This character has to be the most OP | Goobies

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Hello friends and lovers what's up it's alien and we got more goobies let's go let's go let's go all right so we got sign of time let's double up the time uh not blood moon not blood moon and let's see where's Double uh mutated Gene that's what it is okay and then right to the other course I think those are gonna be my standards now at least until I locked unlock some other things that might be interesting I'd like to get a higher score but yeah I did a few runs with blob moon on uh and it's actually kind of interesting now and there was a bug fix patch by the way but we'll talk about that when we get in the run but the blob move does kind of make it interesting if you don't want a super long run it's actually kind of nice in a sense I think um where the enemies just kind of grow much much more quickly and it's harder to keep up with it it kind of tests your skill more quickly well skills so to speak or at least you're decision making you know what I mean anyway where it's about time we go back to dizzy wizzy enemies killed by Dizzy wizzy's attack will generate an explosion dealing 50 of the damage Dell oh wait no go back dizzy all right let's go so I'm thinking I'm thinking out loud here I'm thinking I'm thinking uh so for dizzy wizzy I'm thinking we'd want things that increase our base damage as much as possible because the higher damage the projectiles are the more kills that'll get which will mean it'll generate more explosions Etc et cetera et cetera right this character kind of already has high range so I'm not going to take that I guess the worms can be all right they're kind of a nice General one to start us off right that where they don't really skate in any particular direction I'm not really certain if we want AOE or what yet I'm not certain we know the fire is goaded we know that we have very low attack speed so I'm not a big fan of the media meteoroid I used to like it what happened well the fire has wriggled its way in already I suppose we probably want AOE stuff right I don't know we'll see well not this one though that one stinks um I kind of just like the attack speed one I don't know if it's actually better to get into that or the crit things but I think if Keem slash was there that might be a different story though okay all right so we got to talk about the bug fix bug fix patch I don't think they did any balancing or anything like that but they did uh supposedly fix enemies locking onto so let's try out implode because I used to be scared of it the enemies that would move suddenly super quickly and just like start hugging the character and you're probably instantly dead when you did when that happens right oh yeah we still do Sonic howl it's probably going to be a lot of AOE stuff is it gonna be a lot of AOE stuff I don't like the spikes that much I think you know what me the Halo this character has got a decent amount of Max Health maybe uh maybe we can get the Halo to a point where it's interesting I'm not I'm not gonna hold my breath or anything let's do implode out of these I don't really like solo the mom thick hide is probably a good one to get eventually too but I don't think we need to be in a rush to pick up something defensive like that let's go mumza's good but I think I'm gonna go goo here uh so they they fixed the enemies gravitating toward you also they increased the minimum range I hope I'm saying this correctly let's go attack speed at which enemies can spawn near you in other words uh enemies shouldn't spawn as on top of you as they did before and not as much as they used to at least big with implode because now we finally get a chance huh now we finally got a chance to maybe see what it does although McKenna can't really tell what it does you know what I mean you'd think it would help like I don't know not stun enemies or anything uh no chain lightning let's go yellow Sapphire because like I said earlier like a bunch of damage we kind of just want to boost our projectile as much as possible right whatever will help our projectile so attack speed print stuff would be good flat damage like yellow Sapphire um should be goading as the kids say all right all right all right let's see what other bug fixes were there a bunch of things I never ran into so I can't really say after that ah the fire will find its way in here so let's go more attack speed for now I'm thinking it'll find its way in as We Know hey what'd I just say what I just say I think we go fire uh out of those I think we do man I got I gotta say I got used to the double speed so quickly because I went back and I I checked like a video where I wasn't using double speed I'm just like oh my God it's so slow it happened so fast so Idle Hands with this your main projectile loses 20 damage which means of course your explosion would lose damage too so maybe we don't really want it that much of course more projectiles could help in you know other ways but yeah I guess with the fire there you just take that we will want tranquilizing mass or thick hide or bolt even eventually though right okay let's go goo for now I think we have a lot of attack speeds so the on hit effect of it should be still fine I'm kind of thinking right let's go worms out of these I would take a girth up if it were there that's the AOE radius it's looking to get my girth up you know what I'm saying broken citrine all right that's getting up really fast isn't it the second can go really high in the levels okay okay okay looking good looking good level 17 already my God this is taking feels like it's taking a while there's Wildfire there's also crit stuff we don't really I mean if we get a bunch of crit chance from what do you call it here I got hit by something from a boss like this I guess that's that's when I want to start thinking about it 20 AOE radius okay all right all right all right all right all right Salvage energy you never turn it down do not turn it down I don't think there's ever a Time ghost blobs oh would you turn down south Eternity for ghost blobs if those two were offered at the same time I think that's actually very challenging to say I'm not sure those blobs can definitely get pretty wild as we've seen lots of damage for very few levels so is that one I don't know that one's close that one's very close okay so we took we already took a couple yellow sapphires I guess it's not late for orb amplifier but we kind of did a run where we got a bunch I didn't really feel that enthused about it do I really want this that badly yeah give it to me glass Cannon Dan back at it again well now with some of those bug fixes right maybe the need for defensive isn't as necessary we don't have to worry about you know a bug killing us eventually hmm out of these let's work on Halo I guess I mean it's obviously not doing a lot most of the time I could purposefully take damage potentially here to try to work it out what does this Halo do now gain one extra damage for each we lost a 20 chance to deal damage one extra time if I'm below 30 percent yeah that's not great that's for sure give me girth up give me that radius we don't need a ton though I think what do you think I don't think you need a ton you really want to focus on just the damage output I think I think you want some we already got what was it 20 40 from a boss ahead of these we will start working the thick hide there's Sonic howl but I don't know I don't know I don't know about Sonic howl I don't know if I'm convinced okay goo it up more goo add a run with goo so okay I have a confession to make I tried to record this a run with this character a couple times and I kept doing terribly I'm like what is going on well like what's wrong with me here and then I realized like wait a minute I think I took the wrong artifact turns out I had blob moon on I meant to do double blobs but I accidentally had a blob moon on okay do we want soul of a mom let me read it again every time the soul pierces enemy an explosion will appear after its Exodus feeling up to 12 damage based on the number of enemies pierced it's here that are just condensed power right hmm I don't like soul of the mom give me give me condensed power yeah I should probably try it again soon is this the run for it I don't know maybe five percent should I just recycle that nah we're too low in the levels to bother recycling it it's just not a lot of XP so dissolving uh the roulettes isn't really that good unless the stats are truly useless you know what I mean you think I'll be punished if I don't take some range never because it's it's actually the hmm you're not turning down how am I how am I gonna describe this right now like this doesn't increase our level by taking these two chain lightning which is not an ideal upgrade here right it doesn't increase our level so there's really no penalty for taking it um whereas if you dissolve something like this right now then it still increases your level and you so you really don't want to do that uh so it's worth considering dissolving the roulettes assuming that the the upgrade is much less useful God I'm sorry I don't know I'm not I don't know what do you what do you all think I think that's way I'm looking at it I'm still gonna pass on Idle Hands I think we just keep going with broken citrine here just because it's only gonna get since it's already such a high level it's probably gonna get quite good quite fast we'll go tranquilizing Mass out of those I think that Halo was probably a useless upgrade if I were to guess right now I don't know maybe you get it really high but out of these out of these just give me the AOE damage I think I'm not super impressed but one times what the hell is that one tree hugger oh that's actually very good so now uh someone in the community did confirm you can just stand on a tree to get this to trigger by the way you don't need to constantly move around which is nice to know Heroes down we got two times I think that's soft blobs right the Pierce is the Pierce which is okay I think from this point of view 40 crit chance is nice all right all right all right definitely Wildfire out of those it's always Wildfire what can I say it's not my fault though the game just you know it just happens every time I don't think they did any balancing in that bug fix patch by the way I don't think okay we stand on tree is it gonna trigger hello are we certain about this I can really just stand here because I'm not seeing any XP pop out right now are we sure I just saw some come out after moving they said they confirmed it let's try to just stand here and see what happens I mean tree hugger is not that important until you can until you get level two anyway I'm so focused there ten percent of attack speed it's okay pretty good okay excuse me Wildfire print stuff so we want the the Slash really I mean this gives you crit damage which is still important too but is it more important than wildfire I don't know maybe in a sense if you get it if he's we should start getting it up I don't know that's a tough decision you know what I'm saying okay whoa Flawless citrine is just kind of the more fun one here here we go every 10th attack shoot twice now and our base attack speed is up 80 percent tree Whisperer won arboreal gifts let's go baby okay I I saw yeah okay now I'm seeing the XP pop off here in this tree see it now like I just stand here and whoop whoop whoop at least it happened a few times are we really so powerful that I can just stand here for the most part well eventually you'll get enemies I shoot at you sometimes so I don't know if it's yeah I still see it trigger ring I think it's just like really really random when it happens we got one gift we're definitely gonna do explosive blobs you could dissolve them but explosive blobs is pretty good especially oh we already got another gift holy God I'm gonna take that mass here we do need some defense oh my God three give me the move speed that was threes so quickly I cannot believe it ten percent attack speed good enough for me okay more gifts please we found the way and something tells me this Run's going to take a while at this rate then [Laughter] I'm getting the vibe so I know some people have said AOE stuff is too good and the regular projectile stuff isn't good enough I think I think I think they are close enough to where uh they could balance it a little bit better I guess I could chain lightning I don't think the Halo thing is worth putting levels into at the moment let's get the try to get the worms up and maxed out let's do blah let's do explosive blobs although it might be disposal Bob's with the Wildfire is that too much holy God okay okay okay okay all right all right all right now another tip if you really wanted to Turtle it out you could sit here on trees what and try to turtle out how long you last in a stage as well try to stick to it for as long as possible okay now we stand [Laughter] uh yeah this is where like blob Moon kinda might might help with some players if you don't want the runs to potentially last long time but I mean sometimes you still want it five percent I think at this point I'm willing to dissolve because we're level 30 something there's Resolute Energy that's nice huh five percent is just so little I think I'd rather have the I don't know it's like 50 or 60 percent of the level we got crap shooting at us all right now we do our Donuts kinda all right looks like we're good that thing's dead 10 crit damage good enough good enough right there's a gift very nice girth up baby very good very good so these gifts don't count toward your level but you know we're gonna have way more upgrades than whatever our level is equal to ten percent crit chance yeah I guess we take it it is close to not taking it we're at 85 percent I don't think I'd take another one because what if I end up getting some levels into the quit damage and crit chance then it's just gonna be Overkill there's another gift I guess I'll do Cent sentient Halo do I could just dissolve it huh that's interesting you know what just dissolve it dissolve it I just don't think it means anything I've seen some crazy scores out there on Discord on our in their Community tens of Millions rayuzu stuff level 70 something I've never gotten that far in the game but now with the bug fixes maybe things will be different right oh there's a gift yeah we'll just take change lightning I mean a little bit more range from this angle would probably be all right of course at this point we'll take girth up we'll take um give me hard tranquilizing Mass actually I think there I don't know if we need that much AOE range what's that one is that Dizzy's balls I mean do You Really Turn It Down it's a level essentially yeah I think you take it I think it'd take it out of these the projectile thing is kind of interesting but I think I think I think some range would be nice more range would be good okay now we go back to standing on our trees I get to sip my coffee it is kind of early in the morning here oh yeah it's good stuff so what how what do we want them to do to I guess you could say improve boobies here what do we want do we just want more things there's a gift Wildfire okay sounds good to me do we just want more options more options means it's more diluted which means it's harder to get you know a lot of levels in specific things so is that necessarily what we want or amplifier now yeah and we take it let's take the exploding fire pool is that necessarily what we want I don't know they could add more artifacts which I think would be fun more enemy types maybe more bosses um I don't know maybe like more challenges essentially like hunting down the artifacts is kind of fun but so yeah more artifacts with more unique challenges could be kind of goofy and interesting I think seeing how close those Runners spawn to us this makes me think of this is probably where we'd usually die we're in the 40s right for level and uh you get sometimes you just get those Runners just spawning right on top of you it's kind of hard like in these games I mean it's worth the price that this game cost right I don't think we like these dissolve wait did that increase my level am I crazy I don't know I didn't think it did I didn't I would rather prior I didn't think that they'd do I don't know I'll try to pay attention for next time [Laughter] Isaac right and they just kept adding items and it worked out so maybe it's fine in a sense ooh two times orb amplifier right or duplicator now I mean we're getting it late but I mean better late than never right I hope the game doesn't like start lagging or anything ooh black hole we've never had it well I don't know I don't maybe I've had that I don't remember having it hmm that damage is quite High displacing and stunning enemies a black hole spawns in the center dealing an additional 12.99 AOE damage for each enemy hit oh God we're definitely seeing a bit of lag here now especially when we do that uh we'll do thick hide or some defense out of these what do you think more range so a little more range I'm definitely experiencing some slowdown this game is actually pretty well optimized but today's the day I guess we got another gift definitely the black hole again looks like it just UPS the damage on it okay they were taken care of pretty well all right 20 damage multiplier we like I apparently I killed two of them five percent AOE radius I'm willing to recycle that right I think I'm willing to dissolve that just not very good let's take uh yeah let's take Keem slash our quick chance is very high keep calling Keen slash it's just slash though I'm realizing another mini boss down oh two times on the slash baby there we go now it's Keen slash see because everything can crit so like uh the crit stuff is always is pretty much oh is it fits in everywhere right you just need a base level of crit chance and if you last long enough you'll get there two on the blobbering not great but I don't think you dissolve it I wonder if you could really kind of get everything potentially like all the upgrades maybe but probably not uh uh probably not with the artifacts that we currently have on if I were to guess if you have I think it's called blob athon where all the enemies are just blobs I think I can go for an insane amount of time potentially because I don't I don't think uh the enemies just don't scale up quickly enough basically and you don't get enemies that shoot at you or anything either in those run in a run like that we're getting helmeted enemies these big guys aren't going down so quickly anymore so that now things are kind of changing right tranquilizing Shield okay we'll do that with level 47. it's definitely these are boreal gifts that are able to kind of help help with how quickly enemies are rowing I mean it's an extra like two three levels almost every single stage that's a lot when you're already level 40 something right okay we're just chilling green shank go go go there's a gift Keen slash sounds good all right go my blobberings [Music] I sit on the trees we hang up by a tree's 100K kills level 47 looking good looking juicy it's a sexy dizzy wizzy or whatever their name is Wizzle wazzle okay out of these I guess soft blobs I don't think that's actually a big deal but someone spoke up for it so maybe I'm wrong about it okay and the nice thing is the bosses still go down pretty quickly despite this being AOE build like a lot of times when I go AOE we can't really kill single Target things very quickly that's more tranquilizing Shield right wow okay so we definitely got some defense now I don't think we need to consider like prioritizing uh defensive things all right I said here we're gonna get a gift right at the last second of course no I won't do that I don't know we haven't really been hit in a long time though right yeah this one particular tree this is my favorite tree get kept better than this tree so here's something interesting with those bug fixes right does this cause a slight issue where almost if if you don't use more difficult artifacts well the runs just go too long on average I guess you could just say well just use more artifacts on here but it was almost kind of interesting that uh the game had the game almost had this weird semi-artificial limit to it Big Move speed huh I think I think it goes to rated slash here though is that's the last one guaranteed Critical Strike I mean you don't need that but I think you can keep leveling it afterwards but I'm not positive okay I stand here now level 49. this might be a new PB for us at this rate of Lux huh it's kind of seeming that way I don't think we're there yet but it looks like we're kind of we're getting there quite quickly look at those kills go up baby do you think we'll ever get to die something must happen right like the enemies must start doing something oh God all right two times a wildfire oh yeah oh yeah I don't know how I feel about upgrades like that being able to go infinite you know what I mean we have crushed Ruby over here then we have serrated slash I don't really need the correct chance but the crit damage is quite powerful right especially if you start getting this really high so maybe we start doing that I don't know what do you all think it's kind of a tough hey I think one more Slash from serrated isn't necessarily that interesting ten percent of tax paid yeah you still take that I think I think you do I think you do I don't know if there's a cap on that attack speed typically there's some kind of cap but I guess since our this character's attack speed starts off so slow might be harder to reach the cab anyway so there's a there's a cap for everything usually as much as we like to think that they wouldn't do that to us there's always some kind of secret cap to prevent the game from imploding a few times serrated slash doesn't even say describe it anymore oh there's a gift right here almost missed it Sonic owl or dissolve I guess Sonic howl I'm not very impressed by it but at this point like uh it's just kind of fun to have so many things filled out potentially on our death screen when we get to see it if we ever do okay now we hang out oh trying to just watch underneath us armored Runners this Elite kind of has a lot of Health here too still wasn't that bad though I don't think it's worth worrying about spiky hide now okay so that's the we got a lot of Defense now we're almost like capped for defense defensives I think maybe that's an exaggeration but orb duplicator or girthed up um I'm gonna go girth up it just feels like we gained so few levels now that I think increasing the amount of XP we gain is just so little at this point one more keen slash I don't think you turn that down in other words if we let's say taking that war of amplifier increase the rate at which we gain level by 10 right if it takes us a solid five minutes to do that oh I'm not good at math then it only goes like 30 30 seconds faster right I don't know yeah it just doesn't doesn't feel right Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam this is my tree no one will touch my tree okay where are all the magnets at huh we're cool hey speak of the devil something in me okay looking good looks like we have enough range I don't think I need to take any more look I don't think the enemies are ever so far where I can see them and we're not shooting at them watch out for that I'll pick this up okay okay okay again to almost 200k kills at this point I don't see any gifts around I wonder if I could just kind of semi-stand here there's one uh we also got a level at the same time just give me more yellow Sapphire do I need to be moving to get the bonus from that oh the goo finally is getting it back up there it's about time hello Mom I mean a boss could land on top of us and ruin everything kinda forty percent more attack speed Don't Mind If I Do hmm you know what give it to the Halo here not because I think it's good but just because I'm kind of curious what the upgrades look like later on on the Halo r it's actually pretty bad as it is huh okay all right let's just get out of here moving on still in it to win it don't worry I found a tree maybe we should go to this one actually I don't really want the enemies to spawn like behind a mountain or whatever like we saw on the bottom left there so anyway what's new with your days what's in the paper lately you know what games you all been playing anything new anything exciting anything you're looking forward to down [Music] I'm looking forward to there's a couple games coming out I'm looking forward to like this late summer slash fall we got um we got Blasphemous too in case you didn't hear about it that kind of surprised me when I heard about it I love the first game uh Liza p is another cool one 30X oh wait what's happening oh I died [Music] I was looking away at my coffee mug I was cutting my coffee mug and then these guys just surrounded me oh I blew it we didn't even hit a new high score we could have been fine but I I just needed to move I'm sorry [Laughter] oh God all right so the projectile 1.8 million probably not that great Wildfire of course crazy numbers Wiggly Worms never really got that high it's only level three so you can't really say black hole really bad maybe it's meant to be more of a I mean well it's a level five isn't crazy high maybe it's more of a utility but that's still pretty bad the goo did quite badly of course Resolute Energy did amazing contain Landing bad yeah let's see anything else of Interest here really we need you to look at exploding fire pole did okay and that's only level three so that's pretty good when you think about it right is he ball bad so rated slash really bad huh I mean it came in a little late it came in quite late so that might be part of the reason why right like we only got that in the last few minutes I think there oh well what can we do we got 87 items collected uh you can see the rest of the stats over here and left 95 crit chance 295 attack rate wow pretty good all right thank you all so much for watching like comment subscribe and I'll see you in the next video bye everyone this time
Channel: Haelian
Views: 15,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hades, build, aspect, update, new, gameplay, op, speedrun, game, version, 1.0, launch, persephone, ending, secret, hidden, let's play, review, rogue, roguelike, roguelite, guide, world, record, wr, best, walkthrough, tips, tricks, action, rpg, vampire survivors, survival, horde
Id: dPM2dhtEzX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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