Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Ultimate Hard Mode Build Guide Characters Gear And Materia

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what's going on everybody I'm Primal liquid and welcome to my guide for Final Fantasy 7 rebirth in this video we are going to be going over the Ultimate Hard Mode setup this means equipment material combinations everything to ensure that you have the smoothest possible chance of getting through all 14 chapters on hard mode so let's talk about it shall we and first and foremost we're actually going talk about the characters now the reason I bring characters up is yes obviously the earlier chapters you are only going to have a few of the characters but then as you start getting through you can then change your party up a little bit more now when it comes to the party in question each character does have their pros and their cons uh so obviously you've got Cloud all around character can do a little bit of everything pretty decent folios so not really one to be really looked down on then we have Tifa now Tifa is a monster and a really really strong character first of all aside from the fact that she has really insane physical attack her main abilities as well pretty much are entirely designed around increasing the Stagger damage that you deal to enemies and obviously that is definitely a big big benefit so I would definitely recommend having katifa in the party when available just because getting a higher stagger multiplier means you're going to be killing things that much faster and hey the quicker you kill things the less chance you have of actually dying then we move on to yui now yui serves basically one main purpose aside from the fact she has some really good abilities like Windstorm she's also a character that can basically deal all Elemental types of damage without material being equipped and she can do so rather eff LLY and at range using K and jutu this means you can Target weaknesses pretty much effortlessly which allows you to then pressure and stagger easier but aside from that she is also quite strong and she has some good Synergy abilities as well now my main go-to party for Hard Mode is cloud Tifa and yui realistically you know you could swap some characters out depending on what you want to do but this is just what would works for me but let's talk about the other characters so aif is definitely a really really good spellcaster and arguably the best baster in the game her abilities are really focused around that as well she has a really good way to get MP back allowing her to cast in hard mode a lot more than other characters typically can cuz remember in hard mode you cannot use items and restops will not restore your MP so any way that you can regenerate MP is all always a benefit and that's where era freely shines now realistically running through hard mode you're going to avoid a lot of Random Encounters and you're only really going to be fighting mandatory fights and bosses this does lessen the impact of AR of a little bit not a lot but a little bit but then you also cannot deny her level three limit breaks either the level two is also phenomenal so erif is definitely a really really strong Contender especially while you get used to playing hard mode with the extra incoming damage and so on so forth then we have red 15 now red 1 has a ton of Health he's good both physically and magically his Dodge is pretty good but I think the best thing for red okay is first he has an ability to haste the entire party he has an ability to heal the entire party and he has Stardust now Stardust Ray is absolutely one of the best abilities in the game it deals really really good damage no matter what enemy it is used against it hits multiple times and it has really decent AOE radius this means any Mobs with extra parts and stuff like that are all going to be taking damage from Stardust Ray and obviously with Hast on you can get two ATB bars incredibly incredibly effortlessly honestly you probably could throw win red instead of yui if you really really wanted to there's very little difference between these two characters other than yui can pressure and stagger a little bit easier then we have Barrett now Barrett is a tankier version of yui however in my opinion his utility is a little worse overall you see realistically you don't really want to be taking as much damage in hard mode as you can which means you are going to want to get better at perfect guards and dodging so even though Barrett is definitely a better tankier unit he's the best tank in the game you don't really want to be having to utilize those features if you can help it taking no damage is a lot better than taking reduced damage however if you do struggle with the timing for perfect blocks or you're not very good at dodging I would definitely throw Barrett in with the provoker Materia just so he can actually take up all the damage for you and then we have katff now Kat is obviously a late game character and you also can't use him during the Final Chapter which does kind of ruin his usefulness however he does serve two good purposes firstly there's his dice roll now the dice roll has a multitude of effects some good some not so amazing but they can serve well in a pinch the main reason for katf is Mughal punch now mugal punch just like ke will increase the multiplayer on staggered enemies allowing you to deal more damage easier and then of course you do also have slots with him as well but he is also a strong physical character and his def sorry his magical attack is not too shabby either and then of course his limit break does incredibly good damage as well so not really one to be laughed at but probably one that you're not really going to use all that much so let's talk about equipment and material now that we've gone over the pros and the cons for the characters of course you don't have to use the same party as me you can mix it up if you want and obviously some chapters you are going to have to change your party based on what characters are available now when it comes to equipment okay there's really only a few things we need to do first of all ketron bracer ketrin omelet and Celestial Bangles these are going to be the best armors for all characters now obviously you can only get one ketron bracer and one ketron armlet however you can get as many Celestial bangal as you actually want so I suggest having all characters with Celestial Bangles and then obviously two of your main party having the krons slopping them out each chapter as needed in terms of accessories you definitely want to have defense increasing accessories so I've got the fortitude ring and the kic cowl on cloud and tia right now I've not gone ahead and made the upgraded version of the kic cowl just yet because you don't really need it for the early hard mode stages but the main reason for these is first of all the for2 ring increases vitality and speed by 50 that is an insanely good boost to your survivability and then the kic cow is essentially the same only the base version is increased Vitality in Sp by 30 and it grants immunity to slow and instant death the upgraded version increases Your vitality and spe by 50 and if I remember correctly I want to say it actually gives a couple more resistes as well now resistes are incredibly incredibly good in the later chapters for hard mode but again you're not going to be really seeing much use out of them early the main purpose of this is just going to be for the vitality and spirit but again feel free to mix up the um the accessories as you want some other good ones are some of the yji equipment for you know reducing damage increasing your damage and so on so forth or you can go for a more limit Focus to build where you just focus on getting level three limits out as soon as possible but again your mileage may vary it all depends on your individual play style weapons again same depends on really what you want ideally you want to try and get a mix between physical attack and Magic make sure you have as many linked slots as you require but other than that it's kind of just visual more than anything so let's talk Materia now the there are some material that you absolutely require and there are some that are optional and will depend on the situation so first of all let's talk about Elemental material so Elemental materal you are going to have on your main free party members sometimes it will be in your weapon sometimes it will be in your armor the main reason for Elemental okay is first of all you deal Elemental damage without consuming MP and you don't need AP for it's either allowing you to pressure and stagger easier and of course you will deal extra damage now Oly I've got it linked with Fire and Ice you don't want to do that because some enemy might be strong to fire but then weak to ice that kind of offsets the usefulness so definitely go for a more single focused attribute Materia and again always try and match it to the boss's weakness now on some fights where you're are going to be taking very heavy magical damage or very heavy Elemental damage definitely throw this on your armor because once you get elemental to level three you will absorb that damage taken now when it's in your armor then you want to use the Dual Elemental materials because then you would absorb both Fire and Ice wind and thunder and so on so forth now you can get free Elemental material in if you wanted to you could have them all on your armor to basically protect you against every element as fun as it sounds that's not really all that useful because you still have to contest end with physical damage and so on so forth definitely go for a more damage approach until you absolutely cannot survive a fight then we have magnify with healing again you can acquire free magnify materal not including the one that you get in the flashback so with this what I do is I've got two with healing so I have two party members that can AOE heal in case of emergencies and I also have uh one with the time material now realistically I would probably swap one of these healings out for a barrier however that's not needed for me just yet so I haven't done that I've just got them both on healing however this does overlap with something else which we also use the main purpose of this is basically regen and an instant cuga if needed and then of course that is basically the same on the other characters as well now let's talk about absolute mandatory materials so these materials you are absolutely going to use on every characters and in fact as you can see I've already got them set up the entire same throughout all seven characters all seven of these characters should definitely have these material you don't need the mastered however definitely have them a higher level because obviously as you are going through the game you are also going to be getting AP on hard mode as well so if a couple need you know 100 or 200 more AP that's not the issue you are going to get some levels going through hard mode so first of all we have MP up materal obviously you cannot really regenerate MP in hard mode items and rest benches do not work which also means the more MP you have the more you can cast and obviously magic is incredibly potent in rebirth so you definitely want as much MP as you can possibly get HP up is pretty obvious you want to survive more HP more chances of survivability we have Revival materal so any time you get a death which does happen on hard mode it's very very easy to lose a character on hard mode you definitely want the ability to revive them so having everybody with Revival is definitely mandatory in my opinion then we have healing materal everybody needs a way to heal so definitely wor while having a unit of that Mastered on everybody we have steadfast block Materia which what this does is you basically take way less damage and you get a large ATB boost when guarding this is pretty much mandatory for hard mode and clearing fights semi quickly then we are pairing that with a Precision defense Focus material this extends the input for the Precision defenses when guarding making that a little bit easier you'll increase your stagger damage after perfect guardan and you can also prevent those annoyingly horrible binding attacks binding attacks on hard mode will rip you to shreds so you definitely want to be very very careful with that and these two make a perfect combination so definitely feel free to equip them and then last but not least we have prayer Materia this is a party-wide AOE heal and you absolutely want to have this first of all it's a heal with no MP it does require obviously ATB but it's still another source of healing which is vitally vitally important in hard mode so definitely worthwhile to have now let's talk about some other useful material area so obviously as you can see right here I have my magnify and Elemental on my free main party you're always going to have your Elemental and magnify on your active party unfortunately you can only get three of each in the game so you are going to have to keep swapping them around these other materal are mandatory and now let's take a look at some optionals so first of all we have the warding material this is incredibly incredibly good for avoiding debuffs and some of the fights are definitely going to be very debu heavy so this will have its uses you're not going to have this on permanently but it will definitely have its uses for sure likewise you can also get a ribbon to equip but unfortunately getting a ribbon does require a bit more effort and realistically if you can get the ribbon chances are you already are either mostly done with hard mode or you're very far through hard mode because getting ribbon is absolutely a lot harder than hard mode then we have the enemy skill material this is quite nice with things like plasma discharge it has a nice healing ability um you've got bad breath or rany breath as it's called in this game and of course you get the stat boost as well from having it maxed not required but definitely very very helpful especially as there's also I can't remember the name of the ability off the top of my head but there is an ability that gives you bravery and Faith when used as well definitely worthwhile having if you can spare a slot in a particular fight then we have the ATB stagger so this is a large ATB boost on staggering for I definitely recommend having this equipped on your non-controlled unit so if you prefer to control one unit more than others have this equipped on the AI party members this will definitely serve you really really well and allow you to get way more ATB slots especially allowing you to build up your Synergy uc's then we have ATB assist material now this one okay you want on your main controlled unit large ATB increases for allies when repeating command two times now this is why I like using Cloud because we have Focus Frost and triple slash both incredibly incredibly good abilities so whenever I use those abilities twice in a row my allies get a large ATB boost forv allowing me to use stronger abilities much much easier and then of course there's the F strike materal this allows you to start the fight with a full ATB bot allowing you to get your buff s do a little bit of ear damage and so on so forth it's pretty self-explanatory that one is we have re raise so this is essentially Auto life it's not a it's not really incredibly mandatory but there are some fights where it will serve helpful where you just absolutely get wailed on incredibly incredibly quickly or fights like Odin where you know they have instant death attacks of course you could always revive those characters if you wanted to but Reay just adds a little bit of security it is however expensive on the MP so you'd have to really think about if you want to use the or not and then of course we have fortification material now this goes along really nicely with barrier this is just protect and shall so you know it it kind of is again self-explanatory it's just more defense for you to build up so it becomes sort of what you want to do on your play style you can even go full glass Cannon where you take way more damage than required but do way more damage or you can do the turtle method where it's a little bit slower to get through hard mode but it is much safer and you have a higher chance of succeeding with a lower skill ceiling required now me personally I go for a mix of both but of course it all depends on the individual player AKA you and of course you are going to have to mix and match as required when you are going through as well but though guys that is it for my hard mode build hopefully this will allow you to clear all 14 chapters on hard mode and I hope I hope you've enjoyed the video of course if it helps then please be sure to smash that like button and drop a comment down below let me know if your hard mode build is similar or if it's the same or if it's entirely different I want to know if you are going to use this build or not it's like I'm really curious and of course if you're new around here make sure you hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on any more content as always though everybody thanks for watching and I'll see you soon [Music] for
Channel: Primalliquid
Views: 78,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: primalliquid, primal, liquid, primalliquid92, primalliquid final fantasy, ff7, final fantasy 7, ff7 rebirth, final fantasy 7 rebirth, final fantasy vii rebirth, final fantasy vii, final fantasy 7 remake, ff7 remake, final fantasy 7 rebirth gameplay, final fantasy 7 rebirth preview, ff7 rebirth gameplay, tips and tricks, final fantasy 7 rebirth tricks and tips, rebirth tips, grinding, ap farm, folio, final fantasy 7 rebirth grinding, ff7 rebirth best equipment
Id: yI0SYcfCZ2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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