Unboxing a $188 Bag of Undeliverable Mail | Mystery Unboxing

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oh is that the box this is it yeah so we've been waiting a long time to be able to get one of these boxes and i know it's not a pallet but we have no idea what's inside of this box uh this is undeliverable mail and i've wanted to order one of these for well over a year uh but we didn't really have a couple of hundred dollars to kind of play around with and actually just pay to see what's in the box i'm kind of excited honestly i thought this box would be bigger i did too i thought it would be bigger it's really like a boring looking box but i'm really hoping that what's inside is more exciting than the extent yeah and we got a good deal on it i say good deal we may not have because we may not even make our money back i have no idea but in comparison to what these other because there's usually five or six auctions every single day uh for sale and a lot of them go for two and three and four hundred dollars and they're all the same they're supposed to be like 40 to 60 pieces of undeliverable mail in here from online sellers it's probably a bunch of mail that was sent from china and it didn't it couldn't get delivered and they weren't going to send it back to china we have no idea but willie paid 119 for it and then it cost 69 to ship which is expensive but it's because it came from canada so let's try it i'm ready to open it up and see you ready yeah hi there my name is joe and i'm jessica we are homeschooling natural living entrepreneurs this is a story of how we balance it all for the freedom to live our lives devoted to our family and faith thanks for stopping by subscribe and come on in [Music] since you did all the work you should have the honors of opening yeah the mystery the mystery bag and it probably weighs a good 20 30 pounds there's a big box right there a bunch of small boxes oh so excited first package well i guess it's that big box oh likely story oh oh looks like it's an air fryer basket amazon return we can never get away we could never oh but it's nice yep looks like it's been gently used but it can still be sold oh yeah it looks great i mean a couple scratches on it but there's no like build-up or anything like that it looks nice well it's uh going to be hard to make money online yeah a 25 item used we may be able to get like 18 for it but this doesn't cost 10 to ship so that's like an 8 profit item um and they just have to go in the flea market booth and we may just have to try and get 10 bucks for it whoa dang how many did you just grab i don't know i just grabbed my hand i don't have a big are those squishies no what is that even i think those are actual macaroons i actually like the edible ones i'm i mean there's no way that could be edible that's not edible there's no like there's no okay oh for a little chat little chapstick too oh how cute is that i mean it's cute but like it's not gonna be it's not going to be worth a lot we can get maybe a couple dollars for these at the at the flea market yeah you know maybe two dollars at the flea market um okay y'all i don't even we may be changing the format of how we unbox this if it continues this way okay data cable connector all right so probably get a couple of dollars for this at the flea market booth it goes in your cigarette lighter it's a usb cable connector that you can put in your cigarette lighter in your car we probably just got like 50 items that are like 10 or less i mean because the more it is like how people would be more apt to like not make it comfortable uh wire okay a wireless charger all right so that's kind of cool we can probably get five bucks for that at the flea market yep it's a fantasy wireless charger oh it didn't say fantasy i thought it said fancy for a minute no not fancy fantasy this is uh cases [Laughter] this is the most random stuff ever i know we'll get a couple dollars at the flea market booth i mean that's great we have stuff we can fill our flea market booth with yeah i don't know if we're going to make our money continue we're going to have like a 50 item in here somewhere yep okay we've got little [Laughter] little lego men uh all right samurai lego man legos are exciting can you see it that's a couple dollars one one dollar which one did that come out of that one does it have like a detailed uh i mean this they try to deliver to ra to russia this went from china to russia that's crazy wow this is clippies little clips oh wow uh is it even worth shipping this stuff big money big money big money i doubt it it doesn't feel like big money oh stick on nail yay that's exciting so excited this stuff is crazy it's kind of funny though i know like from a resale standpoint you're like but from just like an entertainment like fun standpoint i know a connector of some sort some kind of part that's we're not going to sell that at all because we don't even there's no nothing that says what it's from it's a motor controller i mean there's a value there's a park 78 cents [Laughter] wow okay so look i just from my handful that i just pulled out um i've got maybe a dollar three dollars five dollars six dollars seven dollars i got about ten dollars i don't even know is this a dog toy it is a dog toy that will probably never leave the house and then we got some necklace thingy what yeah that's cute then we got a watch band for uh an apple i watched these are like four dollars before shipping so like there's no money in this i'm trying to cut myself we got some gel polish oh fancy yeah and that's a little tube of gel polish too it is these are all from russia it looks like it's like we got a size 8 ring oh cool i have no idea how we would even sell that alexander velatinovich what is that i think they're earbud replacement uh pieces we're definitely not gonna make your own money back on this but this is interesting stuff it's kind of fun yeah because you really is definitely a mystery what is that i'm scared sucks you will see those me wearing these in the next video wow how is it even worth shipping this from i don't know but it's so much fun to think about like this would be a fun like this is like unboxing to the extreme like this is fun i i don't know what is it they're connectors connector that's all it says it's connector anybody know what these are they can't be worth very much they're very plastic yeah there's a bunch of them in there wow have no idea car sticker oh net weight one penny value 99 cents that's not even a scar sticker what is it what valve stems i think that's what those are yeah yeah they go on your car tire that is not a car sticker false advertising yep [Music] wow razor blades wow we can use those though yep put them in our that is interesting yeah what is it um it says on here it's from lara tech garden store make your garden smart and beautiful i guess they're spray nozzles for water like watering garden watering system for your garden wow yep that was so intriguing then this one i think i know what this is maybe we can make some money on this why say that and then i feel it oh shirts not my size yeah we could sell those they've got tags on them and everything how much are those worth i'm sure we can get at least twenty dollars for the two we probably even lot them up since they're the same size and everything so that would definitely go on ebay 20 bucks profit and for the rest of this stuff we may get four or five dollars most of this stuff we can't even sell so i don't even know if it's worth counting but for math purposes we'll just say four dollars what is that a carrot well jesse has a plethora of toys now yeah that they'll be torn up in two seconds yeah and is it broken yes okay a broken end a broken ampersand um these oh there's those little gel you no you put them on babies oh like babies wrists yeah and they can sell that for a dollar yeah they're really i i like them jolin loved them i guess they came out of this package yeah uh all right oh there's so much stuff oh a bra not your size size xl so we could sell that the flea market too yeah what size xl like that's not i i don't know that is very interesting oh another one one of those uh cigarette lighter power adapter thingies some of these are just out of the box what is happening what is this better service better quality favorable price what is it though oh it's soft whatever it is oh underwear i was right they're soft though y'all i don't think they'd be very like you know like what was their slogan better service better quality favorable price oh wow favorable price thing yeah i know i might try to put it back in the plastic sorry okay moving on how about these boxes it looks like a soapbox that's right what does it say clown something on there yes it does it's not soap though i thought it would be soap oh it's a cork bottle thing that's cute oh it is a little clown cork bottle thing okay and then it comes with a key chain that goes on the wine bottle okay yeah just in case you want to carry your what on your keys just bring your wine bottle pork thingy on your keychain because you never know when you need to cork a bottle of wine this is another one it's the exact same one i think solid pewter cork bottle stopper hand painted let me make sure it's the same one and it is so this could probably go on ebay that's like a unique item yeah yeah we may be able to sell it next year i wonder how much these cost so i couldn't find this exact one but i did found the clown style it's pretty it looks like it came from probably the same company but it's uh it was 21 29.95 and it's pre-owned so we could sell these dudes on ebay yeah uh for 30 a piece wow so that's cool super cool i did not expect that maybe because my hand grab is better than that sounds wrong maybe because after your paintings were just being advertised as better service better quality better price this is a it goes like that it's a little hook why would it be like that if this is that like a rubber is that rubber is that a sticky bag i don't know either way um i have no idea how we would be able to sell that for any money next why you gotta be so rough and throw stuff out why you gotta be so rough what is it i think they go on pencils how cute is that ah jelly will love those yep we're giving those to jill in yeah a little panda and a little while or shark that's a shark okay how cute that's cute not profitable no all right it's on the ball i'm trying to i want to be able to cut it open but i want to cut whatever's inside pins that's a tooth these are all teeth with diamonds diamond crowns i guess that makes sense i'm sure there would be like i mean i'm interested it's got a i thought that was a upc say we can scan that but they're kind of cute yeah is that a aside i don't know i bet a dentist office somewhere would actually think these were kind of cute no i'm just saying we may be able to sell something like that or gift it yeah because if we can't sell it we can always gift it to our dentist all right this feels like it's in packaging i hear a jingle you ready moto lock oh it's to lock your moto obviously wow that's a moto lock imagine that very descriptive they didn't go auto marketing did they they didn't they it sells itself honestly ready yeah headband jingly headband is that a feather ears okay they're ears i wonder if lucy would wear that that's so cute we could sell that flavor headband i know we could sell it at the flea market booth though for like a dollar so somebody would think that's cute because i think it's cute clothing not in any other packaging other than this one oh is that how it goes i mean it's not it's not uh like it doesn't feel it feels inexpensive it's the the lace especially is very yeah um does it have a tag on it it does not no in the flea market it doesn't have a size it doesn't have anything i mean it's cute like i would like i would wear it but it's like um extra large not something that i would sell for like a huge yeah profit or anything like it's obvious the quality is not well i don't know because we can't sell it at the flea market unless it has a tag i'm sure we could find somebody who wears it next what could it be it's a what is this uh it's a pretend tv for like a little dollhouse or something oh that makes sense yeah mike our kids dollhouse these tv again i mean desi doesn't get it desi likes to go into the second story and remove the couches that's actually kind of cute if the kids don't want it we could always sell that i don't know or give it away or something i don't know what we tell you this is one of those things like do i even want to spend any time trying to get rid of this stuff i know or do we just want to cut our losses and move on right okay so we've got the two the two thirty dollars a piece corkscrews corkscrews cork stoppers stoppers cork stoppers and the rest of this uh if we make money on it it probably wouldn't be more than five bucks we got some more shirts okay and another dog is that shrimp that is a shrimp these are nns kosher clothers i don't even know what that means certified shit-ness free shutness h-a-t-n-e-z free it's certified though whatever it is shatnez oh it's a triple x too that was a this was an extra soul small and a triple x okay we'll figure out those we could probably they got a price on here it's like 45 dollars i have no idea did i open or close it this is an extra large it's like a little it looks like women's maybe yeah because of the the long bottom that's cute no tag no nothing no can we get something medium and this is heavy oh that might be a good sign make sure i don't cut it though whoa whoa what is that that doesn't look safe what is it they're seeds oh squares some squares and they're not seeds oh i was about to say i was like we should probably turn those in okay they are oh gems i gotcha they're little little gems how pretty okay crafters unite tell me how much you'd buy these for made in western germany they're pretty yeah so those are squares those are squares yeah crystals and squares so these ones are a little five dozen yeah sapphire let's look at that okay oh pretty i'm interested yeah me too so i i found some of these pear the lat sapphire there's six dozen in here so there's 72 72 there's another one we've got three of these light pair ones and they're made in western germany which is a kind of cool but i found some on ebay they're selling a lot of six light sapphire faceted glass pears shape rhinestones they're selling for nine bucks plus three dollars and ten cents shipping for six of them granted we've got i don't know what the math was 200 and something so that could be some pretty decent money there it just may take a long time to sell but we could probably just sell it in one lot try to get it over with um i don't even know what to say on the price though you know 50 bucks you know best case scenario we get 50 bucks move it quick i don't know well we'll post this too and then ask the crafters out there what they yeah so i don't know you know do we do we sell this long term do we blot it up in lots of six because there's nine selling or six selling for nine bucks plus shipping or do we just sell it in one lot try and get fifty dollars for it and move on with it i don't know let us know what you think so these we have no idea they're kosher clothes for uh jewish people i don't know what this shot net is free i'll do some more research on there prices i don't know we're gonna go with the 45 uh put it on there and uh let it sell see if it sells if not then we'll just reduce the price over time but very unique items uh coloration it's all right don't be dropping stuff what is that you don't need any of that no jolynne oh wants something like that yeah what are they pins colored pencils yeah the anime thing maybe not so much but the i don't know she wants something more specific than this so maybe not this one v v and a broken and i wonder what they were trying to spell hey this is 20 bucks awesome so so you get 12 bucks after shipping and everything yeah not bad that's nice all right moving on see this one like some of these are like kind of full and i'm like i should get some scissors but also i like my box knives oh we're going to keep these those little hair scrunchies they're not hair scrunchy thingies they're for like making those little bracelets and stuff that remember jolene had that loom oh is that those are yeah i know exactly what these are so we'll keep those i mean we couldn't sell them for more than a few bucks anyway i mean i think at this point like it's like keep whatever you want whatever yeah this stuff it's like i don't even want to try and spend a lot of time with it i bought it to see what was in it hoping that we could make our money back it's fun though it is oh yeah i'm having a lot of fun um but as far as like a business you know decision after this you know what i mean yeah yeah for sure original stick house is a sticker oh we could sell this at the fleet market people would buy that but yeah little stickers they could see it it's so small though i mean i just imagine people putting these on like their uh computer laptops what is this they look like like a stands of some sort i have no idea what these are there's three of them that's interesting there's three of them they're individually wrapped they are made of rubber these have to be those like like caps for something like maybe it goes on the end of something you know it reminds me of like you know there's a cane cap something yeah so it's gotta be something like that because it's it's definitely like a stopper yeah sort i just don't know what for four so that's fun what i'm just like what are we gonna do with all this stuff i don't know i was just thinking about like do we just put it like a free bin at the market maybe yeah maybe i don't know what this is either these honestly they they they twist on there's two of them right so there's two holes and then they so i'm not quite sure it looks kind of decorative but it's definitely too big for some kind of piercing so i don't know what it is so there's that here's a box with nothing on it except for warm white oh it's a um that's a piping bag piping bag tip tip what i was that yes what you said and i think it's for your phone or something does that fold up and then it locks in place and then you can put your phone but it would no like yep there you go that's neat yeah don't know what i'd sell it for but it's i don't know why the piping maybe that was a different thing that's a random pair [Laughter] hold your cell phone up free gift piping bag chip wow those are cool though those ones have like little oh you trying to figure out what it is before you open it i mean it could be literally anything so you really just don't know it's a metal brush okay that wouldn't be a bad idea to keep all right sure i know how you like stuff hanging around the kitchen sink yeah it's my favorite i thought i could do it you can't nope i still didn't cut it oh these are cute no rings their earrings their little mess they're they hang like this and then there's two parts but one of them stuck underneath the other one here let me see i can fix that it's like a branch with arms so there's like a little cute little branch and each one is like it's mutated and it has arms now alrighty it's a pin i don't know what's on the pin like a button pin not like a writing pin yes it says regret it's better than no regerts i bet this stuff this is probably some kind of foreign movie yeah and this is like a that i don't know about because looking at it i'm like i bet that's like a reference to some movie that i don't know about i said that twice you did it's cool though something small it's a belly button ring awesome it's a snake you can use that for my belly button ring [Laughter] people are going to be like what it's cute it's a snake all right moving on i bet this is a fanny pack oh yes this is actually kind of cute it is do i need a fanny pack for what i don't know stuff that i need to keep in my fanny pack no babe you've never worn a fanny pack and we've had many fanny packs come in off of pallets yeah but this one's sparkly you didn't like it's definitely not your style babe fine we'll sell the flea market then all right all right fanny pack and then a cool little bug uh bracelet of some sort i don't even know all right next oh it's pink oh oh uh makeup sponges that's cool yeah this is not the flea market or i can use them for myself because i use these as well for but they're for powder powder powder okay i discovered that there's different sponges for different applications did you know that joe i didn't even know that you sponges to apply things to your face um well this one's really interesting ah it's a black clip wood fork nobody knows what we've got it that one random party that somebody needs it's there obviously somebody needed it they ordered it okay this is uh i'm trying to get it out it's some kind of jewelry it looks like it's made of fishing string it's like a bracelet or maybe a necklace so that's cute i might take this big one for last because it just seemed so intriguing next is oh another cuticle we can have one for the kitchen and the bathroom now yay why do we need a cubicle brush for the kitchen i don't know that's where i wash my hands the most oh christmas tree that's gonna put that on your desk at christmas yes or you can have christmas year round l l and v or v and l maybe they're supposed to be love maybe there's an o and an e in there maybe well why would they have an ant i don't know huh it only gets more interesting wait does the seat belt or something go through there but why oh all right question i have no idea what these are used for i was fixing to hit you with it stop why would you do that because you were gonna do it to me first i thought about it but i didn't act upon it i'm an adult i don't act upon all of you you're such a liar i don't know what it's for but it makes great uh battle weapons car decoration so maybe it's for a seat belt something i have no idea value 2.50 cents do you see that you probably can't there you go all right so uh nothing of big value in this one except for this twenty dollar yeah thing um so i'm thinking we make another five months for some of this and we know how to sell it there we go i'll grab four wow i thought i grabbed way more than this maybe you grabbed all the big stuff with good value yeah all right so we've got another shirt okay the material no tags feels very uh inexpensive yeah yeah you can tell it's a large i mean it's a cute style though and then we got a sheen sheen blouse okay it's like one of those over like kind of messy color oh that looks great on you babe brings out your eyes thank you but no uh it's got kind of like a velvety size medium i don't even know if that's a brand we may be able to look that up on amazon maybe this is an amazon return it says what is that it's like some type of auto part oh riley's auto parts but it looks like it's been used i don't even know what that is i don't know exactly maybe somebody one of our viewers will know it's had to have been used so it looks like some type of return fraud or something uh happened here on here it's got like a uh a valve it's got parts on there but it looks to be used so that's fraud i thought this would be heavier this is pretty light it looked like it would have been like some kind of heavy bulky item it's super light whatever it is it's fancy oh fancy nice it's like a drinking cup it's a uv dryer oh that's cool no it's a toothbrush nail dryer pamper your nails it's for little how much is that worth i don't know it's going to be charged i guess that's the stand the charging thing does it come with a cord or is it battery that looks like it's got to be get some batteries aaa batteries so it's a 24 okay thanks we could probably sell it for around that same price on ebay and uh make around 12 13 profit for it so this we probably get maybe five dollars for the flea market booth this one we can't sell there uh we'll probably end up donating it and this one here has been used before at car park we can't sell it so it's zero dollars big grab big grab you gotta grab more than five items that i just grabbed i thought i had because you can't okay look i'm good i'm better at this than you need bigger hands [Music] so we've got two v's and an l and an l and a squeaky cucumber wow he might like that because he actually like to eat cucumbers yeah desi actually likes cucumbers all right this one's already open so i'll open these up these look like uh luffa they're not luffas they are somehow this is a bun maker to make buns in your hair because if you look really closely you can see the instructions which is actually kind of fascinating and fast like weird stuff like this sells at the free market i think people think it's interesting are those rubber bands on there no it's i think what it is this is like a velcro yeah and i think what you do is you wrap your hair up and your hair grabs onto the bun oh and it just stays in your hair yeah and you snap i got you so these are cool i mean we might be able to like do like a dollar grab bin and put these here just because if it's novel like that people sometimes find that really interesting um so yeah oh yeah all right next well that was anticlimactic that was the suspense continues all right let's see this is like really well wrapped i know like whoever they did not want maybe it's breakable i mean like dang get it girl it is tape that can't be taped it looks like tape babe they wrapped up tape and that much bubble wrap i don't know hold on there's like weird there's like squiggly on there you see that's weird washi tape maybe double eyelid tape what is that i have no idea so it makes those who have like hooded eyes it makes you look like you don't have hooded eyes interesting that is very interesting um so i guess flea market booth um i'm not really good on makeup y'all i don't know much about it oh it's a dress i thought it was lingerie for a second this is gonna get weird i know it's a little ball gown for a doll how cute all right this looks like it feels empty and that's because it is empty there is nothing in there they stole our surprise the surprise is there's no surprise all right that was that was kind of sad it was it's the goddess this one is a uh clamp it's like a little clamp you know if you ever do like any art projects you need to glue stuff together and you want to clean i got it there we can sell that in the flea market booth and then this guy definitely has some kind of box in it i can't find out how to open it use your strong hand uh washi tape oh it's mine you move it so fast washi tape she likes the washi tape for those that don't know what washi tape is what is washi tape washi tape is a decorative tape it's not really used to hold anything but you can make like lines uh decorate scrapbooks i'm a bull i'm an avid bullet journaler um and that's how i organize all my stuff and i use washi tape to kind of separate uh sections mark pages things like that people use it for all kinds of artsy craftsy stuff and i do love washi tape so that will be nothing all right this is heavy honestly it also feels beady i'm kind of worried about just cutting this dude open in case these beads are like loose so i'll just cut it here because then i won't compromise the bag maybe it's more beats from west germany ooh uh it's a decorative rock for sure i'm not sure maybe for like aquariums even like you know arts and crafts terranium stuff like that but we could sell that in the flea market booth um people who have aquariums would love rock like this and you could even actually this would also make really good for like uh uh succulents and stuff because you need to have that drainage so you could use it for that too so that's pretty cool all right so given um we don't have any high dollar items here i'm thinking you know a couple dollars for this three to five dollars for this so i'm thinking you know we'll make maybe seven bucks off all this stuff there you go i wonder if i left you with anything it's all right yeah i left you a couple more items so we got some more clothes a 3xl white something or other lights cute whatever it is it looks cute it's got like polka dots and stuff like maybe a sweat whoa it's a moo moo yeah i like the black and white yep is it a moon i mean i think so yeah yeah it's kind of see-through though so maybe that's why i don't know it wasn't received or whatever we got a little necklace right here it's like a little faux pearl yeah i have no idea that's a bangle oh i don't know what a bracelet that is hard that goes around your wrist okay that's a weird looking bangle all right let's look at the goodies uh did i cut the bag you better not more uh more lunges more makeup sponges this one feels like some type of wire of course i would open up the side that it's not that's a a belt oh several belts nice yeah that's a lot of belts oh yeah and we'll look at these interesting belt buckles yeah these are those oh my gosh sure how much are those worth yeah they've got upc's on them i'm interested to see if they even oh look msrp 29.99 so i did find one of these on ebay it's a different design of this brand uh it's an auction it's going for like 10 plus shipping so we'll start we'll do the same so that's like 30 bucks right there i know right it's sad when we consider 30 big money big money but it's been pretty cool open up all this stuff what is that it's white it's like a clippy of some sort it's silicone yeah what's it for oh here is this it's a separator okay for what anybody know what if we're touching something like really inappropriate yeah cause there's that possibility no idea this one's tiny in there [Applause] oh it's an instagram sticker and then whatever that is oh are these pop socket covers i think so that's what these are yeah please sell those at the flea market that's cool somebody didn't steal them first so we got a type c charger i will probably confiscate that because i always need chargers some earrings ah neat very light kind of like they're supposed to look like maybe like an ice crystal look to it then this one that's tiny whatever is in there what is that i have no idea it's a cuff of some sort it goes on something it's crazy well that was an empty one it's like a man there's just this stuff is so crazy what is that oh maybe a uh cover like a uh protective like uh what do they call it like the tempered glass type thing but for like it's what it is for a little watch what watch is that i feel like i've seen that before sounds like one of the the original fitbits kind of yeah maybe it's gonna be hard to sell yeah there are many of those and then something else that is flat tell smoke what is that one called smoke i'm afraid to touch it because i have no idea what it is all right so we just watched a youtube video trying to figure out what uh this hell's smoke is and i think we figured out how to make it work and man i just i just have to try it so let's try it real quick [Music] [Music] stinks it's not working i got nothing well that was very anticlimactic it's supposed to be you light it on fire like what we did like jesse is doing now i'm trying to get this thing away and then you rub your hand your fingers together using the res residue i just there's no telling how toxic this stuff is um so we may not live until tomorrow i don't know but uh that's what it's doing and then you're supposed to get the flakes the residue from it burning rub it on your fingers and then rub your fingers together um and then it's supposed to like smoke up but all we're doing is this right here that's all the smoking that we're getting we're hotboxing hey babe you're smoking yeah so um yeah didn't really do anything i mean it's so smoking here you gonna tell if it smokes up anyways but it stinks let's just dump this out and finish it off oh spotlight green huh it is uh it looks like it's a planter that has some kind of uv oh okay something in it uh battery powered all right needs a screwdriver but i guess you would turn it on i don't know where the light comes i guess this is the light yeah so we would need to test that and see but that's kind of cool i still don't know exactly how it works you put a plant down in there and then it's got a spotlight i think this is the light okay the ring around it is a light i got you yeah i don't know put the flea marker booth couple bucks okay because i can't find it i might look at it look at it a little bit later but joe's ready to get out of here because it smells really bad in here it does we've got some kind of uh oh the little dot tape we'll just keep that we could use that at home school to hang stuff up but it's just that little double-sided dot tape it's uh like little dots that you stick on it shouldn't damage the walls but it keeps things secure oh a little tank key chain that's cool that's a some kind of rubber yeah for a car maybe a cup holder maybe in the bottom cup holder uh another charger i don't know what kind of charger that is i have no idea it's for something and it connects to a usb and then this is well it's got a razor blade and some kind of oh a windshield repair kit ah that's what that is there we go what is it no idea no no idea it's got a stand that has like a heat adhesive that you can stick to something and then it's got what i assume goes on the stands probably like this yeah and uh then it's got two like plastic pieces that's connected by a stretchy rubber piece so whatever happens i think it goes in here and it holds here yeah what does it hold could be a broom could be all kinds of stuff he's so smart this is an empty package and this is the last item and it doesn't feel very promising so this is the last item in our mail bag and it's a clutch or a purse or a money bag of some sort yep it's actually kind of cute you could sell that the flame market booth it's like a wallet cool some sort of double-sided wallet yep it's a wallet so it opens like this that's cute opens like that and then it's got two little zippers ah so you can secure the whole thing it's got zippers there too yep lots of zippers that's pretty cool we can sell that for five bucks at the flea market booth that's nice um okay so given that this is the last part of it um i could probably we could probably get seven bucks for all this stuff here that's amazing so amazing okay so with the big stuff we got the stuff like the uh the cork stoppers the pencil toy the belts uh a couple of those shirts we ended up making 100 we can make 155 profit from those items by selling them on ebay all of the small stuff we're just gonna throw in our flea market booth i don't know how we're gonna do it we might do like a bin or something we made 54 total for that which puts us at uh 209 we made 209 off this so we actually didn't lose any money no ironically enough so yes uh we possibly made our money back but it's gonna take a lot of work to get a lot of money back for a lot of these items and for us we are probably not going to spend that much time with a lot of it we're probably just going to have a giveaway bin they can just take it if they want to the stuff we can sell on ebay we'll put it there but uh i think you know we did this not expecting a lot uh expecting just to have something unique i i've wanted to try these like i said earlier for well over a year but is it something that we're going to continue doing as a a sourcing tool no are there other options for undeliverable mail out there that you can make money yes i just don't know what they are but needless to say it was still a lot of fun lots of unique items a lot of items we still have no idea what they are um so yeah we hope you enjoyed unboxing this with us just because she's going back through items again uh until next time peace [Music]
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 35,157
Rating: 4.872653 out of 5
Keywords: mystery box unboxing, mystery box, whats inside, mystery unboxing, happy mail unboxing, mystery box unboxing 2020, mystery box unboxing amazon, mystery box online, mystery box challenge, whats inside the box, amazon returns unboxing, mail unboxing haul, whats inside the box challenge, mystery box opening, bits of joy happy mail unboxing, mystery box unboxing online, the family flips, family flips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 3sec (3543 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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