THIS Is Why Beowulf Is S Tier! And How to Use It | Hades

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Hello friends and lovers it's alien pre-recorded not even live on Twitch can you believe it right now anyway it's been a long time since I did essentially an overexplain or even any kind of helpful video probably uh other than just doing the runs you know so I figured today we take a moment and we'd explain and talk a little bit about Beowulf so Beowulf really quickly is kind of just all about loading cast in the shield and letting explode at the end of your bubble rush or your charge you know what I mean so you would do this you can try to load the cast while you still have a charge which I highly recommend getting used to you let go they explode at the end all right so that's Beowulf so the first step I think and this is actually important if you ever use the aspect of Hera too to make your life simpler while playing with controller is to rebind the cast button so this just makes life so much easier if you put it on something like left trigger because then this means that we can charge this and just more easily load the cast very very very quickly too you know so definitely highly recommend please do it right now if you have not before uh in terms of which casts we're going to be looking for the great thing about Beowulf is that a lot of them work pretty much all of them work except like Demeter is kind of like terrible in a lot of ways but they all work for the most part but we're gonna do something kind of uh I guess vanilla they're trying to get down the basics of it so we're gonna take Poseidon's cast and I'm gonna explain why as we go here but let's try to get the Run started this video is definitely for people who are just kind of kind of want to know a little bit more about the game and I'm gonna take my time and kind of explain through the thought process a bit more in depth uh instead of the usual video where I'm probably just ranting about pizza toppings or something like that you know what I'm saying fiery presence tends to be a bit better with Beowulf on the charge effect uh you can't really you can't backstab with the cast so there's no point in that I'm okay with taking high confidence here we're actually gonna switch this to God's Legacy because there's a very important dual boom we have this borderline have to get infernal Soul versus stygian soul I mean it's kind of just a question of will you get plus one cast from chaos or not and how much you're willing to gamble on that if you're willing to gamble on that happening go ahead take studio and soul otherwise just take infernal soul infernal soul is just kind of safer stygian soul is almost strictly better for a cast like Dionysus is since you have to wait for the recharge anyway okay why don't we toss on Extreme Measures four kind of being arbitrary with some of this stuff I just kind of I just kind of like pick heat for no particular purpose other than to have a number I guess up there all right let's go so we put on science Keepsake if you don't know I really recommend if you know what Boon you want or which God you're looking for balloons from just use their Keepsake leaving Tartarus just just do it don't don't think about it uh beyond that that is just if you're looking to just win that is how uh you should be playing Hades honestly if you're looking to have fun then do whatever you want you know what I mean but there's no reason not to play around sorry there's no reason to really play around and just gamble and what gods you see if you're just looking to eke out some wins okay dread flight is useless it's a pretty terrible hammer or across most things well actually with Beowulf it's not the worst but it's obviously not what we want here your bowl Rush deals 400 damage to armor is pretty solid it's a blocking a phone gained plus 20 damage to move speed for 10 seconds you could go either way on this one honestly I think I kind of like reaching Rush a little bit more so like I showed you again Skelly we're kind of just going to do what I showed we're gonna get like a couple bull rushes in between so I'm gonna load the cast as I'm looking for the anime I'm gonna take my time and charging it up and then just kind of wait wherever we land the best that I can in order to grab the cast back I might like charge up a bull rush while I wait for them because you can pick them up and load them while you're still charging it changing the button matter a lot there okay obviously we go for Poseidon so we want Poseidon's flood flare that is the cast Boon from Poseidon when you're using Beowulf and the main reason we want flood flare is well it's just a it's it's a fine cast as it is already that's step one for Beowulf step two it segues very easily into uh getting Mirage shot uh the Artemis Poseidon dual boom which is just it's just insane with Beowulf the main reason it's insane if you don't know is that there is a overlooked glitch where apparently the second shot from Russia actually deals 100 damage instead of the stated 30 okay we didn't get totally scrammed here we did eventually get flood flare don't care about Rarity you know uh don't don't be one of those people who uh you know like I'm thinking I'm thinking of old me basically kind of it's like I'm I'm Gonna Roll to see if we get an epic boom or something like that instead don't get too sidetracked that's actually not a terrible proposition to be honest it's not terrible so Crush shot or passion flare sorry on Beowulf is actually really strong you can see the damage difference is quite significant it scales better with Palms I believe it even has a wider AOE it's actually quite good but I it kind of goes against what we're trying to get in marasha is just really important here so passion Dash is not a good Dash Boon most aren't really so I think we just fill a slot here you could roll but I wouldn't recommend it because you got to think about what are you hoping to get from Aphrodite I guess on attack one would be okay but it's not okay enough chaos is really helpful for any cast build uh there's two different ways to increase your cast damage and then also you got little stuff like attack damage which definitely wouldn't hurt here as well uh these are pretty bad the top one does nothing for us hmm I'm damaged foes take more damage is generally not that great and we don't deal we're not playing the deal special damage this run I didn't really get that much better here I'm okay we're just getting some help out of this I think it's fine we'll take the key so that we get an extra roll now because we're quickly dwindling away we got Inferno bombs to deal with so we gotta be cautious of that other supplemental Boons we're kind of hoping to see I mean snow burst is fine it's a good one to get ravenous will is fine from Denver as well um for Artemis we kind of just want her attack Boone speaking of Artemis ah okay it's a little makes me a little nervous I guess not not as specially though I just go ahead and Meg here I was probably actually a bit early that was a bit scary why not just speeds things up I don't really recommend that I'd say we got the attack boom no need to think any harder about it we are now capable of seeing the duo boom now taking Aphrodite's special kind of messes with things because now there's more Duo Boons in the pool that can get offered you know what I mean 34 cast damage for 74 more foes it kind of goes against everything that I care about in this game but I'll do it mostly because it's kind of funny okay that's gonna be a lot more dudes huh there's not that much cast damage and it's kind of just a big time West waster I guess is one way to describe it and so it's like how much do you prize your time when playing the game okay we got some bit of a health boost there so palming the cast is actually quite important honestly uh cast scale really well with Palms because it's just like a flat damage bonus and then that damage will get boosted by other things potentially such as Mirage shot so you really want to get some early Palms going on I don't think I buy this even though it's quite nice I guess but we plan to go to the shop here and we want to be able to afford an Artemis or a Poseidon Moon if they're offered they are not offered like I said earlier Demeter is pretty good but I think I'll actually skip her this time namely because right now we have three Boons that can each be Pond I don't really want want to add a fourth Boon that can get palmed and thus potentially be denied palming the cast should have just taken the plus one dash there well we're taking it now the rolls seemed okay though I guess so we'll take Hermes we are hoping for hypersprint it's just hyper Sprint is a great Mobility Boon from Hermes and then if you can segue that into the rush delivery Boon from Hermes which is plus a certain percentage of damage based on your movement speed that's just it's just crazy if you're looking for big numbers while playing that that's pretty much always the way to go okay foreign fifty dollars huh there's a palm for us I don't often check troves in my fun runs it's kind of just usually unnecessary for myself if I'm playing high heat then I don't really have time to check the pros so they kind of don't really have a big place or when I play the game unfortunately I wonder I doubt you get the the enemy bonus occurs during the Treasure Trove too but maybe okay we need that Palm take this time to ask your your questions in the comments either about the run or the game in general or about my shoe size or whatever you want if you got any burning questions no I do not have any information about Hades too oh well I should have made it no I should have baited yeah to to ask about it never mind I have lots of information about Hades too all of the information uh uh all right all the so many enemies here chaos ruining it for us in terms of Boons we're looking for after moroccia I mean it's kind of like whatever it's really not a big deal there we go there's our first Pawn finally and that curse is over too get quite a bit of money palm and something useful very good so Palm flood flare now bye Poseidon get off from haraj shot easy game [Laughter] all right then the game kind of plays itself now maybe like you're probably gonna see poor electo here just get phased over and over you know more uh Artemis Boons I guess are kind of what we want mostly and those are going to get offered naturally now that she's in the god pool anyway I love that that's like a little flood flare type minor visual glitch where it sticks on the screen when the screen Fades to Black like that it's very cute isn't it so now we kind of don't really need uh to where God keepsakes we already have Mirage shot uh a lot of people would probably say what about uh like Mom Palm there and it's just kind of it's a win more Trinket uh is the big thing like you'd probably only want to put it on if you're already winning or if you think you're gonna win and it kind of becomes unnecessary so every four chambers I have a currently one in three chance of hitting the cast and so it's kind of like eh it just doesn't give you a lot of agency over the build so I'm not big on it I know I just put on Caron's Keepsake even though I can't even afford anything but the hope is to afford things soon uh for cast builds it's just really strong if you're able to pick up an extra cast or even better the cast damage bonus what's that even called braid of Atlas I think I do believe it is something like that it's fifty percent more cast damage for like 14 Chambers it's just it's ridiculous really it lasts a crazy long time and and you can just feel the effect immediately so what do we want from Hermes here now not a whole lot in fact I would might say it's already not worth rolling because we already took plus one dash we can't get the big combo so I don't know give me some Dodge I guess attack speed would not do anything in this instance I feel pretty safe so I'm gonna do the money there would be nothing wrong with taking help at this uh point though also okay so how many casts do you load in between each bull rush or a dragon Rush as it's called with Beowulf it kind of depends on you're kind of I'm kind of getting a feel for how chunky the enemies are as I go and getting a feel for how much damage the cast does for us and uh it kind of just depends like against the boss you just load all three a lot of the times right but we're pretty powerful already we're ahead of the curve for sure so like one at a time and just kind of spreading it around killing the enemies uh around us with one cast at a time seems to work quite well in this instance so that's that's how I'm kind of determining it now I denied the trial the double God trial in order to take a palm it's just the Palm is probably gonna be more important than whatever Boons will get from Aphrodite and uh Poseidon there's extra damage on the cast is just really good uh uh now's about the time where I care a lot less about palms because of the diminishing return we're just gonna take the shop we have money to spend there's kind of no need to not take it hmm [Music] unless I'm not especially interested in I'd hit the attack that's okay well we're forced Dionysus now it's never actually worth fighting Caron but for y'all I'll do it [Laughter] or y'all I'll do it I think we only have 20 Force overtime so it's not that bad I think but our Max health is very low okay kind of a good test of our metal here to some degree oh so the the kinds of Boons like Aphrodite especially would not provide us with very helpful boons I think in that trial Poseidon you could get things like I mean I guess there's like breaking wave but utilizing it via the cast is a bit weird I'd say and there's like razor Shoals and stuff like that and it's all just very in like not not amazing also trials are kind of annoying right [Laughter] so we're probably not getting a mini boss uh here in acetal which is fine it's not a big deal like I said we're we're kind of cool on the boons now I mean we'll take more as they come but it's not like I need XYZ to survive now another Palm lovely I was I'm kind of looking to see if there's a well especially since we have Caron's Keepsake on you really want that we have so much money after fighting Caron we can probably do this and maybe we'll get a palm and a boon offered or health and a boon or healthy and a palm just like things to do with our money okay so the dash is just not great here really because it might kind of mess with what we're trying to do it's not bad it's just not great it might knock enemies away and just kind of cause a problem I guess is how we describe it razor Shoals I would say is usually better than typhoon's Fury so you kind of got the three Boons that uh tier two Boons with Poseidon that work with knockback you got razor trolls you got breaking wave you got typhoon's Fury you should probably be taking in them in this order most of the time breaking wave then razor trolls then typhoon's Fury oh wait and you also got the boss damage one that one's probably the lowest honestly I think it's kind of close breaking wave is just kind of Bonker so that one always comes first razor Shoals isn't bad either and then typhoon's Fury in the wave breaking wave pounding the boss one is kind of eh I'd say all right looks like two casts at a time is enough damage I have a video All About Hades glitches here somewhere on YouTube so if you want to know more about like the Beowulf Mirage shot thing that's going on you can check that out it also gives you more info in general about some of the Oddities and Hades okay looking pretty good huh I think we'll be all right I think we'll be okay let's see top questions I get why don't I pick up the gems the save file is maxed out it's not my original save file but it is maxed out so they have no purpose for me hmm I'll take some move speed uh those from behind is useless hydrolights probably not gonna be very helpful I'm just gonna leave this Keepsake on it's fine it is fine you could take hydraulic if you were nervous I mean it is Elysium we have plenty of money so you could definitely take it even even if you are full health it's just especially with Karen's Keepsake on it's pretty strong right so wouldn't be wrong to take that okay armored witches very nice foreign okay hmm miniature rush is really bad don't bother I think I might have some videos of me trying to get it to work but it never really works dashing flight it as hard as I can tell like it doesn't really it's just not good really it's it's kind of hard to get to work even if you were using our specials so Sudden Rush it's gonna be sunrash is quite nice ah well we're probably not gonna need money so I guess we do Palms now is definitely the time where it's just like okay no more Palms please probably but you kind of want the Palms early on before you get too many Boons so that's why that's why I prioritize them early and then I let the boons flesh themselves out later on you know what I mean we'll take a eye of La Mia it's cheap I'll even take a nail I wouldn't normally buy that but I'll take it we still don't have our fourth God do we that is money I'm not gonna bother though you get the weird Palm Duo Boone part Ren doesn't do anything because we don't apply weekend to enemies like I don't use the special right Aries isn't great but I'll do it I'm not gonna do oh gosh what's that called Arab escape the Arab Escape now there's no reason to take that risk when do you take Erebus Gates ah I feel like they're almost a more for fun thing than a strategic thing most of the time when they're taking I think I think when I do take it is on a somewhat high heat run early on in it for like a big wad of Max Health Maybe those are like the biggest times that I can think of that I'd want to take an air biscuit but especially at this point in time you really don't want to play Dash is fine it's not that special I'm not a fan of the call though poisonally you got the money for the shop let's go let's see well we definitely don't want that swap that swap's kind of bad the AOE effect is quite small Hunter's Mark is a really strong Boon clean kills not overrated maybe but it's just not as good as it makes it sound probably even at even at common the Hunter's Mark has to be the choice we have money so we'll buy this um you can probably go with any of those um I'm still just Aphrodite's just not gonna offer us much here that's helpful uh I think I'll skip it even can we get from Aphrodite here it's like sweet surrender is not gonna be useful I guess different league for damage reduction it's like the only thing I can think of from her there's a plus Max Health one but I don't know how much value we'll get out of that at this point and we don't really need the defense right so dude lovely okay uh we'll do Hunter's Mark now I think ah here we go this is what we've been looking for thank you very much take Patty just to speed things up because we don't really need money right and we have two eye of lemias I guess we'll take the attack jerky it only affects your attack not your special I guess I'm kind of being conned into taking Aphrodite now I just really don't think we need to Max Health right more Boone equal more fun maybe maybe someday speaking of which I was thinking of showing a mod that I only just recently heard about where it increases the length of a Hades run significantly like there's just a lot more Chambers uh in each biome so obviously you get like way more rewards and everything right I heard it's pretty goofy if you're interested in seeing it let me know let me know what do you got dying lament's all right sweet surrender does nothing really right now probably don't need that money where we were we common question why do they sound like kitty cats I believe because the bigger ones are kind of meant to seem as lions or something like that the Chariots and Alliance there's some kind of correlation there oh my God yes please we have a little bit of money yeah whatever we'll just get max out all right this is gonna go well hopefully it'll go quick I probably given this tip a lot but if you want to quickly make sure that Meg hits both of the heroes whether you have Extreme Measures three on or not at the start of this fight tap up on your d-pad or keyboard not your joystick on your d-pad immediately use Meg after hitting up wait like a second for her to start the drop and then you can start moving and she always drops it perpendicular like that so she always drops it uh perpendicular the way the zag is facing so kind of like uh she went east to west because we were facing uh true north or whatever right 3560. I kind of messed that up good night all right say hello to the red shade I never finished discussing why this isn't well I guess I only vaguely began the discussion why I'm not using my original save file I guess to kill the time here what else you got here sure sure and now we'll swap to the Hades Keepsake mostly just for fun it's totally unnecessary for 99 of players I'd recommend just using either the collar or the tooth or the acorn for safety especially against the Extreme Measures four here but we played enough to know that we'll be all right uh what was I saying oh so in Hades the more runs you have in your administrator vlog uh essentially wins losses whatever the slower the game saves in between each room and the game saves between every single chamber so every single chamber the more ones you have the slower it's going to load the next chamber essentially so for the sake of speed runs I I have to reset the save file you know basically as often as possible to have the lowest load times I mostly do if I do do speed runs I usually I usually do real time speed runs meaning not using the in-game timer just my preference okay so doors and sticks uh so it's complete RNG where the sack is it is some it is close to about 50 to get it on the second door I did have a Meg for this oopsie where are you got him it's about a 50 chance to get it on the second door and if that doesn't happen then the odds go up for it to be on the third door you cannot get on the first door Heartland does nothing it is impossible hard-coded don't believe any weird rumors or Benny down the street who said they got that one time uh so the reason why the only reason I do the mini boss Wars first is generally because they're actually kind of easier and they're definitely faster I feel like they're they're actually easier than the regular rooms first for me the regular lumps just take a longer time you're at the mercy of the traps for longer as long once you get to know the mini boss as well they just don't pose a major threat it is mostly a speed run Habit to be honest though and not so much a like always do this it's not a big deal it doesn't increase your odds of getting the sack or anything like that it doesn't matter none of those things matter there is yeah I see sometimes I see threads on Reddit it's like I take Health every time and I always get the sack every time I take Max Health it's like it's just a coincidence but I'm afraid just a kawinky dink unfortunately because we did not get a two sack our braids AKA are cast damage from the Caron Keepsake is they're falling off so we're not gonna have those for the Hades fight that's kind of a big deal I mean we'll be fine but on you know like a more challenging run that would actually be a big deal because now all we have is this Cyclops turkey to help us out sure we'll increase our PP a what do we got here but Aries help us more than a palm I doubt it but urge to kill plus 16 Cash damage sure why not show War let's do it eight cast level eight cast Mirage shot doubles the damage pretty good day pretty good anything about Hades in particular I can say there's like a there's like a lot to say but there's also little to say really somehow you don't know the skulls that he throws at you will cause you to take double damage while they're lodged so take your time cool off on em4 he always spins the spear twice when he's doing that so you keep that in mind not on M4 it's always once in between you can simply Dash through it with the right timing and not get hurt even though it looks like we're in the middle of it we have the greater call up so I guess we'll blow it here uh well I kind of flubbed it oh got snipe right there huh Gonna Save mag uh I don't know it could do phase three here phase one is often actually the hard part on high heat because the ads just pose a really big threat some people aren't aware of this but when you have Extreme Measures four and you cannot hug dad through the lasers he has a knockback effect that prevents you from staying in hugging distance so to let the hug your dads elsewhere survey I tried the block but I actually don't really know if you can block Cerberus like that okay oops father Meg almost got him really quick huh no Daddy you can block through this but it's not easy Denzel what do you think not bad huh not bad you use the god keepsakes I mean we got a little okay I'll admit it moroccia and Tartarus there may have been essence of luck there but uh trust me I mean this stuff once you abuse the god keepsakes and you know how the Boon system works a bit more uh in depth uh this is pretty easy to accomplish every single run you know what I mean reflexes only play a small role eventually so what was the big deal here Sun Rush was big raw shot obviously the attack was not that big of a deal uh the cast was important Huntress Mark was okay we got the cast damage Boost from chaos nothing else really mattered that much in totality in the run I think there all right what do you guys think I hope this was helpful to you let me know like I said earlier if you got more questions about the game the build whatever you want let me know in the comments I'll do my best to respond to you and help you all out thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video all right well can I have that I'll pay the fish tax for y'all didn't even notice it at first uh boy a sturgeon we are moving [Music] oh we're falling back we appear to be falling onto Ash twin for some reason [Music]
Channel: Haelian
Views: 75,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hades, build, aspect, update, new, gameplay, op, speedrun, game, version, 1.0, launch, persephone, ending, secret, hidden, let's play, review, rogue, roguelike, roguelite, guide, world, record, wr, best, walkthrough, tips, tricks, action, rpg, shield, poseidon, beowulf
Id: _bm8N41rQJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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