This Ain't Your Mama's Bean Soup! Hearty 15 Bean Soup Recipe

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[Music] there it [Music] is there it is HED ham beans we going to have us a feast [Music] tonight are y'all tired of turkey all the leftovers there's just so much you can do with them I think we should move on leave Thanksgiving behind and what are we talking about 15 bean soup don't get no better than that a full meal right here in a package you know we're really proud to to have Hurst ham beans sponsor this video these are for bean loving people everybody that likes a bean your favorite Bean is in this sack it is and more than that there is a flavor packet inside CU somebody says well I was going to make some beans but I didn't have a recipe or I don't remember the recipe you have got the recipe in the saite folks there's just a unique blend of flavor that comes from all these beans now I grew up only thing we ever eat was pinto beans we'd have a lima bean on occasion a navy bean on occasion there's so much flavor that each Bean brings into this I'm not a bean fan well but I feel like I could find at least one bean in there that I like hey there is some beans in there to please the pickiest bean eat in the world they are 75 years they've been doing beans these folks know some beans I guarantee you that I was tucked in my saddle bags warming and ning our hamans by hearse they're my favorites and H but I am going to Cowboy it up I am I'm going to get me some dried chilies in there to bring about some of that Mexican flavor that I love but we just want to get enough water in that pot that you're just covering them beans to start out with we're going to put put it over medium heat and go to town while them beans is coming on up to a simmer it is time to assemble what going to go in there first now to me I've always seasoned beans at intervals when we start now there's enough water in there just about this much to cover up them beans but as you cook beans along you're going to have to add a little water to them on occasion but we're going to start out with Guillo chilies because there's a Nutty flavor that comes out in there a little bit of smoke and we're going to see if we can crumb the wind today is blowing how much Shen I mean 85 85 it is going pretty good it is so we're going to see if we can get these mashed up before they blow away these are going to rehydrate in there and bring us a deep dark red richer color and that's what we're after so two garlic cloves in there and you just go to mashing them in here and we want them to get Blended in with that chili flavor we do but guess what you got to have some hog meat to go in there too I've got probably four to five slices of bacon here or something like that and I just like to cube them in sort of pieces about so but if you got a ham Hawk smoked hog gel whatever you want to put in there now the meat I'm going to pair up with us today that's really going to help bring these beans into a complete meal to me and that is from a previous video we did our Mexican BR worst sausage oh my gosh folks smoked up all good with some great flavors in there slice that up as them beans get closer to getting done let all that smoke and that goodness of sausage just blend right in there but let's get this in the pot so it can go to add in [Music] flavor well we have been simmering along here and we have reached what I call a pretty good bow now probably about 30 minutes into this process I always keep me when I'm making beans I either got hot water on the stove or hot water on Bera that way I'm not what shocking them beans thinking are we going swimming or we in the hot tub which one is it today so keep you some warm water going I just try to keep enough in here to keep them beans just simmering along just keep enough water above them to where we're not just a bunch of broth and liquid but it's going to cook down to be just right there's just something about these beans as they begin to cook and just begin to cook down that they to me nearly automatically thicken as they're going along but I never season beans to what right about right now is the right time so I figure we've been on about 35 minutes we have what Hurst ham Banes flavor packet got to have it folks cuz that's what's going to make things good if we can get it in here without the wind blowing it away it'll be a miracle they even got one over there that what is a Cajun Bean you'll be liking that cuz it's got Cajun spices in it but to that remember I told you we going to Cowboy them up a little I have ground me up some ancho chili there's sort of a chocolate cocoy taste here that comes about but you get that smoke flavor as well we're just going to let her keep on cooking always remember you can cover these speed the process up a little but don't forget to check on these beans stir them every once in a while because I have always knowed that sometimes in a pot there's one Bean that's lazy and he wants to lay down there at the bottom and then he gets burnt and one burnt Bean will ruin a pot of beans if it gets a chance so don't think this is a walk-off method we're going to cly cook these total time to get them good and done and tender the way we want them you're probably looking at 2 to 2 and 1/2 hours depending on your [Music] altitude Bean tips 101 things you should know before you go to the store to buy yourself some beans number one how many people are you planning on feeding one lound of bean going to feed about 10 hungry Cowboys now when you go to adding meat to it or anything like that you can increase your odds by about maybe one two or three but always try to have plenty of beans because beans to me are even better the next day warmed up it just seems like they always get good now where are you cooking them at are you at sea level or are you at 9,000 ft down here at sea level Bera can cook a pot of beans in about 45 minutes but you get to 4,000 on up to 9,000 you might want to soak them beans you need to soak with ice cold water cuz beans can sire if they're in a hot temperature I have poured them in a Yeti ice chest put ice in there to let them soak then rinsed them dumped them back in the pot add water and cook them but about 4 hours is a pretty good soaking time but when I was at 8,500 ft when I was guing elk Hunters I would soak beans sometime overnight to where I can make sure that I was going to cook them beans and they were going to get tender so people have told me you know sometimes I get a little gassy when I'm eating beans but I heard an old man on a ranch tell me one time you can take a whole rusted potato drop it in a pot of beans add a little soda to that cook them beans the potato and the soda will soak up all the gas don't eat the Tater folks you blow up I'm telling you that thing's like TNT it's going to let you go say you burnt one of them hey you got two burnt beans laying in the bottom of the pot I found out something that sort of takes the burnout but helps too if you overs salt them beans that is corn Masa just use it like you were going to use it if you were making like a corn starch to thicken something but also tablespoon of peanut butter you can take that peanut butter put in them beans it'll soak up some of that burnt flavor to where you ain't lost nothing but remember buy quality beans and what kind of beans are we buying 15 bean soup beans that's what we're doing from the HSE Bean Company because you know them are going to be right and you're going to be the bean queen and the bean King from now on [Music] well we've been on about probably close to 40 minutes now and I I want to show you a little something so you'll know when it's time to add the rest of the goodness now I look for one of them pinto beans that one is hot but get him up here to where G let Shen zoom in here see that bean is the skin is cracked when it reaches the air that's a good sign that we're going to season but he's still just a little bit hard so he likes just a little getting Plum done we've had to add some water to it make sure that you remember to stir it it is time to add some meat to the pot it is like I was telling y'all in that previous video that we did that Mexican BR worst and you could you wouldn't have to use this but go back and watch that video it goes great in these beans you could use a cabala you could use any smoked sausage that you want you could use ground meat in there but let's just get them all in there at this time because that's when this really needs to go to flavoring up with them beans remember I said we going to Cowboy this up even more so we got to have some good hatched green chilies from the Fresh chili company and O it is and we're going to add I would say about four tablespoonfuls cuz I want to make sure that I know it's in there so we going to give it a stir and folks this is when things are going to try to thicken up even just a little bit more so keep that hot water handy you're going to have to have it and now we just like to that process to where we're cooking to lay them beans are getting really good and tender and everything will be warm [Music] through that dog will hunt right there I mean that he'll go up to a bean tree and he'll Point like there is a whole C of beans in that tree I am ready to eat me some of these [Music] that is a Happy Meal right there in a bowl remember one pot meal one sack meal you can't beat this deal you can't now I'm going to let them beans cool just a little before I slap them in my mouth but you know being able to cook for Cowboys and on some really really hard conditions at time I can remember back in 2001 in the padur canyon and I'd seen Cowboys ride out that morning and i' heard the weatherman say hey going to come blue Norther today and that old dirt is going to blow and I mean about right after they rode out after lunch I remember old Cody Lewis turned around and looked at me and he said I hope we going to have some beans for supper Kent I said we'll do her my friend by 2:00 the sky was so dark that i l a l under the fly just because the dirt was blowing so bad and I had walls all the way around the fly but it was just a rolling cloud of dust everywhere black then I remember sort of hearing it settled there about seven Cowboys was coming in and old Cody Lewis come through there under the fly and he said Kim it's always looked good to see that wagon but it never looked as good as it did today I got tired of choking dust and I'm so glad you're here and you got us something hot to eat and them boys eat a lot of beans always know that beans are a great comfort food and them boys been out there in that dirt storm all day fighting that cold and that old dirt just sticking to them everywhere we're going to make them comfortable tonight going to feed them some beans folks that's what you can do with this meal I hope you ain't cooking in a dirt storm but hey I'd be really liking to serve mine with cornbread like I said man I would take me a knife and I would cut that cornbread right down the middle pour that Beans and Cornbread over there you get you a green onion and go to town this is five star dining right here and it all come to you in one sack and one pot I got some good help in Camp today I really have big and Mage who wants to be first can you sit big sit down there for me buddy good job and you wait okay I'm going to feed the snower first but I want you to wait you got good manners thank you so much and since you was so good you're going to get an extra bite there you go made you don't get no more you're on a diet now me I'm going to have me a bite give me some of that good 15 bin soup some of that good Mexican sausage that I made that right there will make you do the 15 bean Shuffle it will now you got to have 15 Steps in this a 1 a 2 a 3 4 5 a 6 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 back to the beans we are but a big shout out a big thank you to Hurst hamb beans for sponsoring this this video you can find them in the dry bean section at your favorite grocery store or you can order them online these are some of the best beans you're ever going to find but it is with great pride honor and privilege that I tip my hat to all our servicemen and women and all the veterans who have kept that old flag flying over Camp rest of you come on in here quick come on cuz I'm getting hungry and I ain't going to fight the Beagle off God bless you each and every one and I'll see you down the best Bean Trail as you can see when I stirring them be beIN yep slow all the way around beans for breakfast beans for supper beans in the middle we had to have some beans hey even that wasp on your hat likes beans yes he does love some beans too that right there will make you do it oh my gosh it's hot hang on a Mane what P so dollar I'm pay so dollar singing about those delicious NK Hearst packaged ham beans here you go as I ride HT on my doggies and ponies I long for the dusk when I pull a for I've cooked for a lot of cowboys and fed a lot of beans but I've never seen somebody dressed up like these two kids and a guy walk into camp with a guitar but I think I'm sort of liking it so we're just going to see what happens I was tucked in myad bags warming and nourishing our H Beans by hear they're my favorites and how yes sir Hurst ham beans with a little pocket of ham flavored in each bag cook them like you always do and about 2 minutes before they're done tear up the packet and stir in that delicious ham flavor did you see that them kids lick this thing clean here I thought I was singing for my Seer not theirs oh my goodness check them boots out wing tip boots now when they sharp pointed like that we used to call them Bug Killers cuz I mean you get a bug in a corner of a room and you could kick him with two of them boots but uh Hey them was in style back then it was pretty fancy
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 400,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 15 bean soup recipe, how to make 15 bean soup, bean soup, 15 bean soup, bean soup recipe, bean soup with ham, bean soup with sausage, bean soup with meat, bean soup recipes, hurst hambeens 15 bean soup, hambeens 15 bean soup, one pot meals, one pot beans recipe, cowboy kent rollins beans, kent rollins beans, soup recipes, soup with sausage, hambeens, Super bowl recipe
Id: U0_qfNUu6sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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