This Changes EVERYTHING: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Ending Explained (SPOILERS)

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today's video contains massive spoilers for Final Fantasy 7 rebirth this is the ultimate spoiler video where we break down the ending as such nothing is off the table please complete Final Fantasy 7 rebirth and then return to this video when you have with that being said let's get into it back in 2020 Final Fantasy 7 remake released and it came with a brand new unexpected element the Arbiters of Fate these beings were described to come from and protect a future timeline that gave shape to them in the context of the game's narrative that means protecting the OG timeline the end of Final Fantasy 7 remake would see us defeating the Arbiters with seph off pulling them into his wing and the consequence of this would be that fate is no longer fixed in place we have defied Destiny but contextually no one knew what that actually meant things are no longer guaranteed to happen but that can mean any multitude of things many people under the assumption that this meant that aith could survive her fate furthermore there was an even bigger mystery of Zach Fair who seemingly survived the events that led to his death in the original game the change of stamp on the stamp bag from E beagle to a terrier heavily implied the existence of a Multiverse for many who rejected the notion of ff7 Leaning into a Multiverse theories about how this could all be happening inside the life stream a sort of dream of the Dead gained some popularity on social media but trailers made it increasingly clear people who were still well and Alive were shown interacting with Zach and then when the game came out it was finally made clear we are in fact dealing with multiple timelines or instead of timelines the game calls them worlds for many this direction is hard to believe even for myself I thought maybe they were doing a single alter timeline but the truth is my original assumption back in April 2020 when Final Fantasy 7 remake released was more accurate than any of the theories that came after this is the Final Fantasy 7 Multiverse and if you thought that Final Fantasy 7 remix ending was told in an incredibly esoteric and ambiguous way where would one even begin to describe Final Fantasy 7 Reapers the previous chapter ended with cloud and Earth falling together into the unknown after the collapse of the Temple of the Ancients you'll see that there's a common theme of falling into an Arbiter filled abyss and going to different worlds that is played Upon A Lot in this ending we see a scene of Zach trying to make up his mind about who to save and what to do each one of these paths representing a new potential world that could be born showing just how pivotal each choice can be Cloud finds himself Awakening in II's house bewildered that he is somehow back in midgar in the first place iith has told him to consider this a dream more specifically her dream let's just call it a dream my dream to be precise this is puzzling and at first one may wonder if they're in the terrier timeline or some other place however it's when cloud and aith stop at a merchant here that we notice stamp is an entirely different breed of dog again of course prior to this we had only seen stamp as a beagle and a terior these denoted the only two timelines that we thought existed this is confirmed yet again when they go and pick out some snacks and we see a brand new version of stamp we are in a different third world that we never knew existed prior the game then shows a sky torn apart by a rift of light the same as it has been in Zach's Terrier world with both worlds being alluded to as being dying worlds sephos feathers are then shown and he notes that aith is hiding from him in this world when aith noted that this world is a dream of hers it could be that she created this branch in the timeline or could be that this existing world was her most ideal these are the two ways in which I read this dialogue but then things take a turn for the weirder we hop over to see Zach with bigs yet again bigs has a big bag of Stam chips this did notes that we are now in the hug timeline and this scene is both hilarious and messed up bigs lamenting why he survived when the others died and Zach telling him how much he means to other people only for him to be shot dead like seconds later bro is literally just explaining that he was an NPC compared to the main characters and then he got the most NPC treatment ever we then see another Zach in another timeline sitting outside of the church who was shot into the Multiverse by an approaching sephon presumably in this same timeline aith and Cloud are inside the church and the aith of this timeline unlike the aith of the beagle timeline possesses an active white materia I do find air Rifts tedious to say so if you hear me saying aises to meet multiple aths it's just literally easier for me to say but it would seem that all the aises across the various timelines commune sharing a Consciousness and memories together of course it's been alluded to that other people have this ability as previously in the game bigs and Zach are able to recall memories they have from other worlds if you're a Stein gate fan it really reminds me of the reading Steiner ability where one can recall past World lines even when history has been Rewritten cloud falls into the rift Between Worlds where sephra then reveals to him what is described as the true nature of reality behold the true nature of reality [Music] when the boundaries of Fate are breached new worlds are [Music] born the planet encompasses a multitude of Worlds and ever unfolding some quickly perish While others endure yet even the most resilient worlds are doomed to fade nevertheless their loss is not to be mourned for it is not death but a homecoming that awaits them and in the planets embrace all life is as one all born are bound to her should this world be unmade so too shall her children as explained by sephra here every time the Arbiters are defied new timelines are created as a result he says that the planet hosts a multitude of Worlds which implies that all these worlds somehow simultaneously exist within the planet itself and all are different expressions of the planet's Fates and are separated by time and space Final Fantasy 14 reflections of a theorist come to mind when you think of this 14 different worlds that overlap but yet are separated by a dimensional Rift sephos in goal has always been reunion and while previously this simply meant goova cells reuniting this now means something much grander the reunion of all timelines all worlds again one cannot help but think of Final Fantasy 14's imit silk who sought to rejoin all 14 Reflections and restore the original World this scene then transitions by show showing us the same visual effect that is used to indicate a battle is being fought in Cloud's mine the exact same tunneling effect takes us to the edge of creation and remake and is also used in Final Fantasy 7 OG and almost always depicts cloud and sephra dueling in an isolated space though this time it ends with Cloud outside of the Forgotten Capital with the active white materia in hand with the air at the V timeline taking it back and handing Cloud the now deactivated white materia with erth leaving Cloud behind the white Whispers prevent him from stopping her as they approach the capital zro yet again takes center stage and explains that the reunion is when Spite and sorrow will feed the planet and the worlds will merge it's upon us the reunion When Worlds emge when Spite and sorrow are harvested to feed the planet this leads us into a fight with the white Whispers which open a portal and lead to the planet sanctuary and eventually to the altar where aith is praying here both the white and black Whisperers work together to prevent cloud from stopping ai's coming demise and just like in the original game there's a moment in which Cloud lifts his sword to strike er down key difference here is that judging by Cloud's face and his struggles here he seems to be fighting The Whispers compelling him to do it normally I would say it's goova and sephra doing this as that has been a much common theme throughout the game and indeed that's what was happening in the original game however from Cloud's facial expressions it seems that he's still actively in control and the whispers are the ones urging him to do this however in the last second he's able to break free of their control this then ends with Cloud deflecting sephra sword in a moment that everyone has been predicting since they first saw the ending of the last game however what happens next may have been a little bit less [Music] predictable despite the sword being deflected a Time correction happens and a still dies fate actually cannot be defied go figure with blood being shown dripping down from aith but things aren't what they seem it appears as though this could actually be two separate timelines one where Cloud successfully saved aith and one where she died and cloud is able to exist in both of these timelines simultaneously and able to see things from them remember that Zach and bigs were discussing how even though their timeline was changed they had memories from the Beagle timeline and wondered how they suddenly ended up in the now terer timeline where everything had changed something of this nature is happening to Cloud he remembers the timeline where he saved Eric but he still exists in the timeline where he didn't keep this in mind because it's going to come back time and time again of course the flower girl's hair and white materia go down just like an OG but this is also where things get even more weird while we see Cloud talking to aith and she's comforting him still talking to him caressing his face the camera then cuts the rest of the gang who notably see something slightly but profoundly different they just see aith lying there with her already passed away with her eyes already closed and yet when Cloud sees her her eyes are wide open the party she's laying there unconscious dead and it just gets weirder and weirder with you seeing the strange static effect which is usually used to indicate sepo and Genova's meddling on Cloud's mind seph rro then begins to monologue unintelligible things about his reunion he loves doing that and he also does that in OG although in OG sephra talked about the planet and the cycle of nature he also tells Cloud that none of his feelings are real and he should quit pretending here is notably different And So It Begins a Confluence of Worlds and emotions loss Chief among them it engulfs breeding moments of Joy transforming them into rage sadness hatred never have I felt them so keenly I got [Music] this [Music] however you'll never see the truth with such clouded eyes shut up after all you're just a puppet because sephos says the Confluence of Worlds requires Cloud to feel emotion the most important among them is loss of course this also ties into the fact that throughout the journey seph has told Cloud hold on to that hatred noting that these strong emotions seem to be felt by multiple versions of these characters across different timelines which is why for example characters like bigs and Zach can recall feelings of previous timelines I suspect this is why strong feelings of loss and despair are key to the Confluence of world and key to seph Ro's reunion But ultimately I'm just glad that seph Roth went to therapy and realized how hurtful invalidating Cloud's emotions truly was again er's eyes are wide open Cloud's talking to her even though the party was running toward her and she was already seemingly unconscious after the fight with Genova life Clinger ensues the party is surrounded by the white Whispers and Zach bumbling in a void of white this same void of white is often used throughout the compilation to depict the live stream for example in Advent Children Zach and iith can be seen standing in this white light and in episode intermission Z stepping out of that white light symbolized his return to life at first Cloud can't really perceive Zach though that all changes when Zach touches him they're pulled into the edge of creation together and team up to fight sephra this was a really great moment for me not because I enjoy this type of fan service but because everyone who told me that Zach and Cloud fighting Sethro together after the end of remake was not going to be a thing that happens now owes me $5 this reunion isn't able to get too emotional as the fight immediately ensues and upon its end seal separates the two with Zach begging him to save aith this is intriguing to me perhaps it's as simple as Zach doesn't know that aith is dead yet or that the aith from his timeline isn't and there's a bit of confusion after all Zach is aware that sephra is going to attempt to kill aith so it's hard to say we'll see in a later scene that the Zach here is an actual Zach from another timeline presumably Terrier so this isn't just a mental projection of Zach in Cloud's mind or anything alike meanwhile Zach is being carried back to the church by The Whispers where he fights seph Roth reborn by himself followed by it going back to the main party to finish off he then returns to cloud in his humanoid form where one of the most controversial parts of the ending takes place aith walks out of a portal looking just fine and fights seepo alongside Cloud there's heavy debate on whether this is an actual aith from varying timelines or simply an aith manifesting in his mind sepo even poses a similar question here is this really happening is aith actually standing beside him this goes back to one of the very first taglines revealed for the game what is fact what is fiction as the lines throughout this entire ending are heavily blurred finishing the fight the white Whispers under A's control take cloud and Zach back to their respective homes a is also seemingly taking herself back to the world she belongs to which results in her now lifeless body lying at the altar he tells AA to wake up and to Cloud she does her eyes light up and she awakes everything is good guys we saved AI except we kind of didn't notably and controversially absent is the scene where Cloud lowers arth's body into the water instead we see everyone looking down completely demoralized about what we presume is ais's [Music] death [Music] Cloud then has a flash of memory from the de scene as it happened he then looks over and sees aith beside him with him sitting there smiling to himself this scene is incredibly Eerie to me the girl who everyone just saw die cloud is still seeing in his head and is smiling at her and with the music that's playing here I don't think it's intended to be a thing where he just remembers her in his head Tifa has an entirely different expression on her face that is absolutely on the verge of tears the stuff with Glenn is like the stuff that like interest me the least so far so we'll come back to this in another video moving forward we see that the weapons are successful in fending off against Genova infected Whispers as a result of the party success Zach wakes up in the church and confirms that he was actually there present in the fight alongside Cloud this of course creates even more ambiguity on the presence of aith because if Zach was actually there was aith actually there as well Zach then contemplates if it's possible for worlds to join again or not for him to have a chance to see cloud in the others and this will likely be the focus of his Arc in the next game where Zach seeks to go to other worlds and eventually reunite with the party a scene then Blaze and neine with the robed men in the black Whispers all headed toward one Direction with the best assumption being that they are all headed for the northern crater and if you thought all of that was wild this is where things get even more insane Cloud stares at the deactivated white materia as the party fixes up the tiny Bronco of course he can see erth during this scene what's insanely curious to me is that ais's Spirit can be felt by NY it seems as him and tia are mourning her loss it's worth noting that after aith nakaki is the most connected to the planet so it raises a lot of questions and makes this a deeper mystery than Cloud just perceiving her to himself he then seemingly finds a black materal in his pocket there is a bit of debate here are these two different materias or did the clear translucent deactivated white materia somehow become a new black Materia personally I currently lean toward the ladder that the deactivated white materia became a black Materia after all the translucent Materia is going to have some type of major story impact we don't know what that is yet but it is going to do something eventually and it would make some kind of sense for it to transform into a black Materia somehow indeed with the presence of multiple worlds there is more than one white materia as we've already seen this also implies multiple black Materia Cloud seems infatuated with the Materia as if under sephos control the same audiovisual cues representing jov Ro's control over him plays and then he puts the black Materia in the Buster sword though instead of slotting it in does this weird absorption effect which is very eerie and kind of disturbing there is a lot of conjecture on what this could mean the result is clear cloud is carrying around a black Materia that the rest of his party doesn't know about the bigger question is how all of these black material are going to come into play and specifically the one that Cloud's holding on to is it simply for seph's convenience or can this somehow end up being a foil for searo in the third part the easy thing to assume is he'll hand it to him at a later point but we've already had that happen in the events of chapter 13 seph frro is planning something else something far more Sinister and I think I've said this so many times throughout this video but somehow the next part gets even weirder you have to promise not to look up don't look up well now I got to look fine but don't let it get to you don't let what get to me it's not real Just an Illusion aith tells Cloud not to look up to which Cloud quite firmly tells the party to not do so as well it reveals a massive tear in the sky similar to the one we've seen in the Dying World such as Zach's Terrier timeline but far more distorted looking even bigger twist is that literally nobody else can see it cloud is now the only one who sees a Living Earth in a sky that is torn apart and I'm going to say it again it gets even weirder because you have to factor in that the English version of Final Fantasy 7 remake integrade recently received a patch just as rebirth was releasing changing er's final line of dialogue I miss it the steel Sky the sky I don't like it of course this new line of dialogue much more accurate reflects what she's saying in the original Japanese they've made it much more clear that erth doesn't like the sky itself and it's so important that they made an update to the game this four-year-old game to clarify that story point with a new voice line I think this is a double reference here not just to midgar Sky and her being afraid of the sky as Crisis Core added but on a deeper level What's Happening Here is that aith might have always had the perception of some warped Sky again why go through the trouble of patching a 4-year-old game right before it sequel comes out to make it explicitly clear she's talking about how she doesn't like the sky when the original line I miss it the still sky made that clear enough of course that's not the plot point that they wanted to make clear it was that in fact she does not like the sky itself curious Cloud continues talking to aith and shows active concern for her of course this is odd because if there someone who is truly dead you wouldn't really show that type of concern for them sure something can happen to her within the live stream I suppose but it seems more to me that cloud genuinely believes that aith is not dead it's also why he's likely unfaced by her death in general unlike Tifa and nanaki aith also tells clout that she's going to stop meteor but this is also a bizarre statement narratively too she's basically spelling out the end of Final Fantasy 7 as we know it the only reason I can think of for her simply giving away the ending is if things are going to play out in a fundamentally different way and this is their way of setting up for a subversion this is already something we've seen happen in the first two games where there ending segments go completely off the rails hence I'm making this analysis video in the first place thus it only stands the reason that the third and most climactic part will go completely and utterly off rails and that's exactly what I'm betting on so putting it lightly this new ending took a lot of new risk at the same time it's kind of exactly what I thought this project was going to be back when I finished Final Fantasy 7 remake in April 2020 this is a Multiverse spanning story in fact something I used to always say for those that tuned into my streams was that there's no way there is only two timelines because if the Arbiters disappeared from All Points in history then there would either have to be one timeline or infinite timelines but there's no way that there's conveniently just two and one where again conveniently Zach survives that never made sense to me looking at this ending now I know I was on the right Trail as a result it was really hard to have a visceral re reaction in the same way that I had with Final Fantasy 7 remake because I kind of saw all of this coming a mile away the only thing that may have really surprised me was the black Materia and the rip in the sky however it wasn't really shocking in that way everything that was set up in remake paid off and rebirth but I know the bigger question you guys have is how do I truly feel about the ending have I changed my mind have my feelings evolved and the answer to that question [Music] [Applause] [Music] is
Channel: The Night Sky Prince
Views: 136,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy vii remake, final fantasy 7 remake, final fantasy 7 rebirth, final fantasy vii rebirth, ff7 rebirth, ff7 part 2, ff7 remake part 2, ff7 remake part 3, final fantasy 7, ff7, final fantasy 16, final fantasy xvi, ff16, ffxvi, state of play, final fantasy 7 demo, ff7 rebirth demo, ending explained, ff7 rebirth theory, ff7 ending analysis
Id: znm5TKiD-Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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