My New Print on Demand Store is Blowing Up! 🤯

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it's been four months since I started a brand new print on demand store all to prove that it's not luck and that anyone can do this even in 2024 well this is going to be probably the best update video I have for you because a lot has happened this month and I'm actually really really excited to share the incredible news so if you haven't seen any previous videos in this series let me just quickly recap in the first month I lost around $600 and that was due to well it was brand new I was testing out ads I was warming up my Facebook ads account and I knew that there would be some sort of expense and $600 didn't seem like a very large amount of money to lose for a brand new business month two we were up $600 which is kind of funny cuz that's exactly what we were down in month one so we were broken even at that point which was great you know at two months in breaking even that is a good position to be in month three it got a little bit better we were up $1,200 so doubled what we made the previous month it's weird how it keeps going up in 600s I promise I'm not planning it like that um just how it happens I guess but yeah month three we were up $1,200 and I actually did a 90day update video but I did it a little bit late I did it on the 10th of May probably should have done it on the 1st of May but anyways month 4 what what has happened in month four what does month four look like how much have we made what have we learned what mistakes have we made and what can you learn from this experiment that I am doing so probably the coolest thing that happened this month which I really want to say is we hit our first 1,000 plus dollar day which to me is absolutely mindblowing considering how much we made in the first month actually let me have a look what we made in the first month well we made $1,091 in our first month well I say made this is revenue and of course it's important to know that we only started really getting sales from February the 7th and then properly from February the 16th now we had a $1,000 day and how crazy is this so it was Saturday the 25th Saturday the 25th we earn almost as much as we did in our first entire month this to me is absolutely mind-blowing it really proves and solidifies the potential in print on demand and it also makes me realize that I have to stop calling print on demand a side hustle because print on demand can very much be a fulltime job and what's even crazier the whole of month two which was March which this was a full month now March we did $578 in in revenue of course not profit revenue and in the last seven days so bear in mind the whole of March we did 5,700 and in the last 7 days we've done 5,900 so we've done more in the last s days than we did in our entire F entire second month so these numbers are just blowing to me and I'm looking forward to sharing the the the full breakdown of this month to you and not just that but the profit the ad cost the the the product cost everything I'm going to try and share as much as I can because what I'm actually seeing is people are commenting on previous videos questions and they want to know more intricate details so I'm actually just going to share all of those details with you in this video I think you can probably tell I'm a little giddy here quite excited by this experiment because honestly who knows what could happen a lot of YouTubers who will do experiments like this will either stop it might not work they might not see it through I don't know but it's really cool to have started this to prove it's not luck and then really persevered with it and to be this profitable four months in I am very very happy and and if I can somehow you know help you get to that stage help you get to this point I will be very happy because that's that's my goal here I want you to be able to start a new print on demand business not just consider it a side Hustle but start a new business and make it profitable make it what you need it to be for you so starting with a common question that keeps popping up which is how much am I selling the product for how have I got such a high profit margin of over $17 per item well let me break down the exact costs I've written them down here CU I don't I don't want to mess anything app we sell our our t-shirts we're selling T-shirts by the way we're selling the Gilden 64,000 and I'll get into that in a bit more detail soon but we're selling T-shirts mainly we have a couple of hoodies as well we are selling for $26.99 for small to 2XL and then from 3XL 4XL and 5xl we go up so we're selling from $26.99 all the way to $31.99 the item cost is $7.77 all the way up to $186 so it gets more expensive the larger the sizes are which is why we charge more now these prices are cheaper because we have printer 5 premium and I'll break down that cost as well now to have a label over here um it cost 56 cents per item and the insert that we send with our our product is 10 cents so that is a total cost of $843 um again we have printer five premium so it's a little bit cheaper and that $8 43 is for the small to 2XL there's no point working out everything from 3XL 4XL cuz we actually end up making a little bit more money on the larger sizes and we're selling it for the small to 2XL for uh for $26.99 meaning our profit is $185 absolutely crazy people do not talk about print on demand and say you can make this much on t-shirts everyone is saying you know you can make $2 and $5 and unfortunately that is because the largest creators on YouTube the largest print on demand creators on YouTube keep pedling red bubble they keep pedling te where yes you cannot make anywhere near this amount of profit so it's annoying that they're getting so many views and the YouTube algorithm are sharing those videos so frequently because it it's making everyone think that that's what's possible but actually $186 is what is possible now the reason why has to be such a large profit margin is because we are running Facebook ads which obviously cost us money so if we weren't running Facebook ads and we were just able to make $856 that would be a dream that would be amazing that is not the case here it will be the case down the line as we grow this business we build the email list we build our social media platforms and we start getting organic traffic that will be our Baseline which is going to be flipping amazing and I cannot wait for that video to to finally share those numbers but for now we are running Facebook ads to build up our store so that obviously is going to eat up into our profit now just a little bit of math for you um to tell you why I'm using printify premium printify premium is $25 a month right and and people look at it and they're like oh no it's just another expense on top of Shopify on top of this on top of that well if we just do the calculation and see if it's makes logical sense to go for this is what it will look like for a black Gilden 64,000 which is what we sell well we sell multiple colors but let's just go with black the cost difference is $181 to $276 depending on the size so small to 2XL the price difference is $181 and for you know going all way up to 5xl is $276 meaning we need to sell less than 13 items a month in order to cover Printery premium just 13 items now that might sound like a lot when it comes to put on demand if you're not getting any sales but when you're running traffic focused traffic to your store 13 items is not very many sales we're doing that every single day at this point U more than that every single day so that more than makes the cost of PRI premium worthwhile so that's just an interesting thing to know 13 items covers prini premium Now the exact product we're selling cuz I know a lot of people are asking as well is the Gilden 64,000 by Swift pod or Swift pod there are other platforms out there not platforms there are other providers out there on printer fire like Monster Digital and all the other ones for some reason I went for Swift pod I ordered a whole bunch of stuff I have a bag there with like 50 different things in them and I just like Swift pod so I went with them um we're selling black Royal light pink ice gray military green and occasionally we'll sell white but very INF frequently and that's just because I don't think white is a very well not I don't think white isn't a very popular print on demand color based on my history of sales over the last 10 years white has never sold very well now a couple of other things to know about my store if you're wondering um you might not be wondering but I hope you're wondering uh we have 145 products 134 of those are t-shirts 11 of those are hoodies uh we are expanding the hood range but we're doing it slowly we have one Niche our store is just one Niche we do not have multiple niches and there's very good reason for this a lot of people want to go into various niches and what I say is if you are going to go down the Etsy route then it's more about uploading products trying to have as many products out there that are good quality quality over quantity of course but it doesn't really matter about the niche because you're just trying to rank in the Etsy algorithm on their Market marketplace with Shopify it's very different you have you have no competition you have your own Marketplace and by having a focused store it does a lot of things the first thing it does is it can up your aov massively because when you bring a customer to your store and they see similar products they will buy multiple products but if you bring a customer to your store and you're selling dog t-shirts and uh car t-shirts and cycling t-shirts the customer will be a bit confused but also they'll just buy one that they like and move on on that's the first thing the second important thing is with Facebook advertising so when you are running Facebook ads or even any social media for that matter you are building an audience of likeminded individuals who will come to your store think of it like this if you send traffic from Facebook if you pay for traffic from Facebook to a Shopify store and it has multiple niches and someone buys something Facebook will see the conversion and think that is your ideal customer so they'll send more people like that however because your store has so many various uh niches in it the people at Facebook end up sending might not actually convert very well because they won't see what they want and then Facebook will get very confused and not know what traffic to send and you'll end up spending a fortune on Facebook advertising and sending not very good or targeted traffic and Facebook won't be able to eventually work out who to send having a focused Niche allows Facebook to see okay this type of person is converting we're going to send more people like this oh they're also converting right we have now narrowed the audience down and as you spend more you are starting to get a more targeted audience it's confusing but I guess it it makes sense it does make sense and it's one of the main reasons why we like to stick to one Niche what happened this month that kind of changed everything very simply two words Father's Day Father's Day well no Father's Day didn't happened this month Father's Day is actually in June Father's Day designs happen this month so me and Lauren were talking and we were trying to just work out different ways to to uh expand the the the catalog and and make more sales and and and all of that and build up our customer base and Lauren suggested well it's Father's Day I was like that's great I don't know why I didn't think of that let's create a whole bunch of Father's Day designs so we created 16 Father's Day t-shirts and they all were all Niche related so they weren't just this is the best dad or you know this dad rocks they were all very Niche related for example if our Niche was dogs it would be um dog dad you know best dog dad that would be a niche related Father's Day t-shirt we did 16 designs um I probably could have done a lot more but we did 16 we started running ads and Those ads absolutely took off I'm talking row as of 10 15 and 20 crazy crazy numbers um it just did really really well and because that took off it kicked off our other products in our store because those products were Niche focused when someone saw a Father's Day t-shirt they were browsing our store and they were like oh I like that one I like that one I like that one I like that hoodie and because it's all in one Niche we ended up selling tons of other items as well increasing our aov and just increasing our our sales for the month now annoyingly we only started doing Father's Day t-shirts two weeks ago so we lost out on the first two weeks of May uh which is very annoying and it's very obvious from the numbers here you can see how it explodes as soon as we start doing Father's Day t-shirts but we've got still about 10 days n nine I'd say like 8 to 10 days left of Father's Day um where we're going to really try and explode our store even more and at the same time add a whole bunch of new designs that can work throughout the year because we want to keep this momentum going we don't want you know June to be a slow month we don't want you July to be a slow month and August we want to keep the momentum going and that's what we're going to do now another thing that we did to increase our sales is we started implementing weekday promotions because what we were noticing is sales were coming in a lot over the weekend Friday Saturday Sunday and then Monday to Thursday it was dwindling a little we were still getting sales but not nearly as much so this last week we just decided to implement promos throughout the week but specific to the day promos so for example Monday we did 10% off and we put a banner on our website saying 10% off today only and it worked Wonders It was great so Monday we did 10% off Tuesday we did buy to get the third one free Wednesday we did 15% off Thursday free shipping with two items or more instead of three items and it literally changed the game we went from doing 44 $500 days to doing $8 $900 days during the week which is crazy because that's that's that's mad numbers absolutely mad numbers especially for weekday sales and especially for a brand new store like this so we're definitely going to continue implementing weekday promos the only drawback there is people will come to the website multiple times in a week and they'll see different promos however out of every single order we've got only one person emailed and said I bought but then I saw this promo can you honor it which is absolutely fine we just emailed them back saying of course we can honor it no problem and we just gave them that 15% discount it really wasn't a big deal but that's definitely helped us massively with our weekday sales now in terms of mess ups we had two pretty big mess ups this month well i' would say we have we've had one mess up that has lasted for the last 4 months which we've now fixed thank you to uh Chris who noticed the mess up on our website um Chris Heckman if anyone watches his channel fantastic guy fantastic YouTuber and Prett on demand seller he noticed something which I didn't notice sliit my mind um so there's that and I'll tell you what that is in a second and then we had another huge mess up two Saturdays ago it was meant to be our first Father's Day day it was the first day that we had launched all our designs and everything and we we saw that we had tons and tons and tons of ad to carts like a lot of AD to carts I think it was like over 70 AD to carts um and it would have been a1500 plus dollar day but we only got like I think it was like six sales let me no it wasn't six sales what was it it was let me have a look so Saturday the 18th apply right there you go seven orders we had a 6% add to cart and then a 2% reach checkout and a 1.6% converted oh dear what happened here well I'll tell you what happened here we we I can't blame Lauren for this I messed up I changed a setting on Printery I don't even remember doing it it must have been an accident I changed a setting on Printery a while ago and then when we went to add new products from printify to Shopify it synced these Wrong settings so when people were adding any of the Father's Day t-shirts to their basket they were being charged international shipping rates over $30 so someone in the us who was buying a US based product was being charged $30 plus do it was Anarchy so many people abandoned their cards and what's even worse is when someone added one of our regular products that had the correct shipping rates and they and they combined it with a Father's Day design so they had two or three items in their basket it were default to the international shipping rate so we lost out on so many sales so many of the baskets had three items in four items in it was going to be a ridiculous day and it's very very upsetting but you learned from your mistakes and when I realized what was going on on Saturday night I was shocked for like 10 minutes and really angry and then changed it very quickly um so that was the first massive mess up and it's annoying because this this month could have been probably another $1,000 in profit because of that day so that's the first thing the second mess up which has been going on for the last four months which I just I just it spped my mind is you have various shipping profiles so when someone adds something to the basket in in Shopify and you're selling with Printery and you're using printer's default shipping profile they Char they charge $44.75 and then if they add a second item they charge another $240 for the additional item so they end up being charged what is that like $7.15 sorry I had to do the math my brain is not there at the moment7 $715 so what we what we found was happening is we were getting a lot of single orders so our aov wasn't very good because it was just people were buying one item but as well a lot of people were abandoning cards because they add one item and they add a second and they see the shipping price go up and they're just like no screw this company they are absolutely milking us for when it comes to shipping and I don't want to I don't want to have anything to do with that and we had a lot of cart abandonment so what we've now done is we've now removed the printer fire shipping profiles and added our own shipping profile where we just charge you know $4 something $4.75 $480 whatever it is um for for shipping and it doesn't matter if you have one product or two products when you get to three products you automatically enable free shipping anyways because we do free shipping over three products so it just means we are have we have to eat that $240 cost on Printery side but a the conversion rate is so much better and B we're going to be getting and we've already noticed since we changed it so many more people ordering to items which we end up making a lot more money at the end of the day so let's now break down these numbers because my God it's been a good month okay so if we go from the first and it's annoying because I'm shooting this on the 31st of May and it's 9:45 a.m. at the moment so we've got the Hall of today that we're missing out on as you can see you see how it it it it drops off to to nothing cuz we've only done 27 $5 today cuz I I've just woken up um this will probably match and go to about as it's a Friday and start of the weekend it will probably be about $1,000 meaning this number will be nearer to $113,000 but I'm just going to say it's it is this and today was a right off um but $1,848 that's mad right that is so cool I I'm so I'm so happy with this because this really proves and solidifies my my entire YouTube channel and thinking and everything because I've always said it's not too late to do print on demand I've always said it's not too saturated you can still succeed with Pro on demand and this proves it this store was started in January and when I say January that's when I started making designs the first ads the first sale was like the 7th of February and then sales kicked off on the 16th of February this is almost a brand new store this is very very very possible and it's so cool and you can see the difference from last month I mean look at this uh look at the days 117 99 93 compared to 4500 and then $1,000 day $950 day 706 uh 976 845 934 these are really really big days 11,943 store sessions the average order value is terrible but we have now fixed that hopefully and that's going to change total order orders conversion rate is good that conversion rate would have been a lot higher if it wasn't for that that that Saturday that bad Saturday where we screwed up the shipping profile um returning customers quite low definitely want to increase that and we're going to do that with email flows which we haven't properly got into yet and uh it's one thing I thought was quite cool is we've got sales from Facebook right 9,154 but direct sales 2,330 that's probably people sharing people coming to the website from their phones not going through a Facebook ad that is cool that's like free sales so those were are sales this is a revenue number this is not our profit our ad spend for the month was $4,625 and I know a lot of people will say oh I don't have $ 4,629 to spend on ads and that's fine this is the fourth month we've built it up nice and slowly and also bear in mind that $4,625 you're not laying well you are laying out but you're also getting sales so we are we put our our ad spend on the credit card and at the end of the month we pay off that credit card every single month we pay off that credit card we never let it go over that's very important to remember and at the end of every month we've also received all of our Revenue all of our money from Shopify either payments through PayPal or payments through Shopify so we could just pay off the credit card with that money so it's not like we're laying out money for these ads and then the production cost which is the same thing we pay it off with credit card at the end of every month $4,725 meaning a total profit of $2,495 more than double last month wait no not more than double last month yes more than double last last month last month was 1,200 we were up $2 2, basically $500 more than double of last month that is absolutely crazy to me and if we would have started Father's Day from day one of this month that number would have been significantly higher so that's a 21 % profit margin which I agree isn't the best it's really not the best but we are going to be increasing it we're only on month four and profit is profit $25,000 in profit is still a good amount of money you know it's still over $24,000 a year and again this is month four if we can keep doubling it like we have done we went from 600 to 1200 1200 to 2500 next month if we do 5,000 in profit the next month 10,000 in profit the next month 20,000 I mean the sky the limit here and there's a huge amount of potential with with this St and with print on demand as a whole it's very it's a very very good business to get into and this is this whole thing this is exactly what we are teaching in our communities and the link to our communities is down below by the way and I don't talk about it too much but basically we have quite a few people in our community now doing this exact same thing they are absolutely loving it and it's a really really really nice place to be we've got a like a live call today we do live calls every week it's just a very very cool place to be where I'm sharing a lot more details about this I've also started a brand new store which I'm sharing everything with including the store the designs all of it and that's all going to be in the community um it's a really really cool Community I would recommend checking it out just to see if you're interested it's just a really cool place to end this video I want to just I want to just talk to you um transparently just a bit about uh expectation versus reality because I think this is very very important to understand there are a lot of people out there that will sell print on demand as this super easy passive business to go into and the reason they do that I don't know whether it's to get views to get sales whatever I don't know now look in full transparency we have a paid Community you know I make money in the paid Community you know that's that's that's one of the ways that's one of the income streams that I have as well as YouTube as well as print on demand businesses we also have the pay community and that's what people sign up for to learn print on demand now that is one of our our our revenue streams now I don't want people to sign up to the PID Community thinking print on demand is easy is passive and it doesn't take very much work print on demand is a proper business it should be as difficult as a proper business you need to find a good Niche you need to come up with good designs people really struggle with the design aspect you need to you know Market your store you need to create a good store that converts well this isn't you know something where you just plug and play yes you know you can just throw a bunch of designs at red bubble and try and make 50 bucks a month that's fine but if you want to do print on demand properly as a business and actually make serious money from it it's not going to be easy so I just wanted everyone to to understand that I'm talking about this and I'm really excited by this and I'm making it probably sound a little bit easier than it is but I've been doing print on demand for over 10 years I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars with print on demand I've lost you know a lot of money with print on demand as well I've spent before this store I have spent 10 of thousands of dollars on Facebook ads I've learned a lot i' I've made a lot of mistakes and and that is one of the reasons why we have our community so I can share all of this so that you don't do the same thing but what I'm saying is it's not just easy you know this store is successful but don't just think of it as oh shimmy just put up a store and he's made money looks really easy he's done it in four months there's a lot that's gone into it there's a lot behind the scenes that you might not be realizing so when you are watching someone else who is saying it is easy please stop watching because it's not easy it's a real business it's a difficult business there's a lot of moving Parts there's a lot you have to to think about in in in in practice doing the individual steps is not difficult you know I'm not asking you to run a ultramarathon or anything you know it's you sitting on a computer doing some typing but it's knowing what to do it's it's making sure you've done everything it's it's being able to stay motivated there's a lot of factors that go into building a business especially a on demand business so I just wanted to kind of end this video with some real talk and and make sure that you that everyone realizes there's a lot that goes into this and uh it's not passive it's not easy but it's incredibly rewarding it's a lot of fun and it can turn into a huge huge business so on that note I hope you like this video I hope you like my four Monon update check out the community down below I think you're going to absolutely love it we have a free community and a PID Community the paid Community is a lot more focused is where I'm spending at least 3 to 4 hours a day in the the the free communi is also great sign up to whichever one that you want um you know just get involved it's it's a lot of fun you know it's it's really a lot of fun and yeah thank you very much for watching I will see you well in the next video but don't worry I will also be doing a f month update video
Channel: Shimmy Morris
Views: 18,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand, starting over, print on demand etsy, print on demand step by step, selling t-shirts, t-shirt business, make money print on demand, etsy print on demand, merch by amazon, sell t-shirts on ebay, T-shirt business, sell t-shirts online, t shirt business at home, t shirt business online, t shirt business profit, t-shirt dropshipping, print on demand beginners, how to start a t-shirt business, print on demand t-shirt business, print on demand for beginners
Id: 6NrxtKjDBFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.