Shackles of the Mind - Dr. Bilal Philips

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cultural baggage custom and tradition which prevented them from accepting the message of Islam break the shackles of customs and traditions break the shackles of desire to please ourselves and to please others free our minds so that we can become true [Music] bismillah r-rahman r-rahim in the name of Allah the most merciful the most compassionate I greet you with the greetings of assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh at this time I also sent my prayers and blessings upon a laws last and most noble Prophet Muhammad sallallahu wasallam upon his companions his family wives and those who follow right guidance ladies and gentlemen today's lecture by dr. bilal philips will be on shackles of the mind i would like to now give you a brief introduction and it is truly a brief introduction because i i would take up all the speaker's time for i to go through a full introduction of our brother and dr. sheikh abu amina bilal philips he was born in Jamaica West Indies and grew up in Canada where he accepted Islam in 1972 he completed his BA from the College of Islamic disciplines that is a solo Dean at the Islamic University of Medina in 1979 and an MA in Islamic theology in 1985 at the University of Rio of College of Education in 1994 he completed his PhD in Islamic theology or al Qaeda in the department of Islamic Studies at the University of Wales from 1994 until the year 2001 dr. Bilal founded and directed the Islamic Information Centre in Dubai United Arab Emirates and the foreign literature department of Dom Fatah Islamic Press in Sharjah United Arab Emirates in the year 2001 dr. Bilal established the Islamic online University the first accredited Islamic University on the internet he was a professor of Arabic and Islamic studies at the American University in Dubai and Ajman University head of the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies at Ruston University and ajman the United Arab Emirates and he is a lecturer and head of the Sharia Advisory Committee at the cathode get center in Doha Qatar he is currently the Dean of the Islamic studies Academy in Doha more information can be gained from for more information on dr. bilal philips you can look for his website that's one word VI l al eh al IPS dot-com he is also hosting the website WW unlined university dot-com where you can sign up for classes on Islam and listen to lectures watch videos and also have DVDs downloaded to your computers ladies and gentlemen with no further waiting in sha allah shackles of the mind my doctor bilal philips hamdulillah was salat wa salam ala rasulina all praise is due to allah and may allah's peace and blessings be on the last messenger of allah the topic shackles of the mind is one which most of us would find somewhat strange I'm sure you're probably wondering what am I gonna talk about under this topic and to be honest when it was given to me I was wondering myself what was I going to be talking about normally when we think of shackles of the mind meaning shackles or chains chains on our minds for what purpose what is the point of these chains chains which would prevent us from being true Muslims this is the take which I took from this title what are the shackles what are the obstacles which would prevent us from actuate in our faith making our faith a living faith as opposed to the typical understanding of religion where people go through rituals they do group festivals and they socialize all in the name of religion but are they really practicing that religion no we can see it with the religions around us in the world today one only has to look at Christmas to see a classical case of religion turned into a social event besides the fact of truth or falsehood with regards to Christmas but just look at the event of Christmas what does it have to do with religion where is religion there and this is not something I'm saying as a Muslim relative to Christianity this is what Christians say themselves Christmas has become so commercialized that the religious element has been lost and that's why anybody except Muslims can celebrate Christmas it doesn't matter what you believe you can celebrate it we do also even find some Muslims doing it but they shouldn't be but that's what it has become something and the religion in general has become something which is social to certain degree this has camp happens for Muslims too whether it is the event of hatch which is the major gathering of Muslims or it is the event of the AIDS the festivals to certain degree we have ritualized them so much so that anybody could participate and that's why you'll find non-muslims participating in our aids and they don't have any problem with it because to a large degree except for salata need the aid itself has lost its religious character the fact that there is Salah there that is a reminder for us that we begin the celebration of Eid with Sola that is to keep us on track that Eid is fundamentally a religious gathering a gathering in which we worship Allah and everything else that takes place should be an extension of that worship but is it that's the question so going back to the shackles the mental shackles which prevents us from actual izing our faith when I reflected on this topic what came to me by Allah's mercy was surah al-fatihah surah al-fatihah which we repeat 17 times every day if we are praying five times a day which were supposed to be in that surah allah speaks about the shackles of the mind which prevent the believers from actuate in their faith where you might ask you have read the translation of Sewell Fatiha and there's no mention of any shackles in it chuckles of the mind so where did I get that from well if we read the last verse surah fatiha we know begins with the praise of Allah then recognizing his mercy recognizing our responsibility Maliki Oh Medina that we are accountable to Allah then affirming the purity of our faith iya kana boudu where you can attain you alone do we worship and from you alone do we seek then we ask Allah teaches us to ask for the most important thing in our lives and that is Medina slaughter most of them show us the straight path and then we describe that path sirata al-ladhina on tallien the path of those who you have blessed because it is only with the blessings of allah that we find that tough and what is that path it is the path which is not followed by those on whom is a loss anger or a realm of DU Bellay him nor those who have gone astray what a dolly two categories of people who are prevented from the path the straight path the path of a law two people two groups of people those on whom is a laws anger and those who have gone astray Prophet Muhammad SAW salem explained that those on whom is a laws anger refers primarily to the jews and those who are have lost their way were gone astray primarily are the christians now what is it about the jews and the christians that allah would put them here insu l-fatiha the jews when we see them described in the quran allah described them describes them as those who do not act on their knowledge and the christians are described as those without true knowledge and we should keep in mind that whenever allah describes a people in the quran he is describing them to the believers for them to understand the lesson the lessons to be learned from these people it is not so that we can say allah Sanger's on the jews the questions are astray well that's true but allah wasn't clarifying these points for us to say that he was clarifying and so al fatiha have these points so that we be where we'd be where of falling into the same pitfalls into the same traps the satanic tracks which causes one to be of those who know and don't act on the knowledge or to be ignorant and to be acting on false knowledge and thus to be astray so the main two pitfalls the main two shackles which chain our minds in such a way as to prevent us from becoming true Muslims Muslims who have knowledge and who act on that knowledge the main two chuckles are one not acting on knowledge and to not having knowledge now if we put them in order starting with knowledge first we have to understand that there is a difference between knowledge and faith we have to understand first and foremost that there is a difference between knowledge and faith well this is an area that people become confused about they mistake knowledge for faith they mistake knowledge for faith knowledge from the Islamic perspective must precede faith knowledge must precede faith for faith to be correct and real knowledge must precede it if faith is preceded by emotion and we know that emotions blind as I say love is blind love is a powerful emotion it blinds us to where we address our faith from an emotional perspective not preceded by knowledge then it is likely that we are on the wrong path we're on the wrong path we are very emotional and strong about something that we really have no knowledge of so knowledge should precede faith as Allah said follow mu and Narula in Allah know that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah we should know it without that knowledge if we're just repeating it la la hey la la we don't really know what it means we are acting on something probably most probably in the wrong way if we were to act on it and we don't really know what it means then the likelihood is that we'll be acting on it in the wrong way so knowledge Prophet Muhammad sallallahu wasallam enshrined knowledge in his following a laws instruction fast Allu and the Vickery in kuntum light on a moon ask those who know if you don't know if you don't know ask those who know when am i f shalom in a by the hilum are only the knowledgeable truly fear Allah Allah has laid that foundation already that without real knowledge one cannot truly fear Allah and the way to get knowledge is to ask those who know whenever you don't know so Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah made it a pillar of faith a pillar of faith a pillar in Islam meaning a foundation one of the basic foundations for our Islam to seek knowledge it's not of the five pillars of Islam or the six philosophy man no I was saying that of those but under underneath the five pillars of Islam and the six pillars of the man is the pillar of knowledge prophet Moses Allen said tollable al me Farid Allah Allah Muslim seeking knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim how can we implement the five pillars of Islam or the six pillars of a man with our knowledge so knowledge is the foundation so Prophet Muhammad SAW said Allah made it a furry dog what is a Farida something obligatory if you don't do it you're in sin so the promise are Salaam in that hadith made ignorance sin made it sinful for those who have the opportunity to gain the knowledge and don't do it it is sinful it is something displeasing to Allah and it's something which can lead us to hell destroy this life very serious that's why he made seeking knowledge and obligation Farida Allah cool Allah Muslim every Muslim according to his or her ability naturally what is required of a child is not required of an adult what is required of somebody going to make Hajj is not required of somebody not going to make Hajj so different circumstances may demand of us knowledge which other circumstances don't but we are obliged to have the knowledge of whatever is obligatory on us whatever is obligatory on us at this point in time right now we are obliged to have the knowledge of so if we are going to make edge we are obliged to have knowledge of Hajj before we go to make edge what do Muslims do commonly they go and make Hajj and then they come back and they ask people well share Mawlana should I have done that no not when you came back that's not the time to find out what you were supposed to have been doing everybody was doing this thing and I went and did that was that ok no this is not the time to ask the time to ask was before going the time to ask was before going we had the fast of Ashura yesterday this was an opportunity which Allah gave us to remove from us sins of the past one of us our Shura removes from himself some of the sins of the past depending on the level of his fast it may be many they may be major or it may be few and they may be minor how many of us fasted yesterday put your hands up oh okay maybe in India you are going according to a different calendar so you've calculated are sure to be today today's our Shura ninth today woof you're two days off you're always two days off ok we have our knowledge problem here anyway those of you following the general understanding based on your own calculations here for sure of being tomorrow inshallah you make the intention to fast tomorrow and you should try make the intention to fast today you should have known before today that fasting on the 10th alone is not sufficient its rewarded you do get a reward for it but the best fast is to combine the 9th along with the 10th sua and Asherah the 9th and the 10th why because puff moms are solemn though he only fasted on the 10th and the last year of his life said if I live to the next year then our fast a day before along with it and some narrations mentioned laughter most commonly a day before in order to go along another path other than those who only fast from the tenth who were the Jews Yom Kippur they fast on the tenth so to clarify the difference that Muslims are conscious of the difference he said fast another day along with it and we should know what is the significance of that day and I won't go into it because that's another lecture in and of itself fasting aashira and what it means really too fast but that knowledge because of the fact that our Shura is before us that opportunity which allows placed in the year for us to earn for ourselves additional blessings it is obligatory on us to have that knowledge so as to get from that practice the full benefit if we don't have that knowledge we will miss the ninth today we won't be fasting today when we should have been and tomorrow the chance we will do it in a fashion that we have always done it before without really knowing why do we fast or not sure or how should we really fast you know and we just make iftar and we have a nice little gathering and another are sure apostles without us getting from it the benefits which Allah has put in it so Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah made the seeking of knowledge of bligg Ettore on every Muslim of course first and foremost it is Islamic knowledge what prevents us from achieving that today one of the biggest mental shackles which prevents us from realizing knowledge of the religion seeking that knowledge is cultural baggage what do I mean by cultural baggage tradition and custom tradition and custom which opposes the truth tradition and custom which opposes the truth what I mean when we go to Sewell mida fifth chapter of the quran verse 1 0 4 Allah says to the Prophet saws on them where they feel allahu taala in a man's allah allah rasool allah hasbuna allah wa generally Habana if you Muhammad SAW Allah Allah WA Salim call the people to Allah and to what the Prophet yourself offers them they will say to you what our parents who are doing is sufficient for us 1400 years ago when Prophet Muhammad sallallahu wasallam called the people to toe heel to Islam the people said what we found our parents doing husband imagine Allah Ivana what we found our parents doing was sufficient for us that is cultural baggage custom and tradition which prevented them from accepting the message of Islam preventing them from gaining the knowledge and applying that knowledge Abu Talib uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on his deathbed after having protected defended supporting the prophets our solemn on his deathbed when prophet muhammad saw solemn invited him to accept islam what prevented him from accepting islam his brothers who are around him saying are you going to give up the way of our forefathers are you going to dishonor our family are you going to disregard our parents our grandparents traditions and he submitted he submitted to the idol of culture today many muslims submit to the idol of culture so they can't find out true islam because they are prevented by the idol of custom and tradition so that topic the importance of seeking knowledge is a massive topic but enough for us to know that in order for us to not be astray we must seek knowledge it is applicator II not only is it obligatory it is a bada it is the foundation of worship and it is in itself worship Prophet Muhammad SAW solemn said mansell a Qatari economy Tammi Sufi Elmen Saahil allah w'allahu tarifa narayana whoever takes a path in which he or she seeks knowledge Allah will make the path to paradise easy for them and believe me whatever makes the path to paradise easy has to be a bada has to be worshipped doing what is pleasing to Allah that's the basic definition of worship basic definition of worship is doing what is pleasing to Allah so that is one major shackle and it's sub shackles the other major shackle is that of not acting on knowledge and that is as much a problem perhaps even a bigger problem then the problem of not having knowledge in some respects it may be a bigger problem because a person may be excused in their ignorance may be ignorant is not necessarily an excuse before Allah if we had access and means to get the knowledge then ignorant is not acceptable but if we didn't have access we didn't have opportunity and Allah is the one who Destin's our circumstances of life then of course he is not going to hold us accountable there is an excuse here whereas acting on the knowledge once you have it the only excuse is your being unable to act and 99.9% of the times when we don't do what we know we should be doing it is because we have chosen not to do it only 1% or less than 1% are we truly unable to do it truly if we look into ourselves honestly of course we always say I can't the circumstances we make all kinds of excuses why this you know where I'm forced but if we'd really stop and look at it it is not about being forced it is not about being forced it is about choices that we make and these choices are very dangerous choices choices which are in fact to do what is displeasing to a law and preferring that over doing what is pleasing to Allah and what does that say about faith what does that say about faith itself when we choose to do what we know is displeasing to Allah over what is pleasing to Allah yesterday in the talk I spoke about Muslim dress when we see sisters who are not dressing according to Muslim dress and we ask them sister why don't you dress according to Muslim dressed after the knowledge has come to you she will say it's not pleasing to my husband it's not pleasing to my family it's not pleasing to the society my neighbors at my people at work or at school or whatever the society doesn't like when I dress that way so I dressed this other way the traditional way and the same thing with the brothers when we ask them brothers you already know that Salah is not acceptable if your hour is exposed the brothers say well you know my job they require me to dress like this yeah I know I shouldn't but it's my job or you know that kind of dress it's looked down on in the society and how people look at the person as being backwards you know the dressing like people dressed 25 years ago 50 years ago baggy pants and these kind of things you know it's it's not smart looking this is very serious because as I said yesterday every school of thought Hanafy Maliki Shafi'i humbly all say that one of the conditions for the acceptability of Salah after facing the qibla praying in a clean place having a state of purity Tahara is Sacher Alaura covering the private part and for a man that is between the navel and the knee and covering does not mean simply having cloth on it because if that cloth is see-through but if you wore a pair pants or a see-through and believe me a time is coming a time is coming when that will be in fashion to walk around with see-through pants if you wore see-through pants would your hour of be considered covered no your hour would not be considered covered we all agree on that one if you wore pants which are spandex pants spandex is like what the bicycle the guys who ride bicycles and bicycle races and what people are wearing now in the Olympics that's why we shouldn't be watching the Olympics because the runners what are they wearing what kind of shorts are they wearing now these are shorts which are sprayed on spray on shorts skin tight exposing the outer ah can you pray in such pants no prayer would not be acceptable and of course that requirement is not only in salat it is whenever you're outside in the public when your outer should be covered so it's not just so long because some brothers would say when the time for Salah comes at work I have a long key you know I put on my long game and I make myself I'll recover it how Allah that's better than not Hamed Allah that is better than not because at least for your Salah you are protecting your Salah to that degree but still after you take the long way off of is Allah only watching you when you're in solo outside of Sala you are still under the command to cover your aura this is part of the male hijab so what stops us and no Allah said in surah a soft 61st chapter verse 3 the Ireland in harmony limit a few Luna Molotov allure or you will believe why do you not do what you say why do you say what you don't do you say that subtle error is compulsory covering your privates is obligatory but you don't do it kaveriamma cotton and allahi and to follow my light of Elune it is a great sin in the sight of allah that you say what you don't do that you say what you don't do that was the curse which fell on the Jews which made them mother to be la him and all of us that do that we fall under the same category of the mubahala and know that the main shackle sub shackle which prevents us from acting on our knowledge is what desires power and as Allah said I've not seen the one who makes his desires is God have you not seen the one who makes his desires his God that's what we have done how did Satan get Adam and Eve to disobey Allah they were in a garden filled with trees they could eat from any of the trees but one tree Allah said don't eat from it one tree how did Satan get them and allow warn them about Satan how did Satan get them to eat from that tree he played on their desires he said as is mentioned in surah Araf seventh chapter verse 20 Romana hakumen abukuma and had the shudder at the illa an takuna Molokini out akuna minal holy deed he said to them you are Lord only prohibited you from eating from this tree so that you would not become like angels or that you would be eternal that you would not become like the angels completely good free from any sin or that you be of the Eternals you never die with that Adam and Eve ate from the tree he played on their desires and that's what we do isn't it Satan plays on our desires our desires to want to look good our desires to want to please family please friends please our boss please this one please the other one so in doing that we choose to please our human compatriots people in this life human beings we choose to please them over pleasing Allah and what is that but what is that but it is sure so though as Muslims we say we don't practice that's what the others do in fact we are committing in this act I'm not saying that we've become mushriks right because not every act of makes a person and we should it it is an act of idolatry but it doesn't mean you become an idolater so I'm gonna call you an idol worshiper no but understand that in its essence it is sugar choosing to please human beings over pleasing Allah meaning choosing you to please human beings and displeasing Allah is sure and it is caused by our worship of our desires our submission to our desires this is the challenge this is the challenge before us today for us to actuate Islam to make it a living faith we must have knowledge of that faith we must know Islam not as it has been handed to us by our parents because our parents were not Sahaba they did not learn Islam from Rasul Allah Allah Allah Allah so that we can say but that's what our parents told us no we are obliged to follow Islam which was brought by Muhammad sallallaahu Salam that's the Islam so if our parents weren't Sahaba then we can't use the excuse well that's what my parents taught me so we are obliged to seek the correct knowledge of Islam and secondly when we acquire that knowledge we are obliged to act on it to earn the pleasure of Allah to make it worship to turn that act of seeking knowledge into faith we have to act on it to earn the pleasure of Allah the reward for practicing the Deen we have to break those shackles break the shackles of custom and tradition and habits break the shackles of desire to please ourselves and to please others free our minds so that we can become true Muslims this is the challenge before us today my brothers and sisters it is a great challenge and it is what distinguishes between us and the first generation that generation which Prophet Muhammad SAW solemn called the best of generations Cairo nasi called me the best of generations the best of people are my generation from melody Niall Oona home from melody Nia Luna home then those who follow them than those who follow them the first three generations were the best why what made them the best because they sought knowledge they sought knowledge from the sources they gained it from the pure source and they acted on it they acted on that knowledge that was what distinguishes them from us but each and every one of us has the ability to rise to the level they each and every one of us has the ability to rise to the level of the sahaba with regards to knowledge and practice with regards to knowledge and practice we cannot equal them in the sense of seeing Rasool Allah saw salaam maybe who might see him in a dream then the process I said I'm told us that if we see Rasul Allah in a dream he sees him in a dream then he has seen Rasul Allah but there are issues concerning that very few people are blessed with that so we can't equal them in that sense in general but we can equal them in the sense of seeking knowledge in fact the knowledge has been gathered for us in a way that it was not for them when you read about the lives of Imam Abu Hanifah affirmative the humble and the early scholars those who gathered hadeeth Imam Bukhari and that they struggled they strove they traveled to get that knowledge now we have it all together in books CDs it's all there so it is much easier for us and then there is acting on that knowledge and everybody is equal in that regard you can act or not that you can choose to act or choose not to act so in that sense we are all in a position to achieve the status of the Sahaba with regards to our faith and that's why scholars are agreed that though problems our solemn said the best of generation is my generation the Sahaba it doesn't mean that there were not individuals from the generation after better than those of his generation he spoke about the generation as a whole but there were of different levels so there can be in the generations after individuals who were greater than those who are of that generation not greater than Abu Bakr because the father Salim said about him that he was the best of his nation but of the general Sahaba who were on a variety of different levels it is possible but you will find scholars living amongst us in this generation today who are on a level greater than them it's possible as individuals so the challenge is there the challenge of faith is there for us to break the shackles on our minds to free ourselves from the Satanic chains which prevent us from making our faith a living real faith Baraka logicoma alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh chakalaka dr. Bellin phillips inshaallah for the lecture ladies and gentlemen and now we'll go into the question and answer session there are a few rules which I will briefly mention in order to do this and any in an orderly manner we have two microphones placed in this hall one here in the front for the brothers microphone number one and in the front of the sister section microphone number two I ask that when you approach the microphone you stand in one I'm forming a queue and do not bunch up around the microphone follow any instructions given to you by the microphone attendants you may ask one question and one question only your question should be on the topic if you have a second question please go to the rear of the line and if you come back to the microphone you may ask your second question written questions will take second priority so if you write down your question it's better to try and find someone else to ask the question for you as always in these events we encourage the non-muslims to ask questions to make comments or to give some kind of comments you know criticisms that they may have heard in the talk and may have misunderstood sometimes I'm talking now to the non-muslims what you think will be a criticism that we would object to it sometimes it's something that we would actually agree with anything that you say will be taken in a spirit of kindness and mutual interfaith dialogue and no one will become angry with you we will not become angry with you because of something that you asked or said in order to gain clarification that's what the purpose of us inviting you to the microphone is ladies and gentlemen inshallah we will begin now I encourage anyone who's sitting next to a non-muslim to please try to motivate that non-muslim to ask a question and for the non-muslims here in the audience if you have a question simply go to any of the volunteers which you'll find in the aisles or in the center aisle and tell them you have a question they will assist you in getting to the front of the line so that you may ask your question okay you don't have to wait in a line just make sure one of the volunteers helps you and you'll come to the front of the line and you may ask your question with no further delays and sha Allah our speaker is ready we'll start questioning Azzam could you please state your name and occupation sister takateru my name is Asma and I'm at how do I react to my friend who says that ignorance is better than gaining knowledge and not acting on it because gaining knowledge and not acting on it is a greater sin okay there is a famous saying in the West when I grew up people would say ignorance is bliss that's how they put it ignorant is bliss when you don't know what is required of you then you're not required so you can live an easy life you don't know you have to pray five times a day you don't have to pray makes life easy doesn't it but this is a satanic statement this is one of the ways that Satan deludes people into not seeking correct knowledge know if you are able to seek knowledge and you choose not to you carry the full sin so don't think that because I didn't find out because that never happens sometimes you want to tell somebody about something which is wrong and say no no they don't tell me I don't want to know because if I don't know then it's okay I can keep on doing what I'm doing right doesn't work like that right if you are driving down the road beyond the speed limit and there were signposts they were poles which said what the speed limit was the police stopped you can you say I was ignorant I didn't see the signposts you know they say no ignorance is not an excuse before the law that's what they tell you and know that it's the same thing before Allah ignorant is not an excuse before Allah if you had the means to get the knowledge brother could you please state your name and occupation salaam aleikum to laibach idaho i miss MA say it's all homemade I'm doing my master's degree in Computer Applications my question is what kind of knowledge we need and what we do to get to perform our salah with concentration okay we're sort of off the topic a little bit but anyway what kind of knowledge is should be given priority it should be obviously religious knowledge because that is for both this life and the next included in that knowledge that we need to seek is also knowledge of this world as you're seeking computer studies it is something that we need for the functioning of society functioning of life here today so it is a valid area to seek knowledge and also how to seek correct knowledge about Salah in in order to make the Salah the best way well prophet saww Salim said sulukim era item you know suddenly pray as you saw me pray so we need to know how did the Prophet SAW Salim pray externally that's where we start from externally how did he pray now it may involve some small things that we might say well that's not so big now some people when they're going to raise their hands they raise it and touch their ears right as if they want to make sure that their ears are still on the head right you touch your ear or something like this before of course there is no mention in the description of the prophets prayer but he touched his ears you know no mention it just said he raised his hands to the level of his ears or to the level of his shoulders and this is just an example I'm giving right and one might say but you know what's the big deal if you touch your ears they put your hand here what's the big deal well the Prophet SAW Salim said pray as you saw me pray if it wasn't important he wouldn't have said that all right that's what we have to believe it is important because he didn't say things which weren't important he was sent by Allah to tell us the important things so if we said pray as you saw me pray then that's what we should do isn't it so we don't say this is not important no if he said what prayers you saw me pray then we try to do it as closely as possible externally and internally so he gave us advice in terms of when we're praying if things happen which might distract us from our prayer what we should do and so we read about the prayer we study the prayer we should know the prophetic way of prayer because it was the best way to pray okay so thank you for the question sister your name and occupation yeah my name is Sabrina I'm doing mechanical engineering I just wanted to ask it's relating to the topic only that one of the biggest shackles that youth face is being attached to this world and the possessions of this world so anything that were solar solar said in his hadith regarding refraining from you know what can we do not to be attached to this world of course it's personal it's jihad but something else you know with that thank you okay Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim had warned us about how we use our time he said nimittani Malibu non FEMA Kathryn maƱana's there are two blessings about which people are deluded most people are deluded as a tool for good health and spare time so what we need to help the youth is to get them involved to be involved in activities which would make use of their health while they're healthy they can do things and make use of their time so they don't have so-called spare time time to kill you know as they said that the idle mind is the devil's workshop right you have spare time then Shaitaan will come and give you things to do which are good things so we try to occupy get them involved in activities find ways that means to have them actively occupied in beneficial things if we're able to do that then we're able to help them a long way but it's when we are too busy we don't have time we leave them with the television you know we leave them with whatever hanging out with their friends just running out and playing outside wasting time you know in a bad environment this is where they go astray because that environment is calling to materialism to be caught up in it to love it to sacrifice for it you know to make it very dear to the heart so I would that's my advice in terms of utilizing time effectively so we talked about time management for our children we can't leave it up to them to manage their time their children and it is the nature of children to waste time in foolish pursuits whatever pleases them they're young so we have to guide them we have to find for them alternatives because it's not just don't do this don't do that don't do that don't do the other no we have to say instead of doing this let us do this instead of doing that let us do the other thank you brother could you please state your name and occupation Salam alaikum my name is Mohammed I'm a tax consultant my question is the educated people can seek knowledge as they know from where to seek the knowledge but for a common person when I advise for a common person as you say they simply dictate so how can I reach them well now you're addressing an issue of Dawa that is the issue of Dawa how do you give dower to people you know how do you invite people to knowledge there are a variety of different principles governing it one very important principle that you have to win over hearts because when you're dealing with ignorant people then you have to win over their hearts they have to feel confidence in you they have to have a love for you to be able to listen to you if they don't know you from any place they don't have any special concern it's such a for you than your words are just words they don't want to hear it so when you're working with people who are from not an educated level then you have to work on an emotional level you have to establish a bridge between yourself on them and that is one of love that you treat them in a nice way you speak to them in a nice way you build a relationship with them and then you try to introduce that knowledge them gradually but if you just come to them no Haram so and so then of course you will not be very successful thank you for the question sister could you please state to a question please Salam aleikum rhythm this is a question from a non-muslim system she asked when a man can get married to many women why not a woman can do it okay this is an issue of knowledge here why a woman cannot marry many men because it is the nature fundamentally of men and women that Allah created them in such a way that the woman attaches herself to one man and men can have the attachment to more than one woman that is a part of their nature that Allah has created them with and that nature matches the reality of a surplus of women in the world and a minority of men which is the norm in the world so it it is a characteristic which matches a societal need also it addresses the basic need of a person desire of a person to want to know who his parents are if a man has four wives they all get pregnant and they all have children every one of them can say I am your mother and that is father but if a woman has four husbands she gets pregnant has a child what does she say to the child I'm Your Mother and one of these four guys is your father naturally the child is not going to feel good with that one of them how do I decide which one people might say oh we have DNA testing DNA is for a very small proportion of people in this world the vast majority of people have no opportunity to have DNA testing to see who could have been and who couldn't have been so that's normal and natural so polygamy was instituted by God to serve a need in the society serve a need which is basically to absorb surplus women into family halal family circumstances and to avoid them falling into corruption in order to fulfill their natural desires of wanting to have love and to have family to have a husband etc okay Surpanakha Lahore movie Hum ditka Machado Lal Island nesstar Farakka or two Bullock we ask Allah to bless us with knowledge and the courage and faith to act on that knowledge ssam alaikum you you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 60,218
Rating: 4.8119349 out of 5
Keywords: bilal, philips, cultural, baggage, custom, tradition, culture, confusion, break, shackles, of, and, madhab, rasulullah, bida, bidah, shirk, kufr, innovation, newly, invented, hadith, hadeeth, quran, sunnah, islam, prophet, messenger, muhammad, lecture
Id: Z_c_A7fjmUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 16sec (4036 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2010
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