The Balance between Religion & Worldly Matters - Dr Bilal Philips

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today I would like to address a common question which I hear people asking all over the world Muslim people how do we balance or find the balance between the Dean and the dunya between what Islam requires of us a religious way of life and the material world that we live in which has its demands but it seems in our time the demands of the material world far exceed the demands of the religion or it supersedes because it is so pressing or pressing depressing we can't seem to find time to do the simplest of our religious requirements so many times we abandon them or we neglect them we delay them but we feel guilty this shouldn't be we know in our heart of hearts that the Deen is supposed to come first our priority should be Islam so how do we find that balance getting the Deen right doing it in the right way prophet mohammed salah salem he gave us guidance guidance which would not only get the Dean right but it would get the dunya right also he left a very simple formula behind a simple formula which is the answer for everything if we utilize it correctly he said and you have heard it a thousand times before that up to become a marine in Temasek Tom Bahama lentil in lieu Avada I've left with you two things if you hold on firmly to them you will never go astray Kitab Allah what soon enter the Book of Allah and my Sunnah a simple formula which encompasses everything that if we hold on firmly to the Quran and to the Sunnah we will find the balance that's the promise the balance is found when we hold on firmly to the Quran and the Sunnah when we let it go when we neglect it when we are negligent then we lose the balance the dunya are now overtakes us and we are unable to find our proper footing but it is all a result of not holding on firmly to the Quran and the Sunnah but we have more currents than we have ever had copies of the Quran the number of copies of the Quran in the world today is a million times more than they were when the Prophet SAW Stalin died millions of times yet we are not holding on firmly to the Quran and when he died there was no complete text in the book form that was done by Abu Bakr the first text but we have millions they were holding on firmly and we are not so obviously holding on firmly doesn't mean physically holding on to that book some people they hold on very firmly to it they keep it close to themselves they put it on a high place if it falls on the ground they will kiss it they will protect it the physical book but is that what the Prophet SAW London was talking about that's the point that's not what he was talking about the physical book holding on firmly to the Quran is holding on firmly to what the Quran teaches that was what was intended holding on firmly to what the Koran teaches so we don't end up being described in surah al-furqan verse 30 where allah subhana wa ta'ala Sedwick allah rasool the our of the inacol meter kazoo hardcore anima surah the messenger said o my lord my people have abandoned this score on the physical book is here but the meaning of the Quran what the Quran teaches is it it remains inside the Quran but it has not found root in our hearts and our lives so we let it go in fact we have abandoned it while physically we have made millions and millions of copies of it put it in our homes on our walls in our cars in any location you can think of we've got the Quran there but we abandoned it why because we lost sight of the purpose of the Quran the Quran became for us a book of Baraka you read it in Ramadan you got the Baraka of reading it even though you never understood a single word of the Quran people believed that you read that whole Quran from fatiha tina's you didn't understand a single word in it but you believe that Allah blessings will descend upon you for having done it what is the difference between us doing that and the Hindus and the Buddhists they have wheels which they spin and idols which they wash and feed believing that they will get Baraka we have turned the Quran into an object a a religious artifact where in Islam we have none the Quran is to be heard and understood where the Korean Quran office tomorrow Allah who once the tulip the Harlem Torah and if the Quran is read listen to it and be quiet for it in order that you would receive mercy from allah the mercy of guidance from that book the al-kitab you'll arrive fe wooden nil mutative instead we will play the quran in our houses to make it an islamic house we have a tape or DVD or the radio we turn on the quran the quran is playing as we go about doing our business in the house and carrying on and the quran is playing is that how the quran is supposed to be allah said if you hear it recited listen listen be quiet understand it that's what allah says not keep it as background music this is the problem and of course Ramadan is before us and this is something we have to address in that month we're on our way there we are planting the seeds for Ramadan from now [Music] the seeds of what we want from the Quran if we are to hold on firmly to it we need to be doing it from now before shabang shabang we're watering those seeds as the scholars used to say and we read the seeds the plants the fruit in Ramadan and the prophets are Salim and his Sunnah how do we hold on firmly to it we do it by obeying what is instructed us to do but before that we do it by knowing what he instructed us to do today most of the Muslim world is caught up in culture and tradition and the Sunnah seems odd weird different when people want to do it the traditionalists the cultural nationalists will say you are a Wahhabi you are a deviant you are trying to bring a new religion but actually what you are trying to inform them of is the Sunnah the Sunnah has been lost a lot ohlet's were myut and rasool Allah Allah whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah obedience to the messenger is obedience to Allah that's why we need to obey the messenger because to obey Him is to obey Allah so if we are not holding firmly to that obedience then for sure we are not obeying Allah as he deserves to be obeyed and the promise our solemn told us actually it told some people in his own time who when they asked about how the Prophet SAW sunland used to live his life they found that his life was too normal too simple so they wanted to do more one wanted to fast every night another one didn't want to get married third one wanted to pray not fast sorry first one wanted to fast everyday other one wanted to stay up at night and pray all night and the third one wanted to give up marriage the Prophet SAW said lungs way it was too simple for them they wanted something more challenging as they saw it but in doing that they deviated from his way so when he heard about what they wanted to do he told them from an alley behind sanity Felisa meanie whoever likes a Sunnah away other than my way is not a true follower of mine that's the bottom line anyone who feels that he or she wants to do more more than the Prophet SAW solemn did to make another way another path for this Deen has deviated and lost their way they're not holding on firmly to the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu seldom so we need to go back in all of our commitments to the Dean and know what the sunnah of rasulullah saaw Salam is with them and follow it try our best to follow it and that is how we hold on firmly to the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu is Allah so when it comes to our most basic requirement five times a day Salah how do we pray today the way we pray is not the way that Rasul Allah Allah Allah prayed or thought it taught us to pray the way we pray today is the way a man came and prayed beside the Prophet SAW salaam prayed and came and sat beside him and the prophet saws said I'm told to go back and pray cause he didn't pray that's the kind of prayer we're making the one which brought Selim said you didn't pray that wasn't so long the Salah which is 90 miles an hour we have broken the speed limit and I saw regularly we're just going through the motions but the browser element said suddenly salata medina pray the prayer of one who is giving farewell to this world if we keep that in mind that is the prayer that we should be striving for and we strive then we have held on firmly to the Sunnah of Rasul Allah for Louis and um and I ask Allah SWA Allah to give us the tow feet the guidance the mercy his mercy to be able to hold on firmly to the Quran and the Sunnah as they deserve to be held on to to forgive our negligence our lack of care our ignorance and our sins with regards to the Quran and the Sunnah getting the dunya right how do we put the dunya in its proper place where the dunya is work for the majority of us it is working 40 hours in a week or more how do we put that dunya in its place when it takes up so many hours eight hours of our day after eating and sleeping it seems like there's nothing else so what do we do how do we get the dunya right first and foremost we have to choose what part of the dunya to bite off to take to get engaged in because if we choose the wrong part of the dunya no matter what we do it's a curse so we have to be careful in what we choose from the dunya but what we choose is halal very basic it's not about what gives us the most money because if what gives us the most money is Haram then it's evil then we have not put the dunya in its place and no matter what do as we make how many Umbra's how many hodges we do it is not going to change the fact that our basic earning is Haram so we have to choose a job which is hella and of course the best of the halal jobs are the ones that have the most benefit to society because the Bronx has eleven said Creed on us and far only nos the best of people are those most beneficial to society so we try to choose a job which is in service of the community people benefit from they appreciate what we're doing jazakomallahu khayran they make du'a for you this is the best jobs we should seek and the other principle that we have to keep in mind with regards to our job is it spawn from Solomon said in the law you hit women ahead Okuma diameter a melon and yet spinner Allah loves from each and every one of you whenever you do anything you do it to the best of your ability so you work hard you do your best you're honest in your work and you're dealing as the promise or solemn was al-amin we strive to be like him Oh mana this should be our goal we should not submit to the work culture the work culture which is based on the cat and mouse game the cat and mouse game when the cat's away the mice will play when the manager is not around the workers rest when the manager shows up everybody is working hard seriously they want to impress the manager working hard everybody soon as he goes out the door but relax now if you don't play that game you're in trouble it's a Haram game everybody's doing it the job might be halal but the way that we are doing the job may be Haram because if we play that game then it means we are cheating our employers because they didn't hire us to do the minimum that we could they hired us to do the maximum the same way we work when they manager the directors around should be the same way we work when he's not around that is honesty then our salaries hello but if we have been hiding all the time when the manager is not around we find a slot and just lie down relax sleep till the word Hays March is coming okay everybody jumps up if we have been earning our monthly salary that way that monthly salary is haram we are being paid for what we didn't do that's the challenge of finding the balance because the Quran and the Sunnah tells us to do that to do the best that we can to do it right to choose what is hell out the Quran and the Sunnah tell if we hold on firmly Khurana Sunnah and that's what we are going to do if we are not holding on firmly then we play the cat-and-mouse game simple as that so the solution remains in our hands we need to be honest with ourselves we also need to be strong with what is right because when you decide that you're going to work hard even when the director is there your other workmates your other compatriots working with you in the office they will see working hard and they will say it's okay directors God is not around no problem relax relax you see I hear I know that's okay but I'm gonna they're gonna start looking at you suspiciously what does this guy want to do I think he wants to take my job he's working hard he wants to show off to the manager that he's a harder worker than me so he wants to take my job so now I the other employees start to look at you as the enemy it's very hard when everybody else is playing the cat-and-mouse game but you don't play a lot with it now that is the big challenge can you hold to your principles regardless of what the others say even if it makes enemies know that you are a friend of Allah I mean only Allah and that is more important than being a friend of the people that is where the challenge lies so I asked a lot want allah to give us that completeness that balance that clear path for our lives so that we remain living lives working for his pleasure so we don't live to work but we work in order to live a pleasing life to allah subhanho wa taala Robin aa Tina Fey dunya husana or fill our karate husana Canada burn our Robin Allah to the aluminum body in her retina problem in the donkey achma in the cantle Wahab
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 26,443
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Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, BinZaidQatar, Dr Bilal Philips, Worldly Matters, Religion
Id: KpVK_LvNipo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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