I'm Purple Guy?! | FNAF Killer in Purple (Five Nights at Freddy's Fan Game)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NotAReaper 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to gt not live where we are still not live but we've got stephanie's butt on the couch which i'm making a good i'm reasserting my butt groove on this couch which makes us one step closer to victory it is how's that butt groove going there it's deep and entrenched substantial hot actually it's very warm what happens when you get a leather couch in front of a lot of really hot lights 100 degrees outside that too yeah no don't don't complain to me about outside it's air-conditioned in here i know so so what you complaining about that we're not playing this game yet it's not like it's not like it's rural times rural times rural rural the royal journal [Music] that's a 30 rock reference that was many years ago hey guys hey welcome we're going to be here playing a video game if you would like to join us it's a game that you might be familiar with is it snap it is oh my god there's a lot of fan games that have come out that we have not played one of them i almost missed them almost you know what else has come out hello neighbor alpha one because cause for some reason xbox decided to continue their relationship [Music] oh so anyway it's maybe another day another day may maybe another day so anyway i i will i will play snap fan games all day long i'm playing it so this one is also a demo though this one's a demo uh it's also a little bit different so according to matt mirror matt not not me matt but mirror matt uh this one is called five nights at freddy's killer in purple and the difference with this one because at this point you gotta have a differentiating factor the difference with this one is that you play as the purple guy getting the kids oh boy so exciting we're stepping foot into the feet of the purple shoes purple pants and purple shirt of the purple guy and purple face yeah i don't know if his face is purple at this point okay okay okay technically he's not purple faced at any point in the series because the purple faced one is michael afton stephanie the literal purple guy as opposed to the figurative purple guy who is william afton his father steph come on come on it's almost like you don't know the lore of this franchise i do actually that's what's upset i know the fact that i said all that you understood what it means is yeah upsetting upsetting enough okay i think we should play i'm excited that we get to play as the killer that sounds like a good plan uh not an age-appropriate plan but a good one sounds like a good plan it's like a good plan oh yes uh yeah killer and purple it has great music on the title screen i love it right this jams yeah there are other fnaf fan games that you think we should check out let us know we're still uh thinking about doing the whole like let's do a live stream dedicated to all the game jam games i think that would be a lot of fun right that'd be awesome but if there are any that you recommend us checking out that we haven't checked out before let us know because there's a lot out there at this point there's a lot out there let's get started let's play it up so real quick i want to check out upgrade okay uh so apparently you get points i'm assuming by murdering children and then you get upgrades to i don't know how you're upgrading your animatronic suits running speed okay walk speed slightly faster kids amount trust radar glasses and level two is locked oh okay uh and you can upgrade your character from dave to scratch oh just creepy name creepy day you know in all the characters literally just a child murderer there's nothing mysterious or ghostly about you it is true you're just a dude who's killing people yeah it's a downgrade and scariness factor i feel like from dave the scrap trap but definitely an upgrade and creepiness factor yeah right it's right dave is the scariest character in here so dave for those of you who don't know is just the one character killer uh for those of you who haven't read all of the novel trilogy dave is what william afton originally changes his name to uh in the novel trilogy when he's working undercover as a security guard at the defunct five nights at freddy's wait what he has like a pseudonym yeah he has he has like a pen name yeah that is normandy plume i'm dave yeah dave really yeah oh my god what in the in the silver eyes he has to just guys was like trying so hard to retcon man okay so so i will say this and i had this conversation earlier this week with austin because i had to coach him through the uh science video actually just went up today uh the day that we're filming this um a science video went up about like the books and i and i'm the one who sent it to him that theory i'm like the books are covering a lot of really cool stuff i it doesn't really align with any theories that i'm working on but it's all these really cool science topics you should check them out and he read the book one of them i think uh maybe two of them but he read the books on the meeting he wanted to talk to me about him i'm like great and the thing that he said which i 100 agree with and it comes up with the hello neighbor discussion too is he's like it's dumb but it's shockingly accurate and and that's and i'm like i know that's why i sent it to you because the books the new books the fazbear frights books that i've been doing a lot of theories on lately are shockingly well done they're they're obviously they got like the why did you get brainwashed a little bit no it's not cognitive dissonance you drink it you drink in the kool-aid a little bit no what i'm respecting is the brand management that scott's been able to do with the the the branches of his franchise that's good that's good the novel the original novel trilogy i think in my opinion and i'm not attached to the merch at all like the merch is a whole separate thing i i don't talk about that at all because i'm i'm not a fun ko pop guy and like the the shirts and stuff have been fine up to this point but like so that's all separate discussion but when it comes to like the whole franchise and the media that you can consume around it i think the the original novel trilogy might be like in my opinion the weakest part of the series for exactly that reason like there's a lot of like weird jumps and logic and you're like really is this what you intend like the books kind of go in strange directions and i think but but if you look at it he's really rained it back in with the fazbear freight stuff and the thing that austin and i were talking about is these books have like real scientific principles attached to it there's real foreshadowing written into them there's a lot of thought in the details that are being seeded throughout all these different stories and there's actual core scientific like they're pseudo-scientific principles but they are scientific principles with real world researchers who have looked into these results and come up with stuff and so like you know oh man like our channels yeah i mean kind right that's really exciting and it's cool that there that there's a lot of care and attention brought to it um anyway so anyway i talk about that because dave was part of the original novel trilogy which you're right like it was like really is that yeah it always felt a bit weird to me that he's like i went back as a security guard for no apparent reasons like okay great um let's play equip knife wasd move left click interact space jump shift run right click zoom on our radar okay parents if parents spot you with a knife or your body are you stuffing kids into suits if parents find you with a knife or body in your hand they will call the police rightfully so as you do good call parents but maybe try to stop me i don't know or like delay me or something if you click kids if you click them they will say in the top left if they trust you no one no one be trusted dave oh this isn't this is wonderful if they trust you they'll walk in the back room if they don't they won't trust you for the rest of the day okay radar glasses radar glasses show the fish i don't know what your problem is with this one stuff this looks i am i don't know william afton her vanity i want to be dave that one's okay oh william sorry choose williams version william miller look at see that's what the upgrade is for right then look at that upgrade sweet upgrade scrap trap or all the spring body oh the spring body that old spring body all right what do we got here oh look at my nice purple outfit wow look good i got my bad job oh no oh this is so terrifying this is horrific they're all watching me they're all watching and judging right they're like live up to us who's the guy oh this is actually kind of cool it's all the purple guys like all my iterations over the years this is not looking back at me golden bonnie scrap trap i i mean all of these are just variants of springtrap i am so concerned about this game this is so funny as this is matthew can tell you as like oh i got my knife as owners of a small child right now i have a custodians of a small child right now i have a much harder time with like anything that involves kids being upset or hurt or injured in any way i have like a much harder time with it these kids are so i was hoping these would be like eight bit kids these are like we're gonna stab these kids i got spotted oh i pulled out the knife okay whoopsie what are you wearing he's a hot mom okay oh i got called on the cops already it was me looking at the hot mom not the knife they got the cops called on me this game is so problematic in so many ways oh this is this is bad news hi mom whoa stop staring at hot mom's butt i'm here look why are all of the hot moms the same these are like android moms i mean sometimes i get that impression when i see other moms i'm like why do all of them look the same oh my god but still but still she doesn't trust me no does mom trust me i'll take you to mac room it was a joke this game is so problematic this one doesn't trust me either shoot i need a child to trust me hello child do you trust me child i prepared a cake just for you good good call just for you good call newspaper fusionseedgamer it's two million subscribers hey congratulations that's good news i'm glad the news is reporting that here i'm so concerned hey that could be oliver matthew he could be you're right that's why we play fictional games ooh hello uh oh there's a small child oh this is horrible i can't i just can't oh we got some money no oh no run for it go go go go go go go go hide the bathroom oh god that's disgusting oh this is uncomfortable you're you're like should we continue playing the game from the other day or should we play this new one and i was like we could finish the one from the other day we could uh and we stopped yeah i just i don't know i wanted to mix it up a little bit there's a kid who just went down that hallway oh thanks for calling my oh why am i oh hey look who it is why am i helping you okay oh don't trust me okay wait no no golden it's like your friend fredbear what are you doing here he's here he's there he's everywhere oh wow secret friend bear is all over the house oh hey there's another newspaper i want to read that article so okay i've put away my knife but parents can't spot me jangling a kid right stop wanking stop wearing jangling that kid i'm totally wearing oh no oh parents oh you stupid parents always getting in the way of my wang jj [Music] so problematic i don't know what's problematic about it's that for just playing a game just playing a game just good friendly content here on youtube totally this this content is uh so we're gonna give me nightmares so how do okay let me figure this out i prepared a party you have to like take the kid hide in a bathroom stall until all the moms go to the bathroom together until the hot moms have a hot mom bathroom party whoa and then you know and then you can totally have a hot bathroom party yeah they all look the same what is this jk loco and purple okay great that's cool great that was the scariest jump scare that ever i love that you have to do this before 6 p.m when it closes it's great very smart that is smart okay this is okay this is locked so wait where are the animatronics exactly they're on the stage i have to shove them into the animatronics that are on no i think you just have to knife them this is okay this ends my shift so what do we take how do we get it so that the parents are doing the knife them in the bathroom i don't understand how do i shove them in a i'm just you shove them in a suit or do you just bump them off you know you're totally right i'm just assuming that i should be right but i'm not sure there's nothing back there hi hot mom's looking yeah hi hot mom okay here let's see if any hotma okay hot moms are all turning this way okay here we go shove him shove him dude dude you can't shoot wait did it work did that work no no he's just standing there no i think you have to knife him i did knife him trust me stephanie i'm when i when the kids flip to this mode i i have suff i have knifed them oh really yes this is a knifed child oh no sorry sorry oh man hot mom you see hot mom went to hot mom bathroom party matthew jeez is there is there an animatronic that should be shoving him into hold up did i miss something controls equip knife move interact i've been doing that jump jump run zoom radar maybe radar one of my animatronic suits so the parents okay if you kick a click on them they'll say the okay no one trusts me yet if they do they'll walk into the back room if they don't they won't okay if they do so you trust them then they walk to the back room if they say yes i trust you then they walk to the back room and then and then we kill them there see now you're getting into it that's the spirit so okay so just find the one that trusts you so the back room just locked until i find something or i think maybe because it seems like this is where right it feels like that's where we should go okay here one of them's gonna tr oh geez matthew okay i was i was hoping that maybe like it unlocked once i got the kid but yes oh hello hi jeez don't follow little children into the bathroom that is just the worst i mean i'm sure they flushed okay they did not the answer is they clearly did not the answer is clearly i i don't care enough to have cleaned up these bathrooms so is there a missing key somewhere your newsletter raspberry and friends are opening great what am i missing here we're missing something clearly right oh i flushed some toilets great completely yeah what are we supposed to do here so i think you need to talk just talk to them don't pick them up and knife them just talk to them when you find one that trusts you watch to see if he walks toward the back room don't pick me or she don't pick them up and knife them yeah don't pick them up and knife them okay do they trust you okay i'll follow you okay this person's following me this child's following me lead him somewhere else where is he where did where did the one that trusted me go uh uh oh oh here's the back room oh oh okay just so just close the door oh jesus oh jesus so now what i don't know now what do i do with him i mean it's so annoying when you have all of these like flailing dead children on your hands and you have nothing to do with them where are you supposed to put him right where's where's is this just is there do we wait until after it closes and then stuff them in maybe oh here let's see yeah okay there we go hey oh okay so okay it's just about your body count so maybe we i get it i get it i get it so what we have to do is i bet we got two points yeah and we need to get we got two points okay so we need ten points and then we unlock the animatronic suits and we can probably okay so we need to kill we need to kill a handful of more children and then and last at night this one does not trust me okay i prepared a cake just for you this one does not trust me maybe they're getting smarter don't you trust me this one does not trust me i know where your friends trust me okay i think part of it is they need i need to wait until later in the day i think oh you think so yeah because later in the day it seems like their trust of me goes up okay watch out for all the hot moms the hot mom brigade is out right there they're coming around the bend i'm gonna follow this one i think this is this is my my meal tip there it is grab him wait she's gonna turn maybe not got him ah this is horrible this is horrible horrible i don't know why you're talking i feel very weird playing this i'm just saying do you yeah i do feel a little you don't yeah you don't feel at all weird playing this game i don't know at this point i think i've become so desensitized to a lot of like the weirdness in games like this oh come on oh matthew yeah you did yeah you did get greedy with my kids shoot good god murderer murder there been a murder done wow gosh we need to i mean we have a lot of upgrading that we need to do here right so did you just play this over and over and over and over again until you just get a lot i think friends follow me okay so i'm gonna wait until like three hi hot mom in the meantime maybe i can like i should get bonus points for being able to kill off a parent right try it no she's like look wait look at her stop staring at her i'm looking at her gloves you're staring at her boobs at her glow she's a mother look at her gloves see that's the thing that's making me really you know the whole thing about like you know lowering people's back room that's that's part for the course at this point okay i got one what did you do with him did you eat him jesus if i don't have animatronic suits to stuff him into him as well eat them right hi hey don't you trust me apparently not this one does not unfortunately go get yellow one do you want to be my friend oh doesn't trust me either i don't blame them what do i need to do i'm just yeah i'm a security guard i got a badge wearing the fun color of purple that makes it worse security guard using a position of authority to lure little kids in wow telling you are there is oh is this one more child oh come on someone's got to trust me somewhere i need to be able to get more than one point around right well we did race like four rounds not figuring it out where'd you go i saw you enter where'd you go really oh oh geez oh jeez that's two i just discarded the kid that's fine i think you ate it i did i lit a little known fact the pizza it's it's like sweeney todd in here the pizza so kids this is such a weird concept it's i was like oh cool we'll play the killer no problem right but then you think about the realities of what that means yeah no no no i don't know about that man it's pretty dark it's a pretty dark game it's one of those and hey the thing is get the first upgrade and see what's going on the thing is i've been saying that about for a long time yeah which is like if you actually stop and think about what this game is is asking you to do and what these games are all about wait you needed to stop and think about that i mean it's easy to kind of like overlook with this one let's interrupt that thought with plenty of child murder there we go here we go one down there we go look at that bone yeah you are you are very you're very efficient i was very excited about that i like gleefully skipped across them you're like oh let me scamper oh but yeah no it's one of those oh there get that one get that one it's going in no i thought it was going back this way come this way oh she's watching she's watching she's on the lookout she's sensitive darn your vigilant parenting my curse curse all you parents being so good it's all this helicopter parenting your parents your kids can't even get murdered anymore micromanaging your kids fun at the local pizzeria come on guys right swarming much oh wait wait wait wait no oh my gosh there's so many i know oh no child so many moms over here by the edges so hot they're everywhere okay wait do you think that they're gonna yeah no okay i oh i had it i got it i think you had it that was my chance and now they're just all over right there are so many moms right it's like all of these kids had parents i've heard that mars needs moms well i found them all right they're in freddy fazbear's restaurant this one doesn't trust me not at all how about this one i prepared a party i don't trust you i prepared a cake oh my gosh no one trusts me okay then just follow her to the bathroom and then offer there you go okay bye the goofy laugh is kind of ah you gotta admit okay so it doesn't really read it it's fun it's it's super weird and i'm definitely like a little bit uncomfortable but it's it's a little bit funny it's a little bit funny the janktasticness of it it's a little bit funny the jankiness is pretty delightful okay two two steps closer to our ultimate victory oh my god okay but no like i need to drink of that soda no video games give you a sense of separation from what they're actually asking you to do right and that's true of snap that's true that's true anything right like i mean think of you know call of duty games and moderate yeah you're committing all sorts of war crimes yeah like you're doing some horrific things in all of these games amanda go in there with mom hey whoa hey mom bathroom party jeez she's hot mom good that's one done oh hey second friend fred bear he's here he's there he's everywhere who are you gonna call yeah wait i'm gonna oh hi mom oh get out of here bye hi mom get out of here bye bye get go no stop it no bad kid oh my god oh my god this is terrible this is this is pretty bad see what i'm telling you i think there's a hot mom bathroom party going on oh is there a hot bath yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what i'm saying oh go go go go oh that's good they were they were a quick tinkle you were supposed to kill that kid out there hey small child let's let's they're like we don't have to reapply our makeup we're already hot wait wait wait scamper scamper scamper scamper scamper camper oh yes random child staring at the wall in there yes thank you for checking out all corners of our fine establishment all corners hey oh man this is going to be a perfect run that would be amazing hey hi he doesn't trust me no not at all the fool oh get him get him get him no they're all the backers all their backs are charged i can't risk it stephanie if i lose i lose three this is the big leagues okay you wait until hot mom's backs are turned and then you stab all the kids this is the prickly this is freddy fazbear's this is the big leagues when it comes to this isn't rupaul's best friend race this is where we killed all the kids i think i'm gonna let it ride i'm gonna let it ride oh geez um one escape to my wiley grass three we're close we only need one more and then we're good great see look look at that the models are really good right they really are yeah okay this we need one more okay all right here we go see yeah oh look at that right behind you big leagues it's a good thing that no one cries out at all because oh oh here we go yeah and done oh hello you have very short peripheral vision right oh my god matthew what you bold you bald bold look at that who needs the kids to trust you right the trust is so arbitrary at this point that's what they that's what they all say when they all start to murder no you know you know what it is i think what it boils down to just for you very specific pathing and game programming no what i think it boils down to is actually getting the kids is the small points it's where you're going to get the big points is by stuffing them and the stuffing them is where you need them to trust you because there's no way that you're crossing like i'm just getting the kids and then discarding them yeah whatever that means let me slink into the background like the villain that i just like relax until 6 pm now you're basically just like off duty yeah look i got everyone all the moms so like i'm exploring every corner of this establishment like timmy it's time for pizza i'm not allowed to leave can i kill the parents i think you should be able to get bonus points for the parents i feel like people care about them i feel like the negligent parenting should be punished right i've got you now curse you and your lack of peripheral vision but yeah seriously these models are great look at these right look we got four four for four steps all textured perfect perfect score okay we're going to unlock almost perfectly textured that's like elder freddie i was going to say he's graying a little bit okay let's upgrade so we've got one option basically or a walk speed okay yeah okay okay we got animatronic suits now so i don't know what that means i'm assuming that's i'm assuming at a certain point we're going to get to stuff some oh right oh hey there it is okay so now we can stop there it is okay so you can if you can manage to swipe him and bring him back we can stuff him great that was so much easier than i anticipated okay that child is just like whoa i'm here for you thanks thanks a lot it would be helpful if we could get him to the other side of the room right that's the thing the problem is and i think that there's like a hot mom partying going on near the back room right now again since this is a demo what i would advise is if the kid doesn't trust me i have no way of like doing anything about that right like there should be something that you like a trust builder somewhere in here that you could like use to build up some trust during your shift yes wow this is gonna be some powerful remnant in here super weird three oh look at that what is it oh man are we five kids five keys melted down into one key five souls trapped in the same body yes sorry this is that's rough that's it's all it's it's lore stuff it's established lore in the franchise okay right great established lore the remnant is all in there now i hope it gives you like 10 points as opposed to like one additional point because that would be a bummer okay i think you might be able to i don't know i like that child moved i know this child this child's just child keeps walking okay okay ready go go go go go think so no they're look hot okay go go go go go go go go go go now go down go now yolo yes did it four four yeah you are so stuffed full of remnant it is crazy there is so much agony trapped in your endoskeleton right now you're going to come to life like the best little animatronics i am so concerned so much remnant how many points did i get are you gonna come to life no how many points how many points better be a hundred nineteen so what do we get we got eight okay so it doubled it doubled because i got sixteen yeah yeah yeah okay so it doubled it all right okay what can i oh i don't i don't have enough yet except for walk speed but i think we should get no i think we should upgrade either kids we need to upgrade either kids i think we need the kids amount yeah if there's more kids yeah we can build this up also i mean there's more hot moms or just more kids either way it's a win sorry this is the worst this is the worst game i mean this is don't you should not be making that laugh oh dude if you're gonna be that dumb survival of the fittest i'm sorry darwin had something to say about that one about that one [Laughter] oh man oh it's so dark and twisted oh it's so bad does he trust you by any chance why wouldn't he at this point hello just grab him oh my god what are you doing small oh all right well everyone had something about this one too well then that was fun thanks everyone cheers cheers everybody everyone having a good time here try your undershift right there oh come on i don't know why i think i think once you've gotten what so i think what it is is once you've gotten one kid you can't end your shift early lame because they're like well you're gonna clock out now well thanks everyone thanks all right thanks for playing are you checking out foxy over here he's always been my favorite right he's always been my favorite pirate cove our cove he's not out of order a lot of times he's out of order right you know and fazbear frights number four he pops a kid's eye out he does what now faster fights number four is intense uh he doesn't actually pop a kid's eye out but the book starts with a dream sequence in which he does this series is weird it again i'm telling you video games give you that like separation perfect score two for two that's three for three upgrade for uh for more kids yeah let's get more kids yeah are you ready for more kids stephanie how are you kids amount oh we got 35 points oh we're rich more kids wait hello more kids it's denying it order why is it denying you that yeah why shoot do these have different character traits are they just different skills should we upgrade to dave no wait what about running speed try running speed no let me do one more round and hopefully if we get four for four we can get upgrade trust okay oh i want to upgrade trump okay fine because then it'll make it that much easier because then you can be even more of a psychopath yeah exactly that what that's the worst donate the player hate the game i you do yeah it's accurate i do get out of here come on get out of here just wait just wait for the kids to gravitate around it's fine jeez hot moms i know i'm hot just there we go hi okay one one uh stand out here and just kind of wait it out guys i like that their eye line is much more narrow than i originally thought right at first i was like oh man if they're staring at me from a cross possible [Music] why would anyone trust me it's light thundering outside yeah right that's pretty exciting it's very atmospheric to the game we're playing right now hey small child can i ask you if i trust you i prepared a cake of course not no one trusts you you can't blame them but that's the problem it's like there's nothing i can do like i think that's the bigger issue here is if i love when walk mechanics aren't exactly programmed right and so people just glide across all the floors come on so no one trusts me right okay grab another bummer that's a chance oh stephanie sorry stuff him stuff him stuff him hide the evidence hide the evidence shoot whoopsie oh bummer sorry okay i know that was that wasted however many points we had poop four well no but plus double or whatever or maybe yeah i don't know right not 100 sure how that scoring system works okay okay come on hot moms disperse be gone disperse hot mom hey stop checking me out jeez my eyes are up here whoa whoa stop it stop looking at me like that at least i'm not just a piece of me also athleisure has really just taken over everyone's wardrobe lately just saying it's true these hot moms are all like lily lemon shoot get out of here good good one nice scooped you could say thank you i scooped that kid no dumb no matthew matthew oh my gosh oh did you just kill him i think he might have just yeah you discard him shoot that was too brazen it was hello hello don't pay attention to this room back here right here no one no one mind this room back here everything's fine we're all okay that slick coating of blood on the floor means nothing it's ketchup oh hello hi all right and you're done okay great well that was oh look there's where it says you get two points for this stuff ah one point for kid two point first what who spotted me who spotted me come on oh get out of here well those hot vigilant moms those hot hot vigilant moms shoot dude i still have my 35 ah i really want to upgrade trust i want the children okay okay do trust me i think we can do it okay here we go i'm just gonna hang out by my not suspicious door over here i'm just surveying the scene like a good lifeguard look using my peripheral vision looking back and forth repeatedly there's a lot of them right now right there okay come on here we go good one right behind her back if it weren't for you meddling hot moms right i would have been upgraded to vani by now right she's not even a character that's been released yet right right that's the only again like a couple of as they're developing this game the couple of notes that i would have is one there needs to be some way to like actually earn kids trust yeah two there has to be a way to like there has to be a reason and maybe there's just more animatronic suits sprinkled around the building or something but and i noticed that you can upgrade to more animatronics i was wondering about that but that's another thing that i would say is like right now there's no reason for me to really do a lot over in other corners of the building because there's no way that you're getting them across with the the hot mobs on patrol like that's the problem okay great man three i'm also learning that the kids if you leave them alone for long enough will just kind of like yeah they're not too bad their way over hello hi what you doing hi don't look in there hi no that's prep no get out of here what are you doing step off that doesn't look like timmy yeah there's nothing in here don't don't mind me nothing's exciting shoot i know the one kid i want that last kid darn it all right we got we stopped three yeah that was great that was pretty good that was all right that was accepted not a bad performance not a bad haul good haul children what do we got 47 we're still on okay yeah one more round and then i think we should upgrade that one and then we'll see yeah and then we probably should should call it yeah call this one i mean not that we haven't murdered enough you can never really murder enough small children in a pizzeria oh hello oh hi hi and you're done okay done got scooped hello hi hey wants a tour of the back room who isn't a hot mom who wants to check it out back here oh hey hey ladies small child come on back oh oh no mom's loud no mom's allowed back here hot or otherwise oh no no i got greedy sorry hey hey she doesn't seem to care no she's just like i just saw you i'm gonna call the police but i'm not going to react i'm not yeah i'm not going to stop you in any way you just you're fine okay here we go hello small children hello everyone welcome okay there's kid ran away come on come on hey everybody welcome to the party special party back here pizza party birthday fun time happiest day who wants the happiest day there's a lot of great just flail across okay oh no now there's parents see all the kids yeah this is unfortunate i hope as they continue to upgrade this game that it always remains just this model just this just the hot mom this model yeah just this one character she also might be tomb raider but she's definitely a hot one i have a feeling this video might get demonetized yeah there's i think there's there's a fair chance there's a lot of them oh look this one's purple so that means she should be just automatically here just grab that one i think you can do it grab it grab it no no look i'm in the crossroads of all right this is like pure hotmail because many of them are jesus don't you trust me oh my gosh someone please trust me i prepared a party why does no one trust me i'm such an outstanding guy look at how vigilant i am we can at least just murder a couple of them even if we can't we don't have time to stuff them or whatever there right just got the one just because you asked just that was just for you just too easy it was just for you i do think it would be fun to take out a parent or two all right i am your friend here yeah wait wait shove shove you that way oh no look it's a good thing behind me it's okay it's a good thing i took behind me but that's enough points that should be enough okay okay come on i'm curious how trust is going to work here right maybe they'll actually do something yeah so we're sold out of trust fresh out of trust at this point all right let's see walk over and start talking to kids right you trust me follow me i'll bring you to freddy i don't trust you what hey i prepared a party i don't trust you i upgraded my trust come on so what instead of like a one and zero shot now there's like did they go to the room do they go there's one well that's one all right grace i don't know hello oh weird so maybe it says that maybe it's just that they happen to go in the room more maybe yeah maybe the trust mechanic is like they don't say they trust you but they're just just kind of they're just a little dumb yeah i'm just i'm just seeding the idea to them right you want to be my friend oh that was creepy okay that was that was a call for their extra extra creepy day dave dave where's kid number four okay there's kid number three there's kid number four back in the bathroom you know you could just grab them there just for you what can i not get are you the invincible kid are you the lonely child oh oh come on hot mom hot one bathroom party had just started i missed the memo shoot missed the memo so yeah i don't know okay i think we need to call this one the last round you should probably yeah call this one and for a video that's definitely not going to make any money let's not waste any more time yeah i don't know this one also there are some things you probably shouldn't become desensitized to like murdering small children and pizzerias don't you trust me yes like that what they're just ragdolls it's fine totally cool i like that william just naturally has radar zoom in vision right that's like amazing that is how powerful you want binocular vision find how cool would that be to flip into and out of your like binocular vision hey small child come on hang on out so many moms watching that mom's like oh it's stinky in there i know where your friends are it is really weird i'm telling you it's really strange maybe they don't have all of the actual mechanics quite worked out yet but the alpha but you could purchase them i know i just i'm not sure that they like maybe they don't actually have everything totally worked out yeah maybe not well clearly because we did buy more kids and that didn't appear either yeah you know do you want to be my friend uh no no no no you brody oh hot mom party ah yeah i'm scared of that one right we'll just get the get the point it's fine take the point take the point it's like the field goal it's fine oh no oh man there you go oh come on geez who spotted me who spotted me lame oh man all right that's okay well there you have it friends thanks for joining us that is this creepy and uncomfortable episode the killer in purple we were very good at what at our job that was fun murdering small children right this is i'm curious to leave that here's the thing i think like this could be a good game when it's fully fleshed out like this is in demo mode i think that give it a little bit more polish this could be a lot of fun you know you know make sure that it stays in the fictional realm and nice and tongue-in-cheek yeah tongue and cheek all right guys thank you so much for watching uh again like i said let us know what fan games we should check out uh this is one that matt found that i thought was interesting we'll definitely be playing more and uh yeah there's there's been some other games out there that we wanted to play as well maybe even hello neighbor so we'll be back yeah we'll be back so anyway in the meantime guys this wasn't a stream it wasn't a live stream but it was a good video and we hung out together on the couch it was just a matter hanging out so we'll see you on the next one see ya bye [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 741,501
Rating: 4.9494677 out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, five nights at freddy's, fnaf killer in purple, fnaf killer in purple music, fnaf killer in purple game, fnaf killer in purple gameplay, fnaf killer in purple all suits, fnaf killer in purple all upgrades, fnaf fan game, five nights at freddy's song, five nights at freddy's 2, sister location, fnaf 2, fnaf 3, fnaf vr, fnaf ar, game theorists, game theory, gmae theory fnaf, gtlive, gtlive fnaf, matpat, matpat fnaf
Id: LwXuSZm0D4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 58sec (2878 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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