JEALOUS GIRLS That Went WAY TOO FAR, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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do you think I look okay you look horrible I'm kidding Kelly this is not the time to play around Kai's gonna be here in 20. do I look good or not Nina you look amazing why are you worried Kyle's crazy about you you really think so obviously why else would he ask you to be his girlfriend you're right I'm just oh nervous overthinking it all of the above pretty much you guys just started dating it's going to be what a month next week you're at the cupcake stage you should be feeling butterflies right now don't overthink it and try to have fun okay I will [Applause] I'm Gonna Change oh gosh who's alyssa143 on Instagram I don't know why just wondering should comment on Kyle's last photo what the heck who is she I don't know probably just a friend it doesn't mean anything it does when he responds he said thank you it's just being polite yeah right I'm asking him about this right now Nina you're doing it again remember this is the reason why your last relationship ended yeah but I have a gut feeling that something is off about this you have a gut feeling and they're not always right all right I'm gonna leave before he gets here so try to have fun remember don't let your jealousy take over she literally commented on six out of his last 10 photos how have I never noticed this you changed yeah wait how did you know I liked pink lemonade I pay attention to detail I knew there was a reason I liked you just one no no that's not what I meant um there's a lot of reasons why I like you like did you do this drawing yeah it's uh it's my grandma I've been meaning to get it blown up and put in my room ever since she passed what she and I were really close well that's two more reasons why I like you one you're an incredible artist and two you care a lot about your family is something wrong seem a little off no I'm fine are you sure I'm just I'm still kind of bothered by that Alyssa thing uh okay well [Applause] uh I told you I I've known her since I was a kid so he commented on 16 photos or not at all I think I feel like she's just one of the guys I can introduce you to her if you want are you attracted to her I mean it she is pretty no no not at all her and I were we're just friends nothing else please please try not to dig into those comments but it's not just her you also liked seven of her last photos yeah yeah because she's my friend are you tracking all of this Nina hey I'm dating you I like you I really like you seriously why do you even think I'd even like another girl I don't know I just I'm just I'm just worried that you're more into girls that look like her I mean she's pretty with perfect makeup and she dresses really nice and like if you were into her I can see why I I don't think you understand I'm not trying to invalidate your feelings but I look at her like a sister that's what all guys say when they don't want their girlfriends okay look if we don't have trust we don't have anything right yeah I don't like Alyssa promise can we watch this video please okay [Music] you will become part of my development team as of Monday really and if it doesn't work you get your stuff don't you think that you're overdoing it just a bit this is what he wants Cali all he wants is you but who knows for how long if you keep acting like this don't ruin a good thing Kyle really likes you for now but what if he loses interest that's why I have to prove I can be just as pretty as Alyssa I give up I'll see you at lunch you know wow you look different do you like it yeah I I mean I'm definitely not complaining the important thing is do you like it yeah me too hey Kyle are we still meeting in the computer lab oh yeah I'll be there great I'll see you soon oh my gosh Nina I almost did not recognize you but you look amazing I'll see you later oh someone has a type what do you mean also that kind of wasn't really nice of you to just ignore Sam when she was complimenting you until she thinks since one of you and Sam been friends it's Middle School please please don't do this okay I promise it's nothing to worry about we're just working on a project well what kind of project just something that she's helping me with it's nothing crazy okay I guess I'll just see you later then what do you mean are we not hanging out oh that's okay you can just hang out with Sam are you serious have fun Nina wow this is really coming together perfect glad you like it um let's sit right here Nina I thought you were having lunch with a tally I was but I decided to do a project with Levi instead oh okay uh you're gonna sit there yeah why do you not want me to sit by you no of course I do wow this is really coming together so what did you want to work on oh my gosh you're so funny no really like would you want to work on what did you want to work on by the way you look so cute in that color just really I mean gray it's so plain not on you it isn't that's it that's perfect wow uh thank you so much for helping me with this seriously I really appreciate it hey anything for an old friend don't mention it oh I know let's take a selfie uh okay oh my gosh we look so cute together we should totally hang out sometime aren't we hanging out right now where are you going we finished our work so I'm gonna go thanks again and you weren't even gonna say goodbye Nina can we talk real quick foreign what are you talking about are you are you serious you're not studying I can see you you you're taking selfies you're complimenting Levi you're asking him to hang out with you it's weird well what's the matter are you jealous no I'm not jealous I'm just fuse while you're flirting with other now you know how it feels I don't know how it feels I'm not flirting with anybody is that what this is about you're doing this on purpose so what if I am you've been doing the same thing to me all week first liking all of Alyssa's photos and then hanging out with Sam at lunch I mean come on you we're clearly just hiding something I'm not dumb Nina I'm getting sick of this you keep accusing me of things that I'm not even doing it you are a liar and a cheater all you do is talk to other girls in front of me like I don't even matter you know what it's fine I know you don't want me Kyle I need some just like a typical man to run away when they get caught you okay Nina no [Music] you still want to hang out again you okay I just don't understand my old guys have to be such pigs that's unfair you don't even know if Kyle did anything wrong yes I do I I should have broken up with him the minute I saw Alyssa commenting all over his stuff I mean they clearly have something going on I was just too naive to see it that's the stretch today was supposed to be our one month anniversary he hasn't called or texted is that her it is where are you going thanks a lot um do I know you wait you're Kyle's girlfriend Mina right he talks about you all the time I'm surprised he's mentioned me given that you two obviously have something going on I mean I've seen all of your comments and hearts all over his photos so hold on you think Nina it's it's never been like that we've known each other since we were kids he's like my brother thank you oh oh this is Nina you know Kyle's girlfriend oh yeah he talks about you all the time it's nice to finally meet you you are Josh Alyssa's boyfriend you have a boyfriend yeah for like six years now Kyla Josh are best friends wow I feel so bad for um it's nice meeting you I'm so sorry I feel like I just made a total fool out of myself no no not at all I totally understand it can be hard when a guy has a girl for a friend but I promise you there's nothing to worry about and Kyle's like the most trustworthy guy I know thanks I I appreciate it really it was nice meeting you guys yeah we'll see you around all right see ya you see I told you that there was nothing to worry about you were right I yeah but this platypus in Perry keeps getting in my way I don't believe this I might have been wrong about Alyssa but I wasn't wrong about Sam not again Nina and here I was thinking I was crazy but I'm not you wanted her all along didn't you um I'm gonna give you guys a second are you doing this again don't make me out to be the bad guy you guys are exchanging gifts now how long have you two been a thing this is for you don't even try to pretend like this is for me I just open it [Applause] thank you [Music] Kyle this is beautiful happy one month anniversary thank you but how did you I took a photo of your portrait and I sent it to Sam she did the rest I'm not really good with this stuff but she is and that's what we were working on that's why I had to slide the computer away from you I just didn't want to ruin the surprise Kyle I'm so sorry for accusing you of all those things I just I let my insecurities get the best of me and about Alyssa you don't have to explain let's just say you were right if we don't have trust we don't have anything thanks for showing me that and I promise I'll be better if you still want to be with me that is of course I do Nina like I said there are so many things that I like about you I mean I should probably do without like one or two things sweetest thing anyone [Music] anyway you want to have coffee with Kelly and I yeah are you sure we should be seeing together though [Music] I don't want to make Levi bad oh my gosh I need to apologize to him and to Sam and to Alyssa and to Cali there's a lot of people I need to apologize to foreign so when you meet my daughter on Saturday I want you to wear the red shirt I got you with the khakis like this so you want me to look like I work at Target he's not gonna think that try truck in Indian culture red means Royal he's gonna love it um okay but why can't I just wear what I usually wear my dad's a senior partner at a law firm you need to make a good impression on him you can't just show up looking like this also why are you wearing this beanie I told you I didn't like it why do I have to try so hard to impress your Dad because Indian dots are super strict and if he doesn't like you he's not gonna let me be with you which is also why we need to talk about you getting a job a job but I told you I'm trans yo what's up dude oh what's good did you get your ticket to the Lakers Bulls game tomorrow Arthur and I got ours what you're going to the basketball game tomorrow you didn't tell me this I know I'm sorry babe I just I was just about to let you know but Friday nights are our nights together every other night look I hardly even get to see my friends anymore well that's what happens when you're in a relationship John um mind giving us a second look babe I'm really sorry okay it's just sometimes I feel like I can't talk to you about these things because you get really mad or you guilt trip me that's not true okay well would you mind if I hung out with Arthur and Jerry tomorrow so you don't want to hang out with me see Guilt tripping trip you know what fine just go I'll just be by myself on a Friday night don't worry about me Raji stop stop Roger where are you going I should probably check on her yeah I'll let you know about the game though [Music] you don't always need to do what she says you know yeah you shouldn't have to change yourself to make someone else happy [Music] I know thanks guys I'm just gonna figure this out and I'll hit you guys up later yeah later can you please just stop being upset I just dealt with your friends over me okay look babe it's not like I'm choosing them over you all right I just like to see them once in a while too you know hi what can I get for you guys okay take a sweet green juice please great and you uh can I get the impossible Burger and Fries what we're on a 14 day juice cleanse together I know but I'm so hungry that I've been feeling lightheaded I want an actual meal oh that's how it goes I can just come back when you figure it out I said I wanted the burger all right look I'm way bigger than you and I can't just get by on juice alone well that that's how it goes we had an agreement you said you'd stick to it you forced me into that agreement all right I didn't want to do this whole juicing thing anyway and it's not like I'm even overweight yeah not now but I don't want to know B's husband a year from now when we get married well did you just say you want to get married in a year yeah after you meet my dad he's not just gonna be okay with me dating a guy we are so young I don't even [Music] uh give me one second babe can I please go seriously John even after I told you how it made me feel you still want to go I'm really sorry okay I'm gonna be spending time with you tonight and Saturday night and Sunday night that's what people who want to be with each other do ORS can we talk about the game later are you really gonna be on the phone the entire time we're at lunch I'll call you guys back I don't like your friends what are you talking about they've been my best friend since Elementary School well you know you're the average of The Five People You spend the most time with just so you know I don't even get to spend time with five different people the only person I ever spend time with is you you say that like it's a bad thing okay I did not mean it that way I maybe we're just both hungry drink your juice [Music] hey babe guess where I went today ah can you give me one second please you care more about your game than me it's not that I beat this level just give me one minute hey why would you do that I haven't seen you since school got out and then you're gonna ignore me when I walk in besides you shouldn't be playing video games anyway why not it's a Friday and you wouldn't even let me hang out with my friends and now I came and play video games too video games won't help you get ahead John but you know what will what this job application I picked up for you today job application I stopped by at a local Law Firm they said they're hiring interns the pay isn't that great but it'll help you get your foot in the door I even went ahead and filled it out for you already that I I told you I wanted to start my own business what percentage of edge of Mrs fail over 50 in the first two years alone and then over 90 percent within 10 years it's a source of income that that doesn't mean I'm gonna fail look John I don't want my dad to think that you're not going to be able to support us when we have kids kids yeah he's very traditional I really think you should apply for this job that's gonna impress him and hey honey Arthur and Jerry are here uh yeah okay you invited them over uh uh no they were supposed to be at the game I have no idea why they're here wait yo weren't you guys supposed to be at the game yeah man but we couldn't go without you man we go to every game with each other that's why we bought you a ticket oh yeah and we are not taking no for an answer my friend no way seriously oh man go get some gear on so we can roll out oh dude I've but she was that easy raji's hair come on man I'm sorry I'm gonna stop letting her tell you what to do yeah man you gotta live your life you should just tell her that tell me what go on you were saying that's what I thought babe guess what they got me tickets to go to the game so do you think maybe absolutely not we already talked about this see this is why your friends are a bad influence they don't respect affect your decisions a bad influence we're just trying to hang out with our best friend no you're peer pressuring him into doing something he doesn't want to do right John I uh so you don't want to hang with us no it's not like that guys come on you know okay then so what's it gonna be your friends or your girlfriend I don't want to have to choose well you have to so make a decision [Music] I can't go sorry guys wow man you've changed you're not the John we used to know have fun hanging out with your girlfriend [Music] are you happy now just ruin my friendships with my best friends wow when we're married with kids you won't have time for them anyway come on let's go over your outfit for tomorrow [Music] don't even think about eating those Doritos how did she know do I really have to wear this tie yeah so stop asking let's go over what you're gonna say one more time I don't want to do it again I be fine important that you don't you don't I've missed you so much I missed you too how are you oh my God John the guy I've been telling you about hello Samir you mean Mr Gupta yeah yes I do I'm so sorry uh Mr Gupta it's nice meeting you sir it's okay samir's fine oh no need for formalities with me okay sit down relax great great hello my name is Alex I'll be your server today how you doing here's your menus she's gonna get you something started to drink today um so actually only my dad's eating we're juicing okay we'll get two green juices sure we're on a strict diet but you should eat whatever you want you've got a lot of discipline more so than I can say you know what I'll do the impossible burger please with the fries and a Sprite that's what I usually order you know I've had it a few times it's really good I'll be right back thank you sure you don't want to order some real food yeah you sure okay so John tell me about yourself keep working or no uh I actually my goal is to start my own business what he means to say is he just applied for a job at a law firm really so you want to be a lawyer one day uh yeah you know I've been a lawyer my entire life and I'll be honest with you it's a lot of stress you're young Now's the Time to take risks I mean why not look into starting your own business that's exactly what I want to do uh I want to be an entrepreneur yeah but John and I already talked about it and he knows how important it is for him to have a staple job that way when we get married married you guys are already talking about marriage I mean it's a little fast don't you think yes wait I thought you wouldn't let me date Raji unless we're not gonna get married like tomorrow we're gonna take our time this year for sure I mean how else will we have kids kids you're already talking about kids too what's the rush there is no rush Mr Gupta I I assure you uh Rashi said that that's what you wanted us to do me absolutely not enjoy your life travel experience new things now's the time to do that yeah so I'm confused you told me that you're my dad is a lot more traditional than he's coming traditional me that's a good one Raji wow so this this entire time when you said that your dad wanted me to have a job and that he wanted us to get married and have kids that that was you I so was this guy really that big of a deal you know I was wondering why you wore that I mean honestly the only reason I'm dressed this way is because I had court today otherwise I'd probably be in a T-shirt and beanie here's your drinks thank you my Sprite and your juice actually can you cancel my green juice but we agreed to do this diet together yeah but that was for you and now I want to start doing things that make me happy I want to focus on myself and shouldn't have to change who I am just to make you happy I'm sorry but you're a really cool guy but I I can't do this anymore I gotta go are you sure yes I am just you know process things do you mind no please don't go Rashi I'm serious I need to go are you doing this Raji let him go I have to respect his wishes thank you it was uh really nice meeting you hey hey it's all right what's up you got this you got this yes you can play oh John hey what are you doing here man what are you wearing oh uh is it cool if I come in yeah of course surprise Roger you let you come here well uh let's just say that Raji isn't going to be telling me what to do anymore I forgot what real food tasted like so you want to tell us what's going on um yeah yeah I'm sorry guys I was honestly a really bad friend um I let Raji control me way too much honestly I finally hi is John here uh-huh do you mind coming out for a sec no I think I'm good right here I'm gonna be in my room I came here to apologize sorry for how controlling I've been just controlling and the guilt trips and lying to you about my dad so sorry for everything I realize now you shouldn't have to change who you are to make me happy will you please forgive me I don't think I could do that right now [Music] no more telling you what to wear what to eat where to work where to not hang out with my friends none of that I want you to be happy is there any chance we can try this again also I bought three box seats to the Laker game next week you can take Arthur and Jerry with you really are you for real you guys were eavesdropping no come on box seats you can't turn those down man man hurry up and forgive her yeah uh [Music] I forgive you thank you and I'll tell you what keep hanging out with your boys for as long as you possibly want and call me when you're done I'm sorry I like the new Raji wait how did you know where I was I may have been able to share my location from your phone a few months ago seriously Raji okay but look I turned it off see bye we just got boxies my pleasure well if it isn't the dirty liar did you really think we weren't gonna find out whoa hey ladies what's with the harsh Vibes don't play dumb Dallas we know what you did this weekend yeah after we study together on Friday you went to study with Kimberly the next day yeah but it was different subjects you were math and she was history does it make it better I'm sorry is it illegal to study two subjects in one weekend especially two very pretty subjects oh my gosh does this mean neither of you want to study again this weekend Nick can get a free appetizer oh well what was that about well if I had to guess they're upset that I'm trying to date both of them at the same time yeah that seems like a pretty good reason to be upset when you become such a player I'm not a player I'm just having fun what's wrong with it I don't know man you kind of act a little weird ever since you and Liz broke up who oh right Alyssa this has nothing to do with her don't even think about her anymore really bro you the girl you were madly in love you just gonna tell me she never crosses your mind absolutely not besides she moved on so I'm moving on to what makes you think that she posted this photo with a new guy she's clearly in a new relationship don't touch it you might accidentally like it so your ex moved on I mean you just gotta change too look I tried the whole nice guy thing look where that got me it just left me with a broken heart so I'm playing the field from now on no strings attached wait wait wait wait you said you you not even thinking about Alyssa but you still follow her on Instagram what's with all the questions are you writing a book about my life no okay okay fine fine I'll I'll drop the subject speaking of subjects I see the next one I'd like to study oh that is so cringe hey Sarah just the girl I was looking for nothing much just was hoping you're free on Saturday so we could grab a bite to eat are you asking me out on a date yeah could be fun we could hit up Giovanni's then maybe go out for some ice cream after oh that voice is so cute and I'd love to go out with you but I sort of heard this rumor Boomer let's build a team I love Gossip well right around school is you're kind of a player me that's ridiculous I'm like the sweetest guy ever are you sure about that I mean was I even the first girl you asked to hang out with this weekend of course pretty much technically thought so bye Dallas wait that was a bad answer let me have another show three strikes you're out there's plenty of fish in the sea I'm just gonna move on to the next one you keep playing these games eventually every girl in the school is gonna know you're a player so I'll just have to switch to a different School [Music] would have been cool if Sarah was down she's so cute hopefully I can find somebody else to hang out with by Saturday okay are you ever think about just being single for a little while you know just take some time work on yourself that sounds so lame I'm a good looking guy I shouldn't have to spend nine weekends alone wait a minute who's that oh I think her name's Olivia she's new that's perfect she probably hasn't even heard about me yet it's like a clean slate plus she's hot too man you really got me careful you don't want to ruin your reputation even more what are you talking about oh one day you might meet a girl that you really like but she's not going to want to date you because your track record and it's called karma are you a teacher because it sounds like you're giving me a lecture but I'm just saying that save it for somebody else I'll be right back [Music] hey there I don't think we've met I'm Dallas hi I'm Olivia I just started going here how do you like it so far it it's cool I haven't met a lot of people yet though most of the people here are boring don't bother getting to know them really even you no no I'm the only fun one you should definitely get to know me okay I'll take a note of that actually have you been to Giovanni's yet it's like this little restaurant that everyone hangs out at no I haven't well if you're free this weekend I can totally take you yeah I am busy Sunday um does Saturday work for you Saturday would be perfect all right it's a date sweet cool if I get your IG so I can DM you sure I'll put it in here you go and message me with the Deets after school I will for sure it was nice meeting you Olivia it's nice meeting you too foreign so it's done man she's so gorgeous I hit the jackpot wait Alice Sarah what's up so I was thinking about it and I thought maybe I should give you a chance a chance for what to see if you're really a good guy I don't normally listen to rumors I'd rather see for myself so yeah I'm totally down to get food with you on Saturday um that's great yeah if you still want to um I was just thinking does Sunday work for you I knew it you already asked another girl you're such a player no no I'm still free on Saturday let's do Saturday not a problem all right cool text me and let me know what time you want to hang out yeah yeah I'll text you well that makes things a lot more complicated oh you gotta cancel one of them there's no way you're better going two dates in one day you're right unless I can do you have to go or something you keep checking the time no no I'm good I'm sorry again for being late I just can't believe my dog got sick like that no worries I'm just glad Mr Biscuit's okay yeah I mean he's just never had a digestion before so it's just kind of freaking out yeah I don't blame you sounds scary it really was I'm gonna use the restroom real quick but I'll be right back sounds good I won't go anywhere so how's it going not good Mr biscuits ruined the whole thing what it's a Mr biscuit I made sure I had plenty of time between each girl but then Sarah's dog got sick and she had to take him to the vet last minute which pushed our date back and now Olivia texted me saying she's coming early so my window is closing I'm just glad I'm here to see this man I told you you can't do two days in one day one day I'm still fine all I gotta do is wrap things up with Sarah as soon as possible before Olivia gets here uh you may want to hurry that because Olivia just got here got a lot harder yo me maybe it's not too late for me kind of throwing that towel and walk away with some dignity are you crazy not out of the game yet [Music] Hey Olivia I'm so glad you could make it hi so sorry I was early I thought there was going to be a lot more traffic it's not a problem at all I live right around the corner just a quick walk so it was easy to get here actually can we get this booth over here no problem I'll go ahead and seat you right now follow me foreign go ahead and take a look at the menu I actually forgot to pay my parking meter I'll be right back oh okay I'll check on you in just a brief moment okay so [Music] where were we were you just back in the kitchen um yeah I was uh giving my compliments to the chef spaghetti is amazing yeah it's okay hmm it's all good just delicious are you gonna no go ahead [Music] all right so how's it going over here everything good really good yeah we're actually done can we get the check too bad you didn't leave any room for dessert you know what dessert sounds great what do you have oh well we have our famous chocolate cake our delicious pistachio ice cream actually we just ran out of the ice cream what a shame I wanted the ice cream I guess we'll have to come back another time for it then actually Taco cake sounds yummy I love some I guess we'll take the cake that's a great choice I'll go ahead and put that order in for you guys hey now I gotta use the restroom I'll be right back okay see you soon then sorry about that dumb parking meter I thought you said you walked here usually I do but this time I decided to drive didn't want to be late for our first day first date second one would be awesome and I'll definitely plan it better is there something wrong with this one no perfect so what's good here not the spaghetti it's kind of dry good to know so anyway how do you think your dog got indigestion silly me I meant to say my dog he got indigestion you have a dog what's his name Mr biscuit poor guy I have to take him to the vet it was scary is he gonna be okay I think he's gonna pull through do you have any photos I didn't see any on your Instagram um wow you spy it on my Instagram account shoot it's okay I might have checked out yours too great Nick forgot to pour us water so busy I'll get us something that's sweet I'll be right back I don't know how much longer I can keep this up you gotta help me out I'm staying out of this man you know how hard this is to just watch you play games with these girls I feel bad enough already can't you just say a rat ran out of the kitchen or something no okay he's just kidding he's kidding come on man we're not here you gotta keep your voice down give us a bad review fine some friend you are here you go when did you order this wait why are we having dessert first oh man I meant to grab water not cake I always mix those two up you do yeah let me take this back really quick oh no it's okay it actually looks really good that's really delicious glad you like it I'll go grab us some water to wash that down um hey that took a while yeah well you know men's restrooms always on a long line really I almost thought it was the opposite you'd be surprised but anyway I had a great time are you ready to get going we haven't had our cake yet where's Nick have you seen Dallas [Music] I just saw a huge rat run out of the kitchen oh my God no no no wait wait a minute that's no that's not true that's not what I mean that's not true we don't have we don't have rats no we no we don't have you did not have to do that you didn't have to mention desserts I think I'll go through the kitchen you didn't text me back all weekend that's because you got me in trouble after that little stunt you pooped sorry about that but at least it worked girls never caught on why aren't they waiting for you outside texted Sarah and told her I'm allergic to rats and I had to go home she bought it and left I took Olivia somewhere else worked like a charm wow I can't believe you got away with that best part is I already got second dates lined up with both of them this time I made sure to schedule them on separate weekends dude foreign what happened to you what happened to the real Dallas the one who was a sweet caring guy don't you get it that Dallas doesn't exist anymore not since Alyssa broke my Alyssa hi can we talk sure have you been Dallas good just been you know working on myself that's nice to hear what about you if I'm being completely honest I've actually been missing you a lot what are you being serious yeah you were like the sweetest guy I know when I lately wait what about that guy on your Instagram aren't you dating him who foreign that's my cousin Steven you think I'd move on that fast I haven't been dating anyone have you no no no no no not at all I honestly can't stop thinking about you too like I don't want to be with anyone else can we just go back to the way things were yes oh my gosh that's that's all I have what can't you see I'm in the middle of something here you come on see this hold that thought [Music] ladies and gentlemen this is a public service announcement Dallas Wilson is 100 a dirty lying player he hung out with both of us this weekend so to any girl who's thinking about going on a date with him don't Public Service announced Dallas Wilson is 100 he hung out with both of us this weekend dude I can't let Alyssa see this [Music] Alyssa I can explain you you don't want any girl but me huh sure doesn't look that way it's not what it looks like so you didn't go on two dates in the same weekend okay so it is what it looks like but but I just did all that to get over you you aren't who I thought you were I made the right decision breaking up with you no Alyssa wait don't go we can talk this out [Music] oh hi girls looks like I made a few new friends at the school after all and we all agree trash yeah it turns out of the rumors about you were true and now the whole school knows good luck trying to find another girl to date now hey you know I think it might just be a good time for you to focus on yourself and stay single for a little while I don't think I have much of a choice anymore anyways come on oh wow is that your design for the competition I don't know how you keep doing this your designs get better and better each year you really think so come on Zara you're the reigning Champion for a reason my designs are never going to be as good as yours Stop It Sloane I mean yours looks great you're just saying that's made me feel better oh really what do we have here give it back to me Libby this isn't your design for the competition yeah it is why it's hideous just like all your the work well her hideous work has won the competition three years in a row that was just dumb luck look Sarah I'm gonna win this competition this year that four thousand dollar prize is mine don't listen to her she's just trying to intimidate you plus I heard she's having some financial aid problems that's probably why she's so desperate to win really I didn't know that I mean kind of feel bad for her now after how she just treated you please I still can't believe you guys were friends [Music] well you know sometimes it's people closest to you that end up being your biggest enemies you got that right hey girls ready for the competition tomorrow can't wait to see those dresses and we're getting there oh by the way Zara the fabric that you ordered came in do you want to come grab it from my office yes finally do you want to come I'm just gonna grab something for my locker real quick I'll just meet you back here okay I'm always so excited to see what you have in store for us thinks his green needs a lot have you guys seen my Sketchbook it was right here no sorry [Music] has anyone seen my Sketchbook hey what's wrong sketchbook's gone how is that possible did you ask around yeah no one saw how it disappeared do you think maybe someone took it by accident or on purpose Libby must have come back and got it when we were gone you have to go confront her your dress design was on there it's fine you know I don't know if she actually did it besides I have it memorized what if she tries to steal your design she can't because the most important part is this fabric it's one of a kind I got imported from Italy without it that design is nothing really yeah I'll show you in class let's go wow is that the fabric you were talking about yeah it's awesome right yeah more like awful what is your problem Libby oh nothing just Zara this is catastrophic if this is the fabric you're using for the competition you should just give up now can you leave me alone everyone's everyone leave you alone when they see you in that awful dress one of these days I swear did you lose something else yeah I can't find my shoes have you seen them I don't think so the black ones right no they're new they're pink no I definitely haven't seen those I can't lose them they were super expensive I I saved up all semester for those everything okay I can't find my shears do you think I could borrow an extra pair sorry Dan's using mine right now maybe you and someone could share I didn't bring mine I'm still working on my design does anyone have an extra pair of shears hey can I talk to you for a sec sure I'll be right back way to be prepared Zara can you not right now winning this competition is going to be a lot easier than I thought that'd be shares this look like mine where did you get those that's none of your business give them to me make me you know I don't have time for this I'm gonna tell my screen oh you need a screen to fight your battles kissing up to her was probably the only reason why you won in the first place you know what it's fine you keep them that's what I thought you can't just let her steal those from you it's fine I'm just gonna ignore her I'm gonna go say something oh seriously it's fine honestly I won't let her get to me she can play dirty all by herself I'm just gonna focus on me hey I was wondering where you were I'm not feeling so well cramps oh sorry I hope you don't mind I started can I speak to you for a moment yeah is everything okay in the screen did you leave your Fabric in the classroom yeah why I I don't know how to tell you this but what is it Zara oh my gosh what happened I'm not sure I walked into the class and saw it that way I am so sorry Zara is there anything I can do I I don't know I'm just I feel so bad at I have a lot of other Fabrics you can use if you want to take a look you don't understand I mean this fabric is one of a kind it makes this whole dress please don't hesitate to ask if you need anything at all okay still in shock do you think Libby had anything to do with this enough is enough we need to do something about her this is sabotage what can I do we have no proof she actually did this so it's just I hope she enjoys the prize money what are you saying don't tell me you're dropping out of the competition I don't know I mean the competitions Tomorrow there's no way I can start this late in the game Zora do you want to use some of my fabric I don't mind no it's okay just make sure you beat loopy okay I will do you want to get a coffee or something I'll buy I think I just want to go home [Music] all right text me okay the deadline is just about up I heard Zara had some technical difficulties like you had nothing to do with that either way you're not going to win well that's it entries are officially Zara you're here so sorry I'm late I just kind of stable ain't finishing this but I thought that your fabric was ruined it was but I found a way forward to work with my design oh okay I give up her dress is definitely better than mine yeah that watch dye is pureed she shouldn't even be allowed to enter if she was late actually she was just in time go ahead and put your dress on the mannequin Center the rest of us can go wait outside the judges will be here soon to make a decision this is ridiculous why didn't you tell me you finished your dress I wanted to surprise you I should have known you wouldn't have given up that easy I wasn't just gonna let Libby win not that she was going to I mean your dress looks amazing you might actually beat me please now that you're here we all stand no chance we'll see and done you wanna go grab lunch while we wait yeah actually I'm gonna use the restroom real quick okay let's meet by the lockers then sorry a little plan to sabotage me didn't work out what are you talking about oh come on drop the act now you did everything you could to ruin my dress so you could win come on Zara I want you to lose I'll admit that but I am not that desperate okay so can you tell me where my Sketchbook is because it mysteriously disappeared from the computer lab after you were talking to us I didn't take your Sketchbook I gave it back to you that day I know you came back and got it when I was with Miss green I couldn't have because I had to go take a math exam right after yeah right I'm serious didn't we take a math exam yesterday yeah why it's proving a point see okay but that doesn't really say much I don't know what time you took the exam besides if you didn't take my Sketchbook I know you took my shares I literally saw you using them do you mean these they're mine I told you Siri's saying you coincidentally have the same exact pair as me I've never seen a new one pink shears yeah my grandma gave them to me as a gift look she even had them engraved so those are yours that's what I've been trying to tell you okay fine so maybe I lost mine but there's no way out of spilling dye on my fabric are you kidding me I never did that I literally saw you walking with a bottle of the exact same die after it happened I never opened that bottle I was gonna use it on my dress but then I changed my mind look you may have forgotten but we used to be friends before you got a new BFF so yeah I want to win the competitions and I could really use the prize money but I've never sabotaged you don't understand immediately sorry do these belong to you yes we find those I've been looking for them everywhere you should come with me Sloan so tell me it isn't true she was trying to destroy your dress you also found these hanging out of her backpack just to understand why would you stop you know exactly why I did this I thought we were best friends yeah and that's all I'll ever be the best friend is SuperStar designer Zara I'm sick of living in the shadow of your success I want the spotlight for myself just for once so do you try to sabotage me how else was I supposed to win can't believe you did this I am so sorry you had to go through all this Sarah these belong to you principal's on her way we'll make sure that Sloane is punished for what she did thanks foreign you won't believe this you won again how it's great I thought you'd be more excited I am it's just I have a lot going on in my mind right now I understand well just so you know between you and I someone got what she deserved anyway congrats again I'm sure you'll think of a good way to use the money thanks hey Libby I heard the judges chose you can't say I'm surprised thanks you know I may have won the competition but if I want you to have this what no it's yours I can't you need it more than me and plus I went up on the competition without you how so tell you the truth I only stayed up all night working on my dress because I wanted to beat you and I thought you were the one who was sabotaging me so in some weird way you kind of helped me win are you sure yeah wow thanks Sarah I don't know what to say consider this a fresh start yeah I would like that so did you ever figure out who you know you know yeah it was Sloane no I never would have guessed that but I guess sometimes it's the people that are closest to you that turn out to be your biggest enemies yeah you're right about that hey do you want to stay with me at lunch you know kind of in the market for a new friend on one condition what's up when you become the next it designer and Grace the covers of Vogue magazine hire me as your assistant wait so that means I have to be Meryl Streep but you get to be in Hathaway no not a chance no okay fine you can work for me then I'm not saying all freshmen have to live on campus their first year hi I'm Cassie your new roommate we're not going to be roommates for very long everything she asks for you give her I want an off-campus apartment how else do you think she'd turn out so what do we do now thank you
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 5,893,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: JfDlV-taQDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 51sec (4191 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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