Shirk: Its Inner Dimensions - Dr. Bilal Philips

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Normandy wanna stay in you wanna stop it oh when I would be learning sure you reinforce in an immense a yachty i'm melina me yeah heal a phenom who Delilah oh man you lil fella hey Dianna what Shadwell in every color watcha doin no muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh indeed all praise is due to allah and as such we should praise Him seek his help and seek refuge in Allah from the evil which is within ourselves and the evil which results from our deeds for whomsoever Allah has guided none can misguide and whomsoever Allah has allowed to go astray none can guide and I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam was the last Messenger of Allah in Astrakhan had a ticket abla hater had he had you muhammad in some below heart a was under sharon amore mama dada mocha Lomond effort in vida loca Lepidus in banana or kun da da la atenciĆ³n are indeed the most truthful form of speech is the Book of Allah and the best source of guidance was the guidance brought by muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the worst of all affairs are the innovations in religion for indeed every innovation and religion is a cursed innovation an all cursed innovation is misguidance and all this guidance leads ultimately to the Hellfire brothers and sisters in continuation from the previous football last league which focused on Tao hid the central principle of Islam the essential message which all of the prophets of Allah brought as a loss of Antalya had said LaVon himself that he sent to every nation messengers well of Abbas Naqvi paluma general sulla telling them to worship allah and to give up the worship of false gods enabled the law which they never told this was the essence of the message so tawheed though it has aspects which have to do with consciousness of allah as the creator awareness that all that takes place in this world is in accordance with his will submission to the decisions that he has made for us in our lives because he is all-powerful knowing that he's all merciful knowing that he is aware of everything that we do knowing that all that takes place in this world is by his plan it has all been recorded already nothing happens which he didn't already know that is a part of tawheed an important part which has practical implications in our day-to-day life because it is knowing this aspect of tawheed which allows us to handle the various trials and tribulations that each and every one of us are faced with in our lives none of us lives a life without trials and tribulations the question is how do we handle these trials and tribulations do we allow them to overwhelm us to send us into states of distress to cause us to give up hope to commit suicide No if we've understood these aspects of tawheed then we know ultimately whatever happens to us is a part of the plan of the Divine Plan and Allah only ones good for us so it is only a matter of being patient with these trials and taking from them the good the good which will become evident after some time soon or later but ultimately knowing that it's all for the good so that those aspects of aspects of tawheed are essential for us in that respect but the most important aspect of tawheed is in the worship of allah and allah himself because he said woe markeloff to Genoa tencel Ali Abu doon I have only created the jinn and humankind for my worship in order to worship me that they would worship me in all aspects of their lives that was the most important and it remains the most important part of tawheed and the other parts of tawheed though very important as I said to day-to-day life if we fumble we stumble and we make mistakes in that part Allah can forgive it he can forgive it depending on our tenth intentions and how deep are fumbling and stumbling czar of Muhammad SAS Allah gave us a picture in his Sunnah telling us about a man of the past who when the time for death came when he knew he was going to die he felt he was going to die he told his sons that when he died they should take his body and burn it burn it till all that remain were ashes and these ashes they should sprinkle in the sea and sprinkle in the winds on the land scatter his ashes as far and as wide as possible because as he told them I fear that Allah would judge me who take a hold of me and judge me for the sins that I have done so his dutiful sons did as he requested when he died and after they had sprinkled his ashes in the sea and in the winds of the land Allah commanded all of his ashes all of his microscopic atomic body marks to come back together again and he asked him why did you do that and the man response responded saying I did that out of fear of you holla I feared your judgement so Allah forgave him and put him in paradise now the idea that one would think that a law could not bring him together again means what resurrection the concept of resurrection that we will be brought back together and be judged by Allah that is an essential pillar of our faith that's belief in the last day psyche see from the six pillars of Eman he had a problem he didn't understand that pillar obviously this was a mistake what he did however because of his fear of Allah Allah overlooked that error an error which he innocently made it wasn't intended it was innocent so Allah forgave him forgave him and gave the paradise because of his fear of Allah that he feared Allah more than anything and that is an essential aspect of the worship of Allah that we seek his pleasure above all else that we fear his displeasure above all else this is the essence of our ship so errors and I'm not saying that to say well okay it means that those people are going to the tombs and praying to others besides Allah you know people are doing all kinds of that it's okay don't worry about them holding we need to focus on this ebody because the that they're doing is shirk in a bada that is the one which Allah says will never be forgiven Allah said this is in surah an-nisa innallaha a pharaoh a new shakopee he wear fur Oh Madonna dhalika in Malaysia he will not forgive the association of partners to him in his worship but he will forgive what is less than that to whomsoever he wishes why in the worship it is so critical but in other things it is not this is a problem which many people question they raise questions for Muslims why if Mother Teresa this does all this good she was known to have dedicated her life to helping the poor and the needy a true servant of the people but just over that small point that little point that she believed Jesus was God and worshipped him she will go to hell forever if she died in that state then of course statistically the fact we can't say as Muslims Mother Teresa is going to hell you can't say that because we don't know what was her state at the end but if it is that she died believing that of Allah was actually Jesus and she worshipped Jesus instead of Allah then all of the good that she did will not benefit her in the life to come and she will be in hell forever so those who see the great good that she did question-how why such a small point that you're going to say you believe she'll be in hell forever and she did all this good why because it's not a small point that's the whole point it's not a small point it is the biggest point it is the greatest point which is why Prophet Muhammad Rasul Ahmed said man call Allah Allah in the law Donal and Jenna whoever says in the number of narrations sincerely from his or her heart there is no God worthy of worship but Allah will enter paradise it doesn't mean they may not go to hell depending on what else they did in life maybe they will go to hell for a period of time because the law is just he's forgiving but he's just so there were the people who will be punished in hell for a period of time but because they said la ilaha illa llah knowing its meaning sincerely from their hearts Allah will take them out of hell eventually and put them in so tawheed and a Dada worshiping Allah is the most important aspect of our lives that worship be pure this is what is most essential to our lives and this is what ultimately will make the difference in the life to come all of Tao here is important but the most important part of town he'd is to worship Allah alone up who look only how they were stuck for the law the well Akuma well he said misdemeanor Manila domestic true in the who will refer ah he asked Allah to forgive myself and yourselves and call on you to turn to Him to seek his forgiveness for none can forgive sins except him Camila was salatu wassalam on Selena all praise due to alarm I lost peace and blessings beyond the last Messenger of Allah as I said the most important part of tawheed is worshiping allah ensuring that we establish the correct worship of allah meaning that there is nothing nothing that we allow to get between us and allah no intermediation no one to take our prayers to Allah for us we call on no one in worship besides Allah we do not we should not put in our Masjid on either side of the mihrab ya allah ya muhammad this is a common feature in mosques today around the world Ya Allah fine Ya Allah fine that's perfectly okay in fact that's what we should say Ya Allah but ya Muhammad problem we have a big problem with ya Muhammad sallallaahu a center because what do we mean when we say Ya Allah o Allah we're addressing Allah o Allah guide me or law help me or law make my life better oh Allah heal me but when we say ya muhammad o muhammad what ya muhammad what tell me people do that that is the essence of sugar the a mohammad heal me sugar the a mohammad guide me sugar this is a plague in the oomba today it is a plague whereby Muslims in ignorance have dedicated their lives to the worship of other than Allah so this is the challenge that those of us who have come to that understanding have awoken to the ship to the grave sin of calling on the prophet sallahu Solomon in worship it becomes a responsibility on our shoulders to carry this message to those around us those that are close to us especially our loved ones to help them come to that understanding to save them oh Allah tell the CIO alladhina amanu who and who succumb Wanda kinara oh you believe save yourselves and your families from the Hellfire that is our responsibility and it's a big challenge because what has become a norm in the Muslim world today this could akbar major ship has become a norm today so that those who question it those who challenge it are labeled as deviant wahabis Ali hadith a variety of other names which are bad names in their eyes it has reached that state an evil state so that when we invite them to Allah to the worship of allah as allah said in the time of muhammad sallahu wa sallam when he invited people to Allah voy de aquila la ventana in la monja la la ha new husband AMA Raja de la Habana when you say to them come to what the law has revealed to the worship of Allah they say what we found our four parents doing is sufficient for us and that is the response we get today when we invite our families to the worship of Allah alone you mean our parents were wrong they were misguided our grandparents our great-grandparents they were all misguided only you are guided no what we found our parents doing his good good enough for us they were good people and they were following the way of therefore parents and we will follow their way the same answer repeated so we have a big challenge we have a great job to do it was the job of rasulullah sallallahu wasallam that's what he faced and he has handed down the legacy of Islam to us and that's what we face and that is the struggle the ultimate struggle until the last day of this world when the gel comes and the conscious element said before the coming of at the Jalal mercy at the job the Antichrist there will be 40 that jae-hoon can their boon for the other the judge little the judge liars all of them telling people that they are messengers of allah like mirza ghulam of the Afridi's elijah muhammad in America Mohammed aha in the Sudan by Allah in Iran they will come up and they will make that claim but al maseeh had the job the Antichrist he will call people to his worship he will tell people I am Allah and he will do the miracles which will convince people that he is Allah I know yes we do have in India Sai Baba who says he is God incarnate so we have some of them too but what he is doing to prove to people that he is Allah is nothing in the middle of his talks he starts to choke and as he choke but but he brings out in his hand a golden egg that's one of his big miracles well we all know about the duck that laid the golden egg no big deal what the job is going to do is he is going to point to the skies and it will rain he will point to the land which is barren and vegetation will grow in it he will cut a man in half and bring his house body together again he will tell a man if I bring your parents back to life will you then believe that I am Allah the man will say yes you can do that who resurrection then who got to be God and it will appear to him his father and his mother will come alive before him and they will say to him oh my young son follow him believe in him because he is Allah this is the challenge this is a challenge to come and the essence of that challenge is who do we worship when we worship that John when he comes have we understood the worship of a law and what it means that will determine which way we go at that time and that's what determines which way we go in this life so my brothers and sisters we have a big job ahead of us one in which Allah has chosen us each and every one of us here Allah has chosen us to understand this essential point it is a blessing but it is a responsibility a responsibility that we should feel heavy on our shoulders we should not take it lightly we should feel the weight of responsibility for that knowledge and that guidance which Allah has given us has blessed us wished through His grace he has favored us and we should work day and night to carry that message forward to take it to those around us that was the way of rasulallah solenoid is Anna and this is why Allah tells us in the law of Allah a Catahoula saloon Islander be ya Medina a mono sallou alayh wa salamu Taslima we are called to pray for Muhammad SAW Allah to ask a law's mercy for him because he dedicated his life to this job he showed us the way a life dedicated to guiding humankind to the worship of Allah I ask Hamas want Allah to help us to rededicate our lives to put aside the petty materialistic emotional issues that we use to over cloud o to block that responsibility I asked a lot to help us to remove these and to come back to what is most important in our lives I asked a lot to remove the petty concerns that we have where we spend much of our time backbiting spreading rumors slandering talking about people gossip when we waste our time in such foolishness bringing and heaping upon ourselves sin I ask Allah to help us to wake up to the realities of our duty to Allah our duty to fulfill the legacy of Rasul Allah I ask Allah to help us to bring the worship of Allah to our heed in its essence back into our lives ask Allah to forgive what has gone before our negligence our ignorance our failings whereby we have wasted so much of our lives in our time in other than the most important pursuit of our life to establish the worship of Allah in our lives and in the lives around us I ask Allah to allow us to realize its importance and to commit ourselves to the worship to la-la-la-la a pencil
Channel: Bilal Philips
Views: 10,767
Rating: 4.8792453 out of 5
Keywords: Shirk, Tawheed, Dr. Bilal Philips, Islamic Online University, Khutbah, Friday, Friday Khutbah, Islam, Night, Quran, Muhammad, Prophet, Koran, Sheikh, Ahmed, Imam, sufi, grave worship, mushirk, pagan, Aspire Mosque, english sermon, digital minbar, bilal philips, islamic online university, iou, islam way of life, Masjid Aspire, islam online, Dr. Abu Ameena Bilal Philips
Id: zL-Y3Gy9zAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 36sec (2136 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2015
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