This Amazon Liquidation Pallet Was Not What We Expected | Mystery Unboxing

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here and sometimes this is what the heck is this oh god what in the please tell me this is not it hello everybody welcome to another family flips unboxing and my favorite kind of unboxing is today so i'm super stoked this is an amazon palette uh we got it from market street liquidation for 499 dollars uh super super excited because we generally have pretty good luck with this and with a 500 you know all in i'm pretty excited about this because our goal is usually to double our money and usually we do so i'm pretty stoked about it yeah let's get into it let's do it there it's the best door ever i made it myself i haven't seen that many amazon like uh those are my boxes i know they look like the kinds that get uh whoops that's a little loud there buddy my bad that's a lot of stuff in there i wasn't thinking there was that much stuff in there but then you open it up and like there's one i want to grab this top one though all right because it looks interesting it's very light so i'm not i don't have high hopes there are two things about this box that one the mystery of it is great but two uh it's very very light which means that i don't know just you know and then there's this this warehouse amazon warehouse sticker and it says thanks to you this product has a second life which means that this thing has been bought returned bought and returned um so the chances of this being a working item is really low and it makes me sad because the box is so big that uh we really need some money out of these other boxes uh to really be able to hit our goal and we're fixing to give somebody uh this product a third life oh geez bins that's not good is it broken though it is not broken it's actually a really nice little bin huge bin airtight pet food container which we have so many pet food containers so we don't need it uh and i don't even know i mean we could use it for homeschooling or something maybe i mean cuz like selling this right so this thing is very big i don't know how much it's gonna sell for um but it's probably not gonna be a whole whole lot um and then uh even if we sell it on facebook marketplace like we really don't meet anybody for less than twenty dollars and this thing is not twenty dollars this may be destined for garage sale i mean that's pretty much the only way we're gonna be able to move it with what we have all right so brand new this thing is is running anywhere from 11 to 15 15 is a little high in my opinion uh so this is like a 10 item so garage sale for us yeah great start pretty good if we if we could get five bucks i would feel amazing that may be like a two or three dollar item looks like we've got a rug here oh a yeah a runner um it does have a uh upc on here we should save it in case we need it for our new house i know 60 by 220 i guess it's two foot by seven feet inches okay let's find out the size because it's running from 34 to 184 but that depends on the size yeah so two by two by seven foot foot seven and foot two inches yeah that's it right there so brand new 44.99 not bad it's really pretty yeah i'll put a screenshot we'll put a screenshot on there so you can see but yeah i mean we could sell this online uh it probably cost about 15 to ship so we could make about 20 profit on it and then we've got this uh glass fragile but it's light we got this glass fragile but it's like it's so light if it's a glass maybe it's not glass though glass can be light okay there's something in there wrapped in bubble wrap which is a good sign it's not glass but it is a uh little oh family rules wall art thing see that would sell here depending on how much it sells for i mean we could totally put that on facebook marketplace it's a little family rules yeah always tell the truth work hard keep your problems straight do you think so why love our lives always i love you grateful to be proud of yourself and say please that they can remember you are loved yeah there's no i just have no idea how much we could sell it for on facebook you know 10 bucks i don't even know what these are i don't know why it says glass i guess it's just a box or maybe it's just a it was it originally had something else in there i mean clue it's it's it's wood framed yeah so i mean like it's not going to be super super cheap but it's definitely not going to be like a big money maker which makes me sad i know all alrighty oh man these are a lot of really these are a lot of really light boxes this doesn't even sound like there's anything in it i know i'm not feeling very good and uh oh like i'm like i'm freaking out a little bit on the inside yeah cause light boxes aren't pricey here's the deal light boxes usually means that it's not like a really heavy fancy product usually not always but usually and these boxes are taking up so much space in the palette that the chances of us being able to recoup that money is going to be really low this is a helmet okay that's that is a big box for a helmet that is so weird and that's a rock climbing helmet it looks like retrospec i'm gonna try to look this up really quick so this helmet is a commuter helmet for bike and skating all right um and it's selling anywhere it's it's pretty on average selling for in the last 30 days for 20 bucks so like 19.99 2065. there's one that's sold for 38.39 uh but i'm pretty much thinking that we'll be able to sell this for 20 bucks that's not any money well for 20 bucks i mean there's like maybe five dollars profit in that if we sell for 20 on ebay it'll have to we'll have to try facebook marketplace i mean i mean we we do live in a city where there is a lot of commuters on bikes and stuff like that so maybe maybe we'll get lucky but i don't know so this is this is part of the risk of buying palettes so if you watch our last palette unboxing it was really good and we were super stoked and super excited um but then sometimes you get palettes like this and we don't know there's still a lot of stuff in here but it is not voting well um and i do have a healthy level of uh nervousness and anxiety just because you know this is our business's money but we also know that we did calculate the risk here and sometimes this is what the heck is this oh god what in the please tell me this is not it are these pom-poms no what they're not even they're like you get these at a dollar store like what in the world what if i started like opening up our unboxings with like welcome to i'm glad you're having fun right now i have to babe i have to this is zero i mean we're not putting it back in that box it's okay i mean like i know i have a healthy level of anxiety here but we also know i don't know you know whatever oh god whoa i'm afraid that these other boxes are the same because this is a big box that looks like the same box as the one i just opened what if there's a set of pom-poms in each of those and then there's that one and then this box is light but it is a different size this is making me nervous y'all because uh oh a steering wheel cover that's a big steering wheel that is a very big steering wheel cover and we don't even know what brand it is it's probably an off brand honestly uh it's actually grand general made in taiwan but that's a huge that can't be yeah grand general i mean it looks like a steering wheel cover but that's huge maybe like a bus or something are you looking it up yeah but there's not so jessica found the steering wheel cover on amazon it's like a 25 steering wheel cover uh if we were able to sell it on ebay uh 20 bucks it's gonna cost at least ten dollars to ship so it's like a five dollar item uh in uh oh this is not going the way i was hoping especially after last week you know the last unboxing we did was really really good and then we've got these two big boxes that are very big and light the box in the box says candy cane lights oh christmas stuff why can't we get christmas stuff at christmas i don't know man and it is candy cane live they are candy cane lights y'all oh that's funny yeah they're new and they still got the little stakes in there staking them in the ground it's got a bunch of them here um you know i guess so yeah ten yeah well there's a 12 piece that sold on april 13th for 42.99 well uh we can get 30-something dollars for these that would be amazing at this point all right i'm just praying for no pom poms no candy cane lights and it's looking like more more candy cane lights at least we don't know for sure but that's what the box looks like and i'm seeing more candy cane lights i don't even think you have to bother opening those because yeah maybe we can piece them together uh sell them you know 20 piece two sets for like 50 bucks be able to make you know around 25 30 for it oh this is not the way i wanted it to go well this is feeling a little heavier that's that's encouraging i mean it feels heavier like there actually might be something in it this box has seen better days what the heck oh there's more than one boxing clever made well let me let me this one's the heavy thing yeah i don't know if it goes with this or if it's a separate thing clap clever made lever made that's what you said but i wasn't sure okay this is a bag this is a i mean actually like a 400 bag probably not i can't even pull this out really it smells new it's like a backpack it's cute diaper backpack okay so a diaper bag will sell baby products so really good it's cute it's a cute little bag but it's probably not four hundred dollars hmm no way seriously we're getting the money y'all if you can see that it's all blurry so 144.99 get it back don't mess it up i know help me put it back put it back so this is promising that's nice yeah this might offset all of the crap we just yeah i can be careful should i scan on ebay real quick since that's where we'll probably be selling it after i put it all the way back i know i was just it's bro bro i know this little thing right here look look it's so strange there's one listed on ebay for two hundred and four dollars i doubt we'll sell it i know 104 but but there has not been any sold on ebay so we could like 150 it yeah ain't take any offers yeah if we can get 100 out of this i'd be ecstatic yep 100 profit let's just tentatively call that 100. all right and then there's this other heavy thing in this box hold on pause here we go what is that i don't know you said it on the side the box is upside down is that a light photocell shorting cap i don't i don't know some kind of light i think it says led shoebox light i should know what a shoebox light is i've heard that before it's a hardwired light shoebox light yeah and i'm seeing a little ends here it's like it's never been installed before which is good so new open box all right so your typical led shoebox light selling for anywhere between 119 and 129. all right um let me see if there's any sold let's see how often these kinds of things sell um because i'm assuming this is one of those unbranded ones so that's what i'm looking for um so in the last 60 days we've had 185 119 um 197 106. uh 114 178 they're selling i mean i'm talking like in the past week that's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fourteen of these have sold in the last week alone um for well for over a hundred dollars so arranging a price from like 119 to 190 yeah so if we maybe if we did like 130 140 but then we got you know 100 profit off of it i think we'd be fine yeah i think if we sell for 149 it won't cost any more than 20 bucks to ship that so 100 bucks easy so that's good whoa maybe i should be picking the boxes because you picked the box now you picked the pom-poms well i had to get it out of the way you know someone's grab a couple things that are not in boxes oh i like that i know i thought i heard something well there's stuff inside all right well i thought i was solid correct oh i like it there's another one here and then this one is also not in the box yeah cincinnati bengals uh under bed storage bin and then here's another thing that is not in the box looks like a uh i have no idea which university this is wichita state a little car flag so these are definitely an ebay item definitely an ebay item but this interlocking multi-bin storage organizer if i can get jessica to not take it uh we might be able to i don't know if you're gonna be able to i know i'm taking that i know let's just see what the price is just think about this babe just think about this for a second okay we homeschool our kids and how many times do i get irritated because all of the supplies that i need get used and played with but these could be mounted high enough that they would need help to get them and it would save us money in the long run on school supplies that they keep destroying just think about it babe i'm thinking i'm thinking that if we did sell them they're selling amazon for 33.67 apiece but would we ever buy these for 36 no no so if we were to sell it um we'll probably end up keeping these but for just for the math purposes that this would need to be a local item to maximize profits if we got like twenty dollars a piece maybe two for fifty being sold locally uh you know twenty dollars a piece on the low end if we were to ship it we could try and get you know two for 59.99 or something uh and make around 35 dollars profit after shipping and fees yeah i know and then the cincinnati bengals thing it's definitely gonna have to be sold on ebay because i don't know of any unless we just find a bengals fan around here so but we're in arkansas yeah that's probably not very likely um what size is this 22 by 12 by six and a half looks like on this is selling uh for about 35 bucks so probably cost around ten dollars a ship because it's about a pound or two uh so at least uh probably 20 profit for this and then the wichita state flag it's definitely another ebay item also that is not what i wanted to do i believe in you you can do that i know all right so this flag here is selling for probably around 15 uh on ebay if we sold for 15 bucks would probably profit around five dollars for it uh which is money it is money i can't believe you do this this palette definitely has a lot more items on it than i thought yeah i thought it was gonna be a whole bunch of big items because all the big items were up top but there's a lot of smaller items on the bottom which is nice though i'm okay with that trying to figure out where to go i think this would make it unstable so i'm going to pull these down here all right there's that's really light and should be like a toilet these two here these actually have something on it's a universal mulching blade all right for a 19 inch uh thing so i don't know that i need i guess i can open one just so we can see its condition this one has been open before it looks like this this one's not right so if i open this one i can kind of see if there's like a severe condition problem or something well definitely not used uh there's no sign of usage uh so that's great that's that's great i don't know how much these things sell for though so let's let me find out so i got one that's a craftsman 19 inch mulching blade that sold for 16 just flat 16 it was six dollars plus 10 shipping oh yeah so another 19 sold for 24.99 uh it's weird it seems like um the better brands sell for like 25 20 to 25 but then the the base the brands like this are selling for like 10 or less yeah including shipping uh not including shipping okay yeah so and if we can sell them for twenty dollars a piece i'll probably cost ten dollars to ship i just don't know if we'll get that much for these yeah just because i don't know i'll have to do more research uh because max power i don't know enough enough about the brand to really know how to competitively price it if it's a decent brand we could sell them for twenty dollars a piece and then maybe make ten but then if they're not and they're let they're worth less than ten then we have to uh garage sale it and hope that we make you know 10 bucks total on both yeah i mean i'm thinking we may make four dollars a piece profit total i mean conservatively speaking yeah i think so so i mean we can just say that for now but well that's not fair that's not fun at all we'll just open this guy i don't have high hopes for him total ball rush if it's a toilet bowl brush i'm gonna be so mad at you it's too big of a box for 12-pole brush these are light bulbs yay light bulbs these are lux vista from china and that's all i know i don't even know do i want to look this up they're like those industrial light bulbs but they're plastic so it's kind of like i doubt these are going to be worth a lot you know i'm not finding these light bulbs so we'll call them zero for now do more research later on but i can't see them costing any more than 20 period so yay so that would be like like 18 i know for those two items like conservatively speaking i don't even know babe i don't even know here goes this one here it says samsung does it yeah it says samsung right here oh it does say samsung and it's a nice looking box and it doesn't look bad it's another box that looks like the one that you just had it feels like it might be heavier than what we just unboxed and it looks different uh something bright like a yoga mat baby that's what that is yeah yoga mat yoga mat so yoga mats we don't really sell online they're just not worth that much um it's like a beach maybe it's not a yoga mat maybe it's like a beach mat or something i mean either way you can use it as a yoga mat yeah it's like it looks like a zongzai that looks like a yoga mat name yeah um so that would be probably a garage sale item yeah we'd sell it from maybe eight to ten bucks on a good day yeah and then samsung 49 inch frame tv customizable bezel black vg bezel that's what that's what i meant to say customizable frame cadre yeah no cadre that's this is french it's the frame it's the frame that's what it says it's the frame it hasn't been open before so i mean i know we gotta open it to inspect because you just never know what this stuff okay it's it's a frame it's the frame the frame for what it is a samsung customizable frame so what is this i mean it did not like you what it is it's a frame for a picture or a frame for a tv it is a customizable tv crane i had no idea that was even a thing i mean we got out of the box i don't even know how to get it back in there um how big is it i don't know 49 inch okay let's see samsung customizable frame bezel got one that sold for 48.88 one that sold for 39.95 one that's over 49.99 so we're averaging about 50 bucks there well this one's 56.43 so yeah maybe 45 bucks is pretty more close to average which is a bummer and it's probably gonna cost uh 15 bucks to ship you left this up dang it so this is like a 20 profit item after shipping and fees unless we can sell it local yeah but then we're looking at you know maybe 25 bucks locally so it's not that much more no we'll just call it 20 for now just for conservatively how much we're going to make that sounded like metal yeah uh i don't know i still don't feel good about it let's see i could be wrong i could be wrong what is this what is it what is this it is a uh body power portable gym multifunction weight trainer yeah so why are there two of these owners man there's two of them that's weird so this is not the original box i bet this was a uh amazon warehouse deal i'm just confused as to how it works and if all the parts are here that would be so hard i'm gonna find out how much it's worth but we really won't know until we can like know if all the parts are here we'll see there's one listed right now for a 39.95 plus 43 shipping so 80 bucks we'll see if it sold any of them have sold there are none that have sold amazon let's find out and amazon is selling them for fifty dollars so probably a forty dollar local item yeah i mean because it's so heavy yeah like there's no way that we can ship this without eating up every ounce of profit that we might get so this will have to be local on the conservative side we can probably make 35 40 and i think that's that's kind of disappointing but hey it's money and it's not broken so and people like to work out around here so maybe we'll find somebody all right guys so we're like halfway through this box um and our conservative potential profit now nothing is truly profit until it sells so this is what we're kind of expecting on the conservative side about 408 dollars so it being 408 that means that we have not yet even broken not yet even broken even we have not yet broken we ain't even close uh so hopefully we don't lose any money but i would really like to see some decent profit so let's just hope that there are some really good items left yeah that's just what i'm hoping for you just never know you never know you never know so this one is a it's five queens court it's a comforter set the box is damaged right there but the comforter looks to be perfect august uh granted i'll open the box up but if you want to scan it's got a upc right there perfect comforters sell well locally for us um so no results i'm gonna check amazon while you're opening it all right i'm hoping this is a hundred dollar comforter at least oh inspect it and then you will know she's withholding prices from me oh it's pretty i love the way that looks too oh that's pretty yeah so five queens it's like it's a kingpin comforter set and that looks nice are you ready to know how much it's selling for on amazon i'm guessing like 149.99 272 dollars so this might actually go online because i don't think we'll get 200 something dollars but we could definitely get between 150 we could probably get like 150 200 maybe maybe even i mean we could start it at 200 and then just see so i think what we'll do is this must be a nice brand so i know facebook we've been selling a lot more items on facebook that offer shipping uh so we'll put on facebook marketplace try to sell it locally but off also offer shipping and we'll go ahead and put it on ebay also for like 249.99 um but i'm thinking 150 bucks on the low end uh like the the bottom for profit there are no five queens court on each computer said selling on ebay at all and that's not a bad thing it just means that there's not any for sale doesn't mean that there can be any for sale and that would sell uh but definitely if it's selling amazon uh we're gonna try uh and we'll price it for like 240 on facebook um i mean it's nice that's pretty it is but will it sell um this is one of those ones that you're definitely going to want to keep up with on our uh other youtube channel the life of joe and jess where we follow how to sell some of these items this would be a great one to keep up with so there's a link down the description for that youtube channel uh and we'll definitely do a follow-up story on this uh comforter set in one of the the videos there oh this is light it's a light this light is light this light is light i'm nervous let's see i saw it earlier and i was like please let that be i was look i saw that little light there on the side and i was like please be nice this is such a weirdly taped box i'm just keeping it here first so that's another one of those warehouse deals just oddly taped there we go okay let's see well it's definitely been opened before there's some minor scuffing but it's not damaged just a little scuffed up looks like maybe somebody's tried to install that and it did not work out for them um but the light looks okay i don't even know how to test something like this because we can't really just install it so if y'all have any tips on that that'd be great yeah but uh all right so i couldn't find this exact one um but i did find it in like the brush steel like a like a grayish color and that one is selling for fifty dollars but there are not any that have sold recently so that being said this is probably going to be a local sale just because it's it's quite big um if we can get 30 35 maybe even 40 dollars we might start it at 40 and see what happens for it that'd be great but we're definitely not going to get uh more than that for this so the first thing i got is a uh a plastic table cover 100 feet long i know covers 11 11 standard banquet table and then i'll just grab oh that doesn't look good it could be art though it could be but that is super light man i mean if it's if it's art it'll still sell it just you know it might be local but all these light boxes these are all um former these are all amazon warehouse deal palettes like it's like they just emptied out the warehouse and uh yeah multi-purpose tray uh you could put like your shoes and all that kind of stuff i mean that's not a bad idea like it's not a bad thing yeah uh definitely super useful and pretty cool but yeah oh man but it's not it's definitely not going to be an ebay sale probably i i wouldn't imagine that it would cost enough no um but definitely could sell that local depending on how much it's selling for because it may not be even worth our time it's like on amazon 9.67 i'm not gonna meet anybody for that and uh uh you know we could always put in the backyard i know kids put their shoes on it or something and then the table roll cover is 16.99 uh again gonna be a tough sell to sell online um maybe a couple dollars at a garage sale we will probably end up uh keeping both of these uh items because i don't know try and sell my garage sale if not we could sell one for we could sell the tray for like five bucks possibly yeah it's half off of retail though you know yeah and then we could sell the candidates got some uh it's broken so okay we wouldn't get maybe a dollar or two for it zero yep and then this uh it could be garage sale item for like three or four bucks all righty well i recognize this if those of you haven't followed us around enough we accidentally bought three pallets of baby gates so what's one more you know uh so this kind of one right here it's the metal walkthrough so it's got a door on it i can already tell you we'd probably sell this for what like 30 how much was it maybe 20 25 bucks i think it was 20 bucks yeah you're right so that's a that's a 20 as long as all the pieces are in there we'll have to inspect that when we move our giant pallet that we have not sold yet of uh baby yeah and then there's still like all that left in there yeah but i still am worried about the potential profitability i know all right so this here is a a duffel bag yes auburn tigers i suppose i can't open this up destroying this bag and i'm trying not to here we go you always do it better than i do they don't have this all right let me try ebay and see i doubt it but we'll try whoa i forgot you were scanning it no exact match so it looks to be just like a yeah it's a university of auburn uh because it's got a little right there also so it's just a black travel bag right here and uh uh the average university of auburn or auburn university i think is what it is uh bag is selling for about 40 bucks so we can be a local are an online sale item taking my unboxing i know i did i'm sorry i was just helping you i apologize i'll get over here it's all right i was just gonna show them the bag while you were looking up the price you know the help bro that's all i was trying to do all right this is a light box i'll allow it this time but next time next time i don't know i do not know oh my god it's pretty it is i mean it's i can get that at five and below or even dollar tree yeah yeah so uh oh my god two dollars at a garage sale maybe yeah somebody'll buy that for two dollars oh wow for sure oh wow so much stuff y'all uh that's just do you want you nick all right so this is the first box it doesn't look oh my i don't even know what to do anymore y'all because all these uh things are like uh just not very uh you just can't make money with boxes that are this like this big but it is what it is y'all what is that it's a gasket for a motor oh for ford something well that will have to be ebay i hope it's not a really inexpensive item because is there a upc on it no no upc it's uh let's see what kind ms whenever you get there wait m-a-h-l-e one one ms-16112 twenty dollars fifteen dollars twenty five dollars seventeen dollars so after shipping and fees it will probably get around five dollars for this and it looks like some texas longhorns window flags the good thing is there's four of them and i know the wichita state one was selling for around uh 15 so i'll assume that the same is holds true for texas uh after shipping and fees it should give us around five dollars a piece so that's 20 for this five dollars for that so 25 bucks for me yay jessica's just knew the rest of the unboxing in there i wanted to sit down this is lighting um which i'm not super a huge fan of but uh you know if it hasn't been used it's probably okay my phone is over there babe would you mind grabbing it for me pretty please so this is like the recessed lighting but it's got like a gimbal on it so it can like be moved around so that's pretty cool um i just don't know if i can look this up all right so uh a pre-owned one was selling for 78.06 um for pre-owned for pre-owned um i'm trying to find the exact same one because some of them are a lot more than the other but there's like a there's different sub brands i guess um but that's the only one that's that exact match okay um so that's what we have to go with right now is a pre-owned one for 78 dollars and six cents all right so maybe 99 best case scenario we get 60 yeah after shipping we might need to do a little more research though and just make sure because that you know uh we don't know i mean because of course we still gotta re uh we have to check it and inspect it and then you know we might check on amazon or something and see what they're selling for brand new all right and then try to make like a calculated decision on what to sell this for all right so there's no all right um these guys are super heavy there's three of them there's three of them they're nba brands they're spalding they're like um um mounts for basketballs i don't really know how much those things run for and we'd have to inspect them and make sure that they have all the pieces and stuff that they need but luckily there is a giant barcode right here um and it looks like they only have huffy brands that's weird you scanned that but then huffy came up i know there's a spalding one here that's a roof mount but this one's a that's it pole mount roof mount side wall mount flat roof mount i guess that would be that one uh it's a hundred dollars that one's selling for 100 let's see if there's any like souls just so we can see um i don't even know if we'd be able to i mean can we ship something this heavy it's so heavy i mean it's going to cause probably 50 60 bucks to ship something it's got to be a local item yeah all right so they're selling on that's weird that it says um but it's 89.35 so if we can get 50 to 60 dollars a piece for them locally yeah so on the low end like maybe 150 yeah for the three all right i'm good with that that's a good way to end it let's find out how much we made all together i couldn't get jessica out of the box yeah um i don't know this was one of the this is just this is liquidation this is just this is this is you know liquid this is how it goes sometimes uh it's an amazon shelf pull palette it's like all the stuff is brand new but it was a shelf pool palette of amazon warehouse deals meaning it's like amazon they take ownership of things sometimes and then they sell it as used items and this is a pallet i mean it's happened to us before when we bought a palette from we got several pallets of amazon warehouse deals shelf stuff it just happens uh and then it just happened also that a lot of the stuff was uh very big boxes for very small items that didn't weigh very much um so it was just a combination of when two powers combined uh literally the potential profit for this box is going to bring us some money yeah um but the goal is with a palette like this is to move it as quickly as possible cut our losses and then move on to higher profitable items so yeah um we are going to list uh what we can list and then we're going to move what we can move and we're just going to move on because the truth is bad palettes happen and you know you can do everything that you can in your experience to try to find the right palettes and try to do your best but you can't always do that and so this is this is what liquidation really looks like is that sometimes you get a knockout palette like the last one that we got from the same liquidator yeah right so our last palette we more than doubled our money it was great it was awesome it was exciting and in this from the same liquidator from the same order all shipped at the same time we also got a pallet like this and that's just part of the process yep and that's why we we purchase many pallets at the same time to help lessen the risk where if you have a really really good pallet and a bad pal like this it doesn't sting as bad because overall you're still making money we hope you guys have enjoyed wait have we talked about how much we made no so you're probably wondering because we've danced around like uh the numbers we ended up uh with 260 dollars potential profits so we paid 500 for the pound 75 to ship it's 575 dollars all in so it was like 840 dollars something like that 840 dollars of potential revenue from this palette uh for 265 dollars so that's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes we uh we always have a goal to try to double our money we did not do that this time and that's okay we hope you guys have enjoyed this unboxing just know that if you are if you are not subscribed you want to subscribe for more unboxings just like this one and if you're interested to see how we move these items our process and just how we live our lives as full-time resellers and unboxers and whatever uh make sure you check out the link down below for uh the life of joe and jess which is our other youtube channel uh we hope you guys have enjoyed this thank you guys so much until next time peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 53,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon returns unboxing, Liquidation Unboxing, Amazon Returns, extreme unboxing tv show, amazon pallet flipping, liquidation unboxing, pallet unboxing, amazon return pallets, unboxing pallets, liquidation pallet unboxing, what the hales 2021, what the hales storage units, treasure hunting with jebus, locker nuts 2021, franchise kicks, froggy flips, curiosity incorporated, dumpster diving, storage, storage wars, storage locker, the cheap chick, itsyeboi
Id: BnFWowIoLwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 24sec (2844 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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