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Welcome to the breakdown where we breakdown all the messed up shit! My name is Spooky, and so in the last video that I uploaded, the top comment thread was talking about a film called Concrete. I've been holding it off for a while and that's because I had a pretty anxious moment. Let me explain. Concrete is a film based on the murder of Junko Furuta, easily one of the most saddest and disturbing murder cases I've ever heard of. If you've been subbed for a while, you would know that I had an anxious moment viewing a ero guro manga from Uziga Waita based on that crime. Only two times have I been scared to look at something, which is that manga and Rare: A Dead Person. So if its not obvious, this film is based on her case, showing the delinquents and their social conditions first before culminating with their torture and murder of Junko. I think its fair to say that the murder of Junko has inspired countless extreme films, especially when adolescents are the sick and twisted. This film was directed by the same guy who did All Night Long. This isn't a complete factual way that things went down. Its just simply a retelling similar to The Girl Next Door is a retelling of Sylvia Likin's murder. So, if you want to see what happens, including all the messed up parts, stay tuned for the breakdown, cue the Gohan! Concrete begins with a quote. "Youth is blessed only in that it holds the promise of a future". It next states that crimes committed by juveniles have grown ever more heinous. The story we see will involve young people who lost their touch on reality and acted according to their basest desires. Some teens are moving a barrel of concrete. Believing that nobody will even pay any mind to it. Then we cut back to the past. A young guy named Tatsuo is called in to be bullied by people in his little Judo team. They are extra jealous that he won a tournament. He beats them up pretty good at first but soon just gets overwhelmed. After his ass whupping, his mother desperately wants to call for help. She is considering everybody who could help even the police. He just wants to stubbornly handle his own problems though, an gets into an argument about her not really caring about him. (Sarcastically) Yeah, I see I mean, if I were bullied, and my mom says "oh what happened, we have to call the police, we have to get help", yeah she doesn't care. What a b word. What a terrible mom! That was sarcasm yall. He puts his hands on his own mom, get this, because "she doesn't show that she cares". He quits school, working at some kind of tile placing company. He is trying to raise money so he can convince his girlfriends mom here to agree to their marriage. This is his girlfriends mother, who has trouble even talking to her kids. They both leave just because they don't get what they want. This kid here has a name but I'll just call him Minato. Some time later, Tatsuo gets in trouble with the police. His boss from his tile placing job helps him out though. Probably the only person he likes at all. He doesn't respect his family at all. His father is gone and he beats on his mother randomly. He says "Girls need hitting sometimes". His boss stages a little intervention but Tatsuo keeps insisting that "This bitch ain't done shit for me". You know, Tatsuo you have a fucking roof over your head. Shelter. I think ass whuppings come in handy sometimes yall. Sometimes you need a good ass whupping to see the light, he probably hasn't even got a spanking. Some time later, Tatsuo is at work but some overconfident bullies in flashy suits bully everybody. This must be the Dojima Family. One of em, Shimada is an old friend of Tatsuo. Shimada is just rank and file member at the moment, and reaches out to the patriarch or chief to see if Tatsuo can accompany them. He wants Tatsuo to join the Yakuza, walk with your head high, get money and girls. So I'm sure this is like a cabaret club or hostess club. The Yakuza flex their status, and he might definitely want to join their ranks due to the reputation they carry. His girlfriend though, doesn't agree with him getting money in a sneaky way only seen by yakuza members. Honestly she's kinda hard to read. Like at this moment, she doesn't want him to be a yakuza member, but at the same time, she fucking sniffs glue. Like what is your stance on anything?!? Tatsuo soon begs under the patriarch to see if he can leave the family. If you've played Yakuza 0, you know the only way you are leaving the Yakuza is by death, and Tatsuo bitch ass aint got hands Like A Dragon. Tatsuo just sits awkwardly among his fellow members knowing he wont be leaving any time soon. Sometime later though, he is chosen to lead and organize his own gang called The Ryujin gang. Tatsuo is the chairman and recruits Ozaki with the brown hair and the blond Ikeda to join his ranks and get some others to join. Remember Minato here. Well I guess Tatsuo is dating his sister who doesn't live in this house but they bum rush his house and recruit Minato against his will. They also make this little room their base of operations, despite the fact that Minato's parents are downstairs. The Ryujin gang does criminal acts like stealing purses and money. They imagine that maybe high school girls may be an easy mark. That's what we see here, them chasing some students through a field, bullying them and even ripping their clothes off. This Ryujin gang is just a juvenile club used to gather money to the higher ranked Yakuza. Soon they start kidnapping high school girls. Tatsuo rapes one while the others sit and watch, but they let the girl go after. They do this for countless girls. The weird thing is that the girl does call the police, the boys get questioned, but they get let off the hook because they denied everything. "The cops are worthless" they say. Its hard to count how many girls they actually decide to kidnap and rape. Tonight is the start of 44 days of hell. The gang often sit on their little scooters and observe for girls to kidnap. They see one girl cycling home from work and decide to follow. Her name in the movie is Misaki, but I'll just call her, Junko. Ikeda rides along side her and knocks her down. Tatsuo comes along pretending to be just a helpful person and helps her up and walks her home a bit. She lives pretty far off and doesn't trust him so tries to get him to stop walking with her, but he just admits that he's a big bad Yakuza who will kill her and her family if she doesn't tag along. He drags her into some kind of hotel and rapes her. After he forces her to follow him to a park where he meets up with Ikeda and Minato. They sit and watch her as Tatsuo goes home to sniff glue. When Tatsuo doesn't come back, they just decide to hide her in their little base of operations which is Minato's room, and she is raped again in the bathroom after pleading to be let go. Tatsuo brings out the entire group to see the girl he has kidnapped. One of the first things they do is stick foreign objects inside her. If you can see it in their hands, then they are probably raping her with it. She becomes detached from it all. The next day they talk about letting her go but decide to keep her so they don't get arrested. They are serial rapists and criminals that the police are familiar with but haven't caught them in the act. Tatsuo is the most physically abusive of the group, beating her for no reason at all sometimes. He also scares the other members into doing stuff to her sometimes but they are still demons in their own right. To cover for themselves, he makes her call her mom saying she will be at a friends place for a few days. During these first days, she spends a lot of time trying to win their trust before asking to be let go, but like I said, everybody is scared of what Tatsuo will do to them. Junko gets the courage to do things when they aren't watching her. Like call the police quickly when they are sleep. She can't give enough details though other than help me because they hear her. She runs away but is caught and dragged back in, and the police on the line are told that it was all a prank. This is the mother of Minato I think. She and the entire family is too scared to talk back to their son and his friends. Like ridiculously scared. The mother does try to help Junko another night though, but she runs into Ikeda and gets dragged back in again. As punishment, they put lighter fluid on her leg and lights her ablaze. So we are getting in the final moments. Not to mention that I'm probably skipping a lot of scenes because I don't feel like saying then they did this or then they did that. She is beaten a lot and loses control of her bladder and bowel control. And of course, somethings they do are kinda unspeakable. Soon they discover that she died. It causes panic in the group and one of them decides to fight back against Tatsuo, the little bully they were scared of. Tatsuo was like the mom figure in The Girl Next Door, but I don't get why he didn't grow a pair 44 days ago. People too scared of an ass beating. They definitely didn't plan on killing her, but they decide to get rid of her body by stuffing it in a barrel and filling it with wet concrete, hence the title of the film. They roll it far off into a field, where I honestly think it's a possibility that Junko could have never been discovered, at least not immediately. This is the reason why they do know of Junko's murder. The police take Tatsuo in for custody for all the accusations against him. The police also think that he might have murdered a family. They ask him, "So you actually murdered too". Its am ambiguous statement, but Tatsuo believes they know about Junko, and he tells on himself. The police are baffled of course, not expecting him to admit to murdering a high school girl they didn't think was related. And so..that's basically the end of the film. Keep in mind this wasn't a full factual retelling. I'm telling you what happened in the film, not the case, so things are different. I'll get on that more later. Lets just talk more about it, in that Spooky stuff The four main murderers are walking about as you hear me. They've been released. They are living on without any sign of remorse. Its probably on one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard. For starters, not to quote Hiroshima, My Love, but you saw nothing. This film is like the Nick Jr version of what happened to Junko. I think its honestly unimaginable to think of what she went through. And its all because she was in the wrong place in the wrong time. She was literally just riding home from work, and being a pretty teenager got her kidnapped and tortured for over a month. And then they all get released because they were under 18, and they don't feel a single ounce of remorse, in fact they brag about what they did. The amount of despair I just read off is just painful. I just wanted to make a little video to go ahead and get through this film. I knew it would a bit tough. I do think its great that we can look back on this case and remember her at least. Anyway uh, thanks for watching this video. Spooky OUT!
Channel: SpookyRice
Views: 1,332,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Concrete, 2004, Junko, Furuta, DISTURBING, BREAKDOWN, SPOOKYRICE
Id: uYv6xkhxxwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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