11 Things You Didn't Know Were Possible In FINAL FANTASY 7 REBIRTH

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I've been playing through Final Fantasy 7 rebirth  and there's some gameplay tips and combat tricks   that I think some of you might really want to  know about also how to guarantee some wins in   the card game Queen's blood which is kind of like  combat system number two so let's get into it I'm   Alex and consider sticking around if you're a fan  of RPGs disclaimers Square enx gave me a copy of   the game and there's a guaranteed chance ahead  of avalanche first up a lot of the new Synergy   attacks mapped to R1 can actually be used to  physically move allies out of Harm's Way kind   of like a Dodge button for characters you're not  actively controlling many of these offensive and   defensive synergies will automatically move your  teammate right over to you here I use the R1 plus   Square Synergy to get red out of the way of the  deathclaws big tryhard attack which otherwise   probably would have koed him instead it whiffed  and it's being punished for it next you don't have   just four quick access shortcuts because there's  a way to get 12 shortcut options without the need   to pause combat or swap over to a different party  member in the gameplay options menu change issuing   commands from menu to shortcuts that changes the  L2 and R2 buttons to now pull up your alternate   party member shortcut menus without slowing down  the game then you can fire off their spells and   abilities in real time while maintaining full  control of just one character like here using   Barrett's maximum Fury shot I can still pull up  yui and Tifa shortcut commands to assign them   actions while I'm still locked into that long  ability animation this is useful for quickly   creating team combo attacks during the Stagger  damage multiplier or if you just want to make   the combat system even more action focused and  less pausy when you bring up the commands menu   out in the field you can hold L1 to multi-use  things without it closing out the menu afterwards   that way you can chug a string of potions or  multicast healing spells a little bit faster in   the main menu you can set up to three loadouts  with different party members and team leaders   there's an easier way to access these loadouts  in the commands menu though by pressing the L1   or R1 to swap the current members of your team if  you want a wider view of the battlefield and more   direct control of the camera I recommend changing  the battle camera distance up to three and setting   the lock on controls to menu controls and auto  camera that'll widen your view and the camera   will still auto track your lock on Target but  now you can also fully manipulate the camera in   any direction this might cut down on accidentally  swapping lock on targets as well switching Target   will then be set to d-pad left and right and swap  characters will be on d-pad up and down which   completely frees up the right analog stick to do  what whatever you want with it some characters can   map different shortcut actions for when they're  Airborne giving a total of eight shortcuts on   just one person you can quickly Force Cloud into  aerial combat mode by pressing Circle followed by   holding Square that'll let you tactically switch  to your alternate load out of shortcuts whenever   you want I like mapping braver to only activate  this way since it gets a damage boost when it's   triggered from the air one way to get to tifa's  Aerial move set in those shortcuts is with her   Synergy attacks on R1 those will call in another  character to bounce or throw her up into the air   with yui you can press triangle triangle to throw  your Boomerang and recall it to put yourself in   aerial combat I think at this point of the video  you might assume I'm a bit obsessed with shortcut   actions and you'd be right all if you find that  you're not getting to use the big flashy Synergy   abilities as of often as you think you should be  you might not be using the centergy attacks on   R1 enough these tag team attacks have the bonus  of quickly building up the ATB gauge for both   characters involved you can see cloud and yui  just got a huge chunk of ATB just for landing   this one Spell blade Synergy you need to actually  use ATB to activate spells or abilities with this   symbol listed by them to gain the charges that  power the more potent Synergy abilities so using   Synergy attacks means more ATB and more ATB means  more Synergy abilities you can throw out but after   you've seen these cool animations a few times you  might want to trigger them and then switch to a   different party member that lets you pile on extra  damage with them while the other two have a great   time finishing out that animation same thing  applies to the Limit Break attack animations   as well you don't have to sit there and watch  them every single time you can activate the a   limit break and then character swap to continue  smacking with someone else holding L1 will show   the current Affinity level of your party members  but this button will also overlay on the screen   the exact spot of nearby Quest objectives points  of interest and custom pins you've plopped onto   the map if you don't prefer the topof the screen  Compass style of navigation you can go into the   game playay options and switch navigation display  from tracker to mini map that'll give you more   of a classic style of mini map in the top right  corner also keep an eye out for the game telling   you unable to obtain something you can only hold  on to a stack of 99 materials so periodically   check and sell off the ones you're maxed out  on so you're not missing out on free income   or you can use those excess resources to craft  some stuff and you get an XP boost for every   first time creation this next one is more of just  something I found interesting when you're playing   a is Kate Sith I want to give props to the dev  team for letting the dice ability function off   of real in-game physics if you don't like how  the roll turned out you have a few seconds to   slightly nudge the dice in a direction of your  desired result or if you just want to leave it   up to Pure chance again attack or roll into it  to send it flying rolling a one will do a fire   and thunder spell a two is a hyperbeam three is  Arrow and blizzard four is the total outrage age   buff five is the regenerative Aura and six is  the expansive Shield buff now a little bit of   Queen's blood the most reliable way I found to  win matches uses the card Grand horn this is   one of the unique types of cards that doesn't  get played on an open space but over your own   cards the ability to do that gives you some of  the most powerful ways to shift the outcome of a   match this card can let you open up spots on the  board that normally you wouldn't be able to here   for example I use it to replace one of my own  cards shutting down the only available spot the   enemy had left so they can no longer play here  I've already won this match but just to further   insult my opponent why not squeeze one more point  in my favor by replacing a two value card with a   three Overkill eat it Neil one way to obtain a  grand horn card is at the Queen's blood vendor   in Costa soul in this shop you'll find the Queen's  blood booster pack Heavy Hitters which will give   you that sweet sweet Grand horn card all right  so I promised an avalanche so um there you go   now I need to know what do you guys think of the  second chapter of Final Fantasy 7 and I'm curious   to see how many people played the original game  versus just the new remake put an OG down in chat   or remake whichever applies and if you happen to  have any direct questions about rebirth feel free   to hit me up right here at Boomstick Alex thanks  for checking this out today and I'll see you next time
Channel: Boomstick Gaming
Views: 153,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy 7 rebirth, final fantasy 7, final fantasy 7 rebirth gameplay details, final fantasy vii rebirth, ff7 rebirth, final fantasy 7 rebirth setting, final fantasy 7 rebirth gameplay mechanics, final fantasy 7 rebirth map, final fantasy 7 rebirth tips, final fantasy 7 rebirth guide, final fantasy 7 rebirth hidden feature, final fantasy 7 rebirth queens blood, final fantasy 7 rebirth synergy, final fantasy 7 rebirth cait sith, final fantasy 7 shortcuts, ps5, playstation 5
Id: _6uTMLH-CiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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