Think Win-Win [The Motto of the Believer] - Bilal Philips

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] peaceful peaceful peaceful these peaceful peaceful peaceful [Music] for the believer we think win-win we win when good comes good befalls us life is good we're living while we don't forget the loss because good wealth can be a tassel see southern so we don't forget the love you remember a law in fact remembering a law in times of ease and success is far more difficult than remembering a law in times of difficulty [Music] a wonderful thing Sabah as you go my wonderful things is southern should be my wonderful thing southern as you burn my wonderful things a summer my wonderful things Saba as you are wonderful wonderful face other as you go i wonderful baby summer [Music] wonderful thing summin as you could my wonderful things summer [Music] Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato i welcome you all to this evenings lecture by dr. abominable al philips we are fortunate to have him here and he will be speaking on the topic think minhwan motto of a believer I request to dr. bilal philips to deliver a speech and shall come the desire of the al-amin or salatu was-salam on our Thule incur him while he was hobby woman is tender Bissonnette here on the Dean all praise is due to Allah and may allah's peace and blessings be on the last prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day our topic this evening think win-win motto of the believer the principle of think win-win is taken from the seven Habits of Highly Effective People written by stephen j co v habit number 4 however his perspective was in looking at inter personal relationships how we deal with people where as what i am looking at is the islamic philosophy on human interaction with the world around us it includes people as well as the events in our lives the circumstances in which we are born etc and it's all inclusive not restricted only to interpersonal relationships but before going to look at that principle win-win for the believer let us look at the philosophy of the disbeliever which will help us to understand more clearly the win-win philosophy of the believer as we know in our declaration of faith we say la ilaha il-allah we deny the falsehood first of the false worshipping of false gods and then we establish the worship of the true God so let us look at the philosophy of the disbelievers with regards to life in general we find that their philosophy is win-lose the philosophy of the disbelievers with regards to their relationship to the world around them is one of win-lose what do I mean good luck bad luck win lose is equivalent to good luck bad luck meaning they say if I have good luck then I win if I have bad luck then I lose that's their philosophy and life this is something which even the Atheist the person who says there is no God disbeliever in truth that's what governs his or her life good luck bad luck so what you find is that the disbelievers spend most of their lives in a quest for what will ensure for them good luck and prevent bad luck from happening to them that becomes a very important part of their lives and what you find in the West where I come from seven is a good luck number so they will try to do things around seven for if you have what is called a four-leaf clover it's a plant normally it has three leaves on the stalk but if you find one with for good luck it's a sign of good luck so people will get those and they will put them inside of little plastic capsules and they wear them on their wrists around the neck whatever it's for good luck at the same time you try to avoid certain bad luck thing numbers like 13 in the West 13 is a bad luck number so in the average apartment building hotel etc in the West the floor is when you're going the elevators there you will see the numbers 10 11 12 14 15 what happened to 13 no 13 you walk down the street you'll see the houses are numbered 10 11 12 12 and a half 14 to 13 this is a norm in the society I know in where you are here that number is 8 huh it is the bad luck number if your license plate adds up to 17 for example which means 1 plus 7 that equals 8 not a good number it lowers the value of your car right bad luck also you have widows if a widow comes in your presence is bad luck you don't want to have widows around you dead bodies the dead body crosses you when you live in your home Oh bad day firewood also the dhobi and you have a calendar here for bad hours of the day your ragu column right and your yamaganda hey these are all bad luck two hours every 4 hours every day are bad luck hours don't try to do anything good in these hours right and so you have a series of these kinds of charms that people seek out to protect themselves from evil and to bring for themselves good luck we can laugh about that in regards to other people's beliefs but unfortunately cultural Muslims have their own substitutes don't we so our numbers we have 1919 becomes a good luck number because the basmala bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim is made up of 19 letters so we have some Muslims who for them 19 is an auspicious number and they favor it and the 99 names of Allah people believe that if you recite a certain name of Allah you know you can't your wife can't have a baby okay recite this name of Allah so many times you know blow it over water and drink it after Maghrib having fasted that day and your wives can have a baby similarly some people believe that you know your business is not good okay so you take another name of Allah or Razak for example then you make a piece of bread right when you're making your bread so you squeeze the flour in the shape of our Razak then you cook it right you have a loaf of bread with a rock and you eat that mashaallah you're going to be successful what is this this is charms amulets turning the names of Allah into good luck charms which has no basis from the sunnah of rasulullah sallallahu salam also we have miniature quran's quran' that are made one inch by one inch by one inch thick people discover them and boast about how they have the smallest Quran in the world what is this Quran good for you put it in a locket you wear it around your neck believing that it's going to protect you from evil so we turn the Quran into a good-luck charm because that Quran is not for reading you open it up the letters are so small you would need a magnifying glass a microscope actually to read what is written on there so this is the way in general of the disbelievers in general as well as poor or weak believers cultural Muslims Muslims who live by custom and tradition and not according to the Quran and the Sunnah the Quran and the Sunnah as it was understood by the Sahaba now the Quran and soon as it was understood by you and I by modern Muslims the modern interpretations know the Quran and the Sunnah as it was understood by the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu was Allah they best understood it so if we leave now the disbeliever understanding of win-lose and we come over to the Islamic understanding the Islamic philosophy of win-win it is based on the Islamic world view that this world is fundamentally a test this world is fundamentally a test for human beings as Allah said in soil milk verse to a lady her local moto Al Hayat Aliya blue Akuma I you Kumar Sanu Allah the one who created death and life in order to test which of you is best in deeds and in surah al-kahf verse 7 in agile Nima a lot of the zina Laharl in a blue walk whom I you who Marcin am Allah indeed I have placed what I have placed on the earth is an adornment for it in order to test which of them is best in deeds so Allah has identified clearly the purpose of this world this world is a test not a test for Allah to find out which of us is best in deeds because it's something here Eddie knew before Allah created this world he already knew which of us is best in deeds he already knew which of us is going to hell and which of us is going to heaven this was already known by Allah subhana WA Ta'ala beckons us to give us a car an important part and a pillar of the Sun several fatwas of stings scholars of Islam worldwide state that zakat can be given to support a non-profit Islamic satellite channel whose aim is to spread the truth of Islam every dollar you contribute helps pitch TV to refute allegations against Islam misconceptions about Quran what better choice do you have to spread the truth of Islam than in sting support peace TV send your zakat and donation to Islamic Research Foundation International Islamic bank of Britain Coventry Road Birmingham UK account number zero double one three two three zero one sort code three zero double zero eight three African tribe ever worship images before the white man came not one you always should God the different name but the concept same Islamic Clement no Christian has Christianizing and make them to worship Jesus Christ we have done nothing Islam in Africa in man with a mission coming soon on peace TV la la casa de Costa Rica rot I was Kaka a minute Tommy agua volsang Disney up near knock status kya woh Kaun itis cube but very la colombiana Haram hey zakat in Sanjay Marku park or socrata namaste I you are Monticello fear concerning Iman her beer boot or Juma sham cabbagey UK me or sham salvage a Europe may be steeper so this test though the verse says in order that he would try you or to test them which of them is best in deeds it is really to confirm his supreme justice and his grace his supreme justice for the disbelievers why because yes Allah knew before we were created where we are going so he could have created believers put them in paradise and disbelievers and put them in hell right from the beginning we didn't need to go through this world and what was happening in it he could have done that because he knows what we are going to do however because of the fact that those who would be placed in paradise would never question a law why did you put us in paradise if you were put in paradise would you ask Allah why did you put me here no he wouldn't you just be happy you got there and in fact when you look at what you actually did in this life and you see that it is only by Allah's mercy his grace that you made it to paradise you will just say al hamdulillah al hamdulillah as prophet muhammad saw selamat said no one would enter paradise merely on account of his deeds were it not for a lost grace no one would enter paradise the Companions asked him even you are Messenger of Allah even you would not enter paradise and he said even I so it is by the grace of Allah that those who enter paradise enter paradise it's His grace so us living their life and going into paradise we recognize a loss grace but for the disbelievers those placed in hell how do you think they're going to feel a lot them in hell and they see people put in paradise what do you think they're gonna say that's life they're gonna say why why are you putting us in hell what have we done to deserve this why shouldn't we be in paradise like the others and Allah says to them if Allah said to them well you would have done this and you would have done that and you would have done the other and that's why you're going to hell what do you think we are gonna say those are was going to hell yeah I guess that's what we would have done he said no no no no no I wouldn't have done those things if I knew there was a heaven and a hell I would never have done those things no way so Allah lets us live out our lives so that the end at the end of our lives no one questions Allah why when you read about the various verses where Allah describes people being taken to hell nobody says why everybody instead says ok we now know for sure give us another chance is what people say give us another chance we'll do righteousness nobody questions why because everybody knows they're in hell because they chose hell they chose hell everybody had the opportunity every opportunity to go to paradise but they chose hell so a loss justice will not be questioned a laws justice will be supreme it will be manifest in the judgement and our ending up in heaven or hell now relative to human beings relative to human beings this world serves as a test to produce to one of two results basically one for spiritual growth and that's for the believers and to punishment and that's for the disbelievers spiritual growth or punishment those are the main two purposes of the tests of this life now if we look on the spiritual growth we consider how does tests produce spiritual growth well al Aswad Allah has said that he created different people on different levels economically he says well la da la ba la cámara bobbing Ferris Allah has favored some of you over others in the provisions of this life this is surah Nahal verse 71 if he wished he could have created everybody equal everybody having the same amount of money no rich no poor just everybody on the same level he could have done that but had he done that who then would develop the quality of generosity how can you be generous when there's nobody to be generous to you can only be generous when you have and others don't have and you give so for you to be able to give it means there has to be people with less than you so this is a part of the trial of this life that Allah has favoured some people being more wealthy than others is the trial that we have to live with and the Prophet SAW Selim advised us how to deal with that trial he said don't look to those above you those who Allah has favoured over you with more wealth don't look at them don't look to them this is what the West does in the media that globalized media it shows you the rich and the famous their lives how enjoyable it is they have this they of that they have the other you know wonderful lives and so what does that put in your heart I want to be like them I want to have what they have it creates a new jealousy you your desire for this so the Prophet SAW Stalin said don't look at it don't look at it because if you look at it you will forget the favour which God has placed in your own life so he said look at those below you instead and that way you'll remember God's favor so this is part of the test because there's always somebody worse off than you no matter how bad your circumstance is there is always somebody whose life is more tragic is more difficult than your own so look to those below you then we have calamities those are the general trials now we look at calamities and it is important for us to understand calamities and their role in life in terms of developing this the spiritual higher spiritual qualities of the individual we know calamities is one of the primary tools used by a lost man Tala because the Companions asked the prophet sallallaahu assalam who among people among humankind receives the most calamities in their lives and the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salim said the prophets then those most liked them than those most liked them the prophets received the most calamities in life so calamities obviously are a blessing relative to the prophets calamities are blessings you can look for example in the life of Prophet Yusuf in the Quran was not his life his early life a series of calamities his brothers conspired against him put him in a well he was taken to Egypt things seem to improve for a while then the wife of the ruler tried to seduce him he ends up in jail so good man I was trying to do good but calamities were happened to him one after the other getting worse and worse and even after he was in jail and he interpreted the dream of the two servants who had been put in with him and he asked one of them to remember him when he gets out when he got out what happened he forgot he forgot for a number of years and then he remembered and got him out but note even that forgetting you could say the servant forgetting was not a good thing he forgot prophet youssef could have gotten out six or seven years earlier but he stayed in for an extra seven because this man forgot but think as some scholars have pointed out the tafseer had he gotten out when the servant got out he would have probably returned to his same state as a servant okay if the servant got out told the ruler well listen this was the case of prophet youssef you know there really was a good guy let him out so he brings him out he asked the women the women admit yes we tricked him we tricked it's not true what would happen to him he would just become a servant again but instead Allah delayed his presence in the prison so that when he came out he came out having interpreted the dream of the ruler which now put him in a special status and so the ruler elevated him to be in charge of the stocks of the kingdom dr. Bilal Philips I'd like to extend to you from myself and from this TV the greetings he would have probably returned to his same state as a servant okay if the sermon got out told the ruler well listen this was the case of prophet youssef you know there really was a good guy let him out so he brings him out he asked the women the women admit yes we tricked him we tricked it's not true what would happen to him he would just become a servant again but instead Allah delayed his presence in the prison so that when he came out he came out having interpreted the dream of the ruler which now put him in a special status and so the ruler elevated him to be in charge of the stocks of the kingdom so those additional seven years were good for prophet youssef and such is the case of Prophet Abraham his son Ismail after not having children getting that child then building the Kaaba together then Allah tells him sacrifice that child after bonding with that child becoming so close to him and then Allah says take his life this is the calamity it's a command from God for Prophet Abraham but personally emotionally it's a calamity but he stood firm on Allah rewarded him with generations of prophets and that is the life of the prophets but calamities in general Allah tells us that it is they means for developing in us patience patience which is the key for success in this life as Allah said when Anna blue and accomplished a man and how he will jury or not consumed in and and wali well alphys I will try you and test you with hunger loss of wealth loss of life loss of your efforts Oh Bashar is sovereign but give glad tidings to those who are patient and that's for the believers that calamity in their life only brings out their patients and with that patience Allah rewards them more as he did with the prophets calamities also serve as a reminder as Allah said in surah sajda verse 21 well Anna the upon Nahum mineral aadhavan aDNA dune inaudible acaba la lumière Jiyoon I will let them taste of the lesser punishment instead of the greater punishment in order that they return return to remembering Allah and for people who believe who have gone astray a calamity strikes them it reminds them to go back to Allah so there's good in that calamity had they not faced that calamity they would have continued on that misguided path and ended up in hell so to the means to bring them back onto the path to paradise also calamities expose the hypocrites as Allah said AHA savannahs and you Taku and your cool who are men now whom life ternoon do people think that they will be left alone after saying I believe without being tested without being tried this is to expose those whose faith is truth and those whose in fact is false but then in the end for the disbelievers the calamities are punishments as Allah says Valley a very latina yo Holly funa anna-marie and to Sieber whom fitna - now you see Bahamas Abu Halim beware let those who contravene Alaska man who go against Allah's command be that a calamity before them or a severe punishment and he also said at surah noor verse 63 and he also said what a poof it not allowed to see banality Novella moomin come cosas voila moana lodge ideale babu and fear beware of a calamity which will not only afflict those who are evil alone if you happen to be amongst them it can strike you also and know that Allah is severe in punishment so trials calamities in life can either make us grow or they can be a punishment when we look at the plague amongst us today aids the world plague had a plague of depression and suicide where more people are dying from that than they are dying of AIDS but let's take aids aids which everybody is aware of today even Omar radiallahu anhu he narrated a hadith from prophet mom's a salam which is found in Sun and Ipanema authentic hadith and which promised our solemn said whenever promiscuity is openly practiced among a people a plague and anguish will spread among them which was unknown to their predecessors whenever promiscuity what is promiscuity promiscuity is what you see on the television today nakedness sex in films as if you're sitting in people's bedrooms this is promiscuity openly practiced by the society whenever that takes place a plague a scourge will spread among the people which was unknown to their predecessors AIDS was unknown to our predecessors aids fits that picture exactly some people ask how do we know when a calamity is a punishment and when it is a blessing how can we know well you will decide whether it is a punishment or a blessing how you respond to it and the Prophet SAW Selim II gave us the win-win principle 1400 years ago in a classical hadith narrated by Sahib in which the Prophet SAW solemn said Heavenly am real movement in am Rahu kala hawk Kyra wale satanically I hadn't a lolly woman the affair of the believer is amazing indeed all of his affair is good and that is only in the case of the true believer in a hobbit who sorrow Chikara picanha fear Allah if good befalls him he is thankful to Allah and it was good for him when asaba to the raw Saburo for kanafeh and LA and if evil befalls him he is patient and it was good for him a Japan liam real movement the affair of the believers is an amazing thing while asa dhalika leah hadn't ill al-mu'minin that is only in the case of the believer this is our win-win principle for the believer when a calamity strikes he or she is patient with it they believe that ultimately it is for good ultimately it is for good whether we are able to recognize the good in it or not and this is an important point a very important point for us to grasp because it is the key to living life according to the win-win principle a calamity strikes for people who don't understand the nature of calamity that it can before your good in fact Allah designed it for your good then they fall into despair and they fall into disbelief if you listen to the disbeliever an atheist you ask him why are you an atheist he says to you or she says well I had an aunt who was a very good woman very kind like Mother Teresa she was doing good everywhere and for everybody then one day when she was crossing the road a big truck came and hit her smashed her killed her destroyed her why why why her what did she do to deserve that so because that individual doesn't have an answer they fall into despair and disbelief they say can't be a god there cannot be a God because if there was a God and that God was good he would not have let that happen to my aunt but for the true believer he or she has a different perspective they look at it from the perspective of moosa' and header we all know the story in soil calf about Moosa and hither this is a story explaining to us the win/win principle in story form true story we find that the international media they are bombarding misinformation about Islam they give a wrong meaning of the verses the code widow of the Quran or the hadith of the Prophet saws all the media says that Muslims actually mystery I said yes I'm an extremist I'm extremely kind I'm extremely merciful I'm extremely honest I'm extremely just throughout the world there are hundreds of Christian channels there are Hindu channels there are generational how many Islamic channels do you have how many channels we have for our what we should do we should utilize the science and technology and turn the tables over and utilize it for good work this media means of mass communication 10 wonder media than Islam war or peace in truth exposed African tribe ever worshipped images before the white man came not one they all worship God the different different name but the concept same Islamic planet he's a Muslim he doesn't know he's got the wrong label on Christian is Christianizing and make them to worship Jesus Christ we have done nothing with Islam in Africa in man with a mission coming soon on peace TV several fatwas of sting scholars of Islam worldwide state that zakat can be given to support a non-profit Islamic satellite channel whose aim is to spread the truth of Islam every dollar you contribute helps speech TV to refute allegations against Islam misconceptions about Quran what better choice do you have to spread the truth of Islam than esteem support these TV send your zakat and donation to Islamic Research Foundation International Islamic bank of Britain Coventry Road Birmingham UK account number zero double one three two three zero one sort code three zero double zero eight three when Musa and Kidder crossed the river and prophet Moses saw hither break the boat after they got off the boat the man who took them across the river was so kind to take him across the river they got out the boat and hither broke a hole made a hole in the boat Moses said to him why did you do that this is not something good the man has done good for us and you've broken his boat perhaps people drowned because of it of course when the owner of the boat came back and he saw the hole in his boat he would have said who did this this wasn't a good thing but then moments later when the king came down the river grabbing all of the boats just taking people's boats from them and he came across the boat of that individual saw the hole in it I don't need that one that's broken carried on and the owner of the boat would have said what happened did he laugh or the hole in my boat alhamdulillah for the hole in my boat and this is something we all experience isn't it where something happens in life you think it's something not good it's bad at the moment then moments later a day later or whatever you find out Oh something good really if that hadn't happened this thing wouldn't have happened a good example of that was an article I saw in a newspaper coming out of Cairo Egypt they have the picture of an individual standing with his two thumbs up like this a big smile on his face his father kissing him on his right cheek his mother kissing him on his left cheek there is with two thumbs up big smile from ear to hear the explanation underneath he was a teacher the day before he was supposed to get on a flight to Bahrain a Gulf Air flight to Bahrain this was the last flight back for teachers holiday was over they had to go back to work it was the last flight he was booked on the flight he ran to the airport with his bags everything ready to go showed his passport to get on the flight and the officer looked at the passport he said you're missing one stamp and in Egypt you have to get many stamps to get anything done not enough for you to have one person stamp it no he has to take it to another one with stamps it and that one takes two another one was tempted too until it comes back around to the first one who stamps all of the other stamps so he was missing one stamp and they said no you can't get on the plane he said my job I'm going to lose my job I have to get on the plane I can't miss his flight they said no you don't have that stamp you have to go back to the office he can't do it we'd have to come back the next day it missed his flight if he missed his flight it meant what he lost his job calamity he went home depressed his life had crumbled the next day he read in the newspaper or he heard over the news that that Gulf Air flight going to Bahrain crashed and everyone died no survivors and there he was there he was what the day before was the ultimate calamity became the ultimate success for him and that is the nature of this life that whatever happens to us no matter how evil it may appear there is good behind it for us why Allah has permitted this evil what we perceive as evil to happen to us is because there is some good behind it which is for us now this is important an important point now sometimes we see that evil and sometimes we can't see it we can't find an explanation for it and this is what the Atheist might say okay I agree with you there's some evil things that happen there is good behind it but what about the tsunami all those people hundred thousand people lost their lives where is the good a lot children watch the sea innocent people not doing anything evil why where is the where is the good in dance we can't see any good so they say they can't be a god there's no God because a good God would not know that to happen unless you believe in a good God and a bad God you have some people because they couldn't deal with this idea of God allowing evil to happen you have the Parsees right fire worshippers they believe in a hora Mazda the God of good and Angra Mainyu the god of evil because they didn't want to attribute evil to God so if you believe in a good God how do you explain that well the story of whither tells us after Hitler had broken the boat with Musa and he went ahead down the river bank they came across a young boy about 11 or 12 years old and hither grabbed the boy and tore off his head he grabbed the boy and tore off his head Musa said what have you done you have taken the life of an innocent child how could you do this Heather then explained to him after a few other incidents he explained to him that really this child had he grown up he would have been such a calamity on his parents parents were believers but he would have made their life so horrible that they would have fallen into disbelief so a law in order to protect them took the life of the child now of course those parents when they found their child with his head ripped off they would have said what a horror and is crying who did this to our child murdered him though Allah gave them another child a girl who wanted them treated them well etc and they loved her but still there would be that hole in their heart for their first child their son was murdered until Yama Yama when they stand up before Allah and Allah shows them their life and what would have happened to them then they will say alhamdulillah that our child's life was taken that is the example of the calamity who's good we cannot see the calamity who's good we are not able to see and this is life this is how life is in that your child you're a young child three years old four years old you take him to the dentist right first time you take him you tell him the dentist is a nice man or woman they're nice people see they're nice white coat the big smile they're nice people but when the dentist takes that needle and sticks it in the child and the child screams what do you think is happened in the mind of the child now is this person a nice person anymore no that is a bad person so what happens the next time you try to take the child to the dentist no hey no no they refuse to go no way you try to tell them you cannot convince the three-year-old that going to the dentist the second time is good you can't all that that child can see is pain suffering but you who are more mature you understand that the pain is to prevent a greater pain the lesser pain is to prevent a greater pain of a rotten tooth you know which root canal all the other things that come behind it but that child can't see it all the child can see is that dentist sticking the needle in them and that's how we are we cannot see the good behind certain apparent evils because our Mayans are not capable of grasping it a law didn't reveal it to us in this life but that doesn't mean because we can't see it there is no good we believe that ultimately there is good and whatever takes place because Allah as he said wa huwa Holika Countach a he is the creator of everything the good and the evil he is the creator of everything if it takes place it is by his permission so therefore all we can do is trust in Allah that it is for good and accept it and be patient with it and if we do that then it is good for us as the Prophet SAW Sandom said that way for the believer we think win win we win when good comes good befalls us life is good we're living well we don't forget the law because good wealth can be a test it can be the source of misguidance so we don't forget the lorry remember a law in fact remembering a law in times of ease and success is far more difficult than remembering a law in times of difficulty labate allahumma labbayk another Sandhill harmony my dear brothers and sisters who are intending to perform the high this year me alonso it you'll make it easy for you may Allah Azza WA JAL accept your heart may Allah so again grant you a surf return I mean Ella Bache allahumma labbayk below Bikaner Shetty can i generate assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh emissive chambers and I'd like to wish all the pilgrims accepted remembering Allah in times of ease and success is far more difficult than remembering Allah in times of difficulty remember this because we often think remembering a law in terms of difficulty that's the tough one no even the person who doesn't believe in Allah can remember him and also not remember him but be patient being patient can be patient in times of difficulty yeah normally difficulty comes people fall apart but there are some people who say what is the point of falling apart it's not going to change the situation so I will just as they say grin and bear it I'll bite the bullet I'll swallow it no point in getting worked up a disbeliever can do that but being patient in times of success this is the difficult one only the believer will be able to do it patient meaning that we remain within the bounds of Islamic law during those times this is the big test for many people you are fine when you're poor but when you become rich and your life changes you're not fine anymore you don't share you become greedy you become this you become that your whole personality changes because that is a big trial and that's why Allah has said in the min min I'm Wally come out loud become fitna among in your wealth and your children there is calamity and trial so beware of them beware of them there's a trial there so this is the true believer when good comes success comes he or she is patient and Allah rewards them patient meaning that they fulfil allows right in their success they share their wealth they use it in good way in ways which are beneficial for themselves and their families and the children for their society rather than squandering it and indulging in all of the pleasures and just forgetting themselves and forgetting Allah and at the same time when difficulty calamity and trial comes their patient their patient with it knowing in mahalos through straw with every difficulty comes easy that's the last promise now you can live alone of son-in-law who's aha no soul will be burden more than they can bear that is the last promise so there is no excuse nobody can say it was too much God burdened me more than I could handle therefore I took my life no that's why suicide is Haram suicide is a person saying God you have burdened me beyond my capacity I can't deal with this and that is not true that is a lie about God none of us is in a situation beyond our ability otherwise then there would be injustice God would be unjust to us and God is not unjust so for the believer in those times of trial calamity he or she is patient and Allah rewards them for fold so back to the beginning the motto of the true believer is win-win but our certainty that ultimately it is from Allah and it is for our good helps us to overcome the excesses in those emotional states of weakness we're able to keep it under control and we're able to deal with the various trials the ups and downs of life the inner peace comes through this that sense of contentment in dealing with one's situation and I would just close my presentation reminding you that Allah samanta Allah has chosen us those of us who have committed ourselves to believe in Allah has chosen us and given us a special mission and that mission is to convey this word this word this message of Islam to the world around us so let us carry the message of win-win which people need to hear there's so many people committing suicide here in India having one of the highest suicide rates in the world they need to hear this message that for the believer there is no loss it is not win lose it is win win let's carry that message forward I ask Allah to give you all and myself the courage to carry this great responsibility the legacy of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu wasallam to this world this community that we live amongst robbery Kumaran to lawyer Berg and inshallah there will be question-and-answer session for this lecture that dr. abominable our flips are just given I urge all of you to stick to the topics so that no it will be all connected and then we can go forward insha'Allah it's not in love here I'm sorry Indra according to me you know there is no concept of hell and heaven you know so it's created only on the earth so it doesn't exist and also according to me there is no life after death you know so I just die like I guess I go to sleep well I think it's as true as a scientist and my question to also you said calamities happens sometimes good sometimes bad examples you gave is individual exams into individual examples the hole in the board yeah and another one about this term but when you talk about the calamities like the Jews two million Jews killed in Germany and what happened tsunami and what's happening in Iraq you know so these kind of things you cannot say even it happened about fifty years ago what happened in Germany you cannot say everything happened for good you what you're given is individual examples okay the first question I was not really a question is sort of like a statement that you don't believe in heaven and hell and that when you die that's all there is wherever people go in this world there is religion and people have a concept of Heaven and Hell so now if you find yourself in a situation where the whole world the most ancient of society is the most modern the most primitive even when we dig up archaeologically etc we have this concept of Heaven and Hell existing throughout the world and then you buy yourself say it doesn't exist we have to say you are mistaken if the massive humankind have come to that conclusion whether by logic or by revelation or by however the mass of humankind hold this position but you buy yourself and a few others like you say that doesn't exist what does it mean the likelihood of you being correct is very small because when we try to determine when really try to determine what things are real and what things are made up by people you know the things which we find everywhere no matter where you go on the earth common to all human beings these are the things that most likely have a reality the things which are found only in limited areas these are the things and they differ from place to place these are the things which tend not to have reality so I would just respond to your statement as something you need to think about you said it and that's your opinion and you're entitled to your opinion but just know that you are a minority throughout the history of the earth as we know it and being in that small minority is a very dangerous place to be because one if there is no heaven in hell and the belief in heaven and hell made the mass of humankind good they didn't lose anything but if there is a heaven in Hell then you are the loser you and those who hold your belief are the losers Muslims living in any part of the world he's our brother we should feel for him Muslims are suffering muslims are butchered muslims had slain and some of us even they don't feel they don't cry over that Salim when an armory if one Hogan is in pain the whole body is what is in India with ISM part is whether he's wherever the Muslim is he is my brother I should feel for him anything which contradicts the way of Rasulullah saws and up is right anything which contradicts the Quran of any of the other scriptures is wrong the Koran is 100% the word of Allah dr. Abu Amina belong Phillips everything else was bought in it's clear it is false and we call to that truth this is the truth they they suffered what we would call a terrible death right this was a mass tragedy and that was the good which came out of it so I'm saying if it can happen on an individual level then it can happen on a group level we don't need just as on an individual level women may not be able to see the reason behind this happening on that individual level similarly on the group level we may not be able to see the reason that's the basic principle that we were addressing okay sir Hinduism is worshipped in nature that is a river or tea or what are things which they give us food or what they give us so many things what are what are things but the thing is not practiced in other religion and even what we worship is nothing but to the embodiment of nature say Siva that is the procreation of nature so is the what are your views on this well in Islam we worship the Creator the one who is the provider I mean the concept of honoring one who does good for you one who provides for you et cetera is a natural emotion a natural feeling that people have you honor your parents you feel good towards your parents it's actually because they have looked after you taking care of you similarly you may have a cow which gives you milk so you respect that animal you have a you know sheep which provides you with wolves who we make your clothing you respect that animal also you know so where you get benefit you have a certain respect and a love for those things that's natural however worship is something else worship involves calling on a being to do for you what you are incapable of doing for yourself submitting your will to that being and that belongs only to God because the cow the sheep the trees the nature the rivers etc they cannot respond to us they provide for us because God has put something in them that make them providers for us it is not by their choice a cow doesn't stop to think shall I give humans milk or not and then they decide to give milk to humans like a nice cow no a cow has no choice about it similarly with the sheep when it's wool the river and the fish the trees and the fruit this is not by choice so God as it states in the quran has submitted the world for us so whatever benefit we take from the world around us that is ultimately from God God has submitted the creatures the the world to us so therefore the one we call on the one we seek help from the one we seek guidance we seek protection that is the creator of all these things that is God so that is the Muslim view to worship God's creation this is called silk this is worshipping turning the creation into God whether it is a man men or animals this is worshipping God's creation instead of worshipping God my name is Sam Matthew yeah I would like to make an observation here that I find to convert from Christianity as a majority here not that I'm saying I'm also a Christian not that I'm saying Christianity is the ultimate it's only an observation but my question is to mr bilal for when one of the questions that was asked is there heaven and hell you replied that because of the majority what the majority thinks you follow so as an individual do you have any conviction conviction whether you are going to hell or to heaven or to Paradise or to hell so just because the majority are believed that there is paradise so you believe but my question is if that is the case the Hinduism has got the majority of the people they believe Hinduism has got maximum majority so which means why don't you believe in Hinduism also if I am right I I think Hinduism is the biggest religion in the world or okay or Christianity whatever so why don't you why don't you believe that Christianity is right when you say that majority things that we is going to a paradise then why don't you also similarly believe that Christianity is the ultimate okay one you miss quoted me I didn't say I believe Matthew I didn't say that I believe that there is a heaven and hell because the majority believe it that's not what I said I was only responding to our other friend here's doubt or rejection of heaven and hell so I was just asking him to reflect not the majority of one religion but the majority of humankind reject reflect on that when I believe in heaven and hell one because of the fact that I accepted with Islam to be the true religion of God and the teachings of Islam as conveyed by Prophet Muhammad may God's peace a blessing upon him and all of the prophets before him prophet Jesus Prophet Abraham Moses all of the prophets also spoke of heaven and hell so because I believe in the way of life the system known as Islam I that is a part of the teachings I accepted it on that on one hand and on the other hand my reason accepted it because it made sense to me that this life is not all there is that there had to be a life to come because there are so many unresolved matters in this life if Hitler just dies and then that's it and a righteous person dies and that's it and it's just the same there seems to be some inherent inherent unfairness here because they both died the fact that one committed suicide the other one died in their sleep whatever they still just died that was the end one committed great evil the other one committed great good and they both just died and then that's it no that was not logical that was illogical didn't make sense what made sense is that there is a life to come in which the evil of that individual he would have to meet and the righteousness and goodness of the other he or she would also meet that made sense to me so I accepted the concept of heaven and hell one because it was a part of the teachings of the religion which I accepted as a system the most practical system to live my life by that was a part of the teachings the one who brought that system he told about heaven and hell I believed it but I also believed it intellectually in that that said it made sense to me also so it is not I didn't believe in heaven and hell because the majority believed in it I own I believe in it because it is a part of the system which I accepted and because it made sense to me logically which is a kimono hair assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh [Music] yeah this samosa no ma
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 43,434
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: habits, of, successful, people, lose, fintah, test, trials, sabr, patience, islam, iman, allah, muslim, islamic, taqwa, sunnah, quran
Id: aLI4xMMm3E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 52sec (4432 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2007
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