This COMBO Is BROKEN! BEST Cloud Build For Final Fantasy VII Rebirth! - FF7 Rebirth Cloud Build

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so this build is amazing you'll absolutely shred through bosses and enemies and heal yourself at the same time the only downside is that your screen will light up like a Christmas tree with all these particle effects but let me show you how to clear literally all the content super easy let's [Music] go should I do more builds for all the characters let me know in the comments So This Cloud build will essentially clear all of the content in the game and it revolves around using the right material and linking them correctly as well as is essentially just smacking things with your big sword so essentially how this works is we're mainly leveraging the elemental Materia which you can then link with a spell Materia so in this case I've linked it with fire and Icees Fire and Ice are probably the most common weaknesses so essentially with this all of your standard weapon attacks will deal Elemental damage of that exact type so it will deal fire and ice on top of the physical damage it already does so this essentially just allows you to hit enemies for weakness constantly which in turn for like majority of the enemies in the game when you hit them for weakness they eventually get pressured so you can constantly pressure enemies in that way on top of this we are combining the enemy skill material with the HP absorption material so we'll cover enemy skill in a little bit more detail shortly and how essentially that works but basically because we're combining these two material which personally I don't think should make sense but it does for some reason so with HP absorption anytime you use a spell or something from that linked material it will then give you health so essentially what we're doing here is using plasma discharge which deals lightning damage so essentially now with this our basic attacks are doing fire ice and lightning damage plus the physical damage as well and then every time you gain a ATB there will be like a lightning explosion that explosion will heal you so every time that like pop triggers you will actually get some health back from that trigger and then obviously the higher level your HP absortion material is the more healthy you get back so what you really need for this build from the material pers perspective is the enemy skill material which you do get from chadley's combat simulator now the benefits to enemy skill isn't just the fact that it gives you sonic boom right from the start the sonic boom is fantastic this will increase your attack power and your magic attack power by giving you the faith and bravery status effects while you use this now again because we've linked this with HP absorption every time you use Sonic Boom you'll get some health back so when you level this up as well you'll actually get passive bonuses from having this enemy skill material equipped so making sure you level it up just to get those passive bonuses to your HP MP strength Etc the real kicker really is plasma discharge which is the second enemy skill you can get from chadly you do need to complete like the junon region stuff here to actually unlock the combat simulator challenge once you've done that you get the plasma discharge and you can just trigger this at the start of encounters now when you have got this effect active it'll basically just last the entire encounter so it'll only cost you really that one ATB and then you can just use this and have this active and then every time you need to trigger the status effects to increase your attack p power and you just like Drop That ATB into Sonic Boom now because this like pop effect happens every time you gain a ATB you want to make sure you're dumping your ATB with various skills so then you can constantly keep refreshing it to keep that effect happening so you're essentially just like constantly gaining those effects from having that equipped it and then the HP absorbed material also comes from Chadley but it comes from his Coral region like material store so you'll have to do some of the Intel there to be able to grab that and then you can link these two on one of your pieces of gear the elemental m comes from a combat simulator Challenge from Chadley in the junon region and Fire and Ice just comes from his grassland store I believe and then you can add these two to link them now if you do need to say you come across enemies that are you know weak to wind lightning Etc right you can change that fire and ice and Link it with like the lightning of wind or wind Etc so you can mix up that Elemental type if you do need to with the rest of your slots I would also grab First Strike which gives you a major ATB boost at the start of the encounter this will pretty much make sure that you have one ATB at the very start of the fight right you can use that to either the cast assess just to check weaknesses or just to it like instantly add plasma discharge onto your weapon and then as soon as you get another one you can then cast Sonic Boom so then You' got those attack bonuses on top of that ATB stagger is also good so every time you stagger enemies which you'll do heaps because you're constantly going to be damaging them you'll then get extra ATB which will then trigger that effect again so essentially the more you can trigger like increasing your ATB the more like damage pops you'll get off and the more damage you will actually do for your equipment we are using the Sleek saber here because it's basically the highest attack Power sword you can get this super early in the game you can buy it from Karm as I've said in other videos but apparently you don't actually need to buy it if you go near the swamp like the first time you get there in Chapter 2 you'll actually be able to get it from a chest but I didn't know that because I bought the sword immediately after I saw it cuz I was like damn that's a good sword and I bought it but so yeah thank you guys for letting me know that in the comments of my other videos but while your weapon skills here you want to put attack power up on it just to give you extra attack power plus ATB charge up as well so obviously we know why you want more ATB we've already talked about that your other equipment doesn't really matter just make sure that whatever you've got on actually has those linked material slots so that you can have that secondary linked one that we've got for this build for your weapon abilities we've talked about why Sonic Boom is great we've talked about why plasma discharge is great if you want to finisher in combat like when you stagger like these big enemies you want to finish them off I really like Infinity's end this will cost you two ATB which is super easy to generate with this build and essentially this is like a massive attack that would just like land and deal like almost 10,000 damage on staggered enemies when you are hitting them with weakness because of the element of material that we've got equipped it as well now this comes from the Crystal Sword which you'll get at the end of chapter 9 in a particular area that I won't say anything else about but it's in a main story event right at the end of chapter 9 it's pretty easy to grab if you're exploring just as you should be doing in main mission so you shouldn't miss it and also like disorder is pretty good this comes from the Rune blade like this is a good way to spend ATB with like a quick attack because most of like the ATB spending skills are a bit like they take a bit of load up time they take a little bit to trigger whereas this one very quick so disorder is pretty good for that as well but essentially the main Crux of using your abilities here is that you just want to be dumping that ATB quickly and then generating ATB and because disorder does both of that right when you land that hit you generate ATB but it also costs you an ATB to use you can just sort of keep triggering that with different effects some build tips for this video like when you're leveling up your material if you want to level them up faster the AP up material is obviously great for that I'll link my material video here if you want to know specifics about like where to get that and other material you can move the assess material to another party member if you don't want Cloud to have it though I think it's just easier to have him have it because he's basically with you like 99% of the time with the game but you can move it to someone else if you wanted to use that material slot to have something else equipped it like some other buff or something like that but yeah like the general focus of this build at the start of that combat encounter is just make sure you cast plasma discharge and then you cast Sonic Boom to give you that attack power buff and then you just want to be dumping your ATB that you generate in any way that you see fit right like if the enemy has a weakness to a certain damage type let's say it's eyes you want want to be casting snow flurry or whatever like ice attacks you've got just to dump that ATB and then keep generating it quickly so then you just like hit in that cycle of like that plasma charge defect going off Sonic boobs obviously buffing all of your stats and then you're just dealing damage and you essentially shred through most encounters like for basically the getting footage for this build like most encounters don't last longer than like 2 minutes because you just absolutely shred them and you can even do like additional effects of this right like say if you're using red as your party m or any of the others that have the United refocus Synergy skill you can then cast that which will give Cloud three ATB bars which essentially gives you another opportunity to generate that plasma discharge before you have to actually dump it right because you've got that additional bar and your charge rate is so high you can keep generating it very quickly and there's you know other Synergy skills you can use here to like benefit you and like buff you as well but for the most part like you don't really necessarily need any specific party members or anything here like it's just it it works really well and it's so easy to like set up this build and it just keeps getting better the further you get into the game as you get those additional weapon skills and as you gain like those material levels and adding those additional effects and the different Buffs that you get from it like it it comes together so well and so comfortably that I absolutely highly recommend putting this build together for your cloud and you just be able to clear through pretty much all the content in the game right but let me know your thoughts in the comments down below thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is no and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 331,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy 7 rebirth cloud build, final fantasy rebirth cloud combat, ff7 rebirth best cloud build, final fantasy 7 rebirth best weapons, final fantasy 7 rebirth cloud skills, final fantasy 7 rebirth best build, ff7 rebirth best skills, ff7 rebirth combat guide, ff7 rebirth guide, ff7 rebirth combat tips, ff7 rebirth tips, final fantasy 7 rebirth, final fantasy vii rebirth, final fantasy 7 rebirth tips, ff7 rebirth beginners guide, final fantasy rebirth tips, norzza
Id: QFBGd7fhqAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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