This trick got me out of a 140 in a 65 ticket

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and i said the three words to her that you should never say to a girl not i love you hey watch this [Music] back in 2011 i was accepted the united states military academy as a west point cadet i'd already been saving up to go to college myself but um again because west point is taxpayer paid i now had a college savings fund and nothing to use it for i decided i was gonna buy a car which i know is a depreciating asset but i love cars love driving i figured that's what i want to spend my money on so at the time i was looking around at a few different cars but they had just unveiled the new 2014 uh c7 corvette and i knew right away just from looking at it the stats everything about the engineering that this was the car i was gonna get so uh i did what any unreasonable person would do and i blew my college savings fund on a brand new 2014 corvette stingray loved the car handled amazing engine was great drove incredibly well it was an awesome gt car as well as a sports car however my particular car had a ton of issues right from the get-go i was experiencing a bunch of electrical failures but that wasn't the only problem i would take that in they would say it would be fixed within an hour so then i'd be on my way the biggest problem with that car was is i started having issues with the engine control module so the car would throw itself into lit mode randomly there were several instances in which i was on the highway doing about 80 85 and suddenly the car would throw itself into limb mode wouldn't let the car go above 45 miles an hour wouldn't have about 3000 rpm and it was getting dangerous the point where i almost got into several accidents because of this tried to claim lemon law ended up going through this whole process back and forth the gm and it got to the point where i was actually having to start to get people that i knew at gm and in the auto industry involved to try and get them to hear my case finally right before i ended up actually deploying the middle east they actually said you know okay we understand what happened with your car your lemon law case you know we'll accept it you can return the car we can either give you a new car of you know equal value or you know we can give you a full refund well at the time i didn't know if i was going to get another corvette or what so i was like i'll just take the full refund on the car and while i was away i had no car again i had a check from a corvette so i had all this money that i was saving up and i needed to get a new car for when i came back so i started looking around figuring out what exactly it was that i was gonna get for my next car i was looking at a couple different things originally i had thought about getting another corvette and they original told me we're sorry for what happened we'll give you gm employee pricing on your next car i said great i went to go order a grand sport which had just come out of the time literally the day that i was actually gonna place a deposit down for the car for when i when i got back they said sorry we can't actually give you uh gym employee pricing i kind of was upset that they'd gone back on their word so i decided okay i'm not gonna buy another chevy ended up finally setting on like my fifth choice pick which was a bmw 340 i put a thousand dollar deposit down and they said it'll be back and ready by the time i had come back to the united states in el paso where i was stationed at fort bliss it's about three weeks before i'm supposed to be back in the u.s and i'm calling them checking on the tracker and it's still saying that it's on a ship uh it's not even in the us yet and i'm like hey is it gonna be ready is it gonna be there by the time i get back they're like yeah i don't worry about it about a week later still not in the u.s finally arrives in the us but still at the port in baltimore and i'm only a few days away so i'm asking them like is it going to be there in el paso by the time i got back like yeah don't worry about it finally get back from nine months in the middle east show the bmw dealership i was like hey when are you expecting to get my car in uh and they're like no idea should be soon can't be too long i was like okay well i know i ordered it about four months ago so to be here about two three months is there any way in the meantime you know can i get a loaner car could i get some kind of you know a rental or something like that i said no we can't do that and again they were just being very rude about it they're like oh it's worth the wait it's the ultimate driving machine i'm like all right i've only put a deposit down i haven't paid for the full car yet i'm just gonna go look around said i wasn't gonna buy a new chevy but i drive by the same chevy dealership in el paso that i had actually dropped my corvette off when i sold it back to gm and sitting out front was a brand new 2017 camaro zl1 you know fifth gen and i had been hearing a lot about this car and had the lt4 engine for the corvette c06 you know 650 horsepower 650 foot pounds of torque people were saying it handles incredibly well it's just about as good of a track car as it is you know something for the drag strip just an amazing camaro never really was really into camaros that much i don't consider myself a muscle car kind of guy but i was intrigued by it and i sent a message to one of the guys i knew over there and i said hey you know i don't know if you remember me from last year i sold the corvette back to i'm looking to buy a new car is there any way i could maybe come in tomorrow and test drive one of these new zeal ones and he says well we don't normally do test drives but you know we know your situation we know you used to have a corvette that you're interested you could buy one of these so uh coming tomorrow our actual our finance director bought the first one that came in like a few weeks ago he can he can give you a test drive he's like okay great they're like by the way we have a blue one coming in tomorrow the one i wanted so show up to the dealership meet up with the finance director we get in the blue uh 2017 zl1 they had there he takes it out there's a highway on-ramp about 500 feet away from where the dealership is and he just goes hey watch this and guns it and we're doing probably about a good speed by the time we actually get on the highway and at that point i'm laughing so hard i'm enjoying it they're never going to realize that okay i need to get one of these i looked at the price and i looked at the performance and i was like okay this is i have to get one of these he let me drive around the block a little bit and i it was an impulse buy a very big impulse buy but i decided okay this is the one i'm gonna get right away i didn't want to say i'm buying the car i said you know okay i'll think about it ended up speaking to some people at gm that i'd talked to previously about my last car they decided okay we can actually give you employee pricing on a car because what happened with your lemon we're very sorry about that at that point it was it was kind of a done deal so i called back let him know i was interested and he said okay we need to come down here and hurry up because there's five other people trying to buy it right now but they're all waiting on to hear back from their banks that they're getting approved for a loan ran down wrote the check bought the car had it the next day super excited fast forward about a month car still new i started dating someone and we decided that we were gonna go for a vacation in scottsdale arizona uh which is about six hours away from el paso so do a little road trip pack the car sit out in the morning so we're gonna start making our way to scottsdale now i-10 out there there's very little traffic um even during rush hour or even during the holiday season they're just it's a very open area there's even very few speed traps um i learned from my corvette that i needed to get a radar detector from a few speeding tickets with that so finally had a radar detector now thought i was safe and i'm enjoying a nice drive just cruising 80 90 miles an hour which is pretty typical out there it was a windy day that day and as i'm approaching a small town of wilcox arizona wind really starts to pick up and i'm noticing there's a tractor trailer that we're approaching swerving all over the road felt it would be a good idea to pass him and just leave him behind me nothing was showing up on my radar detector didn't really see anywhere around there might be any speed traps or anything like that i figured it was safe just passing but again i've been dating this girl now for a few weeks trying to impress her a little bit i enjoy opening the car up from time to time it's again 650 horsepower i'm 25 years old gonna enjoy myself a little bit and i said the three words to her that you should never say to a girl not i love you hey watch this downshift into third pull over the left lane and i just floored it and i'm hard on the accelerator there for a few seconds but at this point i'm doing a pretty good clip about 140 maybe i think i saw 145 there for a split second but at this point i'm approaching an underpass and as i'm doing about 145 still full on acceleration all of a sudden my radar detector instantly full blast and at that same instant out of the corner of my eye right by one of the pillars in the underpass i see a patrol car i had two thoughts instantly i thought one gun it and just run i was like i'll just bring this car to 180 there's no traffic and the other was two i'm a military officer i should do the right thing and just pull over because there's no other cars on the road there's nowhere else to escape i'm kind of just caught at this point i'm like it's about to be a very bad day for me that same instant his lights already go on so i just immediately slow down pull over see him come up behind me i look over my girlfriend at the time and i'm like hey um i hope you can drive a manual because i'm probably about to be in handcuffs here in a second on my way to jail officer opens his door starts walking up to the car i thought he would have had guns out or something like that but seems pretty calm comes up purchased my door i've already got my license registration out as you purchase i'm sitting there officer like i'm i'm so sorry before i could even finish that he looks down he goes oh is this the new zl1 kind of shocked there for a second i thought i was about to get reamed out or arrested or something like that uh yes officer it is it was the first one i've seen on the road he's like these things are sick i'm shocked at this point i did not expect things to be going as well as they were going concerning the fact that i just committed a felony i was like a ps officer headed about a month uh it's still new i was like officer look i'm so sorry tractor trailer was swerving all over the road i just want to pass him i know i did not need to be going that fast it was a little bit too lead-footed i apologize he goes ah that's okay he's like look i know he could be going way faster he's like honestly i didn't even see your license but you were going so fast he's like you probably could have ran and i've never gotten you it's a weird thing to admit but okay i pick and help officer again fairly sorry and he goes look i was going to pull over that tractor-trailer when i saw him swerving all over the road he goes but i clocked you doing 140 kind of had to pull you over it's like i i understand officer he's like are you military you saw my haircut saw my military sitting there in his license i was like uh yes yes uh yes sir i am i was like i actually just got back from deployment that's what i got with it goes okay runs back to the car and i'm sitting there i'm thinking like i need to contact a lawyer this is gonna be bad i was like i'm gonna lose my license here panicking it's just not a good day for me officer comes back up he's like hey look really appreciate you being honest pretty appreciate pulling over right away he's like i'm gonna drop this down to 99 so it's no longer a felony thank you officer i uh i appreciate that hands me back my information i have a ticket i essentially got away with murder but after about nine months of having that car with how tempting it was to speed i honestly i got rid of it and bought an accord because i just couldn't risk having that happen again we'd like to thank the ticket clinic for sponsoring this month of venwiki car stories if you get a ticket no matter where it happens it can have disastrous effects on your insurance premiums points on your license and possible suspension so it's very important to find a lawyer that's local to wherever you got the ticket the ticket clinic is a national law firm with headquarters in florida and texas but affiliates everywhere and they can help you find a ticket and achieve the best possible outcome they kept me out of jail in arkansas last year they've helped tons of my friends and they can help you too so visit their link in the description below for a discount
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 299,149
Rating: 4.8964267 out of 5
Keywords: VINwiki, Car Stories, vehicle history, speeding ticket, pulled over, speed trap, Chevrolet, Corvette, Camaro ZL1, speeding, top speed, police, citation, court, negotiation, military, arizona, ticket clinic, points, license, fines, expensive, radar detector, countermeasures, I10, highway
Id: xcuBcqfFgxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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