These Nerds Get Their Revenge! | Dhar Mann

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yo you're talking to this chick yo she's so fine she's not just fine she's like a model you guys are preaching to the choir I'm actually going to ask her to be my girlfriend when we go out tomorrow and night yo dude if she says yes you'll for sure be the guy dating the hottest chick in school yeah it's precisely the go coming through with a straight 10 bom man yo check it out you've got a stage five Clinger Anna rumor has it she's like in love with you bro oh my God could you imagine Mark the Star Quarterback and Anna president of the chess club in her dreams she was like two 1.5 a best boys phone's [Music] away all right everyone this will be your last assignment of the school year now with a partner I want you to power up a calculator using no battery the instructions are on the board so go ahead and choose your partners now so which one of you guys is going to be my partner oh uh sorry bro um me and Todd already chose each other seriously you're just going to leave me hanging like that don't take it personal I need to pass this class and we all know how bad you are at chem hey you want to be my partner oh sorry I'm with Alexa hey Mark do do you need a partner no uh me and Ken are going to be working together yeah oh okay um maybe next [Music] time hi come on in let me introduce you to the class all right class this is Amber Amber just came to Pasadena and she will be joining us for the remainder of the school year now I know there's only a few weeks left but I want everyone to make her feel welcome and Amber will be here next year the entire year with us so you'll be seeing her then too do you guys see what I'm seeing oh dude that girl's a 10 for sure more like a 10 and a half she's even harder than that chii showed us on Instagram you're right so is there anyone that does doesn't have a partner that would like to work with Amber me I'll be our partner okay Mark great all right Amber this is Mark the instructions are on the board see be working with him go go [Music] go thanks I'm Amber it's nice to meet you pleasure is all mine I hope you know what you're doing because I don't know anything about chemistry oh chemistry is going to be the least of our worries I hope so my mom said You' gra me for the entire summer if I don't pass this class well we can't let that happen because how El am I supposed to take you out hey Anna I could be your partner really yeah of course and and don't worry I don't mind doing most of the work I think it'll be pretty easy I think so [Music] too okay don't forget your project is due tomorrow good luck Amber um I know this sounds a little bit odd because you transferred at the end of the school year but this project will pretty much count as your final Chemistry Grade CU we have no other assignments okay thanks all right I really can't fail this class you better know what you're doing don't worry I got you by the way what are you doing tomorrow and I boom I got a number yo dude you're a Savage I don't see how you do it it gets better she's going to come out with us tomorrow night wait what about that girl from Instagram I forget her I'm going to take Amber why be with the Tim when I can be with the 10.5 dude everyone on the team is going to trip when they see you with her hey watch it I'm so sorry wait is this Mark can I please have my notebook back oh my God this is Mark what are you like some kind of stalker or something no please I this is crazy there's more you're like obsessed with him I'm not messing around I I really need my notebook back hey can you just give her back her notebook whoa what is this Revenge of the Nerds you want the notebook back here go get it hey why did you throw Anna's notebook I was just joking around well it doesn't look like Anna thought it was funny if this happens again all of you are getting detention what had nothing to do with that yes you did you could have easily stopped it but it looked like you were having fun could you two please excuse us and actually [Music] Mark if you weren't so busy playing around you wouldn't be on the verge of failing my class what are you talking about I just graded last week's exams and you scored the lowest out of anybody in my class and if you don't get an a on this project you will not pass really oh well I wasn't planning using my grades to get into college anyway don't think that football will save you according to the new regulations any athlete that fails any class will be benched what you can't be serious I am and doesn't matter how good you are now Mark May I make a suggestion instead of making fun of Anna you should try to be more like Anna she scores the highest grades out of any of my students in any of my classes think about that so have to get any the project or I can't play football next year what no we can't lose our quarterback there's no way we're going to win without you you think I don't know that what's your game plan then oh I think I have an idea let's see if I can speed find it hey Anna can I talk to you for a sec um to apologize for earlier okay that's fine [Music] so uh look I'm I'm really sorry for what happened in the hall my friends can be really mean sometimes oh that's all right you didn't do anything yeah but I I could help stop it by the way I thought your drawings were amazing oh my gosh that was so embarrassing no not at all I I like them honestly really yeah you're super talented presid of the chess club an artist what can't you do thanks if I'm being honest I'm still mortified about everything that happened earlier oh don't be the funny thing is I um actually always liked you I was just too nervous to do anything about it but now that I know you feel the same way I was you know hoping we could hang out sometime what really yeah maybe we can go out tomorrow night like on a date you want to go on a date with me why not when you got beauty and brains that's really hard to find that's really sweet but tomorrow night works great perfect I was also hoping maybe we can work on the the calculator project together you know after all oh I would love to but I already promised Nelson that I'd be his partner oh he'll be fine with it watch this hey Nelson can I steal your partner me and an are going to be together so he's cool with it I don't know I mean who's going to be Nelson's partner he can be with Amber does she want to sure I got to run but um here's my phone number and just me and we can work on the project after school oh okay bye bye [Music] Mark hey cheating on me already you really think I'd be with a girl like that I actually just figured out ways for both of us to get a in chemistry really yeah and you know have to lift the finger so you spend all that extra time finding fun places for us to go this summer I like the sound of that hey what happened to you last night I thought we were going to work on the project together what do you mean I waited for your message you never texted me yes I did I I sent you like five text messages look well that's weird I didn't get anything what number did you text uh the one you gave me oh I see you put the number in wrong it's the last number is an eight oh but I texted exactly what you put on my notebook oh I I just got this number so I I wrote it down wrong that I'm such a fool but it looks like you finished a project yeah well I wasn't sure if do it well this is impressive and okay it works you made this yeah me and Anna I'd say it was 50/50 oh well I didn't realize you switched Partners okay Mark well if I had to guess I would say you will be playing football next season good job thanks you're the best you're welcome hey are we still on for tonight oh I was going to talk to you about that mhm I don't feel yo tonight is going to be lit I got a 700 p.m. giovan's reservations just like you asked Can you guys give me a minute uh what okay they're coming too yeah that's what I wanted to talk about I don't want to go alone so I invited Todd and Ken I hope that's cool oh um yeah yeah no no problem text me just change the last number for 2 and8 hey I'll do it now so I don't forget you got it sounds great oh hold on um how should I dress tonight wear whatever you want okay um I guess I'll dress nice since it's a a date mhm are you sure you don't want to get an order in um no not yet unfortunately we can't hold the table for more than an hour if you don't order anything okay if he's not here in a few minutes I'll just leave sorry hi I have a reservation under the name of Mark Mark great just give me a sec to make sure your table's ready man tell me she's not a dime yeah she is for sure I've heard some random guys since she's the hottest girl in school really nice it's crazy how you got her to hang out with you so fast yeah you guys almost ruined that by saying my plan in front of Anna well if you would have actually told us the plan then we never would have so what' you say to get out of hanging out with her tonight nothing what do you mean I literally said nothing I figured if I didn't respond she wouldn't show up whoa whoa whoa you mean you didn't even cancel on her what if she's here now in the right mind would turn up and even if she did that's why I had you rescheduled the reservation for an hour back uh Mark Anna why didn't you answer any of my texts you obviously got them uh me you're over an hour late you said our date was at 7 date is that really what you thought this was look let let me break it down for you uh mark would never go out with someone like you yeah he only dates tens not one and a halfs aren't you going to say anything what they're not lying only day T no offense so everything that you said about liking me it was all a lie I don't take it personally I just needed help with it the project now I get it can't believe I fell for it come on you honestly did not think a guy like me would be interested in a girl from the chess club you you used me I'm sorry sweetheart don't hate the player hate the game Savage your table's ready [Music] great Mark goes on to to have a great night with Amber while Anna Leaves in tears a couple of days later Mark and Amber find out they both got A's they both celebrate and plan everything they're going to do over summer together Mark and Amber spend a lot of time hanging out with each other they end up getting really close [Music] and over time Mark even asks Amber to be his [Music] girlfriend when the next school year starts Mark's so proud to have the hottest girl in school or so he thought man this year is already harder than I thought right I got a C minus on my last geometry quiz you guys got to work smarter not harder how'd you pull that off I got Trish doing my math homework I got Bianca doing history and some other girls doing the rest of my classes wow and a whole I dating the hottest chick in school I don't know how you do it man I guess you could say I'm [Music] a who who is that wait is that Anna no it it can't be dude she's not just a 10 10 10 and a half 11 dude she might be even hotter than Amber you guys are right Anna yeah you uh mhm look amazing yeah uh what what what he said think how did you when did you I'm sorry I'm really confused right now how did you transform well after you hurt me really badly I decided to really focus on myself so I got rid of my braces got some contacts and found a new skincare routine I'm going to need that skincare routine sure anyways Z take care don't why you walking so fast I'm I'm trying to talk to you what are you doing tomorrow I don't know why thinking we could go on a date oh uh no games this time seriously I thought you were going out with Amber we're not exclusive really [Music] yeah but I definitely settle down for you I choose you over and that's really sweet but um I already have a date who with the guy who liked me for who I was all [Music] along you're going to choose nerdy Nelson over me what can I say I'm into beauty and brains too bad you can't offer both are you kidding me I'm getting A's in all my classes yeah well not for long I can't believe you used me what are you talking about I'm never letting you copy off me ever again what just happened oh I figured out what you were doing and I told Trisha next I'm going to have a little chat with Bianca and all the other girls no you can't do that it'll ruin everything how do you even know all of them next time you try and use people make sure they're not all in the same chess club for it gets around pretty quickly whatever it doesn't even matter anyways Amber's way hotter than you about that I'm not sure how she's going to feel after I play her this we're not exclusive really yeah but I definitely settle down for you I choose you over Amber you recorded me I had a feeling you might say or do something douchy delete that right now whoops I sent the whole conversation to Amber good luck with that I can't believe you did this as they say don't hate the player hate the game great now Amber's calling me hey baby what do you mean I'll call you baby you're really going to believe her [Music] baby Checkmate oh man how did I not see that coming um is that chess um yeah want to play with us um no we do not want to play with you look at us does it look like we'd ever want to be seen with Nerds like you swear the Freshman Class just gets dorkier every year wow I always hear that people in high school can be mean but I never thought it'd be this bad I know right do you want to play again hey girls whoa Bethany sh I go by Bean now Bethany was so Middle School you spent all summer in Miami with your dad and you come back looking completely different what happened it's my new luck you like it um yeah but what was wrong with your old one hey take that off and change the lock screen I don't want anyone to see that like it's freshman year of high school and I want to leave all that Nery stuff behind and start fresh and I think you guys should too I don't get it why you don't have to change who you are to impress anyone agreed but you do have to change if you don't want to get picked on so first off we're actually done playing these dorky games but you love chess you were the one who introduced it to us in the first place yeah well that was middle school Bethany High School beia doesn't play those games anymore and second you need to take off these glasses how are we supposed to see oh my gosh I'm so sorry I [Music] didn't I didn't see you there oh totally okay okay happens I'm Kyle are you new I haven't seen you around before I'm Bea it's my first year here seriously I swear you're like a sophomore junior OMG Jamie what is that girl hanging out with the dorks doing with Kyle Kyle's just probably being nice you sure about that [Music] what do you think of the school so far I like it hey Kyle oh hey what's up Jamie not much do you mind if I talk to her for just one second oh sure no problem um well it was nice meeting you via bye Kyle so beia I'm guessing that you're new here I'm Jamie I'm a junior do you want to come sit with us at the cool kids table we'll show you the robes really mhm okay um Can my friends come too oh no no offense but we don't really like to be seen with people like them I known Ally and Carson Elementary School look if you want to be cool in high school then I'm sorry but those dorks cannot be your friends anymore so what do you think do you want to come sit with us or not um hey guys um sorry we just catch up after coool okay whoever this new Bethany is I don't like it that's not Bethany that's beia rematch welcome back to a new year class we actually have some exciting news everyone say hello to Nelson he's actually the first freshman in our high school's history to be in junior level math hi I'm really excited to be here nerd you were so right about the Freshman Class they're super dorky this year okay class settle down have a se you Nelson Miss Michaels sorry I'm late oh I almost forgot everyone please welcome Bethany we actually have not one but two freshmen taking this class it's actually Bea oh I'm so sorry I'll make a note so is it Bethany or is it beia beia definitely beia how the heck do you skip 2 years of math yeah you must have been like super nerdy in middle school and like studied a lot no I just um hey hey Bethany you look so different not like in a bad way or anything though but isn't it cool we're in the same class do you know him no yeah you do it's me Nelson remember we went to the middle school dance together and we played chess together who can solve this [Music] problem Nelson 159.5mm so what happened with Kyle I'm not worried like I said he's just being nice there's no way he'd ever go for a freshman sorry I'm late I was talking to coach have a seat what you're in this class too wow you must be pretty smart not really I just got lucky and you're modest well maybe you can help me study some time seems like he's more inter than you think you might have to do some interference hey beia you know that homecoming is coming up right you should go with n since you know you to used to date in the past and [Music] stuff can't believe we made it through our first day of high school barely I hate High School I no some of those people were so mean especially the upper classman Miss Middle School how was your first day Beth I mean beia Bea sorry yeah I love high school I'm so happy middle school's over the only thing I'm excited for is high school CH looks like beia is talking to those dorks again can't say I'm surprised so your mom's still taking us to triy outs right oh I am hey beia come over here for a second what's your plan right now don't tell me you're going to be hanging out with those fored freaks are you I ever heard them say something about chess club seriously how name e um well we're going to go to the mall so do you want to come with unless you plan on hanging out with them no I was just saying by I would never go to some chess club hey honey ready for me to take you to chess club um what are you talking about Mom I I'm going shopping with my new friends uh uh you don't want to try out I thought you love shopping I know it's my favorite hobby I'll just see when I get home okay are you sure I I mean okay you just you just get there safe and text me when you get there okay can you give me a sec mom you're embarrassing me in front of my new friends see I told you that I have nothing to worry about Kyle's not even going to ask her okay be safe and and text me when you get there okay hey via hey hey Kyle I I had a question I wanted to ask you um if it's about math class I don't think I'll be able to tutor you honestly I don't even know how I got into that class in the first place no no no it's not about tutoring oh I uh I wanted to see if you had anyone to go to homecoming with you know if if you're not going with Nelson I I was thinking maybe we could go together okay yeah I like that a lot oh cool all right well I'm looking forward to it okay all right I'll see you around I'll see you around okay oh heck no No More Mr Nice Guy oh my gosh that is so cute that Kyle just asked you to homecoming you know since you're going we should totally go makeup shopping and like give you a makeover or something what do you think sure you guys you're so sweet come on hey what's up what's up you totally ditched us for Regina George and her posy can you stop they're not mean girls and they're actually super nice no they're not okay I don't get it why are we helping her buy makeup to go to homecoming with your guy you really think I'm helping her just don't say anything and follow my lead I can't believe you didn't come to tryy outs yeah even if you think chess isn't cool anymore it's like I said you shouldn't have to change who you are to impress anyone just be your true self this is my true self well my new self sorry I I got to go who is that oh uh just my mom when did you find so far just a few little things Oh no you're going to have to put all of that back really I thought trust me I know what Kyle likes we've literally been friends since we were little kids I'll make sure that you look perfect for homecoming we'll even do your hair makeup won't we girls for sure of course oh you guys are the best I really appreciate this what are besties for okay you're done why don't you take a look so do you love it um I don't know I I feel like my Foundation doesn't match my my lips look funny my ey Shadow no no just trust me okay this is the new trend now like it's very chic I mean Kyle is just going to be obsessed OMG I cannot wait for Kyle to see your new look I know you know what let's post this on my V real are you sure this looks okay yes just smile someone call the fire department cuz girl you smoking thanks babe he stole my line hey via hey Kyle you look great oh thanks do you like [Music] it it's a it's a different but I like it and if it's what you like I'm totally cool with it thanks Kyle yeah that's really sweet of you oh I love this song this is going to sound cheesy but may I have this dance you may oh God I can't believe that didn't work guess I'm going to have to take it up a notch so Nelson you went to middle school with beia right who oh Bethany mhm oh yeah yeah yeah she started going by beia this year I guess that's interesting what else can you tell me about her well the hiker he puts the ball Captain sorry boys I need to borrow them oh yeah of course scram sorry what's up okay I was able to get rid of all the teachers I just told them that there was like a creep walking around the school or something but we only have a few minutes so here's the blank I'm having a really good time with you same honestly I never thought you would have asked me I know I haven't known you for very long but from what I do know I really like you I'm glad you bumped into me knocked over my [Music] lunch why is everyone looking at [Music] us no I'm I'm so sorry I I got to go hey everyone I have a little announcement to make you've all met baa right Kyle's datee the pretty new freshman well the truth is she's been lying to all of us yeah she's not some cool kid she's actually just a huge lame nerd yeah and her name isn't even via it's Bethany and she was the president of her chess club but not only the president but she also want a national tournament where a bunch of nerds get together to see who can be the nerdiest I mean very cute right yeah and oh and she also dated Nelson The King Of The Nerds so you're not some cool kid Bethany all you'll ever be is a pathetic loser not cool Jamie not cool at all be a wait be slow down it's okay Kyle you don't have to act like you care I know you want nothing to do with me look look I'm sorry for lying to you what do you mean lie to me you heard what Jamie said I am not who I'm pretending to be is anyone in high school I get it you're super smart and used to wear braces and glasses a little bit of a nerd so what I think that's cool you should never change who you are to impress anyone you can take it from me I regret it I I don't understand you regret what well when I first came to high school I felt that pressure to be cool too I mean that's why I'm on the football team and not the chess club to be honest I hate football look yeah I I had I used to wear braces dorky glasses the whole nine yards and I hated it I wanted to change it to fit in but if there's one thing I realize us now you never change who you are to impress anyone you should just be yourself that's what my friends have been trying to tell me maybe you should listen to them and just for the record I actually like Bethany a little better than beia but that's just my personal [Music] opinion [Music] thanks Kyle of course what do you say we go grab some ice cream and then I'll take you home sure just take me anywhere that's not [Music] here hey guys I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the the way I've been acting I was so caught up trying to be cool that I neglected my two best friends is there only way you guys can forgive [Music] me on one condition you have to join the chess club again deal hey babe hey babe oh guys this is my Kyle hi nice to meet you do you guys mind if I play like it's been a little while so I might be a little resty sure go for it uh Kyle what are you doing still hanging out with beia and all her nerd friends it's not a good look did you not hear what I said about how fake she is okay actually Jamie it's okay Kyle I got it first of all it's Bethany and second I don't think my boyfriend Minds hanging out with his new girlfriend and her best friends so if you don't like the way we live cuz we're not self-loathing popular kids like you that's fine because frankly we're not going to change for anybody oh and the only person that's fake is you whatever oh my gosh watch it Jamie the principal wants to see you we heard about what you did at [Music] homecoming it's getting late I should probably live you say you love me I wish I believe [Music] wow you never cease to amaze me I'm honestly not even sure why we had you audition thank you so much I'm sorry ladies but we're going to have to give the lead to Julie again all right next up we have Chase let's go chase come on bro you got this you got this man that's my boy looks like you've got some fans already whenever you're ready stay right here please don't let go you and I can fix this we don't have to be alone I'm sorry thank you for taking the time to audition for us but unfortunately we're going to have to pass next I'm sorry man yeah you'll get it next time thanks guys I just really needed this role my dad said that he's going to make me play baseball again if I couldn't prove that I can act and sing well at least you're good at [Music] baseball yeah that's not the point have you guys seen Madison guess she's still shopping wait she chose to do that over this that's messed up doesn't she know that this is important to you hey Chase uh I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you didn't get the part I was really rooting for you thanks pretty bummed about it to say the least well uh if you ever need anything just let me know I'd be happy to help thanks that's really sweet dude all right she's at a crush us is like third grade bro she realize it's never going to happen yeah n hey babe what's up where have you been I had to carry all my shopping bags from the car myself I have the audition for the musical today remember we I've been talking about it for weeks yeah so howd to go I didn't get it see I told you you should just stick to playing baseball so are you going to come help me with my bags yeah I'll be there right now try to hurry they're heavy see you guys [Music] later man I can't believe Ronnie got the par I can he's been taking voice lessons since he was like four so Hey Ron congrats on getting the lead that's awesome man oh thanks but going turn turn it down what why would you turn a roll like that down well I have a flight to New York this weekend because I got cast as an understudy on [Applause] Broadway wow that's incredible um so who's going to take over your role then ah I think the director's going to let Julie decide it's actually pretty cool that I'm to Let Her Anyways Chia dude you should totally tell Julie to choose you I bombed that audition I doubt she's going to pick me that's not a bad idea actually well she's totally in love with you man got to use that to your advantage come on Yo there she is go talk to her hey she said she was going to help you right so just take her up on that offer right come on act like you like her I don't know that's kind of messed up who cares bro just don't be playing baseball for the rest of your life life on yeah uh don't tell her about Maddie hey Julie how's it going hey I I like your shirt thanks I love your uh shoes oh thanks they look great on you um so I know how you mentioned before that you'd help me out if I needed it and well you have the voice of an Angel so was kind of hoping that you could help me get better at singing like you that's so sweet uh I'd love to do that really absolutely thanks um I also heard that the lead is open was hoping that you could recommend me for the part oh I just figured with you and I spending so much one-on-one time together with you coaching me that I'd be ready to step into a role like that you want to spend one-on-one time with me yeah always thought that we should hang out more what do you say um I say yes perfect can I get your phone yeah text me we don't have to be alone stop stop I'm sorry let me just run it again let's just move on to some dialogue hey it's okay just relax you got this let's take it from your line Julie I want to believe you okay I want to believe you but I can't stop please just let me explain you lied to me didn't anyone tell you the truth doesn't cost you anything but a lie could cost you everything you want the truth here's the truth okay I um Julie can we chat sure are you sure about your decision he was the worst out of all the guys who auditioned he just has to warm up he has a lot of potential you really believe that I mean this is your reputation on the line too it is not going to look good if this plate bombs I'll talk to him sorry I'm late the C the line was really long everything okay um the director doesn't really like how you've been performing oh maybe this isn't the best role for you right now but that doesn't mean that you wouldn't be great in another role in a different show no no no no no I I don't want to lose this look I think I'm just nervous being around you because I've always liked you wait what you've always liked me I thought you had a girlfriend Madison Madison uh no no no no no we're not serious at all we actually just broke up a a while ago oh my God I'm so sorry I had no idea honestly it's probably for the best cuz now I can spend more time with you if you could help me get over the nerves maybe I would perform better maybe if we hang out more and get more comfortable really um I'm sure I would like that perfect Julie can we chat I'll be right there I'll put in a good word for you [Music] thanks so Becky got mad because I told her she looked fat in her dress because it would look better better on me I mean it would you know slow down yeah are you good sorry I'm just really hungry we just had lunch you just had lunch you know I have a peanut allergy but you still wanted to eat at that tie Place well doesn't what I want matter it does I just so after this I was thinking we'll go back to the plaza I want to find cute swimsuits for summer uh actually after this I have to go meet up with Julie Julie Julie Pearson the pepperoni face what are you doing hanging out with her you shouldn't call her that that's not nice Julie's the reason that I got cast in the part that I told you about so I need to like her like her you like her no no slow down not actually like her just pretend to for the play I mean have you seen her there's no way that I would actually be into her I'm only into you I certainly hope so that's her uh I got to get going you better make it up to me I will maybe we can go to the movies this weekend no I mean today I'll send you a venmo request if you aren't going shopping with me the least you can do is pay for my bathing suits okay just don't go overboard no promises oh right um how much is it give me 40 what I always get the extra foot massage it's funny running into you again so soon funny or fate why not both I've actually been thinking a lot about you lately I I I'm sorry I know that I'm not doing great you're just pretty tense why don't we do a ShakeOut a shake out yeah it's an exercise to help you relax before you perform Follow My Le one 2 3 one 2 3 one 2 3 one 2 3 one two one two one two one two one one one one sh get out feeling better yeah I I do uh that helped a lot you're pretty great you know that all right um let's get back to it sorry oh are you hungry I can make you something it's all right I'll survive no tell me what you want uh you're allergic to peanuts right wow how did you know that may I mean we have been going to the same school together for a while it's funny um I've known Madison twice as long and she doesn't remember half the time sometimes I think that she never really cared about what I wanted neither does my dad if I didn't get this role he'd be making me play baseball which is his dream not mine I'm sorry you should definitely keep going with acting if that's what you love how about this what's your favorite restaurant and we'll go there I'm a simple guy Darla's Diner is fine I love their everything Burgers no way it's genius Burgers on an everything bagel I could eat that every day me too come on I'll [Music] drive bab I just want to know what you think about me when the Sun is over hey yeah it's been I'm blessed I still remember okay let's Che it out here we go 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 and I'll keep you warm seasons have Chang has to remain with thoughts of you and just not the same I admit like a I'm falling for you I'll be waiting till the day you come back my way I'll be counting every minute to see your face I'll be waiting till the day you come back my way I'll be counting every minute CU though seasons have changed oh why I still remain and though seasons have changed has to with thoughts of you and just not the same I admit like I'm falling for you [Music] dude you scared me what are you guys doing here just came to wish you luck yo I can't believe he pulled it off I'm I'm shocked Julie thinks that you like her yeah has she not seen herself I'm in the yeah well well curtain is soon so you guys should go grab your seats n come on guys I just need a moment okay okay okay you got this hey kill it out there you got this hey Julie um oh my gosh you look wow thanks you're ready to do this thing I'm ready it's getting late I should probably leave you say you love me I wish I believe stay right here don't let let go you and I can fix this we don't have to be alone they say we can't what do they know can you protect me through the fire P you close through the stor We Belong Together you are my home there's nothing we couldn't do because baby I [Applause] love let's go BR you are incredible are you kidding the audience loved [Music] you well um I should probably use the bathroom before intermission ends but I'll be right back okay yo dude kill it yo that was awesome man yo yo how do you feel dude I'm feeling really great oh my gosh how did you learn how to sing like that Julie helped a lot actually I couldn't have done it without her hey I told you it was a good idea didn't I yeah I mean yo once the show's run is over you could finally tell her about your girlriend let's talk about that later all I know is she going to be so heartbroken when she finds out you just using her to get that I just what Julie uh yeah we should we we're going go back to our seats T night yeah hey good luck on the rest of the show so you've just been using me no not at all I mean in the beginning but the craziest thing no save it Chase I don't need you to lie to me anymore Julie please I'm not lying to you I swear hey Maddie I I didn't think you were coming I wasn't but I didn't have anything else to do tonight so I figured what the heck that was not really a great time wait why is she crying did she just find out you were pretending to like her Maddie stop all right let's get to places for the second act I want to believe you but I can't please just let me explain you lied to me didn't anyone ever tell you the truth won't cost you anything but a lie could cost you everything Julie I don't want to lie to you uh the line is you want the truth here's the truth I'm sorry I can't do this anymore Chase what are you doing telling you the truth what I should have done from the very beginning stop you're going to ruin the show I don't care this is the only way that I have a chance with you Julie I'm crazy about you I know that I lied to you that I used you that I hurt you and there are not even words to begin to describe how sorry that I am yes in the beginning this was all just a ploy to get the lead in the show as I got to know you better I started to fall for you and I have fallen for you more and more every day since Julie you are the most talented kindest most beautiful girl that I've ever met I've spent so much time thinking that what I wanted didn't matter until I met you if there is any part of you that can find it in your heart to forgive me I promise that I'll make it up to you girl say yes [Music] Julie wait uh everyone stay in your seats we're just going to take a brief [Music] intermission what do you want brought you something look I know I can't expect you to forgive me but I just wanted you to know that that I broke up with Madison good for you please just give me another chance you lied to me I know but we're still doing the show together actually no we don't what I talked to the director and we've decided to go in a different direction for the rest of the run after having to recast the first time we decided to cast an under study so that means that you're out I'm sorry Chase but I can barely even look at you after what you did to me let alone sing and dance with you on stage every weekend how could you do this did you not learn anything from our show like my character says the truth doesn't cost you anything but a lie could cost you [Music] everything thanks for the food now what do you think of these are they hot or are they hot I think I'm going to wear them to that new club tonight yes they're so cute yeah but you do know they red bottoms right yeah those are like thousand shoes there's no way you're going to be able to afford them unless you hit the lotto or something and didn't tell us actually I did because hey babe no that's who you're dating Newton Winward please tell me you're joking I know what I'm doing just trust me sorry I was late I got lost on the way here oh no it's okay you're just on time uh you remember Emily Olivia from high school so what do you think that one oh uh they look really nice on you you thanks I'm thinking about wearing them on our date tonight no you don't need to buy these for me I think you look great in anything don't be ridiculous it's our 1 month anniversary of course I'm going to go all out how are those working out for you they're perfect I'll take them great they're going to be $1,200 without the tax uh is that going to be cash or credit card $1,200 that's so expensive chill live uh it be card if I can just oh no I'm an idiot what's wrong gosh I can't believe it I just realized I forgot my card at home it's okay honestly you don't need them even what you're wearing is fine no I want to look extra special for you I can't wear these oh what am I going to do I'm just so so sad [Music] now um you know what don't worry about it I'll get them for you what really oh no no no no you don't have to do that it's really it's too much are you sure I want you to be happy but if you don't that's well if if you insist I'm not going to fight you on it you can put it on this thank you right this way thanks so much sweetheart oh isn't he just the best I love him so much I told you I won the lotto he's loaded and I've got him wrapped around my finger how else do you think I got this wait he even got you that too dang maybe I need to find me a rich dorky guy too seriously but I'm confused if you're going to dinner with him how are you going out with us later tonight are you kidding me there's no way I'm going to choose dinner with that loser over partying it up with my girlies I'll just uh cancel on him and tell him I got a stomach bug or something you really going to do that uh want it be the first time all right got your shoes are you ready to head out actually there's one more store I have to go [Music] to this is so soft mhm isn't this jacket to die for mhm it would definitely make my outfit tonight yeah but do you really need it it looks expensive yeah I just want to look perfect For You especially because you are so handsome all the time how much is it well it's real fur which I have to warn you you can't get it wet or dirty or it will completely ruin it it's 4500 4,500 I don't think you need anything that expensive sweetheart why not do you think I'm not worth it no it's not that at all how would you even pay for it I thought you said you left your card at home I know silly I'll just put it on hold and then come back for it actually let me call my sister and see if she can bring my card then I don't even have to go [Music] home so nton what are you planning on getting Jenny for your oh I already got her flowers and [Laughter] chocolates is there something wrong with that flowers and chocolates are nice if we were in high school that's not going to impress a woman our age especially of Jenny's caliber I'm pretty sure her last boyfriend got her flowers for their anniversary and he didn't last more than 6 weeks well then um what do you guys suggest can you think think of anything that she really wants something that she would consider is to die for you think I should buy the jacket for her no no I'm definitely not saying that I mean that would be really nice and all if you did but it's totally not necessary yeah I would only get it if you were looking to really win her over because between us gifs is Jenny's love language which um should I surprise her with it or just give it to her now you're really going to do it oh that's so sweet everything she said about you was so right new in I would get it for her now that way she can wear it before the club tonight what dinner tonight I me your anniversary dinner we're we're going to the club yeah yeah okay here it goes that was so CL all right so that' be cash or credit credit you want that it to you on the hey just a heads up the kitchen's going to be closing soon um okay um she should be here any second okay no [Music] [Music] problem wait wait let me story wait isn't your boyfriend going to see oh please I'm not an it I blocked him from seeing my story now get in here Cheers [Music] Cheers let me see the picture a it's so cute wait you didn't cancel on him no I forgot to earlier then why not tell him you're not coming now cuz my best excuse is to say that I lost my phone so I can't respond to him now so you're just going to leave him there waiting all night by himself ah [Music] Savage hey if you ladies like we have VIP open yeah that sounds like fun great it's $11,000 minimum oh never mind then hey girls not interested oh uh was just going to ask if I could buy you a drink well in that case we'll take three of your best tequila top shelf please and you can put it on his tab how much exactly is top shelf hi just wanted to let you know the we're Newton hey man I haven't seen you since high school how you been good good um well guess they could be better I was supposed to be celebrating my one month with my girlfriend but I I haven't heard from her you remember Jen right yeah for sure actually I think she's at nighting Gale right now dude I saw it on her story The Club the no you're you're probably talking about someone else have you checked her Instagram that's weird I don't see anything did she block you cuz I see it on my phone right here look but but I I don't understand I looks like she lied to you man I guess some people just never change what do you mean what you haven't heard the rumors well I got some stories about Jenny if you want to [Music] know okay hey any ladies want to dance do you have a table here well no but not interested I said get [Music] [Music] lost oh my gosh isn't that newon what's he doing here Jenny I'm surprised to see you here I waited for you for 2 and 1 half hours at the restaurants I text you like 10 times why didn't you answer me back oh my gosh uh the thing is I lost my phone is that not your phone in your hand oh it it is um I I just found my phone it was in my Pur actually oh gota oops silly me that's all right I understand you know what since we're all here how about we get a table really yeah my [Music] treat he doesn't seem that mad you literally can get away with [Music] anything wow that coat does look great on you and S did the shoes thanks you're so sweet to buy them for me I have your bottle of Asa spad I'll take that thank you I can't believe you got another bottle isn't each one like $300 girl no I saw the menu it's 1,500 it's really expensive that's for sure but anything for my baby want to have the first core my love yes all right here it [Music] goes oh no oh Newton why would you do that whoops it was an accident the same way it was an accident that you didn't show up to dinner right I don't know what you're talking about and besides you should you what save it I know all about you and how you go from guy to guy just using them for money I know how you blocked me from your story and stood me up to go out clubbing and I know that you never loved me the only thing you loved about me was my wallet so happy anniversary babe newon where are you going can this day get any worse whenever you're ready this isn't ours this is his oh well he already left so you got to pay for it oh my gosh how are we going to afford this I'm broke same you've got to be kidding me well let me see how much money I have in my purse hey have you seen my purse I can't find it anywhere not interesting what no wait hold on is that your car yeah it is but how can you afford the payments on that well it just saved some money made a few good Investments and you make that sound really easy mean I can't even keep up with the payments of my hunk of junk car I'm actually two months behind o yeah oh is that the collection company calling nope no that's just the girl I went on a date with last night yeah I'll call her back later you know dating is very fun but it is not a cheap sport boys no you know sometimes I wish I had your way with money Felix yeah well sometimes I wish I had you waste with women oh Felix has a crush on the neighbor no no hey why don't you introduce yourself no okay you're kidding right I'm not just going to walk up a random girl and intr myself no no no I'm not talking her okay all I got it I got it be [Music] fine hello hey hi hey I'm your new neighbor I mean you're you're my new neighbor I mean we were each other's new neighbors I'm Felix hi I'm Teresa Teresa oh Teresa mhm okay it was so nice meeting you yeah [Music] goodbye okay just I just made a complete fool of myself I really don't know how you do it Ma it's honestly a piece of cake all right you are just overthinking it I don't know watch this okay [Music] what what do you think he's saying probably the same thing he says to all the women he hits on didn't I see you somewhere didn't we have class together and she says nope I don't think so and he says but I am pretty sure that we had chemistry together you're smooth I've never heard that line before so how it always goes see oh look they're already and that's it look at that I would love to take you to dinner just here it's okay just just start shaving bit just like that boys bing bada boom I got her number nice I wish it was that easy for me hey maybe you can give me some point n next time oh yeah I would love to I would absolutely love to but I can't because I have to take Holly on a date right now so later all right oh all right see you Cory boy all right back CE you have fun have fun all right he's such a legend uh I don't know I have a feeling one of these days it's all going to come back to bite him yeah it it didn't work out he was a total player he was like one of those guys who dates girls like it's a game wow yeah I honestly can't even believe that people like that actually exist like it sounds like a like an evil villain from a video or something you ready folks oh um actually we can pay for that right now we have to catch a movie let me's see everything okay yeah yeah I'm just figuring out my portion your portion yeah uh you see I am a hardcore feminist real believer and I just you know I don't want you to feel like you can't pay for anything the last thing I want to be seen as is misogynistic right right uh okay oh yeah no I could go dutch that's like yeah normal for a date um I just I don't have my wallet that's fine yeah uh you can just B me oh I don't trust any of those apps yeah me neither it's fine I got it no problem there you go all right mind I'll just go ahead and take that I'll just go ahead and take that mm I heard you thank you oh can we get popcorn and Candy before the movie yeah of course you know why not it's a weekend it's a lot of sugar though right what was your favorite part of the movie my favorite part yeah m okay I like the part where the main guy finally gets the girl yeah that part was lame they need more like explosions fight scenes you know what I mean I'm joking okay all right haha you got me almost I was close no I I I like the part at the end where they got [Music] together I had a really good time with you tonight and I was hoping maybe you'd want to go out with me again sometime soon mhm yeah oh no um well that um excuse me so ma'am s ma'am no NOP can't do that I'm here please no please I'm begging too late take it's already been written up [Music] sorry this your car huh oh this thing um really the the hunk of junk gross thing that's gross no I I just have this thing where I hate seeing people get parking tickets it's just a waste you know it's just my little good Samaran thing I like to do it's it's stupid I know yeah that's really sweet really yeah wow uh I actually have a Porsche it's down there it's like black and cool you can't see it from here though yeah I'm parked in the opposite direction oh that way yeah well you should probably get going thank you for holding the ice cream though that was really sweet yeah I I should get going yeah um but I had a lot of fun so so did I hopefully I'll see you again yes you should probably go though oh so [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] oh I haven't seen this one before yeah I'm subscribed to the DAR Man app so I get to watch all the videos before they come out on YouTube that's pretty cool mhm what's with the long face oh she wasn't what you hope for huh no no she was everything I could ever hope for honestly and I'm even been thinking about giving up every other girl I'm talking to just for her wow really but you know I can't really afford any gas in my car let alone another date at least you're still getting dates I still can talk to a girl a a woman without stuttering so at this point I'd pay anything to have your skills you know what maybe you should pay Max we can teach you how to become a pi imagine him teaching you that's it that is it okay come here what okay okay I can teach you the ancient art of the pickup for a reasonable price of course I can't do it for free wait Mac I was just kidding around no I'm 100% serious bro look you want a date mhm I need money okay it's literally perfect and with my help you know soon enough the ladies won't be able to keep their hands off of you okay all right uh first of all I had to need ladies okay I just just wish Teresa to give me the time of day exactly okay I got you I got you my boy okay I can give you the game you need and with a few changes you know like a like tighten that up here okay all right and she will be eating out of the palm of your hand no no no don't do it Felix just be yourself man if you start playing games sooner or later you'll be the one that gets played oh yeah he got a point no he doesn't okay Cory hasn't had a date since the last time the Miami Heat won a championship that's not right what are you talking about okay girlfriends don't count Cory uh it's been so long right this is different bro okay just look all right you trust me right right okay ow well but all right how about this how about this if I can't get you a kiss by like Saturday midnight you don't have to pay me anything but if I can get you that kiss by Saturday midnight will you pay my car alone a kiss yes you got yourself a deal yeah baby come here okay tip number one females love when you're a little mean to them right it's like the less that you're interested in them the more interested they become in you okay that concept is called neing that doesn't sound like something a nice person would do well it's not that's exactly the point you're catching on buddy I see that lady over there no no don't look don't look go start a combo with her and then make fun of her uniform and then what and then bada boom bada bing you get her phone number then we go I feel like that Bada Boom Bada Bing is skipping a bunch of steps it's not you're fine just go come on it'll be good just come on all right okay okay okay okay all right okay hi what can I get you your uniform makes you look fat excuse me [Music] was that was joking I guess you don't have a sense of humor that's unfortunate do you need something you're holding up the line um yes um your phone number can I okay I feel like such an idiot yeah maybe this was a bad idea hey it's not a bad idea okay just wait till I show you the next technique okay oh yeah sure okay yep hold that here go yeah that'll work yeah totally yeah it's the stuff all right face okay there we go all right I don't even like these clothes just buy them okay I'll explain later now see that female at the end of the line go up and start a conversation with her just I hate it when you call women female well I hate when you're annoying okay do you want my help yeah that's what I thought all right now when you get to the front of the line with her you're going to pay for everything chicks love a guy who can pay for stuff it's called ATM think you can handle that one I think so okay I believe in you go get her tiger oh and um don't take no for an answer right no matter what even if she's playing hard to get all right okay nothing will stop you you were on St you on go get her hey nice choices thanks I've gone a little over my budget but well you know I needed some nice outfits for this weekend so you said over budget well I can I can help with that really you have a coupon or something something like that hey um can you put this all together it's all on me oh no I appreciate it but I can't let you pay for my stuff oh no no please I insist no really don't pay for me I um don't take no for answer um no no no no no no no okay it's it's it's really it's okay um I am not going to take a no for an answer okay all right um well I feel like guys that pay for things usually have some kind of angle as long as you're not expecting anything I won't stop you nope no expectations here I'm Felix by the way thanks Felix I'm Jennifer this is really really nice of you well thanks um so Jenny I mean I don't know I was thinking maybe one day you'd like to go on a date or we could swap numbers see I knew it what I'm not going to go out with you so if you want to return everything I can pay for my own stuff don't take no for answer no no no no no stop playing hard to get okay I will take you out sometime hard to get yes yes is that what you think I'm doing see that's the problem with guys like you you think just because you pay for something that makes you entitled to whatever you want I tried to tell you not to pay for me you think I can't pay for myself or something no um look I'm I'm really sorry that was everything okay hey uh this guy thinks a woman needs a man to pay for her and now he's trying to get my number H is that right no that's not what happened at all okay that is exactly what happened but you know I was just trying to be friendly because I'm gonna go okay but you have an amazing day it was so nice meeting you and there's a lot of muscle in there par sorry sorry that's actually my stuff okay Mac your advice was terrible okay you almost got me beat up but you didn't get beat up okay it's all right just stop being such a whiner about it man everybody strikes out even I do sometimes it's just a numbers game okay but talking to girls like it's some kind of game that's not who I am I've told you many times Mac the only girl I want to talk to is Teresa I know all right I'm helping you practice for when you actually get a date with her okay so just don't throw on the towel yet man just have faith that this next trick is the best one yet okay fine okay what is [Music] it and put these on no the only thing I like about this outfit is a Yin yangang emblem come here all right the whole point about dressing like this is to stick out from the crowd to get ladies attention Okay it's called peacocking remember that now why don't we find you any random lady to go talk to got that yeah okay I'll be right here I got you go get him hello ladies your outfit's a little loud are you like a magician or something maybe how about we make your friend here disappear so I can take you on a date nice try buddy maybe try dropping the cheesy pickup line and change your [Music] clothes yep sorry about that bud that was a little rough huh but you know what for what it's worth I thought that disappearing line was really funny so maybe I'm thinking we work in some humor in the next one between no no no no no okay that's it look I just want my clothes back okay Mac I don't want to do this anymore what no look Teresa hey interesting outfit where did you get it I'm guessing you're being sarcastic look like I just got done performing at the circus it's a bit much but I like that symbol y and yang the balance between two opposites yes wow um I do do too I was a philosophy major in college so I'm a little bit of a nerd no way me too that's so cool so I was wondering maybe you'd like to go out sometime um talk about philosophy yeah that'd be awesome how's Saturday oh Saturday night is perfect i' ask if you want me to pick you up but I guess I could just walk next door that's right I'll see you this weekend okay bye bye okay she's gone so that just happened yeah did see what I said man trust the process right now we just got to get you a kiss here's what I'm thinking [Music] okay I I have another one why can't philosophers be chefs I don't know why they don't know what to cook first the chicken or the egg you know I've got lots of philosophy jokes it's one of the beauties of just sitting around around and thinking all day as a major are you ready to order yes uh I will take some more free bread and uh oh yeah um some more free water thank you well you've already had like four baskets of free bread and we're actually getting ready to close soon so okay then you better hurry then thank you how are you liking everything so far it's lovely could we please get check sure thank you I'm actually going to run to the bathroom and wash my hands okay hey buddy what do you think you're doing I think it's going really good yeah you know I feel like I can finally be myself around her okay yeah that that's exactly the problem dude at this pace maybe we'll get her to kiss you in like I don't know 6 months that's okay I'm not really rushing things things okay yeah um you're going to do exactly as I say all right remember neg her pay for her peacock and then bada bang bada bada boom okay I got it okay now can you please not yet no uh okay put this in your ear and call me okay if I put this in you promise to just go and leave me alone you just going to be here any minute just go okay cover yourself up go go go go go oh okay go ahead and neag her ask her what took her so long where'd you get that at what took you so long what do you mean I told you I was going to the bathroom to wash my hands okay go ahead and hit her with another neeg maybe uh oh make fun of her breath or something uh you didn't happen to find a mouth question in there now did you oh uh stay stay on top of the jacket's coming in oh I'll take care of that um let me see how much I owe a let her pay no no no no no no no no really okay your money is no good here no I told you I don't like when guys pay for me let me Veno you at least don't care we got a feisty one on our hands repeat exactly after me sweetheart sweetheart I am the man and I will take care of this you know I thought you were genuine but I'm starting to see your true colors you want to pay for it then pay for it no Teresa okay wait I can Felix Felix Felix I got thees wait please I just want to talk to you okay can you please give me one more minute okay look I'm really really sorry for how I treated you okay I didn't know how to talk to you so I had my friend tell me what to say now I know it's not an excuse for how I treated you so so everything you said said to me was a lie no no not everything no just when you came back from washing your hands before that it was all me I swear look um from the bottom of my heart I think you're an amazing person you're smart you're funny you're beautiful I I promise not to do this again okay if you just give me one more chance I don't know [Music] yeah all right if you can make me laugh I'll give you another chance oh come on Felix Make It Count buddy really okay um what is the philosophy of a skunk I think therefore I am wait I have one I have a better one I have a better one what is is a sweet potatoes philosophy I think therefore I am okay you win I'll go out with you again good night Felix good night [Music] Teresa put me down you did it you did it you beautiful fool yeah and guess what what thanks to you hey hey come on that hurts man my my my methods may be unorthodox but they definitely got you a kiss before midnight mhm actually no it did [Music] not okay we are just splitting hairs at this point no not really we're not splitting hairs it's like a minute past your advice was terrible Corey was right I just needed to be myself all along you should try that more often come on Felix I helped a little buddy Felix come on what the heck Blake I am so sorry Jordan I really didn't mean to how would you like it if I sprayed you huh you know what let's find out whoa whoa whoa whoa stop it Jordan Blake said he was sorry it was an accident what you want some too that's what I [Music] thought so confused what in the world has God into him no idea he wasn't always so mean heard his brother's in the hospital maybe that has something to do with it looking good guys here's 20 oh uh it's only 10 know it's a tip go take it I like how you've been taking care of my car over the past year you deserve it thanks Mr Johnson that's really nice of you you're welcome love the work with it guys keep it up great day all right let's see so how's it looking we're almost at our goal wow all right all right enjoy thank you you know you're a pretty good entrepreneur you've almost sold all your candy GS thanks oh yeah uh let me get some more I am so sorry Jordan uh I didn't see you there man uh here let me help you with that dude twice in one day you must have a death wish it was an accident man I swear uh dear why don't you take a free keny G so you're going to completely soak choke me earlier ruined my outfit ruin my lunch and your solution is candy right I sorry man uh here $5 will that cover it I mean maybe the food but I'm sure it will wash off I mean I have an extra hoodie in my locker if you give those back to Blake Jordan yeah he can have them back from the trash hey gosh oh I can't believe him I think it's really sweet what you're doing Blake I wish more kids were like you keep the change so how far away are you from the goal now actually uh after all the money we made today I think we're almost there are you for real you're doing this on purpose purpose okay look I had no idea you walking by I was trying to aim for the garbage man you know I was being nice earlier but you've taken this too far Blake I'm really sorry Jordan can I offer you some freshly squeezed lemonade you know I'm good on the lemonade but uh I'm sure you'd like some wait what the heck Jordan why would you do that man me after all this stuff you've done today to me Jordan what's going on oh what we're just having some fun it's that right Blake all right well let's go we got to go see your brother come on why didn't you say something it's fine hey as long as we hit our goal that's the most important thing right hey honey how are you doing did you get to read any of the comments IC books I got you doesn't he say anything mom Brent's just going through a really hard time oh no honey your nose is bleeding again here let me help you Mrs Brown yes may have a word please so what's going on let's go to my office and talk no I don't want to wait is everything okay yes and no uh Brent is making significant improvements but you are months behind in your payments and according to hospital policy wait wait please I am trying I really am I understand but according to hospital policy we can't treat him and we can't keep him here my son has leukemia if he doesn't get this treatment he may not survive survive I know this isn't easy but it's not my call I have no power in this situation this isn't fair what if it was your son or or your little brother in there huh honey I can handle this I can't imagine how difficult this is but if you can't clear this $10,000 bill Brent can't be treated at this Hospital wait I can help l what are you doing here well the reason why I've been working all these different kinds of jobs is because I've been saving up to help a family in need and I have no problem helping yours are you are you being serious yeah I've waited a whole year for this that should cover everything you owe plus more God bless you I don't even know what to say well uh take care I I better get going wait listen I I'm so sorry about it all Blake I understand man sounds like you're going through a hard time you have no idea me my dad died last year and my brother has cancer too it's it's been a lot man look I'm really sorry you're going through all of that I can actually relate to a lot of what you're saying you can yeah that's what inspired me to work hard and help someone you see my family's never had that much but we've always had enough that is until my little sister got sick [Music] it turned out she had cancer when we couldn't believe it especially at her age and to make things even worse we didn't have any insurance to pay for her treatment and couldn't afford the [Music] bill I went to social media for help and my parents called all their family but unfortunately none of our relatives had any money so they didn't get anywhere right when we thought all hope was lost it turned out some really nice generous person saw my link and donated the whole amount anonymously the only thing they said was to pay it forward we were all in shock so you see that's why I dedicated myself to working hard this past year to help a family going through a hard time I was going to do it anonymously but after hearing your situation couldn't wait is is your sister she's been in remission thank God and hopefully your brother will soon be too thank you I just I don't know how I'm going to be able to repay you look man you don't have to repay me just one day when you're able to pay it forward because if I've learned anything throughout my life it's that the kindness you put out into this world always comes back to you so did you find a family to help I did and you're not going to believe who it is hi would you have time for another wash uh yeah yeah of course yeah it's just going to be a bit cuz I've got another car in front but uh wait hold up I can start on it right now here go ahead and you can pull it Forward I'll uh I'll take care of it what got to pay it forward right come on man all right there I am just chilling on my yacht who walks over El musk no I swear and I'm like hey buddy that's me that's me oh my goodness oh my goodness jez I can't believe it oh my goodness we didn't know if that was you at first but now we're freaking out can we have a picture of course yeah thank you so much wow when you said that your daughter was in the music I thought you meant karaoke no she's my little superstar a that's sweet so anyway what were we talking about Elon so a tell musk how many sh no way a record label just emailed me about signing me they said my bonus can be up to $100,000 wait did you just say $100,000 uh-huh no way that is incredible it's all happening so fast should I take it I don't want to do the wrong thing I'm not sure I mean you're very smart but you are still so young I think we should get a manager you know Jasmine I used to be a financial advisor to some of the richest people in the world Winfrey Bezos Gates well that's right you shared the stories with me wait show her the pictures you showed me oh yeah this is my favorite one oh cool who is that Branson Sir Richard Branson founder of Virgin he had his own record label look look the point is is that I know the industry fairly well and if you'd like I could take care of the business side for you what a great idea Mike should be your manager it's like fate and you're in between jobs right now right yeah I'm just looking at my options I got about seven offers right now I'm just deciding which one I want to take but I'd much rather be helping you too um maybe I should try things first myself and just see how it goes yeah okay oh yeah you could do that but I'd be careful they might seem nice at first but people aren't always who they pretend to be some are just wolves and sheep's clothing and boy do I know how to spot a wolf Mike's right you need an adult with experience at least take him with you all right I guess Jasmine trust me I know how business and money works I mean I take millionaires make them billionaires I'm sorry sir it seems your card has declined what I deactivated this one I'm waiting for the Black American Express card and it's taking forever it's okay it's okay I've got it here you go thank you keep the [Music] [Applause] change wow that's talent you can definitely sing you give me Amy wine housee Vibes right let me ask you a question though where do you get your inspiration from my dad after he passed away I turned to music and singing as an escape and it really helped me through a lot a that's really touching and I'm so sorry to hear about your father you know I think this would be an excellent time to talk about the advance you know what the total sum overall will be right well we can definitely start talking about that we usually start our new artists off with a $75,000 advance for their debut album then you would also get 30% for stream revenue and 25% for concert ticket sales that sounds a little disappointing here's our counter offer we take some off of the back end and uh put more money up front you know shave down the stream and the ticket Revenue you know you know and just up the advance um so just to be understanding you want to get paid more now and make less later [Music] yeah um can you give us a sec sure why would we do that look I see this all the time they short Change you up front and then they say that you're going to make all this money in the long run but the thing is is that most new artists fail so you're not going to make the money that these executives projected you think I'm GNA fail no look all I'm saying it's better to have a bird in the hand and two in the bush you know what I'm saying no Jasmine you have to trust me it's going to be good for both of us it's going to be good for you for you okay we'll do it fantastic so we we can do 125k up front but then we're going to have to take down the stream Revenue to 20% and the concert ticket sales will go down to 15% which to be transparent means she'll make a lot less in the long run if she's as successful as we think she'll be perfect this is great oh and by the way since she's underage I want to set up a trust fund that I can manage only her legal guardian can do that and you're just Jasmine's mom's boyfriend correct Jasmine's manager but no worries I will make sure that her mom is on [Music] board mom mom mom look my first check just came oh my goodness I've never seen this much money in a check before this is incredible and I already know what I'm going to do with it first I'm going to put it toward a new house for you oh honey that is so sweet but don't do that you shouldn't be spending your your money on me but you deserve it it can be a modest house i' hate to butt in but I have to agree with your mom you know you don't want to spend all your money at once you don't want to end up like MC Hammer the can't touch this guy he made a bunch of hits spent all of his money went bankrupt there's a long list of artists like that look I'm going to tell you something that sounds boring but you want to invest in savings and bonds Mike's right you need to do the responsible thing H and don't worry look when your Investments start to gain interest that's when you start spending and with my help you're going to be making more money than you ever dreamed modest house you're going to have a mansion Rolls-Royce spending spree your own personal chef I mean that sounds pretty cool right yeah great well then let me set up the bank account and get this ball rolling um can we talk in private real quick yeah M do you mind no oh thanks what's up baby are you sure this is a good idea you're putting a lot of trust in someone you've only been dating for a few months of course I trust him he makes financial decisions for a living and he got you a higher up front after all I guess I just I feel like this sort of thing should stay in the family he knows what he's doing give him a chance Mike oh um you can open the account if you think that's the wise thing to do I think it's the best decision you'll ever make here you can sign right there I'll give you a hand all right great here I'll take this you know what you can keep the [Music] pen oh man you hit the jackpot man and to think you were just going to scam the mom now you're coming away with the biggest score of your life her daughter dang you're lucky God calm down sorry man I'm just saying it seems like you're losing streak is finally over this is a lot of money that it is and if I keep on playing my cards right it's going to be a lot more where that came from got it um speaking of playing cards when are we going to the casino oh Todd my good man as soon as this check clears we're going to hop on the first flight and Ellen's not going to know anything about it you want to know why because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas sweet I can't believe we're going to have 125k to play with wo wo wo easy it's going to be a little less than that look man I got to make a purchase hey man I got to lock down my cash cow you know what I mean brilliant look man when I become Jasmine's legal guardian I'll be control of her money until she turns [Music] 18 good afternoon my good man my name is Michael Keller I have an account here there's some overdraft thieves but I believe this deposit will cover that and then some everything okay um what's wrong don't you think it's a little strange that as soon as Mike got the check he went on a business trip and then I keep texting him and asking for the business account info and he just doesn't answer I'm sure he's just busy sweetie meeting with high level execs everything is fine just get this really bad feeling about it we're giving a lot of power to someone who's not even in our family I don't think I want him managing my money anymore okay if you're not comfortable then I have to respect that at the end of the day this is your career I have to let you make your own decisions thanks Mom Ellen I got a surprise for you sweetie come on in here don't forget to tell them what we talked about I got you [Music] Ellen you have made me the happiest man on Earth and I undoubtedly want to spend the rest of my life with you not only as your husband but as the father to [Music] Jasmine will you marry [Music] me yes of course oh honey isn't this amazing it's awesome but don't let this affect what we talked about oh honey no now is not the time and he will be family so this changes everything you know what I left the champagne in my car let me go get that this is the best day of my [Music] [Music] life I've got so much feeling bubbling inside and you seeing surprise I see your perfect smile perfect life but all you do is comparing loves and pictures of glorified the pictures your fulltime job of dress up do do want the PES not the cover know your Soul's not made of rubber show me you not who you wish you were who you wish you were I want you not who you pretend to be you feel too I know it matched me lose the F and let yourself free pleas just show me you all the human is that I Supply you won't look it in the eyes no a heart to weapon Fe is [Music] alen so you try to the SKU [Music] competing with the photos effects un effects you know playing the D guys going to eat you all walk the pages not the cover know your Soul's not native rubber show me you not who you wish you were who you wish you were I want you not who you pretend to be you feel too I know it's notched me lose the foot to let yourself pleas show me you I'm done I am done man and there's nothing I can do about it it's all right man you've had plenty of else in the past we just need another good night at the casino after another one of those music checks comes in no you don't get it there's no more checks no Jasmine's turning 18 that means that she doesn't need a legal guardian to take care of her finances oh crap yeah so what are you going to do when she comes around asking for all that money you've been collecting from her that's what I'm trying to figure out man I don't know what to do I lost it lost it all it's all coming crashing to an end too bad you still can't be in charge of her finances you know like Britney Spear's dad did with Britney hold on that's it conservatorship no listen to me if she's deemed to fit maybe I can and I will convince a judge to be her conservator come on Jasmine is a very smart girl man there's no way you're going to convince any judge of that if I can convince her mom to trust me then maybe just maybe I can convince a whole Court hold on you still have that connection with the guy in the pharmacy yeah call him okay so I was thinking about asking Mike to take some money out of your account to throw you an amazing birthday party yes I love that also I know I'm not supposed to be spending any of my money but I literally haven't bought anything yet so I was thinking of maybe taking some of the interest Mike says he earned and using it to buy a new car is that okay you're 18 it's your money just be careful Mike hey Ellen here did you come in this I have something to drink uh this is Barry a lawyer friend of mine and I figured it would be appropriate if he was here for this I was cleaning around the house and I found these pills pills in Jasmine's Room pills I don't take pills well they have your name on them uh I don't understand Mom those aren't mine I swear look I was confused too at first but then found her song book and I read some of the lyrics apparently she's still depressed about you know her father how dare you take that without asking that's private give it hey hey oh my God she's clearly unstable she tried to attack me okay she's clearly on something he's lying okay what exactly is your friend doing here Barry specializes in conservatorship okay and this just might be the best thing for Jasmine if she's addicted to pills she's a threat to herself and to others and it could be a disaster if she has access to her finances that's why I took Barry's legal advice to be her conservator you did what Mom you can't let him do this how could you do that without talking to us I can't believe you look before she turns 18 and has her soon to be father you're not my father and you never will be trusting you as a huge mistake well I'll see you two in [Music] court honey I am so sorry that I put you in this position you were right and I should have listened to you it's okay Mom we're going to fight this we're not going to let them get away with it these test results prove that she's been under the influence of prescription pills Jasmine claims that the pills were planted in her room but that doesn't explain how they got into her system true but uh it was a very little amount and let's not forget that Miss Ross agreed to the drug tests she could have flushed them out of her system before taking that test and let's not forget about the song book it was obviously a cry for help and that's all that my client is trying to do Mr Keller is just trying to help her so that she doesn't go down a bad path like so many other young stars have done listen to any of my songs I speak from my heart just because I write about how I'm feeling doesn't mean I am in need of help was the planum finished go ahead Miss Ross are you sure you don't want a lawyer to help represent you in this case yes your honor it's hard hard to trust people these days your honor we're overlooking a key element here Michael Keller is nothing but a con artist that's a lie M Ross do you have any evidence of that yes your honor when my mother first met Michael he claimed to be the Financial Consultant for many different successful people including Richard Branson he even showed us a photo of him with Mr Branson this is the photo that he showed us and this is the original photo without Michael in it he photoshopped himself first thank you well just because Mr Keller isn't friends with any billionaires and doesn't make him a con artist your honor that's not all he claims that I'm on meds but then I looked more closely at the label and it's glued on underneath is a completely different name this is all a setup your honor how do we know that she didn't make the fake label I mean besides the pills not being hers then why did she have drugs in her system I don't know I haven't figured that part out yet well this is very interesting but uh Miss Ross I just don't see any concrete proof that Mr Keller is a con artist and after listening to your music and reading your drug test there are some things that are concerning so do you have any more evidence for the court yes your honor a witness a witness who your mom your honor come on every mother's going to vouch for their child I mean she doesn't want to believe the truth no it's not my mother it's Barry or should I say God I'm sorry man I got into some trouble and the cops saided they would reduce my sentence if I would like you know your honor this man's willing to testify against Michael Keller AKA Brandon Myers AKA Lester McGrath he's a known con artist we've been trying to track him down for years you little rat he may be a rat but you Michael are a wolf just like you told me not everyone's who they pretend tend to be some are wolves and sheep's clothing all right I've heard enough Bay take Mr Michael Keller or whatever you call yourself out of here your honor no your honor you can't do this I know important people yeah yeah we all know important people this case is dismissed yes Mom we did it no honey you did it oh you are so smart I should have given you more credit I just feel so awful I shouldn't have trusted him and I'm so sorry that I lost all your money Mom it's okay I'm just so glad he's out of our Lives now this felt like a soap opera yeah somebody should write it into a novel yeah or a song show me you not who you wish you were I want you not who you pretend to be you feel too I know it's not just me lose the filter let yourself [Music] free
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 1,219,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 46sec (7846 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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