THIEVES Get CAUGHT IN 4K, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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he's back who the porch pirate look [Music] he just saw a second package okay wait here i'm going after him but i want to go too can i come please no it's not safe for a girl but i really wanna hey get back here stop ah i can't believe he got away again you what are you doing here i told you to stay inside i just want to help well don't this is a man's job mom and dad find out they're gonna be really mad i saw the camera you guys can't chase after people like that especially you clary you had me really worried the only person that needs to be worried is the porch pirate come to me first or call the police well we tried to call the cops last time and what they do show up two hours later and not help at all he's got a point well i don't need you guys running down the street chasing criminals okay and we can't have someone keep stealing our stuff brian you know better than to involve your sister in this i tried to tell her why can't i help just because i'm a girl hi guys how's it going the porch pirate came back and brian and clara chased after him by themselves you guys that isn't safe that could have been my christmas present he stole imagine if the iphone 13 was in there or the pink bike i want what makes you guys think you're getting any presents this year we've both been really good this year yeah we even got straight a's well i got a couple b's maybe one c but mostly ace so can i please get the new iphone i really want it and i really want a new laptop but sometimes we just can't get what we want your dad is right you guys know things have been tough with your dad losing his job which is why we've decided no presents this year what are you guys kidding this sucks brian i don't know what's got it i'm really sorry clara we won't be able to get you that bike it's okay i understand but i do still want to catch that porch pirate no just drop it please yeah your brother and i will figure out a way to catch him oh hey harpo come here sweetie i missed you oh she got a new collar oh i saw it at the pet store it's got a gps on it so that if he ever gets out again you know we can just that's it what's it hey what are you doing i'll explain later i have no work to do all right i gotta get going you're fun thanks dan says see you after work oh oh it's just this new colleague of mine um yeah we got to meet up later to go over some business business you sure about that stop it i do not have time for this i'm about to close a big deal at work oh shoot i'm gonna be late i'll call you later i figured out a way to stop the porch pirate check it out i'll leave a note for the mailman saying put the packages in here right and then i'll secure this to the door can't the thief just cut through the bag oh i guess i never thought about that sorry guys i gotta run i'll see you later bye mom hey no way we haven't finished talking about here it is what are you talking about i figured out how to catch the package thief with this decoy a box is gonna help us catch the thief yeah i don't think that's gonna work honey just hear me out on the outside it just looks like a regular package right but on the inside it's got gps tracking through harpo's collar a bluetooth speaker that's remote controlled and even a spring loaded glitter bomb that way when he opens it it'll explode all over him guaranteed to teach him a lesson okay i don't want you getting involved in this honey yeah that's definitely not safe for a little girl but i'm telling you my plan's going to work please can we try it i still think we should try my bag out yeah we're gonna go with brian's plan yes okay i'm gonna set up right now but chad hey honey i appreciate you trying to help but just let the men handle this okay two chocolate bars and a unicorn donut for the girl oh actually that one's for me what i like unicorns and there's your change thanks [Music] oh there's an alert the house there's movement is it the porch pirate let's see it's him we gotta go now okay come on let's go [Music] he got through my bag yeah i knew that would happen it's okay he also took my decoy package quick let me see your phone hey wait i thought i told you that we were going with brian's plan but you put your box out there anyway yeah and good thing i did because look we got his location let's go now this is way too dangerous i'm just gonna call the police no no we can't wait that long yeah you'll probably find the gps by then get rid of it okay but clara you wait here absolutely not i'm the only one that knows the work the decoy i have to come okay let's go it says he's in this building that's not much help i mean he could be in any one of these apartments yeah we can't just knock on every door don't worry that's why i put the speaker in the box watch this hear that it's coming from this apartment oh you're right that must be my other bomb oh i hope it got him so good okay but what are we supposed to do okay we can't just knock on that door oh claire i can't believe you did that just get over here [Music] mom [Music] [Applause] what are you guys doing here what are we doing here what are you doing here you're supposed to be at the office i i don't get it that means you're the package thief mom what's going on come inside [Music] i never imagined it going this far [Music] believe me i wanted to tell you guys why are you stealing our packages remember that big deal i told you i was working on yeah well i lied i actually closed the deal last week okay well it came with a big promotion and i know i said we weren't going to do christmas gifts this year but here you go and that big one is for you and this is for you i'm still not understanding these are your christmas presents my assistant sent them to the house accidentally instead of sending them to my office and i didn't want you guys to find out or know anything about it so so you had your assistant steal them from the front door bingo no wait wait when did you start having an assistant when i got the promotion his name is dan oh what happened to you someone put a glitter bomb in one of the packages and this gps tracker and speaker that was me i'm so sorry is that how you found me i'm gonna wash you up wait so dan is your assistant all this time i thought that maybe you were i told you you had nothing to worry about he was just coming to the house to gather the packages and we were here wrapping them to surprise you so you wouldn't know [Music] i was gonna make you wait until christmas to open them but you may as well just open them now [Applause] oh my god you got me an iphone 13. thanks mom i want to open mine oh my god a pig bike thank you so much mom you're welcome sweetheart [Music] you got me a new laptop wait are you sure that we can afford all this yeah my promotion came with a raise and now i'm making [Music] what are you serious no wonder why he knew to cut through my bag because you heard me talking about it you got it but i never would have guessed your trap thanks even though someone didn't like my idea i'm very sorry honey but i know now never to underestimate you again [Laughter] yes yes yes they have it in stock please mom my mama can you please get this for me don't you already have an xbox no no this is a playstation it's completely different i mean come on please this will be my christmas present let's see 500 no way troy that's too expensive you know i don't have a job right now come on dad would get this for me in a heartbeat [Music] you know what just just forget it um i'll just ask dad to get for me don't be that way troy how about succulents didn't you say you wanted one you did right not as much as a ps5 i know but it's 200 cheaper and this is still a really nice christmas gift huh yeah whatever it's fine look i'll be waiting outside [Music] try not to get too excited [Music] hello happy holidays happy that's what you want to call it sure by chance are you guys hiring no sorry yeah that'll be 322.92 okay there aren't any coupons or anything are there unfortunately not all right here you go [Music] oh hold on three [Music] i'm sorry it says insufficient funds do you have another card you can try or cash uh let me see um you could apply for a store credit card no that's all right um i don't want to dig deeper in debt you know would it be okay if i use cash and then put the rest on my card sure um how much would you like me to put on the card let me see all right okay so we're gonna put 265 on the car okay and 246 60 and cash okay okay [Music] it went through great all right here's your change would you like a bag sure it's 25 cents uh that's all right don't worry about it thank you you know what i'll take care of it happy holidays are you excited about your game system yes shoot nah we gotta go back for what it says it doesn't include a carrying case can you believe it what do you need a carrying case for you can just use the box what no no i can't bring this to my friend's house in the box that looks so cheap come on troy now i just spent a lot of money forget it i'll just ask dad your favorite line all right how much is the case i don't know like 20 bucks [Music] all right let's go [Music] wait i don't want to carry this around let me put this in the car [Music] next are you happy now hey where's my car [Music] this this is where i parked right yeah wait isn't that our car oh my gosh my oculus is in there hey that's my car stop hey stop stop please hey hi um do you work here yes ma'am um did you call the tow truck no ma'am that's parking enforcement i'm just a security guard why did they tow my car and instead of just giving me a ticket i'm not sure but usually when that happens it's because you have unpaid you registration pay your registration seriously why things have been complicated complicated [Music] okay so what are we gonna do now i don't know okay just give me a second do you know where they are taking my car yeah it's one zero two zero high street it's about four miles up the road four miles do you um thank you kid give us a ride i'm sorry i can i could i could lose my job good luck okay look how about i just call no no do not call him i just call grandma just give me a minute hey sweetheart i'm at work are you okay yeah um i'm here with troy at the plaza and my car got towed you think you could pick us up no she thought no i'm in a meeting with my boss we're going over a real estate deal we're about to close can you call an uber um [Music] i don't have any money and honestly i won't be able to get my car back i'm just trying to get troy his christmas present that was in there okay i'll call you an uber uh you're in the plaza parking lot no no you don't have to do that you've already done so much for us lately so we could just walk and uh it's not that far so okay good luck thanks ma i'll see you at home i love you all right sorry about that it's all right is everything okay my daughter's just going through some hard times it'll be okay i don't know but if there's anything i can do to help just let me know thank you you're the best thanks what were you doing look i called dad to pick us up he's already on the way why would you do that i told you not to call him look i don't see what the big deal is plus i mean what else are we gonna do we're gonna walk that's what we're gonna do now text him and tell him not to come no no no no wait no i'm not walking that far hey i'm being serious [Music] [Music] why is it so far and why do we have to walk you want your oculus back again right we don't have any other choice okay i still don't get why you won't just let dad help us please stop asking me that no up until a month ago everything was fine and then all of a sudden we moved in with grandma and you and dad stop talking and you guys stop working together i mean it doesn't make any sense troy please it's better for you if you don't know okay now we're not far from your state [Music] i told you to text him not to come oh hey hey tiffany i thought my dad was feeding me yeah yeah he got tied up in a meeting so i offered to come ah thanks would you mind taking my mom and i to the toe lot yeah that's fine hop in okay one second hey mom it's not dad it's just secretary so it's fine come on let's go i am not getting in that car come on i don't see what the big deal is okay it's just no i am not getting in that car [Music] well i'm not walking so if you don't want to go you know just go to dad's office and have him drop me off at grandma's later [Music] you coming fine see you later [Music] hello well if you didn't want to pay 300 then maybe you shouldn't have parked in the rent i can't believe these people mm-hmm can i help you uh hi um my car got told earlier it's a gray nissan sentra oh yeah yeah you called earlier right no um listen i'm not actually here to even get my car i want to know would it be all right if i could leave it here just for a while you know until i can get together the three hundred dollars to pay for the tow that's just the minimum it's fifty dollars a day after that what seriously yeah you can't just park here for free i never wanted to park here and i didn't want to come to work today but yet here we are um how do i get to my car i need to get something out of it you can't access your vehicle until you pay come on come on my son's christmas present is in there please look it's company policy there's nothing i can do if you didn't want your car towed you shouldn't have left it in the red oh she didn't park in the red an expired meter oh then why'd you tell her unpaid registration ah are you the one who towed my car yep if you saw me then why didn't you stop you know i try to avoid altercations with customers they tend to get a little hysterical [Music] this is your car you did call earlier no it wasn't me well somebody did whatever anyway your fees already been paid in full over the phone oh my gosh really i guess you have a gardening angel [Music] will you take it to her car follow me better drop that attitude and try again i can't believe these people right there's your car have a nice day thanks hey wait someone broke into my car and they stole my son's christmas gift yeah oh you know this isn't the safest place for parking i never parked here you took it here well you should have paid your parking meter there's nothing i could do we're not responsible company policy [Music] you guys company policy sucks yeah i know [Music] [Music] [Music] no no [Music] i can't believe all this is happening to me [Music] [Music] great [Music] hey baby you didn't have to pay for me you know i would have figured something out i know but you're already going through so much and i just wanted to help well thanks and i appreciate it and i promise that as soon as i get a job i'm gonna pay you back all the money you spent on us okay sweetheart that should be the last of your worries where's troy i just got home i haven't seen him yet okay let me just have some tea whoa what what are you doing with that i am going to buy troy another christmas present wait no no no that's your savings so you can get your real estate license i know i know that was the plan but now i need to buy troy a christmas present no do not break into that how much do you need no mom absolutely not i am not letting you spend any more money on us no it's not that big why did you break into that was all the things you had shoot [Music] if you were in my situation would you not do the same thing for me yes now [Music] if you want to help me [Music] you can help me count this money [Music] [Laughter] that's a lot of it though all right come on let's go i'm the world dad took me to get it before he dropped me off look i told you you buy it for me and what about your oculus oh look i don't care about that you can just kind of be on the floor [Music] what are you crying about now mom [Music] do you have any idea what i went through to get you a present i pretty much spent my last dollar okay well i told you what i really liked from the beginning so it's not my fault that you couldn't afford to give me what i really wanted for christmas [Music] you know dad told me why you guys split up oh yeah and what did he say basically that it was all your fault that you broke up this family [Music] is that [Music] true that's what you want to believe troy that's my life [Music] i want to go live with that i don't want to be here anymore [Music] you can make your own decisions troy i'm not gonna stop you [Music] uh [Music] you know you can't always believe everything your dad says what am i supposed to do my mom won't tell me anything that's because she cares more about your feelings than our own what what are you talking about the reason she isn't saying anything is because she doesn't want you to think any less of your father you see your mom has always done her best to take care of everyone around her on top of trying to be the best mother and the best wife she also sacrificed her own career to help build your dad's business [Music] even though it's because of her the whole office ran [Music] he never really appreciated your mom and would keep everything to himself [Music] she was just too nice to complain [Music] then a few weeks ago on your dad's birthday he didn't come home because he was working late at the office so she decided to surprise surprising little did she know that she would be getting the surprise when she walked into your dad's office there he was cheating on her with the secretary she couldn't believe it and to make things even worse your dad didn't even feel bad at all he told her if she left he would take away her car cut off all her spending and that she would be left with nothing as hard as it was your mom stood around [Music] and decided to walk away anyway [Music] so you see that's the real reason why your parents separated oh my gosh i mean i can't believe you did that to her man why wouldn't she just tell me because as badly as he hurt her she didn't want you to hate your dad that's how big her heart is this whole time i thought it was all her fault [Music] you can't blame yourself you didn't know but now that you do not [Music] grandma told me everything i'm so sorry about everything [Music] i know i know this is the office i gotta take this hey look look i can return the ps5 and then you can use that money no no you don't have to return it and even if you decide to all that money is yours because i don't want anything to do with your dad's money okay and what are you gonna do i mean grandma she told me that i took like everything i i don't know but i'm gonna figure out a way to can you repeat what you just said one more time you're on speakerphone your daughter seems like an extremely capable young woman we'd love to give her the office manager position if she's interested hold on a second it's my boss they want to offer you a position you start right away it pays well and they're even gonna cover the cost of your real estate license oh really how did she even know i was looking i might have been in and out of there telling them how capable you were wow oh thank you i appreciate you well you're gonna take the position [Music] yes he's gonna accept the position yay i'm so excited oh so are we thank you you're welcome happy holidays [Laughter] now i want you to know that my first check is going to you to start paying you back for everything nonsense you don't owe me anything mama please hey troy are you making christmas cookies yeah you guys think huh they look delicious better than the ones i make thanks guys and i have one more surprise [Music] what is it you'll see open it all right i'll get that okay i'll go get troy no wait i'm not here to see him okay then why are you here i'm here to see you look i know things ended really badly between us but i want to try to make them better i don't understand what happened to tiffany i caught her charging up the company credit card and even taking money from one of the accounts it was a big mess oh wow to be honest uh everything kind of went downhill after you left i guess i didn't realize how much you did for the company how much you did for me until you're gone so do you think maybe uh i can try to get you to come back [Music] so that we can all be a family again you're welcome to see troy whenever you want but as far as you and i there's no way that could ever happen again hey hey hey troy um want to spend christmas with you pop uh spend it with um grandma did [Music] i thought this is what you wanted [Music] it was anymore appreciate it though all right well i get to see on new year's maybe all right home take care son hmm did you really just give your playstation back yeah i need to have an xbox no come on i want you to open it all right all right what have you got in here is this yeah i paid your registration and that ticket you got merry christmas no no but how did you i returned my oculus no look mom i promise it's fine i don't need it i realize that christmas isn't all about gifts oh sweetheart i love you so much merry christmas guys [Music] this line is so long yeah but i'm sure we'll go fast and this old geezer is taking forever we're gonna be late for lunch you know what let's go hey you can't just walk out without paying for something come no i don't want any of your stolen gum okay then i'll get your bad karma okay all right tell me you don't really believe in that do you i actually do your actions always have a way of coming back to you well i stole this gum right where are you karma come and get me for this stolen pack of golf i deserve it oh no you don't exist if i was gonna get caught it would have already happened okay that's not how it works it's not always immediate and sometimes it comes back to you in unexpected ways [Music] ted you're not supposed to be parked there it says reserved probably for the owner look there's plenty of open spots in the line look i don't know who this joe cali guy is but he's crazy if he thinks i'm paying five dollars to park in his lot besides he's probably some old geezer who can't do anything damn if you say so it's a cool jacket i've never seen you wear that before oh thanks i just got it oh let's go we're going to be late for lunch [Music] that was delicious yeah good calling to plays thanks here you are sir a glass of 2002 robert mondavi cabernet sauvignon reserve and your check thanks thank you how are you paying for all of this you get a new promotion no why do you ask what new jacket nice restaurant and expensive wine can you give us a few moments oh sure no problem take your time why is he just standing there have you ever owned an expensive wine before no he's waiting for you to try oh okay that's great excellent enjoy that was so awkward 175 dollars what oh the jacket oh yeah what jacket okay use this use this yeah thank you no no no no no no no no it's just making it worse oh man a red wine is impossible to get him what [Music] should have not stolen that gum oh as if that has anything to do with this you know what give me the bill i want to go [Music] 100 for a glass of wine that is ridiculous didn't check the price before you order it no but i didn't think it was gonna cost a hundred dollars you know what forget this here i'll split it with you okay no way no chance am i paying that much oh wow ow okay besides that one wasn't even that good she just drank the whole thing so yeah it's called not being wasteful randall listen here's the plan give me your hand i'm gonna walk out of here wait a few moments and then follow oh i'm not going to the dining basket what do you think are you dead just yeah you're seriously unbelievable you know that okay what's unbelievable is how much they try to charge for a glass of wine i could buy a new jacket with that money okay ted where's your car what are you where did it go yo hey man you can't tell my car oh yeah well it'll be 250 to get it down okay you're insane i'm not gonna pay you anything all right well here's where you can pick up your car later it'll be 350 by the time it gets processed yeah no you're not going to tell my car get it down right now hey man you shouldn't have parked in joe cali's spot he had to park his rolls in the lot so that's the guy that got my car towed do not leave i'm gonna go talk to him okay stay hey gramps yeah you why'd you get my car towed excuse me don't act like you don't know you could have written me a note or got me a ticket you didn't have to get me towed i don't know what you're talking about yeah right i need you to tell him to put my car down right now hey i'm serious don't think i won't hurt an old man why do you think he would believe me because you're joe callie no i'm not okay then who is [Music] did you just threaten my dad uh no no no i would never do anything like that at all he didn't just say you weren't afraid to hurt an old man um if i did i was definitely kidding that's what i thought now if i ever catch you i'm parked in my spot uh joe mr callie sir it won't happen nope but again don't worry about that and sir have a great day sorry about the misunderstanding this mystery oh okay yeah just me keep walking okay [Music] can you take 200 250 is all that i got nah man you could just pay the 350 down that's a lot hey no take it all just get my car down now yeah 250 dollars are you kidding me what a crook what are you smiling about well i told you you should have not parked you're saving me to lecture randall ah i mean can today get any worse gum who spits their gum out on the ground [Music] these are new stop laughing right now it's not fine oh yeah okay well i really hope all of this taught you a lesson i don't know about that because i still got a free lunch and there he is that's the guy who stole the gum and skipped out on his tab you out of the car now okay you have the right to remain silent anything you say cannon will be used against you in a court of law you've got to be kidding [Music] that's unbelievable i won't even say it [Music] i don't have enough robux to finish customizing my avatar just use your allowance to buy some more i already spent it all there has to be another way aha what are you doing that's mom's wallet watch this you can't use mom's credit card without asking if she finds out you're gonna be in big trouble you know how many charges she makes every day she's not gonna notice one more mama always says what happens in the dark always comes to light bruh stop being such a square uh has anybody seen my oh there it is wait i i really think you should look inside of it you know just to make sure everything's in there um okay that's a good oh my client must have arrived early hello she's already there okay uh i'm coming okay uh i gotta run i will see you boys later wait i really what he was trying to say was maybe you should drop us off at the store but you've already spent your entire month's allowance we'll just walk around you know window shop please take us i mean it's on the way but we have to go now come on i don't have much time yes thanks mom yo i've been wanting to get this since it came out you know that costs almost 300 bucks right so it's not like i'm the one paying for it you can't use that you're gonna get caught dude not this lecture again georgie i'm serious put it back before hey guys can i help you with anything uh actually yeah do you have ps5s oh i wish but we're actually all sold out darn i've been wanting to get one for my birthday oh i guess i'll just buy this thing great let me take this in the front for you whenever you're ready cool all right check this out you can choose anything you want in the store and i'll buy it for you no i don't want anything to do with this i'll be waiting outside sammy come on whatever all right we still got 15 minutes before mom gets here i say we go to another store so you can buy more stuff on a stolen card not a chance you're being so dramatic how are you planning on explaining that what happens if mom asks how you paid for it you really take me for a fool don't you [Applause] mom is never gonna know that i bought this hey boys do you like video games i got a brand new ps5 for sale or not that you just did things oh speak for yourself how much this one retails for 500 but uh i'll let it go for 250. what wait are you serious that's a steal [Laughter] it sure is oh i i don't have cash but you take a credit card you you can't use that stop it i'm embarrassing that don't take his card it's not even his he's not buy it sorry about my little brother uh what he means to say is that it's my mom's credit card uh does that matter not to me just as long as it works great well there you go perfect i got a reader in the car i'll be right back i can't believe you you're just gonna let him walk away with the ps5 and the card what if he runs away he's not gonna do that are you no i would never do that here i'll tell you what you can hang on to this until i get back oh thanks see how do you know the console's even in there this could all just be a scam must you ruin everything this isn't a scam feel heavy this is what's that shaking noise i i don't know [Applause] rux what the heck that's all that's in here hey hey get back hey get my card back he's getting away no like you're any better i told you not to steal mom's card what are you gonna do now i don't know but i i gotta figure out something it's time you tell her the truth what no she'll kill me she figures out i stole her card so what you're just gonna let some thief charge it up if you don't tell her she won't know to cancel it just stop talking for a minute okay i gotta think of a good lie lying is what got you into this mess in the first place it's time you tell mom what about the ps5 box who cares it's just rocks that was the store georgie has something he wants to tell you right georgie oh yeah what's that uh i i was thinking maybe we could have spaghetti for dinner that's a great idea [Music] here you go oh thanks mom so georgie i've been meaning to ask you something lately you've been acting a little funny funny uh how so like you're hiding something from me i mean this morning you covered sammy's mouth uh what could i possibly be hiding you really think i wouldn't figure it out it's quite obvious that you failed your math exam were you really not gonna tell me my math test uh of course i was gonna tell you ma i was just about to mention it actually uh you see oh that's the credit card company calling that's strange i'll call them back after dinner that's a good idea you don't want your food to get gold wait uh you should probably answer it might be important you're right hello do i have my credit card i'm pretty sure i do let me check oh oh my gosh it's not in my wallet have either of you seen my credit card uh no i actually i haven't seen it i don't know how this happened but my credit card is missing there's been some suspicious activity what rolex for seven thousand dollars gucci for 3 800. neither of you know anything about this georgie an oculus no i didn't buy that 99 for roblox wait isn't that the game that you play uh no it's not well sometimes but not that much georgie is there something you need to tell me this is your last chance fine suit yourself no i don't recognize any of those transactions would i like to press charges against the person who stole my credit card and send them to jail well as a matter of fact i took it i'm sorry i used your card to buy some robux and and then i bought an oculus and here here we can still return it and i need the rolex and the gucci none of those charges were mine i swear there was this guy who tried to sell me a ps5 and i gave him my card well i mean your card and then he disappeared nice try i'm not gonna ask you again i need them back or i'm going to tell them i want to press charges please please believe me mom i'm begging you i don't want to go to jail [Music] well lucky for you you might have if that was the real credit card company what it isn't nope i had my office phone call me but i i don't understand if the credit card company didn't call you then how would you know that you stole my credit card i knew from the very beginning you see i get notifications on my phone whenever a charge is made within three seconds i knew what you were doing and here's a tip don't leave the order confirmation on the screen that shows you used my credit card oh yeah sorry about that is there anything else do you want to tell mom you know like where the card is now oh yeah there is mom you do actually have to call a credit card company because i wasn't lying to you about the guy i was telling you about earlier he sold me a box full of rocks and and then he ran away with your card we tried to get him but he got away so this guy does he look like him yeah exactly like wait what are you doing here mom call the cops right now i would except this guy is my assistant joey he is i had him sell you a fake ps5 hello oh hi here's your carpet oh thank you i will call you later i'm so confused so you purposely set me up to get scammed but why would you do that to teach you a lesson see i told myself it was wrong for you to use my credit card to begin with but if you were honest with me i would still give you the ps5 i got you for your birthday no way you got me the ps5 yes had gotten it for you see because you lied to me and sammy was honest i'm giving it to him wow thank you so much that isn't fair i wanted that oh well at least i can still play with this oh no we're returning this but then what do i get for my birthday well i don't know how about i don't call the cops and tell them what you did so i hope you learned what happens in the dark i know i know always comes to light okay well at least we got the money back for the oculus oh sorry again mom but i'm glad everything worked out oh mom i was wondering since today's the first do you think i could maybe get my allowance for some new shoes here you go but i don't have any change well that's all right you've been so good lately you can keep it wow thanks hey what about my allowance [Music] here you go that also includes your birthday money yes i think i'm gonna buy a you do that do you really think i forgot about the roblox this is you paying me back no please give it back here you go sammy how about you buy yourself some new clothes too seriously this is the best day ever i think i'll start in that store over there come on watch this where'd you put the sandwich here that's leah's lunch don't touch that stop it that's not yours oh grow up he's the only kid in middle school that believes in imaginary friends have a good lunch weirdo you
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 10,905,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: fsvyHV5WNTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 52sec (3772 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.