We LOVE These Home Depot Pallets! Pallet Unboxing | May 2022

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all right right over here we've got a 900 pallet 900 900 pallet from the homie depot hello welcome to family flips unboxing wow this is your host joe rinsing with jessica and we've got a home depot palette that we're amazing oh take three crikey hello i'm joe and i'm jessica years back we set out to find a lifestyle that allowed us to live comfortably homeschool our three children and make a life and legacy we would be proud of reselling liquidated goods both online and locally through our bin store was the vehicle that allowed us to do just that it's hard work it's constantly changing but we wouldn't trade it for the world here's the story of how our small business runs in the midst of all the challenges life throws at us as always thank you for stopping by and come on in but anyways welcome back to another family flips unboxing and today we're unboxing this beauty right here right there there depot palette 900. uh we hope you like the last one if not sorry because we're about to do this one um all right so i am putting a link i can never tell which side it's on it's one of these sides up here of the previous home depot unboxing because a lot of this stuff if you're here to see about how much it costs a lot of the stuff we've actually already unboxed before in a previous palette but we do got some new stuff i'm seeing ring oh i didn't notice that before right oh i saw it i saw it smart lighting ring smart like this right here we've never had before a rigid something um but you're rigid there are some things that we have seen before like these glacier bays and these new new tone in here so we're not going to go into huge detail with those but that previous unboxing is linked for you um it's also down in the description so you'll be able to see those as well let's jump in [Applause] oh this one this knife is much better than the last i replaced the blade yeah this is nice good job oh is that a drill set nice i'm stuck [Music] i think these are air filters they look like air filters yeah twenty by twenty five by one and it looks like they were crushed at the dc they totally were looking those are our size air filters at the house hey i think so 20 20 by 25 yeah yeah that's exactly our size amazing that will last us for like the next year i've got a mystery box but it doesn't feel very heavy i'm guessing light bulbs sorry if i ruined your surprise are you guessing or did you see it i used all the evidence that i had available to guest light bulb and i was wrong yeah this is not no what is it it looks like a shop vac um filtration filter filtration yeah all right so lots of air filters that's fine it's fine yeah let's do this exciting thing it looks heavy is it heavy yeah brushless maximum performance and it just it's a lot of tools in that thing yeah i mean it's a lot of tools it'd be nice if they just you know they just pulled it because the box was so jacked up and they couldn't sell it's actually perfect yeah that would be super awesome let's see how much it's worth [Music] because if this is uh you know even if it's in use as long as they're all working it will probably go on ebay holy cow refurbished is 249. um brand new it's 255. let's see it sold and that's why y'all always should shop around because this is 400 at home depot but you get on ebay for yeah so these are sold so they are selling pretty i mean pretty much for like 250 on average sweet so that's not that sweet it's not bad assuming all of them work it's gonna be kind of hard to top i know these are just basic um faucets that will go uh in the bins uh the ten dollar bin range people we've actually put some out from the last few unboxings and people are really loving them so i'm happy we're able to give that to them these though there's two of these these are i don't know how i think it's fister uh these advisor last time i did say fizer last time but there's two of them and i believe we've been selling these online for like 40 to 50 which we will put online because we do have so many other faucets with this our source dot source source store size if we put so many of the same item then it actually lowers their retail value because there's more to choose from so that way people they end up going on lesser days so we try to limit the supply that goes out in the bins so these since they're brand new sealed in the box yeah between 40 and 50 dollars for brand new condition uh so we'll easily make you know 25 to 30 depending on if it sells for 40 or 45 bucks sweet yeah [Music] these look like little 3m face filter things we can't sell these online so definitely going in the bins as you just throw it it's light it's just you know it's not unbreakable and then these things they surprised me uh we even put on the retail wall just because they're not selling for as much online but let me show you how much they're selling for at the home depot at the homey depot at the homey depot oh no yeah 277 that's a faucet that's a why did it scan a faucet why did that scan a faucet i have no idea but that's not what that is [Music] there we go so 62.97 i was thinking as more expensive set because we've been getting some there like 150 dollars there's so much tape on these boxes this bad dude is super awesome i got that it's an inner paint gun okay i'm sure you can use stain with it as well i i'm waiting for one to come in that has not been used but everyone that we have had so far has been used so we put them all on the wall but if this has not been used i mean the case looks a lot i know the other ones and it's got this label here on it which is good for my understanding oh thank you never been used before never been used if these have been used like people would not take the time to clean them up that much so that's awesome should i look up the price on it yeah you need to look at the price on it i guess i should scan it on ebay since that's where we're gonna be selling it but on home depot hundred and sixty nine dollars nice nice let's see what ebay says it's like 129.99 let's go to souls and see what they're actually selling for it's like 120 bucks plus shipping 126 for brand new so yeah so this will definitely go online um just because if we sold everything at 25 we would lose a couple hundred dollars per pallet and we're not in position to do that fail well we have a uh oh screen wow oh so fancy best thing so far that may or may not sell on dollar day or may not all right there we go dewalt handheld blower if that matches our battery like that we already have because we have dewalt twos twos two golly we're son of a gun words are so hard right now for me you're doing a great job if that has the same battery as my others uh dewalt tools we may end up keeping it because i need to be able to blow like uh outside in the parking lot and stuff that makes it looks great wow maybe we should look it up just before i like hey let's keep that cause you know how cheap i am hey look i'm the same way it's like we want things but yeah we find out how much it costs we're like yeah i'll sell it [Music] 2.99 hold on well let's look on ebay now i don't need that big much of a blower [Music] okay we're selling it yep we're selling it 189 199 199 pre-owned wow so i'll use the blower that has a different battery a different brand than that because you know that's awesome though all right let's see this is a like a sconce matt bought it he picked it up though well good good job matt well it's been installed because that was the hardware bag yeah oh no it's all just in here that was just a little cap so we don't need that well the glass panels haven't even been open it looks like maybe it was an attempted install maybe because you can see yeah but it doesn't look like it was done terribly where it couldn't be reinstalled maybe put it up and then his spouse was like i don't like the color of that or maybe it was just too big for the space that's even the better idea or maybe just didn't the color just didn't match exactly what they wanted but this will go on the premium wall i don't know how this went in here yeah you're doing a great job i appreciate it how about this one medium exterior wall lantern [Music] it's got the green sticker on it looks like it was on clearance look i don't have to look it up it's right there yeah it was originally a hundred dollars 99.99 or 99.97 i was off by two pennies for all you people that need exactly exactness somebody probably jumped on the deal and then was like wait this is not what i wanted yeah um it's maybe an attempted install or it had been installed but they took good care of it yeah so that's a that's a good one maybe a a bin item or a wall piece yeah for sure i'd put it on the wall and i'm sure it would sell for 20 or 15 dollars so for those of you who have not watched our unboxings uh previous to this one when we started redoing the unboxings we started a new concept okay so a lot of this stuff i know that if you're watching this the first time you're watching you're like why are they selling this stuff for 25 so we have a bin store and we have an ebay store and we try to source specifically for each of those items now each of those styles right but at times we have to offset one or the other and some of our inventory has to cross so that we can make somebody so we can feed our employees and feed our families right so these items here are what we call lost leaders so basically what this is is these are the kinds of things that people are going to come in specifically to buy we're not going to make the largest amount of profit on those items but when they come in and they shop for these items they're also going to shop in the bins for the other items and the margins for those items are so much better and that's how we make our profits oh there's another one here look i got one two three oh and then there's two more feister ones over there too those like they're still uh sealed in the box this does look pricey i don't know the feister ones they've been surprisingly like they're not like super high-end like moen or delta yeah but they sell pretty well online um so let me just go ahead and there's two of these [Music] for 154. that's amazing that's amazing these ones here these are glacier bay so i'm not gonna bother pricing them we'll put these ones in the bins they're pretty much we may price them a little bit later but for now they're in the bin they're going in the bins and then this last one i don't know what brand this is okay so i let me price this one because i haven't seen this one before or this style before now glacier bay they're not a terrible brand i don't want you guys thinking that we look down on them um they're just a lower value but this one is not this one's actually 154.16 nice and it's a pretty color it's gold frame all right um but i'll have to i'm sorry i just need to know i need to know i need it's like i'm like we don't have to open everything but then i get the box and i'm like i want to open it um but this looks good yeah but that looks good so that will go online yep oh my god oh my gosh is it heavy no babe it's light and i'm just oh my gosh sorry that was a pretty good just pretending uh oh it's like a shallow well jet pump we've had some well pumps before and i'm just gonna skin on ebay because if it's good then i know that this is gonna be expensive enough to sell holy cow let me see let's see what they're actually selling for though because you know on ebay just because it's saying it's listed for that price doesn't mean they're selling for that price but for this one looks like between 250 to 300 so it is selling for that price it is selling for that price and it's got a green sticker i need to open it and make sure that it's not like broken into a million it's heavy so i mean it's probably gonna cost a little bit more to ship but that would still be okay oh i can't tell it's got scratches and stuff on it i mean but you can't i don't know but it's also a well you know right so it's like it's not made for like cosmetic stuff and i mean i have no idea if it's been used just because i don't know but i mean you would think if it's been pumped in a whale like there'd be some sediment in there or there'd be something water somewhere but it looks it looks good so good that's exciting i know and if it was in water like these labels would be i guess i don't know if it sits down in the well uh i don't know how that stuff works you know somebody out there this will probably already be sold by the time um this video comes out but if anybody wants to educate us yes on shallow well post for the next time yeah i saw three what are these ring oh those are the smart lighting themes bloodlines nice i love ring i love that brand do you know what famous celebrity nba star made a lot of money off of ring what shaquille o'neal oh really yeah he uh saw it i guess at best buy or something and then he was just like man this he just something clicked his head like this has the potential to be huge so he went to his team and they invested a lot of money and he made a lot of money well see i love i love ring we have some ring security features in our home and uh it is extremely reliable and i don't really even know how we got around without it honestly sometimes because i just love the brand so it looks like these lights are selling anywhere from fifty dollars in the low end which i don't know why they sold it for fifty dollars especially when they're selling for ninety dollars yeah that's eighty five dollars seventy five dollars seventy five dollars so oh we should see yeah we can we can be a whatever for ring yep what's the default i can't think of it right now we'll have to do some inspecting on this i mean this one doesn't like it's ever been opened but it's got like some you know writing on it um so we'll do some inspecting if i feel like these have been used or they've been installed but maybe not used they'll go on the wall if not then they'll go online for sure and there's some there's so many cool looking eyes you need to do this paint gun because i have an eyeball in it there's another one over there too should i just do both of them right here yeah yeah so you can see them that one definitely looks like it's been maybe used there's like a first cigarette it's got a green sticker on it the outside is dusty [Music] i'll open it towards you it's been useful but it doesn't look heavily heavily either so that's good but that's a fast 25 like when we open up friday morning we put this on the wall it'll be one of the first items to go and it's so nice you know people want to use these things but really can't get a brand new one so get a perfectly good slightly used one for 25 dollars and that's great let me open up this other one and see breaking stuff and it's got a green sticker too so what i thought i knew about the green stickers it's obviously not maybe the green sticker was it was they inspected it and all of the items were determined to be there that would be it i think that could be oh it that one looks that's got a little scratch on it but i'm not showing anything abuse you so that's on the that's on the this but this the actual item does not have anything on it wow that's pretty i know it still has a styrofoam piece in there wow two of these on the same palette that's crazy yeah pick up those things you drop on the floor you got a little sump pump for pumps for stumps and a for nato a whole room heater that's nice ow sorry sorry i didn't mean to hit y'all just kind of happened i know what i'm doing now no i'm beating people up it will sell you know 20 days 15 but maybe maybe we sell it online i mean here's the deal you know it's fifty dollars a hundred dollars fifty dollars but it's it's been in the last couple of weeks that it's sold so i don't know i think i say we give somebody a really good deal i was just saying that because i'm like you know it's it's uh we've been getting lots of heaters and like that we keep selling this stuff like eventually our customer base here will shrink down to where they may not need heaters anymore right but i don't know so this sump pump looks like it has been used so it will definitely go on the wall people can test it before they buy or look at it but usually people are comfortable with the risk with spending you know 20 to 25 you know i don't think they put enough stickers what do you mean they clearly have space for one more sticker there it may have come off i don't think they would have just left that blank give it a knife i do no [Applause] [Music] yes i do sweet should be face masks like last time i know we still have cases of those we put out like 10 every single week and they still don't even sell until like dollar day oh wow it's um those might could be sold in lots though i mean they're already lotted yeah look at all of them though those are neat there's all different kinds there is these ones oh look at all the different designs wow so at least they uh zip tied all the ones are the same that makes it easier for me yeah look at these they oh they're so cute those are kind of cute all right that's fun this is a toilet safety frame or that's what it says on the box i don't know if that's actually what it is it's like there's i can't really tell a little tank i'm so sorry i'm a professional unboxer and i can't unbox things all right that's exactly what it is yup that's exactly what it is all right no false advertising there no and then i've got a hampton bay six-pack kit it's the box has seen better days yup and i see three one i see one i see one and a bunch of hats yeah so that will go underneath the bins they're supposed to be six and we got one um and i've got this is a little mailbox yeah a little mailbox we have gotten mailboxes in the last three home depot boxes put these out they sell on ten and six dollar day um and people love them so we'll put those we'll do the same with these two this is a medium sized one and then there's a large one right there it's a huge mailbox that's a big old mailbox i guess this is more of an average sized mailbox yeah so these are two different these are two different ones that wasn't me that was the tape yeah electrostatic i think we got one of these a couple weeks ago yeah and then we got this one too yeah so that one i don't even know if that one's been is that double tape yeah it's double tape so i'm gonna let's let's let's do a quick little a quick little look-see in here because this brand is pretty good all right well if it has been returned they did a good job packing it back in but i don't think it has been actually see if they put anything in this here tank they have they have put something in this hair tank yeah this thing's been used so it'll probably go on the wall just because of having to test that out fill it with water then empty it out um it's just too much so somebody will get an amazing how much deal 179.90 can you imagine 179.90 all you got to do is make sure that it works but you can get it for 25 right and then you just broke the other roby the row bye all right this one oh i thought all that was in there i was like no i'm just kidding all right that's just a one gallon cordless chemical sprayer okay but somebody may need that right righty that looks used i don't even see the cat where's the cat cat's missing no maybe that's where the hose it might be oh this is the cap right here the hose goes in there yep no it's missing a cat unless it's in here i might see anything in there nope catnism missing cat however if somebody already has one it needs it replaced or whatever they can just use the cap or that you can like buy a generic cap right so or you can probably get on robuy.com and probably buy the replacement cap and if you're going to get this for probably ten dollars i don't know how much is worth it's probably 25 items still okay well i mean how much i don't even know how much is worth real life i feel like i don't know anything in real life did i just say i don't know how much it's worth yes we're in a video game right now simulation uh 54.97 okay so that is a ten dollar item so we'll put it in the bins for ten dollars considering it's missing the cap yeah um and somebody's gonna get a really good deal and they can solve the cat problem it's not a huge problem as long as the whole thing works right on looks like we've got another uh so it says boots sink and it's amazing that this is like a 60 or 70 dollar sink um but you're just picking it up like it's nothing yeah because it's just it's just it's it's in there we've actually sold two of these over the last couple weeks and they sell the first day for 25 bucks so that would be the same for this one yeah we got a couple of new tone little ventilation fans these are gonna go um on the wall the 25 wall if you're interested in how much those things cost um just check out that last unboxing that i've linked in the description um and you can see the other unboxings for those but uh good good deals for 25 that's a good deal very very good deals then this i found was very interesting listen i saw flux and i thought immediately it's a flux capacitor i don't know no this is a flux corded is that recorded i don't know it looks used [Music] it's not it smells electrical but that's just because it could be used you know i don't know you know but it looks like it's been used you plug it in and you go zip zoom zoom probably shouldn't test that one though i don't know i don't know i mean it's gonna have to be tested one way or another let's see how much this thing is worth though i'm just imagining our whole building catching on fire this goes on the 25 wall 249. yep so on ebay we're just going to let's see how much they're selling for an ebay and use condition granted we probably will just put this on the wall but brand new looks like they're priced at two hundred dollars and um see if there's any used sold five in used condition looks like 74 plus 50 shipping 135 130 125 130. so if you're to buy a home home depot pallet uh you can easily sell all these items online yourself uh which is different how we sell it but that's the great thing about reselling is every business model is different and you can kind of make it work the way that you resell i don't know what to do now oh pick one i'll just do this ceiling fan this is like a basic it's a hugger hugger silly fan it's going to go on the wall as well uh and i'm sure it will sell there oh trash bags i know we actually need more trash bags smaller trash bags usually we don't buy these we usually just wait for them to come in the bins and then we stockpile them because you never know we're gonna need them so we'll do the same with this one this says white goods it does and it looks heavy oh terrible but ceramic i probably should not have done that with my vessel vanity sink white goods yeah how deep writes the craziest things on these boxes you know i mean if it were me i would write random stuff yeah maybe not because i might lose my job hello liquidator hello random person buying this item over again we should just start writing random stuff in our shipments from ebay yeah it's square it is a square ceramic sink totally square i want a square sink mine's round i want to square one yes okay the question is [Music] there's no nothing there's no nothing there's a model number but then there's not a uh a brand name i don't see it all right it'll probably go on the wall then we'll do a little bit more research on this um and see if we can find out how much this is but until then we're just gonna say that it'll be a great 25 item for somebody um how about some outdoor security oh standard standard area light the box is kind of i mean it's been kind of tapey taping a lottie lottie oh yeah yeah lottie daddy we like the party we don't bother nobody and you're like oh oh why is this box like this oh but it has this hasn't been opened so i'm just going to assume that it's good it will probably go on the wall but we're gonna see how much it's worth just in case 104. somebody get a really good deal oh yeah another one large giant mailbox that's going to go on the stack of the other mailboxes gilbert raider gibberish gibraltar gibraltar gibraltar gibraltar gibraltar gibraltar nice how about this eastern medium exterior it's a nice looking lamp light wall lantern yep this one looks like the other one so i'm not going to open it up but i'll at least price it and see if it's a little if the prices are a little bit different 74.97 so a good 25 to 24 yeah exactly i'm getting tired a shower all righty you ripped it again the tape that is it was the tape it was the tape this is two shower faucets yeah you scan those see if it'll scan yeah i don't see the i don't see i thought there was some on the one side on the other side but i don't know if it'll scan or not there you go i doubt it i doubt it either [Applause] we got two of them right on so those we will look at put on ebay just because people will not pay like they don't value it the same like in the bins as they would online oh nice all right got a lot of duplicates here we got more of the feister um this spicer yeah these will go online for sure and then we've got a couple of these new tone oh that's something with the music if these are new open box that go online we've been selling them for like 125 to 150 uh if they've been used or look like they've been used we'll just put them on the retail wall uh this dude here hey i like that it looks like it has been used so it will definitely go on the retail wall somebody will get a good deal for 25 bucks oh yeah hands down one thing left this done dude that's an elite reel mower that's fancy it is the prices are fast i know hey i think it's been used there's a couple of grass clippings and there's like some dirt on the wheels but all the stuff is still like in the little packaging here so i don't know i guess they maybe they try to cut their grass one time they're like i don't like the real mower i'm gonna go with a fake electric uh or gasoline powered one so it's selling for a lot online but this is probably an item that will go on the wall just give somebody a good deal yes exactly all right y'all it's finished we have unboxed a 900 dollar home depot palette and i can't say that i'm disappointed i think it was it was really good it was a good challenge i liked it so for those of you who have a business model like ours where you want to sell quickly you're going to find a lot of great items there but if you are more of the traditional route where you want to buy low sell high and try to get as much as you can out of these items that is a great um palette for you as well i would say that it is an extremely profitable palette so i'm i'm super super happy about it it's a good palette um so we hope you guys have enjoyed this unboxing as much as we have enjoyed filming it and we'll see you again next week until next time [Music] no
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 20,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liquidation pallets, pallet flipping, extreme unboxing, the family flips, how to resell pallets, how to resell liquidation, liquidation reselling, how to run a bin store, bin store liquidation, bin store business, reselling haul video, how to resell, how to resell on ebay, ebay reselling, reselling business, reselling tools, resale business, passive income 2022, reselling business tips, ebay reselling 2022, resale business from home, pallet unboxing, home depot
Id: 4UUi1O7mS2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 23sec (2183 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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