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hey guys it's haps and in today's video we are back with goobies and I don't really know how we follow up the last run because I'll tell you what bingos absolutely popped off but we do have one more character that we need to try out so we're gonna jump straight in and we're gonna try hoozy woozy now who's he causes the ground to burn dealing one AOE damage every 0.5 seconds HP 9 speed 7 so pretty solid stats damage five not bad rate of fire is pretty good at 0.6 seconds and we have a range of 900. but I think I'm just gonna push the AOE again I think who's he woozy with some AOE scaling in terms of damage and also size of AOE could be pretty strong could be pretty strong so let's jump in and see what we can do with who's he woozy oh look at this it's actually like a snake Trail oh that's so cool wait so we could just do this and we surround them we could just run off we just get our speed up we could just run circles if you'd like to go into the fire that would be great oh I shouldn't run into them that's my my bad um okay so the quicker we move the more damage we do that's pretty good we'll take that okay so I wonder like if you build out the AOE size whether our snake gets bigger if you stand still does it pull around you or does it stay no it disappears but we could do this again increase your speed we'll do it Uzi woozy is gonna be running riots look at the gaps like who's you can run into the gaps I mean the problem is you have to like give them time increase the radius of all area I think I might take explosive blobs I think I'm just going to build out some AOE damage like if we're running around we don't give them enough time to walk into it so we have to like do this and then stand still so like do this and then stand still stand behind it it's like you create a wall and then stand here and then they walk onto it I think that's kind of how we got to do it so it creates a wall and then you hide behind I don't know how useful this is gonna be uh deal more damage the faster we move happy to take some more of this yeah so I'm not really sure how useful this ability is um we'll probably we seem to be killing more with the projectiles than the actual maybe when we get a bit closer it might be better we can increase our speed more I'm going to take more explosive blobs wow okay that worked really well our rate of fire is pretty good so yeah if we um if we're blowing things up um I guess we'll take the obliteration here so let's get this little let's run around with our little streamer behind us we'll snake in here and if we stand still I think I'm just I'm not I don't think this I don't think this is doing that much I'm not gonna lie I don't think this is doing that much we could take we'll take this lose a bit of Health we do a bit more damage yeah I don't think um I think the most of the stuff is happening from the explosions I think our little a little streak here does a little bit of damage if they come at us I guess we could do this like and if they're walking towards us like this then they will um we can sort of protect the the area behind us let's kind of run over the same spot and just create just like this pool okay more exploding fire let's let's go running around there's a magnet in there we'd like to get that ghost blobs the ghost blobs were quite good in the Bingos run so I think I'll take those they did some good damage for us just kind of provide a bit of uh fire protection around here do this and then if we stand in the middle yeah I'm not so sure on this is a bit who's his abilities a little bit well I don't know maybe maybe I can make better use of it some other way um I'm gonna take hmm I'll probably just take some more Halo to be honest increase the damage when things are a little bit tough okay so they kind of are running onto it I wonder if I'll be able to see the stats on how much damage it actually does at the end um okay I think we take the exploding fire pool here because enemies have a 50 chance to explode on death dealing pretty much 10 AOE damage and leaving a pool of fire behind so that combined with my my streaks here we could basically just create a lava bed okay there's Gaia run around here nice increase damage we'll do it we'll increase the damage yeah tentacles come down we're good I mean we can't really do that much damage to the boss that's the thing like we need some chaining going on here foreign there's a bit of an explosion like which trial I'm trying to get as close as I can I wonder if I can I know I'm pretty sure that if I run over the top I'll actually take damage so I'm not gonna do that running around I guess it's just going to be a slow progress although we've done a bit of damage down to 300 now oh and there it is there it is come on give us something good is impressed by you that's nice okay so we're gonna have to force a bit of crit then if we're going to be taking the slash here pop pop um I'm just gonna keep running I'm just going to build up the speed we have more damage with speed so it makes sense okay Island one done assessment of Uzi woozy suspect ability but apart from that like the bass stats are pretty nice what I kind of wish I'd done is I kind of wish I had put the upgrade of an additional projectile and gone project projectile with Uzi Uzi maybe we can do that in another run we'll take the boomerang I want more explosions that's what I want I want to do more explosive damage to do this and then okay it kind of works like if you can't if you can like kind of get them all in one area are we just gonna add to the fire we're just gonna go all out fire do this more fire just everything is orange okay nice it is a little bit like snake I mean I guess we take this the exploding volcanic pool I think we pushed this this is this is pretty nice trap these and then this should kind of have a little chain of explosions nice I haven't managed to pick up any um any experience Buffs so yeah building building the levels is a little bit slower this this time around than normal I'm gonna take this deal more damage the faster we are because we're rapid so I'm just gonna push that a little bit more we've got a good amount of speed okay get up here so we cannot we can actually have a look at in-game Stats um by pressing like the middle button so we can look at these so we can see that we've already got this pretty well leveled up to five and then we can actually see our movement speed here for anyone who plays this game I just use the middle Mouse button for that but I believe you could probably tab it or something let's rotate through here see what we can do there's a bit of a chain there's our ghost doing some work for us feel more damage the faster you are I'm just gonna keep pushing this I'm just going to keep pushing the damage because I want to try and basically prepare myself for those Elite Giants the ones that just have just so difficult to get through that's a lonely bit of experience that okay they're popping off the ghosts do another extra work as well uh we're definitely taking the Salvage energy this this is I mean we could take fire as well both of these are good but I'm gonna take this because I know how well it works when it pops run through here okay I tried to find the gap so we've got no no current way of healing other than actually finding the health um so yeah we've got to keep keep an eye out for the health you know what we're gonna go yellow Sapphire again we're gonna go we're gonna oh we could take we could increase our attack speed I don't think this is a bad idea we've got a good amount of damage right now I think actually increasing our attack speed is also pretty good because if we can just trigger these explosions more then that's only going to be a good thing that is only going to be a good thing for us get in here pick up some of this experience so much fire okay so exploding volcanic pool enemies have a 15 chance to explode on Def D-Link 25 oh no 11.25 plus 25 of their Max HP has AOE damage and leaving a pool of fire dealing 2.5 damage every second the explosion releases five volcanic orbs exploding upon impact yep we'll take it we're just gonna keep pushing this I mean who's he woozy is a fire lord look at who's he woozy go oh you're the one that kind of fires out ultrasonic B like beams no no it's not it's not you that's Magnus you fire out yeah these little balls but we got the speed to dodge oh that well there we go that was me saying got the speed to dodge and just walked straight into it we could do some help our way to heal would be nice go around here just trying to pick up some I mean we get the magnet anyway so we might as well take down there you you're on a hundred there it is done come on give us something good a times four times two is that fire yeah it is the fire lord gets more fire your initial attack has and we're gonna go for the chain increasing the chance of fire explosions I mean we're setting up pretty nicely I just love the movement of some of these characters look at Uzi woozy look at those arms just let them go what a great day in fact the streak behind actually make who's he look like he's rapid okay I wonder what the lag will be like with with the trail behind us let's draw a line up here and a line here okay and go back over ourselves and just I'm I'm looking for some health here you walk onto my fire thank you there it is there's the chain that we're looking for um I'm actually gonna take the Keens oh no we'll take essence of zigrid because this actually drops little this brings down little meteoroids which could then do that I mean big explosion there pretty good okay so these are actually known as Queen's not spiders um these little guys are the spiders the Queens are the ones that fire the little projectiles they're more like bombs from projectiles okay I don't think I've found any health so far we're gonna get down here and take you down 21 damage rotate round finally gaps okay more damage would take more damage happy to push the damage in this instance there it spreads it's spreading the more damage that we can do the easier it is to kill things which is means it's easier to take stuff down we could increase the radius you know what I'm actually going to do this dealing damage to enemies above 90 HP has a 25 chance to deal 40 more I think that's good like basically I want to try and increase the amount of damage that we do because later down the line we're going to be coming up against some of the elite and we need to take them out so that they can explode and for us to get this chain effect if we can't take them out then we're going to struggle so I think I'm just kind of thinking ahead a little bit there wow I'd like 600. okay so here we go we're already coming up against some of these there we go see like if we can get the chain like that that is so nice now we're going to increase the size of the AOE oh that feels so good so much experience we still haven't got an experience upgrade though so that is probably worth picking up if we find it feels quite late now but we are only 26. I'll see now we get it but do we take it or do we just keep pushing I think we do take it I I think we do take it I a five percent really isn't that much but then the next one is if we don't take this one then we won't get access to the next one so kind of thinking about that okay there's a there's a spider mini boss down here put some fire in front of you camera got in a little bit of a tight Jam there we need some help so far not found any help more speed it's got to be done okay AOE would be good attack speed is not bad we'll take attack speed so I'm toying with the idea that a thick hide comes up I take it because I needed some way to heal and finding health is proving to be their sub okay we take the orbs there's a chain that's so nice oh the clear is so good and there's a magnet okay we take more speed more speed is more damage because we've stacked damage quite a bit on our speed so every oh that's so good 400 and we're gonna go boom very shortly oh wait the Chain's still going about 600 there it is okay clear you just get the damage there then I've just got to be careful like with my speed it's very easy to run into them okay now we're getting now we've got a good amount of experience here we should potentially even go up to the next level here it's very close we're nearly there we are there okay we could go Wildfire or we could keep going with you enemies have a 22.5 chance to ignite an AOE Wildfire upon death dealing I mean we could take this or we could take this I think we'll just push the Wildfire as well we are the fire lord after all we kind of want to max out both hell so much experience mumza actually yeah this is good mumzer can just run over yeah moms is the easiest boss to take on because literally follows you just leading a mum's uh into a path of Destruction okay right where we'll just keep running around see if there's any health that I've missed I don't think there is um I've got no way of healing either so I just walked straight into that was that was not necessary okay give us some AOE stuff okay crit's not too bad the the crit chance actually not too bad because we have a couple of the um I believe we picked up some of the Slash okay on to the next one we've got four HP so Staying Alive is goal number one thirteen thousand kills so we want to try and get as much HP as we can find take down some of these okay we're looking for HP just try and stay clear of everything watch the projectiles we're just gonna concentrate here a little bit more than we have done because I want to avoid losing any more HP but we want to find some so we're on 4.1 let's see if we can avoid losing any more maybe taking down this boss which is sort of what we're trying to push the crit's coming in really nice there you're gone okay let's get the AOE attack speed okay we're we're happy with some attack speed we get a chain watch that nice Wildfire yep we'll take it big explosion there's the chain some ghosts out there doing some work for us we're down to four another chain we're gonna get another chain as well the chains are wild actually okay we can just keep chaining um or as you know we'll go orb we're gonna push the orbs we're gonna push the experience here there's some health two thousand okay we're out of enemies we're out of uh I think we take this you know we picked up a fair bit of crit chance I think that'll help kill enemies and start the explosion chains we're up to six HP so we're a little extra HP would be nice if we can get it so another another Health orb would be good I just walked straight into that that's 5.6 cheap HP given away that's what we want to try and avoid 5.1 it's actually really tricky not to not to run into things just because of the speed of who's he whoa where do they come from oh we actually that works so well we block them off and there's some health for us up to 7.1 that's really nice and the chain keeps going and there's more health for us okay we're back up to pretty much full health I'm gonna rotate round pick up some of this experience we could keep pushing Wildfire or we could push you I think we'll take the Wildfire here okay 9.1 we need some help should hopefully start a bit of a chain reaction okay the chain reaction from the fire is actually really really nice it is really really good to see who's he woozy honestly if the fire lord himself can see you there so yeah what we oh there's like quite a few we've got to be careful here we need to set the chain reactions off a little bit of Health good let's collect up all of this I definitely think picking up those The Experience orbs when I did was a good idea because now it does feel like it's worth it I'll tell you what I need to get the I need to get it working so that I can use my controller because like doing an hour of running ground constantly like this in a run although we've only been 20 minutes so far is uh kind of kind of hard work on the old uh the old wrist clear you nice the orb duplicator when we're taking that we're locking that in we want the experience okay that the Chain Reaction happen then we'll be in here to do the next oh your beam I forgot about you Magnus sneaky that's actually painful as well I remember it being quite quite painful um Health oh we're at Max health that's so nice okay not at Max Health anymore let's rotate round these little these these big balls that are like around the edge kind of kind of difficult to play around we can't do that much damage on Magnus it's quite tricky a little bit stuck here okay now we've got now we're doing some damage there we go that was a good little that was a good little section kind of focusing on magnets right now but yeah we're not doing that much it's and then yeah we needed to pop that and get up there okay right nice round just playing pretty close to the chest here trying to try to stay close without getting in the way or causing myself too much pain and getting trapped there we go there we go we got it nice come on give us something good a times four would be awesome at times two but times through Wildfire the Fire Lord knows what he wants Magnus delivers who's he woozy okay let's rotate round pick up the last few scraps before the end okay nice so 26 000 kills boom and there it is take down that and then you guys are gonna run into all of this another Chain Reaction let's get you guys pinned in here okay now this is where it pops we'll take the magnet uh we keep doing more damage for our speed or we can chain I think we'll chain now okay we're gonna get another combo going here and then we're gonna want to try and be in the middle of these two groups boom there we go and then we get an oh we didn't we did nothing with that second one okay try and get the uh get get the combo going watch out for you these guys just get the fire good amount of damage taking a bit of a hit though loving the experience the Queens are the just dropping these bombs on us is actually quite tricky let's get in here with some fire see if I can nice okay I did very little at that second one oh the explosion wait did we just pick up all of that experience straight away or did it just disappear into the ether hmm I think we'd take the Keen slash I think this is because each Critical Strike has 40 chance of causing up to four slashes on a close spy enemy dealing 75 of the damage dealt so we can just keep basically keep just slash like the critical damage is also chaining okay this is a thousand then another big hit when and we're going to do another one as well so difficult not to run into the enemies honestly with the amount of speed that I have these hopefully do enough damage here start the Chain Reaction watch out for these no well don't come into my fire don't really want to be in the middle because if I get trapped in the middle then it's a bit of a problem I need to set off a bit of a chain reaction here get out of this oh these are the these are the Elite dudes with the okay yeah these these guys are tricky oh we'll rotate round trap these guys in okay doing a good amount of damage I mean they they they're quite Hefty these guys are Hefty they uh they take a lot of damage to do anything on oh wait the the dude is the one that kind of like draws you in do not like this guy no go away go away go away go away how do I get away I can't actually go down here you just have to rotate around the outside and run okay we haven't got much health can we find some health I can't believe we've not found like um we've not picked up hide or anything like that I think we just keep I mean just keep taking this is it I don't think this is improving anymore is it we'll take this though more speed problem I have here is one I'm a little bit too quick so closer that little tentacle dude is a real problem I need some help we need when we take down these I'm praying for like thick hide that's what I'm praying for oh that's a painful just be careful here watch out for you dodge these find this Gap here I need experience okay I feel like I am sort of hanging on with healthy um because I've got no way of healing other than finding it and if we don't find it then we have a bit of a problem oh we taking down Oola nice that is not that's triple frostbolt kind of goes against the fire Lord's philosophy the frost but hey we'll uh we'll take it clear you nice oh this good good bit of experience over here rotate round watch Dodge all of these okay man we do we've done a fair bit of damage because we find that Gap we can okay oh no we're down to 1.2 Dodge that Dodge that we need that we need to get out of here we need health we need help we need to take down a man and we need health and we need to get thick hide whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh it's so difficult to dodge it really is it 0.4 oh there it is okay we got it let's let's clear the wave I don't know how much further who's he's gonna go just gonna rotate round surely we take you down here okay come on we need the thick hide no the boomerang okay well we're taking it and we're going in with 0.4 HP Oozy woozy this could be your last stand my friend but let's go [Music] okay um praying for some oh we're taking the thick hide straight away anything that's going to give us the potential to get some help we're taking it I'm just gonna play very slow and very careful I'm looking for help we've not found any no early Health could be that could be GG for us yeah there it is there it is there's not much we could have done there I mean I guess we could have just been a better dodging I guess we could have been better at dodging but there's our first take of who's he woozy the fire lord I mean the exploding volcanic pool does 2.7 million and I did 2.7 million of our damage let's just have a quick look through see if there's anything else that did 200 000 here 44 000 I mean the Salvage energy dude 2.4 million 1.7 from the wildfire yeah there it is it was the 2.7 from the exploding volcanic pool okay let's jump out let's see what we get from the upgrades we get another 480 or roughly speaking to spend but there we have it we've been through every single character that there is I mean my next my next play is to try and unlock some of these artifacts or even just try something like full spectrum where you spawn as a random Gooby when the game starts as well as one when you go through those portals hopefully you guys enjoyed this if you have an idea of what you want to see next maybe it's unlocking some of these artifacts maybe it's trying one of these runs maybe it's just trying to get the highest score I could possibly get let me know down in the comments but thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Haps
Views: 8,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goobies Preview, Let's Play, Goobies Alpha, Goobies Beta, Goobies Demo, Goobies English, Goobies, Goobies Quick Look, Goobies Review, Goobies Letsplay, Goobies Part 1, Goobies Playthrough, Goobies Walkthrough, Goobies Guide, Goobies Early Access, tryout, goobies update, roguelike, brotato, vampire survivors, bullet heaven, bullet hell
Id: 1jIK1FgzMdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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