Navy Bean Soup Recipe | Ham and Bean Soup

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what's good at everybody hey welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me avy now you guys read the title you know I'm making a navy bean soup right hey this is super easy not a whole lot of ingredients and what I want to tell you is listen I got like a little game changer if you guys can get this right here that's just liquid smoke if you can get some liquid smoke at your local grocery store hey listen it's a must-have but other than that imma still say listen this is it's like a super easy and delicious no soup recipe that you know hands-down came nobody even touch it and we're gonna serve this with some cornbread muffins hey this is really a standalone meal I want you guys to let me know down in the comment section below after you watch this and tell me what you serve this with something else or would you eat just just by itself that's some cornbread hey with that being said we finna go over these ingredients and then we really get right into this video okay now let's just go over the ingredients I'm gonna go ahead and start by just talking about the UH the chicken broth broth or you guys can use chicken stock either or you know what right here I got eight cups now the reason I got that I got enough to do eight cups is because I want to make sure that once I put my ham bone and my ham st. along with my beans and everything else I want to make sure I got enough to cover you know the meat that's key so I'm just gonna say to be safe go ahead and get yourself you know at least eight cups and then what you don't use listen I cook a lot with it and you follow my recipe you listen that's what you need to have and you'll cover it anyway alright so we got chicken broth this right here is just a ham sink this right here is gonna be the meat we're gonna shred this when it's all done put this back into the pot and this right here is gonna give us dad you know that that meat version of it now I should have said something when I did my my holiday ham and the reason being I should have said something about we got to save the bone you know while I could listen to pol got the flavor you guys so if you guys watch my raspberry chipotle ham this is the bone from that this is what's going to this we're gonna show you how to just like you know raise it up and make sure that we got that all that flavor I started off by saying this right here this liquid smoke you know what it might not be available to everybody but you know what you got to ask it's worth having it listen you only need a little bit of this about a half a teaspoon and this should just take this to a whole different you know level then okay we got celery this is celery this was our two stalks what I did was I just cut it down the middle I cut one of the stalks down both of them down the middle and then I went ahead and just chopped it just to give it a little bit of extra texture and just not the fact that well let me just say this just the fact that celery tastes great and this combination of flavors along with these beans is awesome and then we're doing the same thing right here with this onion this right here was a yellow onion hey listen this right here this right here is my own little addition you know for me that I like I suggest you guys just try it now I got two garlic cloves all I'm gonna do is smash them make sure they completely peel and I'm just gonna drop them in the inside right here I got a black pepper this right here is one teaspoon of black pepper and here we got time and we got parsley both of these are dry and these are 1 teaspoons also so and then let me just talk about this I want you guys to see this this says great northern beans right I didn't use kidney I mean I didn't use navy beans because you know the navy beans at my store was like they already small but these look like super small I need it to be just a little bit bigger now I want to talk about this you guys see them in the bag you know normally the way I was raised also is we soak our beans the night before but we're gonna do something a little different if you guys can follow us on my crock pot videos like red beans and rice and stuff like that I talked about a hot flash hot soap you know I mean or a quick flash of the herb beans that's what we're gonna do I'm gonna take the beans right first I'm gonna go ahead here's my pot I'm gonna put some water in this I'm gonna get it boiling once it becomes boiling I'll stop it and then I dump my beans inside and I let them soak for about an hour you know I mean we're gonna say just to be frank you're gonna let it soak for an hour after that you're gonna rinse them and then you're gonna just you know you can go ahead and put them in the pot but that's what you want to do remember it's a hot flash boil water add your beans wait 1 hour rinse and then done all right so with that being said we're getting ready to get right into it okay obviously you know we got to put water in there right so I put six cups of water in a directly across from me you guys can't see it it'll be on the right-hand side the way you see in the video I have a gauge right there so iron is I'm putting six cups of water in there now for the beans I have to take the beans and put them on a plate and in our sort to them make sure they don't have no rocks and no discoloration and nothing like that so once it comes to a boil you know what then I go ahead and remove it from the heat so since I'm using that plate right there I just you know turned it off and then I turn off everything and I put my lid on after I put my beans in there and then we gonna leave it in there for one hour okay it's been one hour just moving around just looking at them now I'm get ready to pour these beans in a colander you know what I mean you just give them a rinse and after we rinse them I'm gonna go ahead and put them in my pot okay got my pot here I just finished rinsing my beans I'm gonna go ahead and just pour it you know inside now that we have that done now we just go ahead and then add the rest of our ingredients inside of here we just don't go ahead and start with you know our celery and then our onions now before I add my dry seasonings what I want to do is start putting a little bit of my chicken brought this on so chicken broth now you remember the garlic what I'm doing now is I'm just peeling off the excess skin I just smashed them and I just dropping this on so this one right here you get to see look I've dried smashed it with you know with the with the flat end of the knife here it is right here we just drop it in now we'll come back to black pepper now you guys might see why I wanted to have the liquid in there makes it easier one you know when I stir it all up together all right then we got our time [Music] and this right here it's not parsley now to the liquid smoke this is it right here we just want to get about a half a teaspoon now the reason you want to go with a half a teaspoon because listen this is like truly concentrated you know we're so a little goes a long way you just want people to be thinking like what is that no you guys can put carrots in this you know some people put carrots and there's I elected not to do mine that way I like mine just the way you see it and then all I'm gonna do is I'm getting ready to put the medium after that then we're gonna go ahead and put it on the stove we're gonna bring it up to a boil once it boils for about five minutes and then we're gonna just put it on low and let it simmer for about three hours just until we get the desired texture you know the softness out of these beans now you just want to go ahead and get your hambone you know or your turkey you know your smoked turkey leg or whatever type of meat you using you just want to get it ready and just go ahead and submerge it in the and your chicken stock now now you understand this and it needs to be covered completely that's why we have the extra stock now for me I'm gonna go ahead and open up another one of these our chicken broth you know I mean because you just want to make sure you got enough chicken broth to cover your meat so I'm just going to add a little bit more to it this is what it looks like now like I say I'm gonna transfer it over to the stove we want to bring it up to a boil once it becomes you know once it starts boiling I'm gonna set a timer for five minutes after that then i'ma reduce the heat down to a simmer and then we gonna cook it for three hours [Music] okay now you can see what it looks like listen I didn't do too much nothing I stirred it only one time in the whole three hours right so you can see look it thickens up the color sort of changes and when you talk about fall-off-the-bone look at this you see that I didn't do anything look the meat just falls off as this you know simmering that's what that low-and-slow gets you right there so you guys can see that now for those of you guys are doing eating pork you know what you can do the exact same thing we're like a smoked turkey leg you substitute to me all you got to do is instead of doing the the ham you just change that to smoked turkey you know real easy so now what I'm gonna do is take this out and any extra fat that I see that didn't render down you know what I mean we take pieces out like this right here you guys gonna watch on my shred some of this meat and then I'm gonna go ahead and put it in a bowl now you can serve this over rice you can serve it by yourself with you know cornbread muffin or whatever you do that's totally up to you but this right here I'm telling you the flavors in this it's just incredible you know here you want to be careful because listen you searching for those bones and then you know you're gonna see some unrendered fat you know you just don't want to beat your beans up so as you're taking out your bones it's gonna have some meat attached to it so then you can work on it you can take the meat out look at that right there that's some good meat so then we just add that back to the pot and then like I said you just want to be careful so you don't turn it into like a mush you know I mean just when I like look around and as you're looking around you'll find some other bigger chunks of meat that fell off of the bone you can just break those up also and then once you're done doing that then it's time to go ahead and plate you can see right now I'm putting it in that bowl and you can just see the thickness and has it cool you know it's starting to cool but you can see the steam and let you know that it's still hot but it thickens up real nice look at that right there I don't know whether I'm a poor this over a bed or rice or what but there you go folks that's navy bean at its finest so tell me what you guys think about this one here you know what this is just a super easy yet delicious you know navy bean soup I know maybe the liquid smoke might have like just been a little bit different for what you guys have been used to but I promise you you've got to try to look for it at your grocery store your local grocery store hey with that being said you know that and listen I didn't say this earlier but I want to make sure that I said this listen you want to use a low sodium you know chicken stock or broth reason being because listen we put in the pork in there this is we just cut down on it and I can tell you it needs no salt it's super delicious this way and just easy and don't forget to let me know down in the comment section below what would you serve this with would you put this on a bed or rice you know along with the cornbread or just have the bean the navy beans along with just cornbread by itself you guys let me know hey so check this off if you new to my channel let me just take this time to say hey thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe and like this video and tell everybody out there there's a channel out here there's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking you know with that being said you guys been watching me for a minute I'm out of here peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB
Views: 343,140
Rating: 4.9529791 out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, navy bean soup, navy bean recipe, navy bean soup recipe, how to make navy bean soup, navy bean soup recipes, navy beans, comfort food, soup recipes, ham and bean soup, bean soup, soul food, bean soup recipes, white bean, navy beans recipe, northern beans, bean, soup, food, recipe, cooking, how to, ham hock, ham shank, ham bone, beans, how to make, recipes, soups, soup recipe, white bean soup, easy recipes, easy, ham
Id: xNTrhCOtd9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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