Answering What the Strongest Aspect in Hades is and Why

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Hello friends and lovers what's up it's Haley and today we got another informational Hades video for you and this is going to be the about the aspect of Eris for the rail in case you don't know it the aspect of Varys is probably the most powerful aspect in the game in a lot of different senses not in every single uh aspect that you can think of because you know like 64 he was beaten by a different aspect but in terms of uh consistency and general heat and also speedrunning as well Eris has to be up there as the most consistent and easy to use aspect out there to do really well in the game I'd say so why is it so good it's mostly because of this big buff for four seconds after absorbing your specials blast you deal more damage that damage is plus 75 that is a global damage boost every single source of damage or nearly every single source of damage will deal so much more it is massive and it's pretty easy to keep up four seconds is a pretty long time so we're going to be using Zeus's Keepsake because the best combination with most of the rail aspects is to use an on-hit effect like Zeus or Dionysus basically and we're going to be doing 32 heat I'll show you the pack before we go and we're going to have damage control on which means we're going to need some unhit effects to knock off that damage control easily so here's our mirror setup probably not a whole lot to say here it's a pretty standard uh Outlook there but if you got questions about the mirror or anything now is a great time to ask about the loadout here so here is the 32 heat selection this one's actually kind of a more of a fun one I do think that most people if you're looking to beat 30 to eat for the first time this is a decent pack setup you'd probably want to turn down tight deadline if you're not used to it though and you could probably throw on a couple conveniencies and uh one lasting consequences or something like that you could even do double forced over time but I think I don't think that's as easy as the conveniency and Lasting consequences but we should be okay like this there's really no amount of bad RG that would stop us from winning this uh I believe especially where the jury summons is you really want to work around tight deadline based on how much you have in terms of jury summons calisthenics program benefits package what kind of build you got going on as well dammit control is important if you have Extreme Measures four or not on is going to be important for how you use the tight deadline as well because the stream measures four adds a lot of time to the end of the run which we will not be doing here just because I do want this to be mostly about how would you go about using essentially the best aspect in the game but let's get started and we'll talk about it allow me to sip of coffee here so this is definitely going to be like kind of an overexplained I shouldn't have to pause too much or anything though but more of an in-depth explanation as to what's going on so we're going to be using this special throwing it out and just trying to land our ourselves in it uh constantly I'm not gonna worry too much about hitting the enemies with our special oh nice we got that epic attack you wouldn't settle for anything else here unless you roll once and you still don't get it at which point you'd probably do maybe Electric Shot maybe Thunder dash one of those two basically but an epic attack is really nice to start so there is an important thing here and this is for every single rail aspect which is that under your controls if you're playing with a controller please please please please please rebind the reload button it's the only rebind that I really recommend in the game it's the only thing that's really important the default reload button is like R3 and it's it's just ridiculous it's just so hard to utilize so I really recommend swapping that to just something that you know one of your fingers is on more often so yeah again I'm not worrying too much about hitting the enemies with the special I mostly just want to be inside of it and the best the best way to kind of think about it I think we're still going to take a hammer here is to in between every single reload whenever you have to hit the reload button that's when you're gonna throw out the special it's just such an easy pattern to get into you know in the muscle memory will definitely take over very quickly alright so normally oh boy normally there's a lot of great hammers for aspect of Errors we didn't get anything amazing though I say triple bombs okay spreadfire is bad for this spreadfire is bad most of the time you could definitely load out a build to work around spreadfire but it's not yeah it's not conducive you'd want like a flat attack like Artemis or Aphrodite if you're going to do spreadfire has a problem gets really silly and wonky I gotta do another video using Hazard bomb because the the number can get really really high but it's uh it's not good especially with errors because again we don't want to hurt ourselves with it now this is where some people will come in and tell you oh well you can just dash out of it at the last second and not get damaged but still get the buff it's just like yeah but I don't want to be doing like I don't want to rely on these I guess frame perfect is a bit of an exaggeration but essentially frame perfect tricks to get the errors buff every single time it's just it's just not that worth it you know plus this is supposed to be about you know taking the best options that that you can if you were gonna be doing this yourself you know what I mean so I'm just shooting and I have you know built in to my brain nodules here at this point in time just kind of roughly how long it takes before I need to reload if I'm holding down the shoot button I mean I'm not definitely not perfect and also in between enemy waves I'm just tapping the reload button you're probably going to hear some clicks from time to time once since we got triple bomb it actually does hmm I'll do that you gotta take the shop here to avoid spending too much time in enemy Chambers awesome the special got a lot more powerful when we took triple bomb so getting some big damage on the special would be really nice we do have to sell a boon at the end of biome for underworld Customs so these are pretty bad I don't I'm not really interested in Rolling them though we'll just take dial a man I'll take some Max health Dionysus um with aspect of Errors I mean dionysus's call is already pretty powerful but especially with Eris where it'll get that big bonus it's it's gonna be even better whereas everything else here is probably not great all right that's actually kind of fun I gotta admit that's kind of fun you can probably already tell that the uh Zeus is a attack is doing really really well so Zeus so these are the two probably best in slots I'm gonna say on errors it's either Zeus's attack or dionysus's attack but Zeus kind of pretty easily overshadows the Diane nicest one because Zeus has a lot of great follow-up Boons like the jolted like you could get double strike you could eventually get the legendary whereas Dionysus you kind of just you just kind of get the hangover damage and that's about it none of the tier twos are that interesting or that great this is kind of a fascinating one we can sell uh dying lament which we just picked up so I'm not really worried about what we got to sell I don't know what what did you all want to see I guess if I were to try to think of uh it's just it's really tempting to take strong drink here it does help with the healing and it's super early to get all that all that Global damage and everything it's just too tempting to take strong drink I don't think I'd turn it down if this were a crappier boon like after party or something I'd probably do this for fun so to speak and you could definitely win right that's not a problem winning with uh Dio's attack there it's just a matter of what gives you the best odds and I still think Zeus would probably be the the safer the safer Place slightly in terms of getting like that the most damage output that you could okay that's good the nectar hit the attack we like that here's Baldy you know of course we're gonna take the gold Health looks fine we got Thanatos that's good for the timer since the timer will be paused during fan in the top right we have a chaos gate in here and we could take that to save even more time we're not really looking for anything in particular from chaos like a an attack buff from chaos isn't really going to do anything for a special damage might do a little something you know an attack buff from cast will not change how much damage the zoo spoon does if that makes sense just what the white damage from the attack will do so is it that important I mean there's always health and Boone Rarity and stuff but that's not crazy important we're probably gonna do it though unless there's I think there's a circumstance where I might not do it and that's probably if Zeus were on one of these two doors here for the show otherwise we'll play it I guess I guess you'd call it playing safe [Music] okay I'm gonna call it worth it what do you all think I think that's worth it trials are kind of tough like if you watch a lot of my runs we'll still take a calm and it's still very good if you watch a lot of my runs you'll probably see me avoid trials very often especially like high heat runs I mean trials are dangerous uh they take longer so if you're on a deadline it could be trouble uh uh you got this crap you gotta avoid from different gods there's also again mostly about the deadline there's also just some things about them like they can't be a fountain room which might be kind of obvious I guess uh so you're kind of uh knowingly taking something that's going to take a large chunk of time I guess so these are bad boons we have no use for trippy shot hmm you could go into scintillating feasts which is getting like Goofy and fun I mean you could is it good is it helpful I mean not really I mean with uh the triple bomb too not being able to Lodge that cast into a boss is kind of a downside so you can't apply boiling blood there's a couple other balloons that would be nice here though we didn't get any of them hmm bang I guess we're gonna just gonna throw in positive outlook something else to sell take this free Palm to throw in the jolt we do have money but that's okay glad we were able to Pond the jolta too there all right timer's looking solid nothing to really worry about there plenty of time on the clock even taking a optional trial so I think you you probably notice a trend where Zeus is gonna be making many appearances at high heat play during speed runs and everything like that Zeus is definitely one of the more Zeus might be one of the best General Gods to get in some ways I mean even if you're not going for a build that uses Zeus's attack or special Zeus's call is probably the best uh the best one in the game overall and it can again segue into getting jolted billowing strength smoldering air there's just like a lot of good things and Zeus is pretty much always helpful so the best pair with this Zeus juicy Zeus attack here probably has to be Poseidon on the special on the dash Splash ass is just a very very very powerful Boon overall on its own I mean I've beaten 32 heat using only Poseidon stash and nothing else I don't use the attack I don't use the special I don't use the cast I use nothing there's probably a video somewhere around here of it and it's honestly not even that not even that challenging for someone who's beating 32 heat many times at least but yeah Poseidon stash very very powerful so that's what we're hoping to get here after that what are we see King I mean so there's some great great hammer combinations and get with Eris the first Hammer we got just wasn't spectacular I'd say it's kind of middle of the road so some of the good combinations aren't are already destined not to happen so we have four key roles we have a plus one dash on the board which is tempting you really just want one of two things from Hermes here which is plus dashes or hyper Sprint that extra movement is just really really powerful hypersprint leads into a potential Rush delivery which is a massive damage boost so I think I'm willing to throw one roll and get an epic easily so let's get Poseidon here so now there's just one Boon I want from Hermes and it's such a powerful Boon that Rush delivery Boon that I'm probably willing to save her all the roles for it because if you don't get it you only get two Hermes per run until you get the sticks at least in which case there's a 50 50 there will be a third Hermes but you don't want to wait that long to get it you know ah so this is where it gets challenging do I actually roll to get besides Dash and then be down a roll so I can only roll the next Hermes once potentially I think I'm willing to roll it once here and maybe we'll get a key back up okay the Call's okay here the Call's okay it wouldn't be totally wrong to do it but I like I like splashing and dashing in here let's see if he or to sees over here oh she is money I think I'm want to do this then okay yes now this build and pretty much any build in Hades could center around one particular thing which is that Rush delivery Boon if you don't know what it does it's plus damage based on your current move speed bonus so right after we Dash we get plus 100 move speed right Rush delivery can go up to plus 100 damage so we could get essentially plus 100 damage right after we Dash every single time and it's just it's just Bonkers it's insane um so we really want to lean into that at this point might not get it though still the options from Euro to see hmm you could do something just like Palms it's not that crazy you probably wouldn't do the Ambrosia here the palms would hit four different things but we would be selling Dylan lament most likely hopefully we're kind of lacking other Boons to sell but I think the right choices to go refreshing nectar here to try to get that improved Rarity on Rush delivery hopefully we can get epic essentially it'll probably last until we see the next armies and we can play around it a little bit too we got Dionysus here Dionysus is called but still be very strong maybe I'd take a Trippy shot just for fun but I would uh be the only real purpose so I said aerys's damage buff uh is global damage on almost everything so it does not affect uh it does not affect things like summons like Meg summon still will only deal 2500 damage even if you have the errors buff up there was a time where it was different actually but not anymore there are ways to buff that damage it's kind of inconsistent uh like sweet surrender from Aphrodite will buff the summons damage I guess we'll take advantage here pedal Dash plus one oh here's Hermes already okay I only got one roll though so only got two chances at it so sweet surrender will Buffett what else Buffs it targeting system hammer on the rail will buff it whoo but things like heiress and strong drink buff will not will not increase the damage from the companion so it's kind of all over the place essentially I don't know I don't know if it was like an oversight like something still affected it and but they weren't really meant to there is this semi-famous glitch that you could probably find somewhere on my channel where we actually the Thanatos summoned for some reason can backstab and if you get a bunch of backstab damage from Athena the Thanos Osama can deal like tens of thousands of damage it gets really crazy no rush delivery we got one more chance come on scammed what can you do uh yeah I'll just take plus two dashes that's fine with Splash Dash it's pretty helpful quick recovery is an okay Boon Auto reload doesn't really do anything for us quick recovery is okay are we done do I need Boons to sell I kind of do but we'll probably get to visit the shop after chaos so maybe I don't have to worry that much yeah because you can't sell premium vintage we want to sell either dying Lament oh really just dying lament huh nectar affects chaos here right um I look at how I'm asking a question right now I'm pretty sure it'll affect chaos yeah it went away after we picked up the chaos boom dance strike damage cast damage plus one cast these are none of these are helpful this is actually pretty harmful at the top here having everything hidden it's kind of scary because I don't know which way will be the shop when we leave and I want to go to the shop to try to buy booze to sell essentially but I guess I'm gonna take cast damage up all right we'll take we'll take Poseidon hopefully we'll get to keep it and sell dying lament from Aphrodite we don't know yet though oh these kind of aren't great I guess we'll take razor Shoals and we're okay with selling that if we have to instead underworld Customs is probably one of the most interesting packs of punishment it really changes how you think about how you're gonna play and it's not the most harmful pact either at the same time it doesn't feel that bad to have to sell a boon every biome but it does feel nice that you know you have to consider your actions a bit more I think I think it's one of the better packs on the pack to punishment now a lot of people don't like the idea of like essentially nerfing their own build Just For The Pact and I think that makes sense for something like uh approval process because that kind of takes it a step too far but if the only pack you have on is underworld Customs you usually have more than enough foods to sell every single biome there's usually one or two that you really don't need that bad way okay learning I'm trying to say near to deal that Dash damage now we got lots of dashes didn't get hyper I mean uh rust delivery what can you do though we tried a lot of people okay here's another common question why don't I pick up the gems after a boss I mean they just don't do anything um I have no use for jammies let's think about this yeah we'll just sell razor trolls it's a nice spoon to keep but I don't want to spend my last role here to have a chance at selling dying lament essentially let's see and from here on out I mean there's a lot of different options if you're trying to be 30 to eat for the first time you should really just put on a defensive Keepsake like Evergreen Acorn is probably the best one uh you might consider skelly's tooth if you're doing a stubborn Defiance but you really shouldn't be using the stubborn Defiance at 32 heat I think um you just want to preserve those death defiances as best you can so the acorn is probably your best bet hmm the yarn would that do much for us not really the next moon we pick up there's no particular reason I do have kind of a lot of money so I'm guessing I'm willing to do it and I'll try to make it so our next God pick up is Poseidon who could give us the best and that's probably who could give us the best spoons at this point in time the most useful boons something like Breaking wave or getting razor Shoals back we'll take the second Hammy a lot of people might ask things like what about what about dual booze to go for like sea storm or I don't even know what else like that trippy shot one that I kind of didn't lean into it all and it's like nice to haves but not necessary and you kind of got a lot of other things to focus on when it comes to the build something like sea storm is never never gonna be as powerful as uh the hyper Sprint Rush delivery combo from Hermes kind of sadly right in order to get sea storm at this rate I'd have to take uh the Poseidon's special just to get it let it be offered in the near future and then sea storm would only get applied when I Dash into an enemy and it's it's okay I mean if it just happened that's great but otherwise it's just not that meaningful these are pretty bad hammers honestly Delta chamber is pretty no Delta Chambers I call it good it leans into good but like piercing fire is not helpful explosive fire is pretty just weak in general so I guess we ain't reloading for the rest of the run so that's I don't know it's a nice to have it's a comfy hammer it's cozy comfy this is a big spoon of hammers I guess I don't know I still like sometimes tap the reload button you won't get a lot more powerful uh by taking Delta chamber is the only thing in terms of damage output it's not gonna do a whole lot it actually does provide some level of safety because what you need to know is that on the rail if you're holding down the attack button normally the game punishes you for continuously holding down the attack button Olympus we can do the dash there holding down the attack button and dashing at the same time it's gonna say well you're not gonna get the iframes which means invincibility frames while dashing if you're just gonna keep attacking the whole time that'll Dash again uh again I think we mostly want to focus on something to sell we could fill in the the call slot here kind of don't mind the special damage from that though we'll fill in the call slot with Dionysus Maybe so what am I saying here so Delta chamber removes that it makes it so you do still get the iframe 12 dashing so now you can be more comfortable in holding down the attack button and not have to worry as much about getting hit essentially the rail is not like the fists so you see with the fists you can hold down the attack button the whole time and dash around to avoid enemies hitting you and you'll be pretty good like the game still gives you those iframes while you dash it might be one of the reasons why new players uh are much more comfortable with the fists in general because they're a lot more lenient than something like the rails attack which has you have to get used to the reload and it's you don't get those iframes when you dash and stuff but yeah Delta chamber gives it back so it makes it a bit more cozy these are pretty terrible um I really want the call it's just very good okay there we go finally this hasn't been an especially lucky run I'd say it's been kind of just run-of-the-mill but you can probably tell that it's uh you know this is a pretty pretty easy going 32 Heat right a lot of people ask about call Boons and maybe I should do a separate video on these if you want a separate video about the call Boons and why I prefer some over the others and uh why like speedrunners aim for certain ones and stuff like you'll see me go for dionysus's call very often any patties ooh Zeus I don't think we need more Zeus that badly here could get billowing strength that's about it so yeah you'll see me go for you know what we'll go for this it's kind of goofy now we don't know the exits you'll see me really avoid certain uh call Boos namely Aphrodite's a lot of people see that big juicy 2500 damage number and be like how could you not want to get that and you just have to understand that uh if you want to actually deal damage with Aphrodite's call it has to be a full charge right and some Chambers if not a lot of Chambers you'll never even reach a full charge on the call so what is that worth versus a call Boon like dionysus's which doesn't sell itself as well because the damage numbers don't sound as juicy when you look at it right but you can use it just every now and then on a single charge it also allows for certain certain other Boons to be very helpful like second wind which Buffs you after you use the call billowing strength Buffs you after you use the call this molding air dual Boon which allows you to use the call way more often delicious I think we do jolted there I'm not 100 though and I think that's gonna be way more useful also when you use a call Boone you get a few iframes as well meaning that it almost acts like an additional Dash so if you if you time it correctly you can kind of use it to avoid getting hit by something come here you said all right I have the acorn on and I've already lost a lot of it don't mind me the other truth behind the Aphrodite's call is that yeah that 2500 damage number is great but I mean is that actually more damage than what four separate do calls could have done four smaller deal calls because that that's that's that's different because Aphrodite's call has no AOE it's gonna hit one enemy you have to be careful to make sure it's gonna hit the enemy that you want oftentimes oh oftentimes it'll actually be overkill on enemies right like not many enemies need a 2500 damage boost you can look at a boss that way and what about these everything oh okay I think we sell this I don't really don't want to sell a strong drunk we'll leave the acorn on it's fine a curse of chaos has expired um and then the uh the charm effect that the Aphrodite call does is just not like right it just doesn't it's not a helpful effect in the game generally charm is weird and it's not very good I think overall the Anvil is actually quite tempting here to go for like something silly and goofy you know what let's do it triple bomb gone piercing fire and Hazard oh my God I see how it is video game I see how it is well like I said you can get iframes while you dash and since we have Delta chamber now it will be a bit easier to not take damage from Hazard bomb but if we didn't have Delta chamber and you want to hold down the attack while that's going on you'd be in trouble we'll be okay we'll survive it doesn't deal that much damage but actually the more annoying thing than the damage honestly on Hazard bomb it's the Stagger you get staggered by your own attack and it's actually really really annoying losing that triple bomb is kind of frustrating too in the sense that it kind of It kind of helps slightly in keeping up the heiress buff I guess I'll do the attack now really lucky on these Palm offerings honestly let's go back here buy this well those are not very good unfortunately kind of doesn't matter hmm I don't think any of those are very meaningful wouldn't mind getting that special back but uh another call Boon you probably see me semi-avoid his artemis's call again kind of similar to Aphrodite it's the singular uh charged for artemis's call is just it does very very little it's so small relative to some of the other calls it's such a minor amount of damage sure if you charge the call up all the way you can you can deal a good chunk of damage but it's just it's just again if you ever have to build up the full charge call to really feel the effect it's probably not going to be that good the science call is fine it's actually quite strong it makes you invincible deals a big chunk of damage knocks enemies around aerys is called it doesn't deal a lot of damage it's the only problem really uh with it this call is amazing dionysus's call is amazing although you do got to be careful Dionysus is called you don't want it if you apply hangover with other effects because whatever the newest hangover effect is on an enemy that will be what overrides so in other words if you if you have hangover applied on the attack it's gonna apply a much smaller stack of hangover and it's going to override the call sacs which are a much higher amount all right daddy take us home I don't even know if we ever went below half health for the run that just kind of goes to show the power and consistency of this aspect honestly if you're struggling either getting a win or winning at 32 Heat this is definitely the safe way to go now you do it is one of those aspects where it might not be amazing if you don't have it fully fully leveled up over at the aspects but I mean that's most aspects anyway most of them are pretty weak unless they're maxed out heiress is probably fine oops probably one of the better ones at scale yeah we did it in Under 12 minutes too look at that not bad for 32 heat huh well I hope I answered the questions you don't normally want to Anvil there at the end because things like a hazard bomb could happen you know what I mean uh is there anything I want to make sure you all see here uh that's pretty much it I mean that that's kind of the build we had a bunch of movement from Hermes but yeah it's not the craziest thing ever but yeah there you go that's 32 heat everyone hope this was helpful for anyone that needed it if you got questions make sure you let me know in the comments I will do my best to answer you and then I'll see you in the next video this time
Channel: Haelian
Views: 53,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hades, build, aspect, update, new, gameplay, op, speedrun, game, version, 1.0, launch, persephone, ending, secret, hidden, let's play, review, rogue, roguelike, roguelite, guide, world, record, wr, best, walkthrough, tips, tricks, action, rpg, broken, hard
Id: h2UQj64hg1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 13sec (2053 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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