Please Don’t Click.. My Brain is Too Big.. (No Game #2)

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hello we are back not playing a game so this is not a video so really you're not going to be entertained i guess but really the opposite of all those things is true welcome back to there is no game i think this is called the wrong dimension but i absolutely loved playing this game i'm recording the second episode before the first one's even gone out because i am going to finish this i'm the king of not finishing series and this ain't gonna be one of them there are six chapters in all so we're gonna do chapter three and four today and then we're gonna move on to five and six in the next one but we got to the good the bad and the princess i think i'm ready to do this so if you haven't seen the first episode definitely go and check that out uh if you're excited for this one i'd greatly appreciate it if you're gonna give it a like let's see if we can get to a hundred thousand that seems to be pretty doable from you guys and also if you're new around here hit the sub button do it do it while we intro this video please so we're skipping through different games through different dimensions this guy is interrupting me as usual but i'm gonna hit start because i i hated leaving this on like a cliffhanger i wanted to know what's going on with the interface of this game that will probably help us i mean oh no way this is zelda it's a zelda the good the bad and the princess oh wait can i actually like control it i cannot control it looks a lot like an rpg it does oh it's exactly the kind of game i was destined to become oh really before i was abandoned i don't believe you let's start by waking up this character that's what you always do in these games it's true [Music] wake up we do something more crazy than that please okay calm down calm down calm down that's what i meant ah he's a sound sleeper yes if i yell any louder i might saturate my voice oh you want me to do it now i want to grab this key there's definitely a key behind them can we uh smash a pot over his head maybe oh wait we're going to destroy his arm i'm going to say he better wake up what was that but we've got to read it he is not even varsity oh that's the worst thing about rpgs that voice is that you guys are yes yes that goes really like too quickly you've got a pretty deep voice for a goddess i'm not feeling well what's going on the princess is in danger abducted by the infamous dark lord question mark and held captive in the dimensional temple user that must be our way out oh i see shiro that's it let's go rescue her i've asked but before we do that i have to find the 12 sacred feathers scattered all over the world and slay eight ticklish guardians and find 50 sun fragments what i say we go straight to the dimensional temple please i don't want to do this when we get there okay can i have the key please oh it's locked he's locked himself in the door's locked then go find the key this must be around here somewhere i can see the key it's right here this one's not the sharpest knife in the drawer definitely not all video game characters it's right here hello friend friend it's here it's here it's right here come on is everyone stupid can you oh it's gonna make me do this again and again who's making everyone needs to be nudged needs to be nudged oh what have you done okay plot twist was not expecting this that's grandpa's chest it was stored in the attic well upon it maybe the kiss inside the keys right there it's a hammer of course it is carpenter's ham look at the size of it that's odd it looks broken ah looks like mr ditch has been here it's okay my courage and my will are enough especially at sea it hit this there we go what happened did the glitchy hammer do this oh yeah the glitch changes the size of things so it can shrink things i thought i saw the key behind the dress you did there it is there it is grab it dude oh come on come on now stop this i can't reach it anything else would have surprised me okay let me hit this and then do this did he get it he did this guy's like a really stupid version of link go open the door now hero the size of the key as well this guy is either tiny or everything he owns is huge what now wait the key doesn't fit in the lock it's okay let me smash it with this no nonsense here no more narration needed i know what i'm doing it's so perfect we can finally get on with the game it's the course get out of here is this going to be oh look at this the verdant landscape hey this is cute i have no control in this he's doing it all by himself oh this is all the unlockables that it actually says about the ticklish guardian and stuff oh i wasn't even paying attention the sword of life might do it the villagers say it's the magic clearing to the west here that sounds like a good idea sorry i was distracted i should have been going this way careful you idiot oh not again you fell what happened did you not see the hole no i don't think so i've got to be more careful this guy this guy i don't believe it back to the verdant landscape can you be careful please sir i don't want you killing yourself because wait am i gonna have to whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa for goodness sake what you just fell again what happened the hole there's one hole in the path and you fall right in it won't get me this time is there anything i can do there must be something i can do to help this this man right this this no i can't do it i don't know what else to do uh uh stop don't go falling yes this works pretty well um there must be something we can use so yeah it's got different collectibles here but i'm hoping i don't have to collect those oh wait can i use this on anything because remember it glows if you can use something we could build a bridge a board does this work let's try to find a board somewhere i'm trying my best to find one even if there's something written on it ah this one how do i grab that though and why don't we click on anything there's not too many locations which is good yeah yeah yeah stop before you start dissing me all right oh the frog pond the legendary stop stop don't fall in come on the sword is on the other side of that lake the villagers say that there's a sunken palace at the bottom of this lake but since i can't swim i'll never be able to investigate or you will probably have to unlock the amphibian skill true oh yeah but it wouldn't wouldn't it be better if i could breathe underwater oh i'm sure it doesn't have any intel points so then how are we going to get through if in doubt drop oh wait i actually worked ah oh there's a choice i saw something jump it must have been a fish how do i get that chest oh no dude it's a puzzle i don't know how to get this i wasn't dreaming something definitely jumped out if i do this this and then from this side i think it's depending on which side you get it from there we go hop along little friends you got this bro oh do i need them to be smaller or do i need them to be bigger wait oh i just made him tiny no uh did that not work oh there we go i didn't mean to do that but that's fine your chest but where did it come from the bottom of the ocean it looks like the royal chest from the sun i call compounds a dungeon what is that the monocle it belongs to the king of the abyss it looks broken too that's unfortunate i hope there's nothing wrong with the sword of life wearing a monocle underwater already ah the monaco nudges the sprites and the hammer shrinks them all very interesting these two tools are going to be very useful as we move through this world okay and of course you will be able to create chaos as usual i'm ready okay so i need to get this thing out of here um this thing needs to disappear i need him to get past but i'm not quite sure how to do that oh wait can i make these bigger ah i think that's what i need to do all right so now we do this this and then i want to make that bigger thank you bro finally i know i didn't plan it but progress let's keep going legendary sword of life looks more like a copy of excalibur let him have his time let me have his moment it's beautiful i hope i'm worthy look at him go go buddy do you need the help of a giant hand you might do [Music] it's stuck oh come on come on your little embarrassment what if we got you to be bigger still no muscles huh i can feel the sword moving just a little more and it will come out we should give him a hand uh i didn't mean to make him tiny i was better i was gonna do the sword whoops so if i make him huge oh yes i am i wasn't talking to you [Music] look at that thing it's not even pointy what kind of sword isn't even pointy do you know what this means gaia that you're the most incompetent hero in the history of video games okay calm down we need to be nice to him uh probably but it was the reason this is oh i'll never be able to save the princess from the dark lords clutches come on have a little bit of faith around you all because of sunburst this sword isn't the sword of life where could it be dia help me i'm begging you give me comfort strength courage or a pair of gardening shears oh do you want to slice this up zelda style can't we just cut these what are we gonna do with this broken sword oh we broke it i didn't realize um we use it as a tune i guess do not pull that bit out so he says something about bushes right there must be a reason he needs it make him bigger give him the sword he's just gonna be big and upset i think that's that's what's going on here oh wait it's like a screw there is still working yeah but don't try to use that broken sword like a screwdriver you can see the end doesn't fit unless you can find a way to flatten the end uh wait we know who thinks we saw how that does not am i seeing things or isn't it flat i'm pretty sure it's flat bro how can i make this oh wait did that work i thought i was big brain then i thought i was a huge brain trying to drop it on top of it um i haven't had to use a hint yet but i might have to it's not glowing on anything wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh oh you can make this smaller i can make all of these things smaller i can make the sun tiny [Music] it's gonna be okay is that the sword of life is that what it is it's the health bar thank you oh gaia for this gift from the gods thank you for this for this what is it it's the legendary sword of life hold it high above your head with pride looks like it's from again no no no no no we're not crossing that i'm gonna try it big slice let's go dude get that bush's sliced achievement it works let's go cut those demonic bushes that are blocking our path is that gonna be the hardest oh jeez is that gonna be the hardest i don't believe it he's doing that on purpose there's no other explanation that's fine no it's fine that's a quick reset did it on purpose to save time oh there we go there we go we're on the same wavelength maybe he's not as dumb as he looks that was funny though the right hand side please friend let's go where's my oh you've got the sword come on you can do this don't mess this bit up yes look at the power the path to the dimensional temp was finally cleared no he's one of the infamous dark lords guards no one gets too pipsqueak my master must fulfill the prophecy how original all right let's see what this interfer this sword does i mean i'm a little bit scared i can make him bigger it's going to do nothing is it are you hitting me do we have to help him now is that all we need to do get bigger smack him get smaller kill this dude kill him destroy him kill him oh no i didn't mean to make you bigger oh no look at you you're as small as a bug i'm going to crush you that tickles so i can make him smaller oh wait how do i get this to i need to get this lily pad to move i don't actually know how to do it because it's not a side to side one i needed to move down here somehow make him big make him sport and then you can push him but i think because the water's in the way we can't move him how can i move the lily pads oh look you can make a sunlight i don't i don't know if that's uh that's needed maybe it is so if i do use small and you big see what the sunlight does to you boy see what happens it's done absolutely nothing we might die here we might die guys go small there must be a way to move the lily pads but what is it oh i've only just realized how we figured out that last puzzle it shoots like that but i have to do it i'm gonna have to hit the hint button there's three hints on here but i can't figure out what to do i don't know how to move this i know that we attack him better if we're big and he's small or if just he's small also if he's big we get pushed back quite a bit i don't know if that makes a difference let's see what happens if he like hits us all the way across that's the only thing i haven't tried i guess oh it just gets to the end oh jeez okay this is not a good thing he's getting smashed oh so now they run back okay i'm so confused i feel like i needed to it's gotta be to do with the lily pad hasn't it or am i just getting distracted by something that literally doesn't matter because we haven't got a massive combination of objects maybe something in the imagery i think maybe the feather maybe the sun because you make the sun big you got the light ray but they don't pass through the light ray feather goes small i don't know why you'd need to use the feather feather also goes big but i don't know why you'd use that sun goes small this goes big i mean i have no idea i'm gonna have to do it i don't know what happens touch to unlock a new hint when the enemy is much larger than the hero it advances and attacks well i know that i know that is it to do with the sun then do that do that and then that this is why i tried before do i put him in the sun oh wait he's hitting that oh i'm an idiot so i did need the feather the feather okay is he is he a ticklish guardian oh he's gonna sneeze okay that makes sense that makes sense i had to use a hint i feel so bad i had that before and i didn't see it sneeze okay he needs to be bigger definitely magnify this boy sneeze that lily bat across that's more like it there we go oh wait now coming that's smaller it's just gonna straight up fall in it's from earlier it's definitely from earlier make him big and he'll sink what sort of magic is this the lily pads gonna sink i can't swim that's right get out of here boy bye this is what happens to those who dare to cross the hero of the legendary sword i'm an idiot i had the solution all that's left to do is to get across that lily pad sweet let's go get out of here with the difference we did it we're fine oh bomb let's go it's locked this is the entrance to the dimensional temple it's about time this is where the princess is being held captive but the passage won't open until i found the 12 sacred feathers and the 50 fragments oh yeah i don't know if this is a good idea i just made it huge for you pick it up muscle man come on oh wait oh no no no i make it smooth get there get there get there get there get there come on buddy are you stupid i hardly felt a thing i'm getting stronger and stronger oh wait come on you must be able to carry that pretty quick no that stings a little yeah your health has decreased oh yeah we will have to be careful um oh he's gonna just keep on picking it up oh no he's gonna die he's oh no he's definitely gonna die now i've messed up ah okay he's in trouble i'm gonna make this tiny this huge and then we're good don't get that look how fast he is throw it dude too far in time could we give him a shortcut oh can he go through there oh we can okay sweet he's hurting a little bit but it's going to be all right so we do this this like this and this and then you should be able to get through oh no he's too big oh no maybe just make this small then and then we can make these too small as well you got this bro go get that shortcut that's gotta be it [Music] are you kidding me it barely scratched it explosion was clearly not to go all strong let's do it again come on okay small small big big i need to make you big oh no he's definitely gonna die make it small i don't want him to die wait make him big oh no then he can't get past oh no oh i don't know i don't know we've got the sun but i don't know if that's gonna help to be honest with you oh he died oh no oh i killed him uh oh i didn't mean to do that that's embarrassing isn't it i didn't mean to kill the poor lad i mean technically he did it himself but let's get back to it i'm sorry about that minor blip all right we're gonna have to walk through the old thing again no no please okay we're good geez i was gonna say go and hop to it sir there we go so we can make this okay that's probably too soon i need to make the bomb bigger at the end if i can so if i do this and then this and then you can just go through it right oh come on timing was all off put it down quick throw it throw it throw it let's go bro yes it's even got the like little side effects out get out of here to the top into the dimensional cave castle uh temple even oh here it is oh i see something to do with the sun princess princess no princess inside no dimensional vortex either we're gonna have to work our way through this temple i'd like to but the door's locked i'm guessing these switches aren't just for decoration twitches oh geez he's done that switch was surely opened the door well it's gonna be a double isn't it so we're gonna hero are you good we might need to wait a minute for it to start i'm not sure it's a good idea to stay here how about we leave this dungeon slowly yeah watch out for the hell the sneaky snacks over there come on gaia we have a noble quest to complete i'm sure that the door's gonna open eventually okay so we can make the snakes massive if we really want to uh let's see what happens we do this stupid user you're making things worse i didn't mean to do that i'm so sorry keep them coming keep them coming one might stand on the button i need a bun i need a bun there must be one that can go on the bomb come on let's pull on the button and now we can make this uh big see i know what i'm doing here uh don't i i thought that was gonna work for sure did i just work that worked for a second she stopped running she walked for a second i'm so confused do this and then this and then why is that one red oh i see so it's only the green one fella no come on oh you guys so annoying you know what get back to normal size and then we'll sort this out all right you need to be small you need to be big let's go go go go go go go go get out of there yes we got the snacks i opened the door all it took was patience did you notice anything in the room he's like yeah probably a trap okay buddy joe gone oh we're getting closer to the princess that is a big boss key door i smell it bewitching perfume i think it's probably coming from the sewer this room is dark i i'm afraid of the dark i feel you buddy i feel you right we can do this it's not completely dark you can see a little bit there's a locked bus door a pose button mouse so [Music] i'm not sure how to move the light i have a light source oh that works okay perfect so i move this over here then put the light on it light it up baby light it up uh light light oh that was it that was it that was it you see that magnifying glass it's so clever this game is so clever thank you very much thank you very much i'll see you now the room doesn't look any brighter oh wait can we yes we can make it big okay now we need to move over to this uh this dude no very worries user oh no no no no don't don't be scared don't be scared it's okay everything will be fine you're gonna be a hero you're gonna get the princess you're gonna get married you're gonna be so happy what did i do oh it's like a night temple now oh yeah that doesn't look good that sounds good though something happened in the other room i don't wanna oh because we need the key okay that makes sense follow this friend remember i'm gassing you up you're gonna be famous you're gonna be a hero it's all gonna be worth it in the end looks like a switch puzzle so it does i agree awesome i love switches you didn't do so hard last time are we gonna have to bring the snakes back okay what is this guy doing ah we just figured out how to activate those old switches oh did you see that guy going around around works i think there's gonna have to be a certain order to this i'm gonna go on this okay i'm a genius an absolute genius oh i'm not a genius how are we gonna know what the combination is you're not gonna make me guess this are you that's kind of unfair [Music] oh geez okay let's do this i'm just gonna have to keep on guessing until it's the right one right no are there any clues oh there is there is i'm pretty sure there's clues one two three four there's four different um things here look one two three four i don't know how they correspond to these because they're like they're diagonals oh glowing rooms glowing runes glowing runes slowly coming together don't know what these are going to mean though what do they even mean ruins hello what do they even mean i don't know nothing about runes they have no correspondence to the switches whatsoever oh okay that makes a lot more sense so we do this one first and then we do the second is this one i worked it out let's go so we need like so it's top so we could have guessed this but we didn't get there i guess and then next up it is this one which is the little ufo stylie which is the right hand one and the bottom one okay this this game makes my brain feel huge and sometimes very very small we did it let's go give me that key thanks to my special technique of rotational insistence oh yeah i'm sure you'll dress try using your special object speaking technique now don't be scared of the dark you've got this he's so happy with himself look at him such a happy little man it's a big shiny key it must be the dungeon bus is key sorry hero we're gonna have to go through that doc's mini room again oh no not the dark group why doesn't he think it's smelly huh what's wrong is his nose blocked is he okay right okay so we should be able to make this bigger there we go oh this key gives off a protective light that's lucky oh okay fine it's very convenient for us very convenient all of us what's the boss gonna be though i'm kind of scared i have no control over the protagonists no control over the hero whatsoever and then oh he looks friendly who dares to file my beautiful carpet somebody's is god's rescue the princess evil dark lord is he the final boss of the game i was expecting something more impressive he is holding fireballs in his hands who is the spirit that guides you this is gaia abominable dark lord gaia no that's impossible fire is russian yeah come on now crush him oh here we go oh oh wait no i wasn't ready for this i was not ready for this thank you small what what is he doing fight hero uh make him tiny you're huge don't worry about it you're going to be fine wait stop running away you coward oh i do agree with him on this one what if i make i don't want to make him huge do i oh yeah that's a bad idea when you're motivated um okay the pots need to do something big pots big pots smashy pots no how much longer is he going to run around in circles i just got him hit uh okay so he launches a fireball okay i think i know what to do here oh i thought i was gonna hit it that definitely did not hit it actually this might hit it yes one of the pillars is gone i don't know what that means but i think it's a good thing you make this one big as well two pillars gone what are you gonna do huh what are you gonna do now uh oh that was actually a good idea okay and we took out a third of his health little punk no no no no no make it make his school be huge be huge be huge be huge not the bomb oh no wait what did i just do this try to neutralize those bombs user otherwise we will lose our friends i don't know how well wow no i'm going to destroy okay you do it this time buddy how did i neutralize the bomb round two dummies let's go so we know we need to make the parts big then we need to make this big so we know the first part and we damaged him a little bit but i don't know how we did the other part but i think just to run i knew that was gonna happen okay part two done and then we need to make both of them big but i don't know i'm gonna have to pause it i forget i can pause it so we do this and then this gets smacked he moves back and does the bombs but i don't know how to defuse the bombs how did we defuse the bombs before if i make myself big yeah yeah myself big i do this no no no no not that not that oh my goodness i just want to make the guy big come on small small small small small okay that kind of works small small big oh it only works on the bombs i think it only works on the bombs this is working but for how long how long is this going to work for we should use those bombs to hit oh there we go oh that not him i'm gonna make this one big because that's how there we go i don't know how i just worked that out but that's fine watch out spikes okay let's think about this let's think about this for a second what is going on i don't want this guy to die i'm kind of attached to him now what's gonna happen oh i know what to do i think i'm gonna be able to do it in time yes bro slice him up let's go bro get large smack that boy nicely done watch out i know what to do now yes yes yes yes slight slight slight slight slice yes yes ah let's go dude get out of here i am actually so pleased we only lost one heart in the end i have to film my destiny let's go stay the princess is gonna be another castle isn't she that's gonna happen thank you i'm not doing that i don't know you and yet i can already feel a deep connection i told you princess mysterious night oh already cute that's what they could be dating okay less of the dad jokes please luke you sir the exit uh you can say it it's okay you say the l word so beautiful i hear a deep sorrow in that voice don't you have a princess to save too not anymore all i once knew shall we say a princess always gained her name was gigi we were so happy together that made me cry unfortunately she suddenly disappeared from my source code hey wait probably because of my cursed creator since then oh i'm user aren't i nothing has been right without her my existence as a game program is meaningless now do you understand why i was trying to drive you away you like me i'm just an empty shell a non-game i see i've got an idea says the hero let's let us give you the contents of this legendary chest maybe it'll help you to find her oh i doubt it what should be sourced oh oh no don't die please please don't die please don't do this what is it oh thank goodness i thought he was gonna die i was looking for a way out in all dust chests well there it is at last mr glitch mr glitz get off my back once and for all i just want to go home well i don't how can i stop you from following me let's see where is he going [Music] what are you doing oh no don't kill oh don't kill them oh no that's funny dude what have you done i wonder if he's the one who got rid of gigi i'm gonna love it i will leave you now i've gotta go carry out my evil plan it kind of sounds the same too have the same accent [Music] where did that come from sounds kind of tasty though this is so epic wait unplayability scam 40 seconds set settings and cash shop it looks like the game's restarted oh no this is new this is a different game what has you done what's this gonna oh wait oh it is the [Music] same no oh no stop no collection of personal data sorry sorry i got a little carried away sounded good don't worry being turned into a free-to-play is the worst thing that can happen to a game how can i explain it it's like riding a bike oh no no no no no let's try to leave this dimension fast you never know it could be contagious oh do i want to go here i don't know if i want to go here is this chapter 4 or is this chapter three link your head face count okay another one oh no no no no no this is where you always say no but i don't have the option to have my bank accounts come on i told you user there's nothing worse than the free to play i'm not even reading it even in a game where it's not even real i'm not reading it oh no i can't even pause it this is chapter four okay sweet the room looks different doesn't it a little bit no time to waste let me wake up our friend and let's go save the princess get up hero so do we have to do the same but with money this time but i was able to wake him up the first time right yeah oh oh i see how this goes oh i've drained it never mind i've only got 75 dollars can i unlock pause please [Music] that's unreal actually unreal so now the bed comes back right so i just spent my money yeah there we go this is hilarious it's clicking time i mean to buy this man an alarm clock there we go oh it's hey [Music] he's finally awake doing what navi does best hey what's that voice guy or is it no no no no no no no no no it's not me oh it is shake a leg you stole all this man's stuff by the way there's no stuff even though i'd like to have had my crunchy crunchy breakfast cereal first cereal that's crunchy and melts in your mouth at the same time we don't have time for that we are off the adventure hero and first buddy we ain't got time you're right let's sorry uh what's with your speed oh no you have to buy that too i'm at top speed give me months give me money give me months can we upgrade this man i need to upgrade this man you have more furniture back then yeah i store some really nice furniture in oh no but it was a little expensive come on do we have to buy this we will still be here in 10 years we don't have to buy this right faster just maybe a new pair of shoes from the shop would help i'm buying that straight away straight away give me the month and then we'll buy the shop 300 your shoes are pretty expensive yes it's the latest model they're highly flexible and made of breathable neoprene what a taste of luxury do we if you need money guys i can find some coins they're all over the place um i think we're good we're just gonna keep clicking your beds all right what a snail why can't he just walk out and make his way there just for a little bit oh right don't wait to get out of here don't let him hear you be angry this guy is walking on the spot right one more bed refill there's gonna be three items as well which is pretty interesting i'm hoping i don't have to buy these things because this is going to be really really annoying there we go oh he just found some money he just found some money didn't he i would like to buy these thank you enjoy your speed okay are they your size they're beautiful let's not waste any more time and get out of here we've got work to do we certainly do hop to it soldier i was i was good i was half expecting me what now we have to pay for the rest but we just started i was just about to say i was just about to say at least we didn't have to pay to leave but here we are wait i'm hold on would you reckon the furniture would give you more money yes spend money to make money guys there we go okay this is much better double click coming in oh this ain't too bad at all my fingers are gonna have blisters on them by the end of this but at least we're making more money it's so thrilling this better not be annoying when it comes to like boss fights and stuff as well give me that the path is clear again let me get the money it's knocked out all my cash what's that about the starter pack oh no we're back here again oh it's energy it's the older the classic energy meter what's the matter with you i get tired quickly when i'm away from home yeah i saw that your life bar dropped all at once i need your help give me energy how much is it going to cost you like it too oh we gotta actually buy him cereal how much is this gonna be like 600 oh it's 100 we can afford it let's go i'm good at these games take your cereal boy i don't think there's gonna be too many puzzles here always boggle huge as well delicious as always it's a sacred sword fortunately we know this stop we don't care let's go look for it in the clearing watch how much this is gonna cost the path seems to be blocked by a pile of dirt that is new i'm gonna look around while we wait okay you find me some coins we've got to get rid of this pile of dirt how do i do that when all i can do is oh wait a loot box i found a chest box oh no they're illegal in some places i'm sure it's full of amazing treasures i don't know if you're old enough to open loot boxes friends we're going to try anyway four five six seven eight nine [Music] we can't even [Music] oh there's gonna be something oh the spoon the spoon my brain is huge the amount of time that i played this it's gonna destroy my coins isn't it all you just made i'll get over that oh where are you going where are you going where you going where you going get over here hey i wasn't listening to what the big man said boys stop stop it what do we need to do now i've stolen the spoon already we don't need anything else can he not just walk over it now hey you dummy get over here i'm just making a lot of money here for no reason i don't actually need it i can't open the shop i can't where did the spoon go where did you put the spoon oh we maxed out on coins right let's spend let's actually unlock the hints and the um and the pause button so the hint is here we put the cache in perfect we're finally going to move forward come on the hero the path is clear it's about time get up you was that noise that was like a weird groan i'm not sure i'm a fan of that yeah knocks out my coins so at least we bought the help button great they're building something probably a parking lot what makes you say that [Music] that i can do okay why can't we open the shop all right i have no idea how we're going to get across that water and i don't see anything to buy on this screen nothing to buy ah the loot box disappeared scam scam they cry come on buddy find another one i wanna see what loot boxes we got this time that's the only way out of this there it is boink oh we got a new one is that minecraft minecraft's in the game i don't care about the millions give me the minecraft there it is uh oh oh oh oh okay figure this one out real quick we're gonna get ourselves a pickaxe real fast maybe um yeah this is a pickaxe look at me look at me go first time first time the minecrafter in me perfect i'm not sure you know what what we're talking about here buddy i'm not sure we need a pickaxe but we can we can try what can we use our trusty pickaxe on wake up sir take this okay that's not gonna work that's not gonna work there either what else can we get from this what's this this is cold or maybe ice super cold [Music] it's a parody of super hot i need to smash this guy my finger actually hurts from there oh do i need the pickaxe yes i know he wasn't much of a talker but he had to die all the ways to break the ice you know isn't that right sir don't be giving me these dad jokes come on now why don't you try working out on it here you go buddy see what happens hope you don't fall genuinely thought it was gonna fall but it's okay these ones are easy easy right now we've got the sword of life though and then we have to do the dungeons as well with all this clicking nonsense the sword isn't here oh here it is oh i think we have to choose i think we have to pay uh that should be okay which one do we want to buy first i mean let's get the barrel actually let's get the pot first let's double up on pots and then we can get a nice amount of cash buy the barrel as well get our money back i know what i'm doing here uh let's buy what do we want can you find the money yeah i found it i'm making the decision to help try blade snake blade spin blade or vintage blades i'm gonna guess i'm gonna hit the tri-blade i think and see what happens oh i can't wait for it to magically appear there it is i don't believe it three swords for the price of one what does it say made in i can't read the rest i'm gonna try it big scam the price is in dollars don't make me do that please account hey please and i've got no cash on me right i was coded without pockets yeah that's bad i don't think i can find any dollars around here um is there a bank around any banks serial click oh no i got an achievement for clicking so much let's buy the snake oh wait that could be it funny oh i think we have to combine some don't we okay i'm seeing a dollar sign here um i'm seeing a shape that looks like a dollar sign i don't know how we get it to 9.99 there must be a way to do it because it's just gonna keep breaking every time we use one of these that's definitely a dollar sign if i've seen one before how do i get my man to combine them no don't do it don't do it don't slice it don't slice it please it's gonna break it's pretty old school it's vintage it's gonna go please don't break it please don't break it it's super light no no no no hey hey oh geez it's a dollar sign waiting to happen let me see what s is let me just let me just make him use each one and see what happens what a graceful form it's made of plastic yep they didn't work either of course they didn't then finally this one i can't remember this one's called our original but not very practical for fighting nice okay what happened was exactly what we thought was gonna happen now i've learned to use the the help screen a little bit because it kind of hints at what we need to do so there's three hints but there must be something we can do for him first then oh maybe i need to run out of energy his energy is still low and it's going down every time he does stuff so let's see if we we can rank his energy down it's going to take a while though this one and then we just buy them back because we got all the gold that we could wish for oh actually you might run out of energy now take the s take the s and do with it what you will my friend slice and dice never mind she didn't make it okay is there anything we can do now he's sad he kind of lost energy at the wrong time i didn't want him to lose energy now 999 is almost ten dollars something to do with that middle bit what are you doing brain huge brain huge yes i'm a legend i'm an absolute legend sword of life that's my boy take that it's much heavier than yeah this one's actually the real one we finessed the system it works we're finally getting something now we're gonna do the you idiot no no no no no no no we don't start again don't make me start again i spend ten big dollars always three diamonds i can mine diamonds there we go there's one give me another diamond there's one special offer 10 for 19.99 my iq has gone from about three three to about 34. we're doing well at least we keep all this money though and that gives a lot looks like we're gonna have to wake him up again hello hopefully you still have your sword that we paid lots of money for hey hey let's listen you're up at last hero well done come on move oh we doing this again tell me we're gonna have to start all over again no i'm kidding okay good he's got a sense of humor about him [Music] now that i have the sword of life let's go free to princess save your jokes at least did you see the money sign as well i don't think i've noticed that before right let's get out of here shall we we poured so much money into the hole that we have zero try and slice it up my friend oh we're gonna have to do that boss fight mini boss fight part of the temple is finally clear aries is the man what is that drawbridge ah a customer i won't let anyone interfere with my master's plans unless of course you're a pioneer member but you're not i'll destroy him in one fell swoop with this legendary ten dollar sword okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna unlock these first just in case i need some quick cash he said something about being a premier member so i might have to do that at some point um let's lower i'm scared to lower the drawbridge but i'm gonna do it three cup oh slice him slice him okay it's gonna be this again doesn't do anything this legendary stuff is already used but it worked on the bushes i don't get it it's not gonna work on old school steel though is it uh i mean that party this question i'm okay i hardly felt it okay so he slaps he actually slaps there's literally nothing else about i can't open the shop again can i give him cash we can pay him off right we can just do that maybe there's a way i can get him to come over to me let's see what happens if i do it one more time i want to see if it's different if you don't buy this barrel here oh no he actually slices me okay um well maybe it does sting a little come over come over come hit me i'm free pickings can we pay him off i feel like we should be able to pay him off he said something about being a premium member you're gonna make me get to a thousand again spend all my dollars right we're maxed out okay won't take the money um it's gotta be to do with it's gotta be to do with this guy my initial thought was trying to get him to come over to the trap door so i could raise it or the drawbridge i don't think that's going to work um let's do this and i think there's timing with the money bag maybe oh like i think there's timing for that so he hasn't got time to stop sending him here stop sending him where where i got stuck on this bit last time didn't i i i kind of like worked it out after i used a hint but i don't know if i want to use one i know the hint is to do with this guy you fire him up but i like i don't know what else i can pack this money with i bought the barrel but nothing else is glowing the only thing that glows is is the actual guy so i don't know if there's a way to just like pay him off he said something about a premium subscription oh i think we'll have to buy a hint aren't i i'm gonna have to do it and this is something to do with when it's knocked down he said the the narrator guy said something about figure out a way to stop sending him back here as in my player i'm gonna have to hit it i have no idea the guard always finds a way to take cover on the right probably because he doesn't have a choice oh wait so oh i actually get it now i actually get it now this is so embarrassing okay so let's lower the drawbridge i think i i swear i've tried this before but maybe i didn't try it with the um with the barrel at the same time so if i stone that up and then put it back down go back down there we go smack me and now we can raise this guy i'm sure i tried that i must not have tried it with like a stone barrel or anything it doesn't look like he's coming back where did he go oh i feel like i hate taking the hints but sometimes you just got to do it for the greater good i was almost there right now we're at the bomb section again but wait it's open already we've reached a dimensional temple the door is wide open this is gonna be a trap don't do it yeah exactly probably go ahead go on in i will watch you i knew it lily that millie so how much does it cost this time how much a million coins one million coins it's gonna take a while but it's doable i mean technically it isn't because right let's buy every let's buy the bomb the bomb must do something i don't know blue box what we got what we got what we got papers please is that parappa the rapper are you kidding me oh we might have to win this he needs toilet paper okay i can definitely get that from the prop of the rapper rapper the rapper has a whole rap about going to the toilet no joke unless i give him the bomb you can take the bomb all right let's go perhaps the rapper then we need to win the million coins and get in there he is maybe i hate him shake your body on move station fire it's for papa the papa papa the paper must be a way to get this i need the paper this doesn't look like something you want would want to wipe with you'd be in um you'd be in serious trouble actually um okay let's get off that for a second so he needs something maybe i can buy the i can't pick up the bomb though that's the problem if i get the blue box then give the guy the bomb yeah that didn't work at all why is he shaking the screen like that i don't appreciate please paper that's funny what about money wipe your butt with money okay actually no no i want to use this i want to use this okay new plan i'm going to open the paraff of the wrapper paper the paper wherever he's called and i'm going to buy the bomb and hopefully knock him off his notebook and see what happens and then he's going gonna wipe with parappa poor guy let's get grab the rapper i don't know how that's gonna get us to a million coins though all right let's see what happens blow this puppy off this store worked i'm out of ideas uh genuinely thought that was gonna work let's try one more time i feel there's something i need to do though oh maybe i have to time it he like almost falls off doesn't he there here we go this might be it this might be i think i figured it out can i explode oh you little punk now that's it that's it i've got it explode explode explode explode explode explode explode yes yes i knew it i knew it okay we've got parappa the paper now if you can find another loot box that'd be greatly appreciated because i'm gonna let you uh get wiped i'm parappa rapper i'm a massive fan of you i'm sorry oh oh thanks for the gift yeah uh thank you much for the gift what am i supposed to do with a a freaking plunger huh i reckon it's got something to do with the loot box because that's the only thing i can do next there it is gotcha give me that milly give me that sweet million it's mine yeah but we have to spend it i'm sorry i can't believe i made a man wipe brap with a rapper across his butt cheeks it's wild this game's wild i think we're we're rapidly approaching 50 iq right now which is a little bit scary already perfect that is good you're too short to reach it [Music] how convenient why did you put it up here let's buy all these columns because we know we're gonna have to click stuff i'm actually gonna get an rsi from from clicking this much oh no it's too dark oh okay here are the switches what switches i see anything well not yet anyway but bye bye bye so remember this from before right win a box of crunchy cereal with this bonus qr code wait wait wait this could be it says one two three four this one this one this one this one oh i think i know what that is i know what that is so it's right bottom left oh no it's right top left bottom left top right so bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam okay i got it thank you thank you for the help you need to go here light at last how do i i think that touch no oh okay i understand i understand you got rid of my pillars as well huh that's helpful okay let's save up some months i need to make sure we do this correctly we only need enough for four i think we're good pay for the moon and then we need to flip these switches around so it was i don't know can i get the ads come back up oh there it is glorious this one then this one then this one than this one by the sun this is it this is 100 here bomb buddy you can do it i believe in you hit that green let me see more green don't run out of energy though because i'll be pretty upset if that happened guess yes progress and the last one glorious absolute genius thank you qr code and we got some more cereal too fantastic crunchy crunch i was getting a little hungry maybe more power bar for the boss fight oh yes [Music] whatever um yeah why did that column pull down was it going to make us do it again wait a second we need to make him get that oh there's another switch i bet it's a different combination this time as well it is wait you're gonna make me do a sudoku i i want to do a sudoku okay let's figure this out oh my goodness why why why so this is one one two three four oh wait oh yeah okay i get this i think i get this this is one this is two three and four if i get this i'm a legend and i think what we need to do is get the energy bar to go over and hit the key right don't let me down now don't let me down i've never done a sudoku in my life and i think i've just achieved it i've just achieved greatness 51 iq [Music] i could cry i could actually cry i'm i'm completing a puzzle game that's the stuff buddy ggs oh i will do it one more time don't be gross pedro that's what we're going to call you i've got one more to do as long as it's not a sudoku i'm fine fully illustrated official guides uh oh okay it's giving us some hints i like it one plus s equals okay i've already done that done that see oh five clicks up here is a secret uh here i wanna see what the other thing is there was another bit for the boss fight too i don't even know if that's gonna be real that could be a full-on troll just remember you have to go like this you're at last i mean light i lost right this one is definitely i think then the the i thought the bar was going to push the i was going to push this but i think he's gonna push the key off he's gonna be having some serious issues if he's too much of this stuff that's what we're talking about puzzle solved go get the key buddy hero dickie just fell to the floor how did he not see him [Music] a boss fight with pay to play is gonna be really upset oh great yeah this room this is the one the key doesn't light up anymore they've probably got costs oh liquidation of unsold goods [Music] oh wait okay okay i can't hope why some kind of long bar is blocking the way there's got to be a mechanism somewhere but i don't see anything in the room that could help us not gonna lie to you hero i don't see nothing oh the switch i'll probably have to go activate it go on in go do it yes coins sweets coins right we need to buy some stuff we've got skull a feather oh it's the old ones yes you remember these right i'm gonna buy the skull give me this that's got a key in it itself got a feather as well and then the chest is 150. so maybe we buy the chest and unlock it with the skeleton by that turn oh wait stick with the man i remember this uh okay that was not as intended um about to catch it got it unlocked the chest a hammer is this the old hammer oh i'm not looking forward to doing this boss fight at all i failed it a few times before but now we've got all of these uh these obstacles in the way it's gonna be even more difficult money down to zero we're bankrupt again there he is remember who dares defile my beautiful something currently on algie's someone who's come to rescue the princess evil dark lord i can't even see his face who is talking to me i can't see with this part in front of my eyes hello you don't even have eyeballs how can you see anyway that's better where was i oh yes you seem to be forgetting what a warrior needs for a jaw to the death excuse uh yeah but also vitamins b one two and five oh the crunchy crunch the cereal is cracked already you're right gaia enough talk come and fight i just wanna click prepare for a long and painful fight oh yeah i'm ready i need to buy some cereal what no i mean yes yes my puzzle solving from earlier [Music] that's way too easy i'm uh used to feed by the strength of my love what just have to buy the princess that's gonna happen isn't it four million no here she is you're free princess thank you my brave liberator yeah we've heard it before did they even get to kiss last time i don't think they did they just kind of had floaty hearts yep here we go what's in the chest though i kind of want to know this time again actually we saw it was the glitch you're gonna be able to leave thank you bravehero yes thank you bravehero you're a legend it was an honor i hope you two live happily ever after and have lots of little that's right guy are such a let's go user let's not hang around okay chill where we gonna end up next though i don't want to play that game again no i don't believe it even exiting the game costs money i get the feeling there are no keys in played mr stock well played a digital things up forever maybe there's a key in the legendary a map a treasure map sick that's the map of the region great oh wait do i have to wait until we've done it yes i think we're fine blank for free that's true i think it's that bush i've been a huge brain here there's the squirrel that uh that was my um that was my end goal um yeah i thought that was going to be it it just unleashed a squirrel on the world that's it the map is complete we've been all over the place and there are no keys in sight calm down buddy i've got a key right here simulator would have been heaven there we go no no no sheep simulator is not good goat simulator is where is that you did it i did you unlocked the dlc we did it for free oh thank you thank you thank you where did you find the key don't worry about it my friends long story living again i hope this time you could finally go home thank you 100 sure this is finally the right exit thanks again for everything farewell everyone the end of the ordeal we did it we got no money left but we did it where are we gonna end up next though there's still two chapters left i'm pretty sure what does that mean i don't know what epilogue means i'm pretty sure our companions finally made it home thanks to cooperation true friendship and expensive dlc an unexpected lack of budget wait uh i just [Music] did i just oh hold on did i just finish the game i thought there were two more chapters wait i'm extremely confused i feel like this is a trick oh wait are they all actually they're actually russian everyone's actually russian oh that's funny these insane last names i'm clicking everything because i don't a dj do anything your horses i'm not sure the music is familiar but what's with all these russian names exactly see these people god do you know what this means something wouldn't do something no glitch you good we could hear before he did gg's glitch um i'm gonna see if i can pause here if not i guess i've just ruined the whole thing but i'm pretty sure i will be able to you go to no game here yeah there we go loss of control oh it looks japanese i'm ready for it guys i'm gonna complete the game in the next video that was this is gonna be a pretty long one i think so um i could chop up into two videos but i think i'm just gonna upload it as one um i hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a like we greatly appreciate it uh look below the video if your subscriber and it's red that means you're not subscribed so change that to gray hit the button and subscribe it's free and um change your mind later if you want thanks so much for watching i'm absolutely loving this game this is such a unique and just a great experience to be honest with you i hope you've enjoyed it too have a great day and i'll see you soon rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,225,631
Rating: 4.9607286 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, there is no game
Id: BfLR2SoXbus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 10sec (4630 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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