don't know this one was really hard to find because the thumbnail i couldn't figure out from the thumbnail what on earth we had to do you killed yourself now the mystery will never be solved to be honest the mysteries never really get solved anyway so we're none the wiser even if we complete the game it's great we just know that if you go to the toilet at the wrong time a big red tentacle will come and kill you okay this next one is kind of funny let me grab this and now we just have to make our neighbor's life absolute hell thanks not no worries you can take this it's not armed don't worry it's not armed let's chuck it over it's actually really hard to do because the chucking mechanic is is not easy huh that go in here oh it did that's so annoying no take this did he go in i don't know if that went in have a toilet brush he got so mad last time i threw the toilet brush at him i wish i still had the footage but i don't take the toilet brush man oh my why is it so hard oh the three of the gnomes one then i threw it back that's kind of it's kind of handy actually take the toilet brush jeez it didn't even take me this long last time to throw this in there we go please don't do that again how about another grenade um no not the telegram that would make everything super obvious take another grenade fella there you go goodness sake here you go yes he didn't even care take this maybe they have to be different items no i'm taking uh dr scheps you can't be mad about the dr sheps come on take it stop and as well when he gets really mad i didn't see his face last time so i was looking the wrong way but it scared me right here we go [Music] did you hear that stop oh my god apparently it's is this my face so we never get to see and he crushed my pelvis it said he crushed my pelvis i think that's four endings so far number five the final one is very very simple we sit our butts down we never even produce a dump that just doesn't happen and then our kind man will appear right here but this still freaks me out and it's the next day here it is and then what we do is we listen to the thought bubble we unlock this and we just leave we got two distracted and we get out of here ending zero you left the restroom without destroying a toilet that's the saddest part we didn't get to do our dump there you go i'm sorry it wasn't my first reaction to the endings blame my pc everyone play my pc right now if i could i would show you what i'll do to it this screwdriver will take this and uh we're gonna we're gonna make the bin the pc yeah that's what i do to you wait what the what happened here anyway that's all the endings this was just a random game that i thought would be fun let me know if you enjoyed it leave a like if you did subscribe if you're brand new and i'll see you in the next one don't trust them toilets all right the tentacle monster will come and get you
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 1,957,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, minecraft, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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