Solving FNAF's Biggest Mystery! | Final Nights 4 Full Release (FNAF Fan Game)

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[Music] [Applause] Jason watch to feed me your diet coke Jason we share so many germs it's insanely if Stephanie is not sick already I know then it's over like she's not getting sick just held out I've held out so well don't you jinx me sooner she has vitamin DUP like a champ you have no idea vitamins just coursing through my veins when she sweats she sweats pills like she sweats Centrum silver fillings you like Santa Fe are the strongest of the center yeah it is because it's her old people dig it out of this one notice for my explanation for the show so much younger than you don't you and you said what do you mean silver I explained the joke and then you're like oh no you don't explain the joke even though I just said oh no what are you talking about so that's what we can do you want me to explain or not Matthew's sick I I will gladly die I will gladly swallow your central self explaining everything I need all the help I can get that's like I have managed to stave it off he gave it to our baby I mean jeez so every everyone everyone is sick except for me I'm in my like little bubble over here sending everyone off with like cold ease and vitamin C my soul my son Reagan in my face hoping that I like a bacteria will wither and die buffer of people to literally is going around all the time with like sanitary what wipes on his hands just non-stop you like even when he's not even touching stuff like you just cleaned his hands and he's just like nervous the whole yeah yes my hands will be so clean yes to get on an airplane in two days if he gets sick now he infects an entire 747 or the entire 74 747 effect it affects him like that let's be honest like that's what's gonna happen yeah he survives a week with me and then he goes on a plane he's just like done our team is not the one you need to fear it's all of those sniffily passengers in that tin can in the sky with circulated air right you're right it's just a giant vessel of gross yeah anyway you guys some cool new illness will wobble there wait Matthew is between doses we're gonna play some five nights four Hey so sorry we missed yesterday I know we said we were gonna stream yesterday but I was super sick and tried which didn't help was the fact that all of her like Stephanie mentioned earlier was also sick he's recovered faster than I yeah he's doing great yeah it's like jealous of that one he's he's like what what I could bounce back look at me I'm five years old and don't have an immune system but I five years old sorry time flies no uh he's five months old and he already has a stronger immune system than I do I know what I think it's happening is when you're pregnant you take a lot of like prenatal vitamins you did so many vitamins and I will like religious about the vitamin e were really good and so I think you and him have this like supercharged vitamin infused immune system from like a year's worth of taking these things yeah and me meanwhile people should take vitamins more often other than just while they're making human darnit if only I could get pregnant I would be able to take vitamins why can't I be pregnant I need light of it Oh badly Hey so excuse me yeah oh man try recording episodes when your nose is stuffed up and you're like dying massive last night running from the shower where he was trying - like steam out his face like directly into the closet sure I would be able to get like three lines out of time it'd be like hello internet welcome game theory where today we're going to find out me out it was it was a rough night yeah it was bad news across besides got to keep going but but we did get stuff done we are here today we are excited to be here and we're stream a little bit early because tonight we're going to the zoo we're going to do like here in Los Angeles there is a special event that they do every year where they they remove the animals from the the places where humans sort of walk through the zoo determine in safe happy habitats elsewhere and then they decorate the hole in order to bless you just keep it sneezes out man just just keep going if I then they decorate the entire zoo with lights and we are taking our family who's in town we're all going it's gonna be really fun it's gonna be so festive and holiday like that means that we need to stream a little bit early and it takes like you hurried up because it takes like an hour and a half to get into the parking lot yeah it's really it's really bad because when you're in a big city literally like any moderately interesting event gets way too many people to go to that moderately interesting so they just has too many people there's just way too many well you know that are not enough moderately interesting events where is Stannis when you need whoa wow you're making a lot of like Pharaohs was right references lately this is like the second yes now you keep asking nanos to snap away half the populations you're actually thinking on a fan that we met in the mall fan OHS yeah a fan of we met we met someone in the mall who is like I loved your Thanos theory and I think it's totally right I think we should get rid of half the population of the universe that was concerned yeah so no that's who you're thinking of it wasn't me but but thanks for confusing me with a stranger who we met in the mall hey final nights before let's play it so you know it isn't a Christmas season level yes we are going to the zoo level it isn't Christmas Eve is not a Christmas season without a five nights at freddy's game except there is no five but it's a pretty easy game because Scott's like the series is done except it's not because like five new games are coming in a movie and two books are coming out next year that's barely an exaggeration what's actually coming out next year when it comes to snap but even though we might not have any new five nights at Freddy's games we do have a new fan game that is the continuation of one that we played a long time like early GT live two years ago Wow we have the release of final nights for which I was there in it yeah I was just ikkyu lating good look there it is we have the release of final nights for which I don't know if you remember the first time we played I had to go actually look it up and remind myself a little things well it was really creepy Chris remembers do you know why Cristian tell him why yeah about two years ago you guys played final nights three and Jason had to be somewhere Wow Chris's first UT live how does how does that make you feel buddy's looking at me like I'm crazy but it's true you can hear me be introduced to the clap and a half and fail at doing it that's great oh so this is this is Chris's anniversary game what uh Chris well I'm curious to see what you've learned since then how do you feel about like revisiting and the franchise that got you started Oh way better I was definitely scared to death the first time and now you realize that if you screw up it's almost better yeah yeah so now I how do you know if I'm screwing up or doing it it's trite it's true it advertises everything at this point yeah you back then you're like oh man there's actual quality control to this thing oh I better not screw it up because Matt's tougher perfectionist now you still think that we're perfectionist but you recognize that there is no level of quality control here does he yeah really kind of crazy Chris only things were crazy I don't think it's a secret oh you and Luis Chris okay let's play hey yeah I have to pass take duty live you know we've been like like Chris just alluded to we've been doing this for over two years and if you don't know that we live unclear you don't need to use hash tag Beauty live in the chat because it already goes to us it does absolutely to us this is the chat it's on the Twitter we're doing final dates for let's get into some snap tastic adventure no play look at these models man models are great they're the fan games wait Chris Chris Chris why isn't there subtitles on the game because I couldn't find them in the settings really are you sure yes oh yeah I don't think you are sure I don't believe you how do I restarts this you hit the window button close out the window oh my god that's right Chris okay there are what do we believe credit guess you're holding a chat in the chat are there a closed caption buttons on this do we believe Chris do we believe it I I vote no yes what game doesn't have subtitles at this point I know there's no way come on settings Chris everyone's excited for you Chris Chris you want a bigger salary that there's turn that thing up yeah we're trying yeah do I get it all in a lump sum because yes here we go resolution full screen and two aliasing vertical sync frame rate motion blur graphic quality visual quality object quantities brightness there are no subtitles well done Chris no done I mean another setting some what that's it that's all the settings in the settings it's under resolution right so with this visual Wow if it went the highest usual quality would have closed captions object quantity we need more objects as more objects worthless caption all right well there you go well then well done Chris ape line he he wins the day he wins the five year old 5 euro the day going quite I have to go why did i gamble it happened mysterious disappearances visible murders no bodies no nothing like that that one artifact is made I'm gonna be unethical it could be about breakthroughs it gets solidified me as the manager soft Freddie's a man is this me the man who sold Freddie's now this and this is how I talk okay anyone I could be the one who solved everybody says it in his sleep craziness notes is the keys of fredbear's I cannot disclose my name my origins or how I found you but I will meet you there PM Matthew Patrick Morse a few mattress oh man it's your dar peak alter-egos either that or purple van where it all started ah no that can't be it that can't be it we got a backpack whoa [Applause] kidding no oh wait up wait a tick the whole backpack investigation oh wait hold up that won't go any much wrong cuz I got some junk in it literally pick up can't open her purse apparently nothing interesting in the purse boxes I'm a popsicle backpack tonight I would like a second backpack so my backpack can contain more than six items does that Devil guy got popsicles on it it does it's still April it's very cute ooh what caused the symptoms okay I love higher is just sleuthing it I'm sleuthing it already you're like you're like a Columbo a regular Columbo that wouldn't go together okay so that's how you mix up things I guess it yep okay but what is this thing do you think can opener right it looks good like a kid open a can opener so yeah so it's a bit more of a like a point-and-click adventure game right now what I thought it would be answerin and though he's different from a trot out here to there is click in the car then there was click in the trunk okay I'm trying to be thorough in my investigation Stephanie bears family diner very important darlin I'm gonna be the one to solve Freddie's okay here Keys use got it the puppets likely it great that was gonna be a crucial hints to help me in my progress see it was so efficient at loading stephanie hath you matric geez per I'd like to go by another name purple man but no seriously it's not purple man it's purple guy Stephanie this is final nights not five nights at freddys slightly different for copyright reasons okay would you oh I'm so confused oh my gosh this is like uh this reminds me of mist really yeah where you go through and there's like little challenges but like every game ever oh my gosh but oh boy big adventure all like wait 1987 oh I figured it out got him hey oh I opened the door and I feel it achievement from that but apparently these two sticks of wood are huh block right you got the padlock but gee there are a couple of a couple of 2x4 is here I guess I better turn around oh if only I was able to get pregnant take vitamins and then break through these two boards pregnancy does not give you super strength babies I know I'm a strong woman Oh fine if it gives you everything you need stuff yeah okay hold up no apparently I can't do anything there but I have opened the door effectively in record time dare I say this gotta be something around here right up 1973 Oh Sal the fan everyone's favorite you think that one of these coffee don't fit that world's best boss uh you think that something would be interactive out here I still don't know what this thing is either it looks like rose it's sure things are ghost hunters to detect supernatural energy by that I mean like dust particles are you present are there spirits present here with me in this room right now oh let's explore the men's bathroom shall we oh those are suspicious-looking urinals just when you thought it was only a bunch of urinal cakes there's like there's all this like vegetation growing out from behind the urinals oh we got is there anything no no I did know didn't want to click on that big arrow just let me continue looking looking through my little decrepit pizzeria here's the thing I don't care how much this pizzeria has decayed over the years like this was always a barren brick wall like this isn't oh it's decayed over the years it's this has always look this way it's rustic Matthew okay that's really not for a children's pizzeria restaurant kids can appreciate some great Restoration Hardware aesthetics oh I got myself a stepladder watch out world here I step right you are taking this a bit difficult small steps apparently I there's nothing in hell's the pills oh go get the pills you missed them where well how did I how did I miss something Oh back I'm literally scrubbing through like anything that even remotely looks interesting hold up there's pills where we're better no people are saying you're missing all kind of stuff what hold on there's an arrow hide in the urinal mat that advice came from the Soviet duck you as a woman might not understand this but uh at like sporting events and stuff they have urinal troughs yeah okay so you you've mentioned these to me before and I just get the impression that they must be pretty much the grossest oh I guess certainly they are they are just Oh so oh that a dead person we've already found a dead person and we're gonna steal the X from the back of their head Wow Wow all right Oh like how they didn't move when that happened Freddy's is a lot more intense than I uh that I remember another game 5 euros says he comes back to life oh I totally believe that like if I saw this guy here one I would call the cops but the new I would probably just double check and accent across the head a couple more times now it's make sure he is action truly and sufficiently dead now where are were these mysterious pills that people were referencing I don't believe they exist maybe I need to rub it through and you're gonna say maybe if you snuggle up in that urinal nope maybe not alright good see anything you listen go back go back there is an axe indeed we found it got it oh the bar at the desk someone said when you go back to the desk prescribed urinal yeah you're okay your urinal troughs those are gross Chris you're familiar with the urinal trough right what like it's his favorite realm of of like it of urination urination turns into trough meat so something that sometimes people this is this is Chris's personal life okay maybe he doesn't want to tell you all the places that he P where's your preferred place to peek Chris is like outdoors sandy beach that kind of name Wow where you can see someone coming look I was able to break those two boards that were preventing my progress thank goodness no no peeing at the beach no being at the beach is tough being the ocean is okay though whoa don't taint our oceans don't you taint our ocean it's literally this is this is why the Atlanteans hate humanity you wonder why the entire plot of Aquaman happened Shh it's not it's not yet Atlanteans hate us because we pollute the ocean that's true with our urine and our oil and our garbage but mostly our your rings do a twist right good right what monsters are you that is right up top gene cernan's like now the oceans have Chris wait wait math you've got a high-five for not peeing in the ocean which is like the big waste of the world's biggest like pee receptacle hurt do you pee in the ocean crest out of here you're gross have some bladder control people have some self-respect when you pee in the ocean you're peeing on yourself no you're not you're just being around when you're a droplet is one that you're just scooping back in your mouth as you like it hallee salt water that all minute salts cut out everything making the salt water even salt here bro you're the only thing that salty is you about me peeing in the oh yeah because you go swimming with me because I do and apparently it's can you give me a hard time when I like Wow Wow right come on the chat is by the way is totally on on this matter selectively no no Rebecca volley from the ocean if you need fish do it exactly it's called recycling since quit squibs our life one y'all y'all gotta have bladder control and pee at the toilets yeah should be a ya ocean peeing I pee in the ocean says cloud9 see look we're all having a really cathartic moment where we talk about the fact that we PM you great well you all man no I can't swim the ocean I already knew water parks were ruined but now in the ocean to power your growth you're ruining it for the people you have self decency and respect I'm not saying it happens ah save our oceans not like not from like global warming or like polar ice caps or gonna save our oceans from Stephanie and Chris and Chris oh yeah little p3 is out there you're in town alright hey let's let's play this game about animatronics killing people shall we cuz I don't I don't even know what to believe anymore doesn't pee in the ocean so Jason and I you guys are missing out I've never seen you you go to use restroom at the ocean what are you holding it yeah because I have bladder control stuff because I'm in the water splashing around really all right not just because I'm in proximity to water doesn't mean I suddenly lose control over my like you know all all my faculties it's not like even let me wash my hands whoa what happened down there whoa look at this beautiful waterfall oh my gosh maybe I should wait no you're so gross let me tread water and stare at you while I slowly God any like you can also just go and just go in by yourself you float around there's a lot of bathrooms around you make sure the current flows away from you go to the bathroom you go to the bathroom before you go to the beach hold until after you go to lie there are changing stations there are public restrooms there are so many options but no you choose to go in the place where everyone else is communally going and swimming and like wow look at me splash and have a good time apparently not everyone this is like a view doesn't good work I think that you secretly PM the ocean no why no that's over here he's like no I don't pee in the ocean yeah I don't do it don't I don't pee in showers I don't pee in the ocean you don't pee in of course not because the shower is where you go to get clean every time Ollie pees during bath time it's really gross to me every time Ollie pees in the bathtub I'm like hey maybe I should drain the bathtub and refill it because he is now being washed in his own urine yes it's a very diluted version of it but still it's gross thank you Jason in the shadow you I don't mean the shower but to do I definitely pee in the ocean not in a wetsuit just in the ocean yeah and guess what that makes me not cut out eyes or not that's fine so be it I will sacrifice go to space if it means not having to urinate all over myself look there's an evil puppet there's a spooky puppet but you know what's spookier than a possessed evil murderous puppet swimming with Stephanie at this point just the ocean okay the ocean okay the puppet likes a team a mouthful of ocean water you're getting a lot more gross stuff than P just saying it's being real talk friends oh that's the puppet he likes attention but he doesn't like to be seen so I'm supposed to watch him I don't know if this is doing you're supposed to watch him with like like like that glazed over it look down look down to charge look down to chart nope oh there we go there oh my gosh he doesn't like to be seen so what what okay he doesn't like to be seen so I should I'm confused what he likes attention but he doesn't like to beasts I'm so confused about that supposed to shine your light on as compared to other characters very confused about him bump up on him out of a bottle hey I shouldn't look at him I should I look at him what I you know fun fact in preparation for y2k huh which was when everyone thought that the computers would all shut down as they all reverted back to - is zero zero and the year my dad bought what we called the beige in with a lamp which is beige in was a radio and the radio had like an attachable flashlight to it that didn't run on batteries but random crank power and so we still have it to this day you wind it up yeah so you lined it up it's great but it we in preparation for like the end of days we had all the water and stuff like this but we also had the beige in with the lamp it's really startling you're not supposed to look at so don't look at so okay okay okay I got it just be supportive nearby I think I got it okay so I'm supposed to flash the pump I'm supposed to flash the puppets yeah but the puppet you don't flash I think that's what it's supposed to be okay I think that's look down - charger flashlight left of us okay so the puppet you want to expose but the puppets you don't want to expose yes I think that is what I've learned here from this little exercise by the way Chris everyone is on your side they're like you should pee in the shower it's great I mean what is on the floor of the tub when you're in the shower literally all of your fills like what you're doing not you're in turtle why don't you poop in the shower then Chris and then by logical extension why aren't you pooping in the show because you're gonna drink it's not easy to clean up yeah exactly I just let the water slowly that's I rode it away rode your little turkey log away I have to say in Chris's defense that's a totally different category by logical extension friends you gotta take it to its logical conclusion all your filth including your solid filth Chris anything at camel that's a good point at camel one of our members says hey the developer wants to you know to turn up the graphics to ultra and unlock the framerate apparently that's a vital devil that would require us to have a decent internet connection yeah we don't we actually tend to run games on lower graphics resolutions and speeds because when you send everything through the pipe to the Internet's it can really slow things down and we don't want people to lag so on our own time we would definitely do that but here we'll probably leave it at a little bit under like the optimal it's true okay so he's looking through the curtain which means is he gonna jump scare me I didn't open it so I did not make him upset there okay at GT @ G typical fan set on Twitter says hey guys GT live changed their stream again to discussing whether peeing in the ocean is their bad the thumbnail says they're playing five nights or something but don't be fooled it's a shaky Sheila you can you can have okay okay so it's kind of like Simon's this is like red light green light right like okay this is a red light okay red light red light okay great red lights he's trying to fool me Steph he sees he's sending me false signals he might he could very easily jump-scare doing I don't either I'm trying we're figuring it out no keeps doing this makes me think that I'm doing something wrong oh yeah yeah there you go got him yeah see the puppets want the attention but the puppet does not want it oh I think that's what it is so like if I were to flash him in that moment I would lose that would be bad Oh No and now he's slowed down pat oh we're gonna go back in time yeah i won congratulations ladies and gentlemen we started playing the game ah can't wait [Music] first up you have your cameras on the front activate that my person space on the keyboard in front key you press s to exit back out they just delivered here you're going to some extent if they have 10 for us here history that could detect your fingers locations with the visible lasers pretty fancy stuff anyway touch upon your buttons to switch cameras have you don't let the Grinch I will get me selected now you also have your alarm with every fresh buttons for now and go low maybe be a law pressing it will signal a bright cloud and red alarm to whatever room you have select element care if you can ring the alarm near your office by using the left shift key and now I'll tear out of a try buddies courtesy of me of course primaries I'm sure just take it to there all the power and even basically if you know it's a lot of people he'll go to different rooms and try and find guests or staff members it decides the place is completely empty you'll shut off the power not something you want now what is it yeah all these lead em to you he'll go after any noise so whenever he's taking a break to take in any sounds or signals traveling in the alarms and nearby rooms leading them towards you a couple of times once he's close enough say party room 1 then bring the alarm and near your office when's the shift key remember when Bobby however wipe into a different beast you'll wander around looking for intruders normally if you wear your guard uniform in shipments I did not murder you as an intruder what exactly sit the last guards uniform so until you can tailor yourself a new one just try to avoid any contact with you but what if he does manage it into your office tri-state is that reflection all right very clear posters uh-oh all right okay okay this is confusing that that was a lot of information right I don't know what to do okay so I'm supposed to lead him this way right yes so I'm supposed to lead him this way they said lead him to party room one at which point then I what they said okay lead him around okay so he's coming back this way so he's leaving there so he should be over here so now we're gonna lead him to the kitchen I'm a bit confused okay so there's Bonnie so there's spring Bonnie hanging out over in the hallway I should be over here right but then What did he say about hitting shift I'm so dead oh yeah oh yeah we're done certainly I don't know certainly dead okay what happens in the it gotcha oh wait I'm supposed to like let them know that I exist so don't move when Bonnie's in the room oh boo no where is he going I'm supposed to let them know that I exist right I'm so good Oh No oh you turned off the law yeah I turn off which means that you tell it's not that there is no one here but I did I rang the doorbell right oh no oh no I don't don't look don't do it to us Oh dad really yeah hey I thought you said no bodies over there no bodies the 100 we're so dead [Applause] it's nice that you have to listen to the whole song oh my gosh this is the longest jump-scare known to mankind [Laughter] Wow yeah well let's try not to lose too many times because that will take up light years off of our life it's like we're gonna make it listen to the whole song and then we're gonna make him wait a little bit longer and then we're gonna I mean it was good cuz you're like what next going on it was a it was a very effective jump scare but holy geez the the punishment for death there is not being scared it is literally waiting five minutes in order to restart the game Wow alright it's okay okay so let's try to figure this out again okay I'm gonna focus on this again yep please do great yep try and find your staff members okay what is it go after any noise so whenever he's taking a break to take it any sounds or signals traveling the alarms and nearby roads leading them towards you a couple of times once this close enough say party room one then bring the alarm and near your office the Pens of shift key remember Bobby however is a bit of a different beast you'll wander around looking for intruders don't believe if you wear your guard uniform you'll be in shape inside need not wear just view as an intruder the last card you know just look at that so I know I would bury this human hand on a move so okay lead them here leave him here right okay leave him here because there's nothing in the hallway I can do it unless I need to do like unless there's like a middle okay maybe here go go go here listen to the might the sound of my bail man yes good girl good no come here come to party room one party room one eye I would love to be able to see the hallway the hallway would have been super helpful here okay here he is so now it's part of your money go hi everyone welcome hello ah see you buddy's out all right this is this is no bueno okay party room no where'd he go where'd you go he's gonna shut off the power isn't it mm-hmm he's totally gonna shut off the power No ring the bell like you're right there here you are what you're standing right here in the hallway come to me oh okay so here he is so I ring the bell here and he's like hey you exist don't shut off the power just double check in just let make sure that you're hearing me cuz you know right you don't seem all that exactly responds yeah you don't seem all that bright Homeslice right now Bonnie meanwhile oh thank body [Music] I have no idea Bonnie alrighty there oh I am ready bored scared I am ready I mean not he's gotta be somewhere right we did this we did this I did what you told me to do game we did the thing what the heck I disagree I disagree I followed the obscure rules that you set forth for me game just saying I don't know why you decided to make the rule so obscure of like send it lead him to this one of random room and then ring the bell using a different mechanism like like it's um it's odd it's not it's an odd gameplay flow but fine I'll go with it but I did it and when I do it it should work I am NOT getting the positive get go just go just do it just just do it just do it take me out of my misery do it do it right right I was I was challenging him I was thinking that maybe by challenging him aggressively that he would not do it any game he did do it he killed me I was right I was doing I was doing the like by posturing I was showing him that like I meant business you did I did it right I showed him the business I believe that I showed him the business you were very businesslike thank you Lord business but uh apparently my business was not enough business and he still continued to jump scare me alright so booboo do all right try again I'll hop over into Twitter and say hello to the folks over there look the good folks of Twitter I'm gonna remind them hey Freddy clearly clearly someone exists in this building because they're ringing a bell obnoxiously in your face right now bring it in getting dong hello I'm still alive and a human who's present in this building please don't turn off the lights you're calling Siri says listen to the sound of math bells dang it right for him at golden evil curses first bending now Freddie life of Henry ain't easy one right the Henry's of the world that is true I don't know what it is about indie games and the name Henry but they are very fond of the name Henry right at Jordan jmd says I've never been to the beach but either way I would not pee in the ocean it's just gross by the way nice hair thank you and thank you for not peeing in the ocean more importantly you know having total decency for your fellow women I've never gone to the ocean if you if you were in there you might change your mind no let's see at Bubba 157 says lap shift rings the alarm in your own room we need to guide Freddie to your office room so he can see you and know that the building isn't empty at least that's how I think it works from listening to the TV guy well from listening the TV guy if he's in party room one which he was what I'm supposed to do at that point is exit out in Windows right which should tell him hey there's humanity here humanity here but alas that was not the case so though he's here okay so now he's here okay this money at 250 says that jump-scare just dragged out it's true it does so now he should be entering my room okay he's entered the hallway yep he's currently in the puppet room which is not where we want him to go we want to lead him here yeah we want him to come up to party room 1 because that is the closest that he is allowed to get to my room correct okay so now he's there so now we're gonna ring him up to party room 1 hi everyone okay just phase in between place that's cool it's cool the body stood up bonnie's that Freddie well it's pretty there no lady was literally right here a second - where'd you go bye hey buddy oh I'm just gonna bring this just in case you're not wait might be listening to me right just gonna ring the bell okay here he is okay so now he's in party room one which means I'm going to ring the bell right now here I am come on okay if you didn't hear that oh that's Bonnie oh shoot okay so that means Bonnie's coming my way okay which means I'm gonna have to be still be still your heart right I'm assuming that Bonnie comes directly here no because there's a big gap in the visual field of when someone's in party room one versus when they're here which is slightly concerning because at this point right Bonnie should be like round in that corner any minute at this point Bonnie should be okay Bonnie that's funny that's funny don't move don't move don't move don't move oh my god don't move right it feels like I'm like entrapped I want it oh that's a great sound design right there holy geez so Bonnie's gone now right yeah okay okay all right okay so now we got to find where our dear friend Freddy is fredbear fredbear red bear okay there's Bonnie Bonnie there's Freddy okay okay so now we do that do we just bring you back again hi I guess I'm a suit right it's on why oh come on come on I we rang so many bells garbage oh we got new songs nope nevermind if it started off it sounded different come on come on poor form I am disappoint much disappoint right so he doesn't have a pattern we just have to like perpetually keep him in but he can turn off the power from anyway yeah I thought we'd have longer to like get him back to our office come on man darn it and laughs thank you all right and we move on shoot so alright let's try it again mute da call you call you call you call great okay so I'm supposed to leave them it's just like so I need to leave them room by room or are they just kind of following their own pattern like am I supposed to be like yeah I'd like I am really gonna focus right I really thought we did I don't we did too and you would think that he has a certain room that he has to go to in order to turn off the power maybe that is the show stage I don't know I'm because this feels like the spring-trap mechanic of you need to use sound cues to lure him around room by room it's just one of those things where it's like do I leave them room by room or do I like do it a couple rooms out and these two just like I heard a sound in the arcade let me run their pepper up meanwhile pepperoni pizza margherita pizza catch a piece of pizza flat water it'll Pepsi oh that's the illest Pepsi yeah all that Pepsi is ill man in the classic nugs oh the nugs but that ill pepto I'm all about that ill Pepsi the only thing better than ill Pepsi is sick Diet Coke not healthy healthy diet coke all right just so you know I'm in the chat great and I'm gonna read some stuff please read the stuff cuz I am cuz even though you can skip the call it doesn't start the night any sound right so I still gotta wait for like the duration of the call for stuff to happen Alex Bava says Matt when you die you can see some skin in the Freddy suit mmm really good even though um Teague on the fury fire he says he got he goes auto to puppet corner so to ring in so just ring and party room run one and then the office while he's there well he's there all right there there is no okay what did you eat your hair dyed it for our charity livestream she did matpat kill Elmo I liked that comment also your hair is great I love the rich thank you I did kill Elmo it was delightful yeah leave petty Freddie to the puppets room then party room one two then to your office okay and then everything else aside you've got to admire these graphics as Gallifreyan hunter and we're not even using them on the highest setting um I doubt they're they're great that's the thing they're great okay he's in party room two now which means I need the ring in the party room one what oh no how many times I need to ring right is it gonna wear off see if I messed up mr. bear master bear that's the fredbear somebody master bear somebody has to bear to part of him one okay he's there can I ring this summoning master bear to office Master bear summoning you to the officer the Bell is ringing for you master bear okay all right meanwhile meanwhile here is body there's body okay okay hello master bath look okay now he sees me okay hey hey is that what I'm fulfilling it yeah I think so right what he's right there oh okay Wow now we know so no man they're just there these guys move fast to like they'll a legit like they booked it okay so their body so body is there hi Bonnie so Bonnie presumably is gonna be coming up my way to Ray Ali says look at Bonnie this time shoot okay don't move I'm not moving I don't know if not moving include I'm assuming not moving this is acceptable for not moving right like not taking o3 what he'll want you to look at Bonnie you can't with stuff for stuck next time next time okay you'll really want there like what am i okay the bunny's going okay I think find that where's master bath master bath okay I guess that counts I guess so did the first time we just not there's body walking on back just you be did you made your bed you DVD TV did it mute it Oh coming back there's body yep go back to your stage I have all the control shocks for you go back to your stage or else I will give you control shock I think this might be us surviving the night okay so bonnie is back they're both back alright yay oh my gosh no way no way alright it's almost 5:00 I'm suing those [ __ ] it says Bonnie what Bonnie no just you don't move with Bonnie's in the room with us which don't worry I have no problem with that right Bonnie now right there there's Bonnie oh no way my body is on the show stage my friend Barry is there - he was twitchy bonnie is on the show stage well where's he going he's gotta check the power man he's got he's got stuff to do her bad man you've gotta make sure that right my body is on the stage the stage my friend bears roaming the hallway oh great okay are you going buddy okay he's going to the hallway all right okay no he's not over here so do I actually have to lead him here or does he just by his nature no here I don't risk it I want to get through one night I would like that so I'm gonna lead him slowly up the hallway yeah so now he's in puppet corner but now I've lured him hopefully into party room two apparently now he just teleported into party room too so now I'm gonna lure him into party line come on well he's still hanging out so this should be the last thing I have to do the past this night right it's gotta be pleasing me are you coming come on there's a party over going on in here party room that's throughout the Eaton come on yes come on come on man everyone there we go okay so know he's here so they're ready you have it ring go go hold an old friend bears calling all fredbear's fredbear's please report to the office now please red bear yeah all right BuChE oh man they're still there they are my best one I'll free them and I will tell you what you wanna know great Wow Wow all right that was a Griffin whose house is this I like these little moments of like investigative journalism right like the mystery between them I think that's a lot of fun let's point-and-click at it point at it and click on it ooh we can go behind the house or in front of it I think we choose the less popular option of that's to the side of the house oh my so we've got private property no trespassing well the adventure is done I guess I guess that's it well I guess we're done well maybe this is the friendly house in that I missed before you would think that there would be a clue hidden in the mailbox right but there is not anything come on click on something I go come on there's so much interesting stuff in the frame and yet none of it is actionable okay I guess we go to the side someone didn't even finish their like soda sitting there or beer hold my beer Freddie's like that he's like I'm scary and then the puppets like oh yeah Freddie hold my beer come on you even think that's something around this house somewhere would be like oh hello anybody home I do like the throwback to kind of the old style of like point-and-click adventure and like point-and-click puzzle games there was a game that I played I forget the name of it I didn't I didn't get very far in it but it was a million dollars you would win a million dollars if you were the first person to finish really yeah if you really solved the game was it again I did treasure something it was it was a incredibly hard Myst style game Wow nice press f to pay respects o press f to pay respects to the foxy animatronic I'm going to take these oversized a pruning shears these weapons nothing that would make sense to do like if again if I'm like investigating this oh there were wire Clippers than they are like that's like we have that axe and everything and we did not use it to defend ourselves at all hey I will have you know we used it against two very sturdy boards that were greatly impeding our pathway Stephanie thank goodness that those were able to be dispatched with but not neither of the animatronics were that are supposedly like old and rotting quality craftsmanship i unders it's trite strong like old animatronics die hard where are you there we go there we go okay I think nope apparently not there we go uh cut the wire there we go suck on that security system whoa ha ha we totally couldn't have just hopped over that fence ha ha we've warded that waste I gates suck on that seven we couldn't breach the securities and like now there could've been security cutting the security system though there it is the crank can set them free use it but be wary the last person they saw wielding it wasn't friendly huh all right so we need to use the crank to set whatever it is free but not use it so much like use it without them seeing us using it I'm guessing it's the kind of the moral of this we probably give this one a few tries and then probably hey Han wait what you gonna do they're also really slow and these those teeth aren't sharp when he and a gum us just just dude come on what he's he's just like welcome inside it's just like sniff sniff sniff name is Dan from right buddy yeah what house is whose house is this the F the after oh yeah the absent family house are they there any oh thank you okay got it thanks that's hard the pencil is very light so we're led to believe that that advert Roenick did indeed drag us into the house well I guess the last question would be yes then all right well we got the crank so that's cool all right the crank I sure can set them free but that the last person that was seen using it was not friendly sassy we're parsing the robust lore here okay ooh up or side is the side first I love this random vine in the middle of it that's it's I like the naturalistic Dacor right it's very easy feel like I'm on a jungle adventure The Jungle Cruise like you're in like you're in the Amazon rainforest apparently nothing there okay let's go upstairs oh hello yeah Oh obviously it's the piston what Oh the second half of the Craig bear makes so much sense I totally knew what that was the entire time okay well I'm glad we've lined up stairs for that let's go back this way okay let's let's go this way now anything I can do with the crank well now that I've unlocked the crank maybe at all this looks like a suspicious panel in the wall Vance just the seam of the wallpaper or a suspicious panel hiding dirty secret Stephanie because I know when I hide my dirty secrets they're always behind a suspicious panel always every secret every time I feel like I wrote roll over something here and I see something flicker but apparently not okay let's continue this way up maybe maybe now that I have the full crank oh I couldn't hey there we go press f to pay respects geez press F a lot of times to pay respects apparently holding it thought it was gonna be an easy thing to crank wait so am i my shadow looked like I was an animatronic right looks like the ink machine what do we do what what what just happened we pride our own face off yeah what is this alright well that's cool do we unlock any of you questions nope whose house is this yep No alright okay [Music] oh that is not good what is what what did we just get really bad luck what happened I have no idea we're just havin there I have no idea that was so strange that was very odd I am so confused that there was no way to avoid that what happened wait I got do all this again come on no no don't make them punishment for death oh come on this doesn't even make sense I have no idea what I'm witnessing right here all right well I just want to get the crank again upstairs Craig okay great thank you downstairs so what are you what do i what do we do wrong you know to be just having to come out at the wrong time maybe hey Craig right yeah great over here [Music] see it seems like chicas watching me anyway here like here this is very odd okay so I've cranked the thing right we're very cranky right now okay so I've cranked the the device no no does Arden or not oh oh my god come on what the heck are you kidding me I was doing it to run out like run out of the house I do is it upstairs or to the right dear thing that is not super intuitive like upstairs who's gonna get us well maybe you can't go upstairs can they go upstairs again you can crawl through vents so alright there and there's nothing at like there are no other like hidden pathways just for when we're being chased by chica I guess so just go up there okay here here so I'm predicting looks like it's just random so I'm predicting what we're gonna have to do honestly what I think this is gonna Altima amount to is we're going to have to crank this thing multiple times and avoid chica yeah I think so like now we're gonna have to crank it halfway then we're gonna have to dance around and avoid chica so now we're okay so now we avoid like blow the lid off it or whatever okay so now we go here we go [Music] upstairs okay so no I mean it was upstairs you came down you clicked down yeah because he was upstairs so what am i selling how are you just hide up there right yeah I think a one last time one left one more time and then we got to go to zoo lights okay oh because I don't want to end on this I know the seals under the stairs run under the chair okay that is we're supposed to go hey shadows yeah great yeah fine no fredbear got me even though for some reason that's okay don't really get it but that's okay by me it's part of the mystery of the game oh this is under the stairs yeah that makes my life any there right is I felt like this was on top of the stairs right like oh this is the room that's the stairs of these are box I get it okay I know I didn't I didn't really understand it first I gave good one under the stairs there okay crank it crank it good all right so we're cranking it slowly great great okay so now back back bad nope nope back back where's he you're done where's the bedroom [Music] and then you got nervous you got clean no I uh yeah I got a very stand one more time one more time you got it come on all right here we go we got this it's down the door no no Freddy don't bite my head off but then leave me to be okay here we go here under the stairs great where's the dares again there's the arrow there's the arrow he hears the arrow here's the arrow there's a crank really saying oh now it's back in my hand there it is okay great cranky crazy you're talking about me or what's happening okay come on heave heave oh okay all right so now I'm gonna kick click slowly yet hastily oh it automatically puts me there that was my mistake yes yes dad okay I like I like how chicas just like bouncing around did you guys like you know you know where'd you go she Castillo's there I'm not leaving I know you're right there plain chicka what chicken with chica we're playing chicken with chica this is this is a fake out right I don't know I don't know cuz chica did not go into this room she could not go upstairs and chica did not go into this room so chica is behind this shadowy box thing I'm assuming I'm supposed to go now I'm assuming that's what's gonna happen here at all right let's just do it all right that was not okay and apparently I'm not supposed to go back there either all right well Oh upstairs now I'm really afraid to do this also cuz I really wanna start over yep oh hey shine the light on chica for as long as you can but hey what I shoot I didn't see the full instructions really Oh what Oh No what what do you want what yeah hello okay am I supposed to go here is this what Wow oh I'm so dead shed the light on chica for as long as you can a deep space okay eat my crank what okay so he's getting up eat this crank Freddy shine the light on chica this has nothing to do it right I think that space bar I think the space bar is okay okay so he's moving forward now tonight wait okay all right great we're gonna go to the zoo we learned a lot I'm gonna go find a secret zoo level and the secret level is all right there's a lot to learn about this oh you got okay thank goodness at least you start back here next time all right that's good sure the Lena chuckling [ __ ] what I'm next time we'll pick this up next time oh my goodness I gotta go take my family and Oliver to the zoo so we can go see Christmassy lights it'll be a lot of fun we will be back tomorrow yeah we'll be back tomorrow we'll see you then same time same couch let's end this before Freddy gets back to us indeed we shall so anyway thank you guys so much for watching hopefully I will be back to like 90% better tomorrow we'll see you then 4 o'clock p.m. Pacific time and in the meantime remember that is just a stream a live stream Freddy it's just like Brody's okay good check spaces the flashlight system tomorrow we'll got it next time face was the flashlight okay bye guys says Monica oh my gosh apparently if you flinched apparently you shine your flashlight on chickens just Jason to get some whatever okay great uh real talk I still love that red hair real talk cultist what do you mean I yep everything ever I mean everything Kristine Allen says Christy Allen says have fun at the zoo
Channel: GTLive
Views: 463,452
Rating: 4.9341445 out of 5
Keywords: final nights 4, fnaf ultimate custom night, fnaf 6 ultimate custom night, five nights at freddy's, fnaf fan game, final nights, dawko final nights 4, ultimate custom night, final nights 4 gameplay, final nights 4 all endings, final nights 4 jumpscares, fnaf, fnaf 6, fnaf ultimate custom night dawko, ultimate custom night gameplay, pizzeria simulator, freddy fazbear's pizzeria simulator, game theorists, matpat, matpat fnaf 6, gtlive, gtlive fnaf, matpat ultimate custom night
Id: e4XzzAkRsIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 55sec (4435 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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