Was I wrong about this Artifact?! | Goobies

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Hello friends and lovers what's up it's Haley I'm back with goobies anyway we're gonna do the usual but I figured we'd do something different add in at least one other thing definitely not all enemies deal double damage I'm thinking item drops are now entirely replaced with roulettes I recently just unlocked it actually reduces the score so I guess I think it's good I don't know what baby Gooby means but apparently it makes it more difficult uh I haven't tried it yet so I guess we're gonna see what it looks like I guess we'll take out a spinky winky I don't know if there's really a character I haven't played with much I mean I've done most of them just like once maybe twice now at this point in time I probably won't bother like who's he woozy now just because they don't they don't seem very good spinky winky increase attack speed based on momentum momentum is gained by continuously moving without stopping okay so it just makes our character that much smaller oh my God we move so quickly though so we're just gonna get roulettes instead of levels now wow okay I don't know what to think of that so we got AOE radius to start this is obviously going to be very different from almost anything else and we're just gonna be gambling a lot so we don't get to pick anything on Forge we have to be doing a lot of this 10 attack speed you definitely don't dissolve any of this so far assumingly if you do dissolve it then still counts as a level 20 AOE radius okay so we need some something our regular projectiles are doing some work I guess for now just one times crit stuff okay I don't expect this one to go as long as most the others but who does maybe the roulette thing will surprise me it's uh seems like they think that it makes things easier oh dang three times I mean that's lucky right that's very lucky but since you don't get the pick I feel like it's I feel like it's more of a detriment normally get to pick uh one of three right that's a more attack speed okay who knows who knows two times even no not not a taxi that's the flat damage one 35 damage okay you guys should just get the mouse out for the whole run here at this point okay okay where we go we're gooben two times what's that one is that the crit thing I think that's the crit thing wow it's actually nailing a lot of the the same things over and over again here for us kind of what I guess that kind of feels nice maybe this is the big projectile build but I can't pick anything so it is what it is right wow triple obliteration out of the bat out of the bat out of the gate post-mortem obliteration supposed to be kind of good for on hit effects but or sorry on death effects but I'm not I'm not really sold 10 attack speed okay we'll go with that if I do dissolve these roulettes I wonder does it still count it as a level because normally in not without this artifact it would not count it maybe the next time we get like a really bad one we won't take it 30 attack speed wow we already have pretty monstrous attack speed going on here I gotta run on stream uh best run yet but I don't know if it's gonna come to the tubes yeah you'll have to come check out the stream to see if I'm playing but it was pretty wacky with bingis bongus Slash um I don't even remember what happened but the game came very close to crashing on multiple moments it seemed the bit rate was horrible [Laughter] what is that oh sometimes you can hit 20 so five percent here I didn't pay attention what level I was so I'm just gonna take it 13. I'm level 13. I gotta pay attention here to find out if it does cost us all around because if it doesn't cost us a level recycling things that are bad is not a terrible idea we'll take splinters now we're level 14 14 14. 14 14. [Music] okay one times is that the flame it is 15. the Flames they just find a way in what can I say you know what I mean what can I say kind of like the spinny roulette I might start clicking through it a bit more yeah we'll take the crumbled Sapphire there still for sure 16. we are at 16. I'm trying to look for an opportunity to dissolve oh is that ghost blobs that's amazing if so yes I mean I don't think it's that special until uh you get level two but still it like it does Monster damage for just a couple levels we're at level 17 Oola has been slain already that was fast thousand needles I'm just gonna take it that did not count as a level as they shouldn't so yeah the game probably accounted for it I keep wanting to test it holy crap 20 damage multiplier okay another level here 10 chance yeah I don't think I turned it down holy God that tranquilizing mass yeah I'll still take it level 19 all right onward I still don't have the I know there's an artifact you all told me there's one where it makes the the Island's smaller I just don't have that one you gotta we gotta do some hunting I guess what kind of levels we got here we got six on the cracked Ruby already that's so we are we're already causing the bleed from the crits and everything that's pretty good we already have 84 crit rate so that's pretty good you definitely don't need much more level 19 19 numbers in my head numbers in my head 15 I don't think you turned that down either I'm just thinking once we go over the crit number we probably we definitely want to start dissolving if we get more maybe if we get certain terrible upgrades I don't know though maybe I'm not dissolving enough who knows we got this one could be weak ten percent that's not weak enough 21 21 21 21. one of these days I just want to double check because if it turns out that we don't level when I dissolve here then that's that amazing how amazing is that it's kind of amazing so that one's really bad 21 we still went to 22. okay well now we know now we know we know now so we lost that on a five percent crit damage huge mistake that's three times implode nah yeah I don't really care about implode I don't think it employs that great I don't even think it has a great utility either I don't know maybe with enough levels it could be okay so now we can speed this up a bit I'll still take 10 every AOE radius I mean we just don't really have all right look how small we are I mean you can't really have a build here for the most part because you get what you get I guess you could dissolve and that kind of helps control things a little bit but I'd say we're just kind of into the main projectile right now yeah yeah I don't think you turned that down so okay I gotta pay attention in case uh we might want to dissolve a regular roulette that we actually got from a mini boss though that might still be worthwhile if the stats are bad I don't know you think it's gonna be good yeah so we got three times that's dizzy balls right there so that's good some of those other levels are just lousy right we're just kind of all over the map so maybe it's worth it in the long run five percent is a oh it says Spin to Win okay so yeah you just take it then because either way you're gonna go up a level two times the range is pretty good you could probably use some range like this right grab a few more kills here okay we're good I thought I saw a magnet somewhere well we are so tiny oh my God it's adorable it is very adorbs as they say no one says that maybe John Jonathan Van Ness that was the name one time's a silly saucer well you take it I think that one's actually pretty good though if you get it pretty high I have more confidence than that than most others at least seems like it Doles out the D ude it's not worth dissolving until we get to like the 40s maybe though I think we need to get like super lucky and get it like a ton of a ton of experience multipliers or something a couple tranquilizing masses that could be good it might be at the point where it helps reduce damage we take at least already now why would they consider being smaller and negative because it it gives us a higher score multiplier I guess for some characters it could be like bingis bongus two times the silly sauce that sounds good that sounds good all right take care of them wow our single Target is out of control oh my God three times the silly sauce kind of want to look at it really quickly here it's almost six game three launchable saucers that deal 24.5 damage saucers are regained after one second each saucer is a 20 35 chance launch a serious saucer feeling 36 damage so that's when I think that's when they travel horizontally across the screen twenty percent of attack speed sounds good Liz slain so if this was really bad we could pass well we're definitely not passing on Triple tranquilizing Mass there we go so we got something defensive here too then because those will shield us from time to time which is nice I think that kind of helps to stun enemies too that get too close we're looking good from there blobby's down 15 crit damage yeah I guess I'll take it I guess I'll take it we're still only level 31 so I don't think uh dissolving stuff oh that's the XP one nothing dissolving stuff is right until you hit at least the 40s down okay uh there goes one of those saucers the thing is they uh you have to hit look how close those stupid saucers are to us probably maybe that's one of the downsides having such a small body here is that they hang out so close and so in order to trigger the serious one quote unquote [Music] um it's a level so I guess I'll take it that should be the last one I take though because we're at like 90 something oh I'm so sorry I just realized I just realized I know I know I know the damage was not being displayed forgive me I know we gotta see the goofy damage numbers everywhere I know they're kind of meaningless at this point maybe earlier on they're kind of meaningful but yeah we had to do it to reduce the crit rate earlier I totally forgot two times range wow that's quite a bit of range Magnus is down oh my God 60 attack speed is insanity we just have a crazy amount of attack speed right now a lot of our power is just in our projectile right now huh look at them go but will it keep up I don't know I don't know without like thick High to really survive the hits it's gonna be tough I think I'm gonna imagine Ray has been slain we have quite a bit of AOE radius but not a lot of things that actually use AOE we must have something don't we have something we have one level on the Fire levels on implode and wow that's pretty much it huh well I think you still take it though right still take it though right and just in case you do got a bunch of levels on something like the flames right hey you can't call me Wildfire Dan for this one that's for sure I've been a good boy you know what I mean God I love that last ghost blob okay boom oh it's so weak it's still a regular level though and we're 35 okay so weak hmm what do you think if they stop scaling up how much xp you need each level around like 40 45 ish so you still need a lot of XP right but it stops increasing how much you need that way it kind of just lasts a little bit longer this one is not a level and it's only five percent attack speed so I think I'm okay with dissolving it thirty percent AOE radius has some big implodes going on this is bachrock I think we we can skip the crit chance now yeah we are at 99 so that was a definite chain just one of them they still take it but yeah you know like just to give us a little bit more from the levels you know you know just to keep us a little bit more entertained because I think uh once you get toward the end there it made it make sense you don't you don't gain more XP really later on so much because the enemies are just chunkier you don't you can't really necessarily kill more enemies in the sense my God the AOE radius is out of control now I guess I'm like grit damage though maybe because I don't know if this a Wii radius is really doing a whole lot for us right now maybe that implodes carrying though I don't know maybe I guess it's possible I'm doubtful I think it only got to like level three times frostbolts yeah frostbolt okay that's not bad that's a pretty good one I'm happy with that level 38 this has done uh better than I would have guessed I think uh the monster attack speed is really doing most of it now what do you all think what is our number for attack speed 300 oh it's actually not as much as I would have guessed AOE is already at 3 10 that's so high it's ridiculous already okay excuse me my friends another 20 attack speed and it just keeps going and going and going I wonder if there's ever some kind of limit I don't know everything must have some kind of limit but it might be so high that it's not number that we'll really see or it would be much harder than where we are now maybe it's like 999 or something like that right is down already all right quick damage is good we like it's only 20 so not that high but that's one of the more helpful things that we could have gotten there I think at this point right or just damage multiplier too okay another regular level nope we recycled that sounds good grab that magnet check around here real quick let's move on level 40 already I say already I don't know was that fast I don't actually think so I mean I guess we spend less time having to think so this is kind of a faster Pace run wow look at that attack speed though when I do Target Anatomy it's just crazy it's more range would probably be good though now right more range wouldn't be so bad ooh two more splinters Splinter is very good for us here I think at this point Splinter is going to put in some work I think what am I think is going to be the top damage it's probably just going to be our vanilla projectile right what else got a lot of levels I kind of forgot one times the dizzy ball the dizzy ball is not going to be that good I think oh silly saucer is that gonna be higher than our regular projectile I don't think so no definitely not definitely not I think it's gonna be our plane old are all natch EZ okay okay two times soft Globs that's the piers which is probably pretty good for us at this point because I don't think we had a way to peer so I think we have some thousand needles or whatever but it definitely can't hurt what the heck hit me right there oh we're only at five something no sex Health okay I have finally maxed out the meta Tree by the way took a bit longer than I expected it was it really just took one big run you're really to really get it 30 more AOE I guess so but yeah now we're not making a lot of progress without things like arboreal gifts from tree hugger it's just gonna be hard for us to gain a lot of power at the at this right now we do pretty well against the bosses at least still seems like we uh knock them down pretty fast excuse me whoa whoa I thought something came racing at me what are you yeah what do you already got uh [Music] yeah yeah I'm getting picky all of a sudden but then I still end up taking pretty much everything has been slain thirty percent crit damage yeah we take those we take those ones pretty sure we're gonna NAB those I'm liking all these mini bosses they're throwing at us Kira is down now that's bad that's going straight in the garbage let me tell you why protest percentage attack speed I spit upon it that's what I do I spit all over it two more implodes okay with all that AOE range I'm hoping it does some work got another Spin to Win it's just a chain lightning nothing special but I think we just take it all right level 44. moving on okay already a mini boss I like I like I like send them back no Idle Hands or anything that's so weak yeah it's not even a level so I'm gonna pass on it five percent crit damage no we spit up on that too we're gonna be out of spit by the end of this run oh God oh God hmm frostball may have gotten enough levels to make it important it's kind of hard to tell yeah I guess I'm gonna take that one yay where is it got him didn't take much five percent AOE radius we're gonna recycle that too I think it's not enough right I don't think it's enough five percent are you kidding me that's nothing I know that counted as a level but still I'd rather have a half of another level than that I think at this rate there's no way that's waste one Splinter we'll take one Splinter though I think we take one splint the Splinter should be doing some work for us here the sound effects are getting cut off here for some reason oh my God so many mini bosses not complaining but surprise so I got kind of stuck there Locker rock is done ten percent [Music] guess I guess it was close it was close one dizzy ball will take it don't think the Disney balls have the range though spin to win one wiggly worm that probably is terrible but I guess I guess we'll let it be because just getting one vanilla level on something yeah it's pretty bad can I manipulate these roulettes really can I actually get it to stop on something that I want realistically is it worth even trying to think about I don't know I can't really tell I don't know it seems like totally random when I actually hit the button like it just flat out when I actually try to stop it anywhere I feel like it just almost randomizes the whole thing again all of a sudden I'm kind of happier with that than trying to time it like you ever play one of those stupid slot machines in a game and they want you to try to like predict when to hit it to get the sevens to line up I hate that crap irrationally angry about it it's like this is a stupid mini game and I don't care for it all right boss down looking pretty hot two times fire okay fire is coming up in this world finally finally it's about time I got scammed all right we're good we're good to go I guess we're good to go level 47 84 000 kills we're doing okay we're doing okay man silly sauce are ended up being kind of a waste time because they just they're too close to us they don't do anything really I saw one trigger there exactly one now there must be some kind of AFK build that's possible here you know there must be something I don't know see this Runner here we got one times the range it's weak but we want that range I think whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we're cool we are good oh dear God stay away this is very satisfying now if only I could grab a bunch of Idle Hands that would be amazing wouldn't it well would it be actually I think it'd be amazing I got stuck be fun at least two times the hail storm is okay actually I'd call that pretty good even the thing is I think it only kind of it's not going to get enemies that are very far away I think usually it's in the back oh I hope I didn't die from that or something that one's weak I think we I think we passed on that one five percent damage multiplier I don't think so that was just from a mini boss too so I don't know maybe we got to be more selective here two times blobbering yeah you take it again it's just one of those things since we're starting from Level zero on it this is probably not likely to get up to a place where it's actually useful five percent attack speed throw it in the trash I will not accept five percent attack speed straight into the garbage oh boy okay we're good we're good we're good some guy approaching over here 10 AOE I'm recycling that too right in the garbage there we go three times a thousand needles that's gonna be juicy that is gonna be juicy now one million needles it's probably called where is it yep million needles quirks into six Pro ejectiles all right there's the boss right there there's the boss Gonzo three times the Wiggly Worms hey they're coming up in this world well done no pun intended what is this I'm dissolving it it's been to win I see I traded it and it got better bum I'll take 20 I suppose Wiggly Worms might be enough to be okay now a level 51. this is going pretty far and I don't we don't I don't really feel like we're in great danger yet it doesn't take much though usually right it's usually quite sudden you wind up in a new stage and everything's just a little bit too chunky to kill quickly enough right I feel like that's what usually happens here okay now luckily we're able to draw large enough circles to where I don't feel as in danger of getting hit by whoa the range projectiles from them you know usually we're just doing donuts in the center right but I feel like somehow we've managed to carve off we're able to keep up with enough space to prevent that so those tight Donuts usually are bound you're bound to get hit all right freya's down that's horrible pass two times the Flames baby oh no it's Wildfire gonna steal the show again now because of this well it came on late so maybe not but we'll see it's not my fault it's honestly not my fault but it's truly not my fault I swear I swear I'm thinking I'm thinking the the thumbnail now crazy oh come on that's so bad crazy amounts of attack speed which is true you know what I mean oh that's terrible my God my God game oh been a little laggy there okay we're looking good though anything to look at here anything different really great damage is not bad 444 it's not bad I wonder if the worms will do pretty well it's kind of hard to say our main projectile might still take it for now I'll take 20 attack speed okay 20 is more than enough I think five percent is a recycle okay Splinter Splinter Magnus is and it's looking which way they're facing and they're gone Alay three times the splinters baby the splinters might go big for us oh my God look at the hit projectiles from our attack oh that's terrible get rid of it okay I can't believe we're doing this well with it you know maybe I underestimated the roulette wheel or whatever but I really didn't think this would be that that crazy I thought because we can't really control things enough that it wouldn't be good enough but oh my God I was so wrong apparently this is really oh yeah we do have quite a bit of a we rate it radius you can see the fires going off kind of now I think what is our AOE radius 360. that's quite High isn't it I believe that's quite High look at it go oh my God it is uh it is getting kind of intensive here all right send them back One Time's a keen slash you still take it it's not super helpful but oh my God Lola ten percent um [Music] all right yeah I don't know that one was close I think that one was close what do y'all think range I think I'm willing to dissolve the range it's not that it's useless but I don't think it's great here I think it could have been better two times the chain that we eventually got if we got to range twice in a row actually uh okay Bjorn down 15 damage I think we take I don't know sometimes I I'll make turn something like that down sometimes I might get punished for it you know what I mean the rain might have done something I'm just thinking we're typically in a range of something I know there are moments where we're not shooting it looks kind of ah there's so many things happening right now if it really starts to lag we might have to turn the damage numbers back off at this rate I think I think it's okay at the moment though I don't know now I'm starting to question that oh God that was close you're down eat it yeah I mean we take it I'm not that impressed by it all right I feel like our AOE radius is abnormally large relative to how important our AOE Builders I guess we did get quite a few levels in the fire I don't know what I was looking for there in fact let's look uh the fire's only level five it's really not that high I hope it's I hope it's kind of doing some work for us though I mean you got that thing busting up to 10 and it's gonna be a different story I think level five I'm not impressed I'm not impressed not yet all right we got a runner here they still go down quite fast two times the range okay I'm not gonna turn down two of them I guess I think that would be greedy then I think double range would be greedy but now we're we're pretty we're practically like I don't think more range would do anything here for us 1800 centimeters can you all get out the rulers to measure that on the screen here oh God oh God somehow not killing me yeah I might pass on any future range that we got at this point I don't know if you can uh I don't know maybe you could Target off screen still and everything but whoa gone I'm I'm dying for a sip of water right now let me tell you I know I can just stop and take a break but you know my nature my nature though okay I'm doing it I'm doing oh no see I got distracted I nearly lost it I nearly lost it we're passing on that right we're passing on five percent ten percent damage multiplier I don't think I can pass on that though no please don't die not yet not yet don't make it from a mistake I made if it happens naturally it's fine not like this though not like this uh um oh boy knock them back I don't know what knocks the enemies back to start the oh I can't even see the boss I'm not even hitting the boss that's not fair it's not fair I say oh come on coming out here again oh there we go all right let me throw scoos said schools okay there we go boom all right all right all right we're good we're good a bunch of thousand heels oh my God four times the implode I wonder what that reads us now feral black holes Barrel wow uh 12 and a half percent chance to implode upon impact displacing and stunning enemies for one and a half seconds and dealing 35.4 AOE damage a black hole spawns the center dealing an additional 66.3 AOE damage I was spawning a pharaoh black hole for each enemy hit the hell does a feral black hole look like it doesn't last long they like they come and go on this oh wait is that what those tiny little black blobs were maybe I just saw Maybe it's kind of hard to tell I'm I'm shocked this is doing that well we're roll 58. yeah because look now we're getting all these black orbs spawning off of the enemies you seeing that two times the Flames oh my God this is insanity now I hope we can lose eventually I have I have other things planned tonight you know previous engagements One Flame you still take it you still take hello oh oh goodbye oh gear of God in heaven it's like a supernova oh I don't know if implode's kind of out to the fire um I would be surprised if implode does that well blood came together kind of late so did the fire kind of but plow isn't really known for being very good I thought maybe it was more of a utility thing but it doesn't even really look like that honestly it just kind of looks like it's a whatever thing it's just kind of a worse version of some others oh god oh geez okay we're getting some lag out here might be time I don't know if turning off the damage numbers will help I hope so though one times what dizzy ball Frost no I think it's Frost Nova cross Nova slash Frost uh whatever you call it projectile or whatever all right I'm sorry display damage to Gonzo resume I don't know how much it'll help but we're gonna have to try it not that the numbers really mattered at this point anyway like it did you like it better but do you like it better without the numbers overall the numbers just kind of satisfying to see I don't really care either way you might have to turn off in instances like this hopefully I can remember I know there there's something kind of flat when you don't see the damage numbers a little bit even though they're you know semi meaningless it's just kind of that dopamine hit right oh okay ah Kira's down five percent I'm gonna pass two times what is that one thick hide all right coming through with some defense out here I guess this is kind of an easier mode slightly maybe more than slightly I don't know I wasn't convinced I was wrong perhaps please stop getting hit that's useless dang that's too bad chance doesn't do anything though right one time's the range no I'm gonna pass on that too it's wasteful right but what can you do there's no there's just no point taking it that I can say okay in fact I may have already already taken too much range in a sense okay imagine if like we don't have Resolute Energy never got tree hugger God if we could get that going on now if I got an abort arboreal gift would that spin a roulette with this artifact on as well I don't know I don't know Baka rocks down we'll take one more flame up parade yep [Music] We're not gonna turn that one down all right come on zombies down oh 60 Brit damage there we go I am now satiated oh oh this is when things get tend to get a little spicy when you see the helmet of guys creeping in and you can't quite keep them back looks like we're gonna be okay for now though oh God and then the squids are popping oh my goodness oh oh I got a little too close that's the thing you gotta watch out for those squid poppies come on don't overheat it's hot in this basement one times the XP I guess it's pretty bad though pretty rough I mean it helps with the dissolves too you get more XP from dissolving with it at least too so if I kill a mini boss and we choose to dissolve that and at least we'll get more XP out of it only I guess there's that God this AOE radius is out of control isn't it um this boss is taking a little bit longer Tail as old as time oh boy it's getting tough getting tough out there two times the hail storm it's pretty good it's pretty good Oola's down three times the spikes okay we're starting from scratch on it but something else that helps in the meantime we haven't really maxed anything besides the fire and I'm gonna guess implode right it's kind of too bad I suppose I think those are like the only things maybe a silly saucer too but yeah because it's so close to us it's just not really doing anything over 61 280 000 kills we're looking pretty solid for this entire Sage too I wouldn't say we're very close to death you don't feel that way yet found some good mini bosses I think oh I took some hits there from some range crap uh-oh slideshow slideshow slideshow are we okay I don't know if it's the XP or what oh my God I can't believe that just that just flew right through all those enemies I was about to say we're in trouble turns out they needed the ambulance yeah ah got stuck come on you okay be okay got very close they're pushing each other forward it's tough with the slowdowns I do think it's only a matter of time look at all the projectiles like on screen at all times it's wild oh damn boom boom boom boom what is that thing I don't know but I knocked it so far back it went over there okay it just looked different okay stop though which one's that one I don't remember Sonic howl I mean we have a lot of AOE radius but I don't think just a couple levels in there are gonna do anything for now y'all have y'all have kind of spoken up about the hell though said it's gooching well you see what happens okay still in it oh no the lag boss is coming in a mom this is a ranged boss or is it coming from all right we got rid of freyja there a couple Keen slashes is okay we take why don't we grab all this stuff best we can here oh my God yeah I think it is the XP that's kind of lagging in a lot here oh I don't know if you see what I see exactly I don't know who's slowing down oh the boss is like stuck oh I can't attack it what are you kidding me yo I got scammed I got scammed yo I I would I couldn't even attack it yo that's wild stuff that's frustrating that's the way that's the way we go down huh that's the way you gotta do it all right what were your bets on here all right original project 484 million what do you think you think the fires got it post more than only 5 million Keen slash 10 million Splinter Heller only 3 million kind of disappointed Wildfire it did not Beat It by quite a large Marge I would say here more kills though which is weird but it only dealt 158 million ghost blobs 12 million with only one level beautiful I love it serious saucer oh why bother Dizzy's balls one million Barrel black holes 47 million yeah I mean not not terrible but for nine levels you expect a little bit more right yeah Frost over didn't do well I don't think it's very good and nothing else related oh the worms did 21 million yeah the worms did pretty good for only four levels right what do you think I think it was pretty good all right thank you all so much for watching if you want to see more goobies make sure you let me know like comment subscribe and I'll see you in the next video this time
Channel: Haelian
Views: 17,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hades, build, aspect, update, new, gameplay, op, speedrun, game, version, 1.0, launch, persephone, ending, secret, hidden, let's play, review, rogue, roguelike, roguelite, guide, world, record, wr, best, walkthrough, tips, tricks, action, rpg, vampire survivors, survival, horde
Id: p4h3fQm01tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 48sec (2748 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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