This FNAF Game Is CRAZY! | Weekdays at Wilbur's (FNAF Fan Game)

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The rage in that video thoughπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rety05 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Matt legit not seeing the animatronic in the lower left corner in cam 3 was fantastic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nerdomrejoices πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] hey guys welcome to gt alive where we are alive and on the couch and have replicated yeah we there's there's another one of us we cloned which one of us which one of us got cloned it's hard to tell this is the weirdest opening bit i think we've done so far yeah the weirdest opening bits i don't know we thought we found him on the streets as evidenced by the fact that his hair is so long aka writer aka former editor for game theory aka now his own youtube star aka the guy who made that song that sounds like the naruto theme yeah okay that is the new jeep oh we're doing that we're doing that yeah we are you're on the couch i've never watched naruto like beyond like beyond like a little bit of the first season when it was aired on like toonami yeah and it had like a rap theme song or whatever i've never watched naruto so i had no idea until that song came out great minds just think like i just wrote what sounded good yeah it's true we actually so we see your comments about how the new opening theme of gt live looks or sounds like you know the the anime opening sequence but coincidence not influenced you we have the composer here for verification the theme for that for that uh anime the full song in the full song that bit is like two measures yeah yeah it's very small and then mine goes off in a completely different direction but it just randomly happened to be the same riff in the same key for like a couple of measures and i'm like how funny oh oh no oh no so yes we did totally intentionally rip it off yeah absolutely 100 no this is ryder you know him from the opening theme song of gt live the opening theme song of food theory the opening theme song his channel also all of a brief history which was a show that ran on the channels for a while and i've been on the live stream a few times yeah exactly and they're always i drive matt mad they're always my favorite live streams i don't know why he says un-ironically writers like i haven't seen another human being in six months and i'm like okay well you should come visit us yeah just so you guys know before you before you take it to the comments we have all been socially isolating uh ryder hasn't seen like another soul in five months we had to make sure that he actually was still a sane and functioning human being fun fact it wasn't because of kovid it was just that just a just coincidence um no we mean i edit a lot we are he's a busy man we are all being safe we are all keeping everything very clean but we are all covered free we just we both just got tested like last week as well so like three times yeah matthew has tested a whole unnecessary amount of time but i did it yes and i just haven't left the house my entire life so there you go it's true so there you go hey that's why he looks so pretty in fresh face although you might want to leave your house at some point to get a haircut i was gonna say or we have we have a razor we could do a live stephanie as evidenced by previous live streams is very good i really want to cut some hair all the way down to the scalp no it's not that was for that that was for charity i shaved her head four cherries don't you want to shave your head for charity right so i would cut my hair for cherry oliver wow oliver this wouldn't this would not look good i know i think he'd be a very nice looking we would have a very big i was going to say i think your head is a fine shape the phrenologist in me says you have great great uh rounded what's what judges your psychology by the shape of your head correct yeah so it's for knowledge very old it's like a very early version of psychology where they would like feel the bumps on your head and based on where bumps were would they diagnose you with problems or would indicate like you're more of an intuitive person or whatever because the thought was like your brain was bigger or something in those areas completely completely bunk science that sounds like a bunch of bull crap wow you're swearing on the livestream oh my gosh he said bowl is is this is this you're getting demonetized now you're getting you cannot say crap can you not say crap no i think oh but you've said it three times now next you're gonna say poop oh my gosh great please do i invite him to say poop cause then we can make some semblance of money off of this livestream i didn't i didn't lie i didn't realize youtube had gotten like stricter than cars no no it is well it is strictly cartoon network probably but no oliver saw ryder for the first time in a year so fun fact um ryder was there for oliver's first birthday and he almost made it for oliver's second birthday so i missed it all he hasn't seen him in about a year he likes ryder a lot um he's a little shy but he likes water a lot he learned ryder's name and then immediately said ryder has long hair your long hair i will be consistently moving my hair around for this entire stream so have fun you might say you whip your hair back and forth yeah your hair back and forth ryder and i can just like toss our hair the whole time this won't be distracting matthew will it's great totally good this will be great no not at all so today uh we're playing an amy choice game oh thank you so we did frog fractions earlier in the week that was a lot of fun we did uh fall out boy the game fall out boy the game uh right right great band great game thanks for the memories oh it's actually it's things from the moment yeah that was my choice and uh today is amy's choice of gamer she recommended we play weekdays at wilbur's which lo and behold based on the the title of the game is a five nights at freddy's fan game uh where instead of being i guess a security guard with pizza rights at freddy's you and matt can go into the same bucket man yeah what is five nights at freddy's matt what do you think if you were to do this you don't have it here you don't have a microphone so i'm gonna go over and hear what what's what's five nights at freddy's man there's like uh there's animatronics yeah and they come alive okay and there's a purple guy [Laughter] uh so anyway keep your innocence uh also also fun fact a writer was the one who edited our final video way back in the day back in 2014 yeah i think i started it in like nov like september or november of that year and i edited the whole thing in like two weeks on like a 50 program and uh yeah it was it was like that's all my thing i've been really proud of that for a long time because i i look back on it it's like man i could have done a lot better with that couldn't we all welcome to youtube weekdays at wilbur's apparently it's been hey yo remastered getting the upgraded we're getting the reboot i have no idea what to expect honestly you know amy's just like played this one and we're like great okay everything's just got a ton of bloom on it yeah so cool let's hop in shall we let's see what working a weekday at one of these haunted tonic restaurants night one fight but it's a weekday right that's true well days at wilbur when do we get to the weekday well no i i guess weekdays i just want to inform you that this restaurant has nothing to do with the one that was located here previously after the incident the owner of that place pretty much lost everything we are currently in the process of moving our animatronic mascots to a testing facility to them getting a decent amount of water damage and their circuitry from the range it's like i could have just written this script in my dreams and you're prone to anything like pedophobia or you're just uncomfortable with animatronic mascots moving we recently installed manual doors on the left and right of your office to keep them away from you at all times like i said are they activated with a button that is a huge button yeah jeez that was a cheap that was a tv screen i thought it was like a computer like an oldies computer all right first day should be a breeze for you i'll talk to you tomorrow what's this oh the basement don't don't they say that crazy don't they say that exact line in fnaf one first night should be a breeze yep it's a reference okay you're right you're definitely not ripping it off well i mean i ripped off the narrative oh it's already 2 a.m okay fine what come on matthew we died at 2 am on monday i was killed by sea mate seagull that was that was poor sea mate seagull paradise fairly cp seagull ahoy lady oh oh yes yes i'm so glad ryder's here he can do all the voices okay it's not left to me to do the voices eating area okay the buffet eating area too main area there's a fan office entrance located here the office entrance is what we're going to want to watch is that in that room the one that was like sitting on a table see mate seagull yeah that what got us like teammates that that's he might see girl if i know him so we have to watch the vents around the office too okay interesting what does this thing do looks like a light thank you thanks brilliant okay it's like the sound of a jump in a really random nes game okay is teammate seagull still there i'll talk to you tomorrow you know i here's the door i don't know what the door this is look at look at six six yeah look at six that's not six that's not six yeah guess what i'm looking at the the thing look there he is he's outside of i don't know what door that is but i'm gonna close both of them okay do you do you have power it's like is there like a power runner oh there it is okay there it is 77 it would be helpful okay just running right down which which one is that which door is that these are great questions so let's figure this out okay so if i am sitting here you probably why i'm so confused okay i think he's i think he's outside of the one on the left yeah yeah that's four outside the one on the left is four and that's like the one on the right is the one this is the other one is this one no that's three down there okay so he's gone so now you open the doors yeah so you think this one yeah open open all right hopefully that's not the one just uh oh okay that's resigned he's on the left no that's that's the left-hand door this is why you put where you're at at the bottom [Laughter] no no no shade to the developers but i mean this is a little this is a little hard to get a handle yeah get out of here no but that's not the door that's not the right door is it it does the other door like it's it's the door on your left is where he is okay here's the thing guess what there's things outside of both my doors right now oh okay oh god that was so fast that was so fast you were killed by sea mate seagull is embarrassing the fact that we're getting consistently killed by seaman i think he just bolts it in there he's like you open the door as soon as the door is open yeah all right okay so let's talk about this again wait no i have to i have two of these figures i have to briefly rat matt out because i don't think he's actually ever played an actual five nights at freddy's game wow that is such a bs and so when he's sad what are you talking about oh matt oh i thought you made me mad this is gonna get when have i ever so when i walked in mirror matt was like i'm playing this game but i'm not really sure how it works the controls are really not intuitive like the way the game functions and i'm like he's like there are like doors and when you hear something you like close the door did you even know about the cameras matt the wall yeah i got it oh yeah he said you like looking but you specifically said this is this this game is controlled in a completely non-intuitive way and it's literally every five nights at freddy's game which i'm you're not wrong is the thing but also it's funny because it's so like everyone in the gaming world is so acclimated to this style of controls that for you to be like this is not intuitive oh i i agree i i played snap for the first time for one of my videos recently and i played the switch version oh so doing that with a stick yeah i was gonna say that's gonna be hard it was it it took it took some doing like like as many let's plays and videos as i've watched and made about fnaf and i said what see that i think he was on the other side okay so camera four okay see mate seagull will go to your keep the pro tip on here do you want to know how to beat this animatronic that just killed you too bad read fast wow we're just literally a knight one and this is the easiest animatronic it's teammate seagull teammate seagull is next tier difficulty okay so what we've learned is camera four is to your until you're laughing i've been saying that for like ten minutes but you but you have no evidence to support it i did what is your evidence to support that stuff if this is the orientation of the doors it means that back corner is the one behind us with no doors so the only option is that the door on the left is the one that leads to four and the door on the right leads to three that's the only orientation that legit that makes sense it's spatial reasoning what if we just like what if we just like look at it this way right i feel like yeah i feel like we need to just go like this right it would be really helpful to know right because if you turn yourself around where are you where you know you're not face yeah just look this way where you're not facing the screen at all if you face this way you're like okay now i see the orientation of the doors i know isn't it nice yeah it was great is that shut down that's actually matt's actually going to be doing something did i shut the right which one is this which one is three which one is three it's the one on your right good that's the one i shut uh-huh good okay okay i've never really been saying this i know it's pikachu i haven't seen pikachu in a while i know he missed you he's like when is that rider coming back what the heck what the heck do it again i wasn't looking well go to your left door shut it if he is on camera four left door camera four left door left door camera four left door camera four so if he's in camera i feel like we're not helping but it's fun no oh this is what every live stream i'm on is like this is terrible not only do i feel so enabled not only do i have two completely non-helpful entities to my left but i'm also dealing with a game where the this control scheme makes it is so confusing we literally told him which door was which like two minutes into the game literally maybe if you guys would stop distracting me and i could just focus or maybe if the pro tip stayed on screen longer and so i knew like camera four is teammate seagull and when he's there what about when he's on camera three what about when someone's hanging on three man there's no there's no help with camera three just saying you know what i i wonder if it's not camera three that you need to worry about i wonder if it's the one in the basement no it's not the one in the basement stop throwing in the basement it's night one we're not getting in the basement don't you get mad about it yeah i am thanks appreciate it i think it would help if you got really aggressively upset okay he's he's in camera three which means i should be shutting what the right door correct yeah okay yeah great now let's see who's in camera for no one no one at some point you're just if you really just want to make sure you're just gonna have to leave one door open for an entire playthrough and see what happens okay okay a yeah now he's there yeah shut that one great is he a camera teammate seagull no one's gone over here okay because we know if he's there he will just blast in okay right both doors are clear clear okay what else can happen in this game can we get past night one ladies and gentlemen who's the person right there the the animatronic we've been looking at okay okay that is the right door good one okay that is the left door damn it he was so fast they're so fast and it's not like and it's not like you flip the thing i literally have to move it's not like key controls which i wish it were because that would allow me to respond faster it's literally move my mouse click the narrow rectangle i'm really glad it's not me making him mad this time this is par for the course at least not entirely hold up okay come on damn it there is literally no keys that i can use really no no keys that i can use and no amount of like flipping it down i would love to be able to react more quickly to the things that i'm seeing in the cameras but there is your only option is click move click it's a point it's a point and click right like it's like king's quest point and click adventure just like that that's it it's like sam and max here's my here's here's my strategy for getting through the night i'm gonna just keep all the doors shut for the entire damn time okay we're gonna get through round one okay actually i would love to see a fnaf clone that's sam and max that would be fun you are literally probably the only person watch there's this like incredible market for it we're going to hear about it in the comments i don't even know do people even know what sam and max is at this point i do again ryder your sensibilities taste when it comes to pop culture your sensibilities and then also some things that you've never seen that i would consider requisite what do you oh here's a good question okay so right ryder is going to be with us ryder is going to be with us for the next couple of days what do you do you want to have a movie night yes what movie do you want to watch is there a movie that you're dying to see uh not really great like i i was just talking to him about this i can't remember the last time it's been i can't remember the last movie i watched we're going to make you watch trolls if you don't pick i mean i'd watch it great i wouldn't be jazzed about it maybe you would be you're a music guy yeah world tour tour actually the last time i went and saw a movie in theaters it was cats and i saw a trailer for trolls world tour while i was there and i was like that looks awful no fun fact writer is a person who i am a person for years four years when he was working as an editor and so been a person we were talking a regular person for quite a long time sure you've been a person for a while but writer is also a person who it's worth calling out for years i would give him a hard time because he had never seen harry potter not all of it i'd seen like the first three movies okay okay okay i haven't seen all of it and yet and yet he goes to see cats in theaters he hasn't seen you know as someone who makes his living doing great histories of pop culture as someone who makes your living doing brief histories of things in pop culture how early did you see it did you see it before they covered over judy dench's arm exposed arm i don't think so or foot or whatever but it was one of those things like you had to go see cats in theaters yeah you really did it was an event you had to it was and i was gonna go see here's a fun fact i was gonna go see the sonic movie in theaters because i've i've always been a big sonic fan what and uh like ever since i was a kid and i remember specifically when i was in elementary school in the height of my like sonic obsession being like man what if they made a sonic movie that'd be really cool and i'd love your power rant oh man it's just cannot win it's like it's like hold on they don't even jump scared there was no jump scare it was like [Laughter] your power went out therefore you are just it's done it's done it's over wow this is the remastered [Laughter] i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't mean to be mean can you imagine what it was amazing pre-mastered but um but no i was gonna go see the sonic movie in theaters because as a kid it would have been like the biggest day of my life sure bro shirt sonic sure absolutely the day the week it came out the movie theater in my town that i went to as a kid closed down oh no so there was just no longer a movie theater in my town oh that i just spent two weeks making a sonic video so i was like ready and then i just i had to wait until it came out on i was gonna say but you haven't seen it yeah i watched um i watched it and cats again on uh on a digital yes how many times have you watched cats the musical uh the movie the movie the movie yeah the movie of cats maybe about three or four times see have you seen all the harry potter's at this point well you want to know you want to do you want me to go there because i had to have the ending of harry potter spoiled for me for one of your dang film theory edits wow oh boo boo you had like 12 years to watch it so now i'm just like why do i even need to watch it you had like 12 years to watch it man i know what happens now okay so in writer's defense i will say going to see cats was the most fun i've had going to see a movie in theaters maybe ever in my life it was the most enjoyable theater going experience i've ever had and i think it would only probably be rivaled by like one of those midnight showings of rocky horror okay this is because it was like that weird those kinds of things always happen with musicals mirror matt did you see cats in theaters no but i have men why i have been on ironically listening is it a jukebox musical or is it like original music okay mirror matt says he says trolls world tour soundtrack is where it's at i can't believe that these are not what i'm surrounded with right now how weird is that it's all about i mean rock tries to take over the world away from other types of genres of music that's like the exact opposite of what those stories usually are usually they're trying to kill the rock and roll well rock and roll is the villain so that's backwards just saying so oh man we gotta save everyone for the country music all right so wait uh we we have to we're gonna take ryder out to film um like another another thing actually for a food theory episode that we have coming up and on the way maybe we'll turn on a song or two from trolls world tour to see to see if it holds up what the heck let me press the button or give me a key that controls the stupid doors give me a key this is infuriating this is infuriating because i know what happened i clicked i as i'm panning i clicked the door and not the button and i think that's the thing that's here matt was like i watched a play through of this game before we started and they finished it in 45 minutes bless you bless you sneezy pete that's what we tell off yeah he was like it looks pretty easy bless you sick beat though right man i feel like it pumps you up to try again yeah man it reminds me of trolls world tour so good music is so good trolls world tour don't worry i've got coven i don't know november no yeah we're pretty sure he did actually all right so you guys can continue talking about our completely unrelated conversation we'll listen to a couple songs in the cart which songs should we listen to it's pretty fun no one can hear you no one can hear it you have no mic there's a song about the history if you're gonna talk talk over get over here and talk into a microphone get over here well there's a song about babies talking about you you talk so quietly here i'm gonna i'm gonna focus on the games and this is the gaming live stream oh man which is not live nor apparently about games i'm sure as soon as something happens you'll be loud enough yeah it's fine it's fine okay so there's a song about the history of fun there's a song about the history of fun man okay okay very good there's another song that has both justin timberlake and scissors okay okay i'm in for one of those pronounced scissors wow do i do i suddenly know something you don't like who scizza is i think i think he might have been they might have been a joke it's an r zap is that how you guys pronounce it these days with your slang i just it's not cool to pronounce ours anymore even back when justin timberlake was in in sync like way back in the day i was still not into justin timberlake and i still don't like have a particular affinity for like his voice there's something about his tonality and his breathiness that bothers me yeah yeah his his simultaneous nasalness and breathiness neither of which are qualities i really like in singing it's kind of like if urkel had a singing career right it kind of is though and yet you married me from the midwest i know i know it's okay i never i never got into timberlake as a solo artist but i love insync i right i i there's people there to balance them out no i think exactly and i totally i totally listened to a little bit of instinct back in back in the day the same time i was like using lisa frank binder trapper keepers oh and what he's doing these days is bad music wow shots fired justin timberlake have you heard filthy it's awful it's filthy it's bad here we go there we go yeah yeah great choice for him to open the super bowl with that song great great choice okay that's left okay he got overshadowed by a kid on his phone that's true okay good good you got this there goes that justin timberlake collab we're at 4am we're almost there my my producing career is over we're almost there oh oh yeah 4am don't get it oh that's right we're playing a game don't get excited it's don't get excited we've been to 4 a.m and then we ran out of power the first time at least he's being real that was the weirdest game over screen it was such a it was like the most lame you know if you weren't paying attention you would have no idea what happened it's true where even is the power gauge it's right above the map it's very subtle that's right it is very small and also we are running low on night one we're just definitely not gonna make it past like you know oh night one spooky sounds are happening is it uh till six is it six a.m again of course have i played this game no of course it is it's always successful oh no no no get out of here we were so close we were so close i'm having a great time this is a great time this is a great game i'm having him please i'm like in all honesty in your defense that's so infuriating there is no reaction time no there's no what are you supposed to do what are you supposed to do what am i doing wrong you're not excited for seamate seagull so i i wish someone else would just kill me at this point see mate segal sees you i just want someone else to jump scare me so i can see a different animatronic right coming to give you a hug bad touch bad touch man okay i don't get i i can't even imagine what happens when other animatronics are coming how many are the how many do you think there are again i have no idea this was amy's great suggestion thanks a lot amy congratulations to the developers of this game this is lovely you've made you've made the hardest math game that's your angle yeah there it is i mean it might be this i don't think we've ever not made it through night one how do you not make it through night one of a game are we doing are we wrong i feel like i'm doing something wrong i feel like there's like i i feel on one hand that i'm flipping up because the thing about fnaf games right is that the characters attack you or move when you're flipping up and flipping like it requires you to take action so the way to hack through these games is to not take actions but i tried leaving the doors down for any sense is this one of those things like in four where it's very about audio cues maybe it might be audio here let's do around where we listen that'll make for great visual and audio entertainment this is gonna be awesome that's why snap four was actually a terrible lighting straight there's a reason why fnaf 4 like didn't really work as a let's plan it was because everyone had to be silent the entire time okay he is on the right maybe that's maybe that's why it's one of those that i kind of forget about sometimes how dare you forget about it it's the most important there are a few in the middle that kind of fall out of like you're like i'm very hard on fnaf 3 in one of my recent videos that three is by far i think my least favorite of them oh hey is he in two places at once no no this switch is somehow very very fast because i'm still not completely sure which area is which here because i've not been paying attention don't worry it wouldn't help you win anyway to talk about jellicle cats now did you yeah now no that's a legit question well i want to ask him one first about just to finish off the fiat the theater going experience okay did you have people chanting or shouting at your screen unfortunately there were very very few people in that theater so it was more of a silently watching the madness oh no i wish i could have been in like a crowded theater like in l.a you have to have audience participation for that one yeah i've never i've never been at a screening like that because especially the theater in my hometown it's it it closed down in february it's like so it was like not getting business anyway yeah like i want to go i hate i hate saying this because i love this franchise i went to go see the ratchet and clank movie when it came out oh yeah i was the only one in the theater yeah i love the movies that you prioritize watching it's great it was it's ratchet okay have you seen this ratchet and clank have you seen them no i love ratcheting i know no and i have selfies for that and i don't fault you for the things that you do see i just think your priority of stuff sometimes is funny like have you seen most of the mcu movies i've seen a few that i'm interested in i've not really kept up with the con continuing thread but i've seen both of the spider-man movies i've seen both of the guardians of the galaxy movies there you go nice have seen just running it up i have seen uh infinity war end game i saw the first avengers that's fair i i've not seen any of the captain america or iron man let's sit here and celebrate my victory victory are you just leaving them closed yes it's 5 a.m i have 50 energy okay good good work why does that sign on the wall say choking because you need to know how to use the heimlich maneuver yeah but you can't see it behind the fan that fan is always the real villain it is the fan is always the fan is keeping us from vital information for your everyday life metal information for your video yes did that say gam who cares who the heck cares i don't care it was off-screen before i could notice it's a gam good job look oh hello look there's uh uh yeah your uh positioning's a little weird their body i'm a little uncomfortable it's fine oh no he might feel it might be an animatronic that's alive guys i like this one it's it's it's generic foxy brand it's kirkland brand foxy [Laughter] kirkland foxy is that i've bought some things at kirkland before oh we brought lots of golden brand stuff all every diaper that goes on ollie's behind the kirkland diaper okay anyway we're going to start at night whoa the beat is way different now right what happened i think it progressed to night two i think it's i think it's the same beat it's just a bit crushed let's continue with it we gotta listen to the phone guy who's gonna give us important information okay then you can continue talking about brock brock coffin during the day trying to fix their malfunctions and water damage so they might act a bit strange tonight but it's pretty much the same close the doors conserve power yada yada keep your eyes peeled on those mascots we don't want anything happening to them before we ship them off to the testing facility there will be more stuff to talk about tomorrow sorry to leave so soon all right i'm glad that i made such a big deal about getting everyone quiet the same as last night am i the only one who think thinks mr beast really sounds like ian from smosh like his voice very similar they've got like they've got a little bit of the same kind of like laid back it's not one to one but like there are times where i listen to like mr beast talk in a video if i close my eyes i could see ian from smosh here's the thing they both have pretty subtle accents but mr beast is a sub a subtle southern accent yeah and ian is a is a subtle like valley girl accent from california they're not entirely dissimilar but yeah i know i don't even get all the way through the jump scare which is like so who would i send to the heavyside lair yeah that's not isabella yeah yeah let's say is already there we're talking next year i love that this is the conversation probably gus i guess he's the other one gus is so sweet it's it's one of those things where it's like yeah he's the peter cat he's the theater he's super he's super old and like sad yeah but also everyone still loves him yeah i do worry a little bit about gus and cats the musical because he clearly has some early onset i don't think he's going to make it to next year's [Laughter] the stage show version makes me tear up so that makes me legitimately sad oh poor gus it's okay gus gets an incredibly long song oh my gosh it's so unnecessarily long it's like pretty long we get it gus you're kind you're cute and kind of pathetic let's move on you're not going to the heavy side layer we know this is grizzabella's show his time as the the cat is the theater door yeah i know so we're saying he has a long song when there is a 10 minute dance sequence in the middle of the show wow are you are you don't be pooping on old school musical dream balance right exactly what where did you effort oh this is great i'm glad i came in for this one my question is also when does old deuteronomy get the kick up that's true that's true i have to get the kicked up i just that just resonated with me oh my god i mean he can't do anything like if you watch him during the stage show he he just stands i know he just totters around he's presiding over the jellicle balls i'm sure ken page couldn't do like the kick flips and everything no he's he's the gandalf of this wait have you seen lord of the rings no oh my god ryder crying out loud it was one of those things where like something like lord of the rings i think my parents were a little bit too cautious to let me watch i watched that when i was eight i read the book when i was eight wilbur will go to your right door shut it if he's outside of it on camera three when would he have been on camera three where were you wilbur oh so the ti the title characters showed up oh yeah thank goodness i'm glad that i was just excited to see a different character however where did he show up on i don't know i've i've been wanting to watch lord of the rings maybe lord how many other times in our life will we get the chance to watch to sit with a first-time viewing of lord of the rings i think it'll board him yeah i think it will too well look how high his voice got he's definitely lying what the win win win i was just i was just on camera three that's one less love mic in the world it's okay little lav mike matt how long have we been going how soon can we put matthew out of his misery okay we'll give it another 10 minutes [Laughter] we're we'll give it another 10 minutes and then we have to stop so matthew doesn't have a heart attack here you go just a little nice pat pat okay so lord of the rings yeah what else is on the docket what else have you definitely not seen uh the rest of the harry potters what are the rings i've i've seen i've seen pretty much all the star wars movies okay pretty much i i haven't well i haven't seen rise of skywalker and i've watched i watched the uh i watched the prequels but when i was a little kid i don't remember much about him you don't need to go back you don't need to remember but i but i definitely watched my family and i watched through all of the original trilogy to prepare for force awakens oh that's good because we all all four of us went to the theater to see that one that's nice yeah like the movies i had seen in theaters uh there's like two that make sense and then the rest are just very knee choices like star wars and spider-verse love spikes oh yeah spider-verse is great and then there's like the peanuts movie you know i'm like i loved the peanuts movie but then i went and saw uh teen titans i went and saw teen titans go to the movies so to be fair that was me experimenting yeah you opened the wrong i saw you open the door no no it was experimenting because no you all think you know what i'm doing but you don't stop it what i was doing was every time there are animatronics that get dismissed when you shut the door right like it's just like the the telephone is there you shut the door within the window that you're able to shut the door and then they disappear yeah yeah oh and that was not so and so i was and so every time i've dismissed him on the left side yeah it's always i shut the door i checked the camera and he's immediately gone so i'm like oh he must have almost animatronics that gets immediately dismissed oh but not so she is not clearly because i'm hoping to shut the right door the entire time so i don't have to worry about it just to get through another night yeah i was telling i was telling him that uh where did that even come from clearly he was on the right door because he was on camera three clearly i was i was saying to him before the stream that the only time he gets as flustered as he does in fnaf streams is when i'm on the stream so now he's having to do both oh man it's a combination like his his hair is always so like clearly had his hands like just disheveled at the end of any time i'm on the stream i wish we had had some blood pressure medication to give him before right if ever there was a time to have like a heart rate monitor on a stream this is the one i have never seen you leap like that like this is a special day this is infuriating to a new level of frustration you you hopped like a gazelle from this couch to the other side of the room and then paced back with the stomping force of like a stick figure stop-motion character yeah it was right great okay okay right side is now shut permanently as far as i'm concerned right side is shut permanently so now i just gotta watch the left so anyway we're talking we're talking about favorite and least favorite snap games three definitely not my fave three is the most forgettable for me at the very least it's not really the most forgettable it's definitely my least favorite to play because there's no other one yeah you're on it you're right there's a lot of like meaningless jump scares because it's all the hallucinations pizzeria simulator is the most forgettable for me because i literally forgot it existed until i was writing my fnaf script i can understand that uh fnaf 3 i always remember existed but i always remember not being into it who's my favorite second place i'm i'm gonna go with the i know this is unpopular snap world really an f oh snap world it's great so insane not because it's an amazing game but it's because it's so insane i've seen enough footage of it and know like where like the lore bits go yeah the endings and i'm like man this seems like it would be a fun experience snap world is a blast yeah i it's like weirdly enough even though it's the game with the controls that would make the most sense it's the one that didn't get onto any like console versions yeah uh even though all the other games have controls that make no sense on like the switch or ps4 it's true the ports are it's challenging like yeah they're games that are very clearly designed for like keyboard and mouse yeah yeah you got to point and click it it would have been you played snap vr on switch how was it i didn't play fnaf vr on switch i have it i haven't played it okay but i played the original fnaf for like 30 minutes which was as much as i could handle for uh that uh for the most recent video on my channel um yeah well uh what i would have loved to see is if the ds was still prominent like touch screen fnaf that would be fine like like dual screen touch screen snap that would have been a really interesting like d-make kind of thing well and it's interesting because that's what fnaf vr kind of does is you know you you have the control pad in front of you and you can like touch the buttons and stuff and it's great because that's it feels natural and so instead of like having to fumble around and move your mouse to like hit the buttons and whatever like it feels like you're actually controlling the keyboard and stuff which is great yeah it looked it looked like decently intuitive in in videos you also feel a much greater sense of control and power over it because instead of like waiting for the camera to pan over and like you can just keep your head on a swivel the entire time you're just so much more mobile oh yeah that it's great like you can like look around and like being able to like freely look around and like in fnaf one being able to look down the hall just by moving makes it yeah yeah it's a world of difference i don't know how that would work in uh on a console port so right i have my switch what the hell no no no no jeez we were so close how did that happen oh i was sure you had it uh and the thing is i thought i'm like i should just close both doors and ride it out when i hit five i'm gonna do it one more time we're gonna one more time we're gonna be right next to you give it up for night two yeah night two this game it's the hardest math game ever it's pretty darn close it might be i can i can understand why six is forgetting this is 20 20 20 mode because to me right ultimate custom night which was like the add-on to six is much more memorable and much more fun for wait wait it's much more flat it is stick's the one with the halloween maze and stuff no simulation was pizza reassembly simulator where you built the restaurant which was a cute mechanic yeah um that was fine pizzeria simulator it feels more like a snap world kind of game to me that breaks into a fnaf game occasionally you know what i mean yeah where it's got the bright cheery art style and the more quirky humor and then sometimes you get fnaf yeah the thing that i would say is with pizzeria simulators like so the the mini games were great like the lore secrets were great with like midnight motorists and stuff yeah um that was exciting the the business simulator part of it was fun yeah the actual uh fnaf game was awkwardly shoved into the middle where it's like you had to clear off your checklist wait how did that even happen i didn't check the camera for like the two seconds apparently one more try one the going to be a situation where as soon as this goes up it there's just like everyone saying like the one thing that we missed oh yeah super obvious and we'll all look like absolute idiots probably right right not you won't look like anything you'll be fine i'm the one who's playing the game oh no i'll look like an indian people i was gonna say people just heckle you for not for not having watched any harry potter yeah that's true or lord of the rings i've watched i haven't watched no harry potter i loved the first two when i was a kid but i was a really easy to scare kid so by three they were in the dementors coming in they got a little bit too dark for me fair enough when it came to when it comes to like dark uh fantasy type stuff uh the thing that my child self baby fophy could handle was uh nightmare before christmas and corpse bride oh yeah the tim those are pretty dark yeah that's what i that's what i call myself my kid self in my videos fofey f o a f is foot of a ferret oh and then i this is the name that i see this was the name that i put in rpgs and games when i play them so in in like in like zelda and stuff i i name myself i was named myself f-o-a-f for foot of a ferret and then i just started putting a y on the end because it it made it sound cute i like that a little baby and so and so whenever i talk about like a childhood story in my videos i call myself baby folfy baby phobia is it really only 2 a.m yep i've just been watching it right and now the sun's up constantly there okay right it is unbelievable how aggressive the left side is well we don't want to get into politics well done a plus no political uh opinions were expressed in that bit right that's great well well played oh now you're taking a break huh wow now you're taking a big break okay sure you do you now i'm paranoid right you're probably in the room with me right now i probably already lost just just put me out of my misery at this point at least we're at 3am i feel like i've been looking at the same three pictures for the last hour that definitely happened definitely have that's also playing a finance that's just math like that's not their fault let's call it yes that's called snap gameplay yeah the first math is like you look at pirate cove and the others and that's pretty much it right away it's five i'm just going to shift it if it's five i'm just going to shut the door and ride it out yep uh have you been is the other door are you keeping that closed oh yeah i don't want to deal with wilbur and whatever the heck's going on so i have to be honest i've not been paying attention to what's going on that is not what that's unimaginable like i don't know there's no precedent for that on this live stream with me you put up such a good facade remember remember when we played that baldi's basics type fan game how do you control the game how do you use a keyboard that was infuriating you wanted me to play it so bad okay it's 5 a.m are you just going to ride it out away from me no the power was going down real fast i know i don't think it would have lasted oh yeah you're 22 you got a whole hours come on come on okay there there okay okay you're gonna show me if he's here or not that'd be great thanks [Applause] it said six am not gam i'm stupid i was wondering oh oh seafarer seagull what was his name c-man c mate see mate seagull he looks that looks like a really uh unfinished muppet right look he's got himself a cooking glove on oh it holds a platter okay we're done the only thing i'm going to do real quick is i just want to hear the next phone call because i'm okay i'm just going to listen to the next phone call and then we're going to meet yeah he's got he's got to start piecing together the war because he's clearly going to do an entire theory on this game nope spend no it's been a good spend a good month of your life with this here let's listen you might want to just close the door so nothing gets in because it's knight three hey uh good news so he'll be moving tonight so be on the lookout for him now he's a relatively small animatronic and that will allow him to wander into places he shouldn't like crawl spaces you have two floors on the camera to check on one being the main area and the second being crawl spaces underneath the restaurant now if he happens to go into the crawl spaces i recommend keeping him on camera seven or nine at all times when he's in the crawl spaces he could enter your office through the vents below you which uh wouldn't be good other than that everything else is fairly the same i'll see you tomorrow night what so there's a turtle now who's relatively small and if he gets into eight or ten he could get into your office sure but how do you stop him this i guess oh turn off the lights on him i guess that feels a little bit just because i'm used to fnaf where you flicker lights at them to get them to go away that just feels backwards right i mean it's an odd one but this is its own game so they do what they want sure oh okay all right well there you go friends all right that was that was weekday at wilbur's what already is 35 sour oh yeah because he left the doors closing yeah you want to just wait and see if we get to see the turtle i'm kind of hoping i get to see the turtle yeah turtles are cool turtle turtles are i like turtles i like turtles i like titles i like turtles i like puddles all right seagate william really come on turtle where are you at where are you at turtle sheldon i don't i want to see the teeny turtle team turtle it's dangerous all right that's fine eight six six five four five four and one they're like really four one really zero okay okay there should be there should be a jump scare no i i like the subtle jesse just you know what it leaves you wrong you lost it leaves you room to think subtle gesture towards you losing well that was um that was exciting that was a game that was a game that we played thanks everyone for watching thanks ryder for joining us oh it was great and it was something it was great having you on the couch yeah we're gonna we're gonna go film some other stuff but um we will be back for more a little later we will holy cow thanks guys and remember that wasn't a stream but we are here barely a video but we were here so thanks for watching see you next time we wave we live bye bye you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 323,262
Rating: 4.9643531 out of 5
Keywords: weekdays at wilbur's, weekdays at wilbur's remastered, weekdays at wilbur's 2, weekdays at wilbur's 3, fnaf, five nights at freddy's, fnaf fan game, five nights at freddy's fan game, fnaf 2, fnaf 3, fnaf vr, fnaf ar, five nights at freddy's song, fnaf world, sister location, game theorists, game theory, gtlivev, matpat, gtlive fnaf
Id: jITY06k5ZDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 37sec (3457 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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