if Spongebob was a HORROR MOVIE

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the following intro cut scene contains a short bit of copyright music no i'm going to try and include it anyway if not is that mrs parfeko looks like mrs puff oh oh wait that isn't the normal spongebob intro what was that stephen hilleburg respect you buddy rest in peace welcome to around the clock at bikini bottom this is meant to be like a massive fan game by dave microwaves games we've actually played pretty much all of his spongebob games before they're like horror games mixed with spongebob and has massive fans of both i think myself and you guys have enjoyed them as well so i want to dive into this and see what it's about it looks like it's really well made all the previous ones are really good as well is that mayonnaise is that patrick was this made in paint anyway i'm gonna hit new game and see what's on earth is awaiting us if you're excited for the game leave a like that'd be awesome subscribe if you're brand new and let's watch it does you this is bikini bottom home of many wonderful secrets whoa that's actually cool residents are full of personality but how not with chemical radiation that's for sure sure that would make all of these fine fish monsters trust me my friend tomorrow will bring our childhood fear of monsters to life oh no for now let us live in the present and follow the morning routine i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready there is it's cutscenes and everything this is this is sick so far [Music] just spongebob is terrifying what is happening today is the big day gary meow today's the day i could legally drive a boat with on no oh this is going to go horribly right meow indeed not yet but i will be by the end of the day meow come on let's grab something to eat spongebob driving is a terrible terrible thing spongebob patrick's here what is going on the animations and stuff are cracking me up that's nightmare fuel look at this guy's face there's a lot of jellyfish today i thought it was migration season well i love the jellyfish i have to get ready to take my test if you can flake out or practice you'll be fine i don't know patrick we've been so busy i was hoping we could spend some time together as friends okay look at that face with context it's cute all right do you wish to play territorial sure uh go off i suppose an hour or two wouldn't hurt this tutorial but it'll be an hour oh we're gonna have some serious issues i found a neat shortcut to jellyfish fields that's great you run ahead i need to find all reliable all right just hit that way you'll find me see a spongebob oh i'm actually i'm surprised by the quality of this so far oh here we are you can look around using the mouse moving the environment using ones to pick up the pace hold left shift oh we can interact as well oh look at this this is like a professionally made game what this is ridiculous made a great way there's some parkour to do though which is uh not my strong point as you can see if i mess that up already help patrick i've fallen no seriously how do i um how do i get up did they not expect people to fail the tutorial like me oh nevermind let's try this again shall we that's more like it oh yeah we're ready look i like you my jump is broken my jump isn't working it wasn't me all along i can't even sprint now what's happened quick intermission uh insert one of the what was what was this oh it's just gonna send us straight in i was gonna say insert one of those three hours later little uh segments but it looks like we're fine let's just go let's go straight to glove world you'll play as patrick within glove world difficulties with this level is easy jumping is enabled why was it disabled before do you wish to proceed i do patrick stop stop moving like that glove world is our starting point to this grand adventure while spongebob and patrick are enjoying the fireworks from tonight's show the invaders are getting personal with the glove world staff they are here to serve one purpose to feed the overlord i feel like we've missed out on some story right here maybe a cut scene or two potty be careful being chased with traversing hazards of alter i'm lost i'm already lost oh here we go glove world it's one of my favorite spongebob episodes ever oh boy patrick i can't wait to cheer squidward on while he's performing oh yeah he's really excited to make it into the symphony orchestra let's go squidward i've never seen him so happy have you patrick patrick i'd say this is the happiest he's been since the electrocution accident hope isn't as creepy this time around this kind of reminds me of uh the piggy level oh let's go finally a chance all of these years people have been mocking the name squidward q tentacles is that what he sounds like i haven't watched spongebob in a minute uh tonight i'm going to give that audience the best shirt of my entire that's not his voice at all they'll be demanded on course boards grass and i'll be respected for sure i'll start by writing my signature on this clarinet that provided for me downright gorgeous it would be cutting into my rehearsal time now hello you've reached an aspiring star please start add mr squidward oh no you don't you good he's so mad you crustacious cheapskate you're not dragging me into work when about performs a good day why did mr krabs sound like that wait listen you set cephalopod grodd there's something smelly going around here and i listen to you gene i don't have time for your nonsense i'm at the pinnacle of my career support it or not i'm staying i don't care what it is an invasion of something sea urchins and anchovies nothing will stop oh what was that about a small mr krabs oh yeah oh jellyfish so you noticed i need you to find spongebob patrick and bring them to me restaurants stop by your homes and grab anything of value make sure you aren't followed got that squidward oh no not squidward oh my god [Music] come back here he was gonna pay for our snacks spongebob no wait patrick run spongebob keep up with left glovy oh buddy oh watch my parkour skills let's go are there any shortcuts i can look out for maybe that way what things are exploding this is not like your your regular scheduled spongebob episode right watch out fellas you are running the wrong way maybe the right way oh no i did not hit that come on where did he go where did he go where did he go where did he go leave me alone no do not touch me there it is the tilt oh oh god ow ow ow okay that works where is the glove i kind of have to guess where it's going there he is give me my best friend back they went into the tunnel of glove you never know what happens in the tunnel of glove oh it's kind of terrifying actually i thought it was going to be i thought it would have got a hug or something yeah i don't like this i don't like this at all follow left glovy through the tunnel of glove hello sir are you are you okay i don't think he's okay i kind of want to stay out of the water i don't know why i think there's an easier escape route if you stay out of the water did i say squidward i swear he said squidward i'm patrick i bet they went through that door over there is this a fridge this looks like [Music] are you okay did you hurt him rest assured he's fine my spongy friend now pay attention sea star is it this is like sore but spongebob edition i've been ordered to open our abandoned funhouse section of the tunnel of glove dull why my superiors wanted to use it as an evil maze according to their battles if i do good i could get a promotion to an overlord's minion whatever that is i think i can picture this guy's face either way i'm not about to lose a promotion today might be that day where you lose the promotion it's up to patrick starr listen closely i'm the dungeon master here and what i say is law understand i hope so you've been given a map and a glovy brand headlight your task is to find the spongy treasure hidden in the maze if you find it you get to keep it but beware my superiors want to play too oh they've attached a few rules to the map to guide you and i'm supposed to trust them abide by them and they won't harass you they never said what would happen if you're slain something about hugs on the flip side if you fail i get my promotion nothing personal you ain't getting that promotion today uh good luck actually wait go fail okay and possibly it's me my mom's about to kick me out of the house so i need this promotion i'm siding with mum on this one get out of here nerdy employee yeah this is can you hang up the trap i love the animations and stuff it looks sick right here we are so we have a headlight can we just use it the whole time flower room kelpie room jellyfish room and glovy room at times light sources are essential to your survival pressing the f key will toggle the flashlight keeping your light on will allow you to see incoming threats and various hazards be careful some enemies can tamper with light sources okay on rare occasions you're provided with a map to guide you along on your adventures click the left mouse button to bring up the map okay to hide the map make sure you're on the side you'll open it up and click the left one studying the map is great for navigational awareness but not for your spatial awareness this is a lot of info okay here's the map find the sponge rooms have different effects and surprises our glovy is shy l glovy likes surprises so i'm in the mid oh okay this makes sense sea urchins are here to enjoy the show love should make you feel good find the conch lots of yummy kelp step on the pad for free jelly watch out faulty wires okay this is um this isn't good my brain hurts so which room do we want to go in first frollo through flowers what's the bacon lots of yummy kelp jellyfish for free jelly or the glove find more glovy friends yeah we don't want to go there we want to go let's go to the flower room let's go in here what could possibly go wrong in the flower room what what oh god worms worms where am i i'm going in here yo leave me alone what on earth was that i actually don't know which way i i've come in so i'm hoping i'm in the heart room love should make you feel good bro i hope so i don't even look where spongebob is where's spongebob is very shy so keep eye contact with her as often as possible holy oh my god that scared me so bad i might just go for a run i'm just gonna do that find spongebob's holding room i don't think there's a sponge on this icon thing is there do we just have to guess oh let's get the life out of me right i'm just going all right flower room is scary let's just go no get off me get off me stop ah feeling the love all right let's go to the wet room i'm just gonna run and see what happens this is probably a terrible idea there shouldn't be stay away from the malfunctioning fish oh my god really this is a troll game i'm starting the kelp room this is unreal behavior oh it's beautiful oh this is where you have to jump for free jelly what was that the red menaces will drop down from above when a pressure pad is triggered when released you're simply doomed this is the word i hate mazes if there's a least favorite thing in games for me it's it's mazes we probably shouldn't go to the glovy room jellyfish room oh this is where we just were so we don't want to press any pressure plates right oh this looks like yeah this looks great poisonous gas don't wake the clam i'm scared i'm not gonna wake the clam you're shy you're shy you're shy go away yeah defeated you right we can't go in the gas let's go this way no no no no no stop it stop it right now go away go away why are you getting sad i don't oh my god oh geez oh jeez right you need to leave what do i do with you what do i do with you go away what is this i'm terrified i'm terrified i'm terrified oh the clam is in there what even is this step back and you i'll flip this table and it will crush you yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what i thought back up go away no glovies [Applause] what left wherever you love surprises be sure to spawn before you give you the surprise how did i just die then how did that happen oh no dude i gotta start again so i need to go i'm guessing the circles it's gonna be in one of those random locations top left top right bottom left bottom right so i'm just gonna run up then left that's what i'm gonna do up then left i don't know what this room's about though okay that's that's a coughing room i think what are you doing what what oh god i'm i'm trapped oh my god why is there so many oh wait i survived yeah yeah yeah yeah bye bye swears [Applause] oh hello oh no dude really oh for goodness sake this is gonna make me so mad where do i go this is just the first level it's the first level you have rung the dinner bell what oh oh oh that's new okay uh i think that summoned them all to that table didn't it oh okay that's good i'm just gonna keep running i think i figured this out but i need to just literally run to each edge of the map and see if i can find spongy now the problem is i cannot run in this room i don't think i haven't tried it but i don't feel like it spongebob yo spongebob i hear him so this one's gonna get you regardless just to make you jump and then the other purple one you just look at no no off my legs off my legs get off my legs okay we've reached the other side does that mean the dinner bell is busted and the patty is gone oh did it get rid of them for that long hey that's kind of generous no no no no no go away go away go away ah gotcha that was close that was so close oh that's spongebob that's spongebob i found him spongy i got him oh i went to every wrong corner that was the fourth corner how unreal this doesn't look good though no it's another place stand down bottles for him sir johnson's greater half of the second half level 28. i have come to fulfill my quest of getting my promotion what'd you say foul friendly oh looking patrick is mad yo okay should have saved the leader of the mermaid about a barnacle boy fan club yo take that patrick is not messing around we made it there's still jellyfish everywhere what is going on the only thing that could be going on at a time like this patrick no the bikini bottomites are getting carried away in cocoons these citizens are becoming clones worst of all they share the dark eyes with the jellyfish we aren't dealing with jellyfish anymore no we're dealing with big scary globby hello oh no we're surrounded let's go swimming [Applause] squidward's that scary you two come with me now surely i don't need to explain anything by this point let's get out of here oh squidward saves the day have we gone to the krusty krab now oh that hurts my eyes yo look at patrick i got a d oh that's so bad i did do terrible on that though no more mazes please no more absolutely awful so we have a 10 p.m so it's running in hourly sections patrick's rock squidward's monument or spongebob's pineapple i don't know we should go for it they're all saying 10 p.m so i wonder if it changes the game depending on what time you visit certain things i kind of want to try right here you'll play as mr krabs easy jumping is disabled oh yeah we can click for a little um summary let's try this patrick's rock let's go to this pineapple oh you'll play a spongebob within spongebob's pineapple the difficulty for this level is insane intense never mind same same vibes now i do not wish to proceed are you kidding me i failed on the easy one so many times right let's just go for the logical uh next level i'm getting distracted anchor away mr krabs let's go jumping disabled we should be fine while squibber brings spongebob and patrick to the neighborhood to gather their belongings mr krabs doing the same he arrives to his home in search of his booty to ensure that his daughter is safe at home oh no someone about upon approaching the front door he realizes that it's a jar someone could steal his money any moment or worse oh no voters won't come out of hiding unless they feel threatened from you entering their territory oh this is actually a little bit more intense than i was expecting hey let's continue three four five one anchor away mr krabs he's at my door to be safe and sound of a sound effect check on pearl within the aft cabin all right before i even touch me money let me check on my daughter okay if i could grab this and hear someone with it that'd be awesome but i can't oh these are things that look terrifying why would you keep these in your house it's like people [Music] oh what what okay let's go the other way then so she's not eating in here he has a vending machine in his own house you live a very strange life mr krabs very strange how do i get past this jellyfish oh it's gone where did it go give me a hint during your escapades you'll come across foes who are sound asleep it's best to avoid interrupting their sleep oh sheep counting activities by evading environmental hazards that could cause a ruckus if they're stirred from their slumber may neptune have mercy on your soul oh god that's that's exactly what happens but it doesn't really tell you how to avoid them apart from just not looking at them uh pearl [Music] oh she's sleeping easy dub and my money yoink where's the rest of my money oh wait who is this signed by head chef oh god what is you have some interesting hobbies oh we need to get our money let's go 18 18 monies oh this might take a while but i've only got like three minutes i didn't see any money yet oh there's some okay it's appeared oh this shouldn't be too bad hopefully this isn't like uh slenderman waiting you getting up why are you getting up why are you getting up what's happening okay let's collect the money why did that happen when pearl hops out of bed she causes certain floorboards to jut out keeping off those creaky boards apart why are you possessed why are you disturbing me like this i don't actually know how to stop that happening is there a clock somewhere there might be a clock somewhere oh it's here how do i stop that going off no no stop it's to do with noise you don't want her waking up but how do you stop the clock from going off wait maybe if i close the door would that help to close it up real quick collect the rest of the money oh she's coming oh she's coming i'm outside she's so quick i literally do not know what to do so there is a basement of course there is so if i don't oh my god is that gun what i thought i could interact with the gun i can't what is this though but when i collect the money look down look down oh i just need to like run where is she is she above me i don't quite know how i've done this oh here's the floorboards right okay i think i get it now we made it past the first bit we're good oh she's angry why is she angry why is she angry oh the money is in different places i think i don't want to get stuck in here let's just grab all this and get out because this is a dead end oh she behind me oh god no oh no no no does she keep falling asleep is that what it is i'm going this way oh this is this door doesn't even open oh god no i don't i can't figure out her activity oh god she's there so unfortunate if the pinky's close enough it was at you and wake pearl up okay so she's sleepwalking is that what's going on here oh buddy this is difficult there's so many different rooms i'm in a pink bathroom right now and somebody's smashing something up oh this is where we go outside uh how many do i need i need eight i need seven more oh [Music] oh that's like i thought that was gonna help me that did not help me whatsoever i thought it was gonna be like something i could disable her with she's right there i need to go to the right to not even look oh there's one right here go up here i seem to avoid the jellyfish as well oh i need to go down here as well i forgot oh buddy that was terrifying i'm so close as long as she doesn't come down here so if she sees you it's not too bad it's when she's uh if you hit the floorboards or if you hit one of them jellyfish you better not come down here i've only got four left to get but there's the jellyfish where haven't i been yet i feel like it's up there oh god she's right there yellow she's sleepwalking what a dummy no no no no no no no go away oh wait what's this what is this you got money what do i do with that how did that even happen what do i do with the teddy bear maybe nothing that actually might be nothing i feel like this is a safe space as well so i can just chill here i see to avoid that jet oh it's right there why jellyfish no oh i'm stuck between them let's go this way oh i like this i don't like this at all no i haven't been up here i thought i'd been up here already um right yo what i've run out of time no no how do i stop oh wait please be two in here one two yes visit the workbench in the basement oh it's the weapon we can go get the weapon oh the jellyfish is down here oh don't touch me yo let's go i'm out please don't be in here jellyfish yes right okay let's get the gun i don't know why we need this gun though leave the anchor force into a corner and no way out armed with a mayo minigun you can hold the left mouse button that'll fire a never-ending barrage of mayo pellets no ammo no cooldown no problem just make sure to watch your six is that like behind you oh yeah mail it mayo attack let's go it's very dark though not sure i appreciate this is this the front door no no no i did it oh it's like a boss fight oh my god easiest boss fight ever what did i just do though is she gone oh we got the money we got the bag secured that's kind of sad though no did we just kill her with mayonnaise wait he left the money oh mr krabs has got a heart wait and it's not solid gold and full of money i am severely shocked b let's go mr krabs was happy about that one oh man this game is like this game is fun it's like loads of little slender mini games in one go we didn't actually unlock a new level so we need to go to one of the other ones which i think the difficulty is going to be intense what's the rock this is average jumping is enabled do you wish to proceed 100 let's do this patrick's rock after squidward saves spongebob and patrick from the clutches of the clone glove world staff squidward floors his bowmobile to their homes when questions squidward insists the two head into their homes and grab whatever valuables they can find without pressing on any further the three split off into their homes shortly after patrick climbs into his rock there can't really be that much space in patrick's rock surely they've hurt to seek out his beloved toys it doesn't take long before he forgets what he was doing deciding to let his anime imagination run wild within the confines of his box okay so this is all in this is all in patrick's head look at the three best buds in the oh thank you for hitting me there all right you've done the heads remember what i told you grab any valuables you can and meet up here in the worst case scenario just drop whatever you're carrying and who fit back to the boat even my pet rocky even my toys no comment even the stupid rock clip well i'm not leaving gary behind before snail turned into a potted monstrosity last night in that case i'm going to secure my r pieces and clarinet if either of you could help me carry them out that'd be a uh i love squidward he's definitely my favorite character like i said i is that the pet rock uh i can't imagine that there is much space i think if my toys lying around here somewhere i just gotta find them this seems a little bit too innocent oh spam to search right we got toys what's this get your own boxy today oh patrick i've got three toys look this is the tiniest place ever rocky hello rocky how you doing oh yeah i almost forgot about the mermaid man and barnacle boy action figures oh the imagination box i remember that episode now there we go fight evil oh i will so this is all imagination that's actually really cool inside the box patrick's model is hilarious where is it maybe if i could just reach down oh don't fall in nevermind patrick you good holy oh great oh my head where am i follow the mysterious figure i don't think it's a great idea to just follow something that's dragged you into the imagination box it's probably the opposite of what you should do i'm gonna bear left always better left or is it right i don't know i guess we're about to find out locate the exit oh is this a maze again can i not just get in here and go i would love to leave i don't think patrick can dive drive even oh god wait i wanted to see the monster well this is fantastic this is great news this is this is great no i'm dead i'm dead i'm definitely dead how do i get out of here i'm going this way no no no don't touch me stop stop stop i found a plane where on earth am i can i hide in here no i'm just running that's a mirror never mind i'm stupid oh it's right behind me i can smell it why's always gotta be amazed with something terrifying following me oh did i make it oh absolute legend okay this uh yeah this looks us we're still on the quest for the toys oh my god i'm just gonna walk straight it's what the game wants me to do no no what the shadows spawn coming waves to be observant and listen from excuse me i defeated you the first time by running away from you but that seems pretty quick i don't think i can outrun that can i just walk through this i can't oh you just flash a light on him oh easy dub bye easy clap bye i just need to know where they're coming from so it might come from behind me yeah see yes i'm trying not to run because if i run forwards i'm gonna run into them i'll have less time to react i'll just give me the action figures that's all i want free toys free toys free toys don't be a dead end how did that just happen oh no okay i'm gonna get to the end again oh that was so upsetting toys toys i don't know what to do prowler patrick will lunging if he's close enough to keep oh okay he was too close that was definitely a different cut scene oh i'm gonna do the whole thing again oh buddy grab the toys let's go let's go i'm going back the way i came holy oh there's so many there's one right there oh dude oh that's oh that's the thing we don't need to see all right get out of here no no no i cannot hear anything yes get out of here as long as you appear in front of me that's fine this is where i was supposed to go yes did i make it oh that was horrible oh god let's go parkour we have parkour escape the prowler's influence that is terrifying what who knew spongebob could be so what no no no stay away from me what even are you no i thought i had a timer do i have a timer what are these what are these things they're like ghost squids one earth that pirate ship better not i was about to say that parachute better not attack me let's go oh i quite avoided it i definitely did not anticipate it being on that block i'm an idiot so which bit is it firing on that second one all right so that falls down as well this game is a troll an absolute troll i made it oh just oh no no no no oh let's go this is like a weird version of ninja warrior i'm not a fan there are ghosts around i don't think i can touch them though they're really hard to see no no no stay away from me yeah yes go into the light patrick never go into the light that's what we're doing this time though patrick are you dead now are you good oh he's good we think did you fool us uh maybe we did die y'all punch him i i kind of recognize that enemy i'm not sure why wait what it's starfish man to the rest use the left mouse button to throw a punch and hold down the right to block incoming attacks be sure to manage your power power so you can stay on your toes during the scuffle while the exclamation mark is over an enemy has had time to strike you must land a three-hit combo in order for the enemy to receive damage oh buddy all right all right gotcha get punched oh i need my palmy to be higher here we go oh get smacked here we go going in yes got a block in there as well charge attacks will have the enemy become increasingly annoyed thus barreling towards you in a fit of rage okay you can counter attack them before they perform an unblockable attack okay i think i've got it all right mate i don't actually understand the assignment i don't understand the assignment gotcha so i just punched him in the face when he's coming at me i think so i'm just gonna punch you up okay here it comes here comes oh i can hit him from here what i think i have to wait until the exclamation mark goes to that he hit me anyway exclamation mark pow pow pow was that it no oh yeah it was ranged attacks will have the enemy launch some projectiles towards you some may shove you into dangerous hazards while others may be the hazards themselves it's best to avoid those attacks and wait for the three-hit combo okay yo all right chill okay i think i've got this this is gonna be easy i'm not losing health right now though bay attacks are fairly tricky to read an enemy will bait you into hitting them following an attack then you have to counter attack wait what oh they're trying to bait me is that what it is additionally you have to wait for an enemy to unblock so you can deliver a free hit combo okay using all of what you've learned defeat this wicked trickster all right come here boy you're gonna get smacked up for sure yo take the four punches how do i know how much health he has oh my god you are absolutely destroyed well this guy's dead this guy's so dead i keep landing four punches i don't know if that's helping at all you suck massively i don't know what that is in the bottom left i think that's his health but he's looking pretty green still are you gonna do anything oh you are oh wait avoid avoid avoid smack smack smack oh i lost health what oh it's cause i'm not blocking but this guy is dribbling all over the place i just noticed as well the exclamation mark isn't here that's why it's not um it's not helping me out are you gonna die soon i'm destroying you this would normally be a fat ko right now you are taking a beating oh i've been doing it wrong there is an exclamation mark there is one that comes up i've just been battering him in the face this is the counter one [Applause] oh no no no no i should have punched him when he reached i forgot back away from charger all right all right he's going in for the uh the big attack block that now go in yeah get rekt buddy because fancy footwork let's go okay here's the counter here's the counter block punch yeah get red oh no he actually caught me off guard there left jab look for the exclamation mark oh this is the bait didn't work oh wait for the exclamation mark is the bait yes buddy easy easy need more practice i think i'm good i'm fine rest in peace sir rest in peace see you never oh let's do the doodlebob go doodlebob is crazy the biggest villain of spongebob oh it's the king jellyfish what are you up to hey we did another one uh a c that's not too bad considering i messed up quite a bit no more unlocks yet but we've got patrick's rock we've done what's squidward's difficulty that's an average as well i wonder how many levels there are this seems like a pretty big game way bigger than i thought it was going to be
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 1,946,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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