The Rope of Allah - Assim al-Hakeem

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smilla salat wa salam ala al anbiya it will Musa me maybe you know Mohammed why the early me at dying brothers and sisters welcome to our final lecture of the Companions of Andover 2011 and the closing of our of our gathering in sha Allah we are very pleased to have with us as we had in the beginning shall I summon Hakim who will deliver a lecture on the Rope of Allah and inshallah without further ado we would like to present the show ah come on should I have a command over him and hamdulillah hello behind I mean sallallahu wasallam Obama Carter I believe he well I saw the hit Amin nabina muhammad in why the early he was over here many today behead you Western Division that he he al madina a man assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh there are two ayahs in surat al-imran and these two ayahs are indeed one of the greatest ayahs of the quran because it cooperates a lot of messages and lessons that as Muslims we must learn and abide by this ayah is ayah number 102 and 103 from surah al-e-imran allah azzawajal says o you who believe fear Allah as he should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam and hold fast all of you together to the Rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves and remember Allah's favour on you for you were enemies one to another but he joined your hearts together so that by his grace you became brethren and you were on the brink of a pit of fire and he saved you from it thus Allah makes his eye clear to you or I add clear to you that you may be guided after life and mustard may Allah be pleased with him says that whenever you hear Allah says ya ayyuhan ladina Amano give it your attention because if it is something that is good for you Allah is directing you to or something that is bad for you Allah is warning you not to do and this ayah is clear yeah you hella Dina am an otaku ha ha ha fatto party well at Hamilton in the illa wa unto Muslim oon so fear Allah as he is supposed to or as he should be feared and how is Allah should be feared how should we fear allah azza wajal every mr. roat says may allah be pleased with him he should be feared to the extent that he should be obeyed and not disobeyed he should be remembered and not ever forgotten and he should be thanked and not ever reject or neglect thanking him Subhanahu WA Ta'ala so this is what the master hood says may allah be pleased with him however this ayah when it first was revealed it caused a lot of trouble to the companions because when Allah says fear Allah as he should be feared this is something that no one can do how can we fear Allah as he should be feared so the companion started praying night prayer until their feet were swollen they started fasting days without end they started giving a charity they starting doing good things but yet they could not fulfil the criteria which is to fear Allah as he should be feared and that is what made some scholars say that this ayah was abrogated by the other iron sword Terrebonne where Allah says up ilaha Mustafar don't feel Allah to the best of your ability so now when you look at this ayah understand it in context in the sense that fear Allah as he should be feared to the best of your ability and this means that on the day of judgment Allah Azza WA JAL would hold you accountable to your ability not to something else there isn't a benchmark that you will be measured against or next to there is your ability and no one knows your ability except allah azzawajal and then Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala tells us that to worship Him as he should be feared or fear him as he should be feared and die not except in the state of Islam and this is an instruction however can anyone say that I can fulfill this it is not within my reach it is not in accordance to my choice that I'll die in the state of Islam only Allah a soldier knows how my life will conclude and that is why in the hadith of even miss road may Allah be pleased pleased with him this is a third coat we caught on Abdullah I saw you all know Abdullah who knows when Allah be pleased with him and we spoke about him in the first lecture and that he is one of the four that the Prophet as some instructed us to learn the Quran from one of the learned companions of the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam Abdullah Edmond Vester told us in the hadith in a number of hadith also that the prophet alayhi salatu salam told us that a man may do deeds of the people of Jannah so what appears to the people for 60 years and then at the very end allah azzawajal wills it and he does something from the acts of the people of hell and he dies on that and he enters hell 60 he's been worshipping Allah he's been fasting he's been doing good things but the conclusion is what counts and this is why the Prophet says Allah so Sam verily that deeds are by usually I say this people say intention and this is correct this is hadith one of the most authentic hadith but there is another hadith which is what is relevant to our topic deeds are by their conclusion so you may do a lot of good things but at the end you conclude that with something bad and it nullifies all of your good deeds and the opposite is also correct you may have someone who was so notorious sinful far away from this lamp and all of a sudden subhanAllah Allah guides his heart and 5-10 minutes he knives afterwards he goes to to Jenna and that is why the man who killed a hundred soul went to a scholar and said I've killed a hundred percent so is there any means is there any way for me to the pen cities but then village you living in is a bad village the company you're with are bad you have to choose a better company therefore leave the village children go to X Y Z village because the people there worship allah azza wajal stay with them insha'Allah you'll be on the right track in the middle of the way it was his time so he died the angels of hell came to claim him the angels of mercy came to claim him and they disputed imagine angels dispute apart over one person and Elijah sent an angel to solve this dispute and he sent him in the form of a man as in the hadith and the angels of hell said the man did not do a single good thing in his life and he killed a hundred people so we have to take him and the angels of mercy said the man is going to that village in repentance and his heart is filled with remorse so this raises everything else so when they disputed the angel who were said sent to to solve the problem said measure between the two cities and to either one his closer he he can be claimed by the Angels so they measured it and they found him that he was closer to the righteous village more than the sinful village in another hadith authentic hadith Allah Azza WA JAL told the righteous village to come closer and told the sinful village to be further from demand so it is Allah Azza WA JAL who made this happen so it is essential for us to try and die as Muslims though this is not in our hands so what can we do about this we have to live as Muslims we have to practice as Muslims we have to try our level best to be on the straight path do your best and this is all what Allah Azza WA JAL wants you to do because you can do more than your best and if you are sincere if you do your best and try to practice to implement to abide by the Quran and the Sunnah in this case in sha Allah with the will of Allah with the mercy and grace of Allah you will die as a Muslim so Allah so Allah is telling us to die and to be steadfast on Islam until we die as Muslims and unfortunately to remain steadfast on Islam is very difficult it's not an easy thing and that is why the prophet salallahu alaihe wasalam in the hadith of o musa llama may allah be pleased with her he used to so often say oh Allah who turns hearts make my heart steadfast on Islam this is the majority of his drug the hadith says the most Dora that the Prophet used to always repeat a little ofsome is not a large not be money or Allah pay my debts or Allah do this or do that it was oh allah who turns heart make my heart steadfast on Islam and I bet you and betting is Haram but this is a figure of speech and I bet you if we make a survey among all of us who is afraid that his heart would be turned away from Islam none of us would say I we are so confident we take this for granted that we are in hell we are in the paradise of Shama we eventually after death we're going to paradise but I'm not sure is it the White Castle or the the black one I'm hesitant I didn't make up my mind and this is awkward this is not the fear that we should have in our hearts we should be afraid a beloved and muffin ll be pleased with him he heard one of his sons he's a companion he heard his son say o Allah I ask you the white house the white palace to the right of the people entering paradise so as if he had googled it and he knew that the first when you enter paradise there's a white palace so he's asking this from allah azzawajal what did his father of allah said of the Lama - eloise with him is it my son don't do that ask Allah for Jenna and seek refuge from hell because I heard the Prophet say Allison there will be from my Ummah people exaggerating they go beyond the borders in Guam so this is part of the door that you exaggerate and you go out of your way you should not ask such things so the Prophet is also huge to always supplicate in this or this do I am only Buffalo Sabbath can be an Edenic so when he was asked he said yes the hearts are between two fingers of a lot fingers two fingers of a Las Venus and he flips them as he wishes so without allah azza wajal giving you the power to remain steadfast on Islam well ideally it is as easy as this I've seen an obscene as well so many righteous people who went back on their heels and they're not practicing anymore and some of them became not only not practicing they became deviant they became enemies of Islam so many people who used to pray with us in the Masjid turned to be after a while hypocrites attacking Islam and doing whatever they can to undermine the efforts of the spread of Islam some dies who were used to be mashallah now look at them where are they what happened to them why is this because Allah so L did not want them to remain steadfast on Islam or at least on the right track and that is why they flipped so it is essential that we ask Allah Azza WA JAL to hold our hearts steadfast to Islam and at the same time to try our best to practice because Allah Azza WA JAL warned us and this is a threat and a warning Allah says that we flip and turn their hearts and sites as they did not embrace it or accept it in the first time oh no can't leave oh I got a home Apsara home comma ylim umino ve oh what a mama so this is a threat from Allah when truth comes to you and you do not embrace it and you do not accept it and you do not apply it in your life then Allah will seal your heart and that is why so many times people come to us and tell us this from the Koran this is from the Sunnah and we are unable to accept that or do it why not because of our intellect or actually of our stupidity but because our hearts are we're sealed due to the fact that we've rejected this in the very beginning the second ayah of course the first ayah has a lot of more lessons to it but the time does not permit us to to go on the second ayah which is related to the topic and that is Allah so Allah says and abide by the Rope of Allah all of you together hold fast all of you together to the Rope of Allah so gel and what is the Rope of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala there is an authentic hadith that the Quran is the Rope of Allah Azza WA JAL that extends to the heavens this is hadith authentic hadith and there are other interpretations such as the Rope of Allah is Islam so abide by the Rope of Allah hold fast to the Rope of Allah that is Islam and also there are other interpretations saying that it is the Gemara the Jumeirah of the muslims and all of these interpretations go into the same meaning you cannot survive without abiding by Islam and if you watch what are you contemplate about what Allah Azza WA JAL warned us from he told us to abide or to hold fast to the Rope of Allah and not to divine and what is the division that Allah tells us not to do is it the difference of opinion that we have between the different four schools of thought between the shaffer in the Maliki the Hanafi the humbly definitely not because the companions themselves may Allah be pleased with them differed and they had their own opinions so what is what allah azzawajal is telling us not to do it is the division that the prophet elisha sallam told us that will exist in his followers at the end of time where he said that my Ummah will devour we will be divided into 73 sects this is a prophecy and this has been fulfilled 73 sects all of them are in in hell except one who is this one the one that follows the Prophet Allah so Sam and the footsteps of his companions so everyone else is in hell division that Allah tells us not to have does not happen except by Shivani who is the one who drives you to be divided is to separate from one another it is Shaitaan this is his handiwork this is his craft and he is experienced is it he he is very experienced if someone asks me to submit my CV my CV would probably be couple of pages three pages at most with all the experience in the courses and and the positions I assumed in my life Shaitaan 6cv from the other hand is so long and it's so rich this guy did everything you can think of from Adams time till today he is responsible for divorces for killings for looting for sinning for not praying for attacks of apostasy for worshipping idols this is his job and he knows what he's doing is very good in it and that is why the prophets of Allah seldom told us that Shaitaan has despaired has given up hope that the worshippers in the Arabian Peninsula would worship Him the people who pray no way he handy gave up hope but the only thing he did not give up hope is that he would cause enmity and division among them and this is what he is doing and this is what the Prophet is telling us I want to be careful not to fall in his traps who is the one who made the son of Adam kill his brother Creta who is the one who made the brothers of use of peace be upon him throw him in the well and leaving him for dead Shaitaan and you look at the history and you'll always find him they're trying to separate the Muslims and divide them and among the things that he does best is throwing enmity and hatred in the hearts of Muslims and that is why Islam is based a lot has based a lot of emphasis on not doing this Danny just brainstorming if you wish in a few minutes if you just sit down and hold the pen in the paper and write down the things that Islam tells you not to do so that you would not make your brother angry with you or you would not throw hatred and cause hatred between you you'll find that there are a lot of things for example the prophet salallahu alaihe wa salem forbade that a Muslim proposes to a woman that his brother has proposed to so if I know that my brother has proposed to a woman and they've accepted he did not marry he just proposed and I know that if I go they'll turn him down and take me instead so I go and do that this is is Haram why for the woman I might be a better person but because his heart will be broken and because I know that he has already done this alonzo gel for business it makes it a sin if he bought something from a shop and I went in and I said how much did you sell this for he already sold how much he said it for he says 10 so I'll give you 11 I'll raise the price so that I can buy it him and he would make that transaction void alonzo gel made this kind of transaction forbidden as well as well in Islam it is forbidden to brag about your lineage or your tribe or your country and the Prophet made that one of the major sins in Islam imagine that I come from this country I come from that tribe this is Haram this is one of the major sins in Islam likewise if you brag and you're proud of your med hub I come from this map of this school of thought I'm better than you I'm more knowledgeable than you again this is Haram labeling people and being proud of your label is hala the best of labels is the label of an answer and a mahogany the best of people yet when the Prophet answer Salaam heard them call each other because of a feud that took place between two of the youngsters one from now sorrow and Mahajan and each one called his tribe yeah I'm sorry Yamaha jury and they came to fight the prophets in Assam who is proclaiming the proclamation of the jahiliyyah who is calling the name of jahiliya he made that call the pre-islamic era called something from related to the idol worshipers though they are the Mahajan and the answer so you have to be careful when you use such names the Prophet also forbade that is salatu salam and amina which is how do you know backbiting is different the Mima is is taking hmm known as nice London I'll explain it saves time now Mina is when I hear something from the brother about her brother and I take what I heard too the brassy he said someone so and so so that goes yeah the gossiping so with the intention of fueling a few tea backbiting is when I talk with the brother about the third one who's not here and say mashallah the brother is so fat and he's fat don't get me wrong he is fat but just because we said something that he does not approve of though it's true this is backbiting if he's not fat and I say he's fact this is not backbiting this botan this is even a lower form of sin and even greater in burden at the set of Allah so this kind of gossip is forbidden why because it is resulting in hatred between the Muslims and we do this extremely well especially the sisters unfortunately the boys have it the gents definitely have it but those who gossip a lot did you hear what she said about you when you came to the wedding last night oh the dress you you wore that dress two years ago doesn't she have money to buy another dress ha she said that she she didn't look at this or that and that's this mashallah Good Samaritan goes and tells her well less she said so-and-so so about you tell us and that is the act and the doing of Shaban because he does this best between the man and his wife until he separates and likewise among the humans those who go to the wife and say why why do you tolerate your husband he does this he does that you should demand for more pay for a better house you should ask for your right you should show him the red eye and they continue to do what they're doing so that they would destroy marriages the Prophet Isis and for bait and Najwa the secret talk imagine if we're free in a car two of the brothers speak or do I don't and they speaking together in order and I'm like a deaf duck what's happening this is Haram why because I don't know what they're talking they might be talking at me about me and Alonzo just tells us the Koran that this natura this secret talk is from Shaitan in them and Nashua min ash-shaytani Leah zhanna lanina am and what I said Barbara him she is living in LA it is from Japan so that he would throw a form of intimidation depress depresses people by doing this so you are not allowed if you're a group of people to talk on your own with someone in isolation or in seclusion you have to either take his permission and he would like to talk in our language or we talk we have something to discuss but we don't want you to listen to it so it's okay usually the guy says no stop going in definitely not do it some other time so you are not allowed to do this it also in Islam Allah tells us that when you're sitting and someone comes that you give him some space because if you don't give him some space what would happen if these guys don't like me so I would have something against you hold something against you Islam tells you to spread Salam to ever to whoever you see among the Muslims why because this makes you closer if I see you in Siberia or in the North Pole I know that you're a Muslim I can tell so the minute I see you not I'm gonna pretend I didn't see ya there is no one except us in the Penguins if I see you Islam tells me that it is haram for me to give you my back and this came in an authentic hadith the Prophet says like a Devereaux do not give each one your back Latin a Joshu do not sell in Niger Schneider she is raising the price though I don't want it the people are bidding on the span the brother is bidding he looks like you know he's not very well versed in the market so I say he says five five pounds no seven pounds when he thinks afar if he's spending for seven then it means it deserves more ten pounds 15 pounds and I raise surprised though it does not any it's not worth even one power so that I can fool the prophet called this form of transaction in Arabic Nagar Shh and the Naja is forbidden so all of this is forbidden so that the hearts would be clean that we would be united the Prophet even encouraged us at some whenever you see your brother he said that smiling in the face of another is Hassan a charity providing is the same sex huh you don't go you don't go to the opposite sex give a big smile I said I'm looking for charity no you're looking for sin no you have it has to be the same sex otherwise you have a problem so do what you can to help others Muslims and by doing this you get closer you get united now to be united and not to divide cannot be except on the basis of the Quran and the Sunnah and then the standing of the companions may allah be pleased with them so we cannot unite because simply we're called Muslim yet you go on the right and I go on the left we have to be united on the Quran and the Sunnah otherwise our unity has a lot of problems and that is why the Gemara is very important the Prophet says islets are emphasizing the concept of unity and of congregation even when it comes to fasting and breaking your fast it depends on that on the community so the fasting is when you all fast and breaking the fast is when you all break the fast it's the majority of the Muslims and the unity the Prophet said I assume that the hand of Allah as origin is with the Gemara and what is the jamar even my shrewd may Allah be pleased with him said Jamaa is whatever coincides with the truth even if you're alone so it's not the number of people it is the methodology it is the way of thinking it is the school that you're following imagine ibrahim peace be upon him when he was revealed to and he called his people to islam how many muslims were there how many muslims were there at the time of Brahimi not a single song no he was OMA as a magical described in the Quran he was um he was a nation he was a man worthy of everything ma sha Allah may Allah a peace and blessing be upon him however if he followed the concept of the majority he would not have accepted he would not have done what he had done hey you guys with me so I so he preached he called people he gave that one though he was one and this is the truth if you are on the truth if you are on the right track if you're abiding by the Quran and Sunnah even if the whole world even if the whole world goes against you you're still in good hands because you're following the Quran and the Sunnah with the understanding of the Companions of the set of may Allah be pleased with them and that is why we may differ but our difference of opinion does not justify our fighting even miss Road this is a quote number five may Allah be pleased with him in hedge he performed Hajj with I've made my fan and hearth man was the Emir Amira mommy it was the third caliph and earth man used to pray in Mina Lauren a salon Asia for when we know that we he should have prayed too and he kept on constantly opposing this and saying no the Prophet prayed it to Abu Bakr prayed it - I'm afraid - and that man had his own reasons he said I manage a wife in Mecca so I think that I'm not entitled to shorten and this was wrong yet at the lamas Road whenever the prayer was called for he used to pray laughs man and used to pray for because he was the amount so they told him now you oppose him and you say that the Sun is - yet you're praying behind him for why is that he said Allah he laughs ooh Sean the division and being separated is evil he has his own opinion and I fallen because he's the Emir I can't go against the Emir but I have to say and I have to make it clear to the people that this is not accordance to the sunnah of the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam therefore we have to respect one another Eunice Saba feet one of the companions or one of the rivals if you wish of Muhammad Amir ISA Shafi may Allah have mercy on their souls Mohammed Rafi is the emotion that well-known Imam he said Yunus he said that I debated I argued once over a topic with an MMA Shafi and it was prolonged it was taking so much overtime and at the end none of us was convinced with the other person's opinions so we've split the following day now imagine you you spend like two hours debating with the brother on a topic and he does not want to accept what you're saying he's not willing to believe or at least be convinced so after two or three hours after debating there is something in the heart yeah he's hard-headed he's not willing to listen the following day Yunus says Subhan Allah I've never seen anyone as wise as the shocking after debating him for so long the following day he came in and he took my hand and he said unison isn't it possible that we differ over something and yet still and remain to be brothers in Islam see how wise he is nowadays do we have this wisdom in us No ah hey I'm George w if you're not with me you're against me this is what a lot of the Muslims are doing they look at each other em why are you doing this why are you doing that why aren't you a carbon copy of me because everybody else is wrong I'm the only one who's right this is what people think unfortunately and this shows you how ignorant and little knowledge they have because people have been always differing in their opinions and this goes without saying you have the four schools of thought differing on almost everything but this does not take them out of the fold of Islam because they are based on evidence and they gave everything they had trying to reach a conclusion that is in accordance to the Koran stone and they all said whenever my verdict or my opinion goes against the hadith of the Prophet as Salaam throw my opinion in the dustbin throw it at the wall neglected don't even look at it this is the proper way of doing so we cannot hold tight hold to abide by the Rope of Allah except by the Quran the Sunnah and understanding of the self now if you look around you will find the enemies of Islam wishing us well is that true are they wishing us well Yeah right we wish everything yes are they I'm the wrong place then enemies of Islam are not wishing us well they're plotting they're doing what they can to get us out of Islam not necessarily to the religion because this is an honor that we are not worthy of they don't want us to embrace the religion they just want us to leave our religion the hypocrites are there and they're doing what they are doing by the best of means and that is divide and rule or divide and conquer so they want to divide us if we would like to prevail if we want to be successful there is no other way except by abiding by the Quran and Sunnah and sticking to or holding fast to the Rope of Allah so jerusha's the Quran now does this mean that we can have no boundaries when it comes to Islam we can work with any Muslim group or any Muslim ethnicity or sect or whatever not you have to look into that group if that group is doing something that is considered to be a part of the things that nullifies Islam you cannot apply it you cannot work with them I cannot work with someone who curses the Sahaba this is there is no compromise someone that curses the Sahaba or talks about how Ishmael a drizzle or a book or owner of man and nullifies the Islam and say they all committed an act of apostasy I cannot work with him someone who says that yes I'm Muslim the Quran is fine but there is a prophet after Muhammad or a sorcerer you guys didn't know well and the Prophet not know of so we're Muslims is not Muslim this is an act of apostasy an act of ship I cannot work with someone who says that he with Muslims we only abide by the Koran the Sunnah we do not accept it because it might have been altered and changed it might have been written by this or that again this is an act of apostasy those who do not believe in the Sunnah are not Muslims because otherwise Allah Allah would not have sent to us his messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam so we have to look into what these sects believe if they commit an act that nullifies their Islam there is no communication between us we can't we can eat what a Jew Orica or a Christian slaughters is that true but we cannot eat what these people slaughter because they're not Jew or Muslim or Christian this is only slaughtering we can eat if performed by a Muslim Jew or Christian and therefore one would have to look into what the people believe if they differ with us in minor things but the al-qaeda is okay the methodology is okay our point of reference is or allen sunnah then we don't have a problem even if they differ with us in particular things but it doesn't nullify their Islam and the point of reference is always super honest shouldna we're in safe hands but when they commit acts that nullifies Islam or they don't refer to a foreigner sunnah or they belittle the sunnah as i've seen some of those that is so-called diaries and when you tell them that the Prophet said as I say hey come on this is nothing and then exact it and they said yes yeah hey come out what the Prophet said so and so but Abu Hanifah said Madame Hubbard said Sheree said Malik said they oppose and reject and refute the hadith of the Prophet that is awesome with the people's talk normal people even Imams is not acceptable Abu Hanifah may Allah be pleased with him have mercy on his soul said a beautiful statement he said if we receive something in the Quran we embrace it immediately and if we receive a hadith from the prophet Isaiah Salam it is on our head we have no second thoughts if but and if we defeat receive something from the Companions now the Companions differed with each other he says we do not go out of the loop of the companies meaning that we have to take a verdict from one of the Companions but not a verdict outside of the Companions opinions because their opinion one of it is definitely true he says but if we receive something from other than the Companions then they are men and women there is no difference tween us and them they don't have any form of priority it is only for the Quran and the Sunnah and the companions of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and I believe that Yanni inshallah this should suffice though the ayahs as I've stated requires a lot in a lot of lessons to be learnt and if you go to the books of the cetacean you will find a lot more elaboration on that I pray to Allah that he makes me and you among those who abide by the Rope of Allah and that he concludes our lives on forms of worship and unshod that lie ahead Allah so that he is pleased with us well la hoja - butyrate minutes along Salaam Baalak are amirseun Davina Muhammad
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 10,207
Rating: 4.9238095 out of 5
Keywords: The, Rope, Of, Allah, Islamic, lectures, sunnah, way, Quran, Koran, Qur'anic, Invocations, Sheikh, Shaykh, Abu, Abdissalam, religion, faith, kuran, hadith, Spirituality, holy, book, bible, qur'aan, quran, qur'an, koran, furkan, good, news, old, testament, new, islam, muhammad, kerim, Morals, Wisdom, Reading, sunnahway
Id: Dq_ehbhryks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2012
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