Cheerleaders Overcoming Challenges! | Dhar Mann

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5 six seven8 a w e s o m e awesome you're awesome awesome move out of the way you're lucky I just saved your life you need to be paying more attention all right guys uh we need to head to the game soon so let's start painting faces sorry about that Felicia I'll make sure I fully know the routine before the competition in 2 weeks wait you're planning on competing with us you're just an alternate you're not going competing I'm I'm sure someone will be replacing you soon but I've been practicing I don't have time for this why don't you go join the other girls okay if you don't like her then why'd you let her on the squad Chris why else plus she's not going to be performing with this long she's only in since Natalia got hurt I still can't believe Natalia's out for the whole season so sad what happened to her especially since she was our best flyer hey Chris hey Felicia we're just saying hi before the game nice number thanks you know I'm your biggest trer leader Chris hey are you ready for tonight the question is are you ready you better score lots of points or you're in big trouble wow that's a lot of pressure hey Daisy do you think you can go check on the pom poms in the locker room sure Felicia see you Chris hey thanks again for giving her a chance on the team all she's ever wanted to do is be a cheerleader no problem I mean her skills speak for themselves she's natural I'm glad to hear it anyway we'll see you at the game yeah hey also I was wondering are you busy Friday cuz if not I was thinking maybe we could get milkshakes sure yeah I'm not doing anything all the pom poms are out of the locker room great and another thing uh can you change your number I already have 13 but 13's my brother's number I know but I'm captain so I get first dips sorry oh okay out of curiosity what happens if we don't find someone to replace Daisy before the competition I'd rather have one less girl than let her perform with us and besides this will be a last performance I just have to make sure Chris doesn't find out what are you going to do with that that let's just say on Fridays we were orange people seem to love the new routine yeah I just feel like we need a way of taking up a notch by the way did you see Daisy she honestly wasn't that bad maybe you should give her a chance that's a good one it's not about her skills it's about the way she hey Felicia do you think I could try being a flyer are you kidding me you're not even coordinated enough to dance really I thought I did well today can you think about it and I don't want to lead you on Daisy you're not flying oh before I forget have you ever thought about tanning no why well we're going to start using body glitter looks good on tan skin since my Skin's pale I'm using this I think you should too okay how much do I put on a lot actually I'll put some on for you right now is that too much no not at all it's going to look great and I'll give you the bottle so you can take it home with you put some more on okay oh uh make sure to put it all over your [Music] face Daisy's still not here I know Tanner should keep her out for three games at least sorry I'm late hey I was wondering where you were I think there's some something wrong with that lotion you gave me when I woke up my skin was like this did you not use it no guess I forgot to so I'm guessing you're not going to be cheerleading with us today then I mean I would have been embarrassed to even show up here looking like a Oompa Loompa so I completely understand I don't mind Willy Wonka is one of my favorite movies and besides it should be off I'm going to go warm up bye guys o Loa I can't help but feel bad for her I mean she's so sweet don't she makes our whole team look bad now I have to kick it up a notch all right guys I want everyone on their aame since the competition's around the corner so let's try it to again before we head to the courts Natalia hey guys uh even though I'm out of commission I figured I'd still come support yall from the sidelines I see you're in good hands with your new captain it's definitely not the same without you but we're doing our best to get by oh well the doctor says my recovery is going well so hopefully I'll be back soon uh where's the New Girl Daisy I don't know she's been showing up late a lot lately which is concerning if I had to guess she isn't hey what's wrong my uniforms ruined oh my gosh wait did somebody literally cut up your uniform I don't know that is so bad I'm sorry Daisy can I still cheer unfortunately no as no talk I can tell you you have to be in uniform to cheer she's right unless what size are you a small why well since I'm not using my uniform you could just have mine I'm sure it'll fit I mean you can at least try okay thanks how do you like being on the team I love it my real dream is to be a fire but I don't think I'll ever be able to why couldn't you my old coach used to tell me Natalia you can do anything you put your mind to I really like that I'm guessing it was you behind the cut up uniform can't believe it didn't work I don't even know why Natalia had to show up I think you're taking this too far or not far enough I don't want to do this but guess I'm going to have to go to nuclear 5 6 7 8 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 all right that was good but I know we can do better so let's try it again from the top we've been practicing for 2 hours straight with no break can we take 10 yeah I'm tired you're obviously not tired if you have enough energy to keep complaining you're right sorry I can keep going actually you know what this would be a great time for us to practice flying if you still want to that is really yeah I mean we need a stronger ending if we're going to win the competition so who else better to do it than you you want me to do the finale yeah I would love that can I start with something easy like a smush no let's start with prep uh Candice can you and uh Katie help me well that might be too hard she'll be fine you know all the basics don't you Daisy yeah but I've never tried it you'll do great 5 six 78 1 2 3 4 5 six 78 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 ow my ankle ow oh my gosh are you okay my ankle it hurts so bad I'm so sorry I have no idea how I fell um do you think it's sprained it feels like it is well you're probably going to have to lay off of it for a few weeks and definitely get an x-ray we're going to have to do the competition without you but we'll [Music] manage congrats on the win again you played amazing thanks it was a team effort I mean at this rate you guys are on track for finals I really hope we win me too speaking of which your guys' competition is in a week right how are you feeling about that I was feeling good but now all I can think about as Daisy I really wanted her there with us especially with how good she was getting yeah well I haven't talked to her since my mom took her to the hospital hopefully it's not as bad as we think Daisy said you lost your balance yeah I feel horrible I hope you're not mad at me thanks it was an accident it could happen to anybody don't beat yourself up over it the best thing you can do is win the competition for Daisy you're right for [Music] Daisy you know what it's it's crazy I really feel like my life is falling into place recently I mean I'm captain of the cheer team the competition's right around the corner and I'm getting to hang out with you well let's not forget the most important part these milkshakes are amazing can I try my God definitely the best [Applause] part everyone give it up broke right you guys should have seen the performance and listen to that crowd the only way that we're going to win is if we give this everything that we've got even with a new routine it's going to be really hard without Daisy hi guys I missed you hey I'm I'm shocked to see you here I I thought you it it wasn't as bad as it looked I think we should do the ending we talked about with me flying no there's no way I'm letting you do that without a ton of practice I'm not risking it oh I have been with Natalia someone in a cast can't teach you to fly and in case you didn't get the memo natal is not on the team hey guys good news the doctor cleared me for cheer so I'll be taking over as Captain again thanks for helping in the meantime Felicia what no no you can't do this not right before the competition you know I can't help but find it odd that Daisy fell the same exact way as I did with you holding us it's almost as if it happened on purpose you know I don't know what you're implying but if you're saying that I would save it Felicia when you try to sabotage with the tanning lotion I wasn't happy about that then cutting up her uniform way too far but now that I know that you try to hurt Daisy the same way Natalia fell that it all makes sense so you did all that on purpose no no I would never you're really going to betray me like this right now Candace I think I speak for everyone when I say bye Felicia you're off the team and just wait until I tell my brother about this sorry about not saying anything things sooner Daisy just so you know next up Supreme cheer okay we can talk about this later but for now we have a competition to win are you still good with the ending we practiced yeah but I just got a bit nervous to be like I said you can do anything I put my mind too thanks for the reminder let's [Music] go to [Music] Cate cuz it's a good day good [Music] [Applause] life [Applause] you nailed it I still can't believe how quickly you learned it that's why I think you deserve this really no you deserve it I would have never learned those moves if it wasn't for you okay well for next conratulations oh you were so good I was like that's my sister Natalya it's so good to have you back thanks Chris oh Natalia and I were planning to get food to celebrate want to join mm oh if that's okay Natalia yeah I I don't mind I'd love to actually I know a place that makes the most incredible milkshakes you would not believe I'm so proud of [Music] you [Music] shoot that ball shoot shoot that Ballo shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball he he shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball woo A a o d s [Music] [Applause] he ready and give me a c c give me an a a give me an s s I can't do this it's like every other routine just kills my soul same what are we supposed to do our competition's in a week well does anyone have any ideas I mean you're the new captain Taylor you're supposed to have the ideas I have something oh yeah shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball he shoot that ball hey hey shoot that ball I love it you're first week here and you're already leading the squad maybe you should become Captain seriously did you know Taylor Transfer tour school from Oakdale low-income Public School ew I didn't know that so is Oakdale going to be in the competition too yeah they don't usually place but this year they have this new girl Kesha as their captain and I heard they've got a really good routine this year which is why we need a new captain to make sure we don't lose to them just think about it okay we should all hang out sometime really yeah for sure I'm going to go get some food right now if you girls want to come can't today but how about this weekend we'll text you that sounds good I'm excited Rock super [Music] Captain hey you to for castlemont oh uh yeah yeah I transferred there and joined the team my mom and I moved here from Burbank go away our old Captain Taylor she just transferred there too yeah she's really sweet but now we have a new captain our girl kha yeah and she just choreographed her routine and killed it yeah well we got to win that competition God knows we need the money you'll see it at competition next week yeah I can't wait are you sitting by yourself you can you can sit with us if you want no uh my friends they uh just left I'm waiting for my check oh okay well it was nice meeting you uh Roxy all right Roxy see you soon I'm sorry I'm a few dollars short here you go oh my God thank you you know that was really nice to do that but I mean you're struggling as it is oh actually uh can I get that to go please um and if it's okay I'll be waiting outside [Music] sure hey Mom R day was a bit hectic but I want to hear about yours how was cheer practice it was great I helped them come up with a new cheer routine and they loved it oh and guess what I made friends too it feels good to finally belong you know honey that's wonderful I I was worried about how the transition was going to go to the new school especially with it being private so happy to hear you made new friends I know that was a bit of a struggle for you at bookside so what about you how's the new [Applause] job it's been tough uh one of the managers basically copied my work and passed it off as his own so disheartening when you pour your heart into something and he was probably trying to get a promotion I could never Integrity matters way more than winning you know mhm uh sorry going through that uh anyway I'm going to go shower love you Mom love you [Music] too shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball shoot that Sho shoot that ball shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball go oh hey Roxy we were just practicing that routine you came up with yesterday uh yeah about that um there's something I need to tell you guys I actually have something I want to tell you too do you want to go first or you can okay well I decided that after you were able to come up with that routine all by yourself so quickly that you should be our new captain me Captain I I don't think you understand I was give me an r r give me an o o give me an x x give me a y y Roxy Roxy I'm so tired from shopping I wish we had someone to carry all of our bags right I'm cramping up not good considering our competitions this weekend either way I think it's going to go great especially now that we have our new captain that 10 grand is as good as ours we should blow it all on shopping there's this new Chanel belt I'm dying for oh let me show you this de bag I want to [Music] get hey could y all spare a little change I'm a little short ew you smell get away from us yeah go get a job the nerve anyways here it is so cute right what an incredible performance by bookside next up we have castlemont all right guys this is it let's go Roxy I know I probably shouldn't be saying this since we're competing but good luck a that's so sweet thanks Kesha of course talking to her let's go shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball he shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball hey hey [Music] [Applause] he that was so good the crowd loved it yeah great job coming up with our routine Roxy so it was you what are you talking about she stole our whole choreography that was our routine Roxy is that true well uh um she would never castlemont doesn't need to steal anything from Oakdale we literally have the same exact routine well then maybe talk to your captain then Oakdale everyone's waiting hurry up or you're going to have to [Music] [Music] Forfeit whatever they're just jealous of us Roxy be honest did you take the routine from them I um just everyone gets inspiration from somewhere who cares about the Oakdale cheer squad yeah now let's go watch them bomb from the [Music] crowd shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball hey hey shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball woo shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball shoot that ball shoot shoot that Ballo shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball shoot that ball shoot shoot that ball woo he he s a a ah ooh let's [Applause] go Roxy hey hey wait that was interesting it almost felt like deja vu everyone did you see that other team they literally copied your whole routine that is so frustrating just like my manager I mean when someone else takes credit for your work it's like oh luckily you guys got to go first so hopefully Oakdale learned their lesson so let's get back in there are they're about to announce the winner uh actually I just want to go home if that's all right you don't want to stay and wait for the [Music] results okay well where's your bag shoot I left it in the Green Room that was so embarrassing so you didn't steal that routine did did you no you girls know me I would never I believe you it just hurts so much that nobody else does just because castlemont is this prestigious private school and we're low-income school doesn't make them right and us wrong that's unfortunately how it works in this world everyone believes those of higher status the worst part is I needed that money to help my mom with rent we're 2 months behind I promised her she didn't have to worry and now I don't know what we're going to do yeah I needed that money for my dad's car payment his car's going to get repoed and he has to go to work we ran out of food stamps this month and I was really counting on that money to help my family okay the judges votes are in and the winner is Castle [Music] let's go girls yes guys [Applause] wa I have a confession to [Music] make I stole oakdale's routine you did why are you just now saying this well I realized that Integrity matters more than [Music] winning I hope I didn't let you down Mom are you kidding me I am so proud of you it is never too late to do the right thing oh I have to take this it's the office Roxy listen Kesha I'm so sorry for what I did I know you probably hate me and I I don't hate you what you did up there it took guts don't even bother showing your face at practice again yeah last time you ever hang out with us again well I guess they're the ones that hate me if you ask me good riddens they're not nice girls anyway maybe we can hang out sometime I'd like that a lot okay cool I'll see you later bye Mom did you see we won we can pay our rent now oh my god oh oh my God okay let's go celebrate that was the CEO they found out that the manager stole my work and they fired him yeah and they asked me to be the manager what wow that's sweet uh okay U mom what do you think of me transferring schools again please honey how many schools are we is not going Happ I promise we're not doing this again we're we're not doing that again [Music] Sabrina girl where did that come from that was amazing you really think so Aisha I mean I just came up with it oh yeah I hope you're taking a shot at Captain sis you know Tri out are next week for it yeah right as if a freshman would ever be Captain I mean you started off Captain your freshman year there's no reason Sabrina can't be it this year anyways I'm heading out I'll see you guys later hey really think about it okay I hope you know you have no chance at being Captain not only do you not have the skills look at your face ever heard of makeup my dad doesn't let me wear makeup a did you guys hear that Daddy doesn't want his little princess wearing makeup I bet he Styles you in everything doesn't he what are you 5 years old who wears princess shirts in high school oh baby little daddy's [Music] girl hey look what I got you on my lunch today huh is everything okay Saina I'm fine I mean are you like I said I'm fine dad all right princess don't call me that I'm sorry I didn't mean to get mad at you like that it's okay look we all have bad days you know is there anything that I can do to make you feel better no actually maybe is it okay if we stop at ult on the way home please the makeup store you know that you're too young to be wearing makeup and you don't need it you're Perfect Just the Way You Are I'm not too young I'm 15 now and all the girls in the dance team wear makeup so that doesn't mean that you have to be like them Listen sweetheart there is nothing more beautiful than being yourself okay please dad take me to Ulta I'm sorry Sabrina but the answer is still no hi Sabrina how is dance practice hey Sabrina you don't treat Isabella like that I'm sorry about that she's not happy with me right now you now these are the times that I miss Georgia the most she always knew what to [Music] do anything I can help with she wants to wear makeup but she's way too young I mean I don't understand why she wants to grow up so fast is she really trying to grow up too fast or maybe just don't want her to grow up at all maybe you should just listen to her something probably happened at school or at dance no there's no understanding I am not letting my little princess wear makeup it's it that's the thing Mr Williams she's not a little princess anymore she's a teenager and the more you tell her not to do something the more she's going to do it just go in there and listen with an open mind and no judgment be her friend not her [Music] father Sabrina look I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I shouldn't have Sabrina what are you wearing why would you just come in like that I not I don't need to explain the question is why do you half his shirt on and where did the other half go I cut it obviously and what's the big deal anyways everyone at school wears crop tops it's normal oh really well it might be normal out there but it's unacceptable here you are ruining my [Music] life look I'm sorry your mother will be better at this stuff than me I don't want to talk to you about this you don't get it well then why don't you help me get it because what I'm seeing right now I don't can you just go I want to be [Music] [Music] alone well hello to you too Sabrina I'm sorry I you I didn't even see you there I'm just trying to be a little Incognito oh girl I know you are not worried about Shaya still just ignore her I don't know she is right I don't wear makeup I don't dress like the rest of you I'm the Oddball out there's nothing wrong with that I actually really like your style it's cool and different so be confident anyway I'll see you at practice and I hope you've been practicing your routine for Captain tryouts hey Daddy's girl where you going home a little baby Sabrina's going home with her dad dad I forgot you're a little freshy and don't drive and what is your princess shirt today she's probably going to put it on when she gets home to have a tea party with her daddy [Music] princess everything okay how cute Daddy's come to save his little princess maybe he'll get you some War milk too hey who are those girls why' you have to embarrass me in front of them huh I wasn't trying to embarrass you I was trying to protect you that's the problem can't you see I'm not 8 years old I don't need protection none of this would have happened if you just let me were makeup and crop tops like I asked you then I wouldn't be getting bullied princess I'm so don't call me that I am not your little princess hey you can't walk home alone it's dangerous there you go again babying [Music] me what did I say about just coming in here okay I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm just getting used to having to knock and ask for permission to come into your room so may I please come in look uh Sabrina I realize that you're in high school now and I need to work hard to understand you and all the changes that you're going through you think I guess I deserve that and it should have been common sense but it didn't sink into me until I saw those girls bullying you so I promise moving forward I'm going to do a better job of understanding you and not trying to control you thank you you're welcome I also figured while I'm working on understanding you maybe you would want to know where I'm coming from too what do you mean look I know it seems like I'm trying to ruin your life but I promise you it's not that it's just really hard for me adjusting to all this you see from the moment that you were born and I held you in my arms everything changed I knew I was going to do everything in my power to protect you and keep you safe at all costs as you grew up we were inseparable you tell everyone you were Daddy's Little Princess and it was true even your mom would get jealous of how close we were and then your mom got sick unexpectedly her health went downhill so quickly I wasn't ready for that I certainly was not ready to raise you on my own after we lost mom you became my whole world and I became so scared of ever losing you [Music] too so I guess I just became a little overprotective of you so you see I know you're you're not a little girl anymore Sabrina it's just been so hard for me to just let go in my mind of you being my little princess either way that's no excuse and I promise I am going to try harder it's okay I understand and I'm so sorry too I just was so up upset with those mean girls and their dumb comments I just wish they would get a [Music] life I forgot I got you something dad if this is another Disney princess t-shirt I I promise it's not open it up this is to show to you how ser serious I am about listening and everything I just want thank you Dad you are the best I love you sweetheart just so you know you don't need makeup dad stop you're doing so good don't ruin it so just let me know if you need any help not that I know anything about girly stuff but there's always YouTube [Music] all right is there anyone else who wants to try out for Captain I thought Sabrina was going to be here but I guess not she's probably getting her diaper changed by her D well then I guess it's official for the fourth year in a row Shaina is sorry I'm late you already missed it I was already chosen as Captain that's not true she's right on time you're not worried that she's better than you are you whatever if she wants to embarrass herself in front of everyone she can be my guest the little baby can cry on her dad dad's shoulder when she loses don't talk about my dad shaa I'm serious wow someone is spicy today I hope you're not planning on dancing in that ugly hoodie nope I'm [Music] wearing you can't be serious this just gets even better did your dad D buy that for you too yes he did and for the record I am my dad's little princess and I'm proud of it okay can we all just focus on why we're actually here the dancing thank you let's see what you got [Music] Sabrina girl that was amazing it was whatever all right well then let's take a vote all in favor of Shaya raise your [Music] hand what are you doing raise your hands seren was really good yeah she killed B are you kidding what are you guys doing raise your hands and everyone in favor of Sabrina raise your [Music] hand all right well there you have it Miss freshman everyone give it up for the new captain of the dancing divas Sabrina Williams this is ridiculous if she's Captain I'm not dancing on this team come on girls let's go actually I think we are going to stay yeah and maybe Sabrina could teach us some new moves seriously you guys are going to choose her over me you guys are the worst friends ever what did I tell you you were right thanks for supporting me I uh I think you've got a [Music] visitor you won't believe this I made captain of course I believe it there was not a doubt in my mind but what I don't believe is why are you wearing the shirt that I gave you you I mean where's the crop tops and the makeup don't worry I'll still wear them but when I want to not just to fit in or because someone's bullying me because as someone helped me realize there's nothing more beautiful than being yourself that makes me so happy I love you princess oh I'm sorry I know that I promised that I wasn't going to call you it's okay Dad I don't [Music] mind hey what's up you want a piece of this oh come on I ain't triing like you for breakfast okay buddy man you tripping bro I'm going sway cuz you about to get Stu what's this man what the heck was that that was a technical I don't see a ref bro you do this all the time I can't stand you bro where's Noah man he lat time oh my God you're a baby bro hey guys sorry but what in the world what are you wearing well I decided did to trat for the cheer [Music] team that's so funny daddy you a cheerleader look look I know you live with your step sister now but come on don't you think this is taking things a little far buddy you have but trust me it's underestimated as a sport cheerleading a sport okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right let me go bench some pom poms oh wait I might break it no make fun of me all you want cheing has its perks and I stand by my choice yeah you you for sure tripping cuz there is nothing cool [Music] about who is that that's Madison she's our new cheer captain she transferred from Piner a few weeks ago I ain't going to lie I kind of take back what I say cuz maybe there are a few perks well you know as a fellow leader I should welcome her watch and learn boys oh my God but she has to go for it's never going to work I even tried once she turned me down well that doesn't mean anything because everyone turns it down oh really girl than you got but Jay he got with one kiss on the cheek from a girl and now he thinks he's Rave hey uh medicon right no I'm Jay I figured I introduced myself seeing this you're the captain of the chair sad and I'm captain of the basketball team you feel he best of the best got to stick together is that right I'm just saying being at the top doesn't have to be such a lonely Place hey if you're down you know I'd love to take you off ice cream sometime so hey DARS tonight uh as exciting as that offer some I'm going to have to pass sorry um you probably didn't hear me but um no let me start I heard you the first time I just don't date basketball players sorry come on girl well we were watching and we definitely didn't learn anything well other than soon you get rejected dog is not my fault she said she doesn't like basketball players what's her deal I tried to warn you I think she only wants to date someone who actually respects Che eating H for the first time in your life you may actually be right about something I just got an idea Noah buddy oow where'd you get that uniform it's go time let's go baby here we go let's go te here we go let's go team okay that was better but if we're going to win regionals we need something extra special for the ending something that'll make our choreography Stand Out anyone have any ideas yo uh this is a closed practice for cheerleaders only you can't be here or be wearing our uniforms uh yeah I can because I just signed up to be on the squad so is this some kind of joke you can't cheer and play ball they're on the same schedules yeah but technically basketball is still in preseason so we've got like a month into our first row game so until then my schedule is wide open don't you need a practice practice practice we talking about practice like I'm like Iverson I don't need a practice come on now you know it might not be a bad idea we could use another guy on the squad yeah and with another base on our team it could help us escalate our routine for regionals isn't that what you wanted fine but one wrong move and you're out got it whoa whoa whoa whoa no one gives me orders not even my mom but for a pretty girl like you I'll make an exception one more thing save the cheesy pickup lines for someone who cares all right okay let's try partner done Lily I want you to do a QP J your base a what now just lift her above your head so she can stand on your pumps uh a cupy Cy Cy oh yeah that's a piece of cake so what do I do just dip on three five six seven eight one two dip three up four just no I can get you some pom poms if this is too hard for you whoa whoa whoa this is not too hard for me okay I got this let me try again 5 6 7 8 1 2 dip three four 5 man this is a lot harder than it looks I can't F my calves I think my arms are about to fall off I tried to tell you it's a sport this isn't a sport this is torture yo Jay where were you we missed you at practice dude are you seriously wearing a cheerleading outfit I was about to say you should come to the arcade with us but maybe you should go get your nails done with my sister got him yo Mikey check out your best friend Jada excuse me guys I don't know Jay what are you wearing first Noah now you relax it's just going to be for a couple of weeks until I can get medicine and go on a date with me all right look I'll be back in time for the game against Montgomery all right chill yeah well the sooner the better because the last thing I need to be known as is the guy that hangs around with Jada and Noella hey you can do a lot worse than us all right I mean he ain't lying now uh if you'll excuse us we've got some choreography to learn come on Noella wait did you just call me Noella too bad I got an appetite let's B ourselves a treat what You' been mixing serve it up the Way You [Music] Love that shake that smack thatx [Music] thate with that cream baby water sweet on me baby [Music] Shram with thatat this up like 5,000 it's almost ready we' been craving 5 1 2 sh whip that okay baby we up hey come on I good 5 6 1 2 with that cream we can cook up just you with that cream with that cream hey Madison I was watching YouTube last night and I think I found just where they ending needs for regionals oh yeah you know at first I thought you started cheering at some sort of gimmick but now I'm seeing that you actually really care I must say I'm impressed I'll see you at practice for sure here thanks yo Jay where have you been you've missed the last 3 weeks of practice yeah we've got the Montgomery game coming up remember yeah I know man I've just been trying to balance that with this whole cheer thing then there's this important competition really so you're saying it's more important than our game or than our team no Mikey don't twist my words man you know I didn't mean it like that good because otherwise we'll need to find a new captain a lot of the guys are talking especially after that Tik tokit what Tik Tok you don't no wait no no no show it to me show it to [Music] me who knows about this oh I don't know maybe like everyone even my cousin at elur sent it to me look dude if you want to continue being our team captain or showing your face around the school at all then you got to decide what's more important basketball what of this yeah don't disappoint us [Music] J 5 6 78 here we go yes let's go team here we go let's go team J over here okay I told the girls about the ending you came up with and they're all excited to see it actually Madison I have something thing to tell you oh if it's about the front walkover in the routine I'm sure you can figure something out no no it's not that I just came to tell you that I can't make the competition next week or any more practices I've been giving it a lot of thought and I think I need to focus my time on basketball but I don't understand I thought you said you could do both I mean yeah but there's also the fact that lots of people have been making fun of me for cheering so you care more about other people's opinions than your own team no Look Madison I'm sorry okay don't be sad sad you think I'm sad I should have known you're a basketball player all you're good for is broken promises and disappointment come on guys let's get back to cheing yo Jay come on we got a game bro get defense and calling here we go let's go te here we go Let's go Team all right so on formation we got defense good job guys defense do never Jay come on what's the matter J you good man come on get it together come on we got a game tonight bro Montgomery is going to wish they were never born once you're done wiping the floor with them yeah for sure I'll catch up with you later all right um hey Madison what's up hey hey Jay so I couldn't make it to school today so can you give me the notes from is everything okay yeah everything's 100% cool [Music] fine all right the truth is I messed up I had this whole plan to do cheer for a few weeks so I could impress this one girl Madison after I get her to like me I'd go back to playing basketball it was supposed to be a simple plan but after a while I realized I don't just like her I mean I like Jaren too it's pretty cool okay so what's the problem here everyone's making fun of me for it even my teammates gave me a hard time so I quit cheering and went back to basketball but now Madison and all the girls are mad at me and I don't know to do do you remember when we were at the dance you were worried what people would think of you if they knew you like Taylor Swift how nice was it when you stopped caring what they thought and we danced to anti-hero it was the best I still think about that sometimes exactly I know it's not easy being yourself is hard but it's still better than being someone you're not so I say don't care what anyone think things just do what makes you [Music] happy come on shoot it shoot it bro J get it together that was like the 10 shot you man come on guys let's go go go go go take the shot take the shot ref ref ref ref come on bring it in bring it in bring it in yo what's going on with you Jay where's your head at I'm sorry coach I look we're down two points you're going to need to sink of three to win this you hear me yeah all right bro get some water before we get back yo Noah what happened wa why aren't you at regionals right now I was there but I SLE CH my ankle what how is the squad going to compete without you they need at least one base they're not they're packing up dropping out no no no no no no no we cannot drop out everyone's worked way too hard for this Jay come on let's go Jay come on go to the end and I'll pass you the rock a man I'm sorry but I got to go what Jay what are you doing we have a game what I should have done all along hey you'll be fine though Mikey where is he going Jay time's up we got a player you got lose possession what's the plan coach all right pass the ball to Mikey and you're going to have to make this shot at the buz all right you got this okay yeah I got it you got sorry book side on three book side on three 1 2 3 book side let's go let's go let's [Music] go hey no one told me what happened so I got here as quickly as I could it isn't too late is it why do you care you left remember I know and I'm sorry okay I guess it took me quitting to see that this is something I really enjoy doing so just please give me one more chance okay I promise I'll make it up to you why should we so you can ditch us the second people start making fun of you again no I don't care about that anymore people can make fun of me all they want because this is something I enjoy doing the judges scored them 28.1 points what an incredible performance by Lincoln Middle School unfortunately our next team bookside won't be competing today they had a dancer get injured please this is our last chance even though you're mad at me don't take this out on everyone else we never even figured out an ending for a routine oh don't worry about that I got little something up my sleeve you guys are still here do you want to [Music] [Applause] compete here we go let's go here we go let's go team [Music] okay okay oh oh let's give it up for [Music] bookside you nailed it Jay yeah great job thanks hopefully it's enough for us to win all right the judges have voted bookside has a 9 9.3 and a 9.7 putting them in second place which means lincol middle got first place yay we did our best yeah we tried second place what is who is this oh yo how'd it go second place man I feel like I let everyone down today first our basketball team lost another Squad what are you talking about we didn't lose I hit a game winning three w w for real yep you're now looking at books side's new basketball Captain woo um congrats dude thanks you deserve it hey Jay you have a minute yeah I'll okay you guys later all right peace look I'm sorry we did didn't win I mean I know you're probably upset are you kidding we are at second place that's further than book Sid's ever gotten and that ending it was really cool you did great thanks medicine that actually means a lot coming from you look I know we got off to a rough start but what you did today after how people were making fun of you for cheering that took guts and it made me think about some things so I wanted you to know I changed my mind about basketball ball players so you're telling me you give a ball player a shot at dating you mhm that is in my girl that's the greatest news ever I mean we can finally go get milkshakes at darling [Music] Alex you're dating a Montgomery player mhm I'm way too young to be going through all this Heart [Music] Break [Music] yes yes and people say she's going to get first place I bet she won't even medal don't worry about it honey you're doing great I don't get it I've done a back walk over 100 times why am I messing up now well it's just probably your nerves it's no big deal look we got a big day tomorrow we all know you're going to pick up the most points on bars and floor anyway so don't stress too hard about it we should do bars right yeah yeah if I want a chance at winning first allo round then I'm going to need to try it again okay she's the boss great star see she's doing great yeah I hear it Go and people say she's going to be the next Chloe Ramsay she's never going to be as good as her mom she doesn't even deserve the last name [Music] hey hey what happened why did you leave cuz you couldn't do that it's not that Dad was it those girls cuz I'm going to go over there and talk no please don't if you do it'll just make things worse butn and rocks here annoying but I'm used to [Music] it okay and what is it I miss Mom I wish she was here yeah I know honey I miss her too I promised Mom I would win and now I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep that promise I don't want to let Mom down sweetheart you're not letting her down all she ever wanted was for you to do your best and look you already made sectionals I mean how many kids can say that I know but I can't believe I can't even land a back walkover the day before my comp comptition I feel like such a failure don't feel that way hey butterfly no please don't call me that it feels weird coming from [Music] you you know if your mom was here what do you think she would say to you she'd say Ava the only way that you'll ever fail is if you stop trying so as long as you don't quit you're already winning right all right kiddo we got a big dat tomorrow okay so why don't we just call it and head back to the Airbnb I still need to practice bars then we can go home also don't call me kiddo [Music] anymore that's how you land a back walk over want to keep working on the beam I'm going to switch to bars I'll be right there so uh you think she's got a shot tomorrow physically she's doing amazing she has been preparing for this moment for a very long time what I'm worried about is her mentality I Can Tell She's got a lot going on in her head and that's probably why her balance is off oh she had a rough year that's for sure to be honest I'm surprised she kept training most people would have either taken time off or given up completely Ava's definitely a fighter she gets that from her mom I really hope I'm not overstepping but if you don't mind me asking what happened I mean I I read the papers but it didn't really say too much about uh I'm sorry I I shouldn't have no no it's okay it's fine you're her coach you should know I just everything happened so fast you see ever since Ava was little the only thing she was more obsessed with More Than Gymnastics was her mom AA looked up to her and wanted to be just like her how does it feel winning feels pretty good but you know what feels even better what this special moment right now do you think I'll ever win a medal like you if you work hard anything's [Music] possible looks pretty good on you thank you she stayed at Mommy's girl even as she got older Ava would always be trying to impress her with what she learned almost as if she had something to prove and if she ever stumbled sweetheart are you okay I wanted to make you proud butterfly you already have no I failed you haven't failed the truth is you haven't failed unless if I stop trying so let's do it again and this time make sure that you try make sure to [Music] [Laughter] [Music] try who would have thought Chloe would go from being an Olympic Athlete to a few weeks later not even being able to get out of bed and are you going to get better Mom I don't know honey there's a chance I may never get better listen to me promise me that you'll never give up on your dreams okay butterfly going to win sectionals and one day you can go to the Olympics like you Mom I promise I'm going to make you PR I [Music] promise so you see short time after that he his mom was gone the cancer just spread so quick and I just ow you okay what happened when in tomorrow is going to be easier than I thought if that's our competition tomorrow we have nothing to worry about hey [Music] come in got you new ice [Music] pack there you go so how you holding up I'm [Music] fine oh [Music] wow I wanted mom to be here to see me win she's always with you honey always why don't you get some rest uh is there anything else I can get you no I love you kiddo love you too [Music] d [Music] you know I could do that in my sleep well then I okay let's go to the next round to stick it Bean Jordan's doing an aerial sis is doing a backand spring let's do it I love that hey I have some breakfast were you just watching a jden and sales video yeah I know that they're your favorite YouTubers and since I'm new to the old gymnastic thing I want to learn some tips and know they're really uh cute together huh hey I have some cereal I guess you didn't learn you're not supposed to have Dair before a competition oh shoot all this kind of stuff was your mom's Department I'm sorry that's okay I don't really like to eat a lot before a competition anyways I'll just take a banana okay um you're ready yeah hey Ava I just want to let you know that this whole competition it's not about winning or losing it's more you don't have to try to say the perfect thing all the time I'm not a little girl anymore I'm 10 I'll be fine now let's [Music] [Applause] go [Applause] like the hey it's all right 8.8 is still great hey good thing bars are next I'm sure you're going to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] great you need at least a 9.3 to tie Brooklyn for overall before the last round and a 9.05 to medal here hey look this is what you're best at you got this I just hope I don't fall again don't think about the times you fell think about the times I got you here in the first place okay okay all right let's go we can do this AA got this AA let's go [Music] yes that good off to a great [Music] start don't feel bad that was good was good there's a chance you could still get a 9.05 okay I told you she went a metal there is no way she's coming back now hey will you two stop I'm going to get this this is a competition and everything but your little comments are unnecessary a are you protecting your little baby how cute and to think AA said she's going to go to the Olympics one day what a joke what is she trying to do be her mom hey Dad stop no I'm not going to let them talk to you that way this is your problem you're always treating me like a little baby you know what I don't even want to do this anymore I'll be right [Music] back AA honey please just leave me alone I don't need one of your dumb pack talks to try to make me feel better I'm over gymnastics I quit what no you can't I said go away if you want to help go in and tell them I'm [Music] done no way you're children matter yeah hi hi he guys you're sist ow I didn't realize you guys would be here yeah I hate to do this but um do you think that one of you could possibly talk to my daughter is everything okay not [Music] really Dad I already told you your dad told me everything that's been going on can I sit sorry I'm still freaking out I can't believe it's you so how's it going I'm totally bombing this competition I can't seem to land anything my coach says that I'm too much in my head I feel like such a failure right now A you know the same thing happened to me at a competition last year I got nervous and I got a mental block you Salish matter Regional Champion got nervous the regional championships don't have anything to do with it even Simone vies one of the top gymnists in the world still gets nervous and it's perfectly normal it doesn't make you a failure thanks my mom used to say the only way you'll ever fail is if you stop trying your mom sounds like a very smart lady any word well all right unfortunately we're just going to have to cut her here sorry I just needed a few minutes whenever you're ready listen Ava if you don't want to go for the back walkover it's completely okay safety is most important you should listen to your body if you need to you know it's fine I'm going to do it I'll be fine all right well Brooklyn got a 9.05 on this so if you want to win overall you need at least a 9.5 I've never scored that high are you going to go or not hey don't let him get in your head good luck honey let's go yeah let's go come on [Music] she's doing great like 9.5 great we'll see it will come down to whether or not she can land this back walk [Music] you did [Applause] [Music] it ah there she is there you go got your favorite [Music] is everything okay we used to always come here with Mom after her competitions I know some of my favorite memories are on this bench so do you want to wear your metal maybe if it was gold do you think Mom's disappointed I lost first of all you didn't lose all right second place is still amazing and and even if you didn't place it all look your mother is up there looking down on you she's so proud I don't believe that oh [Music] look that was so cool see what did I tell you she's looking over you hey you want to wear your metal now here hold that there you go Dad what you're doing it again you're looking at me like that I'm sorry I I'm sorry kiddo I mean sweetheart heart apologize I decided you could call me kiddo or butterfly just don't overdo it all right okay I'll try my [Music] [Applause] best w W nice pass hey nice shot we make a great team I know we're like funny C I was thinking more like Michael Jordan Scotty Pippin but I I guess that works too hey you know what they're having a two on two competition at LCA Park this Friday you want to go school dances this Friday oh yeah I totally forgot um are you going I was thinking about it I thought I don't have anyone to go with maybe you and I could hey Lucas oh hey Jess what's up not much I just saw your last game and you were incredible a thanks I didn't I didn't even know you like basketball yeah I mean I can't shoot a basket or anything maybe you could teach me yeah yeah that's cool k you want to join us oh sure I actually I was thinking this would be a one-on-one thing sorry oh okay that's fine uh I'll see you later Lucas well was there something you were asking me it's not important we can talk another time [Music] okay good game but I thought you were going to ask him to the dance I was about to so we were interrupted and just that's it right there follow through it looks hard oh you got it give it a shot looks like he has a date already oh okay what no way he's not going with her he's totally into you I'm clearly not his type S to girls that wear cute clothes nice hair put on a lot of makeup like girly girl Lucas is the sweetest guy ever he's probably just helping her to be nice yeah right Briel you want to hit that follow through okay like this here try again okay I can't do it by myself okay he here here Perfect all right show his back and keep on rip there we go give it to okay you'll get it he's totally into the helpless type I bet you if I dressed like that and acted like her Lucas would ask me out what no besides you should never pretend to be someone you're not how do you know he's not already planning to ask you out he didn't remember the dance was Friday probably shouldn't have reminded him because now it's probably going to ask Jessica I'm going to go I'll see you tomorrow don't be like that hey Carly so how do I look uh did you seriously do this for can you just answer the question I mean you look great but skirt and makeup this isn't you okay but this is what Lucas like so this is the new me you really think Lucas is going to like this you look like a completely different person this is the only way I'll get a chance with him okay who look at you you like it yeah it's different but not in the way it is going to be interesting trying to see you hoop with those nails but with your help I'm sure I'll be okay yeah I guess so actually um I was wondering what are you doing tomorrow I don't know um probably like shopping or something like that cool stuff right I just I wanted to see if you want to go on a hike with me really I mean I guess I can probably go shopping on Sunday I'd love to go hiking cool uh I'll just I'll text you later with the details okay okay sounds good to me bye bye bye you even sound different yeah but it work didn't it say how fast he asked me to hang out him asking you to go hiking had nothing to do with this new you how do you know come on Carly you really think in the 2 minutes he was over here something magically clicked inside it and he thought to himself oh wow Carly's a cly girl now should ask her out yeah that's exactly what I think [Music] happened do you need help yes please these books are just so heavy and I'm so weak it's okay I got you actually I could just carry them for you where you headed oh you are so sweet Lucas I'm headed to math class okay no problem I'm not doing enough just stop it and be you this is me Brielle now get used to it she walks differ oh gosh I'm struggling you really thought those boots were a good idea the cutest ones I can find yeah the cutest way to was spray ankle very funny okay let's go we got it good [Music] [Music] oh you right back there no this bag is so heavy you want me to take it for a bit well maybe I could hold on to you for some extra support yeah okay that's fine so what what made you do that whole switch up I mean like you know the hair and everything oh I guess I just wanted to show everyone a different side of me you know yeah I get that no I get I guess they say get you a girl could do both right right but this is more me though you know the girly girl Vibes wow okay wouldn't never guess that we almost to the falls this bridge the halfway point all right let's keep going yeah ready give me a sec okay [Music] um what are you doing sorry just need to make sure my makeup is okay why we're in the middle of hiking there's literally no one here for you to impress still can't be out here looking crazy what if someone comes I didn't think you cared so much about that kind of stuff I'm much more of a girly girl than you think Lucas yeah I'm realizing that hold on how do I look you look great all right come on let's get back on it come on we got this Lu help me get get off get get it off a bug get it please it's a caterpillar come on they completely harmless come on no please okay okay okay relax it's off you're good sorry so scared of bugs thanks for saving me you know what um you want to do something else I just don't know I just kind of feel like hiking is not really your thing I'm sorry I'm just not good with nature stuff we can keep going though I'll be okay no um it's getting late let's just head back are you sure yep Lucas [Music] dyamic knew I was back hey St all let's see what you got come [Music] on what are you doing I don't know dribling well if it ain't Mighty Mouse in her sidekick you guys trying to have a rematch so you guys can get spanked [Music] again sure let go all right then let's do it come on Carly check the ball what does that mean come on enough of the jokes all right pass me the ball come on I'll check it just go come through come through you go swi I got Jeremiah work back up there you [Music] go come on take the shot take the shot come on you go [Applause] hey real Carly I don't know what happened who you want uh I'll get twist toes I'm here I'm here take your help I'm open I'm open what are you doing sorry I just it came so fast come on you're making us lose yep that's it's too easy you want us right here just get it [Music] uhoh oh are you all right no I need you to help me out it barely seemed like you fell I did my an ankle hurts come on all right you're good come on let's get it aren't you going to carry me you barely fell I think you're fine I did my ankle hurts I I guess we're done guys wow I think that's the first time we ever beat you guys yeah whatever yeah good game I guess what happened to you what do you mean I fell I'm not talking about that never mind I guess you're not really the girl I thought you were what's that supposed to mean okay you looking different you're acting different the way you were just playing basketball I don't even know who you are right now but I missed the old you but I thought this is what you wanted what are you talking why would I want you to be like this I don't know I got to go but I'll see you at school [Music] tomorrow Lucas [Music] wait [Music] glad to have you back don't start I think I may have ruined things with Lucas I texted him and uh he never texts me back and he always responds to me just give him some time sure he'll get over it oh yeah he's over it all right he about to ask Jessica to the dance I give up I tried being myself and he didn't want me and I tried being a girly girl and he didn't want me Carly I don't know what else to do something must be wrong with me Carly I'm going at the dance for I'm not going I can't handle seeing them [Music] together hey what's going on I wanted to see if you like to go to the dance with me really but I thought you hated me after everything that happened you didn't even text me back well that's actually cuz I lost my phone but no I could never hate you in fact I really like you you too yeah but you know the real version of you a little better than that the version to be honest this whole time I thought you wanted to be with a girly girl oh wa what would give you that idea I saw you in Jessica and thought she was the type of girl you wanted to be with no no not at all she's she's not really my type wait hold on is is that why you Carly come on I I can't believe you I like you for who you are besid you should never pretend to be someone you're not okay told you you've been listening sorry I couldn't help it oh no it's fine I didn't know we had an audience Carly how about you be Bonnie I'll be Clyde we hit this dance together sure but we can be Michael Jordan and Scotty pipping instead hey as long as I get to be Jordan no way okay oh no could you help me with Lucas sorry can you get those [Music] yourself football yeah thanks Regina it's about time I third teaching you how to throw around of football huh but I don't want this Zane that's a great gift and you should be more appreciative now thank Regina for getting it for you thanks a Regina you're welcome um o how about we open this one next are these fet shoes I know how badly you've been wanting to take dance class so I had to get them for you you got me the whole outfit thanks Mom of course sweetie why would you get him that I mean ballet is practically all he ever talks about but I don't want my boy dancing around like a ballerina okay what he needs to be learning to play with is this here let's talk about this later okay why don't we let Z open the rest of his gifts I choose this one hey have you seen my keys uh no oh shoot we're going to be late gosh I could have sworn I found them thank you really Katrina this is what you got her son looking like Hank why would you say that what's wrong Dad don't you like it it's not that sweetie your father is just a little bit more traditional do you want to wish Zay good luck Hank it's his first day Dad it's okay honey let's go [Applause] I didn't know there'd be only girls here U if you want me to stay I can no I'll be fine you sure okay have fun come here um what's so funny don't tell me you're here to dance with us um yeah why is there something wrong with that oh nothing if you're a little boy hello everyone I assume all you ladies are here to try out for the ballet team is there something funny young lady we actually have a boy here too but you may as well count him as a girl stop it are you here to try out uh yeah is that okay of course it is all right everybody stand up we're going to start with the five basic positions first position heels together toes out arms down second position Point your right foot open your arms third position on the right bring the heel of the right foot inet eight okay moving on we're going to do turns now we're going to end the day with pettes now pettes can go in different directions but today we're going to concentrate on onor or outward turns like this all right your turn good point your [Music] foot perfect CLA that was gorgeous thank you all right Zane let's see what you got I need more practice that's okay that's the reason we're here right just give it your best shot all right this should be good oh my gosh are you hurt I'll be fine just need a little more practice that's all yeah maybe or maybe you should just realize that ballet is for girls not boys even if they are little boys like you you seem very concerned about Zayn today Claire why is that are you scared he's going to take your spot yeah right you can't even do a basic pirouette without falling down that doesn't mean he won't get better speaking of which everybody should be practicing you only have a few weeks left before I make my final decision about who's on the team good work today everyone I'll see you tomorrow thank you I hope you're not planning on coming back tomorrow unless you want to embarrass yourself again I don't care what you say I'm not going back again tomorrow please don't let those meat girls get to you you know you've always wanted to do ballet not if I'm the only boy it's so embarrassing where are you going Zane wait happy now please the last thing I need right now is a lecture just saying there's a reason why boys play football and girls do ballet just the way it's always been well times have changed Hank at least I thought they had you know honestly this is a great thing hopefully this could be the wakeup call he needed he's still obsessed with balet but now he's just too afraid to be himself trust me once I get him playing a real manly sport ballet will be the last thing on his mind he's just a little confused right now what are you saying he's been confused since he was five what are you talking about I mean we both know that ever since he was a little kid he liked butterflies and unicorns you know not trucks and guns you can't force him to like something that he just doesn't care about yeah and how has that worked out for him H he just gets made fun of and comes home crying yeah but that doesn't make it wrong for him to love what he loves it's not his fault that people are mean don't you want your son to know that he can be anything he wants to be in this life yes I just wish it wasn't a ballerina why can't he like stuff the other boys are into do you remember the first time he heard an Ariana Grande song on the radio I mean after that for a whole year that is all he wanted to listen to I mean every car ride it was put on Ariana Grande put on Ariana Grande Grande he had an Ariana Grande themed birthday and even you dressed up I remember MH and none of the other boys did that they were all into superheroes and wrestling the truth is Zayn has always been different but that is what makes him so so special and we just have to accept him as he is I just don't know how to do that what other option do we have crush your kids' dreams and have them resent you for the rest of your life only to have them grow up and do what he wants anyway we don't need to change him but we do have to support him okay so what's the plan I mean he already said he's not going back to ballet unless there's another boy so well I did have a feeling that something like that might happen when I dropped him off so I posted on Facebook to see if there were any other parents who had boys who wanted to take a ballet class why would you post that Katrina people are just going to judge us can you please just delete it are you kidding me look look at all these comments I mean there are so many moms who have boys who are interested in ballet and they want to join look no I mean there is nothing embarrassing about this Hank I guess times really have changed huh the dad finally begins to accept his son as he really is a few days later the mom brings Zayn to practice at first he doesn't want to go but once he finds out that other boys are there he finally feels [Music] comfortable he practices ballet at the studio [Music] he practices at home by himself he even practices with his mom and his dad Zane keeps practicing and over time starts to get really good and then came the day of tryy outs you sure you don't want me to come in with you I'll be all right okay good luck you're so going to make the team I know wa I'm surprised to see you here we thought you never come back well I decided I may as well try out for what to embarrass yourself again yeah you're just going to make a fool out of yourself in front of everyone actually I've been practicing a lot and I've gotten pretty good can I ask you something did you choose ballet cuz you're too afraid to play a manly sport uh no oh it's a little boy scared to get hurt no just leave me alone a look how sensitive he's getting he probably cries a lot too oh careful looks like he might start crying right now I forget this Zane honey what's wrong those girls were making fun of me again I'm sorry sweetie but you know you can't let them get to you they're just bullies I just want to go home [Music] Zane hey how'd it go not good he's getting bullied again and he doesn't even want to go inside I feel so bad for him you know I I I don't know what to do I guess probably just come back home hold on just actually I've got an idea whatever you do just keep him there well I don't know if I can't hello go I know honey but your dad said I care what he said I just want to leave okay can you put your seat belt on please then what in the world dad what do you [Applause] think why are you dressed up as men can't be ballerinas no they can nice pants Oh thanks to be honest I thought that you would be happy that I wasn't auditioning and know that you don't want me to be a ballerina the old me would have loved that but the new me realize he can be anything you want including a a ballerina yes including a ballerina I don't want to change you I just want to support you thanks Dad that means a [Music] lot but if you change your mind within exp sport just stop oh yeah yeah okay where are you going to prove to those girls that boys can do ballet come on let's go okay that was great thank you okay I believe CLA was the last one which means that it's time for me to make my decision wait wait Zan wants to try out well welcome back zann come on in wow zann I didn't realize that your dad was a little boy too hey you know Claire I could have you completely disqualified for your remarks is that what you want that's what I thought go ahead Zane good luck you got this look there's another boy trying [Music] oh no you all right can I please try again I'm sorry everyone only gets one chance so I guess it didn't make the team did you really think that you ever had a chance you just completely embarrassed yourself again hey at least he tried yeah and whether he make the team or not so proud of him says the man wearing tights he cut it out that's enough Claire okay this has been a very tough decision but unfortunately only four of you can be on on the team so this year's dancers will be [Music] Casey Kimberly Alex and the last answer is Clay can congratulations clay what you're seriously going to pick a boy over me but I'm the best dancer here that might be true it's not going to get you very far if you also have the worst attitude G thank you very much for coming everyone I hope we will see you next year for auditions okay we're going to start rehearsals on one day sorry you didn't make the team Bud we are so so proud of you that's okay at least I I got to try same wait I'm sorry things didn't work out today but here there's another team close by they're looking for more dancers you should try that thanks but I don't think I want to do Bella anymore oh okay no worries take care of you guys thank you again thank you thank you well I am very surprised I thought you loved ballet yeah I thought this was um your dream I think it was just a phase maybe I'll try again in the future but I'm ready for a new sport okay what were you thinking I don't know maybe cheerleading what do you think Dad you said I could be anything I really want in life right yeah that's true I'm just kidding I was actually thinking soccer really okay whatever you want should we go to the park and practice yeah yeah that sounds good to me but can I change first cuz these are a little uh little [Laughter] [Music] tight
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 1,952,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: xumBUuqmi5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 28sec (7108 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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