Mankind in Crisis by Bilal Philips

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al hamdulillah not my do understand you wanna stop Pharaoh when I would be landing in cerulean Fusina on in saya TR Molina Muhammad and Allah o my youth nymph ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah or shall you and muhammad abdul rasul indeed all praise is due to Allah and as such we should praise Him seek his help seek refuge in him from the evil which is within ourselves and the evil which results from our deeds for whomsoever Allah has guided none can misguide and whomsoever Allah is allowed to go astray none can guide and I've been witness that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah and that Muhammad some belong where they were seldom is the last Messenger of Allah in a stop al-hadith a key table O'Hara Hadi had new Mohammed in Samba male descendants Sheryl amore magnetar to have attended our hula be ducks in Balala or cool de boville attention now only the best form of speech is the Book of Allah and the best source of guidance that brought by Muhammad's Allah Allah was element and the worst of all affairs are the innovations in religion for indeed every religious innovation is a source of misguidance and all sources of misguidance ultimately lead to the Hellfire the topic of this evening the struggle of cultures the clash between Islamic culture and the dominating global culture of Western civilization as one which addresses on one hand the current situation it addresses on one hand the current situation which exists in the world today which is very important for us to understand with regards to Dawa how to explain Islam to others how to explain the contradiction that exists the contradiction between us saying that Islam means peace and Muslims being at the center of all of the major conflicts around the world and at the same time it addresses the position of the Ummah with regards to this struggle and what is in front of that oma which Allah praised with regards to the struggle whether there is in the future or what appears to us a good chance for success or are we on a road to failure we have to analyze our existing circumstances understand the forces that are at play and then we have to set for ourselves a path by which we can successfully maintain Aslam and conveyance and the times to come the beginning of this talk of the concept of cultural struggle takes the world situation back to one of culture which is related to religion but not necessarily religious a struggle which has its relationships in religion but it's not necessarily purely a religious struggle the struggle in general has been defined for us quite succinctly by professor Sam will be Huntington a professor of political science leading universities in the States advisor to the presidents he defined that struggle in his book called The Clash of Civilizations saying the underlying problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism it is Islam a different civilization whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power the problem for Islam he goes on to explain is not the CIA or the US Department of Defense it is the West a different civilization whose people are convinced of the universality culture and believed that their superior if declining power imposes on them the obligation to impose that culture throughout the world these are the basic ingredients that fuel conflict between Islam and the West now his book goes on to develop a number of different ideas are not saying the seller I believe and accept or support everything he says in his book but at least this statement he has summed it up quite effectively that the problem that the West faces and those people who are involved in the decision-making process whether it's about weapons of mass destruction or whatever these people are well aware of these issues that the problem is not Islamic fundamentalism though we can hear you know in the news newspapers this being echoed this is what is in the media for example there was a statement in The New York Times which stated that Muslim fundamentalism is fast becoming the chief threat to global peace and security as well as the cause of national and local disturbance to terrorism it is akin to the Menace posed by Nazism and fascism in the 1930s and then by communism in the 50s also this was written New York Times in 1993 eleven years ago that was their perspectives however some Hopi Huntington says is this is not the problem the problem doesn't lie in fundamentalism I mean that may be an element stuff to deal with but the fundamental problem is with Islam itself a civilization that has its own cultural outlook a world outlook which is fundamentally in conflict with the Western world outlook and I'm not necessarily one who is calling for world wars Armageddon and all these other things but I'm just saying that there are some elements here that we have to be aware of and when a lost man to Allah said regarding the people who were burnt in the trench and surah al-buruj Rahman up removing whom in LA and you me new bananas is in handy that they were killed only because of their belief but ultimately when it comes to Muslims what is happening to them internationally relates back to their belief system their belief system is not a changeable belief system not one which may be modified so though for example from the Western perspective they like to deal with moderate Muslims liberal Muslims and the moderates and the liberal Muslim is one who may take a drink once in a while pork is that a big thing and nobody's a Muslim or she's a Muslim they pray sometimes but any kind of a Muslim who says well no I have to pray five times the is a fanatic you know I don't shake the hands of women he's extremist I don't drink alcohol he is intolerant all these types of epithets that we find put on a person who just wants to practice basic Islam Judaism has gone the way of liberal reformed Jews etc but Islam has never tolerated that though people we've had movements from the early part of the 20th century which tried to develop a kind of reformist approach in Egypt Turkey elsewhere the reformist approach to Islam make Islam modern make it fit in with modern times fit in with Western civilization but this has never succeeded and the reason why has never succeeded Huntington is pointing out is because of the fact that Muslims in spite of whatever they have experienced historically in the world do have in their psyche a sense that Islam is superior a long walk but it's there in our van every day a long walk but we keep hearing at time and time Islamic superior Allah Akbar and that can't be taken out of the psyche of Muslims so no matter how long we find Muslims subjugated look at Chechnya and what happened to the Chechnya ins how their country was absorbed into the Russian Empire their people sent to Siberia half their population died in transporting them across Russia into Siberia yet they came back and are a major thorn in the side of Russia today and they're calling for Islam establishing Islam after all those years of communist indoctrination this rule etcetera etcetera that is a resiliency that Islam has because of that fundamental concept that Islam is in fact at the truth it is in fact greater and better than anything else so it's a sense of superiority and this is what we hear in the West when they're talking about modifying the textbooks in Muslim schools whether in Pakistan or in Saudi Arabia or in Egypt these textbooks need to be modified so that people are not feeling that they are superior that their religion is superior to all of the other religions so they should take the modern world religions approach you know as world religions I mean is being taught as a subject for example in schools the basic approach is to show all of the religions teach good so therefore one should not feel any kind of special thing about his or her own religion to do that is to be intolerant to be bigoted they have a variety of different names for one who says well no my religion is the best we should see all the religions and accept all but that's not what Islam says what al aswad allah says is when i am telling little islami dinan phileo cobalamin who whoever chooses or wishes another religion besides islam it will not be accepted by him it would not be accepted from him or there is only one way there is only one religion that is a fundamental principle which no matter what the West tries to do it cannot change that you can't change the Quran yeah you might change some Muslims you might change the government might interfere with their education systems etc but you can change the Quran 1400 years of past and the Quran remains the same it is not going to be changed so it is something which is beyond their reach it is beyond their reach with regards to Muslims looking from the other side we said that the West for Muslims sorry though the CIA the Department of Defense of course is talking about the American military you know Iraq is right in front of us a lot Afghanistan was before that you know etc that this is not the big problem this is a problem no doubt Muslim oil is something which is valued highly valued and people try to find all kinds of excuses to get at it but this is not the essential problem the essential problem lies within Western civilization itself and its outlook its world outlook and its world outlook is summed up in two principles secular democracy and this is what you hear being said time and time again you know whenever leaders from the West are speaking you hear them echoing this thing of our way of life our democracy that you know these countries are opposed they they hate they are jealous of us or whatever about our democracy the great democracy of the West this is what is continually repeated and their attitude that it is superior to all other it is universal all societies are supposed to come there this is their point of view all societies should be democratic and secular ultimately where did they get that from what is the source of that arrogance what is the evidence that they teach in schools and universities in their institutions you hear echoed time and time again what is the basis for that tell me tell me I'm asking you mental reasoning well no doubt they do some mental reasoning but there is something at the bottom of it which was the seed of which was laid by an individual from the UK who traveled on a ship called the Beagle what's his name Darwin yes this is what's at the bottom of it Darwin Darwinian theory survival of the fittest you know this is what's at the bottom of it because when they look at the world situation with Western civilization at the top of a pyramid right the world is like a pyramid you have the first world up at the top of the pyramid and the third world down the bottom no second world was the first and then there's a third being third right that first world it's at the top why why are they at the top of the pyramid why are they you know ruling the world and their technology and everything else because of survival of the fittest they're there because they are the fittest this is what they're saying right this is a Darwinian theory they're there because they are the fittest and naturally the fittest must have the fittest systems if you have the fittest society you logically this mental reasoning coming in must the earth systems must also be the fittest if you've worked your way up to that you know before you were feudal you went through you know various different stages then you finally arrived at secular democracy and you're at the top then that must be where everybody else is going is headed whether they know it or not so you feel it is your duty to impose this on everybody else your whole political strategy you're dealing with Nations etc will always be around this principle secular democracy secular more so than democracy democracy is is an additional you know Creed we call the icing on the cake but the cake is really secularism and so you see in the dealings with different Muslim countries wherever that Muslim country remains secular even though they may actually be military dictatorships or whatever else as long as they remain secular they're fine the rest no matter how they got there no matter how they maintained themselves they are fine in the eyes of the west secularism that is again removing religion from politics from the system of the society remove it it should not interfere with schools France the hijab what is all that about the hijab and in Italy it's coming in Germany and it's coming there's a snowball rolling down the hill getting bigger it's coming issues of secularism are we a secular society or are we not Seconal society means that you're not allowed to express and to promote your religious belief system in government dominated areas privately you want to be what you want to be in your home your you know in your mosque or a temple or whatever no problem you know as an American if you want to worship the devil no problem either you know we live a recognized you within a religion the American armed forces recognizes devil worship the Church of Satan as illegitimate religion and they have their chaplains and everything so then because it's all the same to that is the second point of view is religions all the same people made it up whether it is Christianity Islam Judaism Satanism Buddhism it's all made up so why give favors to one over another that's a second us but it's supposed to be also a tolerant neutral you know point of view which we do all the same this is how its presented so the point here is that Western society promotes the idea of secular democracy as the answer for the walls of civilization this is the answer if everybody becomes secular then we have become tolerant and we can end all these wars and all these kind of things and as I said they are driven by the Darwinian concept that their civilization is most superior because the systems that they have evolved are most superior that's why they're there so it's their duty to impose it on the rest of the world and you hear that being said in the speeches of the leadership now as Muslims where do we stand in front of all of this one we should be clear that any system which calls to secularism is in direct opposition to Islam direct opposition there is no middle ground you know their life of course is not black and white we said in general in general there are gray areas in between there are places of compromising in most things in life but there are some things where there is no in-between one of those is this idea either life is as Allah describes in the Quran in the Salah t1 Ossipee Ouma hi rabbul aalameen indeed my prayers my sacrifice my living and my dying are for Allah Lord of all the worlds that is the motto of the Muslim his or her life in its totality is dedicated to Allah it is completely religious it is not secular there is no secular aspect of a Muslims life now some modernist Muslims if we can use that term might say well no there is you know education and all these other things can be secular but you know I go to the mosque I you know go to Hajj I fast in Ramadan and that's my religious side of that but of course this is something new that we have people speaking in this way this is not in keeping with the teaching of the Quran and listen that's all Aslam teaches that every aspect of life is governed by the teachings of God worship the simplest definition of worship is that whatever we do is pleasing to God whatever is done which is pleasing to God that is worship whether it is actual Salah or it is setting up a halal butcher shop you're making money but in doing so to provide alternative for Muslims etc this is a bother it becomes a point of Avada form of a bother so it governs all aspects of life so it means that if as Muslims our life is completely governed by Islam any system says you should take Islam out of a major area of your life and restricted only to worship and the mosque etc etc then obviously that system is in direct conflict with Islam there is no meeting point it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be at war with them we don't necessarily have to choose to go to war about it but we should be clear that this is a proposition which is unacceptable Islamic Ally we cannot accept it as for democracy which is commonly promoted we should understand that though we have Muslims today talking about Islamic democracies it's not possible what democracy actually means unless you are twisting the meaning of democracy to mean something else democracy means the rule of the people that's what it basically means rule of the people it was proposed by who who proposed democracy first in history the Greece in Athens right this is before the time of Christ the Greeks have proposed this democracy rule of the people you know Greek thinkers the philosophers or you know all the reflections that capture they came to the idea that yes people should decide we shouldn't have just an individual who's making all the decisions it should be decided by the people of the society sounds beautiful but did it work in Athens is that what happened in Athens the rule of the people well they did have a rule taking place they had votes decisions were made but if we look at Greek society the demographics of Greek society the majority of Greeks or people in Greek society were slaves the majority of the society were slaves slaves had no vote so that is 55 percent of your society 60% no vote so when we're talking about rule of the people we're obviously not talking about the majority of the people after that you have the society divided between men and women women being of course again more than men and women didn't have a vote so where did we end up 15 percent of the society the free males making the decision for the whole society that was democracy in practice thousands of years ago revives after the Renaissance in Europe and modern times has now been revived with Darwinism dominating secularism coming in it became the means for the society to decide on right and wrong because of course in your society if you say religion is taken out we have laws which determine right and wrong and we take away religion now all of these laws when you look at Western laws you will see at the bottom of them the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament from the books of Moses the Torah the Ten Commandments were at the base of it what happened when they became they decided to become secular then all of these Commandments became challenged of course the first commandment the Lord your God is one God gone laden with Christianity it went but other issues of that system were systematically changed since the issues like for example adultery fornication which were sins according to Mosaic law these were decriminalized they're not the crime anymore take it out because the basis of it was the Bible and we are not religious we have to find other principles to determine how males and females should relate in society so they came up with an alternative principle which they called what huh what is the principle which they use to determine what is acceptable relationships between males and females and what is not not quite article writes [Music] consent is one what else towards two phrases consenting adults that's those that that's the phrase consenting adults meaning whatever consenting adults do amongst themselves the government has no right to interfere has no right to come in and say you should do you shouldn't do no none of your business as long as they're consenting adults because they the issue of consent that was to rule out what rate it rules out rate because there's no consent there and what is adult rule out pedophilia okay though that's the idea to rule those out rape and pedophilia you know philia meaning adults having sexual relations with kids because they said they're not mature enough their minds are not mature enough to know right and wrong so they're being taken advantage of by the adults right so after that you're free to do whatever you want to do and of course what comes along with that is what homosexuals consenting adults that was the door which opened it for homosexuals once that became your principle of course when you first made the principle you meant between heterosexuals males and females but when the homosexual brought the case you could would you couldn't stand against them in the court of law because you said consenting adults so if it's two males or two females who's to say no they're consenting and the adults and so it's coming the marriage is you know you hear that struggling going on the background there same-sex marriages it's coming it'll be here full blast you know give it a few more years and you'll be living it you know already in Canada we have it coming in state places in States it's in Belgium in Europe and it's coming that ball it's picking up momentum and know that not only it will it be external meaning in the society it recognizes it it won't become strange anymore but know that your children in school are going to be taught it they're gonna teach it to the children in family school we already have that in America and Canada it's there they teach them one of the popular books is my two dads right for grade one kids when they're teaching them about you know - about family life one of the popular books is my two dads you know Tom he has a dad and a mom but Jim has two dads and Jim's two dads are very nice people they take Jim out to do this and to do that and he has a good time and he's presented very nice and so they're subtly brainwashing a generation it's good to come up and it's coming here it's going to come up where homosexuality is completely normal completely normal so that is the consequence of what secular democracy because how did they get there they said it was sued the Democratic way is we're judging right and wrong by the majority right this is one of the essential principles of democracy democracy is built upon a few principles not just one the basic principle is equality they say which is nice and Islam is not opposed to that equality the second principle is what they call rational and Pyrrhus ISM meaning that thinking mental thinking we can work it out with our minds you know we have this intellect we are able to arrive at what is good for us through our own reasoning and the third principle is called discussion and consent where we sit down around the table we vote and those that win the vote there are the people who make our decide what is right and what is wrong the majority decides the idea of majority deciding is not a bad idea in and of itself but when you start to deal with the fundamental principles of the society then you have something very dangerous so if we go back to the issue of human ability intellects able to arrive at right around a clear example and I'm sure you can find it in the Magna Carta and other documents of societies here in Europe in the American Constitution written in 1787 written by the most heightened minds of the 18th century founders the founding fathers of America breaking away from the domination of the British ruled the crown they wrote in article 1 section 2 which is called the three-fifths compromise the three-fifths compromise they wrote there that black men would be considered or counted as three-fifths of a white man this is the American Constitution the black men non-whites would be considered as three-fifths of a white man this was what they worked out to deal with voting and slaves because they said okay look you know people who are discussing this matter these are all white men obviously there's no black man involved with that right so all the white men when they sat around there discussing this thing you know well we know that some of us have slaves and some of us don't you have 100 slaves I have to [ __ ] my vote be the same as yours see this is where the rationale came in so in order to give value to the person who had more slaves they had to give some value to the slaves this was a mathematical principle working out to give you know this is how they worked it out so the one who had more slaves his vote had more value than the one who had less so they came up with this formula exactly why three-fifths I don't know why it was the four fifths or two fifths but that's what they came up with and that was I said with the enlightened minds of the 18th century and that is the nature of man-made systems isn't it when you talk to a Hindu and you tried to explain Islam to handle and he says to you well you know your religion is so rigid our religion is open we can accept new ideas we can change with the times and you know we can improve our situation and so on so you should ultimately Hinduism because of course he tried to pin the Hindu dollars in listen your religion says that if a man dies his wife should climb on the funeral pyre and get burnt up with him and sati and this is the attitude towards women isn't it the woman has no value her husband dies she has no value zero better for her to climb on the pyre and they burn the body cremate him be cremated along with the husband said we don't have that anymore stop we stop that you know so see our religion is progressive before they used to have what they call David essence in the temple they had that you could call really temple prostitutes who people going to worship at the temple would have access to paying money to benefit the temple well this was stopped also within the last century so that's the fault you know we're more modern today so they feel that that is a sign of progress and flexibility of religion and all these kind of things whereas us Muslim rigid same principles you had 1400 years ago you want to try to apply it today but the reality is that yes if it's from God it's not supposed to be changing if sati was good it was from God it shouldn't be good and not good anymore this is not religion as people change in their attitudes the religion changes along with them it's about religion of God this is the religion of men of human beings that is the nature of that religion Islam Dell we have to change it because whenever they make up something our human being makes of something there's always something wrong with it we as human beings cannot make the perfect system so we'll always have to make changes that is necessity and that is human religion human systems etc the divine system is unchangeable and that's what's in the conflict isn't it so we have secular democracy on one hand it says we have to change get religion out of the picture etc and then you have on the other hand religion it says it must govern all walks of life it is unchangeable etc then you have to uncompromising principles there is no middle ground between the two if Islam changes any or Muslims change any of their principles to suit Western global culture they are in fact abandoning aspects of Islam it's no longer it's lamb anymore so this is at the crux of the struggle but now if we look at our situation today as Muslims where do we stand with regards to all of this reality is that theoretically this struggle exists it exists because the Quran is unchanged because the sunnah has been preserved and because muslims scholarship remains looking after caretaking this body of knowledge but in the society you have to say that we have been dominated Western civilization now dominates most of the Muslim world its culture has become our culture its values have become the values of Muslims in many cases many circumstances so why is that why have they succeeded in doing that in spite of the fact that Islam remains accessible in its purity because of the fact that Muslims as a whole have left Islam this is the bottom line our biggest problem our biggest problem is not winning the war in Iraq or getting back Palestine or freeing liberating Chechnya or taking back Kashmir this is not our biggest problem our biggest problem is getting back to Islam because in all of these different areas if you listen to the state of Muslims it is pathetic Muslims today are dominated in their own societies by the cultural traditions which they have inherited from the previous generations which have nothing to do with Islam so we find for example so many things that are attributed to Muslims which we know or we might not know have nothing to do with Islam whether it is honor killing you know popular in Jordan Pakistan in other countries where if a girl is suspected of anything out of the ordinary with regards to meals the family males feel it's a duty one of them have to take her out you know for the honor of the family the honour of the family and in Pakistan enjoy them if you do that the force of the law will not come on you maybe you get a year eight months yeah you shouldn't really have done it but we understand no it's that [ __ ] yeah does Sharia understand no there's no understanding here it's murder female genital mutilation popular in Egypt Sudan some parts of Somalia Kenya Uganda a tribute to the Muslims coming up the parts private parts of their women is that from Islam it's not it's not constant or a variety of other acts a variety of other acts which the media focuses on to paint the worst images of Muslims these are coming from most cases our traditions tribal practices which were not modified by Islam but kept being handed down so we have to clear all of that up we have to clean it up before we can stand with Islam to meet the challenge of the global Western culture as the Prophet Solomon said in a well-known hadith which sums up our situation today is that myotomy Lena if you begin to train in interest calling it by other names who are hostile as Nabal baka or a little misery and you are touching on to the tales of cows and you are enamored by cultivation in other words the dunya the prized things of the dunya this is your obsession you're obsessed with the dunya what the optimal jihad the visa bill Allah and you have abandoned jihad for the sake of Allah you are doing other things you might call it jihad but it's not for the sake of Allah it's for other purposes you want to set up a secular Islamic Democratic state for whatever it's not about establishing a laws word your jihad is for something else personal not following the principles of the Sharia the way of the prophets are seldom etc some local male comes Allah Allah will put over you humiliation you'll put it on top of you somewhat Allah alaikum Salaam Lions your uncle had Terri Jo in Edina come and he will not remove it until you return to your religion that is the bottom line until we return to Islam the humiliation the degradation that Muslims face throughout the world today will not change we will not be able to change that situation military or economically the only way is Islam Italy for us to know what Islam is clean it up clean up Muslim practices get it back to Islam and that big then becomes the basis for the unification of the Ummah because we're supposed to be Ranma this is what Allah describes us as Madame wada wanama how can we become one when we have all this cultural baggage where we cannot marry our daughters to somebody else because they don't belong to the same nation the same tribe or even the same caste you know we actually have castes we are different parts of the Muslim world you know we have caste people actually talk about that say it Chowdhury you know different names like this using these casts means you're not one of these then you can you know you can marry clans tribes all this we how can we be one woman with all of these things dividing us on such a basic level so the only solution is for us to go back to the deal it is a process of Education knowing Islam and this is where our focus should be when we look at our situation here in the UK our focus should be on the education of the generation that we are raising here in this country that we educate them properly Islamic Lee they will have academic tools to deal with the life in this part of the world and at the same time have the consciousness of Islam be aware of their duty in life that there is a mission and a purpose to life and not just acquiring as much material benefits as we can because in materialism there is ultimately no success what we seek from this world cannot be achieved from materialism so we educate our children accordingly and we have to educate ourselves about Islam to break the barriers that exist amongst us where we can't you know function as that real OMA when we gather we gather as Somalis or Egyptians or Syrians or Lebanese or Pakistani you know we don't gather as Muslim brothers or Muslim sisters if we are dominated by these tribal influences we have to make a step ourselves as others raising our children here we have to show them the example of coming together on the basis of Eman be with the believers invite us whenever you invite us course yeah there's a tendency to want to invite family people who speak the same language with you but make sure every time you have a gathering every time you invite people invite some people from the other groups from the other people so those people who normally just come together based on tribal languages and these type of things the nationalities they see somebody else there if they see them enough times then they get used to it and maybe they will start to do that also but we have to start we have to make a start ourselves there are big problems in the world as we said Iraq can you change your all the talking all the reading all the writing all the different things you can do can you change that situation can you change the situation in your gathering invite some people who are not from your tribal background yes so hey what is a lot going to ask you about on the day of judgment Iraq or what you how you gathered he's gonna ask you about how you gathered whether you reinforce the tribalism the nationalism which is part of what splits the OMA or whether you try to make a change each and every one of us has something we can contribute and that's what we need to focus on and with that collective effort then we can bring about a collective change that's the basic message I would like to share with you this evening inshallah I suppose we'll have some questions and answers and I hope that the questions and answers will relate to our topic I'm not going to you know can we eat the meat of the Christians and the Jews can I take River from the riverbank please yeah same goes for another time Mostyn again how should a Muslim living in the non-muslim country go about cooperating with the secular laws such as that of Britain insurance and mortgage well you try to avoid any of the second secular laws which go against Islamic teachings that is your responsibility what you are unable to get around they require certain things like insurance for cars and things like this to be able to use it you need to use these particular items then you do it to the minimum of what is required you know you do the minimum of whatever is required and you know you should think in terms of developing alternative institutions where you can have what may be called Islamic insurance so you can provide a service to the Muslim community with regards to insuring different properties and things like this no because there are Islamic systems that can be put in place which can handle the concept of insurance not as it's done in the West but from an Islamic perspective there is it to deal with it know what they call it the castle and its demise so and so like this so we should on one hand try to minimize what we're doing dealing in with the system where they were doing things which are against Islamic teachings secondly we have to try to find alternatives certainly we have to try to live together to live in areas where we can support each other where our finances circulates amongst ourselves as much as possible it's very important like for example East London you know where they've built a huge Centinela can have so many different people actually those of you that are living in areas by yourself you know they're all your neighbors are non-muslims and all this kind of thing this is the area that you're living you should seriously think to move to such areas you know sure you might take a loss or whatever is selling your house buying over there whatever but that lost know that it is better for you you are fulfilling the prophet saww Sullivan's obligation that is put on us for Hedra Muslims are supposed to live together province asylum said and a barren women Asha bane of our Anelka far I observed myself I'm innocent of anyone who lives amongst the disbelievers so to live in a situation where all the people around you are non-muslims this is haram for a Muslim to live in that circumstance you should try at least to live in an area where there is a majority Muslims I'm not saying you necessarily have to pack bags and leave the country I'm saying in England itself there are areas like where there's a mustard so you'll have you're moving where you can Bennett Islamically your family can benefit Islamically etc so you move for the sake of a law into such areas you know you should seriously think about that because living on your own scattered this is not the way and when crises happens like Biglia was just slaughtered on the television you know a day ago you if that happens enough times it hits enough of a nerve here in this country then they're going to come at you and the people who are going to suffer the most will be women and children they're the ones who get hurt the most men will get hurt - but women and children because they're the weaker element of the society and this kind of individuals they try to take it out on the weaker elements who they can get away with it and of course you leave your family you're going off to work and you leave your family all your neighbors back front are all non-muslim somebody attacks your wife work that's your child are these people gonna come to help you no I mean there may monos but they're not driven at least if it's in a Muslim community they'll be sure to do those kind of things and if it happens every people will come out to try to help do not leave you stranded so it is very important that we consider that point also because as Muslims are living together them mental institutions like what we talked about whether it is banking whether it insurance whether it is shop selling goods etc this is feasible in a Muslim community but where you have to set up your shop in an area where most of the shops are not Muslim shops then what happens you are a force you find yourself forced you know I think I have to sell cigarettes but most people come into the stores they want to buy cigarettes if I don't have cigarettes in the store I'm not gonna come no I believe it's Haram but I need to eat or you set up a restaurant I need to have the license I need to be able to sell alcohol in here this this is because we're trying to do it on our own but you put that restaurant you put that business in the Muslim community inshallah Muslims are going to come to you if you provide them with a good product of course it doesn't mean simply because it's a Muslim business see that's again we are the problem with that too right we feel that Muslims have to come to me because it's a Muslim business so you'll give them you know second class third rate products know as a Muslim as the process and I've said in a la Habana Hideko is a minimal and you cannot Allah loves from each and every one of these we do something we do it to the best of your ability so you give them the best product the best product but we ought to think in terms of that one we try to minimize our dealings in the non-muslim society which are on Islamic - we need to develop alternative institutions three we need to make Hedra we need to live together for the sake of Allah not because we're big galleys right or Pakistanis or Somalis or whatever we need to live together for the sake of Allah for the Deen of Allah what is the best way of educating children and Islam full-time Islamic my dresses or full-time secular schools and part-time school especially if the parent can't afford the fee well I don't know what the laws are like in this country but the AMA alternative because you would got here two alternatives either Islamic school which has high fees or a secular school and we try to teach them on the weekend or after school I would say the second a school option is an evil option it's not a good option to put our children in secular schools especially on the primary secondary level this is an evil option because the in the impact of this society and it's corrupted values will be the greatest on those growing children one thing at university level is bad enough but a primary level secondary level where the children are very vulnerable to put our children to be taught by non-muslims is we call it Islamic suicide that's what it is we're doing suicide with our Islam so it's really not an alternative I would say for that parent homeschool the child better you homeschool the child then to put them in the non-muslim school on the primary level then we do that and it's possible of course it requires effort better to cooperate with other sisters you know get a group of you together to do it to share it etc but it can't be done and the people doing it I know I already just recently one family just came to where I am in Qatar you know from the UK you know this brother brother hadith he came he has two daughters who is himself and his wife her teachers here in the system here there's two daughters but they were homeschooled they did their studies at home you know without putting them into the system they've moved there down the larger continue it and finishing it off there but it is something which people need to look at as an alternative and of course again where we have the Muslim community where people are moving together then the possibility of setting up institutions becomes lot easier you don't necessarily need all of the kind of monies to set up a full-time school it can be done on a much lower scale so I would say the best way best way is a full-time Islamic school I want you to determine my dresser because my dresser is people understand you'll be teaching Islamic stomach subjects but if I'm a dresser you mean the child has also taught the other subjects that they're able to function in the society after graduating then yes that's what is needed Muslims should be taught by Muslims should be studying amongst Muslims in a Muslim environment that's the chick that is the right of our children on us that is the right of our children on us they are we have a right on them you know that they honor us obvious and these are kind of things but they're right on us is that they be educated in a Muslim school and that they be raised in a Muslim home and then they live in a Muslim environment that's their right on us okay if we're here in the UK we want to portray an image which impresses people when we tell them about the greatness of Islam what will we say concerning jihad is jihad only to fight with swords well of course not jihad is to struggle against evil in all of its forms and we explain jihad we explain that it is a struggle against evil that is what the fundamental is the struggle because jihad comes from jaada jaada which means to struggle doesn't say exactly one but it's understood it's the struggle against evil struggle against evil which begins with the individual extends to his family to his community to his society to the world so whatever area or level that we are qualified we have the means to correct in terms of preventing evil we do so as apostle Salim said whoever among who sees evil should stop it with his hands that is the command for jihad if we can't stop it with his hands he speaks out against it this is part of the command for jihad speaking out out against it is a form of jihad so it is important that we portray jihad in this proper context governing of the different aspects with regard to human life are the Jews control in the secular society because they control the agencies not really you know I mean the Jews play a role the people who control America though typically amongst Muslims we tend to think it's the Jews control in America but guess what if we look at the top families of America they call the rich and the super-rich they wouldn't book about this back in the 60s called the rich and the super-rich identifying the top families the true America and the corporations that multinational corporations not one single one of them is Jewish so the Jews are under that level they are they provide services and as such that ruling element who is not Jewish will do things you know you scratch my back I scratch your back you know type of thing so yes they will do things that say remember when they find and if they find that Israel is a liability they will drop it like a hot potato believe it's only because it has benefits coming back to them in a number of different ways if it's not beneficial believe they're not gonna hang on to it they're not gonna support it so you know we don't want to blow the Jews out of proportion then when they become you know that super Jew is in control of everything anything wrong happens in the Jew the two behind everything no no no please you know this is like people get caught up in the gin they know Fujin causing everything everything that's lost genes involved you know no we have those who are those who are bent on as I said the fundamental philosophy you know this second and democracy and Israeli secular the democracy is even just a sham anyway it's really secularism these are evil individuals who are not limited to Jews or to any particular group it is those people who have chosen the material world as their goal and they will seek to achieve it by any means necessary okay brothers question those people who have the means to make Hedra whether it is to a another part of Britain where or another part of the city where Muslims are concentrated or it's outside of the country to a Muslim country a country of Muslims right and they don't do it are they in contradiction to the statement of the pan sauce column of course I mean if you feel comfortable with the idea that the Prophet SAW seldom is innocent of you meanies saying don't expect any help from me on the day of judgment if you're caught in that States on the day of judgment you know the law said about those people who a cop who died and the Angels asked them what your state was and they say we were oppressed in the land and what to do the angel want to say wasn't the laws earth expansive and you could make it rain it wasn't is that X can't accept it as an excuse that you were we know and Allah then goes out to say that such people their end will be the Hellfire the end will be the Hellfire it's serious so the concept of hijra though it is very far away from a lot of people's minds and people feel it is some kind of you know extremist kind of point of view to one is insisting on hit you're talking about it all the time no it is something that the Prophet SAW salam talked about all the time we have so many hadith about it and the position of the scholar is the early generation of scholars it's very clear very known even the idea of Muslims leaving a Muslim land and going to anonymously lam as we consider to be covering acts of cover this is bad it's evil wrong it's Haram I mean unless you're going for trade purposes you're going on a temporary basis but to just go and say I want to go live among students believers this was i inconceivable inconceivable but today that's tough for somebody to say that sounds strange because unfortunately we have accepted it the idea to come to Britain to get a part of the British spy the piece of paradise written where they pay you not to work I'm gonna hold you don't work your stuff to death here and they pay you to stay off the dole you know you're a backup this is haram much Iran to come here and live on the dole is Haram this is begging the worst form of begging really it's an evil state that Muslims now feel comfortable to come here and live on the dole you know I can do a stomach work you know if I work for the disbeliever you know that this affects my time but if I live on the dole then I will be able to do Islamic work so the non-believer the kaffir is looking after you looking after your economics you're begging him and he's looking after you so you can do Islamic world what does that sound like that the ends justify the means is that how we function in Islam the ends justify the means no Haram means gives us her arm ends jealousy that was the last of our questions some Hanukkah oh Hanukkah the shadowy land and stuff furukawa to the lake
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 35,504
Rating: 4.5767918 out of 5
Keywords: Humanitys, Crisis, The, Challenge, Bilal, Philips, oppression, jihad, war, hijab, sharia, dawah, allah, muslim, palestine, zionist, iraq
Id: tSvEaPq71S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 35sec (4235 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2007
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