What Did These Amazon Customer's Return? | Amazon Customer Returns Unboxing

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these over pack pallets are freaking money like money i feel like we did something wrong like who do we owe who did you sell yourself to i'm about to pass out right now welcome back to another family flips unboxing and today we have another amazon overpack palette for you stocked full of amazon customer returns from wholesale logistics yeah we paid about 5.25 for this palo and we got four of them shipped to us [Music] i think for this palette we want to make about 1200 in revenue uh for our goal here so that's not like net profit but just 1200 in revenue and i think that that would be profitable for us so all right we're going to grab this one but i'm not going to put it i don't think i want to put it on this no uh because it's tall you know it says additional parts inside i don't know how i feel about that is there supposed to be parts on the outside is this like a second box what is this uh okay this must be the additional parts ah okay what is it i mean it looks like a trash can but it's got a pump or something inside like an tear f fleck x s x t control and what is this a water softener system uh afw filters insulation instruction for water softeners includes fleck 5621 or 20 25 10 series valves i have some valves yeah and it's got on here this piece it says afw filters and everything looks to be wrapped up still and a little bit of things with a bubble wrap on it so this is okay oh we've never seen this before we can't test it it's missing some blue thing [Music] this this thing here is like 300 bucks i think we should just we do more research but we'll just tentatively price it for 300. yeah if we can only sell that part the rest of this week we may be able to put it all together i don't know all right so we i feel like this is missing something we're gonna have to do more research because what we have i believe is something like this like the big blue thing it's not here so i have no idea if it's supposed to come with that or if you're supposed to buy it separately so then if it had the blue thing i think it's supposed to be bought with it because i looked up a qr code okay and this the sets on there had that in there so i wonder if it came in a different box we didn't get that box maybe and and maybe so i don't know but this pin tear thing right here this pump right here it is selling for 300 by itself if we had the complete system we're looking at 500 to 700 for it first the first item but this looks brand new open box 300. it is selling for on ebay uh which is crazy and one thing about water pump systems is you can't once you use it you can't make it look like it's not made yes there is no water residue at all in any of this stuff so if this sells for 300 you know we can even sell these as like additional parts and make a little bit more so really i think 300 would be an idea like that would be a value that i'd put behind it it's still conservative because of all this extra stuff that we did yeah so we'll call if we do sell for 300 bucks we'll say 240 for it on the low end after shipping and fees uh depending on how we sell it which is crazy it says heavy is it heavy oh a upc hold on let me scan it off blue streak wheelchair 18 inch flip back a wheelchair yeah i mean this box is all banged up it's all banged up i don't know why there we go it all depends on the footrest i guess looking at it it looks i mean we'll have to inspect the wheels and stuff it looks good here the wheels look good there it's still got the box here it's still sealed in the box it still has all the protective covering so what is it 150 150 bucks yeah on amazon what is happening so 150 bucks on amazon uh obviously you know what can we get for it i don't know 100 bucks maybe uh we're gonna try and sell it on facebook marketplace uh hopefully available to i don't know because it's a wheelchair uh if not you know maybe put on ebay and if we have to do that that's only 75 dollars so that's what we'll say is 75 bucks uh but that's crazy two items in that's 325 bucks we're like i'll take it i'll take it how crazy is it that like we like we're already almost made our money back i'm liking these ones just in two i know one thing that scares me about this one is it says fragile so and it does have a upc asymmetrical mirror large asymmetrical mirror i don't like mirrors but we'll see oh that's a weird looking mirror i guess because it's not symmetrical it's asymmetrical see it's not like oval it's kind of like oval shaped like someone tried to draw an open yeah well i need to see if it's broken yeah just pull the box it's stuck that's not a good sign let's go this way let gravity do its thing please don't be broken please don't be broken please whatever you do don't be broken it's heavy i mean i highly doubt we're gonna be able to ship this because the cardboards or the styrofoam is all it's all messed up all right i got the mounting stuff on the other side just so you know you can open like a little door it looks good oh yeah it's not broken at all no it's just so weird i kind of like it though yeah in a weird way like it's so unique the way that it's abnormal but this is a hundred dollar mirror on amazon so something we can probably get 50 60 bucks for here in the store i'll take it i people people will buy that yeah sure that's crazy caution you care when opening prevent damage to products so this one here has baby delight it does this box is damaged here there is a little bit of i don't know what this is uh but there is a little bit dirty oh okay it's a uh bassinet bedside sleeper oh okay you could put the bassinet really close to your bed and like keep it to you for safe sleeping this box has never been open so i guess it's just the shot this shelf damage because of that obviously we have to do some more inspection for it does it look cool yeah it's 187 what 187 bucks so a hundred dollars easy i don't understand what's happening uh we're four items in and like the cheapest one has been 50 bucks and that was price conservative like we'll probably able to get more than 50 for the mirror and then 187 bucks like these over pack pallets are freaking money like money i feel like we did something wrong like we do we owe who did you sell yourself to uh yeah okay so assuming this is of course we're gonna have to inspect it and make sure that it's okay because this is a baby product you're very careful with baby products um but we have a huge market for baby items like this in our area i think we can get an easy hundred bucks yeah here in store um even if it's like gently used yeah it'll go for a hundred bucks yeah so i'm gonna say 100 consecutively i may be able to price it for a little bit more but we'll just for this for this unboxing we'll call it 100. wow all right so i like home products um this says popular products for home so i'm super excited about that um but this is a damaged box and i think it's a table and there's already some significant damage to the side here and i'm gonna reach under and i'm feeling what i believe are table legs so i'm pretty sure this is a table all right um maybe like this size um which would have been nice i just don't know if anyone's gonna buy it because of that um how do you think we could i mean we'll price it for zero yeah but i think just because with we don't want to have to take the whole thing out of the box right now and then put it all together again but there's also a shelf or something so let's try and find it's home calm and then long numbers oh it's a corner computer desk uh all right so basically what i'm seeing i i i looked over on here and i saw that it's a corner computer desk so we went on amazon we looked up the brand and corner computed us they sell so many of them there's one that i saw that had similar colors to it it's about 135 dollars um so it's you know a decent priced computer desk but with this brokenness i'm not sure what else might be broken in here so i'm gonna tentatively call it zero but at some point we're gonna look at it and we're gonna put it together and see if it's worth anything at all even with the damage on it if you're interested in finding out those kinds of things we don't put that here on this youtube channel we put it at the life of joe and jess which is our other youtube channel there's a link in the description so you can follow along with us when we do those kinds of things so moving on that's a big pump it's a big box i think it's a mattress i bet it's like a crib mattress it's been open like heavy it's too heavy for a crib mattress is it yeah oh that didn't sound like that did not sound accuracy oh it's a bike it's a star wars bike look at that guys ah it's like a storm trooper bike no that's pretty neat yeah puffy it's a it's like it's all in here and uh i mean there's some scuffs on it yeah on the sides from it just being loose in the box they got this handlebars got missing a piece here the like the the grip now it goes in here well okay but this right here is what scratched up all this down here so there's like scraping on the paint there it is the petals are a little smashed in on the ends if you can see in here there you go like the pedals here are a little smashed on the ends but wheels are turning good they don't look to be warped that's something we'll have to kind of test out i guess yeah see but that's cool okay so a huffy star wars bike storm trooper star wars bike it looks cool that's something that you would have liked as a kid i'm not a storm trooper i'm a hero not a villain puppy kid storm trooper bike 16 inches i got one they're pretty much 119 to 130. all right so not bad there um if it gets all fixed up with the scuffs and everything we could probably sell it for 60 bucks yeah i was thinking 60 bucks sweet oh what lucas is going to lose his mind we can't sell this we can't sell that lucas loves yard work he loves tools rotating like makes trimmer sounds realistic trimmer details there's a skew on the back but i gotta peel this off that's a 26.87 toy so but it's gonna go to lucas so oh he's gonna i know if we were to sell it this would probably be like a six dollar item in the bins out front just because the cost of shipping is just not worth it to us i'm gonna figure this out later that's a good idea so the next item i see here it is all broken oh man it's all banged up yeah oh my gosh it's like snapped in half yeah so i have no idea what this originally even was but it's got the big piece of wood it's like broken half i don't know here hold on see it's broke in half there's no way to save him yeah no so zero dollars sad day i'll just grab this one since it's up front it's in it it's like a computer uh liquid cooler what yeah oh for computers yeah what's the brand castle yeah 240 ex it looks good we'll have to do careful more careful inspection whatever we inspect when we go to list it but it's looking like it's still all sealed in the factory stuff okay so this is 119.99 wow so that's not bad i mean it looks to be in great condition yeah so i'm happy with that do we know what to sell them for on ebay no i can find that probably where we'll sell it so a lot of people ask us what apps do we use to check prices if we're selling it locally we go off the amazon prices but obviously when we sell on ebay for those types of items we use the ebay app for that so this one uh sold brand new 114.99 129. 110 and then pre-owned was like 71.20 okay so so openbox probably went on 9.99 yeah i make 80 bucks yeah oh a mixer grinder it says perfectly made mixer grinder i need a knife it smells like plastic so i can't imagine it's been used and if it has it's been um well maybe it has been this one looks like it's been yeah okay well that's gross i should have touched it it's got it's a meat grinder it's like a yeah that's that's these ones hadn't been used that one that one did and i i made the fool's mistake of touching it with my hands i guess it doesn't have to be a meat grinder whatever it is this is juicy it's a name brand unit but i can't find uh i can't find it let me look on ebay i'm gonna wash my hands do that it's so weird like this upc isn't even in the database anywhere maybe it's like a counterfeit name brand or something it's the two cup one this looks like it so we are a little over halfway through this unboxing and we're paid it's 525 dollars for this palette and we are at potential revenue at 780 dollars remember our goal was 1200. yep so i mean we've got quite a bit more boxes in here you can still i think we're going to hit that goal yeah i'm excited about that i'm just going to grab this one here because it's got a upc right up front okay it says american flat i bet it's like a pitcher or something how about i scan it while you inspect it sounds good and it's just a picture frame just a basic like black picture frame it's probably like a 20 frame it is a 40 frame because it's a 20 by 30 poster frame with a plexiglas cover uh so i mean can we get that much no i mean if we have to ship it you know that it's like do we just try and get it ten bucks out of it out front uh which is probably what we'll end up doing oh we have a pit a poster that might fit there our extreme unboxing poster might be yeah yeah so if it fits that's where our extreme unboxing poster is going to go in our little frame all righty how about kohler i like kohler oh kohler's been good to us well the box this box has seen better days i mean yes it is wonky i brought up melon it brought up moen all right so this is my faucet this is a faucet delta pretty faucet um that's not saying really any disgust but it's not clean either yeah um it doesn't look like it's been installed anywhere but definitely looks like it's probably been purchased set out during some kind of construction there's a lot of like what i see like sawdust type situation but nothing that shows that this thing has been used which like i said anytime you can put water through a product you can't really hide that and there's no water in here so this has not been installed so we could consider this open box on ebay there's none on amazon that i could find from the upc we maybe will find it on there but it doesn't matter uh there has been one sold and listed on ebay and it sold for 161 dollars what condition open box okay so that's pretty much what we have here it's not broken i thought it was broke but it's just a little piece that covers the little screw hole i was it's got a couple scratches on it uh i mean it doesn't look to be used but because of how it's handled you know so when i've already sold for 160 open box i don't think we're gonna get that much we'll probably price it for like 139.99 make about 100 bucks which it's still good money i will say uh running a bin store and filming unboxings at the same time it's a totally different experience is it is so go ahead all right i'm gonna grab this because it looks cool it says happy feeding on the top is that the same box there oh maybe we got two of them it is a deluxe bottle sterilizer steam sterilizes six bottles at once yeah that's what this is they're twinsies this one looks to have been used this one these two have been used recently so both used we'll have to test them make sure they turn on there's definitely some like water residue on here so that's how i know it's been used but other than that it looks like it's in great condition definitely has been taken care of just hope it works all right so brand new brand new brand new these run for 46.99 so if they have used this is something we could probably maybe get around 15 to 20 dollars for uh but we would have to test a little bit so i'm thinking we'll save 15 for each one um call it a day yep sorry i just ate and like you know your brain just sometimes you know goes places whenever you get done eating next this says dr brown's on it also oh is it another one bottle sterilizer yeah it looks to be i guess yeah just a different box i mean it could be a box in a box it could be we'll find out shortly and it looks to be a box in a box is that one use let's find out what if you did it you're not helping me i was gonna try and flip it over instead of ripping the top of the box i'm just trying to be helpful this one looks to be brand new it is sealed so 30 bucks for this one boom i wanted that one maybe you can have it it's a franken box i wanted it because in the past with these uh over pack boxes it's been boxes like these that some of the most expensive items have been in this doesn't look expensive now not at all uh inflatable thoracolumbar orthotis so it's some kind of vest that you wear on your back and you inflate it with this i don't know adjust the brace height and waist to find the side that suits you then tie the velcro straps left and right and fix the position then tie the shoulder straps and adjust a comfortable position and then you press inflatable bladder to inflate and adjust to a comfortable one tls inflatable four row tumbler fixed final brace lightweight um is that a two count pack of one oh yeah there's two but okay yep 119.99 on the amazon yeah but we're not selling amazon is it on would something like that be on uh okay let's find out so it's too bad we don't sell on amazon we don't want to but these are the times i'm like if we did sell amazon we would make more money there hasn't been any sold on ebay there has been there's one that is listed the pictures aren't very good it's listed for 80 dollars but it's on sale for 56 dollars okay so we will probably price it like 99.99 take better pictures yeah and hopes to get around seventy dollars profit let's do it thrift it feels like a mattress i guess over the wrong side look it's definitely a mattress look it's rolled up in there or what size is this it says full i mean it's still sealed in the bag if you know you buy mattresses online they come like this they're all vacuumed rolled up into a little thing when you cut it it's like the original mattress tuft needle original full adaptive foam mattress yeah what uh it's selling on amazon for 760 760 bucks no way for a full-size mattress bro i'm about to pass out right now what sure what's so special about this mattress i have no idea touch it don't touch it so joey doesn't need a new mattress wow and it wasn't even open until i opened it out like what why is this mattress so expensive are you looking no i'm trying to figure out why this mattress is so special i guess it's just a really good mattress that is crazy gel memory foam all right so there's several there's many listed many many listed 715 725 529 uh 682 750 uh 650 uh 400 400 500 a thousand dollars uh let's see if any have actually sold there's original queen that has sold there's been many original queens there's been original kings that have sold but not full size there are some twin size that sold for like 200 bucks 365 dollars actually there was one in july 15 july 5th so it seems it's a different brand it seems like the brand is selling yes just because the full size didn't sell it doesn't really mean that much it does mean that that you know if this brand is worth 680 dollars yeah it's selling for 680 on amazon not ebay though so it's like what do we do it's like do we want to appraise it like oh this is 700 on amazon you know we could sell it we'll make 500 bucks but on ebay there's some price for 440 and none have sold so it's like what do you do and if we were to sell this on ebay for 440 it would cost 125 to ship this so you're talking about all the way down to like 300 i say we try and sell locally yeah and make 500. but i don't think we'll get 500. we can try yeah i don't know i'm feeling just to be conservative uh like 300 bucks because i mean we'll try and get more money for it but at the same time i want to be realistic like okay like 300 bucks so if we can't sell it and then we do have to sell it on ebay the price we would get if it sells for 440 i mean okay so let's just call it 250 conservatively for purposes of the unboxing and then we'll just update everybody on the other channel yeah but still 250 bucks for this box that's pretty awesome yeah i mean and then all the other stuff that we've done has been so good i'm okay with that you know oh that's big it's a portable air conditioner with remote cool 450 square feet that's a nice haircut so looking at it it's got the hose here still the hose is dirty but it's like it still has all of the instruction manuals inside it has the little foam uh for the wherever you decide to install it it looks dusty i mean it looks like it's been used i mean this is they've got this is still on here i mean it even has like an odor to it it's got an odor to it i don't know what that odor is but i'm sure if it's brand new it's probably like a three or four hundred dollar unit yeah i know it's not new um can we close the box please is that is that what it looks like though no this just oh my gosh close the box help somebody help elvie you're not even helping me i am helping you i'm trying to close the box you're just standing there help me i am helping you we'll count that as a tentative zero yeah we'll have to do some testing it's gonna be easy to test though you just plug it in if it cools you know uh make sure it's all clean uh chances are you know this looks like it may have been a switcharoo or maybe they used it they bought the warranty on it because not everybody is bad they could have bought the warranty on it the little protection program with amazon and then maybe they went to use it this year and it was not working so they're like let me i got my warranty uh and then here he goes i'm gonna pick this because i have no idea uh i've never seen it before circulating cold water therapy ice machine with universal pads for knee elbow shoulder back pain swelling sprains inflammation and injuries yeah i'm just going to open this up right here i was going to put it on the table in front of us and film here but i'm like but then we're going to take it back down to film this other box so this is the angle that you're just going to have to get be careful with that knife you will like it first item here a hose it looks to be good manuel it looks to be wrapped up in the package all the stuff is still inside of it like it has never been used before that's great because it's selling for 209 209 what what do you see the pads and everything yeah pads are there okay inside wow 209 dollars on amazon selling on ebay there's one listed for 179.99 all right see if any have sold there's one that sold for 119.99 plus 13 shipping all right so not as much as amazon but that's usually the deal with ebay uh we'll try and sell it on facebook marketplace first for like 140 bucks and the buyer will pay for shipping so that'd be like 100 and that'd be like 30 bucks so we'll say 140 uh i think we'll be able to we've been selling lots of stuff on facebook marketplace if we do have to sell on ebay we'll probably do around 80 90 in profit but i think we'll start on facebook yeah that's sweet listen up headboard footboard side rail all in that one little box headboard footboard and it is one of one oh yeah that side's open all right so i'm wondering if it's damaged the corner looks perfect it looks good i guess it's like a leather uh a leather deal there oh so we're gonna have to open this up really inspect it make sure there's no damage or missing parts but joe felt around inside he could feel the footboard and everything like that so that's great full size this one right here it's a crown mark uh upholstered bed panel uh 115. 115 bucks a week nice and it's if it's not damaged at all we could get pretty close to that yeah for sure especially on if we can get it on facebook marketplace 780 bucks i think so yeah cool beans wow so much stuff man so much though so remember we paid 525 for this pallet and our goal was 1200 1200 halfway point we were at 780 which we are pretty close to that then just did the math we're at 1 470 so that's a potential profit of 945 uh granted it's not profit technically until it sells but 945 dollars potential profit that's amazing and those are conservative numbers remember we chose the lowest possible that we thought we would be able to make given what we thought about these conditions so the potential to make more is also still there so thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoyed watching this video as much as we enjoyed filming it now remember if you want to purchase any of these items that we have in our online store a lot of this stuff will be there you can find that at www.thefamilyflips.com so you can also check out we will have a link to our facebook marketplace profile down in the description because there will be a lot of those items these items in there also boom so until next time friends peace [Music] you
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 18,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Liquidation Unboxing, Pallet Flipping, Buying Liquidation, Liquidation.com, liquidation review, extreme unboxing tv show, amazon pallet flipping, flipping pallets, liquidation unboxing, pallet unboxing, pallet flipping, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon liquidation pallets, liquidation pallets, unboxing pallets, the family flips, liquidation pallet unboxing, amazon returns unboxing, liquidation pallets unboxing, buying liquidation pallets, amazon return pallets
Id: IUFLl07Xqcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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