We Bought an Amazon Shelf Pull Liquidation Pallet From Liquidation.com | Pallet Flipping | UNBOXING

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[Music] and honestly this is a lot more damage than i was anticipating [Music] so grade it and then price it grade and then price i don't know why i'm doing my knife two drinks what is it it's broken so we got these we got four palettes from liquidation.com um this particular palette we paid 341. for i think it's going to be a steal and then we went ahead and we split the shipping amongst all four palettes so for this particular palette we paid a hundred and six dollars so that puts us in at okay it's a 341 plus 106 that's uh 340 446 447 a little a little under 450 so i'm really excited we're about to cut this dude open and we thought maybe you would want to do some unboxing with us so what this is is uh this is amazon shelf pools that you can get from liquidation.com so when we purchased from liquidation.com we like to purchase the shelf pulls because they're not returns obviously you don't have to worry about return fraud customers using it breaking it sending back stuff but you do have to worry about like this right here as you can see like that box is damaged that's a lot of the stuff that you get from shelf pools is uh boxes that have either been damaged on the way to amazon fba or when they were putting them up on the inventory shelves they get damaged or when they're pulling orders they get damaged but anything where the box is damaged before it gets sent to the customer it's part of this uh shelf pulls so yeah so and this is unmanifested so we don't know exactly what is on the pallet uh i think i showed three pictures when we were bidding on the auction and uh so that's all you can see is three pictures and they're not really pictures that you can tell out of uh but let's get this cut open and uh get it unboxed and see what we found so one thing that we do is you'll see as we go through prices that we we price things conservative but we also price things pretty aggressive because we're a family of five we are operating out of the garage of our home we don't have a lot of space especially for large stuff just to be sitting around waiting to be sold so if we can't put in our flea market we're trying to move it as fast as we can to clear out space get cash in our hands so that we can keep buying more pallets i'm a little nervous because it's very leaning that way so i'm hoping uh don't do this at home okay there we go i know y'all can't see me right now but if y'all have any questions at any time during this unboxing that you'd like to see answered make sure you put that down in the comment section we do try our best to answer all questions technical difficulties all right so looking inside i'm not going to give you too much of spoilers ironing board right here and uh that one thing with the uh the damaged box looks like here's a uh a bed frame it's got a little wear on it i will say i'm a little nervous these are a lot more damaged than i thought in pictures a big thing that i do when i'm thinking about buying pallets is i do look at box damage and honestly this is a lot more damage than i was anticipating so we'll see we'll see what happens but hello that nice you look kind of like lady liberty there's a it's right on top and it's super light and it's open on both sides but it is looks like uh air filters let's see see the thing about air filters it scares me because sometimes they are broken what do you think see those look good they do look good um both oh there's a little bit of bending but they're going into an air filter so be fine yeah i think that'll be fine how much do you think those will run for they're not that pricey which is surprising because the pack of four is uh it's at 24 bucks so this is something that we'll put in our flea market booth that's something that we'll put at our flea market booth or we'll sell on facebook marketplace just because trying to ship that item uh that would be a no-go because it would cost too much and uh so we'll say uh 15 bucks wow this is a giant thing of paper towels and it's open some of them are kind of dirty but hey can you lift this i can't get i'm not tall enough oh boy i mean it's huge dude dude i know but can we even sell that if it's open like that probably there may be a business that buys it but uh that's a big box i'm telling you like it is huge and it's heavy i even know what paper towels are worth 16 pack it's like 26 bucks they come in you know little packages in there so um i bet we can get 15 bucks facebook marketplace put it or put it in our flea market booth we definitely won't be selling this online just because it's too big and bulky for uh only being worth 26 brand new or we may keep it ourselves what is it oh something's broken it looks broken yeah it's broken it is broken oh snap that stinks that makes me really nervous like okay so we've opened three things the first one uh is totally like it's crushed and it doesn't isn't worth much the second one is open completely and then the third one is broken oh it comes in a pack of two and that one doesn't look broken it looks a little is it scuffed in the bottom or no it's just dirty okay cool well there you go we've got one i mean we could probably sell that up easy on uh we can sell this in our flea market market booth for sure the other one is totes broke so yeah totes like oh wow it's a 17 drawer thing brand new really 29.99 it's on sale 17 for this plastic thing what what yeah see here it's on sale for 16.29 so uh we might be able to get 10 bucks out of that the flea market booth i was only thinking five bucks but it retails for that i'd say 10 bucks oh i actually know somebody who's looking for one of these oh yeah yeah it's got a couple scratches down at the bottom i've seen it's a baby gates maybe uh it's tall so it's kind of it's walk through which is usually a little more than let's see i'm trying to i want to look at places where this is damaged let's see so we got some scuffing but and some scratching but definitely no brokenness i'm a little worried maybe the parts might be missing no you don't think so no might be something i can inspect a little bit later but let's see how much this dude costs 68 bucks oh nice so yeah so flea market booth or maybe i can ask that person and see if they wanted this yeah i'm thinking 40 bucks easy facebook marketplace maybe even 50 bucks we'll probably price it for 50 and uh if we can get 40 for it i'll take 40. all snaps so preliminary guesses is this is just the structure that keeps it down at the bottom and that's broken obviously and there is a scratch on the bar stool that's right this right here is a foam covering yeah and then that foam covering is i'm trying to get this camera to focus hold on there you go so this is this right this right here is a foam covering but this foam covering has been moved and there's a scratch dent there it looks like it's a white and i've got bad news too look at this leg over here you can see here oh no there's two bar stools in here though oh no one of them's ben i might be able to uh bend that back it sucks there is two bar stools in here and uh at least we can make one that one's even got a nick on it too so we definitely want to sell these as as as brand new we sell them as used yeah and uh i'm gonna let's see how much they're worth or what even really what they were brand new for on amazon and you're probably thinking right now like why amazon we're not gonna sell this on amazon but when we do check prices for amazon pallets why not check amazon prices we know that generally we can get 80 to 90 percent of amazon value for a lot of these goods and but obviously if we end up do selling on ebay which we haven't opened up anything yet that will sell on ebay but if we do sell anything on ebay we will go buy ebay prices how much is it do we want to know i don't know what color this is what came up they don't have the white one looks like that's it right there two-piece distress oh my gosh hey it's distressed maybe we can mark that i know stress i know but with him damaged like that if if i can get the one bar stool leg straightened out uh i feel comfortable that we can get uh at least 80 bucks for the two that's forty dollars a piece put it in our flea market booth we can put it on facebook marketplace but that's if um we can get the bar stool bent back i think i can so we're gonna say 80 bucks just for math purposes um but they had it not been damaged and had the other the other barcelos no scratches we could have easily got 140 bucks for it but since we're gonna have to sell them as used only 80 bucks so far i'm not so impressed uh i mean i have had pallets start off slow and get really really good so i'm hoping that's the case with this one so far uh the earnings are really slow and actually a little too slow for my my comfort yeah we can pull this bug flexor two out yeah it's uh super light though uh maximum protection these are those things that go on the hood of your of your vehicle you can see right here that protects like the i guess it's kind of a bug flector if you will so far that it looks it looks to be okay uh this box here is damaged but i'm not seeing any stuff scratches or any damage whatsoever can we look at the end in here yeah i just want yeah because it is definitely crushed now normally if it's closed like this and the box is in great condition you don't even bother opening it but we definitely want to test if there's damage on the box and uh it looks good uh there's a look underneath yeah but there's a little bit of a chip there that's on a non-viewing surface let's look at the other end i used to pop the whole thing out it went up looking at the two ends there oh it looks good i was worried that the end of this was messed up because of the way this was right here like the tinting underneath had changed its colors but uh that's uh looks really good that's all this looks really good there are some slight imperfections on the mounting side the side of the vehicle on this um you actually know it's down here right here there's some this right here you can't really see it on camera but it is slightly chipped right there but this is the side that actually attaches to the vehicle so um this will sell on facebook marketplace easy yeah absolutely obviously we're not going to ship it and it's a little too big for our booth i would say i would put it in there from c but i think our best event would just be facebook marketplace i uh what's that abs just do ford yeah so like avs uh right there 57 41s for a 2007 to 17 expedition how much is it 57 bucks summer i want to pull this one real quick no so that one there it's 57 bucks i'm gonna price it for 40 bucks on facebook marketplace uh if we can take get 30 for it but i feel good about getting 40 bucks oh this is heavy what is that some kind of furniture it looks like a barn door kit no really oh for those sliding barn doors yeah oh if this is in good condition it'll sell easy yeah we've sold many of these before and uh but that's what it's looking like barn door let's take make sure that here's all the you know it's the roller the roller that goes on the door this kit looking good all the pieces over here the only thing that can be concerned about is over here with the scratching it's like a one minor little scratch right there where that box was damaged but that looks good yep and this part right here is just the part that mounts so they may not even see it depending on where that goes um but that's really cool i want i wouldn't mind like doors on like an office store or something that'd be cool in our next house babe i like the idea but by the time we build by the time we bail the house i don't know how much this is worth i'm not seeing any uh well let's um let's uh this is a win soon i was hoping there would be a upc but there's not so it's a uh that's why why scratch down oh there we go is that the 5 to 18 foot sliding door and brand new it is the kit is 89 that's 5 to 18 feet hardware set so 89 so if all of this is in here we could probably sell it for uh i don't know what do you think 60. i was thinking 60 bucks price it for 70. see if we can get 60 bucks for it for sure if i can grab this it's big it's a big box it's big but it doesn't seem super heavy it doesn't handle with care what i thought that box was falling no i had flashbacks from the garage oh framed mirror if this is not broken then uh we could be sitting good i uh yeah but you know you've seen the condition of these other vehicles uh the other things right let's jingle but if it's a good mirror it won't shatter let me sit over here and make sure so that in case she opens it it doesn't fall out and break that would be devastating hey and just a tip with something like this do not look up how much it costs before you check to see ask us how we know make sure you check the condition of it then price it you'll be in for a lesser of a heartbreak all right oh no all right let's see oh god oh god oh geez hold on now hold on i'm gonna open there's no way that it's broken inside freaking out hold on let's lay it down put the camera down over here please because i don't want to do this no i mean is it not uh just look i think you if you just scoochies gucci with them do that [Music] watch it be worth like 20 bucks but okay okay look here's the mirror it's it is long yeah um the box was damaged but it doesn't just in one little spot though it doesn't look like i almost can we cut this pla and actually look underneath this mirror you've got my knife oh jesus oh geez please don't be broken as long as this is good this will sell fast especially around here people love uh home decoration stuff oh my gosh it's not broken babe looks good oh snap heck yeah oh my gosh let's find out how much it's worth i'm so excited let's get it put back in here before we break it okay and then we'll look up how much it might bring us oh gee so uh 140. that's 159.11 mirror so yeah i'm thinking 140 125 easy price it for 140. i would price it for 140 and uh 125. that's a nice mirror it's a 120 50 24 inch wide 58 inch tall uh is it bevel beveled leaner mirror in a classic style frame so listen i'm sorry i'm just really excited okay so from the air filter which was the first thing that we got all the way down to the barn door right which is what we got right before this mirror okay we that was 280 which is a little over halfway because remember we paid uh 447 yeah we paid all all in 447 for this palette yeah okay that mirror right if we sell it for 140 yeah okay that brings us to a total of 420 we are almost at break even and we still got half this yeah so halfway and um we're almost at breakeven point we're not even halfway because we still have we will open like seven boxes and we still got granted some of these boxes look a little damaged looks like another bug collector there so we got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so roughly ten more items eleven twelve items left and uh granted we've had some items that have been damaged like the bar stools which will still be able to make use and sell those only one completely damaged item and that was that drawer organizer so that's heck yeah i'm pumped and uh let us know let us know in the comments what you think of this unboxing so far and uh yeah so let's see what she said because she just said holy crap this is another mirror another mirror it's another mirror it's a different kind of mirror but it's uh but that's scary look at that one oh yeah is that broken it's an easel mirror so it's one of those mirrors that like holds up like this like makes an ah walnut wood easel mirror should we check to see how much it's working no no you don't even want to try that again i'm scared baby do you do you remember let me remind you of the time that we went to we were at the warehouse and we had that beautiful beautiful beautiful well how much was that even worth a thousand dollar thousand dollars ceramic sink we looked it up and we saw it and we were like it's a thousand dollars the box jingled and it made noise and it was shattered to pieces and ever since then i have learned you just look at that you look at the item first grade it and then price it grade and then price i don't know why i'm doing my knife thing you better grade it and then price it i'll come find you youtube i'm only playing i'm only playing youtube so we're just trying to save you the heartbreak that's what we're trying to do so that looks the styrofoam at least it did its part and it's absorbed most of the drama it's a pretty colored wood too look at this it's like a medium stain i think it's a walnut color so it's not quite oh geez uh-oh what is it it's broken no babe it's good oh my god [Music] oh my god what the crap hello there pretty lady pretty not a pretty lady pretty lady let's see how much this one's worth we should have been there's a upc right there on the back on the back of the yeah it's right here that made it easy oh my god oh my god 222 bucks oh babe i know right it's exciting so uh what do you want to look at for 200 yeah 200 bucks that's a little bit i don't know if we'll get 200 for it no but if we can get like maybe what 170 180 yeah 180 160 180 i think uh people in our area they'd be comfortable paying 160 180 we'll just mark it for 160. uh we'll go for 180 but we'll we'll do it for 160. so that puts us we're over we're in profit now huh we are in profit yeah because we were at 420 now that mirror if we keep it if we do it at 160 we're at 580. so 580 and we paid all in including shipping for so we're 130 bucks a little under 450. so we're i mean we're sitting pretty now so 130 bucks this is all profit now and for us we we consider it a very s a successful pallet is when we could double our money anytime we can double our money we're good it's not going to be like the same margins as you would like thrifting and stuff but doubling your money like there's not a lot of time that we're going to invest at it because a lot of this is our flea market booth so for us that is a huge win we we have expectations that match what we're getting used to um but i'll spend 450 bucks to make another 450 bucks i don't know about you we made it through the promises you're awesome you're awesome through the prophet you're awesome bug collector we had a good luck with the last one keep this so it looks like this is uh for the same kind of car uh it looks yeah yeah could be what's the uh the yeah it is so same bug flector as the other one so it's in the same position yeah which is a bummer because uh you know more supply it lowers the demand uh because these are local items that we're going to want to sell um this one is definitely in better shape yeah the packaging is not as torn on the plastic at all so this is just another one like the last one so another another 40 bucks whatever it is it's heavy duty it's a heavy-duty room [Music] and you see the box is damaged right here and uh the box is damaged down here [Music] i got a little damage there make sure all the pieces are in here like to see the damage we didn't have one already like this i would probably look at keeping this but uh we already have one and it works well and uh looks like we've got all of our pieces here and uh maybe maybe missing some bolts it goes on like that looks like we are missing some screws so that will be a project that i don't even know we may just sell at the flea market booth as is saying that we're it's missing a few screws but all hardware is there and uh i'm gonna scan this see and that's one of those things where it's like it really depends on a lot of things is it worth your time is it worth you know if this was a hundred dollar item then absolutely you know i'm gonna go to you know a home improvement store and i'm gonna try and buy this stuff to make it work sometimes it's one of those things where if we just sell it for a little bit of a discount and have somebody else if they really want it you know it's ridiculous we may be trying to find some skippers why why how much is it oh this is a fifty dollar broom now fifty dollars plus fourteen dollars shipping almost a 65 room okay so we may be going to a home improvement store and getting some stuff for it because that's the thing it's like if it's worth it to sell it for that much you know granted we won't sell it for that much because you know it'll be local so that's something we may think about joe goes to you know our what is it home depot down the street yeah so often that he may just pick some up while he's there and uh we'll just it'll up the price and the cost of that so i'm gonna price it dope just 10 bucks yeah um 10 bucks and because right now i don't know you know it's just one of those things like jessica was saying do i we want to invest that much more time in it it's a broom it's a nice broom to be sold online it's a long box it could be something that we sell online but chances are 10 bucks is all i'm really going to try and get out of it [Music] so this is the box that i actually i've seen this box uh when i was bidding on the auction and i seen the name yelina right here y-e-l-e-n-a and i looked it up and i knew that it was bed frames because oh it's heavy that's what that's what they sell that's what they sell so i was excited about that you're like it's a bed frame why are you excited well every bed frame that we have ever got we have sold within two days on facebook marketplace for 80 to 90 percent of retail value so i'm like all right well i know for sure one box it's going to be able to sell quick even if they're used bed frames or a little nicks here and there it's still going to be good but you can see this box is damaged here the bottom looks good no the bottom is damaged so the bottom is damaged too so we could have pieces that are missing out of it it looks like it didn't get damaged so open it up there oh it looks nice yeah there's a small scratch but not bad the best part about bed frames is that everybody needs them and they don't actually show so for the most part people are not worried about a couple nicks and scratches here or there whereas if something like our mirrors would have been scratched it would have been an issue all right so that's it right there so it's a full-size bed frame slat frame 74 bucks so 50 bucks uh we'll have no issues getting 50 bucks for that awesome what you got there i think this is a workout now the workout bench is somewhere that's the uh um is that the workout bench it feels like a workout bench well then there's two workout in here oh hello hi she's trying to hurt me sorry babe sorry did i make you nice this is a flat weight bench oh so we got oh there's another box that's inside there still that is a workout bench and uh i've been looking for one of these actually uh the problem is i don't have a rig that i would need to use it for so i may sell this one and then use the money that i make from this to buy me we could because you've got two work benches there's one you could sell one you can keep oh yeah that's true yeah that's true i'll just keep whichever one's not in the best condition but it's worried about great condition if we do decide to sell now is the perfect time to sell home workout stuff because of all the stuff that's going on honestly babe i'm not even gonna take this out because it is perfect it hasn't even been opened the only reason they returned it's because the box got damaged but this is in perfect condition so the box had been damaged this the shell full box had been damaged here at the top and uh but here like everything like if you open look at this it's still taped original tape and then everything is still zip tied so i'm not worried about it missing anything or being broken everything is exactly the way it should be this is an amazon basics which usually runs a little cheaper than most other things on amazon uh but it's good good material good stuff does it have a upc on the end right here i don't know if that's i guess it is a upc i feel like it's not focusing no no they don't have that exact one but i'm going to tell you right now what i know about workout benches is that this one is flat they have different kinds so this one's going to be on the cheaper side um it's probably going to be anywhere from like maybe 50 60 70 70 range if we can get 50 60 bucks off of it i think it'd be perfect um the ones that are more pricey are the ones that are like they you know they're they're adjustable maybe you could sit up so and i think we have one in there that's like that but i think this one if we can get 60 bucks out of it i'd be happy and i will uh when i go to edit this video i will look up the asn asin number on my amazon seller account and i'll put a screenshot of the exact bench on there as long as i can find it and i'll put the price that uh we will be able to get for it uh on the screen for you to see right here looks like we've got an ironing board here and i don't think i've ever seen one uh like this before uh it looks kind of huge that is a big ironing board dude that's a huge board what a big board right there where's that board so big and uh it's like the out here and it's like it's got a scratch on it but it's where nobody's gonna be able to see it and uh it's like got pouches and covers it's fancy i wasn't gonna look up the price for that because it was just an ironing board [Music] it's in my pocket but uh which pumpkin my left pocket oh yeah all right no here dang it it's not a upc it's all right mabel home extra wide uh pro ironing pro board it's a pro board it's for them for them fancy ironers we have an iron clothes and i don't know how long i mean it's kind of hard you don't have to iron clothes and you wear the same five shirts all the time there's this one here that's similar it's got the pouch and everything uh that's mabel home it's just a different design yeah but i want to make sure it's i don't know if it's the exact same one but it's going to be around this it's 70 dollars i don't okay [Laughter] all right then but i'll look up the asian number on this one too but for now we'll call it 50. yeah we'll say 50 bucks that's a very nice ironing board yeah all right so here we go oh hey babe look what you got it's another uh you want to lift that up because you're a little bigger i mean it's it's it's very scratched it's just a basic uh bed frame how much would you get for just a basic if it had all the pieces and it's pretty scratched and used 20 bucks 20 bucks all right let's see no i don't think so i thought i saw that on there but then it says adjustable to fit it can fit a california king which is good it's adjustable it says uh adjustable to fit twin twin extra large full full extra large queen king and california king so it's an adjustable that's cool so we'll just call that 20 but we may get more and when you edit this video yeah um you know we'll we'll put any corrections you know in text around the screen i think we'll get it all right so we are almost done we've got one two three four five boxes and this right here left and we are at eight hundred and ten dollars so far uh for this palette and our goal is to always double our money if we double our money we are feeling good we're happy with that that's kind of our expectation so all we need is 90 dollars to double our money and we've still got all of those boxes left so i know that one of these items will at least bring us almost there because some of these items that i'm seeing there's some uh that's not higher dollar items but there's some they're like 50 60 items so if we play it right if well we don't play it right but if we get lucky and these next five boxes average you know 60 70 80 bucks a piece we could almost triple our money which would be crazy so i'm excited let's get to finish unboxing the rest of these and uh see what else we got what you got there um i believe this is vinyl uh-huh um and it's a lot it's this dark blue color which is white stuff on it is that just where it's scraped that um is actually just damaged to this front but also keep in mind that you know this is a roll so if they just take off that front layer the rest of it should be okay i checked the ends here they're a little dented damage but i don't think it's gonna affect the cost that much because unless they need the full so it's adhesive vinyl you can see their focus there you go 20 foot by so 20 feet long five foot wide color anymore the problem is is that we don't actually know uh how much this stuff runs for so we can't even give a ballpark destination so here's a uh it's one kind it's a dark gray carbon fiber it's kind of got a different finish that's 120 bucks so uh do i think we can get 120 bucks for 20 foot by five foot roll no but it's car wrap vinyl stuff that i'll put it on facebook for 40 bucks and if we can sell it for that i'll be happy because otherwise i don't know what to do with it and we dude a little disclaimer we do before we do list stuff we do do some more competitive pricing before we do do uh we get set right we do do some we do some more comparative pricing to make sure that we are pricing accurately so a little tidbit side tip quick tip for you that if you your goal is to really sell on facebook marketplace for pallet goods and for larger ones i like to do so you probably would want to also because it's more profit for you that uh in order to make sure that you're pricing things accurately for your area is that sometimes we know that we can actually get more money for goods on facebook than we could even if we sold it on amazon or ebay so but the thing is is you have to know your market uh and the only way to do that is to check facebook if you list an item and you're getting loads of messages very quickly you know that you priced it too low so just to take a photoshop memory whatever you want to do just remember is what i'm trying to say that item so that when you price something similar to that i'm in the future to price it higher so you don't lose out on money so which what you got there this is the other bench so the other work bench um i just pulled it out uh the bath is obviously damaged but i'm not really seeing any damage in the box itself i mean i'm looking at this this is a small that could be buffed out even it's not even that huge it's a gym thing it's going to be yeah yeah so and i'm not seeing like i flip this over let me flip this over and double check but looking at it this is my main concern the stuff that they sit on you don't want tears in it because it's just not going to last very long if it's torn um but i'm looking at this and everything looks to be perfect condition so um we could probably sell this as new other or something like that um new open bot so then the other thing is you know julie put this stuff together i generally will put it together because it's furniture and stuff and stuff like that just because you never know if something's bent you're missing a screw or bolt may have fallen out of the box so it's always best unless you want to take it all apart unwrap it all inspect it thoroughly we usually just put stuff like this together to make sure that it's fully functional so that we have happy customers because in our community it's like 80 000 people here we have lots of repeat customers and we want them to keep buying from us uh so we want to keep them happy so going the extra step above and inspecting putting stuff together it will open yourself up to a larger uh customer base because some people they just don't want to put stuff together this is a foldable multi-function bench which means that it does a lot more than this is just a five position bench okay um so i'm thinking that this may have more maybe more things that's a lot of positions yes five anyways so i'm i'm thinking this is gonna be around maybe a hundred and sixty hundred and seventy dollars awesome so everything 140 bucks 140 bucks would be fair awesome if it all works and if we put it together and all of that so what does that mean for our bottom line we just what more than we more than doubled awesome we more than double i think yeah so that that workbench that workout bench just put us at 990 dollars so we're almost a thousand dollars over more than double profit uh conservatively and we always do conservative prices just because a lot of people like do these absurd profit margins and it's you you do it yourself and you realize those pallets are not making that much money so we always do conservative all right so we got three boxes left and uh it's another bedspring this is the dawn the zionist dawn is i have no idea yeah um but it's a twin size platform you can see here the box as you can see the box has been open or it's damaged but the bed frame itself is looking undamaged so that's the part was there so undamaged and uh so that's encouraging let's see uh see if i can scan it on the amazon app so that's a 72 bed frame not bad nope so how much did we get off of this 50 bucks all right yeah and it's good because it's already it's still in the box we don't even have to take out of the box we'll just leave it in the box 50 bucks include the amazon picture on our facebook uh ad so uh i'm excited about that 50 bucks easy 50 bucks too all right so we have two boxes left and we have added all up we're at 1 160 and that's conservative dollars for uh the pout remember we paid 450 for it all in in our garage 447 to be exact so if we were to somehow do 190 from these last two boxes we would triple our money for this pallet which is crazy remember our goal is to always double our money when it comes to pallet flipping but if we could triple it that would be amazing just pulled out the uh it's a plush microfiber chair and i love chairs joe loves chairs too because uh these sell so fast on facebook marketplace people are always looking for chairs in fact we've actually had a couple of people that we know asking us hey do you guys have any computer chairs um so we made we are still looking for a channel that's what i'm saying she is still looking for a chair so there's um you know the that and you know everybody's working from home right now so everybody's looking for a comfy chair so um look first glance the box is very obviously damaged but i'm not seeing a lot of broken um it really looks like all the pieces are still there so this is the closest one that we could find uh same style um it's just a little probably a different color gray um if i can if i had to guess that and uh that's an expensive chair wow that's a 250 dollar chair um that's crazy i am shocked and it's got great ratings too look at the ratings on that i am extremely con i'm shocked that that is that much so it's a 250 dollar chair do i think we can get 250 from it no um conservatively 150 probably conservatively 150 yeah it's a really nice chair um i haven't touched the material if i touch it it's really nice material i'll try and get 200 bucks for it and uh but with it that price if i put the picture of amazon on there 250 bucks and then say that we're charging like 175 somebody will pay 175 to 150 bucks for it just because they feel like they're getting a great deal so we're going to mark it down for 50 buck or 150 even though it's a 250 chair on amazon i think 150 would be good so that means if we can get 40 bucks from this last item we will be able to triple our money on this pallet what in the world like i was like sitting here and i was looking and i was like man we could triple our money i was like but we only have two boxes left i just had no idea that one of those boxes is going to be i know right so this is sweet what is this you want to show the other side what is it the other side shows oh spot i was wondering i was like is it like a costume okay so this is a marvel spider-man chair it's a folding table it comes with two padded chairs that's nice that they're padded so this is a children's table this is actually a great time to have something like this everybody wants something that can go outside easily foldable you know a little kid's table it does have uh where the box is open right now oh yeah definitely definitely stretch oh that table's all busted this here let's open this what a bummer let's suppose let's bust open this that sucks let's see here let's go ahead and open this up and see what we're dealing with here oh yeah this table is not good uh it's got a huge huge hole that sucks yeah good looking table though what a bummer yeah i mean it's gonna be hard i wonder if we can sell the chairs let's go look at the chairs and see uh we may be able to just like put the chairs in the flea market booth or something if they're decent they're padded chairs um so let's see what we got for chairs um this chair looks good uh it looks it looks good we can try and sell them they may not feel without the table but yeah we can try we can always stack them up in the uh in the flea market booth and see what happens yeah two spider-man chairs what is it even uh the whole thing yeah let's see it's a bummer yeah it makes me sad but you know dang that would that would have tripled our money if that was perfect yep 48 we could have sold well maybe we couldn't have gotten 40 out of it but maybe so it would have been close uh had we been able to uh had that been good to get 40 bucks out of it i think we could have got 40 bucks with it and that would have put us right at tripling our money you know we still have the opportunity to triple our money if some of these things we can get more than we can because i mean the big thing with with me and joe is that we we get these pallets but we want us we want to see the minimum amount really that we can get if we can get more for it great that's exciting but also we want to for you out there we want to set realistic expectations of what a palette can look like we don't want to hide our ugly palettes we don't want to hide the things that maybe we mark out because we want you to have a realistic expectation of what that is and in your area this may be different it may sell for more it may sell for less you know that's why we do the amazon prices uh because uh that's kind of the market value for it but each market is different depending on where you live you may be able to get more for this stuff uh you may be able to get less but in our area that's what this will sell for yep all right so we hope you have enjoyed this video go ahead and hit that like button if you haven't done so already and hit the subscribe button while you're at it and if you have not already check us out at www and if you're on facebook instagram or twitter what a coincidence so are we links down in the description for those until next time peace
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 38,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Customer Returns, Liquidation Unboxing, Pallet Flipping, Amazon Returns, Amazon Shelf Pulls, return pallets, Buying Liquidation, returns pallet unboxing, Liquidation.com, liquidation review, extreme unboxing tv show, amazon returns pallet how to buy, amazon pallet flipping, ebay mystery box unboxing, flipping pallets, liquidation unboxing, pallet unboxing, pallet flipping, amazon return pallets, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon liquidation pallets, liquidation pallets
Id: g7a9kgoLdBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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