Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - 15 Huge Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Game (FF7 Rebirth Tips & Tricks)

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there were so many mistakes I've done in Final Fantasy 7 rebirth even as I was approaching the 100 hour mark insane ascended abilities I skipped on very limited rewards you can only get in a few places and many other tips that will help Aon so you don't have to constantly backtrack your steps that's why today we're going to go over even more amazing tips to know as well as some of the biggest mistakes you will want to avoid along the way coming right up one of the mistakes I've done is not realizing that you can't craft enhanced versions of items if their base variants are equipped already by somebody so for example you will want to go ahead and unequip that item from that character before the item transmitter let you use it there were many duplicates I created because of this many resources I wasted and in the game's defense it does list the character that holds that item but at the same time it could have been done in a way that you could just craft it right here from the screen since technically it's still in your inventory just don't be like me and then equip it first anyway as number two don't just pay attention to the weapon raw damage but also look into the weapon skills there are some passives here that are complete Game Changers such as for example reprieve which is going to avoid pretty much getting one shotted once per fight with the exception of instant death anything that might otherwise down you instead will leave you at 1 HP so for some of the brutal and legendary challenges this is going to be an absolute must on pretty much all characters so that we can then quickly heit heal up and resume the battle without having to restart the entire challenge track plus this is something that you get on almost every character and there are multiple weapons that can hold them some sooner others a little bit later for example in the case of cloud Buster sword gets it at around weapon level seven but if you go with the umbrell sword instead you're going to get it at just level three speaking of weapons quick tip over here none of them are actually missable however if you still somehow manage not see them during their specific story moments what you can do is to simply visit any weapons vendor once that chapter is complete and it will always sell you all of the items that you skipped for pretty much all of the characters in the chapter prior to that do keep in mind that they cost quite a ton of gills so it's best to actually keep an eye out for them especially since usually they are right there right after Cuts scenes otherwise what you can do instead is to just finish the game and then chapter select opens up which is then going to let you replay any chapter and just get them back for free once again at number four do yourselves a favor and never sell resources for money even if they reach the cap limit of 99 it's much more efficient in fact to just craft something out of them even if it's lowlevel potions or cushions even in the case of cushions you can just use them at Chocobo stops to quickly and efficiently replenish your party and by the way another quick tip over here is that you can actually multi-use even the low-level potions and make them a lot better so you can do that by bringing up the quick menu with X and then holding down L1 while you multicast those potions on pretty much any party mate this is going to be much better than going one by one as you would normally by the way another quick tip to more easily set up different material combos between different characters is to instead choose the set for all function instead of going one by one for each character this lets you see all characters and all their material slots in one dedicated screen so you can easily swap between them especially if you tend to change builds a lot more often at number five let's talk about limit breaks and how to activate them much much faster now generally speaking there are a few ways in which you can activate limit brakes even when you take damage it can increase that limit gauge but by far the best option is to apply pressure and then stun that Target which is going to give you by far the biggest bump in that limit Gauge by far now there are some other abilities that can further influence this and other pass in the folios even items and materal but for the most part just stunning foes is by far the best option to do so and the reason why you want to care about this is because we can actually reach level three limit breaks which are completely busted versions of the limit breaks we had before much much stronger than anything and they will completely decimate your enemies plus they are extremely cool to look at so let's be honest you will want to unlock these anyways by the way to have them unlocked you first need to reach about level nine with your party and then invest into these points right here at the end which will unlock the level three of the limit breaks so let me tell you what you need to do in order to unlock these during the fight because there's an extra step that you have to complete and that is by actually upgrading your limit level two times during combat because you start with the level one by default which is the weaker variant then you can get to level two by doing any Synergy ability with the effect limit level increase so stuff like Savage assault or Partners in pain and for the third and final level you will need to use another Synergy ability again that also has the limit level increase effect so it can be the same Synergy ability between the same two characters however for the best course of action and most efficiency I recommend using a different Synergy ability but with the same effect so for example for a party setup between Cloud Barrett and aith what you can do is to first use the Synergy ability between aith and Barrett and then use it between cloud and Barrett and what this will do is give Barrett two levels of limit break much much faster then if we were to do it with the same two characters again because as you may or may not know the cost for the Synergy ability further increases the more you use it between the same two characters but this way with different setups you're going to just use it much much faster which will unlock that insane limit break deal a ton of damage this was by the way against bosses is that don't have any weakening effects from the world Intel and speaking of combat another reason why you should always rush to just stun enemies is because this is also the trigger for the summon timer in fact your summoning timer will never start unless you stun at least one enemy in that fight and by the way that summoning timer only appears once per fight but once you do that in about like 10 20 seconds give or take and assuming that you have at least one or two ATB charges you can then fully summon whatever summon that you have at hand in this case I recommend Odin Gilgamesh but bammed is also insane as well as they can have some really potent One-Shot mechanics once they despawn especially some of their attacks are absolutely insane and I mean you already know that Bahamut is one of my favorite summons in the entire game I mean I think it's pretty clear why that is the case moving on to number eight if you ever went to the gold saucer you likely encountered the 3D brawler and you probably got your behind whooped by some of the tougher challenges in there well the secret to winning is actually really simple and it's all about pattern recognition essentially enemies will have predefined attack patterns especially in their rage phase so they will almost always follow that in the exact same way so let me give you an example in the case of iFit in his first rage face he will always go right hook right hook then left uppercut and then finally finishing off with another right uppercut so if you Dodge in the exact same way I just told you you will always stun him right after this making him completely open to guarantee damage it's only that in between these rage phases when their attacks are going to be a bit more random but even then it's going to still prioritize or favor certain types of attacks compared to others for example if frit will no longer do so many uppercuts in his second phase and instead do attacks like for example left and right Hooks and also attacks from above so try to remember as much of these chains as possible in the next fight especially if you tend to lose a lot against them eventually you can just work out the entire pattern and easily defeat them or at least give you a edge to eventually cast your own ultimate and finish the fight and since we were talking about mini games and number nine it's also not worthy that getting high scores for all the mini games in the story can actually be worth it because if you push yourself just a bit more during those moments you can actually get some pretty awesome items during those moments of course you can always return back and complete them again but especially so I would pay attention to anything that rewards Dark Matter this is going to be extremely important in the later stages but I'm going to talk about that in just a bit which brings us to number 10 complete early side quest you're going to want to do that otherwise you're just going to have to backtrack them especially since some of the later on side missions require you to complete the previous parts of them in the early stages like for example there are many side missions opening up in chapter 12 and 13 but they only become accessible if you completed their previous Parts like for example trouble in Paradise which has a couple of quests that you have to complete back in the grasslands but trouble in Paradise is one of the most important quests because it also gives access to the legendary bait that you can craft in your item um transmuter and why this is important is because it's the only way to reach Max craftsmanship so let's talk about Max craftsmanship which is level 16 and to save you a bit of trouble you will literally have to craft everything that you ever unlock in the item transmitter including the items that only cost 5 XP each so this is going to be the most crucial part of it the most excruciating by the way in the later stages as you have to complete the last like 50 XP by crafting these low XP items so that's why you're going to need some key items for this those four I was talking about including the legendary bait is one of them but there are others in there that will require different GP vendor items and other gold saucer rewards especially that dark matter I was talking about so in this case I recommend paying attention to any of the mini games especially in the saucer that give you dark matter as a reward especially for the higher difficulty versions in this case you don't even have to be like with the max score to get dark matter usually that one gets rewarded even for the second place by the way quick PSA over here also look for the mini games outside of the gold saucer if you specifically hunt for dark matter right now for example Dust Bowl has the Box smash which gives you like three of them also the CTO challenges in um one of the regions also gives them like some of those reactors and there are others in there that eventually will give you enough to craft everything which brings us to number 12 that is why you're going to want a ton of golden feathers so that you can buy chocoo gear whenever it is accessible especially the higher level ones yes outside of some of the mini games like the chocoo Races they don't give any stats but during those they do and they are very important especially if you're pushing for that dark matter as I was talking about so that's why my next big recommendation is to always unlock chokeable stops so that you can then use those golden feathers and buy these suits from any of the merchants out there plus the ones in the gold saucer the chocoo ray says even more so the ones in the Gold Cup can become quite brutal so you'll want as much acceleration and speed as you can this is how you're going to achieve that also mix and match stats by the way which is going to help a ton with different chocobos to reach these higher values eventually you can even go ahead and compete for the Hyperion armor which is going to be by far the best in the entire game and will give you the absolute Max Speed so then you can jump to the Gold Cup and get the item out of it at number 13 another thing you can do to make things easier is to just use well the simulator to assess targets that you missed in the open world so in this case let's say for example you want to unlock another world Intel challenge or combat in the combat simulator what you can do is to Simply start any of the area specific challenges and see if there's any enemy that you did not scan you get actually scan it and it will count for these challenges even in the combat simulator this is especially useful for example if you want to further level up your enemy skill Materia this was one of the ways I've achieved it in moving on to number 14 one thing I forgot about materials is that we can actually easily track them via the add to list function and what I recommend doing is to just go to the Costel Soul vendor since he's going to be by far the fastest to reach well she is going to be the fastest to reach and every single time you progress in the story and reach new zones you will see that its stash actually gets upgraded and you will gain access to higher tier variants that you can then funnel into crafting some of the higher tier items like for example the edril belt and all of the others in there too so very useful nonetheless pay attention to it and again never sell those resources no matter what this brings us number 15 and in terms of the relationships one of the biggest mistake I've done in my first playthrough was to actually complete all of the side quests with all of the characters thinking that I would have a choice which one to pick at high enough relationship status which is totally not the case instead the game just picks One automatically with the highest level of relationship that cloud has with them otherwise it's always going to be arth so what you're going to want to do instead is to focus on side missions with the character you want to go on a date with so in this case anything that deepens that relationship with that specific character and you will always know which character it is as it usually tends to get involved into cutscenes and it tends to follow you during those moment so if it's not a mission with the character you want simply not complete it yet leave it uncompleted and just go do the ones with the character you want and you will know that the character is going to get picked if it has by far the biggest filled icon over there compared to all of the others that's why I suggest fully filling it up for example in the case of Tia that's why I did it Tak no time if you want the full on relationships guide I can totally post it for all characters I've pretty much done it and there's also a way to unlock it and force it with almost any other character once you finish the game anyway that's about it with the video let me know down below if there's any other mistakes that you've done or any other tips that we haven't covered on the channel in the meantime thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 116,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khrazegaming, final fantasy 7 rebirth, final fantasy vii rebirth, final fantasy 7 rebirth gameplay, final fantasy 7 rebirth tips, ff7 rebirth, final fantasy vii, final fantasy 7 tips, ff7 rebirth beginners guide, ff7 rebirth tips, final fantasy rebirth tips, final fantasy 7 rebirth tips and tricks, final fantasy 7 rebirth beginners guide, ff7 rebirth best materia, final fantasy 7 rebirth combat, final fantasy tips and tricks, ff7 rebirth combat tips, final fantasy how to
Id: ckDGJCz89ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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