Stagger GOD! BEST TIFA Build In Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Tifa Build Guide

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in this Tia build I'll show you how to always have unbridled strength active increase its duration Plus have insane damage buff while it's going Tifa is a stagger and physical damage God in rebirth and today we're going to maximize all of this in this build let's [Music] go so y'all really liked my cloud build so I decided to do more I've got a really good idea for ath and Barrett so I might do one of those next if you let me know which one in the comments but I probably won't do all the party members so this build antifa in general really focuses on unbridled strength right so essentially what unbridled strength is is it strengthens Tia's basic attacks and increases combo count and it also changes her triangle ability to Omni strike and then rise and fall you can actually track your like Chi level based on whether it's omn strike or rise and fall but the main Crux of this and having this active is the whole point in tus kit right you want to maximize when unbridled strength is active to deal additional damage now there's a couple of ways that we can do this firstly in your actual skills there's a skill called martial arts Mastery which will increase its duration by 50% and then as you get further down that line there is a concentration skill which will give you a 50% chance of entering combat with unbridled strength active now we can actually combine this with the kaisa knuckles concentration weapon skill which essentially gives you 100% so it's always active at the start of combat but then there's also other skills you can grab that are beneficial for this right like utterly unbridled strength which increases attack power while unbridled strength is active 5% at level 1 and 10% at level two and then you should also be grabbing the combo damage up which just increases your basic grounded combo attacks by 3% overall damage so essentially the focus for this build really is just on physical damage and dealing physical damage now Tia is also really good at staggering enemies because she has a lot of like really quick attack animations if you can pressure an enemy via whatever their pressured method is like dealing with the right Elemental type Etc you'll be able to like maximize that stagger potential and bring that stagger bar up and then actually stagger them and then you can dump all of your high damage physical dealing attacks like rise and fall like omnist strike even you know her limit dive kick overpower all that great stuff to actually dump that damage into them but there are other things about this build that really bring it together and will cover those starting with Materia so I like running the gravity material with tafa and what this does is it will lower the enemy's HP and this always hits as well if you aren't playing as TAA you can like set this up to AutoCast so essentially like you know rces enemy HP by 25% which for those High HP enemies that's definitely a good thing to do this comes from chadley's Coral region shop and the ATB stagger is also great here because you're going to stagger enemies a lot so getting that extra ATB to then recast unbridled strength or activate one of your skills as soon as you actually stagger enemy is really beneficial this comes from junon region from Chadley now other than this though Materia isn't a huge part of this build right it really just revolves around unbridled strength and those weapon skills is the key Focus here and for the most part in combat you're probably not actually going to be playing as Tifa right like for the purpose of this build to Showcase these things I'm playing as Tifa essentially through most of this combat in this video but for the most part you're going to be playing as cloud like most people do so really you want to be adding things like the auto unique ability Materia here which will then allow Tia to cast unbridled strength on her own when you're not playing as her this comes from the grasslands region from Chadley and there's other ones as well right like you can grab the auto weapon ability so then she can cast things like dive kick Etc on her own which is also valuable plus once you do get it the chat trap which is absolutely fantastic we'll touch on that a little bit later but then you can allow her to cast these things on her own to lower that whole micromanaging aspect of just like you know having to cast everything all these characters so equipment here we touched on the kaisen knuckles but that's like the main weapon that you're going to use they have great actual attack power which is one of the main reasons we're using them but it's also for that concentration weapon skill so you've got 100% chance of actually having this activated the start of combat or even if you don't have the skill then you've actually still got 50% just by like using this weapon now this comes from chapter five during the boat section I won't say anything else but there's a little chest right here that you can actually go and grab it and I'm also using RIS guards just for the extra strength and HP here like you can't really go wrong with having extra strength for extra attack power plus extra HP for tafa is probably the best option but the weapon abilities here we've touched on most of them like overpower and dive kick and obviously unbridled strength which you will use heaps but the chi trap is really really good which is something we haven't really touched on much and essentially what this is is you will spawn like this like orb essentially wherever you are standing so make sure you're next to the Target when you cast this and this will more or less trap enemies inside it and if you're hitting them as well as this like damage over time effect going off you're going to deal heaps of damage to them and build up that stagger bar very quickly because you're getting this like damage over time effect triggering it's also AOE so there's multiple enemies in there it will actually trigger them as well this this is the weapon ability on the tiger fangs which you get during chapter 9 can't show you any of it because it's all spoiler stuff but chapter 9 at like sort of the end of that is where you can get these if you miss any of like the equipment you know you can actually buy it from vendors as well if you have actually gone past where you can actually get them for free and then once you've mastered the ability you can then switch back to the Kaiser knuckles for those extra benefits you get from there some build tips for playing this build use the at up material to level up your materials faster always do this for any of your characters and builds now you can actually add the elemental material to TAA if you want to deal some Elemental damage here as well I don't really think it's necessary if you're comboing TAA with you know Arif or cloud and others that can actually hit those weakness types and then the main reason you want to hit those weakness types is to pressure the enemy and then if you can do that with one of the other characters T can focus on the physical aspects of her kit and using that I'm also really a fan of the empowerment material that I forgot to mentioned earlier this will allow Tia to cast bravery on herself increasing your overall attack power we' already sort of know why that's important now basically every single Millie character would Excel with my cloud build right like using the enemy skill plasma discharge the elemental material the HP absorb material comboing all of these together now you can do this right essentially you can do this with all the Millie characters Tifa yui Etc but the the thing is is like then I'm just making the same video again so I didn't want to do that I wanted to focus on like this specific thing for T and what I'm doing but like technically the best build is that enemy skill build and like the way you combo those skills together right but this is just something that's fun for tafa that focuses on the strengths of her kit without just remaking the cloud video again because technically that is like the the best build for all these Millie characters now if you're wondering what to pair with Tifa like obviously you're going to use cloud but Barrett or arth are both really good pairings because they have good Synergy skills to pair with Tifa both have strong damage dealing skills and barretts one will actually increase the Stagger timer so that's really good you know because like obviously when enemies are stagger they take more damage so the longer you can have that effect active it's better and then arfs one is also good just to deal additional damage to enemies as well as get their limit levels up as well so you've got lots of options with Tifa here she does fit like a real Millie DPS focused character right you want to be staggering enemies and then dumping all of her damage with those various attacks like dive kick overpower and then Focus strike is also good that we haven't touched on that you can use to increase the Stagger of enemies but yeah there isn't a whole lot to the TAA build right it's mostly that and then obviously using all of those Auto materials so she can essentially run on her own you sort of set and forget once you've got the auto materials that you can get from Chadley from those first couple of regions you set them on her and then she'll just do all these effects on her own You Can level her up get the concentration effects unbal strength is active and then it's just ggs from there she'll deal heaps of damage on cloud you can then just focus on staggering enemies dealing damage doing all that stuff and then she'll just like follow up with those attacks on her own at the any time that you do but let me know in the comments which one you would like me to do next let me know what you think of about this build thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is noo and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 90,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy 7 rebirth tifa build, final fantasy rebirth tifa combat, ff7 rebirth best tifa build, final fantasy 7 rebirth best weapons, final fantasy 7 rebirth tifa skills, final fantasy 7 rebirth best build, ff7 rebirth best skills, ff7 rebirth combat guide, ff7 rebirth guide, ff7 rebirth combat tips, ff7 rebirth tips, final fantasy 7 rebirth, final fantasy vii rebirth, final fantasy 7 rebirth tips, ff7 rebirth beginners guide, final fantasy rebirth tips, norzza
Id: bpiDkbBcYuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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