Final Fantasy VII Rebirth | Best Builds for Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, & Yuffie

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hello everybody I'm going to go through all of the best builds that I found in Final Fantasy 7 rebirth and I'm just going to run through them in the menu here so I don't show off too much stuff if for people who just need some help getting along with the game or just want to have some fun all the material I found came from chadly so that's something to note and then I'm going to go through all the builds that I come up with that I thought were fun and then I'll showcase them at the end because some people just care about the material going are all the builds that I came up with and you can add morees these are the bare minimum in which you need to have it set up so everyone knows the yui build I think by now where it's just you have Steel on her and then you do everything to refund ATB so first strike speed up ATB stagger uh skill master so that after you use three commands you get ATB back and ATB assist I just put it on there so all my allies get assist and then where the real stuff comes in from is HP absorb and enemy skill and then you combine this with when you go on to yui you just use mug brutal form and blind side and you just keep repeating these three combos over and over and over again with the plasmic shocks and every time she gets an ATP gauge it'll pop up and do damage to the enemy and one thing to note with Blind Side Blind Side will be the only one that will proc A's synergy and I use Comet with this just because it's really fun you can use a 29 MP cast for free and just rain death from above you can also use Quake which is also pretty fun and then I'll get to another build in a second but for the rest of this I just have an elemental material just have her have take less damage from this and a magnify healing which is a very good combo for say you want to regen your entire team you can regen all of your entire team from ATP that yuth is going to be generating you for 5 MP and then Auto weapon ability material on her and I have this on her so that she can put the radiant Ward and then she won't get interrupted when she is putting down the comment cast because of Yu's constantly spamming ATB stagger and I'm going to get to all of this in a second of why I don't like using yui's build but I like this now and this just allows you to whenever you go into your combat and you see whatever you have in your shortcuts that's what the autoability will allow you to use so she can use SOL drain Arcane wind Ray of judgment or radiant Ward whenever she has an ATP charge you could change it all to radiant Ward so she'll only be spamming radiant Ward now this is the build I prefer and this is just showing the minimum that you need you can obviously change it up and Mitch and match and stuff however this is I like using tafa the most so I just build her for ATB generation soever she's blocking whenever she's using Chargers my allies get ATP uh whenever I stagger an enemy they get ATP speed for ATP regeneration First Strike so I always start out with a charge and then I just put Synergy support on her aith it's sort of the same build with the autoability so she can pop her Arcane Ward except I changed it up a little bit down here we put synergy and lightning and then we put MP absorb or HP absorb and lightning and then we also put lightning with MP absorb and this means every time Tifa uses an ATP charge she uses a lightning that will heal her and give her MP which is very good so just an endless feedback loop and then on cloud we took everyone's favorite build we put lightning material on the elemental material you can change this out for the fire and ice and then enemy skill with the HP absorb and you're like huh that's interesting and we're just going to pop the plasma discharge on cloud and then we're going to give Cloud the auto unique ability this allows him to be in Punisher mode and the auto unique weapon ability so when he's getting ATP from Tifa who we're going to be controlling here he's going to get ATP guardes which he can use on his own then I just give him steadfast block ATB stagger just case he staggers anyone with all the static discharge and first trike so that when you get into battle all you have to do is go into your command menu and then pop plasma discharge and cloud is good to go now I'll be showcasing some of the builds now and running around and you can kind of see how they function and I just like the plasma discharge on the alt character cuz that I don't have to see it so much and it just makes your party overall so much better thank you more ready on let me got come on ready you ready youit think come on bring it hang in there that's it that's come on there nice [Music] little you ready come on fast that was come [Music] on you tagging out my turn take the Le I'll you I can do you can [Music] do finish him off fast keep it up but yeah I hope you found that helpful and you know have some fun with it and as always have a great day but
Channel: ZeeTM
Views: 24,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy 7 remake, final fantasy, final fantasy 7 rebirth, final fantasy 7 rebirth cloud build, final fantasy rebirth cloud combat, ff7 rebirth best cloud build, final fantasy 7 rebirth best weapons, final fantasy 7 rebirth cloud skills, final fantasy 7 rebirth best build, ff7 rebirth best skills, ff7 rebirth combat guide, ff7 rebirth guide, ff7 rebirth combat tips, ff7 rebirth tips, final fantasy vii rebirth, ff7 rebirth beginners guide, final fantasy rebirth tips, ZeeTM
Id: cQ5zMejogc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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