These Insane Arrows Do 150,000 Damage PER SECOND

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4000 restarts later and I've got two legendary upgrades and as much as I love attack speed we need this one to get an extra Choice each and every time we have a choice because I think I've come up with a pretty fun way to probably destroy everything and when did you know it it has to do with damage because if we buy this little blue upgrade right now we go from 50 to 65 damage otherwise known as a 15 increase now that doesn't seem like a lot right now but the more we stack these the bigger that's gonna be 15 on 50 is 15 damage 15 on a thousand damage is 150 and that would be just for a blue upgrade so already if we get another blue upgrade it's going to add twice the damage the first one did so using that concept we're gonna go as big as we can using purely damage for now 95 to 105. obviously we're gonna have to add some other things in later but I'm thinking just based on pure damage we might be able to get away with it then when we have choices where there is no damage we'll probably just go for attack speed at least for now because buying one obnoxiously large powerful Arrow sounds fun we're gonna need to fire more to be able to actually kill the hordes to come later yes this is a stupid idea probably but you clicked on this video and you're gonna watch it till the end to see how this goes because you know if this idea made it to YouTube that it had to end at some kind of memorable fashion damage does actually feel pretty strong right now like we're not doing any crits or anything but that's okay in something like this under different circumstances would be great if we were stacking attack speed but I don't want to do three times less damage this is kind of nice though permanently augments your damage by 30 percent well that's going to be a big boost there as with the upgrade that reduces our uh damage that would be better later because if we have a thousand damage that reduction is still going to leave us with 300 and then it's easier to grow it again from there don't you worry I've got it all planned out in my head we're up to 169 damage which is probably enough to one shot most of everything so far because things are still pretty weak oh but there's another upgrade so we're just gonna add a little bit more damage which brought us up to 182 so even a basic upgrade now is doing as much as the blue upgrade did to begin with shots appears to one more enemy is kind of tempting to do let's just go pure damage every time we see damage let's do it because I think we might actually get it like here's hook hands he's going to come to shank me uh that's four hits five uh six hits six hits to kill a man with hooks for hands each time you dash take one damage but permanently gain 10 damage you could do that 10 times I don't know if I want to do that yet that is a good one the orbiting projectiles is good I think I'm gonna do this permanently raises your attack speed by 30 your shots are less precise that's okay I'm gonna need that extra attack speed anyway I don't really need to hit things well I do but I figured there's gonna be so many of them that no matter where I fire an arrow I'm hitting something that's all that matters and I'll get close to them okay so we didn't really get any good options here I will maybe just take 10 extra crit uh chance because that's actually a pretty big increase we went from five to Fifteen and our crit damage isn't probably going to be a huge multiplier but our base damage will be so every time we get a crit that's just even bigger damage like we're hitting these guys for 400. and we're one shotting everything including the blankets there we go gain a lot more damage you're going from 195 to 221 so that was almost 30 damage all by itself before that would have been a legendary upgrade or like a hundred of the basic upgrades this is the part of the video where I feel really good because it seems like things are actually going to work the heartbreaking failure comes later but we probably won't let you see that part pretty soon we're about to be shooting the boss blanket and I would love to see what kind of damage we're doing over there oh that was three quarters of a telephone one I think basic hit definitely gonna need some attack speed and or bounce later on but so far damage this is absolutely right so far so even a basic damage upgrade takes us some 221 to 234 and I just walked into an idiot so I do need to be careful not to hit one more thing because it'll be a big shame to lose this run already hopefully this is something for damage this is actually a good one permanently gained 10 attack speed every two minutes deck and stack three times so whether it's going to get easy attack speed out of that for doing nothing really but not getting hit which we can't anyway or we're dead it's a shame we're not getting more blue or bigger damage upgrades like these don't add up these still count but blue one to be much bigger yellows and purples even better but we can't be too greedy if you guys could also drop just a little more money for me I would like to get this damage up there even quicker it is kind of silly that we're already doing 500 damage for a lot of our shots 250 base damage is a lot for this early we want damage and damage only 247 to 266. so that gave us about 20 damage which is starting to worry me because that should have been a little more I'm hoping my mental math is a little bit uh clunky right now because I'm also trying to focus on not getting hit but something there didn't add up to me I'm really hoping they haven't thought about my devious strategy and capped it ahead of time because it is kind of odd that a game would act this way but all I know is I'm gonna kill the Tomato Man and then take his insides this one's kind of interesting every time you move to meters lightning strikes a random enemy I just want to get three re-rolls for upgrade choices that way we're sure to get some damage which is the only thing I care about ever there's a lot of good upgrades it's a shame to re-roll these I think I might just get one more piercing just to be able to deal with some of the mobs a little easier my shots are a little inaccurate I don't love that I would have loved damage but there's so many good upgrades it's either piercing really is going to make a difference I almost stepped directly into a fireball I would have been very unhappy with that you can kind of see the difference of not having the attack speed so far like attack speed's okay but it certainly could be better oh there's a horse oh there's some health I definitely need that we're definitely re-rolling these give me something that's better legendary damage 266 to 306 that added 50 damage almost walked into a fireball again because I was so excited okay we're we're two shotting the boss already and I think it's only gonna get worse uh that was a really really bad situation to be and I'm so stressed already I don't want to lose this run I didn't ever realize there's different types of blanket guys have they always been there is that a new thing that one had like a skull on his face I'll settle for a blue damage 306 to 325 yeah sadly that seems capped at 20 damage per upgrade because if there was 10 it should have been 30 damage on the bright side we got lots of damage so far and I also shoot behind me so that effectively doubles our damage it just goes in the opposite direction damage upgrade 325 to 364. so yeah that added 140 damage so that was really only 15 that should have been more like 30 or something so yeah it doesn't work the way I thought it did but that's okay because we've got lots of damage so far and that's only going to get worse like this damage is already pretty stupid so all we got to do is add you know more attack speed more more anything this is already enough to carry us away bar but it is nice to confirm that because now I know don't stack damage indefinitely not in this one it would still work you still stack damage but it doesn't get uh exponentially bigger and bigger and it still is very satisfying one-shotting most of everyone I think we are still one-shotting everyone I don't think anything can just survive this damage this early on so maybe we'll take one extra bounce at this point extra attack speed a bounce would be kind of fun because I think they're gonna bounce end Pierce once or something still not sure how these work enemies around you 30 faster take 50 more damage that's really dangerous for me right now because I don't have the attack speed defend them off but they take double damage now so it effectively doubled my damage so we're hitting everyone for uh what's a base hit 364 for a base hit and uh the extra bounce is also helping because that's really thinning out the hordes of that extra taxi is going to be pretty annoying though so I definitely need more projectiles or more attack speed but at this point I'll settle for pretty much any upgrade at all I mean gain more attack speed 243 to 3 seconds so that's actually a really big increase and you can actually see the difference it's been just about hold still and fend off everyone know that was a panic maneuver your shots pierced to one more enemy yeah why not we'll send that extra damage and arrow further later on that will come and Andy for the big hordes in 364 damage that really is absurd already though increase your chance of crits by 10 yeah why not now we have one in four hours to equip so basically every two times three fire should be a crit well really everyone because of all the bouncing arrows definitely already hitting for over a thousand at times and that feels good times like this do get a little stressful though because lots of enemies responding in from outside so I do need to kind of keep them grouped up okay we're gonna re-roll these into something much much better um I guess we'll just take a blue one of these for we went from three arrows per second to three and a half per second and attack speed really is gonna keep you alive now because I need lots of arrows going out to thin up these morons probably also a little more Health at some point but we're also fighting a sheriff this shouldn't take too long given my damage so when you want to show up we're hitting him now and I'm getting hit oh there's a level up though that's fun okay let's reroll those do a one more piercing is that necessary at this point pretty sure we get a power up later that gives us piercing as long as we have uh I'll take damage for now 384. take that dog I'm killing the little ones quick so we'll kind of hit all of them I don't really know whatever we're just gonna kill him I was hoping we could kill him quicker but that's fine and he's dead I think he's dead got him why yes I would like to Triple my shot we lose attack speed but did I mention we triple my shot so we're already doing a lot of damage per shot basically uh four times 384 but then all the piercing and bouncing on top of that so we're pretty dangerous that did sort of very roughly double my damage again and the damage is already pretty unreasonable so I like where this is going we're not one-shotting these Rock guys though and that's kind of annoying there is another level up and you know what we'll just probably take a little more damage 384 to 410 it's still backing up unreasonably quick so I've got nothing to complain about oh look who's hooked hands can we them with three arrows I don't know if we can ow I really gotta buy some more Health at some point I'm very stressed out perpetually this way I also made everyone twice as quick so hook hands here is going way faster than he normally is and he's already pretty quick permanently augments your damage by 20 projectiles are 50 yes 491 damage we're getting all the good damage upgrades right now I noticed a few more good ones that I don't think we found yet but we'll get them eventually with a little luck so far this damage feels A-Okay so if we were to move into crits a little bit now too the crits would do absurd damage like if we could get a thousand percent crits going off fairly often that would already be 5 000 damage maybe even 10 000 if they're doing double damage I'm not really sure that's calculated because right now we should be doing 491 basically double because enemies should be taking double damage but we're not quite doing that okay I'm just gonna simply take a Razer maximum health by two because I need the help oh forget the one where we get bigger for bigger the bigger we get the more damage we do that would also pair nicely so the topic at that one maybe from this young guy get over here you let me kill you well since this is here standing still gradually increases your attack speed that's not the best one right now but that's always a good one like if I stand still I'll become basically Unstoppable unless that hits me too many times and that this is why I can't have nice things I lose my focus for one little second and everything tries to kill me you know what I think it's gonna work out okay though maybe not so much if we're getting upgrades like this I'm able to take a little bit of a text because that's an easy one to boost right now the more errors we get out the better we're gonna be in the field still yeah we'll definitely start spraying pretty hard in all directions with four arrows at a time and they all bounce and Pierce and we gotta start again because projectiles but you know this will be fine this is definitely the purest damage built I've ever made okay that guy's pretty strong emitted ore that periodically damages enemies near you for 25 of your damage yeah I don't know how big that aura is but uh our damage is so high that that's actually going to be quite a bit of nearby damage and it hits pretty often if I'm seeing that correctly we could just have a damage aura that just wipes out absolutely everything that's gonna save me from getting hit a little bit too because things that will get close hopefully die before they actually touch me I'm just gonna do crit still 100 more damage because that's a really big jump up to my crits that are already doing 1500 ish I think the onion already actually just saved me getting hit there at least once so that's nice I can be a little bit lazier I definitely shouldn't be but I'm going to be that's the way I work that heart I'm actually so happy to see that that I almost took damage getting it oh there's another one too thanks oh and I took damage getting it great super smart top quality content here for your enjoyment but there's lots of damage did you see that part and another level up two dashes is interesting these are all kind of boring I guess I'll take two dashes because it's really the best of what's available and we do need Dash's long term anyway someone like that that's not so bad it's not like I'm giving up a gold upgrade to pick dashes we're not even level 30 yet this damage is pretty outrageous so I can't wait to see what this turns into there's another heart I'm so excited we can finally go get some health back uh let's not do that again though that was really stressful got the heart and almost another level up already let's get way away from there that's a big mess of things this mole part can go away anytime now maybe I'll take another 100 more damage on crits because those are landing fairly often and that's already up to 2500 damage 2500 this early on feels pretty ridiculous mostly they're 2000 so I guess it just depends on what enemy I'm creating on we will do more damage oh we're already the sheriff there's some help on screen which is nice hopefully we'll be able to hit him pretty hard with all this uh I need attack speed we're hitting really hard at his donut the attacks me to chew through very quickly actually then again if we hold still the attack speed does stack up and he's already dead he didn't even cycle through his other thing so that's a new one I've never done that before there's a lot here to like you could shoot four times faster but deal three times less damage which could be interesting because I think the damage reduction doesn't actually come right off like the actual number kind of want to try that 491 to went okay so it did well that's still a bigger damage output like our overall damage per second is way higher because of that like things can't get close to me anymore it kind of sucks to see that high-end damage lose but then again I've never done this much damage at this speed so this really is unreasonable we're shooting 20 per second but we're also shooting four at a time so it's really more like 80 per second at 164 damage so you can see that obviously has a lot of DPS and I like this better anyway because now I can relax I don't need to constantly Dodge things except for that but I've also definitely confirmed you can't just end the sea stack damage it doesn't work so I think the best way to do this was actually be to ride keep your damage area on 160 to 250 and then use these items with reductions what are these till 40 area damage each time you projectile inflicts a Critical Strike but reduce damage by 30 percent we would lose a lot of damage there but inflict a lot of area I kind of want this projectiles bounce off the edge of the screen we're losing attack speed but I think that's going to be okay whoops because that's going to keep the arrows out of balance and maybe let's go back to crit still 100 more damage so we're 500 crits that's gonna be okay because we're gonna have a lot of quits going out there perfect the game's not gonna love this before too long we're gonna have a lot of arrows bouncing around this one is kind of annoying to you because the enemies are all dying way out on the edge of the map so my pickups are a lot farther away but we'll be okay okay boss finally showed up on screen he's I didn't even hit him with any direct buyer until he got that bar up until then he was just getting it by bouncing arrows well I think since his chest is sitting here ogling me I might as well grab it I guess this one's interesting when your projectile should be destroyed reduce the damage by 50 in Pierce instead so now those errors would just bounce a little bit further they'll do have damage but then it's better than them getting destroyed and doing no damage none of these are super great so maybe just take 100 more damage on crits because there's so many errors going out a lot of them are doing crits anyway like our chance is only 25 but there's always many crits going off and crits really make the world go round I definitely just got hit when I didn't want to okay let's do a little bit more damage so will this fire indiscriminately into the crowd whoops and got him I think I'm gonna get this dashing through enemies deals damage to them reduces Dash cooldown by 30 dashing's gonna get important at some point for now with this enjoy the bouncy penetrating arrows so I guess we're doing a lot more damage now overall anyways we're doing 170 per Arrow times four arrows at 680 damage and those errors are getting fired very quickly I guess we'll create an explosion dealing four times our damage upon taking damage that will push enemies back and give me a little bit of breathing room I should probably pick up some upgrades at some point I'm gonna take an extra 10 chance of dealing crits at this point now we're up to 35 so one in three is a crit which is lots of them this is probably gonna hurt me a little bit I just want some of these we'll pick up some hearts to make up for it Deborah to me okay crit's still 150 more damage so we'll just keep lifting those up for now because we're seeing a lot of big purple numbers and there's a lot of bouncing arrows I definitely do still want to get my damage up to like 500 at this rate that would be fun but I'm just gonna sit back and relax for a little bit because I don't think anything's gonna get super close to me unless it's a deputy and basically it's just bringing its loot to me there's a deputy now you like The Bouncing arrows he didn't make it to me he died that's so sad what if he was just looking for a hug or a warm embrace I did finally get hit by something there it might have been a dynamite things are creeping just a little closer to me these bouncing arrows are fun though oh there's another deputies are gonna get close this one might hit me yeah that one hit me just once then we got two chests on the screen she'd probably pick up at least one of those whoop okay Dodge the fireball preach her in health deal 10 damage and move five percent slower yes so we're up to 220 per Arrow so now we just need more Health hello your attack speed is up to three times faster when you're close to enemies but three times slower yes yes we're always going to be close to enemies we're a machine gun dealing unreasonable amounts of damage I like this you should probably pick up more Health dad put me up to 254 base damage uh yeah when enemies are far away we'll slow down but eventually they're always going to be in my face we're going to gain more Health by one that puts you up to 270 damage and gives me more tankiness so we're routinely hitting for two and three thousand damage depending on how far away idiots are our attack speed's gonna vary wildly but it's gonna go pretty high when they're close and those arrows aren't really going to stop they're going to keep bouncing and bouncing and bouncing almost endlessly look at all these choices uh the gold one isn't that good maybe designed to present more damage on crits because crits is kind of wearing down which is going to start coming from all right well we'll go pick up some more of these uh I don't know why nothing hit me there there must be a delay after dashing maybe I got bigger but my hitbox didn't I won't question that too much I'm just gonna keep walking through idiots and uh doing this maybe I'll just take one more bounce because the bounces still count the bounces won't count as a penetration I think uh and I don't know if accounts that bounces on the edge of the map right now but it bounces between idiots on its way to the edge of the map raise maximum health by two so we're up to 304 damage we're gonna get very very slow but we're going to be very big and damaging your projectile slow enemies by 70 given that I'm hitting almost all the enemies on screen constantly they're gonna move slowly which means that I'm gonna fire slowly till they get close but now though I can probably actually go and have a coffee or something and it's not going to make any difference uh I just uh was texting and realized there's a mobile spamming TNT on me luckily he's dead though this one could be interesting but I need my shots to go to the edge of the map and bounce around I will take this emit an Ori that slows enemies near You by 50 so when they get close they're gonna start taking damage and get slowed and that also gives me attack speed so those really synergize well still wouldn't mind a little more Health overall I also need to formulate some kind of strategies how do I get to pick up all those pickups everywhere you know what maybe I'll just kind of go like this how many dashes do I have that's going to get a whole bunch there's some hearts around I'll be okay oh another uh okay so another two Health equals 338 damage that was basically a 10 increase of what was already a lot of damage and the tankiness makes me feel better I'm gonna take some hits here but ask me how much I care there's lots of hearts out there and I need to walk through to pick this stuff up anyway plus when I'm closest to guys that's when I'm out of my strongest if I would still end they get close we'll be up to like 100 arrows per second times four or like a mole do you like arrows okay we're gonna need an extra five percent crit chance we're at 40 not quite one and two but every one in every two and a half and we're gonna go for a little walk through the horde of idiots pick up some hearts we're doing a lot of damages from our explosions anyway we're doing lots of hits for 4 500 oh I didn't even see the mole I guess deal damage before you dash gain one dash next or Dash will help games starting to slow down a little bit understandably so I'm just gonna hold still for a minute and see how high my attack speed goes so we're getting up to about 30 per second there times four so 120 euros per second and all that damage plus all the penetration and balancing so it's really good to quantify but it's just a lot of damage uh here comes uh whatever that is Bounty uh Deputy he's gonna die anyway he got garlic oh look at all those money bags on the ground someone should really go pick those up definitely it's hard to take some he hits from something okay give me this to start I think I'm probably gonna get two Shields rotate around you and block projectiles ooh the game did not want to leave that menu it's not happy with what I'm doing do we want attack speed or health probably health because that's going to be more damage yeah we're up at 372 and 12 health so it's gonna be hard for them to kill us uh I also forgot how many power-ups we left uh pickups we left lying out here so I'm gonna go ahead and grab those while also killing a little bit of them oh it's a knife hands guy he'll get close to me because they're pretty quick always Target deputies glad you'll increase your damage and attack speed until they're out of screen so we're gonna get 1.5 times damage and attack speed when they're on my rose will go through them and bounce and penetrate anyway so it's not a huge loss look at all the upgrade stuff do we want an extra ounce I guess of all the choices movement speed would also not be horrible and I would take an extra balance what do we need to move for we let them come to us minding more piercing our arrows are not often making it to the edge of the map anymore they still learn a little bit I guess but we need more of that but I guess it's not bad if not because that means my arrows are just being fully legalized like the idiots are absorbing them all in whatever the case this is just a lot of fun we're doing some pretty big damage oh we're taking a lot of damage here too I didn't realize that so maybe I was still missing some attack speed ultimately though it is going up to like 60 per second there is a deputy on screen so he's probably taking the attention away from everything else once he's dead though okay we're gonna get some health back we can't pick up Hearts very quick I never realized that before because we lose Hearts we lose damage okay hook hands would you please just yep there we go got him attract Collectibles from further away that's actually a big one for me because uh my Mobility is really shot right now so I can't get super close to things very easily so we just kind of have to hover him up from a distance oh look at all the money bakes down there there's so many money Banks everywhere I don't know where to go anymore oh here's one gain much more attack speed so we're going from 27.5 to 36 okay that was actually a really big increase so our DPS actually just went up like a huge amount again we're still kind of taking lots of hits right now but I can go over here and we're gonna grab some hearts and our damage and attack speed's gonna go up with the idiot on screen so up to 500 something damage 60 shots per second and we're probably four so uh 240 arrows per second and from the idiot projectiles bounce two more times now they built in the opposite direction so now they're gonna come back and forth and keep a nice uh hopefully bigger area around me because they'll bounce back and forth so we'll create a little safe zone for me sort of but also maybe not because it's pretty hard to find a safe zone right now and our arrows so very rarely make it to the edge of the screen I was hoping by now the damage would be so high they'd bounce around and just destroy absolutely like one-shotting everything they touched if I was doing damage error I could not tell if that was two twenty thousand or two thousand damage I guess it doesn't really matter at this point overall it's like millions of damage many many millions that's it idiots keep coming this way I can't get too far to the left though I'm gonna run out of heart so I need to go back to the right pretty soon but I need to build up some hearts so there's a mole thank you for your uh sacrifice small each time you dash take one damage permanently gain 10 yes yes so if I Dash 372 okay well we lost Health okay 383 so yeah we're getting damaged by doing that we just gotta Dash into Hearts then we'll have extra damage for extra power so when easy dudes get a little closer Dash into those three hearts I can't remember the maximum times I could use that but presumably it's still more 3.99 there's 430 damage at rapid rapid fire oh there's also a deputy down there I didn't see I guess uh crit steal more damage so they're a thousand percent damage which is definitely a big increase in damage again I'm gonna let the deputy get a little bit close and I gotta go scoop up some hearts well you know we're gonna go for it now because I don't want to wait damage is pretty wild though there's a lot of hits for 6 000 and more like a lot of hits for that big deputies on screen so damage and attack speed are only going to go up he's gonna die did he die where's his chest so let's wait on there deal 50 more damage and stuff when your health is less than 50 which I think it is now oh yep definitely is oh did I just die I was going for the heart we still did pretty good considering though that was stupid damage Dada can survive a hit there [Music] [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 506,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hvh2GPw8A18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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